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Recombinant human monoclonal antibodies have become important protein-based therapeutics for the treatment of various diseases. The antibody structure is complex, consisting of beta-sheet rich domains stabilized by multiple disulfide bridges. The dimerization of the C(H)3 domain in the constant region of the heavy chain plays a pivotal role in the assembly of an antibody. This domain contains a single buried, highly conserved disulfide bond. This disulfide bond was not required for dimerization, since a recombinant human C(H)3 domain, even in the reduced state, existed as a dimer. Spectroscopic analyses showed that the secondary and tertiary structures of reduced and oxidized C(H)3 dimer were similar, but differences were observed. The reduced C(H)3 dimer was less stable than the oxidized form to denaturation by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl), pH, or heat. Equilibrium sedimentation revealed that the reduced dimer dissociated at lower GdmCl concentration than the oxidized form. This implies that the disulfide bond shifts the monomer-dimer equilibrium. Interestingly, the dimer-monomer dissociation transition occurred at lower GdmCl concentration than the unfolding transition. Thus, disulfide bond formation in the human C(H)3 domain is important for stability and dimerization. Here we show the importance of the role played by the disulfide bond and how it affects the stability and monomer-dimer equilibrium of the human C(H)3 domain. Hence, these results may have implications for the stability of the intact antibody.  相似文献   



Mammalian GPx7 is a monomeric glutathione peroxidase of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), containing a Cys redox center (CysGPx). Although containing a peroxidatic Cys (CP) it lacks the resolving Cys (CR), that confers fast reactivity with thioredoxin (Trx) or related proteins to most other CysGPxs.


Reducing substrate specificity and mechanism were addressed by steady-state kinetic analysis of wild type or mutated mouse GPx7. The enzymes were heterologously expressed as a synuclein fusion to overcome limited expression. Phospholipid hydroperoxide was the oxidizing substrate. Enzyme–substrate and protein–protein interaction were analyzed by molecular docking and surface plasmon resonance analysis.


Oxidation of the CP is fast (k+ 1 > 103 M− 1 s− 1), however the rate of reduction by GSH is slow (k′+ 2 = 12.6 M− 1 s− 1) even though molecular docking indicates a strong GSH–GPx7 interaction. Instead, the oxidized CP can be reduced at a fast rate by human protein disulfide isomerase (HsPDI) (k+ 1 > 103 M− 1 s− 1), but not by Trx. By surface plasmon resonance analysis, a KD = 5.2 μM was calculated for PDI–GPx7 complex. Participation of an alternative non-canonical CR in the peroxidatic reaction was ruled out. Specific activity measurements in the presence of physiological reducing substrate concentration, suggest substrate competition in vivo.


GPx7 is an unusual CysGPx catalyzing the peroxidatic cycle by a one Cys mechanism in which GSH and PDI are alternative substrates.

General significance

In the ER, the emerging physiological role of GPx7 is oxidation of PDI, modulated by the amount of GSH.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin I has two tandem Ca(2+)-binding C(2) domains, which are essential for fast synchronous synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. We have solved four crystal structures of the C(2)B domain, one of them in the cation-free form at 1.50 A resolution, two in the Ca(2+)-bound form at 1.04 A (two bound Ca(2+) ions) and 1.65 A (three bound Ca(2+) ions) resolution and one in the Sr(2+)-bound form at 1.18 A (one bound Sr(2+) ion) resolution. The side chains of four highly conserved aspartic acids (D303, D309, D363, and D365) and two main chain oxygens (M302:O and Y364:O), together with water molecules, are in direct contact with two bound Ca(2+) ions (sites 1 and 2). At higher Ca(2+) concentrations, the side chain of N333 rotates and cooperates with D309 to generate a third Ca(2+) coordination site (site 3). Divalent cation binding sites 1 and 2 in the C(2)B domain were previously identified from NMR NOE patterns and titration studies, supplemented by site-directed mutation analysis. One difference between the crystal and NMR studies involves D371, which is not involved in coordination with any of the identified Ca(2+) sites in the crystal structures, while it is coordinated to Ca(2+) in site 2 in the NMR structure. In the presence of Sr(2+), which is also capable of triggering exocytosis, but with lower efficiency, only one cation binding site (site 1) was occupied in the crystallographic structure.  相似文献   

