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Santa-María I Pérez M Hernández F Muñoz V Moreno FJ Avila J 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2006,1762(7):683-692
We have investigated the propensity to form fibrillar aggregates of a variety of fragments and variants of the tau protein under the influence of a tau fibrillization inducer: coenzyme Q(0). To better identify fibrillization hotspots, we compare the polymerization propensity of tau fragments containing the sequence of putative hotspots with that of tau variants with that same sequence deleted. We also investigate the effects of biologically occurring modifications such as phosphorylation and deamidation. We found that residues 305 to 335 are essential for in vitro tau fibrillization. Residues 306 to 311 facilitate in vitro assembly, but are not sufficient to mimic the in vivo fibrillization of tau. Furthermore, the propensity of the 306-311 sequence to form fibrils is highly decreased by chemical modifications of tyrosine 310 that are commonly found in vivo. 相似文献
Using a 38,000-dalton protein (FFP-38) purified from Tetrahymena acetone powder, we have succeeded in the polymerization of this protein into 14-nm filaments. The polymerization was initiated by incubating the purified FFP-38 fraction in a buffer containing 5 mM Mes (2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid), 50 mM KCl, 1.2 mM CaCl2, 0.6 mM ATP, pH 6.6, and by shifting the incubation temperature from 0 degrees C to 37 degrees C. The 14-nm filament is considered to consist of 7-nm globular subunits regularly arranged into 2 start, helical strands with 4 subunits per turn. The subunit may correspond to 9S tetramer of FFP-38, a native form of FFP-38. Since the subunit arrangement and subunit protein component of this 14-nm filament obviously differ from those of actin filament, 10-nm intermediate filament and microtubule, the 14-nm filament appears to be a newly found intracellular filament. Concerning the FFP-38 polymerization, some polymorphism appeared: we found ring structures having the diameters of 0.3--3.7 micrometers and latticed sheet structure, besides typical straight filaments. 相似文献
Alzheimer's disease is defined in part by the intraneuronal accumulation of filaments comprised of the microtubule-associated protein tau. In vitro, fibrillization of full-length, unphosphorylated recombinant tau can be induced under near-physiological conditions by treatment with various agents, including anionic surfactants. Here we examine the pathway through which anionic surfactants promote tau fibrillization using a combination of electron microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. Protein and surfactant first interacted in solution to form micelles, which then provided negatively charged surfaces that accumulated tau aggregates. Surface aggregation of tau protein was followed by the time-dependent appearance of a thioflavin S reactive intermediate that accumulated over a period of hours. The intermediate was unstable in the absence of anionic surfaces, suggesting it was not filamentous. Fibrillization proceeded after intermediate formation with classic nucleation-dependent kinetics, consisting of lag phase followed by the exponential increase in filament lengths, followed by an equilibrium phase reached in approximately 24 h. The pathway did not require protein insertion into the micelle hydrophobic core or conformational change arising from mixed micelle formation, because anionic microspheres constructed from impermeable polystyrene were capable of qualitatively reproducing all aspects of the fibrillization reaction. It is proposed that the progression from amorphous aggregation through intermediate formation and fibrillization may underlie the activity of other inducers such as hyperphosphorylation and may be operative in vivo. 相似文献
Tau is the major component of the neurofibrillar tangles that are a pathological hallmark of Alzheimers' disease. The identification of missense and splicing mutations in tau associated with the inherited frontotemporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 demonstrated that tau dysfunction can cause neurodegeneration. However, the mechanism by which tau dysfunction leads to neurodegeneration remains uncertain. Here, we present evidence that frontotemporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 missense mutations, P301L, V337M and R406W, cause an accelerated aggregation of tau into filaments. These results suggest one mechanism by which these mutations can cause neurodegeneration and frontotemporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. 相似文献
Alzheimer's disease is defined in part by the intraneuronal accumulation of filaments comprised of the microtubule associated protein tau. Because animal model studies suggest that a toxic gain of function accompanies tau aggregation in neurons, selective pharmacological inhibitors of the process may have utility in slowing neurodegeneration. Here, the properties of a candidate small molecule inhibitor of tau fibrillization, 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-[2-[[3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-5-methoxy-2-benzothiazolylidene]methyl]-1-butenyl]-5-methoxybenzothiazolium (N744), were characterized in vitro using transmission electron microscopy. N744 inhibited arachidonic acid-induced aggregation of full-length, four-repeat tau protein at substoichiometric concentrations relative to total tau and with an IC(50) of approximately 300 nM. Inhibition was accompanied by a dose-dependent decrease in the number concentration of filaments, suggesting that N744 interfered with tau filament nucleation. Stoichiometric concentrations of N744 also promoted tau disaggregation when added to mature synthetic filaments. Disaggregation followed first-order kinetics and was accompanied by a steady decrease in filament number, suggesting that N744 promoted endwise loss of tau molecules with limited filament breakage. N744 at substoichiometric concentrations did not inhibit Abeta and alpha-synuclein aggregation, indicating it was tau selective under these conditions. Because of its activity in vitro, N744 may offer a pharmacological approach to the role of tau fibrillization in neurodegeneration. 相似文献
