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Peritoneal cells from mice immunized by sublethal infection inhibit the intracellular growth of Histoplasma capsulatum in vitro. Lymphokines generated in cultures of immune splenocytes stimulated with Histoplasma antigen activate normal macrophages to inhibit the intracellular growth of the fungus. Such lymphokines may inhibit the intracellular growth of H. capsulatum by 60 to 80% but have no direct effect on the viability of the fungus extracellularly. The lymphokine preparations have high interferon activity that is heat stable and acid labile. The cells in the spleen that are responsible for lymphokine production are T lymphocytes, but the help of other cells such as macrophages is essential for maximal production.  相似文献   

The uptake and incorporation of L-proline by yeast cells of the dimorphic zoopathogen Histoplasma capsulatum were studied. The amino acid was assimilated in at least two ways: by an active transport system with a Km of 1.7 X 10(-5) M and by simple diffusion. The active transport system was sterospecific and severely restricted to neutral aliphatic side-chain amino acids. Certain analogues inhibited L-proline uptake and prevented incorporation of the amino acid into cellular constituents. The inhibition of L-proline uptake by L-leucine was competitive. Since L-leucine and L-proline are seemingly transported by a system with similar characteristics, must be concluded, as originally postulated, that the buckled ring of L-proline, in solution, acts as an aliphatic side chain and that this cyclic amino acid is transported by a system more or less specific for amino acids with neutral aliphatic side chains.  相似文献   

The basis for resistance of yeast form of Histoplasma capsulatum to antifungal activity of human neutrophils was studied. In limiting dilution assays and short term coculture assays human neutrophils were ineffective in killing H. capsulatum whereas Candida albicans was readily killed. By contrast, in a cell free hydrogen peroxide-peroxidase-halide system H. capsulatum was as sensitive to killing as C. albicans. Moreover, lysate of human neutrophils effectively substituted for horse-radish peroxidase in a cell free system for killing H. capsulatum. H. capsulatum elicited significant products of the oxidative burst in human neutrophils as detected by luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. However, the response was two-fold less (p<0.05) than that induced by C. albicans. Transmission electron microscopy studies showed that phagosome-lysosome fusion took place when neutrophils phagocytosed C. albicans or H. capsulatum. Taken together, these findings indicate that, even though H. capsulatum elicits an oxidative burst and phagosome-lysosome fusion within the phagosome, it is capable of evading damage in short term assays.Abbreviations CFU colony forming units - PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophil - CTCM complete tissue culture medium - CL chemiluminescence - HPO horseradish peroxidase - P-L lysosomal peroxidase positive material  相似文献   

M D Berliner 《Microbios》1975,12(50):209-218
The glucose analogue, 2-deoxyglucose (2DG), enhances both the fungistatic and the fungicidal action of amphotericin B in Fungizone (Squibb) against Histoplasma capsulatum yeasts in vitro. This synergistic effect is more pronounced when the test substances are incorporated in double-diffusion agar plates than in liquid medium. Minimum inhibitory concentrations for 2DG and amphotericin B in Fungizone have been established. The effects of components of Fungizone other than amphotericin B as clinically administered were also studied. Neither sodium desoxycholate nor phosphate buffer had any effect on the test organisms when used in recommended clinical concentrations. The 5% glucose infusion solution greatly enhanced the growth of the pathogen and markedly decreased the effectiveness of amphotericin B. H. capsulatum yeasts quickly became resistant to stepwise increases of Fungizone but not of 2DG. Susceptibility to amphotericin B and to 2DG increased with time within certain limits of exposure. The A (albino) phenotype of H. capsulatum is considerably more resistant to amphotericin B than the B (brown) phenotype, but there are no differences in susceptibilities to 2DG. The potential clinical applications of these studies are discussed, since experimental animals and man are reported to tolerate large amounts of 2DG. The incorporation of 2DG in the polyene antibiotic preparation would render it more effective at lower doses and would decrease clinical toxicity.  相似文献   

