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Pulmonary carcinomas were recorded in a life-span experiment of male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to fission neutrons. Mortality-corrected prevalences are obtained by the method of isotonic regression. In a second part of the paper a comparison is made with data obtained earlier for radon-daughter inhalations in the same strain of rats. A simultaneous maximum likelihood analysis is applied jointly to all experimental groups from the radon inhalation and the fission neutron study. The dependence of the resulting coefficients for the different groups on absorbed dose or inhalation dose permits a derivation of equivalence ratios. At low doses the equivalence ratio is 3 WLM (working level months) of radon-daughter exposure to 1 mGy of fission neutrons. At higher doses the equivalence ratio decreases. The neutron data are also utilized to derive mortality-corrected lifetime incidences of pulmonary carcinomas in the exposed animals. At low doses the relation is consistent with linearity, but sublinearity (dose exponent less than 1) cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Conformational properties of DNA after exposure to gamma rays and neutrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA aqueous solutions were irradiated with 0-40 Gy of 60Co gamma rays and 0-1.5 Gy of (Pu-Be) neutrons. Thermal transition spectrophotometry (TTS) was used to trace the changes in the DNA conformation at the above doses. Previous results using the perturbed angular correlation (PAC) method were used to complement to the current analysis. The TTS and PAC methods are two different approaches to the study of the effects of radiation on DNA. Both showed that neutrons are more effective than gamma rays in inducing DNA damage. The TTS method showed that neutrons are 11 +/- 5 times more efficient than gamma rays, while the PAC method had shown this value to be 34 +/- 4. From the current study we deduced that the radiation damage to DNA is not a spontaneous effect but rather is an ensemble of damaging events that occur asynchronously. Any single method selected for the study of such damages can concentrate on only a part of the damage, leading to over- or underestimation of the relative effectiveness of the neutrons.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mean after survival of female B6CF1 mice exposed to single doses of neutrons (1 to 40 rad) or gamma rays (22.5, 45, and 90 rad). For gamma-ray exposures and for neutron exposures up to 10 rad, the dose-response curves are indistinguishable from linear; higher neutron doses produce significant departures and linearity. Consequently, in these data, an upper limit of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) exists for life shortening from all causes of death after single neutron exposures; this value is 15.0 +/- 5.1. The RBE depends on the cause of death, ranging from 2 to 5 for lymphoreticular tumors to 23-24 for lung tumors.  相似文献   

The induction of myeloid leukemia following fission neutron irradiation was examined over the 0-80 rad dose range. Over this dose range the dose response could be described by the linear regression equation: y = 0.94 + 0.18X. A comparison of these data with data obtained following gamma irradiation from this study and a previous study indicated that the relative biological effectiveness for myeloid leukemia induction was 2.8. These results appear to be compatible with those reported by other investigators.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the radiobiological aftereffects of the action of fast neutrons and gamma-rays on lymphoid tissues of rat thymus with a reference to a biochemical criterion of the interphase death of lymphocytes, i.e. the formation of polydeoxynucleotides (PDN). It was shown that the increase in the chromatin degradation was a function of dose of neutron- and gamma-radiation (up to 4 Gy). The dynamics of the PDN formation was similar with both types of radiation, but 4-6 h after neutron irradiation chromatin degradation was higher more pronounced. The RBE of neutrons varied from 3 to 2 with a radiation dose varying from 0.25 to 4 Gy.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mean aftersurvival of male B6CF1 mice exposed for 22 h per day, 5 days per week, to 60Co gamma radiation at dose rates of 1.36 to 12.64 x 10(-3) cGy/min for 23 weeks or 1.36 to 6.32 x 10(-3) cGy/min for 59 weeks. For deaths from all causes, linear dose-response curves were obtained with slopes (days of life lost/cGy) of 0.158 +/- 0.016 and 0.077 +/- 0.002 for 23- and 59-week exposures, respectively. These values were not significantly altered when the analysis was restricted to those mice dying with tumors (92% of the total) or to those presumably dying from tumors (82% of the total). Analysis of mortality rates showed that about 90% of the radiation-specific excess mortality was tumor related. The 59-week exposure series induced only a small increase in the number of days of life lost/cGy/weekly fraction over that induced by 23 weeks of irradiation, 4.53 +/- 0.15 compared to 3.64 +/- 0.36 days lost/cGy/weekly fraction. This lower than expected value for 59 weeks of exposure may signal the approach to the final linear, additive, injury term postulated from earlier studies at this laboratory with low-dose-rate, daily, duration-of-life 60Co gamma irradiation.  相似文献   