Conditions for in vitro assembly and disassembly of Tetrahymena 14-nm filaments were investigated electron-microscopically by using a crude extract of acetone powder of the cells. The assembly conditions established are: incubation of a protein sample (2 mg/ml) in 5 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer (pH 6.6) containing 0.1 mM N alpha-tosyl-L-lysyl-chloromethane hydrochloride (TLCK), 50 mM KCl, 0.6 mM ATP, and 1.2 mM CaCl2 at 30 degrees C for 30 min. The disassembly conditions established are: dialysis of the 14-nm filament suspension (3 mg protein/ml) against Tris-acetate buffer (pH 8.2) containing 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 1 mM ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), and 0.05 mM TLCK at 4 degrees C for 24 h. The assembly and disassembly were repeatable, and resulted in the exclusive retention of the 49,000-dalton protein. This clearly shows that the previously reported protein component (38,000-dalton protein : FFP-38) of the 14-nm filament is incorrect and the actual component is indeed a 49,000-dalton protein. The present research also showed that the Tetrahymena 14-nm filament bore a strong resemblance to 'intermediate filaments' of mammalian cells with respect to molecular weight, amino-acid composition of the protein component, and size and conditions for assembly and disassembly of the filament. 相似文献
The mechanism through which arachidonic acid induces the polymerization of tau protein into filaments under reducing conditions was characterized through a combination of fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Results show that polymerization follows a ligand-mediated mechanism, where binding of arachidonic acid is an obligate step preceding tau-tau interaction. Homopolymerization begins with rapid (on the order of seconds) nucleation, followed by a slower elongation phase (on the order of hours). Although essentially all synthetic filaments have straight morphology at early time points, they interact with thioflavin-S and monoclonal antibody Alz50 much like authentic paired helical filaments, suggesting that the conformation of tau protein is similar in the two filament forms. Over a period of days, synthetic straight filaments gradually adopt paired helical morphology. These results define a novel pathway of tau filament formation under reducing conditions, where oxidation may contribute to final paired helical morphology, but is not a necessary prerequisite for efficient nucleation or elongation of tau filaments. 相似文献
Previously, we reported that the microtubule-associated tau protein, the major constituent of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) in Alzheimer's brain, undergoes site-selective nitration by peroxynitrite (ONOO-) and that this event inhibits tau polymerization in vitro [Reynolds et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 1690-1700]. In the present study, we extend our analysis of tau nitration to include mutant tau proteins singly nitrated at each residue targeted by ONOO- in vitro (Tyr18, Tyr29, Tyr197, and Tyr394). Using our polymerization paradigm, we demonstrate that site-specific Tyr nitration differentially alters the rate and/or extent of tau assembly and generates robust changes in filament morphology. As determined by quantitative electron microscopy, select nitration of residues Tyr29 and Tyr197 increases the average length of synthetic tau filaments but does not alter the steady-state polymer mass. In contrast, site-specific nitration of residues Tyr18 and Tyr394 decreases the average length and/or number of synthetic filaments, resulting in a significant reduction in filamentous mass and an increase in tau critical concentration. Intriguingly, affinity measurements demonstrate that nitrative modifications do not preclude formation of the Alz-50 epitope, a pathological tau conformation detectable in authentic paired helical filaments (PHFtau). In fact, the Alz-50 antibody binds filaments assembled from nitrated mutant tau with higher avidity than wild-type filaments, even in instances where the overall filamentous mass is reduced. Taken together, our results suggest that site-specific nitration modulates the nucleation and/or elongation capacity of assembly-competent tau and that assumption of the Alz-50 conformation may be necessary, but not sufficient, to induce filament formation. 相似文献