Recognition and internalisation of intracellular pathogens by host cells is a multifactorial process, involving both stable and transient interactions. The plasticity of the host cell plasma membrane is fundamental in this infectious process. Here, the participation of macrophage lipid microdomains during adhesion and internalisation of the fungal pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) was investigated. An increase in membrane lateral organisation, which is a characteristic of lipid microdomains, was observed during the first steps of Hc–macrophage interaction. Cholesterol enrichment in macrophage membranes around Hc contact regions and reduced levels of Hc–macrophage association after cholesterol removal also suggested the participation of lipid microdomains during Hc–macrophage interaction. Using optical tweezers to study cell‐to‐cell interactions, we showed that cholesterol depletion increased the time required for Hc adhesion. Additionally, fungal internalisation was significantly reduced under these conditions. Moreover, macrophages treated with the ceramide‐glucosyltransferase inhibitor (P4r) and macrophages with altered ganglioside synthesis (from B4galnt1?/? mice) showed a deficient ability to interact with Hc. Coincubation of oligo‐GM1 and treatment with Cholera toxin Subunit B, which recognises the ganglioside GM1, also reduced Hc association. Although purified GM1 did not alter Hc binding, treatment with P4 significantly increased the time required for Hc binding to macrophages. The content of CD18 was displaced from lipid microdomains in B4galnt1?/? macrophages. In addition, macrophages with reduced CD18 expression (CD18low) were associated with Hc at levels similar to wild‐type cells. Finally, CD11b and CD18 colocalised with GM1 during Hc–macrophage interaction. Our results indicate that lipid rafts and particularly complex gangliosides that reside in lipid rafts stabilise Hc–macrophage adhesion and mediate efficient internalisation during histoplasmosis.  相似文献   

The mycelial phase ofHistoplasma capsulatum was inhibited by both the volatile and water soluble components of garlic,Allium sativum L. Garlic extract at a concentration of 254 parts per billion (ppb) was inhibitory, while 8.1 parts per million (ppm) were lethal to pure cultures ofH. capsulatum. The role of garlic as an eradicent is discussed.The work was conducted while the author was a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.  相似文献   

The antifungal properties of Fungizone (amphotericin B intravenous solution) and thiabendazole on Histoplasma capsulatum within guinea pig macrophages were compared using the staining method and a newly developed plating method to determine the viability of intracellular H. capsulatum. The two methods were compared to determine the effectiveness of Fungizone and thiabendazole on H. capsulatum within macrophages. Fungizone was fungicidal for intracellular H. capsulatum, killing 99.9% of the yeasts at a concentration of 0.5 microgram/ml. There was some indication that non-viable intracellular yeasts were stained which could result in misinterpretation of the effectiveness of Fungizone using the staining method unless the yeasts are very closely examined for staining abnormalities. There was a good correlation between the two methods to demonstrate suppression of the multiplication of intracellular H. capsulatum in macrophages treated with 50 microgram/ml of thiabendazole. Thiabendazole was lethal for some intracellular H. capsulatum.  相似文献   

Cysteine metabolism has been thought to be important to the phenomenon of dimorphism inHistoplasma capsulatum. We sought mutants with genetic blocks in the metabolism of cysteine by selection of colonies resistant to the toxic analogue, selenocystine. The 22 resistant strains thus obtained were all deficient in uptake of cystine from the surrounding medium but were normally able to convert from mycelium to yeast and back again. Furthermore, they had normal quantities of NADH-dependent cystine reductase when this enzyme was measured. We conclude that mutants defective in cystine uptake can be readily obtained by selection of colonies resistant to selenocystine, and that a lesion in cystine-uptake does not appear to affect the phenomenon of dimorphism in this organism.Preliminary reports of this work were presented at the Second International Congress of Mycology, Tampa, 1977 and at the first International Conference on Histoplasmosis, Atlanta, 1978.  相似文献   

