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Chromosome studies have been made from skin cultures of 23 individual lemurs representing five different species and including Cheirogaleus medius of the Cheirogaleinae. The results are presented in tabular form and are compared with data from other studies. A detailed study of the chromosomes and replication patterns of L. variegatus ruber and L. v. s. did not reveal any distinguishing features between these subspecies.  相似文献   

While several morphometric analyses in lemurids have focused on the craniofacial complex, the characterization of their mandibular morphology has received less attention. The mandibular outline, in lateral perspective, was quantified using elliptical Fourier analysis, in an osteological sample encompassing 189 lemurid mandibles (66 Eulemur, 51 Hapalemur, 22 Lemur and 50 Varecia), and compared using multivariate statistical techniques. The taxonomic value of this outline in Lemuridae was demonstrated by the existence of significant separations between the four genera studied. In particular, the mandibular morphology of Hapalemur was markedly different from that in the group Eulemur-Lemur-Varecia. Excluding Hapalemur from analysis, the distinctions between Eulemur, Lemur and Varecia were enhanced suggesting the existence of more subtle intergeneric differences in mandibular morphology. Variation in mandibular form was greatest in Hapalemur and smallest in Eulemur and Varecia (as demonstrated by the mean values of interindividual distances); variation was higher in Lemur than in Eulemur and Varecia, but not higher than in Hapalemur. This morphological diversity may be related to functional adaptation in response to particular dietary habits. The patterns of intergeneric and intrageneric shape variations of the mandible in Lemuridae presented here provide a valuable resource for the analysis of variation among living and fossil lemurids.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the family Lemuridae was accomplished using multiple gene partitions and morphological characters. The results of the study suggest that several nodes in the lemurid phylogeny can be robustly resolved; however, the relationships of the species within the genus Eulemur are problematically nonrobust. The genus Varecia is strongly supported as the basal genus in the family. Hapalemur and Lemur catta are strongly supported as sister taxa and together are the sister group to the genus Eulemur. E. mongoz is the most basal species in the genus Eulemur. E. fulvus subspecies form a monophyletic group with three distinct lineages. E. coronatus is strongly supported as the sister taxon to E. macaco. The relationships of E. rubriventer, E. fulvus, and the E. macaco-E. coronatus pair are unresolved. Our combined molecular and morphological analysis demonstrates the lack of influence that morphology has on the simultaneous analysis tree when these two kinds of data are given equal weight. The effects of several extreme weighting schemes (removal of transitions and of third positions in protein-coding regions) and maximum-likelihood analysis were also explored. We suggest that these other forms of inference add little to resolving the problematic relationships of the species in the genus Eulemur.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of 15 species of Iridaceae of the genera Alophia, Cipura, Eleutherine, Neomarica and Trimezia (subfamily Iridoideae) were examined after conventional Giemsa staining. The karyotypes of Alophia drummondii (2n = 14+1B, 28, 42 and 56), Cipura paludosa (2n = 14), C. xanthomelas (2n = 28) and Eleutherine bulbosa (2n = 12) were asymmetric; Neomarica candida, N. caerulea, N. humilis, N. glauca, N. gracilis, N. northiana and Neomarica sp. (2n = 18); N. cf. paradoxa (2n = 28), Trimezia fosteriana (2n = 52), T. martinicensis (2n = 54) and T. connata (2n = 82) were all generally symmetric. New diploid numbers of 2n = 56 for Alophia drummondii, 2n = 18 for N. candida, N. humilis, N. glauca, and N. gracilis, 2n = 28 for N. cf. paradoxa, and 2n = 82 for T. connata are reported. The karyotypic evolution of the studied species is discussed.  相似文献   

