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The major sperm protein (MSP)-based amoeboid motility of Ascaris suum sperm requires coordinated lamellipodial protrusion and cell body retraction. In these cells, protrusion and retraction are tightly coupled to the assembly and disassembly of the cytoskeleton at opposite ends of the lamellipodium. Although polymerization along the leading edge appears to drive protrusion, the behavior of sperm tethered to the substrate showed that an additional force is required to pull the cell body forward. To examine the mechanism of cell body movement, we used pH to uncouple cytoskeletal polymerization and depolymerization. In sperm treated with pH 6.75 buffer, protrusion of the leading edge slowed dramatically while both cytoskeletal disassembly at the base of the lamellipodium and cell body retraction continued. At pH 6.35, the cytoskeleton pulled away from the leading edge and receded through the lamellipodium as its disassembly at the cell body continued. The cytoskeleton disassembled rapidly and completely in cells treated at pH 5.5, but reformed when the cells were washed with physiological buffer. Cytoskeletal reassembly occurred at the lamellipodial margin and caused membrane protrusion, but the cell body did not move until the cytoskeleton was rebuilt and depolymerization resumed. These results indicate that cell body retraction is mediated by tension in the cytoskeleton, correlated with MSP depolymerization at the base of the lamellipodium.  相似文献   

We exploited the rapid, inducible conversion of non-motile Ascaris spermatids into crawling spermatozoa to examine the pattern of assembly of the MSP motility apparatus that powers sperm locomotion. In live sperm, the first detectable motile activity is the extension of spikes and, later, blebs from the cell surface. However, examination of cells by EM revealed that the formation of surface protrusions is preceded by assembly of MSP filament tails on the membranous organelles in the peripheral cytoplasm. These organelle-associated filament meshworks assemble within 30 sec after induction of spermiogenesis and persist until the membranous organelles are sequestered into the cell body when the lamellipod extends. The filopodia-like spikes, which are packed with bundles of filaments, extend and retract rapidly but last only a few seconds before giving way to, or converting into, blebs. Coalescence of these blebs, each supported by a dense mesh of filaments, often initiates lamellipod extension, which culminates in the formation of the robust, dynamic MSP fiber complexes that generate sperm motility. The same membrane phosphoprotein that orchestrates assembly of the fiber complexes at the leading edge of the lamellipod of mature sperm is also found at all sites of filament assembly during spermiogenesis. The orderly progression of steps that leads to construction of a functional motility apparatus illustrates the precise spatio-temporal control of MSP filament assembly in the developing cell and highlights the remarkable similarity in organization and plasticity shared by the MSP cytoskeleton and the actin filament arrays in conventional crawling cells.  相似文献   

The amoeboid locomotion of nematode sperm is mediated by the assembly dynamics of the major sperm protein (MSP). MSP forms fibrous networks based on a hierarchy of macromolecular assemblies: helical subfilaments are built from MSP dimers; filaments are formed from two subfilaments coiling round one another; and filaments themselves supercoil to produce bundles. To provide a structural context for understanding the role of these macromolecular assemblies in cell locomotion, we have determined the 2.6 A resolution structure of crystals of Caenorhabditis elegans MSP that are constructed from helices of MSP chains that are analogous to the subfilaments from which filaments are constructed. Comparison with the crystal structures of dimers and helical assemblies of Ascaris suum MSP has identified five conserved interaction interfaces that suggest how subfilaments interact in filaments and how filaments can form bundles. The interfaces frequently involve the loop containing residues 78-85, which is divergent between MSP homologues, and the loop containing residues 98-103, which is highly conserved.  相似文献   

Although Ascaris sperm motility closely resembles that seen in many other types of crawling cells, the lamellipodial dynamics that drive movement result from modulation of a cytoskeleton based on the major sperm protein (MSP) rather than actin. The dynamics of the Ascaris sperm cytoskeleton can be studied in a cell-free in vitro system based on the movement of plasma membrane vesicles by fibers constructed from bundles of MSP filaments. In addition to ATP, MSP, and a plasma membrane protein, reconstitution of MSP motility in this cell-free extract requires cytosolic proteins that orchestrate the site-specific assembly and bundling of MSP filaments that generates locomotion. Here, we identify a fraction of cytosol that is comprised of a small number of proteins but contains all of the soluble components required to assemble fibers. We have purified two of these proteins, designated MSP fiber proteins (MFPs) 1 and 2 and demonstrated by immunolabeling that both are located in the MSP cytoskeleton in cells and in fibers. These proteins had reciprocal effects on fiber assembly in vitro: MFP1 decreased the rate of fiber growth, whereas MFP2 increased the growth rate.  相似文献   