Fluorescent staining of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The chemical composition of yeast and mycelial cells of three strains ofHistoplasma capsulatum was analyzed and is expressed as per cent dry weight. Cultures were grown in a liquid synthetic medium, mycelial cells at 25°C and yeast at 37°C on gyrotory shakers. After 7 days, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein were higher in the yeast cells while mycelial cells contained more lipid and carbohydrate. The components of one strain were also studied at different stages of growth. The DNA in both yeast and mycelial cells remained relatively constant, but other components varied with the age of culture. In yeast cells the RNA level was 6.8 % at 2 days and then declined sharply remaining constant around 3.5 %. A protein content of 29 % on day 2 decreased gradually to 19 % on day 14. An initial lipid content of 21 % rose to 33 % on day 5 and then decreased. Similarly, an initial carbohydrate level of 17 % rose to 25 % on day 7 and then declined. The mycelial cells contained 4 % RNA up to 10 days followed by a slight decline to 3 % on day 14. A protein content of 20 % on day 5 increased to 24 % on day 10 and then decreased to 15 % on day 28. The lipid content of 33 % on day 5 rose to 38 % on day 7 and then decreased gradually. The carbohydrate level of 20 % at 5 days increased to 38 % on day 10 and declined gradually to 27 % after 28 days.
Résumé La composition chimique des cellules levuriformes et mycéliennes de trois souches deHistoplasma capsulatum a été déterminée. Le champignon a été cultivé dans un milieu synthétique liquide secoué à 25° C pour la phase mycélienne et à 37° C pour la phase levuriforme. Après 7 jours d'incubation, les cellules levuriformes étaient plus riches en acides nucléiques et en protéines que les cellules mycéliennes qui étaient par contre plus riches en lipides et en hydrates de carbone. La composition d'une des souches fut étudiée à différentes étapes de la croissance. La teneur en ADN des deux phases resta relativement constante mais des variations furent observées dans le cas des autres constituants chimiques. Pour ce qui est des levures, l'ARN qui constituait 6,8 % du poids des cellules sèches à deux jours, tomba rapidement à 3,5 % et resta constant. Les proteines passèrent de 29 % au deuxième jour à 19 % au quatorzième jour. Au contraire, la teneur en lipides passa d'un valeur initiale de 21 % à 33 % au cinquième jour, pour diminuer de nouveau par la suite. De même, une teneur initiale en hydrates de carbone de 17 % passa à 25 % au septième jour puis diminua par la suite. Dans les cas des cellules mycéliennes contenaient 4 % de ARN jusqu'au dizième jours, puis cette valeur tomba légèrement jusqu'à 3 % au quatorzième jour. Les protéines qui représentaient 20 % au cinquième jour augmentèrent jusqu'à 24 % au dizième jour pour tomber à 15 % au vingthuitième jour. La teneur en lipides de 33 % au cinquième jour augmenta jusqu'à 38 % au septième jour pour diminuer graduellement. De même les taux en hydrates de carbones qui représentaient 20 % au cinquième jour augmentèrent jusqu'à 38 % au dixième jour et diminuèrent graduellement jusqu'à 27 % au vingt-huitième jour.

Sporulation characteristics of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Electrophoretic analysis of Histoplasma capsulatum chromosomal DNA.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Seven chromosome-sized DNA molecules in the Downs strain of Histoplasma capsulatum were resolved by using chromosome-specific DNA probes in blot hybridizations of contour-clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) and field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) agarose gels. The sizes of the chromosomal DNA bands extended from that of the largest Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome to beyond that of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosomes. Under our experimental conditions, the order of the five largest DNA bands was inverted in the FIGE gel relative to the CHEF gel, demonstrating a characteristic of FIGE whereby large DNA molecules may have greater rather than lesser mobility with increasing size. Comparison of the Downs strain with other H. capsulatum strains by CHEF and FIGE analysis revealed considerable variability in band mobility. The resolution of seven chromosome-sized DNA molecules in the Downs strain provides a minimum estimate of the chromosome number.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) is a facultative, intracellular parasite of world-wide importance. As the induction of cell-mediated immunity to Hc is of critical importance in host defense, we sought to determine whether dendritic cells (DC) could function as a primary APC for this pathogenic fungus. DC obtained by culture of human monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 phagocytosed Hc yeasts in a time-dependent manner. Upon ingestion, the intracellular growth of yeasts within DC was completely inhibited compared with rapid growth within human macrophages. Electron microscopy of DC with ingested Hc revealed that many of the yeasts were degraded as early as 2 h postingestion. In contrast to macrophages, human DC recognized Hc yeasts via the fibronectin receptor, very late Ag-5, and not via CD18 receptors. DC stimulated Hc-specific lymphocyte proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner after phagocytosis of viable and heat-killed Hc yeasts, but greater proliferation was achieved after ingestion of viable yeasts. These data demonstrate that human DC can phagocytose and degrade a fungal pathogen and subsequently process the appropriate Ags for stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation. In vivo, such interactions between DC and Hc may facilitate the induction of cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Cell wall studies of Histoplasma capsulatum   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Twenty isolates of the dimorphic, pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum were divided into three classes based on comparisons of restriction enzyme digests of their mitochondrial DNA and rDNA. The majority of isolates, including most North American strains and the African H. capsulatum var. duboisii variants, belong to class 2. Isolates from Central America and South America make up class 3. The attenuated Downs strain is the only member of class 1.  相似文献   

