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В actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus arsenite препятствует второй ш агокислительные decarboxylation из pyruvic кислотадо уксусной кис лоты, то есть окисления а цетальдегидТаким обра зом в присутствииarsenite в зат опленных культуры pyruvic arsenite в затопленных культуры pyruvic начало, но потом anoxidative Проце сс биосинтеза acetylmethyl-carbinol из э тих субстратов более ин тенсивная. Сопутствующ ей ингибирование эритр омицинпроизводства по казывает, что в курс инте нсивной, не-окислительн ые метаболические прео бразование pyruvic кислоты и ацетальдегид в сопров ождении acetylmethylcarbinol синтез в мес те окислительные испол ьзования этих субстрат овпорождающих уксусно й кислоты, биосинтез от антибиотика сдержив ается. Тормозящий эффек т arsenite на эритромицин биоси нтезаподавляется в зна чительной степенине то лько путем добавления н атрия ацетати propionate но натр ия формате. Этот факт св идетельствует о том, чт о в соответствии сАктив ные эквиваленте (e. g. formaldehyde)тес но связана с биосинтеза эритромицин. В экспери ния осуществляется с пр омытым мицелия anoxidative биосинтеза acetylmethylcarbinol от свободного ацета льдегид Только была про демонстрирована. В отли чие отокисления ацетал ьдегид, окислениеот succinate не мешаетЭти результаты ещ е раз отметить важность уксусной кислоты в каче стве основных центральн ыхпромежуточных от эрит ромицин биосинтезаРоль пропионовая и муравьина якислот (и их возможные metabolically Активные эквиваленте) и метаболические услови я и отношения эритромици нбиосинтеза обсуждаютс я.  相似文献   

Polyene macrolides are a large family of natural products typically produced by soil actinomycetes. Polyene macrolides are usually biosynthesized by modular and large type I polyketide synthases (PKSs), followed by several steps of sequential post-PKS modifications such as region-specific oxidations and glycosylations. Although known as powerful antibiotics containing potent antifungal activities (along with additional activities against parasites, enveloped viruses and prion diseases), their high toxicity toward mammalian cells and poor distribution in tissues have led to the continuous identification and structural modification of polyene macrolides to expand their general uses. Advances in in-depth investigations of the biosynthetic mechanism of polyene macrolides and the genetic manipulations of the polyene biosynthetic pathways provide great opportunities to generate new analogues. Recently, a novel class of polyene antibiotics was discovered (a disaccharide-containing NPP) that displays better pharmacological properties such as improved water-solubility and reduced hemolysis. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the biosynthesis, pathway engineering, and regulation of polyene antibiotics in actinomycetes.  相似文献   

Pikromycin-related macrolides have recently attracted significant research interest because they are structurally related to the semisynthetic ketolide antibiotics that have demonstrated promising potential in combating multi-drug-resistant respiratory pathogens. Cloning and in-depth studies of the pikromycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces venezuelae have led to new avenues in modular polyketide synthases, deoxysugar biosynthesis, cytochrome P450 hydroxylase, secondary metabolite gene regulation, and antibiotic resistance. Moreover, the knowledge and tools used for these studies are proving to be valuable in the development of advanced technologies for combinatorial biosynthesis of new macrolide antibiotics. This review summarizes these new developments and introduces S. venezuelae as a powerful new system for secondary metabolite pathway engineering from bench-top genetic manipulation to product fermentation.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of a repressor/nuclease hybrid protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phage T7 endonuclease gene was fused to the 3' end of the lac repressor gene. The hybrid protein exhibits repressor and nuclease functions in a manner dependent on the conformation of the DNA. With supercoiled DNA, nuclease activity is directed to the major cruciform, whereas with linear DNA, the enzyme cleaves preferentially restriction fragments carrying the operator. These properties render the hybrid protein a unique probe of DNA conformation in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Application of the technique of myeloma--spleen-cell fusion [Kohler & Milstein (1975) Nature (London) 256, 495--497] has allowed the isolation of a cell colony that produced a monoclonal antibody against monkey liver phenylalanine hydroxylase. The antibody exhibited cross-reactivity against hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase from other mammalian species, including human, rat and mouse. Cross-reactivity was established by (a) enzyme-inhibition assay, (b) double-immunodiffusion reaction, and (c) two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic analysis of immunoprecipitate. The various properties of the monoclonal antibody and its use in the study of mammalian phenylalanine hydroxylase are presented.  相似文献   

The administration of estrogens for gonadal dysgenesis is sometimes associated with the development of endometrial neoplasms. An approach which minimizes the inadvertent side effects while still providing the desired therapeutic effects may be to imitate the hormonal milieu of the normal menstruating woman. Oral administration of estradiol will not necessarily accomplish this, because of the intestinal conversion of estradiol to estrone. That problem can be overcome by the vaginal administration of estrogens.  相似文献   

