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目的:了解鹤岗市中小学生性健康教育现状,为进一步开展青春期性健康教育提供依据。方法:分层随机整群抽取鹤岗市1735名中小学生进行无记名问卷调查。结果:被调查的学生已具备一定的青春期性知识,但其知晓率仍偏低;性知识获取途径以社会媒体为主。大多数被调查者性生理发育状况良好,对青少年中发生的恋爱行为持宽容和理解的态度,而对婚前性行为持谨慎和保守态度。结论:今后应加大对性健康教育的宣传和投入,加强对中小学生的性道德教育。  相似文献   

在多雄多雌的灵长类社会中,成年雌雄个体的性行为并不局限于雌性受孕期,但仍认为性行为在受孕期最为活跃.对于雌性隐藏发情的灵长类物种,雌雄个体的性行为与雌性月经周期的相关性尚不清楚.本研究以短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)为研究对象,研究雌性隐藏发情灵长类的性行为与月经周期阶段的关系.在短尾猴繁殖季节,从2019...  相似文献   

王雄清  代敏  罗英 《动物学研究》2005,26(4):391-396
将50只同期怀孕的大鼠分为5组,在怀孕第7-18d,每天分别给两组大鼠腹腔注射1.00和20.00mg/kg体重2,2’,4,4’-四氯联苯(PCB47);分别给另两组注射0.25和1.00mg/kg体重3,3’,4,4’-四氯联苯(PCB77);对照组注射0.10mL芝麻油。幼鼠出生后第70-91d、97-101d测试F1代雌鼠的接近时间(AL)、爬跨后返回时间(MRL)、插入后返回时间(IRL)、射精后不应期(PER)、脊柱前凸系数(LQ)和雄鼠的爬跨频率(MF)、爬跨等待时间(ML)、插入频率(IF)、插入等待时间(IL)、射精等待时间(EL)、射精后不应期(PEI)、插入率等性行为。结果显示,妊娠期腹腔注射PCB47和PCB77显著降低F1代雌鼠的LQ(对照组为84.4%;PCB47组分别为76.0%、67.8%;PCB77组分别为64.4%、53.3%;P〉0.05),但对雌鼠的AL、MRL、IRL、PER和雄鼠的MF、ML、IF、IL、EL、PEI和插入率无显著影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

从自然选择和性选择角度分析,同性性行为的存在是一个进化悖论,其成因和意义是当今进化生物学研究的重要科学问题。本文综述了昆虫同性性行为的发生、进化意义和遗传基础等方面的研究进展,分析了研究中存在的问题,并展望了未来的研究方向,以期为昆虫同性性行为的进一步研究提供参考。同时,希望本文能引起更多科学工作者关注昆虫同性性行为,并积极投身到此项研究中来,为该研究领域的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

人工饲养长江江豚的同性性行为和自慰行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雌雄性之间的性行为对鲸类的生存和繁衍有着极其重要的意义。然而不具有繁殖功能的同性性行为和自慰行为在多种鲸类中存在。因此对鲸类非繁殖性性行为研究,将有助于深入认识该物种性行为特点和规律,并解决室内饲养可能存在的问题以及促进可控性人工繁殖的成功。本研究以人工饲养的7头长江江豚为研究对象,定义并描述了14种性行为。其中,同性之间的性行为定义为同性性行为,雌雄个体单独的性行为定义为自慰行为。雄性同性性行为发现于所有定义的性行为中,但雌性同性性行为仅在7种性行为中观察到。同性性行为(3633次)占总性行为(5563次)的65.31%,自慰行为(254次)占4.57%。同性性行为中,雄性之间的同性性行为(3438次,94.63%)远多于雌性同性性行为(195次,5.37%)。两头有父子关系的江豚(阿福和淘淘)之间的雄性同性性行为最多(1921次,55.88%),雄性江豚之间的同性性行为可能存在结盟竞争关系或教育练习作用。两头青少年雌豚(F7和F9)之间的同性性行为最活跃(117次,60.00%),雌性江豚之间的同性性行为很可能具有结伴交流的功能。  相似文献   