The herpes simplex virus 1 capsid is formed in the infected cell nucleus by way of a spherical, less robust intermediate called the procapsid. Procapsid assembly requires the capsid shell proteins (VP5, VP19C, and VP23) plus the scaffolding protein, pre-VP22a, a major component of the procapsid that is not present in the mature virion. Pre-VP22a is lost as DNA is packaged and the procapsid is transformed into the mature, icosahedral capsid. We have employed a cell-free assembly system to examine the role of the scaffolding protein in procapsid formation. While other reaction components (VP5, VP19C, and VP23) were held constant, the pre-VP22a concentration was varied, and the resulting procapsids were analyzed by electron microscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results demonstrated that while standard-sized (T = 16) procapsids with a measured diameter of approximately 100 nm were formed above a threshold pre-VP22a concentration, at lower concentrations procapsids were smaller. The measured diameter was approximately 78 nm and the predicted triangulation number was 9. No procapsids larger than the standard size or smaller than 78-nm procapsids were observed in appreciable numbers at any pre-VP22a concentration tested. SDS-polyacrylamide gel analyses indicated that small procapsids contained a reduced amount of scaffolding protein compared to the standard 100-nm form. The observations indicate that the scaffolding protein concentration affects the structure of nascent procapsids with a minimum amount required for assembly of procapsids with the standard radius of curvature and scaffolding protein content. 相似文献
We propose two systems of ordinary differential equations modeling the assembly of intermediate filament networks. The first one describes the in vitro intermediate filament assembly dynamics. The second one deals with the in vivo evolution of cytokeratin, which is the intermediate filament protein expressed by epithelial cells. The in vitro model is then briefly analyzed in a simplified case. 相似文献
Tau filament formation in transgenic mice expressing P301L tau 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
Mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau, including P301L, are genetically coupled to hereditary frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. To determine whether P301L is associated with fibril formation in mice, we expressed the longest human tau isoform, human tau40, with this mutation in transgenic mice by using the neuron-specific mouse Thy1.2 promoter. We obtained mice with high expression of human P301L tau in cortical and hippocampal neurons. Accumulated tau was hyperphosphorylated and translocated from axonal to somatodendritic compartments and was accompanied by astrocytosis and neuronal apoptosis indicated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated dUTP nick end-labeling staining. Moreover, P301L tau formed abnormal filaments. Electron microscopy of sarcosyl-insoluble protein extracts established that the filaments had a straight or twisted structure of variable length and were approximately 15 nm wide. Immunoelcecton microscopy showed that the tau filaments were phosphorylated at the TG3, AT100, AT8, and AD199 epitopes in vivo. In cortex, brain stem, and spinal cord, neurofibrillary tangles were also identified by thioflavin-S fluorescent microscopy and Gallyas silver stains. Together, our results show that expression of the P301L mutation in mice causes neuronal lesions that are similar to those seen in human tauopathies. 相似文献
Epitope mapping of mAbs AT8 and Tau5 directed against hyperphosphorylated regions of the human tau protein 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Porzig R Singer D Hoffmann R 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2007,358(2):644-649
Post-mortem diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease relies on high numbers of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) stained in distinct brain areas. NFTs mostly consist of hyperphosphorylated versions of the microtubule attached tau protein (PHF-tau) with more than 30 serine and threonine phosphorylation sites identified so far. Characterization of hyperphosphorylated tau regions and the hope to develop robust assays for early AD diagnosis relies mostly on phosphorylation-dependent monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing only disease-specific phosphorylation patterns. Here, we report that anti-PHF-tau mAb AT8 recognizes an epitope doubly phosphorylated at serine 202 and threonine 205, which was not influenced by a third phosphate group at serine 199. But mAb AT8 was cross-reactive to two doubly phosphorylated motifs containing either serines 199 and 202 or serines 205 and 208 of the human tau sequence. The epitope of anti-tau mAb Tau5 was mapped to the human tau sequence 218-225, which is not phosphorylated in vivo. 相似文献
Congdon EE Kim S Bonchak J Songrug T Matzavinos A Kuret J 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2008,283(20):13806-13816
Filamentous inclusions composed of the microtubule-associated protein tau are found in Alzheimer disease and other tauopathic neurodegenerative diseases, but the mechanisms underlying their formation from full-length protein monomer under physiological conditions are unclear. To address this issue, the fibrillization of recombinant full-length four-repeat human tau was examined in vitro as a function of time and submicromolar tau concentrations using electron microscopy assay methods and a small-molecule inducer of aggregation, thiazine red. Data were then fit to a simple homogeneous nucleation model with rate constant constraints established from filament dissociation rate, critical concentration, and mass-per-unit length measurements. The model was then tested by comparing the predicted time-dependent evolution of length distributions to experimental data. Results indicated that once assembly-competent conformations were attained, the rate-limiting step in the fibrillization pathway was tau dimer formation. Filament elongation then proceeded by addition of tau monomers to nascent filament ends. Filaments isolated at reaction plateau contained approximately 2 tau protomers/beta-strand spacing on the basis of mass-per-unit length measurements. The model suggests four key steps in the aggregation pathway that must be surmounted for tau filaments to form in disease. 相似文献