One novel approach for the biological delivery of peptide drugs is to incorporate the sequence of the peptide into the structure of a natural transport protein, such as human serum transferrin. To examine whether this is feasible, a peptide sequence cleavable by the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (VSQNYPIVL) was inserted into various regions of human serum transferrin, and the resultant proteins were tested for function. Experimentally, molecular modeling was used to identify five candidate insertion sites in surface exposed loops of human serum transferrin that were distant from biologically active domains. These insertions were cloned using polymerase chain reaction mutagenesis, and the proteins were expressed using a baculovirus expression vector system. Analysis of the mutant proteins provided a number of important findings: (a) they retained native human serum transferrin function, (b) the inserted peptide sequence was surface exposed, and most importantly, (c) two of these mutants could be cleaved by human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease. In conclusion, this investigation has validated the use of human serum transferrin as a carrier protein for functional peptide domains introduced into its structure using protein engineering. These findings will be useful for developing a novel class of therapeutic agents for a broad spectrum of diseases.  相似文献   

Macrolides, lincosamides and type B synergimycins are powerful inhibitors of protein synthesis in vivo, but many of them were found to be inactive in vitro. In the present work, we confirm that virginiamycin S (a type B synergimycin) and erythromycin (a 14-membered macrolide) have no effect on poly(U)-directed poly(Phe) synthesis. However, the amino-acid polymerization reactions directed by poly(U,G), poly(U,C), poly(A,G) and poly(A,C) were increasingly inhibited (20-50%) by both antibiotics. The action of these inhibitors proved to be template-dependent and favored by the incorporation of proline and of basic amino acids into peptides. Under these conditions, virginiamycin S and erythromycin markedly stimulated a release of peptidyl-tRNA from the ribosomes. In the poly(A,C) model system, these antibiotics produced a 50% inhibition of amino-acid incorporation into total peptides, a 70% release of ribosome-bound peptidyl-tRNA, and a 95% repression of the synthesis of long peptide chains. The production of equivalent effects at saturating concentrations of these antibiotics in the four model systems examined is suggestive of a similarity in their mode of action. Our results indicate that 14-membered macrolides and type B synergimycins can act on ribosomes during the whole elongation process. The functional block produced by both antibiotics is usually reversible, but may result in a premature release of peptidyl-tRNA when the stability of ribosomal complexes is lowered by the incorporation of basic amino acids.  相似文献   

Enzymes that exhibit superior catalytic activity, stability and substrate specificity are highly desirable for industrial applications. These goals prompted the designed substrate specificity of Bacillus stearothermophilus d-hydantoinase toward the target substrate hydroxyphenylhydantoin (HPH). Positions crucial to substrate specificity were selected using structural and mechanistic information on the structural loops at the active site. The size and hydrophobicity of the involved amino acids were rationally changed, and the substrate specificities of the designed d-Hyd mutants were investigated. As a result, M63I/F159S exhibited about 200-fold higher specificity for HPH than the wild-type enzyme. Systematic mutational analysis and computational modeling also supported the rationale used in the design.  相似文献   

