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Gangliosides are critical in many functions of mammalian cells but present as a minor lipid component with many molecular species of subtle differences. Conventional strategies for profiling gangliosides suffer from poor reproducibility, low sensitivity, and low-throughput capacity. Prior separation of gangliosides by thin-layer chromatography and/or high-performance liquid chromatography not only was laborious and tedious but also could introduce uneven losses of molecular species. We developed a new strategy of using electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) to profile gangliosides with high-throughput potential. This strategy involves three new findings: (i) collision-induced fragmentation of gangliosides gave rise to a common ion of m/z 290, a derivative of N-acetylneuraminic acid; (ii) phospholipids exert a profound suppression of ganglioside detection in ESI-MS/MS to prevent a direct detection in total cellular lipid extracts; and (iii) enrichment of gangliosides in the aqueous phase from total cellular lipid extracts eliminates the damping effect of phospholipids and permits direct precursor scan.  相似文献   

A novel simple and rapid PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis method   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) is a powerful tool for exploring protein structure and function, and several procedures adjusted to specific purposes are still being developed. Herein we describe a straightforward and efficient method with versatile applications for introducing site-specific alterations in any deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence cloned in a plasmidic expression vector. In this polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based SDM method, forward and reverse primers are used to amplify the plasmid containing the sequence of interest. The primers are designed so that the desired modifications are introduced at the 5′ end of one of the primers, whereas the other primer starts with the nucleotide at position (−1) of the one to be modified. The PCR is carried out using Pfu DNA polymerase. The blunt-ended PCR-generated DNA fragment is self-ligated and used to transform Escherichia coli. Mutant clones are screened by colony hybridization using the mutagenic primer as probe and the presence of the mutation is confirmed by direct DNA sequencing. This procedure was used efficiently to introduce substitutions, deletions, and insertions in the DNA sequences coding for a recombinant form (scFv) of antibody 107 specific of the human CR3 molecule, the rat α integrin CD11b A-domain and the human CD8β cloned in pPICZαB, pGEX-2T, and CDM8 expression vectors, respectively.  相似文献   

A V Bellini  F de Ferra  G Grandi 《Gene》1988,69(2):325-330
This paper describes a new method for site-directed mutagenesis which allows mutations by deletion, insertion or substitution of large fragments of DNA with more than 50% efficiency and does not require subcloning in a single-stranded (ss) DNA vehicle. The site of mutagenesis is removed from a linearized plasmid DNA by BAL 31 digestion, ss DNA regions are generated by limited exonuclease treatment and the mutated target site is reconstituted by annealing of the plasmid DNA to a 35-70 nucleotide long mutated ss oligodeoxynucleotide containing the desired mutation. The circularized plasmid is finally used to transform directly Escherichia coli competent cells.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is currently the method of choice for the analysis of recombinant protein expression products. By combining proteolytic digestion with peptide mapping and tandem mass spectrometry techniques, verification of site-directed mutagenesis products can be obtained. The proteolytic digestion step converts a purified recombinant protein into a mixture that must be reseparated, thus greatly increasing the analysis time associated with the confirmation of site-directed mutagenesis products. Ion/ion reaction chemistry combined with quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry provides a fast and efficient way to analyze intact proteins for the correct site-directed mutagenesis products, without heavy reliance on the proteolytic digestion step. Analysis of a series of protein variants (I68M, I68Q, Y69F, and Q67Y) from plasmid-encoded R67 dihydrofolate reductase using ion/ion reaction chemistry confirmed the presence of the correct site-directed mutagenesis products. For the I68M mutant, ion/ion separations detected the presence of extensive degradation from the N-terminal end of the protein. In the case of the Q67Y mutant, a mixture of Q67Y and Q67C species was detected by employing tandem mass spectrometry combined with ion/ion reactions. The ion/ion reaction technique was also performed on a partially purified lysate of the Q67Y/C mixture and successfully screened for the presence of both components in a complex mixture. The ion/ion reaction approach achieved the same results as the proteolytic-digestion-based methodology in a much shorter analysis time.  相似文献   