In the asynchronous flight muscles of higher insects, the lattice planes of contractile filaments are strictly preserved along the length of each myofibril, making the myofibril a millimetre-long giant single multiprotein crystal. To examine how such highly ordered structures are formed, we recorded X-ray diffraction patterns of the developing flight muscles of Drosophila pupae at various developmental stages. To evaluate the extent of long-range myofilament lattice order, end-on myofibrillar microdiffraction patterns were recorded from isolated quick-frozen dorsal longitudinal flight muscle fibres. In addition, conventional whole-thorax diffraction patterns were recorded from live pupae to assess the extent of development of flight musculature. Weak hexagonal fluctuations of scattering intensity were observed in the end-on patterns as early as approximately 15 h after myoblast fusion, and in the following 30 h, clear hexagonally arranged reflection spots became a common feature. The result suggests that the framework of the giant single-crystal structure is established in an early phase of myofibrillogenesis. Combined with published electron microscopy results, a myofibril in fused asynchronous flight muscle fibres is likely to start as a framework with fixed lattice plane orientations and fixed sarcomere numbers, to which constituent proteins are added afterwards without altering this basic configuration.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin, the sole membrane protein of the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarum, functions as a light-driven proton pump. A 3-D crystal of bacteriorhodopsin, which was prepared by the membrane fusion method, was used to investigate structural changes in the primary photoreaction. It was observed that when a frozen crystal was exposed to a low flux of X-ray radiation (5 x 10(14)photons mm(-2)), nearly half of the protein was converted into an orange species, exhibiting absorption peaks at 450 nm, 478 nm and 510 nm. The remainder retained the normal photochemical activity until Asp85 in the active site was decarboxlyated by a higher flux of X-ray radiation (10(16)photons mm(-2)). The procedure of diffraction measurement was improved so as to minimize the effects of the radiation damage and determine the true structural change associated with the primary photoreaction. Our structural model of the K intermediate indicates that the Schiff base linkage and the adjacent bonds in the polyene chain of retinal are largely twisted so that the Schiff base nitrogen atom still interacts with a water molecule located near Asp85. With respect to the other part of the protein, no appreciable displacement is induced in the primary photoreaction.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of copper-containing nitrite reductase (CuNiR) from the thermophilic Gram-positive bacterium Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 and the amino (N)-terminal 68 residue-deleted mutant were determined at resolutions of 1.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively. Both structures show a striking resemblance with the overall structure of the well-known CuNiRs composed of two Greek key β-barrel domains; however, a remarkable structural difference was found in the N-terminal region. The unique region has one β-strand and one α-helix extended to the northern surface of the type-1 copper site. The superposition of the Geobacillus CuNiR model on the electron-transfer complex structure of CuNiR with the redox partner cytochrome c551 in other denitrifier system led us to infer that this region contributes to the transient binding with the partner protein during the interprotein electron transfer reaction in the Geobacillus system. Furthermore, electron-transfer kinetics experiments using N-terminal residue-deleted mutant and the redox partner, Geobacillus cytochrome c551, were carried out. These structural and kinetics studies demonstrate that the region is directly involved in the specific partner recognition.  相似文献   