Nematode sperm undergo a capacitationlike change called activation, after insemination into the female reproductive tract. In this paper we examine the morphological and functional consequences of activation of the sperm of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis by comparing the ultrastructure of sperm in the reproductive tracts of males and females and by analysing locomotion using time-lapse cinematography. Sperm in males consist of a long tail, composed of highly condensed chromatin, and a cytoplasmic region containing numbrane-bound secretory products of the Golgi called membranous organelles (MOs) as well as mitochondria. Following activation, the MOs fuse with the plasma membrane, release their electron-dense contents, and remain connected to the outside by a narrow channel. A small region at the anterior of sperm from males is amoeboid and can produce small pseudopodia. In sperm from the uterus this region enlarges considerably, the groundplasm changes from a granular to a filamentous from and the sperm become fully motile. During locomotion a cycle of events occurs at the leading edge beginning with the extension of a small pseudopodium. A constriction ring forms across its base and as the sperm progresses the constriction ring moves back along the cell, but remains stationary relative to the substrate. The location of new pseudopodia at the leading edge dictates the direction of movement of the spermatozoon. Since Cytochalasin B had no effect on the translocation of sperm, the polymerization of actin appears not to play a part in locomotion.  相似文献   

Leading edge protrusion in the amoeboid sperm of Ascaris suum is driven by the localized assembly of the major sperm protein (MSP) cytoskeleton in the same way that actin assembly powers protrusion in other types of crawling cell. Reconstitution of this process in vitro led to the identification of two accessory proteins required for MSP polymerization: an integral membrane phosphoprotein, MSP polymerization-organizing protein (MPOP), and a cytosolic component, MSP fiber protein 2 (MFP2). Here, we identify and characterize a 34-kDa cytosolic protein, MSP polymerization-activating kinase (MPAK) that links the activities of MPOP and MFP2. Depletion/add-back assays of sperm extracts showed that MPAK, which is a member of the casein kinase 1 family of Ser/Thr protein kinases, is required for motility. MPOP and MPAK comigrated by native gel electrophoresis, coimmunoprecipitated, and colocalized by immunofluorescence, indicating that MPOP binds to and recruits MPAK to the membrane surface. MPAK, in turn, phosphorylated MFP2 on threonine residues, resulting in incorporation of MFP2 into the cytoskeleton. Beads coated with MPAK assembled a surrounding cloud of MSP filaments when incubated in MPAK-depleted sperm extract, but only when supplemented with detergent-solubilized MPOP. Our results suggest that interactions involving MPOP, MPAK, and MFP2 focus MSP polymerization to the plasma membrane at the leading edge of the cell thereby generating protrusion and minimizing nonproductive filament formation elsewhere.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of the amoeboid spermatozoa of Ascaris suum consists of major sperm protein (MSP) filaments arranged into long, branched fiber complexes that span the length of the pseudopod and treadmill rearward continuously due to assembly and disassembly at opposite ends of the complexes (Sepsenwol et al., Journal of Cell Biology 108:55-66, (1989)). Examination by video-enhanced microscopy showed that this cytoskeletal flow is tightly coupled to sperm locomotion. The fiber complexes treadmilled rearward at the same rate (10-50 microns/min) as the cell crawled forward. Only fiber complexes with their plasmalemmal ends within a limited sector along the leading edge of the pseudopod underwent continuous assembly. Thus, the location of this sector, which occupies about 50% of the pseudopod perimeter, determined the direction of sperm locomotion. Treatment of sperm with agents that lower intracellular pH, such as weak acids and protonophores, caused the fiber complexes to disassemble completely in 4-5 sec. Removal of these compounds resulted in reassembly of the cytoskeleton in a pattern that mimicked treadmilling in intact sperm. The fiber complexes were reconstructed by assembly at their plasmalemmal ends so that within 30-60 sec the entire filament system reformed and the cell resumed locomotion. Both cytoskeletal reassembly and treadmilling required exogenous HCO3-. These results suggest that variation in intracellular pH may help regulate cytoskeletal treadmilling and thereby play a significant role in sperm locomotion.  相似文献   