A database system and computer programs for storage and retrieval of information about guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein) -coupled receptor mutants and associated biological effects have been developed. Mutation data on the receptors were collected from the literature and a database of mutants and effects of mutations was developed. The G protein-coupled receptor, family A, point mutation database (GRAP) provides detailed information on ligand-binding and signal transduction properties of more than 2130 receptor mutants. The amino acid sequences of receptors for which mutation experiments have been reported were aligned, and from this alignment mutation data may be retrieved. Alternatively, a search form allowing detailed specification of which mutants to retrieve may be used, for example, to search for specific amino acid substitutions, substitutions in specific protein domains or reported biological effects. Furthermore, ligand and bibliographic oriented queries may be performed. GRAP is available on the Internet (URL: http://www-grap.fagmed.uit.no/GRAP/homepage.html ) using the World-Wide Web system. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

D Lai  X Zhu    S Pestka 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(17):3977-3980
A general, simple and efficient method for preparing site-specific mutations in double-stranded plasmid DNA without the need for special plasmids, bacterial strains or reagents is described. Only one synthetic oligonucleotide for each mutation is required, subcloning is unnecessary and a high efficiency of mutation (58-97%) was obtained. If two synthetic oligonucleotide primers are used, two separate mutations can be simultaneously created in a single reaction tube.  相似文献   

The folding pathways of four mutants in which bulky hydrophobic residues in the B helix of apomyoglobin (ApoMb) are replaced by alanine (I28A, L29A, I30A, and L32A) have been analyzed using equilibrium and kinetic methods employing NMR, CD, fluorescence and mass spectrometry. Hydrogen exchange pulse-labeling followed by mass spectrometry reveals detectable intermediates in the kinetic folding pathways of each of these mutants. Comparison of the quench-flow data analyzed by NMR for the wild-type protein and the mutants showed that the substitutions I28A, L29A and L32A lead to destabilization of the B helix in the burst phase kinetic intermediate, relative to wild-type apomyoglobin. In contrast, the I30A mutation apparently has a slight stabilizing effect on the B helix in the burst phase intermediate; under weak labeling conditions, residues in the C helix region were also relatively stabilized in the mutant compared to the wild-type protein. This suggests that native-like helix B/helix C packing interactions occur in the folding intermediate. The L32A mutant showed significantly lower proton occupancies in the burst phase for several residues in the G helix, specifically F106, I107, E109 and A110, which are in close proximity to L32 in the X-ray structure of myoglobin, providing direct evidence that native-like helix B/helix G contacts are formed in the apomyoglobin burst phase intermediate. The L29A mutation resulted in an increase in burst phase proton occupancies for several residues in the E helix. Since these regions of the B and E helices are not in contact in the native myoglobin structure, these effects suggest the possibility of non-native B/E packing interactions in the kinetic intermediate. The differing effects of these B helix mutations on the apomyoglobin folding process suggests that each side-chain plays a different and important role in forming stable structure in the burst phase intermediate, and points to a role for both native-like and non-native contacts in stabilization of the folding intermediate.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described to efficiently perform site-directed mutagenesis based on overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (OE-PCR). Two template DNA molecules in different orientations relative to only one universal primer were amplified in parallel. By choosing a high dilution of mutagenic primers it was possible to run an overlap extension PCR in only one reaction without purification of intermediate products. This method which we have named one-step overlap extension PCR (OOE-PCR) can in principle be applied to every DNA fragment which can be cloned into a multiple cloning site of any common cloning vector.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [U-(13)C]lactate (1 mM) in the presence of unlabeled glucose (2.5 mM) was investigated in glutamatergic cerebellar granule cells, cerebellar astrocytes, and corresponding co-cultures. It was evident that lactate is primarily a neuronal substrate and that lactate produced glycolytically from glucose in astrocytes serves as a substrate in neurons. Alanine was highly enriched with (13)C in the neurons, whereas this was not the case in the astrocytes. Moreover, the cellular content and the amount of alanine released into the medium were higher in neurons than astrocytes. On incubation of the different cell types in medium containing alanine (1 mM), the astrocytes exhibited the highest level of accumulation. Altogether, these results indicate a preferential synthesis and release of alanine in glutamatergic neurons and uptake in cerebellar astrocytes. A new functional role of alanine may be suggested as a carrier of nitrogen from glutamatergic neurons to astrocytes, a transport that may operate to provide ammonia for glutamine synthesis in astrocytes and dispose of ammonia generated by the glutaminase reaction in glutamatergic neurons. Hence, a model of a glutamate-glutamine/lactate-alanine shuttle is presented. To elucidate if this hypothesis is compatible with the pattern of alanine metabolism observed in the astrocytes and neurons from cerebellum, the cells were incubated in a medium containing [(15)N]alanine (1 mM) and [5-(15)N]glutamine (0.5 mM), respectively. Additionally, neurons were incubated with [U-(13)C]glutamine to estimate the magnitude of glutamine conversion to glutamate. Alanine was labeled from [5-(15)N]glutamine to 3.3% and [U-(13)C]glutamate generated from [U-(13)C]glutamine was labeled to 16%. In spite of the modest labeling in alanine, it is clear that nitrogen from ammonia is transferred to alanine via transamination with glutamate formed by reductive amination of alpha-ketoglutarate. With regard to the astrocytic part of the shuttle, glutamine was labeled to 22% in one nitrogen atom whereas 3.2% was labeled in two when astrocytes were incubated in [(15)N]alanine. Moreover, in co-cultures, [U-(13)C]alanine labeled glutamate and glutamine equally, whereas [U-(13)C]lactate preferentially labeled glutamate. Altogether, these results support the role proposed above of alanine as a possible ammonia nitrogen carrier between glutamatergic neurons and surrounding astrocytes and they show that lactate is preferentially metabolized in neurons and alanine in astrocytes.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for characterizing hydrophobic integral membrane proteins and its utility for membrane proteomics using microcapillary liquid chromatography coupled on-line with tandem mass spectrometry (microLC-MS/MS) is described. The present technique does not rely on the use of detergents, strong organic acids or cyanogen bromide-mediated proteolysis. A buffered solution of 60% methanol was used to extract, solubilize, and tryptically digest proteins within a preparation of Halobacterium (H.) halobium purple membranes. Analysis of the digested purple membrane proteins by microLC-MS/MS resulted in the identification of all the predicted tryptic peptides of bacteriorhodopsin, including those that are known to be post-translationally modified. In addition, 40 proteins from the purple membrane preparation were also identified, of which 80% are predicted to contain between 1 and 16 transmembrane domains. To evaluate the general applicability of the method, the same extraction, solubilization, and digestion conditions were applied to a plasma membrane fraction prepared from human epidermal sheets. A total of 117 proteins was identified in a single microLC-MS/MS analysis, of which 55% are known to be integral or associated with the plasma membrane. Due to its simplicity, efficiency, and absence of MS interfering compounds, this technique can be used for the characterization of other integral membrane proteins and may be concomitantly applied for the analysis of membrane protein complexes or large-scale proteomic studies of different membrane samples.  相似文献   