Young adult CBA/H mice were exposed to graded doses of whole-body irradiation with either fast fission neutrons or 300 kVp X rays at center-line dose rates of 0.1 and 0.3 Gy/min, respectively. Dose-response curves were determined at Days 2 and 5 after irradiation for the total thymic cell survival and for the survival of thymocytes defined by monoclonal anti-Thy-1, -Lyt-1, -Lyt-2, and -T-200 antibodies as measured by flow cytofluorometric analysis. Cell dose-response curves of thymocytes show, 2 days after irradiation, a two-component curve with a radiosensitive part and a part refractory to irradiation. The radiosensitive part of the dose survival curve of the Lyt-2+ cells, i.e., mainly cortical cells, has a D0 value of about 0.26 and 0.60 Gy for neutrons and X rays, respectively, whereas that of the other cell types has corresponding D0 values of about 0.30 and 0.70 Gy. The radiorefractory part of the dose-response curves cannot be detected beyond 5 days after irradiation. At that time, the Lyt-2+ cells are again most radiosensitive with a D0 value of 0.37 and 0.99 Gy for neutrons and X rays, respectively. The other measured cell types have corresponding D0 values of about 0.47 Gy. The fission neutron RBE values for the reduction in the thymocyte populations defined by either monoclonal anti-Thy-1, -Lyt-1, -Lyt-2, or -T-200 antibodies to 1.0% vary from 2.6 to 2.8. Furthermore, the estimated D0 values of the Thy-1-, T-200- intrathymic precursor cells which repopulate the thymus during the bone marrow independent phase of the biphasic thymus regeneration after whole-body irradiation are 0.64-0.79 Gy for fission neutrons and 1.32-1.55 Gy for X rays.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiation on the supportive role of the thymic stroma in T cell differentiation was investigated in a transplantation model using athymic nude mice and transplanted irradiated thymuses. In this model, neonatal CBA/H mice were exposed to graded doses of whole-body irradiation with fast fission neutrons of 1 MeV mean energy or 300 kVp X rays. The doses used varied from 2.75 up to 6.88 Gy fission neutrons and from 6.00 up to 15.00 Gy X rays at center-line dose rates of 0.10 and 0.30 Gy/min, respectively. Subsequently, the thymus was excised and a thymus lobe was transplanted under the kidney capsule of H-2 compatible nude mice. One and two months after transplantation, the T cell composition of the thymic transplant was investigated using immunohistology with monoclonal antibodies directed to the cell surface differentiation antigens Thy-1, Lyt-1, Lyt-2, MT-4, and T-200. Furthermore, the stromal cell composition of the thymic transplant was investigated with monoclonal antibodies directed to MHC antigens and with monoclonal antibodies defining different subsets of thymic stromal cells. To investigate the reconstitution capacity of the thymic transplant, the peripheral T cell number was measured using flow cytofluorometric analysis of nude spleen cells with the monoclonal antibodies anti-Thy-1, anti-Lyt-2, and anti-MT-4. The results of this investigation show that a neonatal thymus grafted in a nude mouse has a similar stromal and T cell composition as that of a normal thymus in situ. In addition, grafting of such a thymus results in a significant increase of the peripheral T cell number. Irradiation of the graft prior to transplantation has no effects on the stromal and T cell composition but the graft size decreases. This reduction of size shows a linear dose-response curve after neutron irradiation. The X-ray curve is linear for doses in excess of 6.00 Gy. The RBE for fission neutrons for the reduction of the relative thymic graft size to 10% was equal to 2.1. Furthermore, the peripheral T cell number decreases with increasing doses of irradiation given to the graft prior to transplantation. The present data indicate that the regenerative potential of thymic stromal cells is radiosensitive and is characterized by D0 values equal to 2.45 and 3.68 Gy for neutrons and X rays, respectively. In contrast, the ability of the thymic stromal cells to support T cell maturation is highly radioresistant.  相似文献   

