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贵州剑河寒武系甲劳组中发现大量艾苏贝(Nisusia),经鉴定共1属2种(贵州艾苏贝Nisusia guizhouensis、瘤点艾苏贝Nisusia granosa), 1未定种(Nisusia sp.)。其中Nisusia guizhouensis丰度高、保存好,壳体上具明显的壳刺构造,与同区下伏地层凯里组和清虚洞组中已报道的N. guizhouensis有一定区别。定量形态学分析结果显示,从清虚洞组到甲劳组N.guizhouensis的腹壳和背壳的主端和侧缘位置相对向外扩张,壳体前缘部分相对向内收缩,其体腔也相应变小;腹壳的变化略大于背壳,且从凯里组到甲劳组的变化大于清虚洞组到凯里组的变化,但主成分分析(PCA)显示这些差异都属种内差异。这些差异可能是由于不同层位的N. guizhouensis所处的沉积环境差异所致,其壳体形态和特征的变化可能是适应更强水动力环境的结果。本研究丰富了甲劳组腕足动物的组成,为Nisusia系统分类和形态学研究提供新材料,还为腕足动物对环境适应性演化提供了证据。  相似文献   

描述产于贵州剑河八郎苗板坡剖面凯里组的艾苏贝一新种。新种腹壳壳喙细小尖凸,最高点位于壳喙处,两壳壳面具细圆且低小的放射线,放射线之间的间隔宽度与放射线的宽度相当,放射线上具有数量多、密度大、个体小的瘤点,为此建立新种瘤点艾苏贝(Nisusia granosasp.nov.)。凯里生物群中产有丰富的腕足动物化石,新种瘤点艾苏贝的发现增加了凯里生物群腕足类的分异度,为研究寒武纪腕足动物的辐射和多样性提供了重要的证据,也为研究艾苏贝类形态特征及钙质壳腕足动物壳面装饰在泥页岩中形态的变化和系统分类提供新的材料。  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武纪凯里生物群的高肌虫风雅峨眉虫(相似种)Emeiella cf.venusta和峨眉虫(未定种)Emeiellasp.化石,曾被描述为梁山虫(未定种)Liangshanellasp.,作者认为这些化石发育有细长的背脊,不符合Liangshanella的属征,厘定为峨眉虫Emeiella Lee,1975的1个相似种和1个未定种。相似种以具半圆形的壳、细长而平直的背脊且与背边平行的特点,区别于峨眉虫属的其它种;未定种壳受压扁长,呈半椭圆形,背脊细而长,暂作未定种处理。凯里生物群中Emeiella的产出,不仅增加了该属新的种群、地理分布由扬子区扩大至扬子-江南之间的过渡区、时代从寒武纪第二世延伸至苗岭世,也为寒武纪高肌虫的分类、地理分布、演化研究提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

小嘴贝亚门顾脱贝科顾脱贝属(Kutorgina Billings,1861)属于碳酸钙质壳非铰合类腕足动物,于1861年建立,含20个种,最早出现于传统的早寒武世,绝灭于中寒武世中期,广泛分布于北美洲及亚洲。贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"产顾脱贝两个种:犰狳顾脱贝(相似种)(K.cf.cingulata)及松山顾脱贝(新种)(K.songshanensis sp.nov.)。K.cf.cingulata与北格陵兰的K.cingulata在轮廓、壳饰上相似,主要区别是后者个体略大,少数背壳标本可见中隆;K.songshanensis sp.nov.具有与其他顾脱贝明显不同的特点——同心层稀少并常见三条同心层。"清虚洞组"顾脱贝的发现及研究,不仅与凯里组的顾脱贝形成演化链,而且为研究全球顾脱贝的演化及早寒武世腕足动物的辐射和多样性增添了新材料。  相似文献   

小嘴贝亚门顾脱贝科顾脱贝属(Kutorgina Billings,1861)属于碳酸钙质壳非铰合类腕足动物,于1861年建立,含20个种,最早出现于传统的早寒武世,绝灭于中寒武世中期,广泛分布于北美洲及亚洲。贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"产顾脱贝两个种:犰狳顾脱贝(相似种)(K.cf.cingulata)及松山顾脱贝(新种)(K.songshanensis sp.nov.)。K.cf.cingulata与北格陵兰的K.cingulata在轮廓、壳饰上相似,主要区别是后者个体略大,少数背壳标本可见中隆;K.songshanensis sp.nov.具有与其他顾脱贝明显不同的特点——同心层稀少并常见三条同心层。"清虚洞组"顾脱贝的发现及研究,不仅与凯里组的顾脱贝形成演化链,而且为研究全球顾脱贝的演化及早寒武世腕足动物的辐射和多样性增添了新材料。  相似文献   