We have shown recently that PrkC, which is involved in developmental processes in Bacillus subtilis, is a Ser/Thr kinase with features of the receptor kinase family of eukaryotic Hanks kinases. In this study, we expressed and purified from Escherichia coli the cytoplasmic domain of PrkC containing the kinase and a short juxtamembrane region. This fragment, which we designate PrkCc, undergoes autophosphorylation in E.coli. PrkCc is further autophosphorylated in vitro, apparently through a trans-kinase, intermolecular reaction. PrkC also displays kinase activity with myelin basic protein. Using high mass accuracy electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry, we identified seven phosphorylated threonine and one serine residue in PrkCc. All the corresponding residues were replaced by systematic site-directed mutagenesis and the purified mutant proteins were tested for in vitro kinase activity. Single and multiple replacement of four threonine residues, clustered between residues 162 and 167 in a putative activation loop, substantially reduced kinase activity and the effect was clearly additive. Replacement of the other three threonine residues, clustered between residues 290 and 320, had relatively little effect on activity. In contrast, substitution of Ser214, which is conserved in closely related receptor kinase-like bacterial proteins, independently affected activity and may represent a novel regulatory mechanism. When projected onto a 3D structure of PrkC modelled on the structure of known Hanks kinases, the first cluster of phospho-threonine residues falls precisely in the activation loop, controlling the access of substrate and ATP to the catalytic site of many eukaryotic receptor kinases, whereas the second cluster is located in the juxtamembrane region. These results indicate that regulation of PrkC kinase activity (and presumably autophosphorylation) includes a conserved activation loop mechanism. The juxtamembrane phospho-threonine residues may be essential, for example for the recruitment of other proteins necessary for a PrkC signalling cascade or for coupling to other signalling pathways. This is the first structure-function analysis of a bacterial receptor-like kinase of the Hanks family.  相似文献   



Peptide-spectrum matching is a common step in most data processing workflows for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Many algorithms and software packages, both free and commercial, have been developed to address this task. However, these algorithms typically require the user to select instrument- and sample-dependent parameters, such as mass measurement error tolerances and number of missed enzymatic cleavages. In order to select the best algorithm and parameter set for a particular dataset, in-depth knowledge about the data as well as the algorithms themselves is needed. Most researchers therefore tend to use default parameters, which are not necessarily optimal.


