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Acetic acid bacteria are a distinct group of microorganisms within the family Acetobacteriaceae. They are characterized by their ability to incompletely oxidize a wide range of carbohydrates and alcohols. The great advantage of these reactions is that many substrates are regio- and stereoselectively oxidized. This feature is already exploited in several combined biotechnological-chemical procedures for the synthesis of sugar derivatives. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic concepts of this type of physiology to construct strains for improved or new oxidative fermentations. Based on the genome sequence of Gluconobacteroxydans, we will shed light on the central carbon metabolism, the composition of the respiratory chain and the analysis of uncharacterized oxidoreductases. In this context, the role of membrane-bound and -soluble dehydrogenases are of major importance in the process of incomplete oxidation. Other topics deal with the question of how these organisms generate energy and assimilate carbon. Furthermore, we will discuss how acetic acid bacteria thrive in their nutrient-rich environment and how they outcompete other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Cellulosilyticum lentocellum DSM 5427 is an anaerobic, endospore-forming member of the Firmicutes. We describe the complete genome sequence of this cellulose-degrading bacterium, which was originally isolated from estuarine sediment of a river that received both domestic and paper mill waste. Comparative genomics of cellulolytic clostridia will provide insight into factors that influence degradation rates.  相似文献   

Four strains of acetic acid bacteria were isolated from flowers collected in Thailand. In phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences, the four isolates were located in the lineage of the genus Gluconobacter and constituted a separate cluster from the known Gluconobacter species, Gluconobacter oxydans, Gluconobacter cerinus, and Gluconobacter frateurii. In addition, the isolates were distinguished from the known species by restriction analysis of 16S-23S rDNA ITS region PCR products using three restriction endonucleases Bsp1286I, MboII, and AvaII. The DNA base composition of the isolates ranged from 55.3-56.3 mol% G+C. The four isolates constituted a taxon separate from G. oxydans, G. cerinus, and G. frateurii on the basis of DNA-DNA similarities. Morphologically, physiologically, and biochemically, the four isolates were very similar to the type strains of G. oxydans, G. cerinus, and G. frateurii; however, the isolates were discriminated in their growth at 37 degrees C from the type strains of G. cerinus and G. frateurii, and in their growth on L-arabitol and meso-ribitol from the type strain of G. oxydans. The isolates showed no acid production from myo-inositol or melibiose, which differed from the type strains of the three known species. The major ubiquinone homologue was Q-10. On the basis of the results obtained, Gluconobacter thailandicus sp. nov. was proposed for the four isolates. The type strain is isolate F149-1(T) (=BCC 14116(T)=NBRC 100600(T)=JCM 12310(T)=TISTR 1533(T)=PCU 225(T)), which had 55.8 mol% G+C, isolated from a flower of the Indian cork tree (Millingtonia hortensis) collected in Bangkok, Thailand.  相似文献   

Ketogulonicigenium vulgare is characterized by the efficient production of 2KGA from L-sorbose. Ketogulonicigenium vulgare Y25 is known as a 2-keto-L-gulonic acid-producing strain in the vitamin C industry. Here we report the finished, annotated genome sequence of Ketogulonicigenium vulgare Y25.  相似文献   

Pseudoxanthomonas spadix BD-a59, able to metabolize all six BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-, m-, and p-xylene) compounds, was isolated from gasoline-contaminated sediment. Here, we report the complete 3.45-Mb genome sequence and annotation of strain BD-a59. These advance the understanding of strain BD-a59's genomic properties and pollutant metabolic versatility.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris is among the most metabolically versatile bacteria known. It uses light, inorganic compounds, or organic compounds, for energy. It acquires carbon from many types of green plant-derived compounds or by carbon dioxide fixation, and it fixes nitrogen. Here we describe the genome sequence of R. palustris, which consists of a 5,459,213-base-pair (bp) circular chromosome with 4,836 predicted genes and a plasmid of 8,427 bp. The sequence reveals genes that confer a remarkably large number of options within a given type of metabolism, including three nitrogenases, five benzene ring cleavage pathways and four light harvesting 2 systems. R. palustris encodes 63 signal transduction histidine kinases and 79 response regulator receiver domains. Almost 15% of the genome is devoted to transport. This genome sequence is a starting point to use R. palustris as a model to explore how organisms integrate metabolic modules in response to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Yuan J  Liu W  Sun M  Song S  Cai J  Hu S 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(11):2896-2897
Riemerella anatipestifer is a well-described pathogen of waterfowl and other avian species which can cause a great loss to the poultry industry. Here we obtained the complete genome sequence of R. anatipestifer strain RA-GD, which was isolated from an infected duck in Guangzhou, China, and was cultivated in our laboratory.  相似文献   