志留纪最早期的腕足动物群在文献中很少记录,与标准笔石相伴者更为稀罕。江西玉山志留系底部因发现Akidograptus ascensus带的笔石而确定该处盛产志留纪初期(鲁丹早期)、多样性较高的腕足动物群。根据组成、性质与层位,它与浙江江山、常山、淳安、余杭等7个地点的同期组合可统一命名为华夏正形贝动物群(Cathay-siorthis Fauna)。它包含了不同群集,都产自细碎屑岩(如泥岩)中,其分布主要受海水深度和距华夏古陆远近的控制。这个动物群生长在奥陶纪大灭绝后的残存期,文章探讨了它的残存特征。研究揭示,奥陶纪末大灭绝对腕足动物演化的一个实质性的贡献在于制约了奥陶纪占优势的A组(正形贝/扭月贝大类群:发育铰合面、窗齿型铰齿、正扭型主突起和简单腕器官)的繁盛态势,滋生了B组(五房贝/无洞贝大类群:发育后转面、弓齿型铰齿和复杂腕器官但缺失正扭型主突起)在志留纪的优势,造成腕足动物宏演化历程中的一次重大转折。文中提出"优势替代滞后型式(Pattern of lag of dominance replacement)",专指A组类群的优势被B组类群替代的时间不是紧跟在奥陶纪末大灭绝之后,而是距大灭绝结束约4Ma之后。文中描记新属华夏正形贝(Cathaysiorthis gen.nov.)。  相似文献   

简要论述了近十年来泥盆纪石松类研究取得的主要进展。分支系统学研究增进了对石松类起源与谱系分异的认识,新构建的系统发育树中石松纲与真叶植物互为姐妹群,并识别出原始鳞木目和异孢石松类两个单系。基于化石数据库和定量统计分析,揭示了泥盆纪石松类的多样性演变模式:早泥盆世布拉格期(Pragian)石松类的属种数量显著增加,在埃姆斯期(Emsian)至艾菲尔期(Eifelian)逐步取代工蕨类,至晚泥盆世进一步辐射。依据华南、新疆及全球其他地区丰富的化石材料,大量泥盆纪的石松植物新类群得以建立,一系列已有属种得到详细的再研究,明确了这些植物的生物学特征,也促进了对石松类根系、生长和繁殖习性演化的深入理解。对华南早泥盆世的镰蕨类和挪威中—晚泥盆世乔木状石松的研究分别揭示了这一时期植物-土壤相互作用及热带森林群落面貌,为了解早期维管植物对地球环境和陆地生态系统的影响提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

在奥陶纪末生物大灭绝的两幕之间,海洋底域繁盛着赫南特贝腕足动物群(Hirnantia Fauna)。它数量丰富,分布广泛,历程短暂。以往国内外学者研究这个动物群时,常把铰合类腕足动物作为重点,而非铰合类只被简单描述或列出名单,整体面貌不明。非铰合类化石尽管材料有限、研究基础薄弱,但只就属的数目而言,占据了全球赫南特贝动物群总属数的近1/5,其群落、演化和环境意义不可小觑。文中专门记述上扬子区(华南古板块)观音桥层(赫南特早中期)与缅甸曼德勒地区(滇缅马苏古地体)Hwe Mawng紫色页岩段(赫南特中期)所产赫南特贝动物群的非铰合类化石,计有3目、4超科[Linguloidea (舌形贝超科)、Discinoidea (平圆贝超科)、Craniopsoidea(似髑髅贝超科)和Cranioidea (髑髅贝超科)]的10属、12种,包括5个命名属种[Plectoglossa cf.davidsoni (Barrande),Schizotretinia cf.euxina (Havlicek),Pseudopholidops partibilis (Rong),Petrocrania cr...  相似文献   