Nematode spermatozoa are highly specialized cells that lack flagella and, instead, extend a pseudopod to initiate motility. Crawling spermatozoa display classic features of amoeboid motility (e.g. protrusion of a pseudopod that attaches to the substrate and the assembly and disassembly of cytoskeletal filaments involved in cell traction and locomotion), however, cytoskeletal dynamics in these cells are powered exclusively by Major Sperm Protein (MSP) rather than actin and no other molecular motors have been identified. Thus, MSP-based motility is regarded as a simple locomotion machinery suitable for the study of plasma membrane protrusion and cell motility in general. This recent focus on MSP dynamics has increased the necessity of a standardized methodology to obtain C. elegans sperm extract that can be used in biochemical assays and proteomic analysis for comparative studies. In the present work we have modified a method to reproducibly obtain relative high amounts of proteins from C. elegans sperm extract. We show that these extracts share some of the properties observed in sperm extracts from the parasitic nematode Ascaris including Major Sperm Protein (MSP) precipitation and MSP fiber elongation. Using this method coupled to immunoblot detection, Mass Spectrometry identification, in silico prediction of functional domains and biochemical assays, our results indicate the presence of phosphorylation sites in MSP of Caenorhabditis elegans spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The polymerization of protein filaments provides the motive force in a variety of cellular processes involving cell motility and intracellular transport. Regulated assembly and disassembly of the major sperm protein (MSP) underlies amoeboid movement in nematode sperm, and offers an attractive model system for characterizing the biomechanical properties of filament formation and force generation. To that end, structure-function studies of MSP from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been performed. Recombinant MSP was purified from Escherichia coli using a novel affinity chromatography technique, and filament assembly was assessed by in vitro polymerization in the presence of polyethylene glycol. Prior molecular studies and structure from X-ray crystallography have implicated specific residues in protein-protein interactions necessary for filament assembly. Purified MSP containing substitutions in these residues fails to form filaments in vitro. Short peptides based on predicted sites of interaction also effectively disrupt MSP polymerization. These results confirm the structural determination of intermolecular contacts and demonstrate the importance of these residues in MSP assembly.  相似文献   

Relationships between spermatozoal design and swimming behaviour were investigated using the significant natural variance in sperm traits in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. In vitro motility and fertilization experiments were conducted with 86 Atlantic salmon to measure sperm form and function under natural fertilization conditions. Spermatozoal traits of Atlantic salmon showed narrow variance within individuals but differed extensively between samples: mean sperm length varied from 32·3 to 39·5 μm, mean velocity ranged from 18 to 127 μm s−1, and ejaculate longevity varied from 18 to 78 s. In addition to variation in sperm morphometry between fish, a negative relationship was also found between sperm head length and flagellum length. This natural variation in sperm form and function between males is counter-intuitive since measures are from a single Atlantic salmon population where all males are adapted to a common fertilization environment. No evidence was found that longer sperm, or sperm with longer flagella, achieved faster swimming velocities. Also no evidence was found for a trade-off between mean sperm velocity and ejaculate longevity. There were significant negative associations, however, between sperm total and flagellum length and ejaculate longevity, so that males with longer sperm had shorter-lived gametes. This finding has previously been reported in a study across fish species, supporting the theory that increased hydrostatic forces generated by longer flagella may trade against sperm cell longevity.  相似文献   

The high actin-based motility rates observed in nonmuscle cells require the per-second addition of 400-500 monomers to the barbed ends of growing actin filaments. The chief polymerization-competent species is profilin.actin.ATP (present at 5-40 microM intracellular concentrations), whereas G-actin.ATP is much less abundant ( approximately 0.1-1 microM). While earlier studies unambiguously demonstrated that profilin.actin is highly concentrated within the polymerization zone, profilin-actin localization on the motile surface cannot increase the local solution-phase concentration of polymerizable actin. To explain these high rates of actin polymerization, we present and analyze a novel polymerization model in which monomers are directly transferred to growing filament ends in the actoclampin motor. This direct-transfer polymerization mechanism endows the polymerization zone with properties unavailable to bulk-phase actin monomers, and our model also indicates why profilin is the ideal mobile carrier for actin monomers.  相似文献   

