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Dioecy, the separation of sexes, has arisen independently many times in the course of angiosperm evolution. Avoidance of inbreeding is clearly involved in the evolution of dioecy, and as a consequence we predict that dioecious populations should maintain higher levels of genetic variation than closely related nondioecious populations. We tested that prediction by comparing allozymic variation in two closely related taxa, the monoecious and dioecious subspecies of the Mediterranean cucurbit, Ecballium elaterium. Thirteen polymorphic loci were screened for seeds sampled from 10 monoecious and 13 dioecious populations spanning the geographic ranges of the subspecies in Spain. The dioecious subspecies showed strikingly greater allelic diversity and heterozygosity than the monoecious subspecies. A hierarchical F-statistic analysis clearly demonstrated considerable genetic variation within populations for the dioecious populations, whereas for the monoecious populations almost all genetic variation resulted from differences among populations. The general pattern of homozygosity within monoecious populations suggests that they are highly inbred. In order to assess historical influences on current patterns of genetic variation, we conducted a genetic-distance analysis. The observed relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance between populations supports the hypothesis that the subspecies' current allopatric distributions on the Iberian Peninsula are the result of separate waves of colonization from the north (monoecious) and south (dioecious).  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two small gobies, Trimma caudomaculata and T. caesiura, were surveyed on coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan. Both species actively exhibited foraging attempts beneath overhanging reef structures during the daytime, and fed on small animals, mainly copepods. Trimma caudomaculata formed feeding schools in water columns to swallow mainly Calanoida and Harpacticoida. Trimma caesiura stayed by themselves on the reef substratum and captured mainly Harpacticoida by taking short jumps into the water column. Diet compositions of these congeneric gobies may reflect differences in their foraging behaviors and use of microhabitats.  相似文献   

Opuntia brunneogemmia andO. viridirubra occur sympatrically in the Serra do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their flowers have 450–600 thigmonastic stamens and provide large amounts of pollen and nectar for bees. Bees of 41 species were registered at the flowers ofO. brunneogemmia and 30 at the flowers ofO. viridirubra. Females of three oligolectic species are the only effective pollinators:Ptilothrix fructifera (Anthophoridae),Lithurgus rufiventris (Megachilidae), andCephalocolletes rugata (Colletidae). During their visits inOpuntia-flowers, bees touch the filaments and stimulate the movement of the stamens to the centre of the flower. At the end of this movement, the anthers are densely packed around the style. As a consequence the pollen is presented in an easily accessible upper layer of anthers and various, nearly inaccessible lower layers. The lower layers contain about 80% of the pollen reward. Only females of the three oligolectic pollinators exploit the pollen from the lower layers and reach the nectar furrow. Therefore, through their stamen movements,Opuntia flowers hide most of their pollen from flower visitors but favour effectively pollinating, oligolectic bees.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies of the allodapine beeExoneura bicolor have utilised a predominantly social population from tall montane forests. In this report we examine aspects of the sociality and biology of a population from subcoastal heathland in western Victoria, Australia. Entire colonies, nesting inXanthorrhoea minor, were collected at monthly intervals over 12 months between February 1989 and January 1990. In addition, three collections fromMelaleuca squarrosa were made over three consecutive winter months. The heathland population differs from the montane population in several aspects associated with sociality: (i) it shows lower levels of co-occupancy in both newly founded and re-used nests; (ii) foundress dispersal occurs over a larger proportion of the year; and (iii) there may be a partical second brood produced in late summer, during and after adult eclosion of the first brood. The occurrence of a partial second brood gives rise to opportunities for sib-rearing and eusociality. Colony sizes tend to be larger inM. squarrosa thanX. minor, but still smaller than colonies from the montane population. Egg-laying commences several weeks earlier in multifemale colonies than in single female colonies, before spring dispersal begins. It appears that multifemale colonies are more successful at preventing brood loss than single females and that the mean number of brood per female is larger in multifemale colonies than in single female colonies. These two populations, which display differences in several life history traits, provide an ideal system for studying the mechanisms maintaining social behavior.  相似文献   