A photosynthetic reaction center (RC) complex was isolated from a purple bacterium, Acidiphilium rubrum. The RC contains bacteriochlorophyll a containing Zn as a central metal (Zn-BChl a) and bacteriopheophytin a (BPhe a) but no Mg-BChl a. The absorption peaks of the Zn-BChl a dimer (PZn), the accessory Zn-BChl a (BZn), and BPhe a (H) at 4 K in the RC showed peaks at 875, 792, and 753 nm, respectively. These peaks were shorter than the corresponding peaks in Rhodobacter sphaeroides RC that has Mg-BChl a. The kinetics of fluorescence from PZn*, measured by fluorescence up-conversion, showed the rise and the major decay with time constants of 0.16 and 3.3 ps, respectively. The former represents the energy transfer from BZn* to PZn, and the latter, the electron transfer from PZn to H. The angle between the transition dipoles of BZn and PZn was estimated to be 36° based on the fluorescence anisotropy. The time constants and the angle are almost equal to those in the Rb. sphaeroides RC. The high efficiency of A. rubrum RC seems to be enabled by the chemical property of Zn-BChl a and by the L168HE modification of the RC protein that modifies PZn.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The effect of environmental factors on the regulation of aerenchyma formation in rice roots has been discussed for a long time, because aerenchyma is constitutively formed under aerated conditions. To elucidate this problem, a unique method has been developed that enables sensitive detection of differences in the development of aerenchyma under two different environmental conditions. The method is tested to determine whether aerenchyma development in rice roots is affected by osmotic stress.


To examine aerenchyma formation both with and without mannitol treatment in the same root, germinating rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses were sandwiched between two agar slabs, one of which contained 270 mm of mannitol. The roots were grown touching both slabs and were thereby exposed unilaterally to osmotic stress. As a non-invasive approach, refraction contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT) using a third-generation synchrotron facility, SPring-8 (Super photon ring 8 GeV, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), was used to visualize the three-dimensional (3-D) intact structure of aerenchyma and its formation in situ in rice roots. The effects of unilateral mannitol treatment on the development of aerenchyma were quantitatively examined using conventional light microscopy.

Key Results

Structural continuity of aerenchyma was clearly visualized in 3-D in the primary root of rice and in situ using X-ray CT. Light microscopy and X-ray CT showed that the development of aerenchyma was promoted on the mannitol-treated side of the root. Detailed light microscopic analysis of cross-sections cut along the root axis from the tip to the basal region demonstrated that aerenchyma developed significantly closer to the root tip on the mannitol-treated side of the root.


Continuity of the aerenchyma along the rice root axis was morphologically demonstrated using X-ray CT. By using this ‘sandwich’ method it was shown that mannitol promoted aerenchyma formation in the primary roots of rice.  相似文献   

The chloroplast-localized NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) has been found to be able to reduce hydrogen peroxide scavenging 2-Cys peroxiredoxins. We show that the Arabidopsis ntrc mutant is perturbed in chlorophyll biosynthesis and accumulate intermediates preceding protochlorophyllide formation. A specific involvement of NTRC during biosynthesis of protochlorophyllide is indicated from in vitro aerobic cyclase assays in which the conversion of Mg-protoporhyrin monomethyl ester into protochlorophyllide is stimulated by addition of the NTRC/2-Cys peroxiredoxin system. These findings support the hypothesis that this NADPH-dependent hydrogen peroxide scavenging system is particularly important during periods with limited reducing power from photosynthesis, e.g. under chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease that affects about 350 million individuals worldwide. The protozoan parasite has a relatively simple life cycle with two principal stages: the flagellated mobile promastigote living in the gut of the sandfly vector and the intracellular amastigote within phagolysosomal vesicles of the vertebrate host macrophage. This review presents a state-of-the-art overview of the redox biology at the parasite-macrophage interface. Although Leishmania species are susceptible in vitro to exogenous superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite, they manage to survive the endogenous oxidative burst during phagocytosis and the subsequent elevated nitric oxide production in the macrophage. The parasite adopts various defense mechanisms to cope with oxidative stress: the lipophosphoglycan membrane decreases superoxide radical production by inhibiting NADPH oxidase assembly and the parasite also protects itself by expressing antioxidant enzymes and proteins. Some of these enzymes could be considered potential drug targets because they are not expressed in mammals. In respect to antileishmanial therapy, the effects of current drugs on parasite-macrophage redox biology and its involvement in the development of drug resistance and treatment failure are presented.  相似文献   