Copy numbers of four photosynthesis-related genes, PhyA, Ppc, RbcS and Lhcb1 *1, in wheat genomes were estimated by slot-blot analysis, and these genes were assigned to the chromosome arms of common wheat by Southern hybridization of DNA from an aneuploid series of the cultivar Chinese Spring. The copy number of PhyA was estimated to be one locus per haploid genome, and this gene was assigned to chromosomes 4AL, 4BS and 4DS. The Ppc gene showed a low copy number of small multigenes, and was located on the short arm of homoeologous group 3 chromosomes and the long arm of chromosomes of homoeologous group 7. RbcS consisted of a multigene family, with approximately 100 copies in the common wheat genome, and was located on the short arm of group 2 chromosomes and the long arm of group 5 chromosomes. Lhcb1 *1 also consisted of a multigene family with about 50 copies in common wheat. Only a limited number of restriction fragments (approximately 15%) were used to determine the locations of members of this family on the long arm of group 1 chromosomes owing to the multiplicity of DNA bands. The variability of hybridized bands with the four genes was less in polyploids, but was more in the case of multigene families. RFLP analysis of polyploid wheats and their presumed ancestors was carried out with probes of the oat PhyA gene, the maize Ppc gene, the wheat RbcS gene and the wheat Lhcb1 *1 gene. The RFLP patterns of common wheat most closely resembled those of T. Dicoccum (Emmer wheat), T. urartu (A genome), Ae. speltoides (S genome) and Ae. squarrosa (D genome). Diversification of genes in the wheat complex appear to have occurred mainly at the diploid level. Based on RFLP patterns, B and S genomes were clustered into two major groups. The fragment numbers per genome were reduced in proportion to the increase of ploidy level for all four genes, suggesting that some mechanism(s) might operate to restrict, and so keep to a minimum, the gene numbers in the polyploid genomes. However, the RbcS genes, located on 2BS, were more conserved (double dosage), indicating that the above mechanism(s) does not operate equally on individual genes.  相似文献   

Analysis of 28 strains of Drosophila buzzatii from six different localities revealed that populations from southern Brazil apparently differ from northeastern populations in chromosome structure. Of the 16 polymorphic chromosome inversions detected in this species, only two (2j and 5c2) were present in southern populations. The Northeastern populations were the first of this species found not to have the 2j inversion. This suggests that the populations of Drosophila buzzatii may have lost chromosome polymorphism during dispersion, supporting the idea that the current geographic distribution of this species in South America is due to active dispersion.  相似文献   

Rhodnius pallescens is the main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in Panama and one of the most relevant secondary vectors in Colombia. Despite the importance of this species, there is limited knowledge about the genetic variability along its geographical distribution. In order to evaluate the degree of karyotype variability we analyzed the meiotic behavior and banding pattern of the chromosomes of 112 males of R. pallescens coming from different regions of Colombia and Panama. Using the C-banding technique we identified two chromosomal patterns or cytotypes characterized by differences in the amount, size and distribution of constitutive heterochromatic regions in the chromosome complement (2n = 20 autosomes plus XY in males). The individuals can be easily classified in each cytotype by the analysis of the chromosomes during first meiotic prophase. The frequencies of the cytotypes are variable according to the geographic origin of the populations. This chromosomal divergence together with morphological data supports the existence of three genetically different populations of R. pallescens and provides new information to understand the distribution dynamics of this species.  相似文献   