Darwin pointed out that plants with vertical inflorescences are likely to be outcrossed if the inflorescence is acropetalous (flowers from the bottom up), the flowers are protandrous (pollen is dispersed before stigmas are receptive), and pollinators move upward on the inflorescence. This syndrome is common in species pollinated by bees and flies, and very few exceptions are known. We investigated flowering phenology and pollinator behavior in Besseya bullii (Scrophulariaceae) and found that it did not fit Darwin's syndrome. The vertical inflorescence was acropetalous but the flowers were distinctly protogynous, so flowers with newly receptive stigmas appeared on the inflorescence above those with dehiscing anthers. A number of small insects visited B. bullii; bees in the family Halictidae (Augochlorella striata and Dialictus spp.) were most common. When insects moved between gender phases within inflorescences, they moved up more often than down (61% versus 39% of observations, respectively) but this difference was only marginally significant. Most visits were to male-phase flowers only, and this preference was more pronounced for pollen-foraging insects than for nectar-foraging insects. B. bullii was self-compatible, so its flowering characteristics potentially could result in considerable self-pollination. However, an average of 38% of the lowermost flowers opened before any pollen was available on the same inflorescence; these solo females had a high probability of outcrossing (though fruit set was relatively low in the bottom portion of the inflorescence). Upper flowers may also be outcrossed because downward insect movement was not uncommon. Therefore protogyny in B. bullii may not necessarily lead to more selfing than would protandry.  相似文献   

Summary Statistical analysis was performed on a set of samples cultivated in balanced, incomplete blocks corresponding, respectively, to filial generations (pure, hybrid or backcross) distinguishable in the hybridization between the monoecious and dioecious subspecies of Ecballium elaterium (L.) Rich. We thus analyzed the possible existence of polygenes that condition the size of the plants, in particular the most observable characteristic effect of the polygenes, i.e., heterosis or hybrid vigor. The experimental results show that heterosis exists with respect to size of the individual plant. The occurrence of this phenomenon provides experimental evidence for the existence of a system of polygenes that affect this property. With respect to each of these polygenes, the genotype of each subspecies contains different alleles. This system of polygenes very likely plays a role in the phenotypic modification which, regarding the sex of the plant itself, has been recognized and confirmed previously.  相似文献   

The goatfishes (Mullidae) include about 50 bottom-foraging fish species. The foraging activity of the yellow goatfish, Mulloidichthys martinicus, and the spotted goatfish, Pseudupeneus maculatus, was studied comparatively at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, off coast of Northeast Brazil tropical West Atlantic. Pseudupeneus maculatus fed over a larger variety of substrate types, had lower feeding rate, roamed more per given time, spent less time in a feeding event, and displayed a more diverse repertoire of feeding modes than M. martinicus. The differences in the foraging activity and behaviour between the two species possibly minimize a potential resource overlap, as already recorded for other sympatric mullids. Pseudupeneus maculatus had lower feeding rate most likely because it feeds on larger items, and roamed over greater distance per time. Possibly this is because it foraged over a greater variety of substrate distributed over a larger area than that used by M. martinicus. Notwithstanding the overall morphological and behavioural similarity of goatfishes in general, they do differ in their substrate preferences and foraging activity, which indicates that these fishes should not be simply considered generalized bottom foragers.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of climate and body size on male behaviour were examined in the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), which shows resource-based polygyny at floral food sources in Britain in spring.
  • 2 Larger males are able to fly at lower temperatures than smaller males, and can therefore court females under conditions in which smaller males cannot fly. This is predicted from patterns of endothermic ability at low temperatures already demonstrated within this species.
  • 3 Video analysis of male competition for opportunities to initiate courtship with tethered females showed that larger males are also competitively superior, and can displace smaller males from favoured flight positions immediately behind females.
  • 4 The mating system shown by male A plumipes is strongly dependent on male density. At low densities, males show exclusive territoriality at floral sources. As male density increases, this strategy is abandoned in favour of patrolling with considerable spatial overlap between males, and opportunistic Polygyny.
  • 5 Despite high endothermic abilities, male behaviour is highly dependent on weather, and particularly ambient temperature. Males bask in the early morning and maintain high thoracic temperatures. Temperature data from freshly killed bees show that thoracic warming from solar sources effectively doubles the thermogenic power generated by the bee alone at low ambient temperatures.
  • 6 Male strategies in A.plumipes are compared to female responses to climate. Having controlled for differences in body size there is no difference in endothermic abilities between the sexes. Males do not, however, fly under conditions in which females of the same size would remain active. These results are discussed in the light of differential dependence of reproductive success on flight activity for the two sexes.