壳斗科植物花粉化石是被子植物花粉化石最为丰富的类群之一,在地史上自第三纪以来一直是中国各地质历史时期中植物区系的一个主要成分。据初步统计,我国第四纪地层中共发现壳斗科花粉化石有6属:Castanea,Castanopsis,Lithocarpus,Cyclobalanopsis,Fagus及Quercus,后者还分出含常绿栎类Quercus(E)和落叶栎类Quercus(D)两种类型。文中对6属中花粉形态相似的Castanea,Castanopsis和Lithocarpus 3属,以及Cyclobalanopsis和Quercus(E)花粉,从花粉粒形状和大小、萌发孔数量和形状、极面×赤道面的平均大小、最长极轴与最长赤道轴比以及外壁表面纹饰等多方面进行详细数值对比和照片对照,提出鉴定要点,希望能提高壳斗科花粉化石鉴定的准确性。同时,文中还讨论中国壳斗科各属植物生长的气候地理条件和生态环境。Castanopsis和Lithocarpus花粉化石分布中心范围在北纬28°—20°,反映该两属生长气候要求大约是年平均气温不低于15℃,年降水量不少于1 000mm;Cyclobalanopsis和Fagus花粉化石的产地在秦岭—淮河一线以南,生长的地理气候条件要求是1月份气温不低于0℃,年均温在8—15℃以上,年降水量不少于800mm的温暖湿润的生态环境;Castanea和Quercus花粉化石在全国各地均有发现,分布北界达北纬36°—50°,反映该两属生长的生态幅度较Castanopsis/Lithocarpus宽得多,基本的生长气候范围在年均温3.5—23℃,能够忍受1月份低于―10℃的寒冷,也能够经受7月份近30℃的高温考验,年均降水量约为500—1 700mm。希望该研究能为提高再造第四纪古植被和古环境,提供一些有说服力的气候地理条件的原始资料。  相似文献   

关于费尔干蚌Ferganoconcha   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
顾知微 《古生物学报》2002,41(1):152-158
在追溯费尔干蚌属与科的最初定义及过去学者对此属归科的不同意见后,从我国标本所获对此属铰齿构造了解,说明此属为蚌类化石。认为额尔古纳蚌Arguniella。也是蚌类化石,作者过去将它与费尔干蚌属合并是错误的,同时肯定了原苏联马廷生(G.G.Martinson)对费尔干蚌铰板与铰齿合并的解释。费尔干蚌属的区别特征,在其扁而无壳顶脊的外壳与狭细片状齿无铰板的发育。文末简述了陈金华1999新的不同意见,并作了评论。  相似文献   

A new polynitro cage compound 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonanitro-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonaazaheptcyclo [,11).1(5,9)] pentadecane (NNNAHP) was designed in the present work. Its molecular structure was optimized at the B3LYP/6-31 G(d,p) level of density functional theory (DFT) and crystal structure was predicted using the Compass and Dreiding force fields and refined by DFT GGA-RPBE method. The obtained crystal structure of NNNAHP belongs to the P-1 space group and the lattice parameters are a = 9.99 ?, b = 10.78 ?, c = 9.99 ?, α = 90.01°, β = 120.01°, γ = 90.00°, and Z = 2, respectively. Based on the optimized crystal structure, the band gap, density of state, thermodynamic properties, infrared spectrum, strain energy, detonation characteristics, and thermal stability were predicted. Calculation results show that NNNAHP has detonation properties close to those of CL-20 and is a high energy density compound with moderate stability.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

The variation with age of the 18 trace element mass fractions and some histological characteristics of intact prostate glands of 50 subjects aged 0–30 years was investigated by instrumental neutron activation analysis, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, and a quantitative morphometric analysis. Mean values ± standard error of the mean (M ± SΕΜ) for the mass fractions (in milligrams per kilogram wet tissue) of these trace elements in pre-puberty were: Al 28.5 ± 9.0, B 0.40 ± 0.11, Ba 1.48 ± 0.44, Br 10.5 ± 1.5, Ca 241 ± 30, Cl 3,203 ± 278, Cu 3.51 ± 0.89, Fe 33.7 ± 4.1, K 2,364 ± 145, Li 0.020 ± 0.004, Mg 153 ± 23, Mn 0.46 ± 0.06, Na 2,286 ± 130, P 1,391 ± 100, S 1,698 ± 132, Si 62 ± 11, Sr 0.38 ± 0.08, and Zn 27.6 ± 2.3. During puberty and postpuberty, when there is a significant increase in circulating androgens, the mean values were: Al 7.2 ± 1.4, B 0.21 ± 0.05, Ba 0.25 ± 0.06, Br 5.8 ± 1.0, Ca 433 ± 81, Cl 2,314 ± 201, Cu 1.77 ± 0.13, Fe 20.9 ± 1.6, K 2,585 ± 118, Li 0.0088 ± 0.0014, Mg 232 ± 27, Mn 0.34 ± 0.04, Na 1,875 ± 107, P 1,403 ± 98, S 1,673 ± 73, Si 22.2 ± 3.1, Sr 0.22 ± 0.03, and Zn 93.3 ± 8.9. Mean values (M ± SΕΜ) of percent volumes (%) of the stroma, epithelium and lumen in the prostate before puberty were 73.4 ± 2.6, 20.4 ± 1.7, and 4.45 ± 0.94, respectively, versus 46.5 ± 2.5, 38.5 ± 1.9, and 14.9 ± 1.2 during puberty and postpuberty. This work’s results confirm that the Zn mass fraction in prostate tissue is an androgen-dependent parameter. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the glandular lumen is a main pool of Ca, Mg, and Zn accumulation and that the stroma is a main pool of Al, B, Ba, Br, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Si accumulation in the normal human prostate, for the age range 0–30 years. It was concluded that the Ca, Mg, and Zn binds tightly within the prostatic fluid, because the volume of glandular lumen reflects the volume of prostatic fluid.  相似文献   