The effect of loss of the 34-kDa periplasmic NosX protein on the properties of N2O reductase was investigated with an N2O-respiration negative, double mutant of the paralogous genes nosX and nirX of Paracoccus denitrificans. In spite of absence of whole-cell N2O-reducing activity, the purified reductase was catalytically active, which attributes NosX a physiological role in sustaining the reaction cycle. N2O reductase exhibited the spectroscopic features of Cu(A) and the redox-inert, paramagnetic state, Cu(Z)*, of the catalytic center. Cu(Z)*, hitherto considered the result of spontaneous reaction of the reductase with dioxygen, attains cellular significance.  相似文献   

Rhomboids are ubiquitous integral membrane proteases that release cellular signals from membrane-bound substrates through a general signal transduction mechanism known as regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP). We present the NMR structure of the cytosolic N-terminal domain (NRho) of P. aeruginosa Rhomboid. NRho consists of a novel alpha/beta fold and represents the first detailed structural insight into this class of intramembrane proteases. We find evidence that NRho is capable of strong and specific association with detergent micelles that mimic the membrane/water interface. Relaxation measurements on NRho reveal structural fluctuations on the microseconds-milliseconds timescale in regions including and contiguous to those implicated in membrane interaction. This structural plasticity may facilitate the ability of NRho to recognize and associate with membranes. We suggest that NRho plays a role in scissile peptide bond selectivity by optimally positioning the Rhomboid active site relative to the membrane plane.  相似文献   

The transient complexes of plastocyanin with cytochrome f and photosystem I are herein used as excellent model systems to investigate how the metal sites adapt to the changes in the protein matrix in transient complexes that are involved in redox reactions. Thus, both complexes from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 (former Anabaena sp. PCC 7119) have been analysed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Our data are consistent with a significant distortion of the trigonal pyramidal geometry of the Cu coordination sphere when plastocyanin binds to cytochrome f, no matter their redox states are. The resulting tetrahedral geometry shows a shortening of the distance between Cu and the S(delta) atom of its ligand Met-97, with respect to the crystallographic structure of free plastocyanin. On the other hand, when plastocyanin binds to photosystem I instead of cytochrome f, the geometric changes are not significant but a displacement in charge distribution around the metal centre can be observed. Noteworthy, the electronic density around the Cu atom increases or decreases when oxidised plastocyanin binds to cytochrome f or photosystem I, respectively, thus indicating that the protein matrix affects the electron transfer between the two partners during their transient interaction.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Auxin is the main phytohormone controlling root development in plants. This study uses pharmacological and genetic approaches to examine the role of auxin and nitric oxide (NO) in the activation of NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTR), and the effect that this activity has on root growth responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.Methods Arabidopsis seedlings were treated with auxin with or without the NTR inhibitors auranofin (ANF) and 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene (DNCB). NTR activity, lateral root (LR) formation and S-nitrosothiol content were measured in roots. Protein S-nitrosylation was analysed by the biotin switch method in wild-type arabidopsis and in the double mutant ntra ntrb.Key Results The auxin-mediated induction of NTR activity is inhibited by the NO scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (CPTIO), suggesting that NO is downstream of auxin in this regulatory pathway. The NTR inhibitors ANF and DNCB prevent auxin-mediated activation of NTR and LR formation. Moreover, ANF and DNCB also inhibit auxin-induced DR5 : : GUS and BA3 : : GUS gene expression, suggesting that the auxin signalling pathway is compromised without full NTR activity. Treatment of roots with ANF and DNCB increases total nitrosothiols (SNO) content and protein S-nitrosylation, suggesting a role of the NTR-thioredoxin (Trx)-redox system in protein denitrosylation. In agreement with these results, the level of S-nitrosylated proteins is increased in the arabidopsis double mutant ntra ntrb as compared with the wild-type.Conclusions The results support for the idea that NTR is involved in protein denitrosylation during auxin-mediated root development. The fact that a high NO concentration induces NTR activity suggests that a feedback mechanism to control massive and unregulated protein S-nitrosylation could be operating in plant cells.  相似文献   