The acute radiosensitivity in vivo of the murine hematopoietic stroma for 1 MeV fission neutrons or 300 kVp X rays was determined. Two different assays were used: (1) an in vitro clonogenic assay for fibroblast precursor cells (CFU-F) and (2) subcutaneous grafting of femora or spleens. The number of stem cells (CFU-S) or precursor cells (CFU-C), which repopulated the subcutaneous implants, was used to measure the ability of the stroma to support hemopoiesis. The CFU-F were the most radiosensitive, and the survival curves after neutron and X irradiation were characterized by D0 values of 0.75 and 2.45 Gy, respectively. For regeneration of CFU-S and CFU-C in subcutaneously implanted femora, D0 values of 0.92 and 0.84 Gy after neutron irradiation and 2.78 and 2.61 Gy after X irradiation were found. The regeneration of CFU-S and CFU-C in subcutaneously implanted spleens was highly radioresistant as evidenced by D0 values of 2.29 and 1.49 Gy for survival curves obtained after neutron irradiation, and D0 values of 6.34 and 4.85 Gy after X irradiation. The fission-neutron RBE for all the cell populations was close to 3 and varied from 2.77 to 3.28. The higher RBE values observed for stromal cells, compared to the RBE of 2.1 reported previously for hemopoietic stem cells, indicate that stromal cells are relatively more sensitive than hemopoietic cells to neutron irradiation.  相似文献   

K Ando  S Koike  S Sato 《Radiation research》1992,131(2):157-161
We have previously proposed that survival curves for cells of murine NFSa fibrosarcomas after exposure to fast neutrons might demonstrate curvature when the neutron doses reach a level high enough to cure the fibrosarcomas. We report here that this is the case. Murine NFSa fibrosarcomas growing in the hind legs of syngeneic mice were exposed to either gamma rays or fast neutrons. The tumors were removed and retransplanted into fresh recipients to obtain 50% tumor cell doses, from which the dose-cell survival relationship was constructed. Survival curves showed continuous bending down to 10(-7), and were well fitted using the linear-quadratic model. The alpha and beta values for neutrons were larger than those for gamma rays. When the surviving fractions at experimental TCD50 doses were calculated using these values, comparable figures were obtained for neutrons and gamma rays. The RBEs for neutrons were comparable for the TCD50 and TD50 assays. Neutron RBE was independent of dose within a range of 5-28 Gy. The capacity of the tumors to repair the damage caused by large doses of neutrons was identical to that for small doses of neutrons, indicating that cells retained the capacity to repair neutron damage irrespective of the size of the dose.  相似文献   

Induction of stress genes by low doses of gamma rays.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using cells of a human myeloid tumor cell line (ML-1), we have detected induction of several stress-responsive genes by doses of gamma rays below 50 cGy. We found a linear dose-response relationship for induction of CDKN1A (formerly known as CIP1/WAF1) and GADD45 mRNA levels over the range of 2-50 cGy, with no evidence of a threshold for induction. Although exposures to 2 and 5 cGy did not result in any detectable reduction in cloning efficiency or increased apoptosis in ML-1 cells, these exposures did produce a transient delay of cells in the phases of the cell cycle in addition to the observed up-regulation of CDKN1A and GADD45. The relative induction of genes such as CDKN1A by radiation doses that produce little toxicity indicates that surviving cells do contribute significantly to the observed stress responses. These studies should provide insight into the molecular responses to physiologically relevant doses that cannot necessarily be extrapolated from high-dose studies.  相似文献   

Biochemical changes in lymphocyte plasma membranes were studied 3 and 18 h after whole-body exposure of rats to neutrons and gamma-rays at doses from 2 to 6 Gy. It was shown that fast neutrons, with an average energy of 1.5-2.0 MeV, increased the rate of lipid peroxidation more markedly than gamma-rays did. In addition, there was an increase in the number of free aminogroups on the thymocyte surface. Dose- and time-dependent parameters of changes in the aminogroup content on the cellular surface were quantitatively different after the effect of radiation with different LET.  相似文献   