The goal of this article was to establish reference ranges of the concentration of trace elements in human serum and to compare these results with those reported by other authors. We describe the sample preparation and measurement conditions that allow the rapid, precise, and accurate determination of Al, As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Rb, Se, Sr, and Zn in human serum samples (n=110) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Accuracy and precision were determined by analyzing three reconstituted reference serum samples by comparison with other methods and by the standard addition procedure. The advantages of the ICP-MS method include short time of analysis of the elements mentioned, low detection limit, high precision, and high accuracy. Disadventages include a high risk of contamination due to the presence of some of the elements of interest in the environment, the relatively delicate sample handling, and the high cost of the equipment.  相似文献   

This report attempts to formulate reference ranges of elemental concentrations for 15 trace elements in selected human tissues and body fluids. A set of samples consisting of whole blood, blood serum, urine, milk, liver, and hair were chosen and considered for 15 elements of biological significance: As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn. The results represent wholly or partially data received from 40 countries of the global regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, North, South, and Central America, Australia, and New Zealand. This survey, even if qualitative, has been useful in demonstrating certain trends of trace-element scenarios around the world. It is of course recognized that both diet and environment exert a strong influence on the distribution pattern of several elements, such as As, Cd, Mn, Pb, Se, and Zn. A limited comparison of the available information on soil status of different countries reflected some interesting associations for elements, such as Mn and Zn. Importantly, this study revealed that only a few countries were in a position to identify a reasonable amount of data on samples requested for this project. Regretably, for a number of countries, any dependable data for even such essential elements as Cu, Fe, and Zn were not available. In view of the nutritional importance of many elements, the time is ripe for concerted efforts by intergovernmental agencies to initiate investigations or commission task forces/projects to generate reliable reference data for selected global regions, which sadly lack data of any kind at present.  相似文献   

The effect of age and gender on major, minor, and trace element contents in the intact rib bone of 80 relatively healthy 15–55-year-old women and men was investigated. Contents or upper limit of contents of 16 chemical elements in the rib bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Mean values (M?±?SΕΜ) for the mass fraction of Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn (milligram per kilogram of dry bone) were as follows: 2.54?±?0.16, 171,400?±?4,050, 1.35?±?0.22, 140?±?11, 1,874?±?71, 0.049?±?0.011, 2,139?±?38, 5,378?±?88, 75,140?±?1,660, 1,881?±?51, 291?±?20, and 92.8?±?1.5, respectively. The upper limits of contents of Al, B, Mn, and V were <7.20, <0.65, <0.36, and <0.03, respectively. Statistically significant tendency for the Ca, Mg, and P content to decrease with age was found in the human rib bone, regardless of gender. The mass fraction of Fe in the male rib bone increases with age. It was shown that higher Ca, Mg, Na, P, and Sr mass fractions as well as lower Fe content were typical of female ribs as compared to those in male ribs.  相似文献   


Oral cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths in South-Asian countries. There are very limited treatment options available for oral cancer. Research endeavors focused on discovery and development of novel therapies for oral cancer, is necessary to control the ever rising oral cancer related mortalities. We mined the large pool of compounds from the publicly available compound databases, to identify potential therapeutic compounds for oral cancer. Over 84 million compounds were screened for the possible anti-cancer activity by custom build SVM classifier. The molecular targets of the predicted anti-cancer compounds were mined from reliable sources like experimental bioassays studies associated with the compound, and from protein-compound interaction databases. Therapeutic compounds from DrugBank, and a list of natural anti-cancer compounds derived from literature mining of published studies, were used for building partial least squares regression model. The regression model thus built, was used for the estimation of oral cancer specific weights based on the molecular targets. These weights were used to compute scores for screening the predicted anti-cancer compounds for their potential to treat oral cancer. The list of potential compounds was annotated with corresponding physicochemical properties, cancer specific bioactivity evidences, and literature evidences. In all, 288 compounds with the potential to treat oral cancer were identified in the current study. The majority of the compounds in this list are natural products, which are well-tolerated and have minimal side-effects compared to the synthetic counterparts. Some of the potential therapeutic compounds identified in the current study are resveratrol, nimbolide, lovastatin, bortezomib, vorinostat, berberine, pterostilbene, deguelin, andrographolide, and colchicine.  相似文献   

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