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Incursions of marine water into South America during the Miocene prompted colonization of freshwater habitats by ancestrally marine species and present a unique opportunity to study the molecular evolution of adaptations to varying environments. Freshwater and marine environments are distinct in both spectra and average intensities of available light. Here, we investigate the molecular evolution of rhodopsin, the photosensitive pigment in the eye that activates in response to light, in a clade of South American freshwater anchovies derived from a marine ancestral lineage. Using likelihood-based comparative sequence analyses, we found evidence for positive selection in the rhodopsin of freshwater anchovy lineages at sites known to be important for aspects of rhodopsin function such as spectral tuning. No evidence was found for positive selection in marine lineages, nor in three other genes not involved in vision. Our results suggest that an increased rate of rhodopsin evolution was driven by diversification into freshwater habitats, thereby constituting a rare example of molecular evolution mirroring large-scale palaeogeographic events.  相似文献   

Summary Increment threshold measurements in wild rabbits give rise to spectral sensitivity curves that are unimodal or bimodal in nature, depending on the background luminance. We propose a model that explains the shape of these curves on the basis of synergistic and antagonistic interaction of blue cones (max = 425 nm), green cones (max = 523 nm) and rods (max = 498 nm).  相似文献   

Origin of hummingbird faunas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ecological studies of hummingbird communities have emphasized the importance of local conditions and contemporary interactions in the development of these varied faunas. A time-calibrated, DNA hybridization-based phylogeny of the principal hummingbird lineages was used to examine historical aspects of hummingbird faunas in the species-rich tropical lowlands and Andes, and the relatively depauperate West Indies and temperate regions of Central and North America. Parsimony reconstructions of ancestral distributions indicate that these faunas are polyphyletic in origin, comprising several to many independent lineages. Based on the timing of geologic and cladogenic events, hummingbird faunas appear to have arisen more often by colonization than by large-scale vicariance, with multiple dispersals across water gaps, elevational gradients, and latitude. The extent to which particular lineages colonized different regions depended, however, on lineage ecology as well as on the habitat and age of the fauna. In general, the oldest extant trochilofauna, which today occupies the tropical lowlands, was the principal source of colonizing taxa. However, all regions except possibly the West Indies contributed taxa now found elsewhere, including in the tropical lowlands. The Andean fauna comprises several lineages with lowland origin (hermits, Mangoes, Brilliants, Coquettes, Emeralds) as well as at least one that arose in temperate regions outside South America (Bees). At least two lineages that colonized the West Indies gave rise to endemic genera (Mangoes to Eulampis, and Emeralds to Orthorhyncus). Even groups that diversified in the highlands (Brilliants and Bees) gave rise to taxa that subsequently reinvaded the tropical lowlands. As the result of these varied histories, hummingbird communities cannot be arranged easily with respect to organizational complexity and coevolution with nectar sources. Although the physically insular faunas in the Andes and West Indies differ markedly in diversity, both were more strongly affected by colonization than the other faunas. A high potential for coevolution between hummingbirds and plants probably facilitated the successful establishment and radiation of the several Andean-associated lineages. However, coexistence between the two most diverse Andean clades may have been favoured initially through different habitat preferences by their extra-Andean ancestors. In the tropical lowlands, by comparison, the basic separation between the forest-dwelling hermits and canopy and edge-dwelling nonhermits appears to have evolved in situ. The low species and morphologic diversity of hummingbirds breeding north of Mexico reflects the predominance there of a single relatively recent lineage. The regional coexistence of numerous unrelated lineages implies that patterns of ancestry, colonization, and extinction contribute to the make-up of contemporary species-rich hummingbird faunas and serves to qualify the view that hummingbird communities are coadapted assemblages that resist change.  相似文献   