We have applied a new optimization framework for the Taverna scientific workflow management system (http://ms-utils.org/Taverna_Optimization.pdf) to find the best combination of parameters for a given scientific workflow to perform peptide-spectrum matching. The optimizations themselves are non-trivial, as demonstrated by several phenomena that can be observed when allowing for larger mass measurement errors in sequence database searches. On-the-fly parameter optimization embedded in scientific workflow management systems enables experts and non-experts alike to extract the maximum amount of information from the data. The same workflows could be used for exploring the parameter space and compare algorithms, not only for peptide-spectrum matching, but also for other tasks, such as retention time prediction.


Using the optimization framework, we were able to learn about how the data was acquired as well as the explored algorithms. We observed a phenomenon identifying many ammonia-loss b-ion spectra as peptides with N-terminal pyroglutamate and a large precursor mass measurement error. These insights could only be gained with the extension of the common range for the mass measurement error tolerance parameters explored by the optimization framework.  相似文献   

Here we present a QuikChange-like method to efficiently realize blunt-ended DNA cloning and conveniently introduce a site-directed mutation to recombinant plasmid at the same time. After blunt-ended DNA ligation and transformation, the plasmid DNA mixture is extracted from pooled transformants and directly used as template for PCR amplification with a pair of complementary mutagenic primers. With this method, sam1 gene was inserted into pUC19 vector by blunt-end ligation, and a unique restriction site Spe I was introduced to the recombinant plasmid at the same time. The randomly selected transformants were analyzed by DNA sequencing, and most of the clones were found to have correct sequences. However, no correct construct was found from randomly selected transformants after traditional blunt-ended DNA ligation and transformation.  相似文献   

Recent technical advances in mass spectrometry (MS) have propelled this technology to the forefront of methods employed in metabolome analysis. Here, we compare two distinct analytical approaches based on MS for their potential in revealing specific metabolic footprints of yeast single-deletion mutants. Filtered fermentation broth samples were analyzed by GC-MS and direct infusion ESI-MS. The potential of both methods in producing specific and, therefore, discriminant metabolite profiles was evaluated using samples from several yeast deletion mutants grown in batch-culture conditions with glucose as the carbon source. The mutants evaluated were cat8, gln3, ino2, opi1, and nil1, all with deletion of genes involved in nutrient sensing and regulation. From the analysis, we found that both methods can be used to classify mutants, but the classification depends on which metabolites are measured. Thus, the GC-MS method is good for classification of mutants with altered nitrogen regulation as it primarily measures amino acids, whereas this method cannot classify mutants involved in regulation of phospholipids metabolism as well as the direct infusion MS (DI-MS) method. From the analysis, we find that it is possible to discriminate the mutants in both the exponential and stationary growth phase, but the data from the exponential growth phase provide more physiological relevant information. Based on the data, we identified metabolites that are primarily involved in discrimination of the different mutants, and hereby providing a link between high-throughput metabolome analysis, strain classification, and physiology.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that treatment of CsA with aqueous HCl gives rise to the formation of a number of water-soluble compounds. Two of these were identified from their FAB-MS/MS spectra as open-chain nona- and decapeptides. We describe here the identification of two other main compounds deriving from the same treatment. Identification was rendered possible from the comparison of their FAB-MS/MS spectra with those of methyl and acetyl derivatives. The two compounds are water-soluble, open-chain undecapeptides corresponding to 1,11 seco-CsA and of 4,5 seco-isoCsA, respectively.  相似文献   

Cationic starches from various semi-technical processes, two 'wet' (slurry and paste modification) and two 'dry' procedures (dry modification and extrusion), each type in a DS range from 0.03 to 0.1, were investigated by electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESIMS) and tandem mass spectrometry (ESIMS2) after enzymatic degradation with alpha-amylase and subsequent glucoamylase digestion. For comparison, chemically derived cationic oligosaccharides were also analysed by ESIMS. The cationisation pattern in the glucosyl units was analysed by GLC after methanolysis, permethylation and Hofmann elimination. Results from ESIMS are discussed and interpreted with respect to enzyme susceptibility, monomer composition and physical properties of the different types of cationic starches.  相似文献   

