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Stenström CM  Isaksson LA 《Gene》2002,288(1-2):1-8
The downstream region (DR) located immediately after the initiation codon acts as a translational enhancer and depending on its sequence gene expression can vary considerably. In order to determine the influence of the DR on the apparent translation initiation, we have analyzed several naturally occurring DRs (a stretch of five codons) in a lacZ reporter gene. The efficiency of expression, associated with these DRs did not show any correlation to the expression levels connected with the natural genes. Changes of the iso-codon composition in the DR, thus maintaining the amino acid sequence in the gene product, gave significant variations in gene expression. Thus, the messenger RNA base sequence, and not the encoded amino acid sequence, in the early coding region is the determinant for the apparent efficiency of translation initiation and/or early elongation.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the translation initiation codon in vertebrates   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

In a genetic selection designed to isolate Escherichia coli mutations that increase expression of the IS 10 transposase gene ( tnp ), we unexpectedly obtained viable mutants defective in translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Several lines of evidence led us to conclude that transposase expression, per se , was not increased. Rather, these mutations appear to increase expression of the tnp'–'lacZ gene fusions used in this screen, by increasing translation initiation at downstream, atypical initiation codons. To test this hypothesis we undertook a systematic analysis of start codon requirements and measured the effects of IF3 mutations on initiation from various start codons. Beginning with an efficient translation initiation site, we varied the AUG start codon to all possible codons that differed from AUG by one nucleotide. These potential start codons fall into distinct classes with regard to translation efficiency in vivo : Class I codons (AUG, GUG, and UUG) support efficient translation; Class IIA codons (CUG, AUU, AUC, AUA, and ACG) support translation at levels only 1–3% that of AUG; and Class IIB codons (AGG and AAG) permit levels of translation too low for reliable quantification. Importantly, the IF3 mutations had no effect on translation from Class I codons, but they increased translation from Class II codons 3–5-fold, and this same effect was seen in other gene contexts. Therefore, IF3 is generally able to discriminate between efficient and inefficient codons in vivo , consistent with earlier in vitro observations. We discuss these observations as they relate to IF3 autoregulation and the mechanism of IF3 function.  相似文献   

Context sequences of translation initiation codon in plants   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In this survey of 5074 plant genes for their AUG context sequences, purines are present at the _3 and +4 positions in about 80% of the sequences. Although this observation is similar to the vertebrate consensus sequence, the number of plant mRNAs with purines at the _3 position is lower and at the +4 position is higher than reported for vertebrate mRNAs. Higher plants have an AC-rich consensus sequence, caA(A/C)aAUGGCg as a context of translation initiator codon. Between the two major groups of angiosperms, the context of the AUG codon in dicot mRNAs is aaA(A/C)aAUGGCu which is similar to the higher-plant consensus but monocot mRNAs have c(a/c)(A/G)(A/C)cAUGGCG as a consensus which exhibits an overall similarity with the vertebrate consensus. The experimental evidence regarding the importance of the AUG context in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

M Kozak 《Cell》1986,44(2):283-292
By analyzing the effects of single base substitutions around the ATG initiator codon in a cloned preproinsulin gene, I have identified ACCATGG as the optimal sequence for initiation by eukaryotic ribosomes. Mutations within that sequence modulate the yield of proinsulin over a 20-fold range. A purine in position -3 (i.e., 3 nucleotides upstream from the ATG codon) has a dominant effect; when a pyrimidine replaces the purine in position -3, translation becomes more sensitive to changes in positions -1, -2, and +4. Single base substitutions around an upstream, out-of-frame ATG codon affect the efficiency with which it acts as a barrier to initiating at the downstream start site for preproinsulin. The optimal sequence for initiation defined by mutagenesis is identical to the consensus sequence that emerged previously from surveys of translational start sites in eukaryotic mRNAs. The mechanism by which nucleotides flanking the ATG codon might exert their effect is discussed.  相似文献   

Selection of the correct start codon during initiation of translation on the ribosome is a key event in protein synthesis. In eukaryotic initiation, several factors have to function in concert to ensure that the initiator tRNA finds the cognate AUG start codon during mRNA scanning. The two initiation factors eIF1 and eIF1A are known to provide important functions for the initiation process and codon selection. Here, we have used molecular dynamics free energy calculations to evaluate the energetics of initiator tRNA binding to different near-cognate codons on the yeast 40S ribosomal subunit, in the presence and absence of these two initiation factors. The results show that eIF1 and eIF1A together cause a relatively uniform and high discrimination against near-cognate codons. This works such that eIF1 boosts the discrimination against a first position near-cognate G-U mismatch, and also against a second position A-A base pair, while eIF1A mainly acts on third codon position. The computer simulations further reveal the structural basis of the increased discriminatory effect caused by binding of eIF1 and eIF1A to the 40S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