The visible portion of spectrum covers the wavelength range from approximately 380nm to 780nm and the eye discriminates between different wavelengths in this range by the sensation of colour.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivity of spontaneous phototactic behavior was tested in short wavelength deprived bees and in control bees kept outdoors. Tests were performed with a y-maze with one branch illuminated, the other dark. The relative sensitivities for the control group were: green to blue to UV = 10.272.14. Short wavelength deprived bees show a distinct decrease in their sensitivity to short wavelengths. The relation green to blue to UV here was 10.220.27. Forager bees from outdooors, short wavelength deprived for 10 days, showed a relation of green to blue to UV of 10.261.04. Electrophysiological investigation of the compound eye using electroretinogram recordings showed no difference between deprived and control animals.  相似文献   

A quantitative model is developed to describe spectral sensitivity functions recorded extracellularly from heterogeneous populations of receptors in different states of adaptation. This treatment identifies the most important influences and clarifies several general features of experimental results. The shapes of retinal spectral sensitivity curves in different states of chromatic adaptation depend in predictable fashion on whether the primary effect of the adapting light on individual receptors is to decrease Vmax (response compression) or to increase the quantum demand for half-saturation. Some response compression is necessary in order for one or more receptors to drop out of the response at modest levels of adaptation. The apparent ease of adaptation also depends on the criterion voltage, particularly in the presence of response compression. The technique of selective adaptation of the ERG is capable of revealing the presence of receptors that comprise only a few percent of the total population. The short wavelength absorption of all visual pigments normally makes it impossible to use uv or violet light to adapt selectively those receptors with maximal sensitivity in the uv or violet region of the spectrum while sparing receptors with maximal sensitivity at longer wavelengths. The presence of cone oil droplets absorbing at short wavelengths, however, can effectively screen visual pigments in some of the receptors from uv or violet adapting lights.  相似文献   

Summary Spectral sensitivity of the lateral eyes of the isopodPorcellio scaber (wood louse) and the decapodsCallinectes sapidus (blue crab),Palaemonetes paludosus (Everglades prawn),Orconectes virilis, andO. immunis (crayfish) have been measured between 300 and 660 nm by determining the reciprocal number of photons required to evoke a constant size retinal action potential. Porcellio is maximally sensitive at 515 nm andCallinectes at 505 nm. Both species have a single pigment system, as spectral sensitivity is unchanged by red light adaptation. Palaemonetes appears to have a dichromatic color vision. Sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye is dominated by a receptor maximally sensitive at 550–555 nm, but red or yellow adaptation discloses a uv pigment with max at about 380 nm. Present evidence suggests the 555 and 380 nm pigments are located in different receptor cells. Orconectes has peak sensitivity at 565 nm, but under red light adaptation and close to the electroretinographic threshold a second sensitivity maximum appears at 425 nm. As in the prawn, these peaks seem to indicate the presence of a two-receptor color vision system.The corneas ofOrconectes, Callinectes, andHomarus (lobster) are relatively thick, and microspectrophotometric measurements show near ultraviolet absorption as well as the protein peak at 280 nm. By contrast,Palaemonetes andMusca (housefly), species with near ultraviolet receptors, have thinner corneas which are transparent through the near ultraviolet. The crystalline cone ofPalaemonetes likewise shows no near ultraviolet absorption but a strong protein band at 280 nm.The scarcity of ultraviolet receptors in the compound eyes of crustacea, in contrast to their common occurrence in insects, is thought to be related to the relative absence of ultraviolet wavelengths in most aquatic environments.This work was supported in part by USPHS research grant NB 03333 to Yale University and postdoctoral fellowship NB 22,547 to H.R.F.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of the pit organ of the beetle Melanophila acuminata (Coleoptera:Buprestidae) was measured using an ultrafast tunable infrared laser source and standard electrophysiological techniques. The pit organ may be classified as a broadband detector as the beetles responded to all infrared excitation wavelengths from 2 to 6&mgr;m. There was a decrease in response threshold and latency and an increase in the magnitude of the response in the region from 2.8 to 3.5&mgr;m, which corresponded to a region of decreased transmittance (increased absorbance) as measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The implications of the correlation between spectral response and optical properties are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivities of the four eyes ofNereis mediator (Polychaeta, Annelida) were measured from 400 nm to 600 nm by determining the reciprocal of the number of quanta required to elicit a constant electroretinogram of 350 V.N. mediator is maximally sensitive at 480 nm, although it is very sensitive over a broad range from 400 nm to 540 nm (Fig. 4). Selective adaptation experiments (Fig. 5) and changes in the time characteristics of the electroretinogram under conditions of dark and green adaptation (Fig. 2) indicate the presence of a multi-receptor system.We thank Dr. Olga Hartman and Dr. Kristian Fauchald for their help with the natural history and identification of specimens. We also thank Josephine Yingst for her help in collection of specimens. This research was supported by a USC Biomedical Grant 5730 and by AFOSR Contract F 44620-70-C-0113.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye of Helix lucorum L. was investigated using a semi-intact preparation "ball of the eye--optic nerve--cerebral ganglion". The amplitudes of responses of the electroretinogram to monochromatic stimuli of different intensities were used for a reconstruction of the spectral sensitivity. The averaged curve of the spectral sensitivity coincided well with the Dartnall's nomogram for a pigment having the maximum of spectral sensitivity near 496 nm.  相似文献   