Mizushima F Minoura K Tomoo K Sumida M Taniguchi T Ishida T 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2006,343(3):712-718
To clarify the contribution of the three- or four-repeated peptide moiety in tau microtubule-binding domain (MBD) to paired helical filament (PHF) formation, conformational transition accompanied by heparin-induced filament formation was investigated stepwise for four repeat peptides (R1-R4), one three-repeated R1-R3-R4 peptide (3RMBD), and one four-repeated R1-R2-R3-R4 peptide (4RMBD) using a combination of thioflavin S fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) measurements in a neutral buffer (pH 7.6). The comparison of the fluorescence profile of each repeat peptide with those of 3RMBD and 4RMBD showed the synergistic contribution of R1-R4 to PHF formation of MBD. The CD spectrum measured as a function of filament formation time indicates that: (i) two conformational transitions occur for the filament formations of R3 (from the random structure to the beta-sheet structure) and 3RMBD (from the random structure to the alpha-helix structure), (ii) the filament formations of R2 and 4RMBD proceed via the synchronized conformational transitions of the alpha-helix and random structures, and (iii) the filament formation of 4RMBD is dependent on the aggregation behavior of R2. These data are useful for elucidating the MBD conformational transition in tau PHF formation. 相似文献
Identification of protein regions involved in the interaction of human respiratory syncytial virus phosphoprotein and nucleoprotein: significance for nucleocapsid assembly and formation of cytoplasmic inclusions. 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1

We have reported previously that the nucleoprotein (N), the phosphoprotein (P), and the 22-kDa protein of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) are components of the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies observed in HEp-2-infected cells. In addition, coexpression of N and P was sufficient to induce the formation of N-P complexes detectable by either coimmunoprecipitation with anti-P antibodies or generation of cytoplasmic inclusions. We now report the identification of protein regions required for these interactions. Deletion mutant analysis of the P protein gene indicated that its C-terminal end was essential for interacting with N. This conclusion was strengthened by the finding that an anti-P monoclonal antibody (021/12P), reacting with a 21-residue P protein C-terminal peptide, apparently displaced N from N-P complexes. The same effect was observed with high concentrations of the C-terminal peptide. However, sequence requirements for the P protein C-terminal end were not absolute, and mutants with the substitution Ser-237-->Ala or Ser-237-->Thr were as efficient as the wild type in interacting with N. In addition, P and N proteins from strains of different HRSV antigenic groups, with sequence differences in the P protein C-terminal end, were able to coimmunoprecipitate and formed cytoplasmic inclusions. Deletion mutant analysis of the N gene indicated that large segments of this polypeptide were required for interacting with P. The relevance of these interactions for HRSV is discussed in comparison with those of analogous proteins from related viruses. 相似文献
The microtubule-associated protein tau is found aggregated into paired helical filaments in the intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangle deposits of victims of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other related dementias. Tau contains a repeat domain consisting of three or four 31-32-residue imperfect repeats that forms the core of tau filaments and is capable of self-assembling into filaments in vitro. We have used high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to characterize the structural properties of the three-repeat domain of tau at the level of individual residues. We find that three distinct regions of the polypeptide corresponding to previously mapped microtubule interaction sites exhibit a preference for helical conformations, suggesting that these sites adopt a helical structure when bound to microtubules. In addition, we directly observe a marked preference for extended or beta-strand-like conformations in a stretch of residues between two of the helical regions, which corresponds closely to a region previously implicated as an early site of beta-strand structure formation and intermolecular interactions leading to paired helical filament (PHF) formation. This observation supports the idea that this region of the protein plays a crucial role in the formation of tau aggregates. We further show that disulfide-bond-mediated dimer formation does not affect and is not responsible for the observed structural preferences of the protein. Our results provide the first high-resolution view of the structural properties of the protein tau, are consistent with an important role for beta structure in PHF formation, and may also help explain recent reports that tau filaments contain helical structure. 相似文献