We have identified the three-dimensional ultrastructure of actin gels that are formed in well-characterized cell extracts and mixtures of purified actin and the 120K actin-binding protein and compared these to the ultrastructure of the cytoplasmic matrix in regions of nonextracted Dictyostelium amoebae that are rich in actin and 120K. This ultrastructural characterization was achieved by using critical-point-dried whole-mount preparations. All three preparations--gelled extracts, purified proteins, and cortical cytoplasm--are composed of filament networks. The basic morphological feature of these networks is the presence of contacts between convergent filaments resulting in "T" or "X" shaped contacts. The finding that actin-containing gels are composed of filament networks, where the primary interaction occurs between convergent filaments, reconciles the known requirement of F actin for gelation with the amorphous appearance of these gels in thin sections. Increasing the molar ratio of 120K dimer to actin monomer increases the number of contacts between filaments per unit volume and decreases the lengths of filaments between contacts. This indicates that 120K stabilizes interactions between filaments and is consistent with biochemical evidence that 120K crosslinks actin filaments. The cortical network in situ resembles more closely networks formed in 120K-rich extracts than networks assembled in mixtures of purified 120K and actin. The heterogeneity of filament diameters and variation of network density are properties shared by extracts and the cytomatrix in situ while networks found in purified 120K-actin gels have filament diameters and densities that are more uniform. These differences are certainly due to the more complex composition of cell extracts and cortical cytoplasm as compared to that of purified 120K-actin gels.  相似文献   

To fertilize the egg, sperm cells must reside in the female reproductive tract for several hours during which they undergo chemical and motility changes collectively called capacitation. During capacitation, the sperm develop a unique type of motility known as hyperactivated motility (HAM). The semen contains Zn2+ in millimolar concentrations, whereas in the female reproductive tract the concentration is around 1 µM. In this study, we characterize the role of Zn 2+ in human sperm capacitation focusing on its effect on HAM. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of G protein‐coupled receptor 39 (GPR39) type Zn‐receptor localized mainly in the sperm tail. Zn 2+ at micromolar concentration stimulates HAM, which is mediated by a cascade involving GPR39‐AC‐cAMP‐PKA‐Src‐EGFR and phospholipase C. Both the transmembrane adenylyl cyclase (AC) and the soluble‐AC are involved in the stimulation of HAM by Zn 2+. The development of HAM is precisely regulated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate, in which relatively low concentration (5–10 µM) stimulated HAM, whereas at 30 µM no stimulation occurred. A similar response was seen when different concentrations of Zn 2+ were added to the cells; low Zn 2+ stimulated HAM, whereas at relatively high Zn 2+, no effect was seen. We further demonstrate that the Ca 2+‐channel CatSper involved in Zn 2+‐stimulated HAM. These data support a role for extracellular Zn 2+ acting via GPR39 to regulate signaling pathways in sperm capacitation, leading to HAM induction.  相似文献   

Sperm motility in Limulus is initiated by a sperm motility initiating factor (SMI) that emanates from Limulus eggs. This report describes the partial purification of SMI (greater than 230-fold purification with respect to protein content) with 40% recovery. SMI appears to be a hydrophobic peptide of 500–2,000 MW. Although probably not purified to homogeneity, SMI is estimated to be active at a concentration of less than 0.2 μM.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of excessive zinc intake on the testes and on sperm count and motility in mice. Thirty Balb c mice were divided randomly into 3 groups of 10 animals in each. Group I acted as controls; group II was supplied with drinking water containing 1.5 g/100 mL Zn, and group III was supplied with drinking water containing 2.5 g/100 mL Zn. The animals were sacrificed after 3 wk supplementation and the epididymis and testis were quickly excised. A negative correlation between Zn dose and sperm count and motility was found. The sperm count in group III was significantly lower than in groups II and I (p<0.05). The sperm motility in group III was significantly lower than in the controls (p<0.05). Degenerative changes, including spermatic arrest, degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and fibrosis in interstitial tissue, were observed in group III animals. These results show that high doses of zinc significantly alter sperm motility.  相似文献   