Rubrobacter radiotolerans strain RSPS-4 is a slightly thermophilic member of the phylum “Actinobacteria” isolated from a hot spring in São Pedro do Sul, Portugal. This aerobic and halotolerant bacterium is also extremely resistant to gamma and UV radiation, which are the main reasons for the interest in sequencing its genome. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of strain RSPS-4 as well as its assembly and annotation. We also compare the gene sequence of this organism with that of the type strain of the species R. radiotolerans isolated from a hot spring in Japan. The genome of strain RSPS-4 comprises one circular chromosome of 2,875,491 bp with a G+C content of 66.91%, and 3 circular plasmids of 190,889 bp, 149,806 bp and 51,047 bp, harboring 3,214 predicted protein coding genes, 46 tRNA genes and a single rRNA operon.  相似文献   

Saccharopolyspora erythraea is used for the industrial-scale production of the antibiotic erythromycin A, derivatives of which play a vital role in medicine. The sequenced chromosome of this soil bacterium comprises 8,212,805 base pairs, predicted to encode 7,264 genes. It is circular, like those of the pathogenic actinomycetes Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Corynebacterium diphtheriae, but unlike the linear chromosomes of the model actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) and the closely related Streptomyces avermitilis. The S. erythraea genome contains at least 25 gene clusters for production of known or predicted secondary metabolites, at least 72 genes predicted to confer resistance to a range of common antibiotic classes and many sets of duplicated genes to support its saprophytic lifestyle. The availability of the genome sequence of S. erythraea will improve insight into its biology and facilitate rational development of strains to generate high-titer producers of clinically important antibiotics.  相似文献   

Halanaerobium hydrogenoformans is an alkaliphilic bacterium capable of biohydrogen production at pH 11 and 7% (wt/vol) salt. We present the 2.6-Mb genome sequence to provide insights into its physiology and potential for bioenergy applications.  相似文献   

Incapability of Gluconobacter oxydans to produce tartaric acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dependence of tartaric acid production by Gluconobacter oxydans ssp. oxydans ATCC 19357 and G. oxydans ssp. suboxydans ATCC 621 on vanadate was investigated. It was found with both organisms that trataric acid could only be produced in a medium containing vanadate (NH(4)VO(3)). A proposed intermediate of the tartaric acid metabolism in G. oxydans, 5-ketogluconic acid, was tested on its reactivity in the presence of the oxidizing catalyst vanadate. It could be shown that 5-ketogluconic acid and the catalyst vanadate, but not the activity of G. oxydans, were responsible for the formation of tartaric acid. G. oxydans was not able to produce tartaric acid by itself. The stereochemical identity of the formed tartaric acid could be identified as the L-(+)-type. Oxalic acid was formed from 5-ketogluconic acid with vanadate in the absence and in the presence of G. oxydans. The ratio of oxalic acid to tartaric acid was 1:1.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis is of great importance for the nutrition of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. This paper describes the genome sequence of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363, the lactococcal strain most intensively studied throughout the world. The 2,529,478-bp genome contains 81 pseudogenes and encodes 2,436 proteins. Of the 530 unique proteins, 47 belong to the COG (clusters of orthologous groups) functional category "carbohydrate metabolism and transport," by far the largest category of novel proteins in comparison with L. lactis subsp. lactis IL1403. Nearly one-fifth of the 71 insertion elements are concentrated in a specific 56-kb region. This integration hot-spot region carries genes that are typically associated with lactococcal plasmids and a repeat sequence specifically found on plasmids and in the "lateral gene transfer hot spot" in the genome of Streptococcus thermophilus. Although the parent of L. lactis MG1363 was used to demonstrate lysogeny in Lactococcus, L. lactis MG1363 carries four remnant/satellite phages and two apparently complete prophages. The availability of the L. lactis MG1363 genome sequence will reinforce its status as the prototype among lactic acid bacteria through facilitation of further applied and fundamental research.  相似文献   

Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC 19718) is a gram-negative obligate chemolithoautotroph that can derive all its energy and reductant for growth from the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite. Nitrosomonas europaea participates in the biogeochemical N cycle in the process of nitrification. Its genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 2,812,094 bp. The GC skew analysis indicates that the genome is divided into two unequal replichores. Genes are distributed evenly around the genome, with approximately 47% transcribed from one strand and approximately 53% transcribed from the complementary strand. A total of 2,460 protein-encoding genes emerged from the modeling effort, averaging 1,011 bp in length, with intergenic regions averaging 117 bp. Genes necessary for the catabolism of ammonia, energy and reductant generation, biosynthesis, and CO(2) and NH(3) assimilation were identified. In contrast, genes for catabolism of organic compounds are limited. Genes encoding transporters for inorganic ions were plentiful, whereas genes encoding transporters for organic molecules were scant. Complex repetitive elements constitute ca. 5% of the genome. Among these are 85 predicted insertion sequence elements in eight different families. The strategy of N. europaea to accumulate Fe from the environment involves several classes of Fe receptors with more than 20 genes devoted to these receptors. However, genes for the synthesis of only one siderophore, citrate, were identified in the genome. This genome has provided new insights into the growth and metabolism of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   

Chen C  Ai L  Zhou F  Wang L  Zhang H  Chen W  Guo B 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(13):3419-3420
Lactobacillus casei LC2W, a patented probiotic strain (Z. Wu, European patent EP 1642963 B1, February 2009), has been isolated from Chinese traditional dairy products and implemented in industrial production as starter culture. Here we present the complete genome sequence of LC2W and the identification of a gene cluster implicated in the biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain A8 was isolated from soil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls. It can use 2-chlorobenzoate and 2,5-dichlorobenzoate as sole sources of carbon and energy. This property makes it a good starting microorganism for further development toward a bioremediation tool. The genome of A. xylosoxidans consists of a 7-Mb chromosome and two large plasmids (98 kb and 248 kb). Besides genes for the utilization of xenobiotic organic substrates, it contains genes associated with pathogenesis, toxin production, and resistance. Here, we report the complete genome sequence.  相似文献   

Azospira suillum strain PS (formally Dechlorosoma suillum strain PS) is a metabolically versatile betaproteobacterium first identified for its ability to grow by dissimilatory reduction of perchlorate and chlorate [denoted (per)chlorate]. Together with Dechloromonas species, these two genera represent the dominant (per)chlorate-reducing bacteria in mesophilic freshwater environments. In addition to (per)chlorate reduction, A. suillum is capable of the anaerobic oxidation of humic substances and is the first anaerobic nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidizer outside the Diaphorobacter and Acidovorax genera for which there is a completed genome sequence.  相似文献   

The lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus is widely used for the manufacture of yogurt and cheese. This dairy species of major economic importance is phylogenetically close to pathogenic streptococci, raising the possibility that it has a potential for virulence. Here we report the genome sequences of two yogurt strains of S. thermophilus. We found a striking level of gene decay (10% pseudogenes) in both microorganisms. Many genes involved in carbon utilization are nonfunctional, in line with the paucity of carbon sources in milk. Notably, most streptococcal virulence-related genes that are not involved in basic cellular processes are either inactivated or absent in the dairy streptococcus. Adaptation to the constant milk environment appears to have resulted in the stabilization of the genome structure. We conclude that S. thermophilus has evolved mainly through loss-of-function events that remarkably mirror the environment of the dairy niche resulting in a severely diminished pathogenic potential.  相似文献   

We isolated Gluconobacter oxydans T-100 that had an activity to produce 2-KLGA from D-sorbitol; however, the yield of 2-KLGA was quite insufficient. Therefore, enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of L-sorbosone and 2-KLGA, L-sorbose dehydrogenase (SDH) and L-sorbosone dehydrogenase (SNDH), respectively, were purified from G. oxydans T-100. A genomic library of G. oxydans T-100 was screened to clone both genes for SDH and SNDH based on their amino acid sequences. SNDH and SDH were encoded in sequential open reading frames with 1497 and 1596 nucleotides, respectively, which were verified by the expression in Escherichia coli. The amino acid sequence of SDH and SNDH showed close similarity with E. coli choline dehydrogenase (CDH) and betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH), respectively, which cooperatively play a key role for conferring osmotic tolerance. Because the yield of 2-KLGA by G. oxydans introduced with the genes for SDH and SNDH were insufficient, replacement of the promoter with that of Escherichia coli tufB1 in combination with chemical mutagenesis by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine resulted in improvement of the production level.  相似文献   

Geobacillus thermoleovorans CCB_US3_UF5 is a thermophilic bacterium isolated from a hot spring in Malaysia. Here, we report the complete genome of G. thermoleovorans CCB_US3_UF5, which shows high similarity to the genome of Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA 426 in terms of synteny and orthologous genes.  相似文献   

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