Pollinating animals and their angiosperm hosts often show strong co-adaptation in traits that increase the likelihood of a successful transfer of pollen and nutrient rewards. One such adaptation is the reported colour difference caused by unequal distribution of anthocyanidin pigments amongst plant species visited by hummingbirds and passerines. This phenomenon has been suggested to reflect possible differences in the colour vision of these pollinating birds. The presence of any such difference in colour vision would arguably affect the ecological and evolutionary interactions between flowers and their visitors, accentuating differences in floral displays and attractiveness of plants to the favoured avian pollinators. We have tested for differences in colour vision, as indicated by the amino acid present at certain key positions in the short-wavelength-sensitive type 1 (SWS1) visual pigment opsin, between the major groups of pollinating birds: the non-passerine Trochilidae (hummingbirds), the passerine Meliphagidae (honeyeaters) and Nectariniidae (sunbirds) plus five other Passerida passerine families. The results reveal gross spectral sensitivity differences between hummingbirds and honeyeaters, on the one hand, and the Passerida species, on the other.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among gekkotan lizards were estimated from five nuclear protein-coding genes in separate and combined analyses using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. All analyses recovered a monophyletic trans-Atlantic gecko clade (Phyllodactylidae) consisting of the genera Asaccus, Haemodracon, Homonota, Phyllodactylus, Phyllopezus, Ptyodactylus, Tarentola and Thecadactylus . No other phylogenetic or taxonomic hypotheses have proposed linking these genera, which have been consistently grouped with other taxa outside of the clade. In this paper, we determine the relationships of this new clade to other major gekkotan groups, evaluate previous phylogenetic hypotheses regarding constituent members of this novel clade, and critically examine the use of historically important morphological characters in gekkotan systematics as they relate to this novel clade, specifically — phalangeal formulae, hyoid morphology and external structure of the toe-pads.  相似文献   