To fertilize the egg, sperm cells must reside in the female reproductive tract for several hours during which they undergo chemical and motility changes collectively called capacitation. During capacitation, the sperm develop a unique type of motility known as hyperactivated motility (HAM). The semen contains Zn2+ in millimolar concentrations, whereas in the female reproductive tract, the concentration is around 1 µM. In this study, we characterize the role of Zn2+ in human sperm capacitation focusing on its effect on HAM. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of GPR39‐type Zn‐receptor localized mainly in the sperm tail. Zn2+ at micromolar concentration stimulates HAM, which is mediated by a cascade involving GPR39–adenylyl cyclase (AC)–cyclic AMP (cAMP)–protein kinase A–tyrosine kinase Src (Src)–epidermal growth factor receptor and phospholipase C. Both the transmembrane AC and the soluble‐AC are involved in the stimulation of HAM by Zn2+. The development of HAM is precisely regulated by cAMP, in which relatively low concentration (5–10 µM) stimulated HAM, whereas at 30 µM no stimulation occurred. A similar response was seen when different concentrations of Zn2+ were added to the cells; low Zn2+ stimulated HAM, whereas at relatively high Zn2+, no effect was seen. We further demonstrate that the Ca2+‐channel CatSper involved in Zn2+‐stimulated HAM. These data support a role for extracellular Zn2+ acting via GPR39 to regulate signaling pathways in sperm capacitation, leading to HAM induction.  相似文献   

Transition metal ions, mainly iron, are involved in the generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, which are the most powerful inducers of oxidative damage to all biomolecules. The lipids in sperm membranes are highly susceptible to oxidation. Sperm lipid peroxidation (LPO) leads to decrease of motility and reduction of likelihood for sperm‐oocyte fusion. The excess radical production may affect also the spermatozoa morphology. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Desferal on the LPO, motility, and morphology of boar sperm subjected to oxidative stress. After collection, the ejaculates were equally separated and diluted in a commercial semen extender (experiment 1) or in physiological saline (experiment 2). The ejaculates of the 2 experiments were divided into aliquots, which were incubated with one of the following agents: FeSO4 (0.1mM), H2O2 (0.5mM), or FeSO4 + H2O2 (Fenton system), in the presence or absence of Desferal. The application of Desferal in the incubation medium had a protective effect against FeSO4 + H2O2‐induced sperm damage, namely, decrease of LPO; decrease the quantity of immotile spermatozoa and decrease the number of morphological abnormalities, regardless of the used medium. In experiment 2, the presence of FeSO4 in the incubation medium induced LPO in the same range as the combination FeSO4 + H2O2, in which the effect was reduced by Desferal. Thus, the supplement of Desferal to media used for sperm storage and processing could be a useful tool for diminishing oxidative injury and improving the quality of the semen.  相似文献   

Spatially controlled actin filament assembly is critical for numerous processes, including the vectorial cell migration required for wound healing, cell- mediated immunity, and embryogenesis. One protein implicated in the regulation of actin assembly is zyxin, a protein concentrated at sites where the fast growing ends of actin filaments are enriched. To evaluate the role of zyxin in vivo, we developed a specific peptide inhibitor of zyxin function that blocks its interaction with alpha-actinin and displaces it from its normal subcellular location. Mislocalization of zyxin perturbs cell migration and spreading, and affects the behavior of the cell edge, a structure maintained by assembly of actin at sites proximal to the plasma membrane. These results support a role for zyxin in cell motility, and demonstrate that the correct positioning of zyxin within the cell is critical for its physiological function. Interestingly, the mislocalization of zyxin in the peptide-injected cells is accompanied by disturbances in the distribution of Ena/VASP family members, proteins that have a well-established role in promoting actin assembly. In concert with previous work, our findings suggest that zyxin promotes the spatially restricted assembly of protein complexes necessary for cell motility.  相似文献   

Semen was collected repeatedly from captive haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and the effect of seasonality on various sperm parameters was investigated. No differences in sperm traits were observed for wild and cultured haddock. A highly significant positive relationship existed between spermatocrit and spermatozoa density. A significant increase in mean spermatocrit occurred throughout the spawning season but the amount of variability explained by collection date was low (35·1%) due to variability between males. Each of 10 males sampled repeatedly throughout the spawning season demonstrated an increase in spermatocrit. No relationship existed between spermatocrit and proportion of motile spermatozoa when spermatocrit was ≤70%. Motility was reduced in semen samples with spermatocrits >70%. The proportion of spermatozoa that were motile decreased with time since activation. Some motility was still observed after 60 min in sea water (0·1–15·2%) for sperm collected at all times within the spawning season. Of those spermatozoa that were motile, the proportion that exhibited forward swimming motion decreased and the proportion that had only vibratory movement increased with time post‐activation. The speed of forward swimming spermatozoa showed no significant relationship with spermatocrit at any time between 0 and 60 min after activation. Swimming speed was negatively related to time since activation, decreasing from 174–240 μm s−1 at 0 min to 80–128 μm s−1 at 60 min after activation.  相似文献   

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