The perfume syndrome and pollination by fragrance-collecting euglossine bees in the neotropic solanaceous genusCyphomandra was confirmed by field observations. In SE Brazil,C. sciadostylis was visited byEufriesea violaceae, andC. diploconos byEuglossa mandibularis; C. hartwegii was pollinated byEulaema meriana in Costa Rica. The primary attractant, fragrant droplets that ooze from the dorsally bulged connectives, is mopped up by the males with the forebasitarsi. Thereby, the poricidal thecae are inadvertently pushed causing the dry pollen to dust the bee's sternum. The number and direction of the pollen jets are related to pollinator size and stigma structure. The flowers are homogamous, selfsterile, and last three days. The androecium is optically non-contrasting or has cryptic colour. Flowers ofC. sciadostylis andC. diploconos undergo a colour change and an almost three-fold increase in corolla size when scent production and visits cease. The dorsal papillar epidermis of the connective is underlain by a glandular parenchyma typical of osmophores. GC techniques revealed germacrene D as the main component in the mentholic scent ofC. sciadostylis, ipsdienol, heneicosane, and tricosane as dominant in the nutmeg-like scent ofC. diploconos, and benzyl acetate and benzyl alcohol in the sweet fragrance ofC. hartwegii. In all cases, these were accompanied by numerous minor components of heterogeneous chemical nature.—Pollen release by means of a peculiar pneumatic bellows mechanism appears as a necessary and probably ubiquitous feature ofCyphomandra. Even a slight pressure exerted upon the thin, elastic thecal walls blows pollen jets through the pores. Unusual anatomic changes accompany anther maturation. Initially voluminous parenchymatic locular intumescences (placentoids) contract completely during meiosis, then expand once more when the pollen is ripe, pushing the grains against the locular wall, and contract a second time, allowing air to enter the thecae.—Cyphomandra pinetorum was found to be exceptional in exhibiting a pollen flower syndrome, and not cryptical but optically contrasting yellow anthers, as known forSolanum.  相似文献   

The communal orb-weaving spider, Philoponella republicana,was observed in the subtropical moist forest of Southeast Peru. These spiders live in colonies of conspecifics whose individual orbs are connected by silk. The wrapping of a prey prior to feeding is a large component of the prey capture process because P. republicanahas no venom with which to kill an insect. Wrapping time was the only aspect of prey capture that was strongly correlated with the size of the insect captured. Occasionally we observed several individuals working together to wrap a prey item. These joint efforts were more frequent on prey larger than the capturing spider. Although group captures accounted for only 5.5% of captures, they represented 14.7% of the biomass obtained. A comparison of the relationship between wrapping time and prey size for solitary and group efforts suggested that, by working together, the spiders reduced their total handling time. In most cases only one spider fed on the captured prey.  相似文献   

Summary To examine the effects of predators and plant genotype on the behavior, patterns of herbivory, growth and survivorship of caterpillars, we used an experimental garden in which we contrasted two hostplant genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata), two kinds of herbivores (specialist Junonia coenia vs. generalist Pyrrharctia isabella) and two levels of caterpillar predation (with and without Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs). Each of the replicate plots per treatment contained two plants of the same genotype. The stinkbugs reduced the survivorship of the specialist caterpillars but not that of the generalists, which reflects the differences in predatoravoidance behaviors of these species. Nonetheless, the stinkbugs influenced the behavior of both caterpillar species. When stinkbugs were present, both specialist and generalist caterpillars were less likely to be found on the plant upon which they were initially placed (=initial plant), and they were more likely to be off both plants within the plot than larvae in the absence of predators. Consequently in the presence of the stinkbug predators, the proportion of the initial plants consumed was less than in the absence of the predators. Plant genotype influenced plant size and the proportion of individual plants eaten, but it did not affect larval location on the plots. Neither presence of predators nor plant genotype had an effect on relative growth rate of the caterpillars.  相似文献   