The region located downstream of the initiation codon constitutes part of the translation initiation signal, significantly affecting the level of protein expression in E. coli. In order to determine its influence on translation initiation, we inserted random 12-base sequences downstream of the initiation codon of the lacZ gene. A total of 119 random clones showing higher beta-galactosidase activities than the control lacZ gene were isolated and subsequently sequenced. Analysis of these clones revealed that their insertion sequences are strikingly rich in A and T, but poor in G, with no consensus sequences among them. Toeprinting experiments and polysome profile analysis confirmed that the A/T-rich sequences enhance translation at the level of initiation. Collectively, the present data demonstrate that A/T richness of the region following the initiation codon plays a significant role in E. coli gene expression.  相似文献   

The genetic code is degenerate; thus, protein evolution does not uniquely determine the coding sequence. One of the puzzles in evolutionary genetics is therefore to uncover evolutionary driving forces that result in specific codon choice. In many bacteria, the first 5–10 codons of protein‐coding genes are often codons that are less frequently used in the rest of the genome, an effect that has been argued to arise from selection for slowed early elongation to reduce ribosome traffic jams. However, genome analysis across many species has demonstrated that the region shows reduced mRNA folding consistent with pressure for efficient translation initiation. This raises the possibility that unusual codon usage is a side effect of selection for reduced mRNA structure. Here we discriminate between these two competing hypotheses, and show that in bacteria selection favours codons that reduce mRNA folding around the translation start, regardless of whether these codons are frequent or rare. Experiments confirm that primarily mRNA structure, and not codon usage, at the beginning of genes determines the translation rate.  相似文献   

Esposito D  Hicks AJ  Stern DB 《The Plant cell》2001,13(10):2373-2384
To study the role of initiation codon context in chloroplast protein synthesis, we mutated the three nucleotides immediately upstream of the initiation codon (the -1 triplet) of two chloroplast genes in the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In prokaryotes, the -1 triplet has been proposed to base pair with either the 530 loop of 16S rRNA or the extended anticodon of fMet-tRNA. We found that in vivo, none of the chloroplast mutations affected mRNA stability. However, certain mutations did cause a temperature-sensitive decrease in translation and a more dramatic decrease at room temperature when combined with an AUU initiation codon. These mutations disrupt the proposed extended base pairing interaction with the fMet-tRNA anticodon loop, suggesting that this interaction may be important in vivo. Mutations that would still permit base pairing with the 530 loop of the 16S rRNA also had a negative effect on translation, suggesting that this interaction does not occur in vivo. Extended base pairing surrounding the initiation codon may be part of a mechanism to compensate for the lack of a classic Shine-Dalgarno rRNA interaction in the translation of some chloroplast mRNAs.  相似文献   

A new strategy for studying the mechanism of translation initiation in eukaryotes has been developed. The strategy involves the use of an in vitro translation system to incorporate a non-natural fluorescent amino acid into a protein from a suppressor tRNAPheCUA misacylated with that amino acid. It is thereby possible to monitor translation initiation efficiency at an AUG codon in different contexts; this is illustrated for three constructs encoding Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase mRNA with different translation initiation regions. Fluorescence measurements after in vitro translation of the mRNAs in rabbit reticulocyte lysate reflected differences in the position and efficiency of translation initiation and, therefore, can be used for characterization of the translation initiation process.  相似文献   

Kuroda H  Maliga P 《Plant physiology》2001,125(1):430-436
The objective of this study was to determine if mRNA sequences downstream of the translation initiation codon are important for translation of plastid mRNAs. We have employed a transgenic approach, measuring accumulation of the neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) reporter enzyme translationally fused with 14 N-terminal amino acids encoded in the rbcL or atpB plastid genes. NPTII accumulation from wild-type and mutant rbcL and atpB segments was compared. We report that silent mutations in the rbcL segment reduced NPTII accumulation 35-fold. In contrast, mutations in the atpB mRNA reduced NPTII accumulation only moderately from approximately 7% (w/w) to approximately 4% (w/w) of the total soluble cellular protein, indicating that the importance of sequences downstream of the translation initiation codon are dependent on the individual mRNA. Information provided here will facilitate transgene design for high-level expression of recombinant proteins in chloroplasts by translational fusion with the N-terminal segment of highly expressed plastid genes or by introduction of silent mutations in the N-terminal part of the coding region.  相似文献   

X Chen  K L Kindle    D B Stern 《The Plant cell》1995,7(8):1295-1305
To study translation initiation in Chlamydomonas chloroplasts, we mutated the initiation codon AUG to AUU, ACG, ACC, ACU, and UUC in the chloroplast petA gene, which encodes cytochrome f of the cytochrome b6/f complex. Cytochrome f accumulated to detectable levels in all mutant strains except the one with a UUC codon, but only the mutant with an AUU codon grew well at 24 degrees C under conditions that require photosynthesis. Because no cytochrome f was detectable in the UUC mutant and because each mutant that accumulated cytochrome f did so at a different level, we concluded that any residual translation probably initiates at the mutant codon. As a further demonstration that alternative initiation sites are not used in vivo, we introduced in-frame UAA stop codons immediately downstream or upstream or in place of the initiation codon. Stop codons at or downstream of the initiation codon prevented accumulation of cytochrome f, whereas the one immediately upstream of the initiation codon had no effect on the accumulation of cytochrome f. These results suggest that an AUG codon is not required to specify the site of translation initiation in chloroplasts but that the efficiency of translation initiation depends on the identity of the initiation codon.  相似文献   