Thoughts that appear to come to us ‘out of the blue’ or ‘out of nowhere’ are a familiar aspect of mental experience. Such thoughts tend to elicit feelings of surprise and spontaneity. Although we are beginning to understand the neural processes that underlie the arising of such thoughts, little is known about what accounts for their peculiar phenomenology. Here, we focus on one central aspect of this phenomenology—the experience of surprise at their occurrence, as it relates to internal probabilistic predictions regarding mental states. We introduce a distinction between two phenomenologically different types of transitions in thought content: (i) abrupt transitions, which occur at surprising times but lead to unsurprising thought content, and (ii) wayward transitions, which occur at surprising times and also lead to surprising thought content. We examine these two types of transitions using a novel approach that combines probabilistic and predictive processing concepts and principles. We employ two different probability metrics—transition and occurrence probability—to characterize and differentiate between abrupt and wayward transitions. We close by discussing some potentially beneficial ways in which these two kinds of transitions in thought content may contribute to mental function, and how they may be implemented at the neural level.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Offline perception: voluntary and spontaneous perceptual experiences without matching external stimulation’.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic theory and empirical observations of animals flying at similar Reynolds numbers (Re) predict that airflow over hummingbird wings will be dominated by a stable, attached leading edge vortex (LEV). In insects exhibiting similar kinematics, when the translational movement of the wing ceases (as at the end of the downstroke), the LEV is shed and lift production decreases until the energy of the LEV is re-captured in the subsequent half-cycle translation. We here show that while the hummingbird wing is strongly influenced by similar sharp-leading-edge aerodynamics, leading edge vorticity is inconsistent, varying from 0.7 to 26 per cent (mean 16%) of total lift production, is always generated within 3 mm of the dorsal surface of the wing, showing no retrograde (trailing to leading edge) flow, and does not increase from proximal to distal wing as would be expected with a conical vortex (class III LEV) described for hawkmoths. Further, the bound circulation is not shed as a vortex at the end of translation, but instead remains attached and persists after translation has ceased, augmented by the rotation (pronation, supination) of the wing that occurs between the wing-translation half-cycles. The result is a near-continuous lift production through wing turn-around, previously unknown in vertebrates, able to contribute to weight support as well as stability and control during hovering. Selection for a planform suited to creating this unique flow and nearly-uninterrupted lift production throughout the wingbeat cycle may help explain the relatively narrow hummingbird wing.  相似文献   

Mi D  Lin S  Blankenship RE 《Biochemistry》1999,38(46):15231-15237
Picosecond transient absorption difference spectroscopy in the blue wavelength region (380-500 nm) was used to study the early electron acceptors in photosystem I. Samples were photosystem I core particles with about 100 chlorophylls per reaction center isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. After excitation at 590 nm at room temperature, decay-associated spectra (DAS) were determined from global analysis in the blue region, yielding two transient components and one nondecaying component. A 3 ps decay phase is interpreted as primarily due to antenna excited-state redistribution. A 28 ps decay phase is interpreted as due to overall excited-state decay by electron transfer. The nondecaying component is ascribed to the difference spectrum of P(700) and the quinone or A(1) electron acceptor (P(700)(+)A(1)(-) - P(700)A(1)). Decay curves on the millisecond time scale at different wavelengths were measured with an autoxidizable artificial electron acceptor, benzyl viologen, and the (P(700)(+) - P(700)) difference spectrum was constructed. The (A(1)(-) - A(1)) difference spectrum was obtained by taking the difference between the above two difference spectra. A parallel picosecond experiment under strongly reducing conditions was also done as a control experiment. These conditions stabilize the electron on an earlier acceptor, A(0). The nondecaying component of the DAS at low potential was assigned to (P(700)(+)A(0)(-) - P(700)A(0)) since the electron-transfer pathway from A(0) to A(1) was blocked. The [(P(700)(+)A(0)(-) - P(700)A(0)) - (P(700)(+) - P(700))] subtraction gives a spectrum, interpreted as the (A(0)(-) - A(0)) difference spectrum of a chlorophyll a molecule, consistent with previous studies. The (A(1)(-) - A(1)) spectrum resolved on the picosecond time scale shows significant differences with similar spectra measured on longer time scales. These differences may be due to electrochromic effects and spectral evolution.  相似文献   