In this first cytogenetic survey on the lamprophiid snake subfamily Pseudoxyrhophiinae, we studied the karyology of ten snake species belonging to seven genera from Madagascar (Compsophis, Leioheterodon, Liophidium, Lycodryas, Madagascarophis, Phisalixella and Thamnosophis) using standard and banding methods. Our results show a wide range of different karyotypes ranging from 2n = 34 to 2n = 46 elements (FN from 40 to 48), with nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) on one (plesiomorphic) or two (derived/apomorphic) microchromosome pairs, and W chromosome at early or advanced states of diversification from the Z chromosome. The observed W chromosome variations further support the most accepted hypothesis that W differentiation from the Z chromosome occurred by progressive steps. We also propose an evolutionary scenario for the observed high karyotype diversity in this group of snakes, suggesting that it is derived from a putative primitive pseudoxyrhophiine karyotype with 2n = 46, similar to that of Leioheterodon geayi, via a series of centric fusions and inversions among macrochromosomes and translocations of micro‐ either to micro‐ or to macrochromosomes. This primitive Pseudoxyrhophiinae karyotype might have derived from a putative Lamprophiidae ancestor with 2n = 48, by means of a translocation of a micro‐ to a macrochromosome. In turn, the karyotype of this lamprophiid common ancestor may have derived from the assumed primitive snake karyotype (2n = 36 chromosomes, with 16 biarmed macro‐ and 20 microchromosomes) by a series of centric fissions and one inversion. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 450–460.  相似文献   

The family Lemuridae includes four genera: Eulemur, Hapalemur, Lemur,Varecia. Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships between L. catta, Eulemur and Hapalemur, and of Varecia to these other lemurids, continue to be hotly debated. Nodal relationships among the five Eulemur species also remain contentious. A mitochondrial DNA sequence dataset from the ND 3, ND 4 L, ND 4 genes and five tRNAs (Gly, Arg, His, Ser, Leu) was generated to try to clarify phylogenetic relationships w ithin the Lemuridae. Samples (n=39) from all ten lemurid species were collected and analysed. Three Daubentonia madagascariensis were included as outgroup taxa. The approximately 2400 bp sequences were analysed using maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods. The results support monophyly of Eulemur, a basal divergence of Varecia, and a sister-group relationship for Lemur/Hapalemur. Based on tree topology, bootstrap values, and pairwise distance comparisons, we conclude thatVarecia and Eulemur both represent distinct genera separate from L. catta. H. griseus andH. aureus form a clade with strong support, but the sequence data do not permit robust resolution of the trichotomy involving H. simus, H. aureus/H. griseus and L. catta. Within Eulemur there is strong support for a clade containing E. fulvus, E. mongoz and E. rubriventer. However, analyses failed to clearly resolve relationships among those three species or with the more distantly related E. coronatus and E. macaco. Our sequencing data support the current subspecific status of E.m. macaco and E.m. flavifrons, and that of V.v. variegata and V.v. rubra. However, tree topology and relatively large genetic distances among individual V.v. variegata indicate that there may be more phylogenetic structure within this taxon than is indicated by current taxonomy.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the sex chromosomes of the fish species Eigenmannia virescens (Gymnotiformes, Sternopygidae). A new finding, involving the occurrence of ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes, is described in specimens sampled from the S?o Francisco and Amazon river basins in Brazil. All individuals had a chromosome number of 2n = 38. The homologs of the sex chromosome pair from the S?o Francisco river basin sample differed only in their morphology, while those from the Amazonian sample differed both in morphology and heterochromatin pattern. A possible model for the evolution of the sex chromosomes in E. virescens is proposed, including data from populations from the Paraná (Brazil) river basin, in which male heterogamety has already been described. The occurrence of different sex chromosome systems in species and populations of the neotropical freshwater fish fauna is discussed.  相似文献   

The numbers of chromosomes and nucleoli in cultured cells of Vitis amurensis transformed with the rolB oncogene from A. rhizogenes have been studied. In general, the integration of the rolB gene in grape DNA mostly caused the elevation of the level of the chromosome variability, as well as higher numbers of nucleoli in the cultured cells. The possible influence of the observed chromosomal modifications on the productivity parameters of the grape cell cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first data in the alpha-amylase isoenzymes in primates of the families: Lemuridae, Cebidae, Cercopithecidae, Hylobatidae and Pongidae. By means of agar-gel electrophoresis of urine samples from 33 individuals belonging to ten species of the above mentioned families a total of 14 different variants of amylase heterogeneity were found.  相似文献   

