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Failure of embryonic neural tube closure results in the second most common class of birth defects known as neural tube defects (NTDs). While NTDs are likely the result of complex multigenic dysfunction, it is not known whether polymorphisms in epigenetic regulators may be risk factors for NTDs. Here we characterized Baf155msp3, a unique ENU‐induced allele in mice. Homozygous Baf155mps3 embryos exhibit highly penetrant exencephaly, allowing us to investigate the roles of an assembled, but malfunctional BAF chromatin remodeling complex in vivo at the time of neural tube closure. Evidence of defects in proliferation and apoptosis were found within the neural tube. RNA‐Seq analysis revealed that surprisingly few genes showed altered expression in Baf155 mutant neural tissue, given the broad epigenetic role of the BAF complex, but included genes involved in neural development and cell survival. Moreover, gene expression changes between individual mutants were variable even though the NTD was consistently observed. This suggests that inconsistent gene regulation contributes to failed neural tube closure. These results shed light on the role of the BAF complex in the process of neural tube closure and highlight the importance of studying missense alleles to understand epigenetic regulation during critical phases of development. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 483–497, 2014  相似文献   

Neural development is accomplished by differentiation events leading to metabolic reprogramming. Glycosphingolipid metabolism is reprogrammed during neural development with a switch from globo‐ to ganglio‐series glycosphingolipid production. Failure to execute this glycosphingolipid switch leads to neurodevelopmental disorders in humans, indicating that glycosphingolipids are key players in this process. Nevertheless, both the molecular mechanisms that control the glycosphingolipid switch and its function in neurodevelopment are poorly understood. Here, we describe a self‐contained circuit that controls glycosphingolipid reprogramming and neural differentiation. We find that globo‐series glycosphingolipids repress the epigenetic regulator of neuronal gene expression AUTS2. AUTS2 in turn binds and activates the promoter of the first and rate‐limiting ganglioside‐producing enzyme GM3 synthase, thus fostering the synthesis of gangliosides. By this mechanism, the globo–AUTS2 axis controls glycosphingolipid reprogramming and neural gene expression during neural differentiation, which involves this circuit in neurodevelopment and its defects in neuropathology.  相似文献   

王蕊  曾宪录 《遗传》2010,32(4):301-306
染色质高度紧密的折叠阻止了转录因子和辅因子与DNA的结合, 因而通过染色质重塑以解除这样的抑制环境, 对于转录活动的正常进行是至关重要的。目前认为, 染色质重塑至少是通过两种机制来完成的, 一种是通过ATP依赖的染色质改构复合物, 另一种是通过对组蛋白尾部进行共价修饰的组蛋白修饰酶复合物。文章结合近年来的研究进展, 对前者进行染色质重塑的机制及两者在基因转录调控过程中如何相互协作等进行了论述。  相似文献   

Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that guide the proper development of epicardial cell lineages is critical for understanding the etiology of both congenital and adult forms of human cardiovascular disease. In this study, we describe the function of BAF180, a polybromo protein in ATP-dependent SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes, in coronary development. Ablation of BAF180 leads to impaired epithelial-to-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) and arrested maturation of epicardium around E11.5. Three-dimensional collagen gel assays revealed that the BAF180 mutant epicardial cells indeed possess significantly compromised migrating and EMT potentials. Consequently, the mutant hearts form abnormal surface nodules and fail to develop the fine and continuous plexus of coronary vessels that cover the entire ventricle around E14. PECAM and α-SMA staining assays indicate that these nodules are defective structures resulting from the failure of endothelial and smooth muscle cells within them to form coronary vessels. PECAM staining also reveal that there are very few coronary vessels inside the myocardium of mutant hearts. Consistent with this, quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicate that the expression of genes involved in FGF, TGF, and VEGF pathways essential for coronary development are down-regulated in mutant hearts. Together, these data reveal for the first time that BAF180 is critical for coronary vessel formation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isw2 complex slides nucleosomes to remodel chromatin in vivo. Our data suggested a model in which Isw2 complex binds the histone octamer and DNA separately to generate the force necessary for nucleosome movement. Here we find that the histone H4 "basic patch" is the only portion of any amino-terminal histone tail required for both target-specific association of Isw2 complex with chromatin and chromatin remodeling in vivo, whereas it is dispensable for basal levels of chromatin binding. Similarly, we find that nonremodeled chromatin structure and integrity of Isw2 complex are required only for target-specific association of Isw2 with chromatin. These data demonstrate fundamental differences between the target-specific and basal modes of chromatin binding by Isw2 complex in vivo and suggest that only the former involves contributions from DNA, histone H4, and sequence-specific DNA binding proteins. We propose a model for target recognition and chromatin remodeling by Isw2 complex in vivo.  相似文献   

Roles of bHLH genes in neural stem cell differentiation   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Neural stem cells change their characteristics over time during development: they initially proliferate only and then give rise to neurons first and glial cells later. In the absence of the repressor-type basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) genes Hes1, Hes3 and Hes5, neural stem cells do not proliferate sufficiently but prematurely differentiate into neurons and become depleted without making the later born cell types such as astrocytes and ependymal cells. Thus, Hes genes are essential for maintenance of neural stem cells to make cells not only in correct numbers but also in full diversity. Hes genes antagonize the activator-type bHLH genes, which include Mash1, Math and Neurogenin. The activator-type bHLH genes promote the neuronal fate determination and induce expression of Notch ligands such as Delta. These ligands activate Notch signaling and upregulate Hes1 and Hes5 expression in neighboring cells, thereby maintaining these cells undifferentiated. Thus, the activator-type and repressor-type bHLH genes regulate each other, allowing only subsets of cells to undergo differentiation while keeping others to stay neural stem cells. This regulation is essential for generation of complex brain structures of appropriate size, shape and cell arrangement.  相似文献   

Members of the ISWI family of chromatin remodeling factors hydrolyze ATP to reposition nucleosomes along DNA. Here we show that the yeast Isw2 complex interacts with DNA in a nucleotide-dependent manner at physiological ionic strength. Isw2 efficiently binds DNA in the absence of nucleotides and in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. Conversely, ADP promotes the dissociation of Isw2 from DNA. In contrast, Isw2 remains bound to mononucleosomes through multiple cycles of ATP hydrolysis. Solution studies show that Isw2 undergoes nucleotide-dependent alterations in conformation not requiring ATP hydrolysis. Our results indicate that during an Isw2 remodeling reaction, hydrolysis of successive ATP molecules coincides with cycles of DNA binding, release, and rebinding involving elements of Isw2 distinct from those interacting with nucleosomes. We propose that progression of the DNA-binding site occurs while nucleosome core contacts are maintained and generates a force dissipated by disruption of histone-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

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