小木蠹蛾性行为和性信息素产生与释放的时辰节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金桐  孟宪佐 《昆虫学报》2001,44(4):428-432
观察了小木蠹蛾Holcocerus insularis的性行为反应,并采用腺体提取、空气收集 、触角电位和田间试验等方法对雌蛾产生和释放性信息素的时辰节律进行了研究。结果表明: (1) 该虫羽化24 h后性成熟,婚飞和交配活动主要在1:00~4:00,交配历时15~45 min;(2) 大部分雌蛾一生交配1~3次,雄蛾多数一生只交配1次,雌雄比为1∶0.89; (3) 雌蛾腺体提取物中性信息素含量同蛾龄有关,2日龄雌蛾腺体性信息素含量最高;(4) 雌蛾腺体中性信息素含量在1:00时最高,而性信息素释放高峰在2:30。  相似文献   

经过长达几个世纪的激烈争论,科学家最终发现了“动物为什么会有性行为”的答案。研究人员称,它们通过这种方式繁殖的后代对寄生虫的抵抗力更强  相似文献   

目的:研究孕期低氧应激对子代雄性大鼠的繁殖行为及相关激素分泌的影响。方法:实验将配对获得的怀孕第14天的母鼠随机分为3组:对照组(Control)、3300m模拟高原低氧应激组和5000m模拟高原低氧应激组,实验组母鼠放入低氧舱中进行持续7天的模拟低氧应激处理,对照组在实验条件下常规饲养。结果:孕期经低氧应激子代雄性性成熟个体具有与雌性个体交配的能力,但是行为能力有不同程度的下降。同时,应激组个体肛阴距变短,血浆睾酮水平下降而皮质酮水平显著升高,而3组动物睾酮、附睾以及肾上腺指数间无显著差异。结论:出生前受到低氧应激对子代雄性个体的性行为能力产生持久的抑制影响。  相似文献   

柑橘木虱趋性行为及其应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

抗生素过度使用是一个全球性问题,我国抗生素过度使用问题较为严重和普遍。而微生态制剂以其安全、有效的优点以及可一定程度上替代抗生素等特点正引起越来越广泛的关注。医学生作为未来的医务工作者,其对上述二者相关知识的认知直接关系到这一问题的解决。本文阐述了作者通过调查问卷得出的当代医学生对抗生素及微生态学知识的认知水平的调查结果,并进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

A total of 978 Japanese students, who visited the health services center of a college in Japan for medical check-ups, were asked to anonymously complete a 55-item questionnaire which assessed their attitudes toward sex and sexual behavior. Seven hundred eighty-five Japanese students (80.3%) responded to the questionnaire. In this survey, 90% of male students and 83% of female students indicated that they expected to have sexual intercourse before marriage, while 8% of male students and 3% of female students indicated that it was not wrong to have extramarital sexual intercourse after marriage. In addition, 75% of sexually experienced students reported that they used a condom during their first sexual intercourse, while 73% reported using a condom during their most recent sexual intercourse. The more sexual partners students had had up to the time of the study, the less condom use they reported for both their first and most recent sexual intercourse. The proportion of Japanese students who used a condom is high in comparison to that of students in other countries. However, as students are prone to have sexual intercourse with non-steady, casual partners, more efforts are needed to promote safe sex practices among college students in Japan.  相似文献   

Handgrip strength (HGS) is a noninvasive measure of physical health that is negatively correlated with disability, morbidity, and mortality rates in adults. Highly heritable, HGS is indicative of blood testosterone levels and levels of fat-free body mass. In this study, we investigated whether HGS was related to measures of body morphology [shoulder-to-hip ratio (SHR), waist-to-hip ratio, and second-digit-to-fourth-digit ratio (2D:4D)], aggressive behavior, and sexual history in 82 male and 61 female college students. Results showed that HGS was correlated with SHRs, aggressive behavior, age at first sexual intercourse, and promiscuity in males but not in females. HGS appears to be an honest signal for genetic quality in males.  相似文献   

大学生生态意识调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对河南省部分高校在校大学生的生态意识进行了问卷调查,通过对结果的统计和分析,掌握了大学生生态意识现状,大学生中的大多数能认识到生态环境保护的重要性、必要性和紧迫性,但其认识水平和相应生态学知识并未达到我国可持续发展战略实施的要求,大学生要求面向全校开设生态学课。在调查和分析的基础上,本文认为有必要在大学生中加强生态学基础知识的普及。  相似文献   



More knowledge is needed about structural factors in society that affect risky sexual behaviors. Educational institutions such as universities provide an opportune arena for interventions among young people. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sociodemographic and religious factors and their impact on sexual behavior among university students in Uganda.


In 2005, 980 university students (response rate 80%) were assessed by a self-administered questionnaire. Validated instruments were used to assess socio-demographic and religious factors and sexual behavior. Logistic regression analyses were applied.