A total of 6316 B6CF1 mice were exposed to 60 equal once-weekly doses of 0.85-MeV fission neutrons (0.033 to 0.67 cGy per weekly fraction) or 60Co gamma rays (1.67 to 10 cGy per weekly fraction) and were observed until they died. The mean aftersurvival times showed that the dose-response curves for both neutron and gamma-ray exposures were indistinguishable from linear over all doses except the highest neutron dose. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for neutrons, calculated as the ratio of the initial slopes of the dose-response curves, was about 20 for both males and females. Essentially the same value was obtained by a number of other analyses of the data. Virtually all of the radiation-specific excess mortality could be attributed to tumors; after decrementation of the population for nontumor deaths, the value of the RBE was not significantly changed.  相似文献   

The induction of neoplastic transformation in vitro after exposure of HeLa x skin fibroblast hybrid cells to low doses of mammography-energy (28 kVp) X rays has been studied. The data indicate no evidence of an increase in transformation frequency over the range 0.05 to 22 cGy, and doses in the range 0.05 to 1.1 cGy may result in suppression of transformation frequencies to levels below that seen spontaneously. This finding is not consistent with a linear, no-threshold dose- response curve. The dose range at which possible suppression is evident includes doses typically experienced in mammographic examination of the human breast. Experiments are described that attempt to elucidate any possible role of bystander effects in modulating this low-dose radiation response. Not unexpectedly, inhibition of gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) with the inhibitor lindane did not result in any significant alteration of transformation frequencies seen at doses of 0.27 or 5.4 cGy in these subconfluent cultures. Furthermore, no evidence of a bystander effect associated with factors secreted into the extracellular medium was seen in medium transfer experiments. Thus, in this system and under the experimental conditions used, bystander effects would not appear to be playing a major role in modulating the shape of the dose-response curve.  相似文献   

Some of the studies on late effects of neutron and gamma radiation previously carried out with the C57BL6 X BALB/c F1 hybrids of Mus musculus have been repeated with the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, a cricetid rodent of a different subfamily, with differing physiological characteristics and a different spectrum of pathologies. Among the more important findings were the following: For both species, the life shortening per rad at low doses of either radiation was the same percentage of the life span. The limiting values of the relative biological effectiveness for life shortening from all causes of death were about the same for the two species, ranging from 8 to 16, depending on the method of calculation. Fractionated neutron exposures failed to produce significant life shortening in Peromyscus over that observed at single doses. Tumor-related deaths accounted for at least 70 to 75% of the radiation-specific excess mortality in Peromyscus.  相似文献   

The production and rejoining of DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks have been monitored in monolayer cultures of proliferating human skin fibroblasts by means of sensitive techniques. Cells were irradiated with low doses of either 60Co gamma-rays or 14.6 MeV neutrons at 0 degrees C (0-5 Gy for measurement of single-strand breaks by alkaline elution and 0-50 Gy for double-strand breaks measured by neutral elution). The yield of single-strand breaks induced by neutrons was 30 per cent of that produced by the same dose of gamma-rays; whilst in the induction of double-strand breaks neutrons were 1.6 times as effective as gamma-rays. Upon post-irradiation incubation of cells at 37 degrees C, neutron-induced single-strand and double-strand breaks were rejoined with a similar time-course to gamma-induced breaks. Rejoining followed biphasic kinetics; of the single-strand breaks, 50 per cent disappeared within 2 min after gamma-rays and 6-10 min after neutrons. Fifty per cent of the double-strand breaks disappeared within 10 min, after gamma-rays and neutrons. Cells derived from patients suffering from ataxia-telangiectasia showed the same capacity for repair of single- and double-strand breaks induced by 14.6 MeV neutrons, as cells established from normal donors. The comparison of neutrons and gamma-rays in the induction of DNA breaks did not explain the elevated r.b.e. on high LET radiation. However, a study of the variation in the spectrum of lesions induced by different radiation sources will probably contribute to the clarification of the relative importance of other radio products.  相似文献   

When mice were exposed to a total dose of 240 rad of fission neutrons divided into two, four, or six fractions given at 1-week intervals, more life shortening was observed than was seen after a single exposure. Maximum life shortening was observed with four fractions, although the value for six fractions was not significantly lower. Much of the augmentation effect was attributable to an increase in early deaths during the first 200-300 days after exposure, although differences persisted throughout the lifetime of the animals. The changes in life shortening were associated with changes in the distribution of causes of death; however, decrementation of the populations for any given specific cause of death failed to eliminate completely the differences in mean aftersurvival time.  相似文献   

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