Role of the disordered terminal regions of flagellin in filament formation and stability 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Terminal regions of flagellin from Salmonella typhimurium, residues 1 to 65 and 451 to 494, have no ordered tertiary structure in solution, which makes them very susceptible to proteolytic degradation. Flagellin was subjected to mild controlled proteolytic treatment with highly specific proteases to remove terminal segments from the disordered regions. It is demonstrated here that various fragments can be readily prepared that differ from each other in 1 x 10(3) to 2 x 10(3) Mr segments in their NH2- or COOH-terminal regions. Terminally deleted fragments of flagellin were used to clarify the role of the disordered regions in the self-assembly of flagellin. The polymerization ability of the fragments was tested by inducing filament formation with ammonium sulfate. We found that fragments of flagellin containing large terminal deletions could form straight filaments, although the stability of these filaments required high salt concentrations. Even a fragment lacking the whole mobile COOH-terminal part of flagellin and 36 residues from the NH2-terminal region could form long filaments. The fragments could be also polymerized onto native flagellar seeds, suggesting that the subunit packing of the filaments of fragments is similar to that of the native ones. The fragments could also copolymerize with native flagellin, resulting in various helical forms. Filaments of fragments were found to be straight at both pH 4.0 and pH 12.5, indicating that they might have lost their polymorphic ability. Our results show that the major part of the disordered terminal regions of flagellin is not essential for polymerization, but it does play an important role in stabilization of the filaments and in influencing their polymorphic conformation. 相似文献
Helical filaments of bacterial flagella are built up by a self-assembly process from thousands of flagellin subunits. To clarify how the disordered terminal regions of flagellin interact upon filament formation, polymerization ability of various terminally truncated fragments was investigated. Fragments deprived of 19 N-terminal residues were able to bind to the end of filaments, however, only a single layer was formed. Removal of C-terminal segments or truncation at both ends resulted in the complete loss of binding ability. Our observations are consistent with the coiled-coil model of filament formation, which suggests that the alpha-helical N- and C-terminal regions of axially adjacent subunits form an interlocking pattern of helical bundles upon polymerization. 相似文献
Inhibition of heparin-induced tau filament formation by phenothiazines, polyphenols, and porphyrins 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Taniguchi S Suzuki N Masuda M Hisanaga S Iwatsubo T Goedert M Hasegawa M 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2005,280(9):7614-7623
Tau protein is the major component of the intraneuronal filamentous inclusions that constitute defining neuropathological characteristics of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. The discovery of tau gene mutations in familial forms of frontotemporal dementia has established that dysfunction of the tau protein is sufficient to cause neurodegeneration and dementia. Here we have tested 42 compounds belonging to nine different chemical classes for their ability to inhibit heparin-induced assembly of tau into filaments in vitro. Several phenothiazines (methylene blue, azure A, azure B, and quinacrine mustard), polyphenols (myricetin, epicatechin 5-gallate, gossypetin, and 2,3,4,2',4'-pentahydroxybenzophenone), and the porphyrin ferric dehydroporphyrin IX inhibited tau filament formation with IC(50) values in the low micromolar range as assessed by thioflavin S fluorescence, electron microscopy, and Sarkosyl insolubility. Disassembly of tau filaments was observed in the presence of the porphyrin phthalocyanine. Compounds that inhibited tau filament assembly were also found to inhibit the formation of Abeta fibrils. Biochemical analysis revealed the formation of soluble oligomeric tau in the presence of the inhibitory compounds, suggesting that this may be the mechanism by which tau filament formation is inhibited. The compounds investigated did not affect the ability of tau to interact with microtubules. Identification of small molecule inhibitors of heparin-induced assembly of tau will form a starting point for the development of mechanism-based therapies for the tauopathies. 相似文献
We describe and characterize a complex reaction that catalyzes DNA supercoiling and chromatin assembly in vitro. A Xenopus oocyte extract supplemented with ATP and Mg++ converts DNA circles into minichromosomes that display a native, 200 bp periodicity. When supercoiled DNA is added to this extract it undergoes a time-dependent series of topological changes, which precisely mimic those found when the DNA is microinjected into oocytes. As judged by the conformation of the subsequently deproteinized DNA, the supercoiled DNA is first relaxed, in a reaction that takes 4 min, and then it is resupercoiled in a slower process that takes 4 hr. The relaxation is partially inhibited by EDTA, to an extent that suggests that that it is catalyzed by a type I DNA topoisomerase. The resupercoiling, on the other hand, requires ATP and Mg++, is completely inhibited by EDTA, and is inhibited by novobiocin in a manner that suggests it is catalyzed by a type II DNA topoisomerase. These findings, and the ones reported in the preceding paper (Ryoji and Worcel, 1984), lead us to propose that chromatin assembly is an active, ATP-driven process. 相似文献