Our findings indicated that 37% of the male and 49% of the female students had not previously had sex. Of those with sexual experience, 46% of the males and 23% of the females had had three or more sexual partners, and 32% of the males and 38% of the females did not consistently use condoms. For those who rated religion as less important in their family, the probability of early sexual activity and having had a high number of lifetime partners increased by a statistically significant amount (OR = 1.7; 95% CI: 1.2–2.4 and OR = 1.6; 95% CI: 1.1–2.3, respectively). However, the role of religion seemed to have no impact on condom use. Being of Protestant faith interacted with gender: among those who had debuted sexually, Protestant female students were more likely to have had three or more lifetime partners; the opposite was true for Protestant male students.


Religion emerged as an important determinant of sexual behavior among Ugandan university students. Our findings correlate with the increasing number of conservative religious injunctions against premarital sex directed at young people in many countries with a high burden. of HIV/AIDS. Such influence of religion must be taken into account in order to gain a deeper understanding of the forces that shape sexual behavior in Uganda.  相似文献   

Basic math in monkeys and college students   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Adult humans possess a sophisticated repertoire of mathematical faculties. Many of these capacities are rooted in symbolic language and are therefore unlikely to be shared with nonhuman animals. However, a subset of these skills is shared with other animals, and this set is considered a cognitive vestige of our common evolutionary history. Current evidence indicates that humans and nonhuman animals share a core set of abilities for representing and comparing approximate numerosities nonverbally; however, it remains unclear whether nonhuman animals can perform approximate mental arithmetic. Here we show that monkeys can mentally add the numerical values of two sets of objects and choose a visual array that roughly corresponds to the arithmetic sum of these two sets. Furthermore, monkeys' performance during these calculations adheres to the same pattern as humans tested on the same nonverbal addition task. Our data demonstrate that nonverbal arithmetic is not unique to humans but is instead part of an evolutionarily primitive system for mathematical thinking shared by monkeys.  相似文献   

Addai I 《Social biology》1999,46(1-2):17-32
Using data from the 1993 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, this study explores the relationship between ethnicity and sexual behavior: having sex before age 17 and premarital sexual experience. All ethnic groups show substantial sexual experience before age 17 and premarital sexual engagement. Logistic regression analyses reveal that in general ethnicity influences the behaviors studied, especially for ever-married women. The data suggest that groups that practice matrilineal and patrilineal systems show differences in the likelihood of having sex before age 17. Contrary to expectation, there is an inverse relationship between education and sexual experience before age 17. The findings highlight the importance of group-specific programs in Africa.  相似文献   

Drugs for treating diminished sexual function in man remain largely unsatisfactory, but new basic knowledge about the roles of the neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, may allow the formulation of more effective compounds. Drugs for decreasing sexual activity are more numerous and more effective although far less desired. The antiandrogen, cyproterone, is being studied as a treatment for sexual offenders. Drugs used for treatment of non-sexual disorders may have sexual effects and information should be collected about concurrent drug-taking in anyone with a complaint about sexual function. Sympatholytics, ganglionic blocking drugs, antipsychotics and lithium may all impair sexual functions. Of the social drugs, alcohol is most clearly deleterious in its effects. Much mystique has grown about the use of illicit social drugs as sexual stimulants. Except for their effects as disinhibiting agents, little rationale exists for most of the claims made. Like alcohol, heroin and other opiates decrease sexual activity. Amphetamines are best documented as sexual stimulants, although such effects usually require substantial doses.  相似文献   

Neurobiology of sexual behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent advances in the neurobiology of sexual behavior have helped to refine our understanding of the neuroanatomical, neuroendocrine and neurochemical systems that modulate responses to sexual stimulation. Both appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors have been studied in several laboratory species and in humans using traditional and novel behavioral paradigms. New knowledge has emerged concerning the role of hypothalamic, limbic and brainstem structures, neuropeptides, brain monoamines and nitric oxide in the control of partner preference, sexual desire, erection, copulation, ejaculation, orgasm and sexual satiety. Brain imaging of visually evoked sexual arousal in humans has also been examined.  相似文献   

Relaxation of natural selection on sexual performance traits in male ruminants has increased phenotypic variation in these heritable traits. Thus, males with sub-standard sexual performance continue to reproduce. This has created a "dud" phenomenon that is costly to animal agriculture. Identification and culling of these lesser performers at an early age and identification of high performing males are critical management goals that must be addressed, and for which greater research priority is needed.  相似文献   

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