A newly derived strain of Histoplasma capsulatum can be grown stably as yeast in a minimal medium containing glucose, biotin, tartrate and inorganic salts.  相似文献   

R R Watson  K L Lee 《Sabouraudia》1978,16(1):69-78
Two aminopeptidases (arylamidases) were isolated and partially purified from Histoplasma capsulatum. The larger molecular weight enzyme was a proline iminopeptidase and hydrolyzed primarily a synthetic substrate, L-prolyl-beta-napthylamide. The other aminopeptidase was less substrate specific and hydrolyzed rapidly the following amino acid beta-napthylamides (beta NA): L-arginyl-beta NA greater than L-lysyl-beta NA greater than -L-4-methoxy-leucyl-beta NA greater than L-leucyl-beta NA greater than L-phenylalanyl-beta NA greater than L-alanyl-beta NA. The proline iminopeptidase was purified 1420 fold while the leucine aminopeptidase was purified 650 fold with good recovery.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Thirty-two strains ofHistoplasma capsulatum were studied concerning their ability to form tuberculate spores and their conversion into the yeast phase.2. Nine strains did not produce tuberculate spores on Sabouraud's agar, on corn meal agar, on spent medium, on media with pH adjusted from 4.5 to 7.0 or on the first passage through hamsters.3. Tuberculate spore production did occur in these nine strains when Sabouraud's medium was enriched with phosphate, especially KH2PO4. In addition, all but two strains produced tuberculate spores after a second passage through hamsters.4. Growth on KH2PO4 enriched Sabouraud's agar led to a greater yield of yeast phase as compared to yeast phase resulting from colonies of the same strain grown on plain Sabouraud's agar. This may be due to the greater number of spores produced on the KH2PO4 enriched medium.5. A grinding technique of preparing inocula improved slightly the facility of obtaining the yeast phase over heavy inoculation with unground pieces of mold culture.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum, a dimorphic fungus capable of causing severe respiratory illness in immunocompromised individuals, resides in macrophages during mammalian infection. Previous studies suggest that siderophore-mediated iron transport may be important for the acquisition of iron from transferrin while the organism resides in macrophages. However, iron is also present as hemin in the intracellular environment of the macrophage and may serve as a major source of iron during infection. Thus the ability of H. capsulatum to use hemin and heme-containing compounds was examined. Histoplasma capsulatum G217B was iron-starved by adding the iron chelator deferoxamine mesylate to the culture. The addition of 10 microM hemin in the presence of deferoxamine mesylate restored growth to the levels seen in the absence of the chelator. Histoplasma capsulatum was also cultivated in an iron-limited, chemically defined medium without the addition of chelators and it was determined that the organism could also use hemoglobin as a sole source of iron. The method of iron internalization from heme was examined by measuring hemin binding to the yeast-cell surface. The ability of H. capsulatum to bind hemin was related to the nutritional status of the cells. Cells grown under iron-limited conditions bound more heme to the cell surface than did cells grown in medium without chelator. Pretreatment of iron-starved cells with proteinase K eliminated the ability of the organism to bind hemin. Additionally, the pre-incubation of iron-starved H. capsulatum with hemin eliminated the ability of these cells to remove hemin from the solution, although pre-incubation of cells with the iron-free form of hemin, protoporphyrin IX, only modestly affected the ability of the organism to bind hemin. These results suggest that H. capsulatum uses hemin as a sole source of iron and that one mechanism of iron acquisition involves a cell-surface receptor for hemin.  相似文献   

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