Two new parameters, I: and C:, are introduced for the quantitative evaluation of functional chimeras: I: (impact) and C: (context dependence) are the free energy difference and sum, respectively, of the effects on a given property measured in forward and retro chimeras. The forward chimera is made by substitution of a part "a" from ensemble A into the analogous position of homologous ensemble B (S:(B --> A)). The C: value is a measure of the interaction of the interrogated position with its surroundings, whereas I: is an expression of the quantitative importance of the probed position. Both I: and C: vary with the evaluated property, for example, kinetics, binding, thermostability, and so forth. The retro chimera is the reverse substitution of the analogous part "b" from B into A, S:(A --> B). The I: and C: values derived from original data for forward and retro mutations in aspartate and tyrosine aminotransferase, from literature data for quasi domain exchange in oncomodulin and for the interaction of Tat with bovine and human TAR are evaluated. The most salient derived conclusions are, first, that Thr 109 (AATase) or Ser 109 (TATase) is an important discriminator for dicarboxylic acid selectivity by these two enzymes (I: < -2.9 kcal/mol). The T109S mutation in AATase produces a nearly equal and opposite effect to S109T in TATase (C: < 0.4 kcal/mol). Second, an I: value of 5.5 kcal/mol describes the effects of mirror mutations D94S (site 1) and S55D (site 2) in the Ca(2+) binding sites of oncomodulin on Ca(2+) affinity. The second mirror set, G98D (site 1) and D59G (site 2), yields a smaller impact (I: = -3.4 kcal/mol) on Ca(2+) binding; however, the effect is significantly more nearly context independent (C: = -0.6 versus C: = -2.7 kcal/mol). Third, the stem and loop regions of HIV and BIV TAR are predominantly responsible for the species specific interaction with BIV Tat(65-81) (I: = -1.5 to -1.6 kcal/mol), whereas I: = 0.1 kcal/mol for bulge TAR chimeras. The C: values are from -0.3 to -1.2 kcal/mol. The analysis described should have important applications to protein design.  相似文献   

Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC), the most common cancer of the urinary bladder in dogs, is usually diagnosed at an advanced disease stage with limited response to chemotherapy. Commercial screening tests lack specificity and current diagnostic procedures are invasive. A proof of concept pilot project for analyzing the canine urinary proteome as a noninvasive diagnostic tool for TCC identification was conducted. Urine was collected from 12 dogs in three cohorts (healthy, urinary tract infection, TCC) and analyzed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The presence of four proteins (macrophage capping protein, peroxiredoxin 5, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B, and apolipoprotein A1) was confirmed via immunoblot. Of the total 379 proteins identified, 96 were unique to the TCC group. A statistical model, designed to evaluate the accuracy of this multiplex biomarker approach for diagnosis of TCC, predicted the presence of disease with 90% accuracy.  相似文献   

A site-directed mutagenesis strategy was employed to obtain four mutants of wheat subtilisin/chymotrypsin inhibitor (WSCI), with the aim to produce inactive forms of this protein. The mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins and, after the tag removal, were purified to homogeneity. Three mutants, containing a single mutation at the sequence positions 49 or 50, were named E49S, E49P and Y50G, respectively. These mutants exhibited anti-subtilisin activities comparable to that of the wild type protein; instead, anti-chymotrypsin activity was detectable only for the mutant E49S. A fourth mutant (M48P-E49G), containing a double amino acid substitution at the inhibitor reactive site (P1–P1′), was inactive against both subtilisin and chymotrypsin. In order to investigate the interactions between the putative susceptible enzymes and the mutated forms of WSCI, we performed time-course hydrolysis experiments by incubating samples of the mutants with subtilisin–agarose and chymotrypsin–agarose, respectively. These experiments yielded information on the E/I complex formation, as well as on the timing of the cleavage pattern of some of these mutants. Molecular modeling studies were carried out with the 3D models of the mutants and of their putative complexes with subtilisin and chymotrypsin. In terms of inter- and intra-chain H-bond networks, the observations made for each theoretical E/I complex were found to be fully coherent with experimental data (kinetic and time-course hydrolysis) and supplied specific modalities of interaction of each mutant with the enzyme counterpart.  相似文献   

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