Tempo and mode of hummingbird evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lack of adequate historical data has hindered understanding of the evolutionary tempo and mode of many ecologically well-characterized avian radiations. DNA hybridization distances among 28 hummingbirds (Trochilidae) were used to establish a timescale for this family's radiation into more than 330 species. Under a variety of analytical assumptions, genetic distances calibrated with a fossil divergence date corrected for incompleteness in the geologic record indicated that all extant hummingbird lineages began to diverge in the Early Miocene, approximately 40 Myr (million years) after the Paleocene date estimated for the divergence of hummingbirds and swifts. The long period prior to the radiation of living forms provides ample time for divergent evolution to produce the large morphological gap that has tended to obscure the sister-relationship of hummingbirds and swifts. The Miocene radiation of extant hummingbird lineages itself began with the divergence of the hermit and nonhermit subfamilies approximately 17 Ma (million years ago), followed by the rapid divergence of two Andean and one principally Central and North American clade at approximately 12 Ma. Younger subsidiary lineages, including ones found mainly in the Andes or in North America, date to the later Miocene-earlier Pliocene, approximately 6 Ma. The DNA hybridization-based chronology thus indicates a protracted, rather than stricdy rapid, radiation. Evidence from a broader spectrum of organisms supports the general pattern that higher taxonomic structure within many extant continental families evolved in the Miocene, suggesting that a common environmental pacemaker initiated radiation in unrelated groups. Compared to those in the Pleistocene, radiations tracing to the Miocene may have depended less on rapid climate cycling than on creation of new habitats by major geologic and climatic upheavals. For extant hummingbirds, a principal cause for their Miocene diversification probably was the ability of the ecologically generalized subfamily of nonhermits to radiate in montane areas created by the Andean and other orogenies. Similar interactions between new habitats and their exploitation by ecological generalists may explain, at least in part, the contemporaneous radiation of Passeriformes, the most diverse avian order.  相似文献   

Råberg L  Stjernman M  Nilsson JA 《Oecologia》2005,145(3):496-503
In birds and mammals with sexual size dimorphism (SSD), the larger sex is typically more sensitive to adverse environmental conditions, such as food shortage, during ontogeny. However, some recent studies of altricial birds have found that the larger sex is less sensitive, apparently because large size renders an advantage in sibling competition. Still, this effect is not an inevitable outcome of sibling competition, because several studies of other species of altricial birds have found the traditional pattern. We investigated if the sexes differ in environmental sensitivity during ontogeny in the blue tit, a small altricial bird with c. 6% SSD in body mass (males larger than females). We performed a cross-fostering and brood size manipulation experiment during 2 years to investigate if the sexes were differently affected as regards body size (body mass, tarsus and wing length on day 14 after hatching) and pre-fledging survival. We also investigated if the relationship between body size and post-fledging survival differed between the sexes. Pre-fledging mortality was higher in enlarged than in reduced broods, representing poor and good environments, respectively, but the brood size manipulation did not affect the mortality rate of males and females differently. In both years, both males and females were smaller on day 14 after hatching in enlarged as compared to reduced broods. In one of the years, we also found significant Sex × Experiment interactions for body size, such that females were more affected by poor environmental conditions than that of males. Body size was positively correlated with post-fledging survival, but we found no interactive effects of sex and morphological traits on survival. We conclude that in the blue tit, females (the smaller sex) are more sensitive to adverse environmental conditions which, in our study, was manifest in terms of fledgling size. A review of published studies of sex differences in environmental sensitivity in sexually size-dimorphic altricial birds suggests that the smaller sex is more sensitive than the larger sex in species with large brood size and vice versa.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of chicken melanopsins show blue light sensitivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Melanopsin is a vertebrate non-visual opsin and functions as a circadian photoreceptor in mammalian retinas. Here we found the expression of two kinds of melanopsin genes in the chicken pineal gland and identified the presence of five isoforms derived from these two genes. Reconstitution of the recombinant proteins with 11-cis-retinal revealed that at least two of these melanopsin protein isoforms can function as blue-sensitive photopigments with absorption maxima at 476-484nm. These values are consistent with maximal sensitivities of action spectra determined from the physiological and behavioral studies on mammalian melanopsins. The melanopsin isoforms found in this study may function as pineal circadian photoreceptors.  相似文献   

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