Efficient initiation of mammalian mRNA translation at a CUG codon.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  

Understanding regulatory mechanisms of protein synthesis in eukaryotes is essential for the accurate annotation of genome sequences. Kozak reported that the nucleotide sequence GCCGCC(A/G)CCAUGG (AUG is the initiation codon) was frequently observed in vertebrate genes and that this 'consensus' sequence enhanced translation initiation. However, later studies using invertebrate, fungal and plant genes reported different 'consensus' sequences. In this study, we conducted extensive comparative analyses of nucleotide sequences around the initiation codon by using genomic data from 47 eukaryote species including animals, fungi, plants and protists. The analyses revealed that preferred nucleotide sequences are quite diverse among different species, but differences between patterns of nucleotide bias roughly reflect the evolutionary relationships of the species. We also found strong biases of A/G at position -3, A/C at position -2 and C at position +5 that were commonly observed in all species examined. Genes with higher expression levels showed stronger signals, suggesting that these nucleotides are responsible for the regulation of translation initiation. The diversity of preferred nucleotide sequences around the initiation codon might be explained by differences in relative contributions from two distinct patterns, GCCGCCAUG and AAAAAAAUG, which implies the presence of multiple molecular mechanisms for controlling translation initiation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosomal proteins constituting the binding site for the initiator codon AUG on the ribosome at the translation initiation step were investigated by UV-induced cross-linking between protein and mRNA. The 80S-initiation complex was formed in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system in the presence of sparsomycin with radiolabeled Omega-fragment as a template, which was a 73-base 5'-leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA having AUG at the extreme 3'-terminal end and extended with 32pCp. Two radioactive peaks were sedimented by sucrose gradient centrifugation, one being the 80S initiation complex formed at the 3'-terminal AUG codon, and the other presumably a "disome" with an additional 80S ribosome bound at an upstream AUU codon, formed when Omega-fragment was incubated with sparsomycin [Filipowicz and Henni (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115]. Cross-links between ribosomal proteins and the radiolabeled Omega-fragment were induced in situ by UV-irradiation at 254 nm. After extensive nuclease digestion of the complexes, ribosomal proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography identified the proteins S7, S10, S25, S29, and L5 of the 80S initiation complex and S7, S25, S29 and L5 of that in the disome as 32P-labeled proteins. Together with the results of cross-linking experiments of other investigators and recently solved crystal structures of prokaryotic ribosomes, the spatial arrangement of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins at the AUG-binding domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Translation initiation on poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) mRNAs occurs by a cap-independent mechanism utilizing an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). However, no unifying mechanism for AUG initiation site selection has been proposed. Analysis of initiation of mRNAs translated in vitro has suggested that initiation of poliovirus mRNA translation likely involves both internal binding of ribosomes and scanning to the first AUG which is in a favorable context for initiation. In contrast, internal initiation on EMCV mRNA may not utilize scanning, since ribosomes bind directly or very close to the initiation codon AUG-11. We have studied in vivo the sequence requirements for internal initiation around the EMCV initiation codon, both in monocistronic and in dicistronic mRNAs. Our studies show that the upstream AUG-10 is normally not used and that there is no specific sequence requirement for nucleotides between AUG-10 and AUG-11. However, the sequence context of AUG-11 does influence the efficiency of initiation at AUG-11. Efficient IRES-mediated internal initiation at AUG-11 exhibits a requirement for an adenine in the -3 position, similar to cap-dependent initiation. These results support a model for internal initiation on EMCV mRNA in which scanning starts at or near AUG-11. Although initiation primarily occurs at AUG-11, initiation at multiple downstream AUG codons can be detected. In addition, a poor sequence context around AUG-11 results in increased initiation at one or more downstream AUG codons, indicative of leaky scanning or jumping by the ribosome from AUG-11 mediated by the EMCV IRES.  相似文献   

Stenström CM  Jin H  Major LL  Tate WP  Isaksson LA 《Gene》2001,263(1-2):273-284
The codon that follows the AUG initiation triplet (+2 codon) affects gene expression in Escherichia coli. We have extended this analysis using two model genes lacking any apparent Shine-Dalgarno sequence. Depending on the identity of the +2 codon a difference in gene expression up to 20-fold could be obtained. The effects did not correlate with the levels of intracellular pools of cognate tRNA for the +2 codon, with putative secondary mRNA structures, or with mRNA stability. However, most +2 iso-codons that were decoded by the same species of tRNA gave pairwise similar effects, suggesting that the effect on gene expression was associated with the decoding tRNA. High adenine content of the +2 codon was associated with high gene expression. Of the fourteen +2 codons that mediated the highest efficiency, all except two had an adenine as the first base of the codon. Analysis of the 3540 E. coli genes from the TransTerm database revealed that codons associated with high gene expression in the two expression systems are over-represented at the +2 position in natural genes. Codons that are associated with low gene expression are under-represented. The data suggest that evolution has favored codons at the +2 position that give high translation initiation.  相似文献   

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