We describe a peptide vaccine model containing a built-in adjuvant. This model used a multiple antigen peptide system (MAPS) to amplify peptide antigens and a lipoamino acid, tripalmitoyl glyceryl cysteine (P3C), as a built-in adjuvant. An 18-residue peptide antigen (B2) derived from the third variable domain (amino acid 312-329) of the glycoprotein gp120 of type I human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) was used in this model. This peptide antigen is a suitable target since it consists of neutralizing, T-helper, and T-cytotoxic epitopes. The peptide antigen in a tetravalent MAPS format (B2M-P3C) with a lipophilic attachment was synthesized by two routes for comparison: a direct stepwise approach and an indirect modular approach. In the stepwise approach, each residue was sequentially added to the peptide resin to give B2M-P3C and the P3C was incorporated to the side chain of a carboxyl terminal lysine as Fmoc-Lys(P3C). In the modular approach, a module containing a chloroacetylated core matrix of MAPS (M-P3C) with a carboxyl tetrapeptide bearing Lys(P3C) and a second module containing the peptide antigen B2 with a cysteine at its terminus were synthesized and purified separately, and then coupled to each other to form B2M-P3C. In the modular approach, the molecular ion of B2M-P3C was unambiguously identified by ion-spray mass spectrometry. B2M-P3C, administered in liposomes without any adjuvant such as Freund's complete adjuvant, was used to immunize mice and found to induce gp120-specific antibodies in vitro, and prime cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A unique biological property of the melanocyte, melanin synthesis may permit a rational approach to design agents for better management of malignant melanoma. This in vivo and in vitro study examined the selective melanocytotoxicity and antimelanoma effects of phenolic compounds, cysteinylphenol (CP), cysteaminylphenol (CAP), and related compounds, and found (1) that both 4-S-CP and 4-S-CAP are melanin precursors, (2) that 4-S-CAP possesses a marked depigmenting potency with selective destruction of melanocytes in black follicles, and (3) a significant inhibition in the protein synthesis and tumor growth of B16 melanoma. Importantly, a whole body autoradiography indicated that these phenolic melanin precursors are selectively incorporated into melanoma tissues after i.p. administration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to substitute hazardous compounds, used in tissue processing and dewaxing, with compounds having lowest possible toxicity and inflammability without impairing the morphology, staining characteristics, or diagnostic value of the tissue sections. All aromatic compounds and aliphatic hydrocarbons (e.g. alkanes, isoparaffins, petroleum distillates, etc.) were rejected, primarily due to their high vapour pressure. Based on a theoretical study of compounds used for clearing, a number of non-hazardous potential substitutes were chosen. The following experimental study narrowed the group to three unbranched, saturated, aliphatic monoesters containing 12–14 carbon atoms. On large-scale testing of these compounds, we found butyldecanoate to be the closest to an ideal substitute for aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons in the histology department: the section quality is at least equal to that obtained with xylene. For dewaxing, it is used at 30–35°C. Butyldecanoate is not suitable as a pre-mounting agent. In practice, this is no problem as modern mounting agents permit mounting of coverslips directly from ethanol without impairing the appearance of the section in the microscope. Butyldecanoate has only a slight odour, insignificant vapour pressure (<0.01 kPa at 20°C), and does not present a fire hazard (flash point 134°C). The introduction of this compound in the laboratory poses no health hazard, and the substance is biodegradable.  相似文献   

Many historical attempts to increase the yield of biotechnological processes have been at best semi-empirical. However, given the availability of modern techniques of genetic and protein engineering, the question arises as to how one might rationally seek to choose the most suitable genes to clone and/or modify for this purpose. The metabolic control theory of Kaeser, Burns, Heinrich and Rapoport allows one to decide quantitatively which enzymatic steps are (most) rate-determining to the flux through desired pathways (and why). An extension of these principles allows one rationally to identify optimal strategies for the improvement of microbial processes.  相似文献   

Megalomicin is a therapeutically diverse compound which possesses antiparasitic, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is produced by Micromonospora megalomicea and differs from the well-known macrolide antibiotic erythromycin by the addition of a unique deoxyamino sugar, megosamine, to the C-6 hydroxyl. We have cloned and sequenced a 48 kb segment of the megalomicin (meg) biosynthetic gene cluster which contains the modular polyketide synthase (PKS) and the complete pathway for megosamine biosynthesis. The similarities and distinctions between the related megalomicin and erythromycin gene clusters are discussed. Heterologous expression of the megalomicin PKS in Streptomyces lividans led to production of 6-deoxyerythronolide B, the same macrolactone intermediate for erythromycin. A 12 kb fragment harbouring the putative megosamine pathway was expressed in Saccharopolyspora erythraea, resulting in the conversion of erythromycin to megalomicin. Considering the extensive knowledge surrounding the genetic engineering of the erythromycin PKS and the familiarity with genetic manipulation and fermentation of S. erythraea, the ability to produce megalomicin in this strain should allow the engineering of novel megalomicin analogues with potentially improved therapeutic activities.  相似文献   

The unsaturations and groups bound to the ring and to the lateral chain of lactones give a large diversity in this class of molecules. In this work we produced enzymatically a macrolactone in organic media. The substrate used was a hydroxy-fatty acid: (+)-coriolic acid and the enzymes tested were free or immobilized microbial lipases. The immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica seems to be the most adequate catalyst offering a high reaction yield. The intra-esterification was studied as a function of temperature and type of solvent. Higher yields were obtained when using diisopropyl-ether at 35 degrees C. This reaction, involving an alcohol group on an internal position on the carbon chain of the substrate hydroxy-acid, produces an original lactone: 13S-octadeca-(9Z,11E)-dienolide. The product was purified and characterized using (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Herein, we report the design and synthesis of the novel 12-membered non-antibiotic macrolide (8R,9S)-8,9-dihydro-6,9-epoxy-8,9-anhydropseudoerythromycin A (EM900), which was found to be a potent anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory agent, capable of promoting monocyte to macrophage differentiation. This molecule shows improved acid stability, does not exhibit any anti-bacterial activity and has relatively low cytotoxicity against THP-1 cells. In addition, one of its analogues, (8R,9S)-4″,13-O-diacetyl-8,9-dihydro-6,9-epoxy-8,9-anhydropseudoerythromycin A (EM911), was found to be twice as effective as EM900.  相似文献   

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