Hybridization of highly repeated DNA sequences ofEulemur fulvus mayottensis, Lemur catta, andVarecia has been performed on blots of different species of Lemuridae (L. catta, Hapalemur griseus, Varecia variegata variegata, V. v. rubra, E. macaco macaco, E. coronatus, E. mongoz, andE. rubriventer). The probe ofE. fulvus only hybridized with the differentEulemur species, whereas that ofVarecia hybridized with the two subspecies ofVarecia and that ofL. catta with bothL. catta andHapalemur. These results were used to confirm the classification ofVarecia in a separate genus and to review the separation of theL. catta/Hapalemur group from the other species ofEulemur. Comparison of the migration patterns from DNA fragments of these different species has been used to propose a cladogram of the differentEulemur species.  相似文献   

A stable social group of 7 semifree-ranging black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) was studied for 4 months to catalog the behavioral repertoire of this species. Observations focussed on particular aspects of behavior were conducted before and after this 4-month period to supplement information gathered. Behavior in 11 major categories is detailed: postures, terrestrial locomotion, arboreal locomotion, feeding behavior, vocalizations, scent-marking, affinitive social behavior, agonistic social behavior, play behavior, sexual behavior, and parental behavior. Ruffed lemurs frequently used body positions and locomotor patterns unusual among lemurids, including bipedal hanging and long-descent leaps. These behaviors reinforce dental evidence that Varecia are among the most frugivorous of the Malagasy lemurs. Low intragroup cohesion, infrequent social interaction, and antiphonal use of several long-distance vocalizations suggest that ruffed lemurs naturally exhibit fission-fusion sociality. Social structure based on interindividual familiarity probably extends across foraging parties for several of the diurnally active lemurs; however, thus far only Varecia seems likely to exhibit fission-fusion sociality analogous to that seen in spider monkeys and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Summary A number of methods are described by the use of which observations were made on the standard coil in the interphase chromosomes of Prorocentrum micans. This is the first algal flagellate in which chromosome spirals have been investigated. The chromosomes were found to have predominantly right-handed helices with an average of just over seven gyres per chromosome after the standard treatment. On the basis of electron microscopical observations it is suggested that the purpose of the spiral is to hold together the many micro-fibrils which make up the chromonema. The spiral is not an artifact.  相似文献   

Somatic chromosomes (2n=24) ofPinus luchuensis Mayr at metaphase were observed by fluorescent banding methods with chromomycin A3 (CMA) and DAPI. CMA-bands appeared at the interstitial and/or proximal regions of nearly all chromosomes. DAPI-bands appeared at the interstitial and/or centromeric regions of nearly all chromosomes, and pairs of DAPI-dots appeared at the centromeric regions. Each homologous pair of chromosomes in the chromosome complement was identified by the CMA and DAPI fluorescent banding patterns. The interstitial CMA-bands were mostly localized at the secondary constrictions of the Feulgen-stained chromosomes. The fluorescent banding pattern ofP. luchuensis was very similar to that ofP. thunbergii, but was different from that ofP. densiflora.  相似文献   

Chromosome heteromorphisms in the Japanese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) of variant D- and G-group chromosomes characterized by enlargements of the short arms including secondary constrictions and satellites, were examined using the silver-staining method. Of a total of nine variants examined, four were found to have double Ag-stained NORs in the enlarged short arm, two were found to involve chromosome 22, one was a 13, and one, a 14. Four of the other variants had only one Ag-stained NOR. From the positions of the NORs, three of them were judged to have enlarged satellites (two chromosomes 15 and one 22) and the other an enlarged short arm (a 15). In the remaining variant (a 14), no Agstained material was noted in the short arm, so it could not be determined whether this variant chromosome was derived from the enlargement of the short arm or from satellites. Based on the position of the Ag-stained NORs and staining intensity of the Q and C methods in the short arms, mechanisms of producing the enlarged short arms of D- and G-group chromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

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