Three species of crane flies-Dactylolabis montana, Limonia simulans,and Antocha saxicola-gather near streams to mate and oviposit. All species are polygamous and sex ratios at these sites are male-biased. After a short mating bout, males guard females by standing over them during oviposition. Sperm competition appears to be intense and to follow last-male advantage, based on the packing of sperm within the two elongate spermathecae. Males of A. saxicolasuccessfully defend against rivals over 85% of the time. In contrast, defending males of D. montanaand L. simulanslose the female over 65% of the time during interactions with rivals. Despite the high frequency of loss, defending males gain additional oviposition time by engaging rivals in combat while the female continues to oviposit. Thus, a guarding male does not have to retain the female for guarding to be adaptive. Legs and claws of all species are sexually dimorphic and play an important role in guarding and defending.  相似文献   

We present data on aspects of the behavioral ecology of a free- ranging group of Saguinus fuscicollis weddelliat a site in Brazilian Amazonia where a second callitrichid, Callithrix emiliae,is syntopic. Diet, activity patterns, and ranging behavior are broadly similar to those of S. fuscicollisfrom sites in Bolivia, Brazil, and Perú, though significant seasonal changes include an extreme and atypical form of ranging behavior in which they foraged in central-place fashion around a source of exudate—Parkia pendula. S. f. weddelliwas active at relatively low levels in the forest both in absolute terms and relative to C.emiliae, which appears to be an important factor in their niche partitioning. Association between the two species appeared to be less systematic overall than those observed between S. fuscicollisand congeners at other sites, though this may be partly a result of observation conditions. During the period of central-place foraging, the two species exhibited a high degree of association. Other characteristics of the behavior of S. f. weddelliat the study site include the frequent use of tree holes as sleeping sites.  相似文献   

Food intake, prey availability, and prey capture behavior at feeding areas were quantified in the dragonflyPachydiplax longipennis by observing focal individuals on artificial perches, where they exhibited marked short-term site fidelity. Prey capture success was high and relatively constant, but the frequency and duration of feeding flights depended on the time of day and season (at least in part because of associated variation in temperature and other physical factors), study site, sex, density of other dragonflies, and prey density. Individuals rapidly responded temporally and spatially to changes in prey availability, particularly to localized prey concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary. Potential conflict between the queen and workers over the production of males is expected in stingless bees as a result of the higher relatedness of workers with their sons than with their brothers. This conflict was studied in Melipona subnitida by observing how the queen and the workers share in male production. The oviposition of individual cells was observed in two colonies with individually marked workers for a period of 51 and 40 days respectively. The gender that developed from these cells was then determined. The results revealed that most male production was concentrated in a 2–3-week period, during which laying workers were present. During these weeks, the queens produced twice as many males as all laying workers together. Outside this distinct period, the queens produced an occasional male. A reproductive worker either oviposited before the queen did, in which case she immediately proceeded to close the cell and thus prevented the queen from oviposition, or oviposited and sealed the cell after the queen had laid an egg. When cell construction and oviposition occured on several combs simultaneously, the workers preferentially laid male eggs on the newest combs. We discuss the proximate mechanism and ultimate cause of the way in which queen-worker male production occurred. In conclusion, we argue that overt behavioural conflict, occasionally displayed by reproductive workers of this species, can be of great cost to the colony.Received 27 February 2004; revised 6 September 2004; accepted 1 October 2004.  相似文献   

The parasitic waspNasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is the subject of numerous genetic, evolutionary, ecological, and ethological studies, particularly relating to sex-ratio evolution, non-Mendelian inheritance, courtship behavior, and speciation. Here we describe the courtship behavior of two sibling species(N. longicornis andN. giraulti) and compare their courtship to that ofN. vitripennis. Courtship behavior ofNasonia males includes mounting of females, orientation to the female's head, and a repeated series of stereotypic movements, including head nods, mouthpart extrusions, antennal sweeps, and wing vibrations. Females signal receptivity by lowering their antennae in synchrony with opening their genital orifice. After copulation, males engage in brief postcopulatory displays. All three species have the basic components described above. However, although the three species are quite similar morphologically, there are distinct differences in courtship displays. Notable differences include the length of courtship cycles, the absence of a ritualized antennal sweep prior to the first cycle invitripennis, additional head nods and ritualized foreleg movements inlongicornis, and a dramatic increase in numbers of head nods ingiraulti. Results show that closely related species can often be distinguished based on courtship differences, although many of these differences may not contribute to a reproductive barrier.  相似文献   