Cells are endowed with several overlapping peroxide-degrading systems whose relative importance is a matter of debate. In this study, three different sources of neural cells (rat hippocampal slices, rat C6 glioma cells, and mouse N2a neuroblastoma cells) were used as models to understand the relative contributions of individual peroxide-degrading systems. After a pretreatment (30 min) with specific inhibitors, each system was challenged with either H2O2 or cumene hydroperoxide (CuOOH), both at 100 μM. Hippocampal slices, C6 cells, and N2a cells showed a decrease in the H2O2 decomposition rate (23-28%) by a pretreatment with the catalase inhibitor aminotriazole. The inhibition of glutathione reductase (GR) by BCNU (1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea) significantly decreased H2O2 and CuOOH decomposition rates (31-77%). Inhibition of catalase was not as effective as BCNU at decreasing cell viability (MTT assay) and cell permeability or at increasing DNA damage (comet test). Impairing the thioredoxin (Trx)-dependent peroxiredoxin (Prx) recycling by thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) inhibition with auranofin neither potentiated peroxide toxicity nor decreased the peroxide-decomposition rate. The results indicate that neural peroxidatic systems depending on Trx/TrxR for recycling are not as important as those depending on GSH/GR. Dimer formation, which leads to Prx2 inactivation, was observed in hippocampal slices and N2a cells treated with H2O2, but not in C6 cells. However, Prx-SO3 formation, another form of Prx inactivation, was observed in all neural cell types tested, indicating that redox-mediated signaling pathways can be modulated in neural cells. These differences in Prx2 dimerization suggest specific redox regulation mechanisms in glia-derived (C6) compared to neuron-derived (N2a) cells and hippocampal slices.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is different in many ways from nuclear DNA. A key difference is that certain types of DNA damage are not repaired in the mitochondrial genome. What, then, is the fate of such damage? What are the effects? Both questions are important from a health perspective because irreparable mtDNA damage is caused by many common environmental stressors including ultraviolet C radiation (UVC). We found that UVC-induced mtDNA damage is removed slowly in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans via a mechanism dependent on mitochondrial fusion, fission, and autophagy. However, knockdown or knockout of genes involved in these processes—many of which have homologs involved in human mitochondrial diseases—had very different effects on the organismal response to UVC. Reduced mitochondrial fission and autophagy caused no or small effects, while reduced mitochondrial fusion had dramatic effects.  相似文献   

Saito Y  Yoshida Y  Niki E 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4349-4354
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their esters are known to be susceptible to free-radical mediated oxidation, while cholesterol is more resistant to oxidation. The present study focused on the relative susceptibilities of linoleates and cholesterol in Jurkat cells under oxidative stress induced by selenium deficiency and free radical insult, as assessed by total hydroxyoctadecadienoic acids (tHODE) and total 7-hydroxycholesterol (t7-OHCh) measured after reduction and saponification. It was observed that the levels of tHODE and t7-OHCh significantly increased by both oxidative insults. The increased amounts of t7-OHCh were higher than those of tHODE in both selenium-deficient and free radical-treated cells. These results suggest that, in contrast to plasma oxidation where cholesterol is much more resistant to oxidation than linoleates, cellular cholesterol is more susceptible to oxidation than cellular linoleates.  相似文献   

The electrophile Ca(2+) is an essential multifunctional co-factor in the phospholipase A(2) mediated hydrolysis of phospholipids. Crystal structures of an acidic phospholipase A(2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu have been determined both in the Ca(2+) free and bound states at 0.97 and 1.60 A resolutions, respectively. In the Ca(2+) bound state, the Ca(2+) ion is penta-coordinated by a distorted pyramidal cage of oxygen and nitrogen atoms that is significantly different to that observed in structures of other Group I/II phospholipases A(2). In the absence of Ca(2+), a water molecule occupies the position of the Ca(2+) ion and the side chain of Asp49 and the calcium-binding loop adopts a different conformation.  相似文献   

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