Redheads, Aythya americana, concentrate in large numbers annually in traditional wintering areas along the western and northern rim of the Gulf of Mexico. Two of these areas are the Laguna Madre of Texas and Chandeleur Sound of Louisiana. We collected data on 54,340 activities from 103 redhead flocks in Texas and 51,650 activities from 57 redhead flocks in Louisiana. Males and females fed similarly, differing neither in levels of feeding (percent of all birds in flock that were feeding) (p>0.90) nor in percentages of birds feeding by diving, tipping, dipping, or gleaning from the surface (p>0.10). The foraging level of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region was relatively constant throughout two winters. Foraging of redheads in early winter in Louisiana was significantly greater than redhead foraging in the upper Laguna Madre, but by late winter, foraging by redheads in Louisiana had declined to the same level as that shown by redheads foraging in the upper Laguna Madre. The overall foraging level of redheads from Chandeleur Sound was greater (41%) than that of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre (26%), yet it was quite similar to the 46% foraging level reported for redheads from the lower Laguna Madre. Redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region of Texas fed more by diving than did those in the Chandeleur Sound and the lower Laguna Madre. Diving increased in frequency in late winter. Greater reliance by redheads on diving in January and February indicates that the birds altered their foraging to feed in deeper water, suggesting that the large concentrations of redheads staging at this time for spring migration may have displaced some birds to alternative foraging sites. Our results imply that the most likely period for food resources to become limiting for wintering redheads is when they are staging in late winter.  相似文献   

Schatz GS  McCauley E 《Oecologia》2007,153(4):1021-1030
Mismatches in the elemental composition of herbivores and their resources can impact herbivore growth and reproduction. In aquatic systems, the ratio of elements, such as C, P, and N, is used to characterize the food quality of algal prey. For example, large increases in the C:P ratio of edible algae can decrease rates of growth and reproduction in Daphnia. Current theory emphasizes that Daphnia utilize only assimilation and respiration processes to maintain an optimal elemental composition, yet studies of terrestrial herbivores implicate behavioral processes in coping with local variation in food quality. We tested the ability of juvenile and adult Daphnia to locate regions of high-quality food within a spatial gradient of algal prey differing in C:P ratio, while holding food density constant over space. Both juveniles and adults demonstrated similar behavior by quickly locating (i.e., <10 min) the region of high food quality. Foraging paths were centred on regions of high food quality and these differed significantly from paths of individuals exposed to a homogeneous environment of both food density and food quality. Ingestion rate experiments on algal prey of differing stoichiometric ratio show that individuals can adjust their intake rate over fast behavioral time-scales, and we use these data to examine how individuals choose foraging locations when presented with a spatial gradient that trades off food quality and food quantity. Daphnia reared under low food quality conditions chose to forage in regions of high food quality even though they could attain the same C ingestion rate elsewhere along a spatial gradient. We argue that these aspects of foraging behavior by Daphnia have important implications for how these herbivores manage their elemental composition and our understanding of the dynamics of these herbivore–plant systems in lakes and ponds where spatial variation in food quality is present. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The statistical association between the characters life durability of plant and size of plant observed in a set of samples — cultivated forming a system of randomly balanced incomplete blocks — and corresponding to filial generations (pure, hybrid or backcross) from hybridization between the monoecious subspecies and the dioecious subspecies of the Cucurbitacea Ecballium elaterium (L.) Rich, respectively, is in concordance with the hypothesis that the system of polygenes governing the life durability of the plant in this species and the system of polygenes governing the size of the plants belong to the same system of polygenes. This system of pleiotropic polygenes governs the size and life durability of the plants at the same time.  相似文献   

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