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Natural populations worldwide are increasingly fragmented by habitat loss. Isolation at small population size is thought to reduce individual and population fitness via inbreeding depression. However, little is known about the time-scale over which adverse genetic effects may develop in natural populations or the number and types of traits likely to be affected. The benefits of restoring gene flow to isolates are therefore also largely unknown. In contrast, the potential costs of migration (e.g. disease spread) are readily apparent. Management for ecological connectivity has therefore been controversial and sometimes avoided. Using pedigree and life-history data collected during 25 years of study, we evaluated genetic decline and rescue in a population of bighorn sheep founded by 12 individuals in 1922 and isolated at an average size of 42 animals for 10-12 generations. Immigration was restored experimentally, beginning in 1985. We detected marked improvements in reproduction, survival and five fitness-related traits among descendants of the 15 recent migrants. Trait values were increased by 23-257% in maximally outbred individuals. This is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of increased male and female fitness attributable to outbreeding realized in a fully competitive natural setting. Our findings suggest that genetic principles deserve broader recognition as practical management tools with near-term consequences for large-mammal conservation.  相似文献   

Female white-footed micePeromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818) and their dependent offspring were monitored in nest boxes to determine the extent and causes of nest mortality. The mortality of dependent young was high (561 of 838; 66%) and variable among years. Most mortality involved the loss of entire litters (112 of 183 litters; 61%), with half of these losses attributed to the death of lactating females before the young were weaned (59 of 112 litters; 53%). Most mortality was from unknown causes, although infanticide, energetic constraints and predation were identified in a small number of cases. Predation is likely the major source of mortality in this population.  相似文献   

During 1998–2000, at least 14 species (n = 309) of small mammals were live‐trapped and examined for ectoparasites in moist forests of the Taita and Shimba Hills and drier savannah habitats of Nguruman, southeastern Kenya. Ectoparasites were recorded from 11 species of mammals. Five species of sucking lice [Hoplopleura inexpectans Johnson, H. intermedia Kellogg & Ferris, Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch), P. waterstoni Bedford and Schizophthirus graphiuri Ferris], six species of fleas (Ctenophthalmus leptodactylous Hubbard, Dinopsyllus grypurus Jordan & Rothschild, D. lypusus Jordan & Rothschild, Hypsophthalmus campestris Jordan & Rothschild, Listropsylla basilewskyi Smit and Xiphiopsylla lippa Jordan) and at least six species of ticks (Amblyomma sp., Haemaphysalis sp., Ixodes sp., I. alluaudi Neumann, I. cumulatimpunctatus Schulze, I. muniensis Arthur & Burrow and Rhipicephalus sp.) were recorded from these hosts. Four of the five species of sucking lice were host specific whereas P. reclinata was recorded from two different species of white‐toothed shrews, Crocidura spp. Although fleas and ticks were less host specific, C. leptodactylous, D. grypurus and I. cumulatimpunctatus were only recorded from the murid rodent Praomys delectorum (Thomas), Amblyomma sp. was only recorded from the nesomyid rodent Beamys hindei Thomas, Rhipicephalus sp. was only recorded from the murid Lemniscomys striatus (L.) and I. muniensis was only recorded from the dormouse Graphiurus microtis (Noack). More species of ectoparasites and significantly greater infestation prevalences were recorded from small mammals in moist habitats compared with those from the savannah habitat. At least one of the fleas recorded, D. lypusus, is a known vector of Yersinia pestis Lehmann & Neumann, the causative agent of plague, which is present in the region.  相似文献   

Trichophyton persicolor infection in a population of small wild mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Island populations are of interest for their differentiation as well as their species diversity; some of the earliest biological interest in islands was concerned with the number of 'endemics' thereon. There is dispute about the long-term evolutionary importance of island forms, but they are rich sources of data for studying the under-exploited interface of genetics, ecology and physiology. Differentiation of island populations may arise from genetic change after isolation, or from the chance collection of alleles carried by the colonizing group itself. The general reduction of genetic variance in island populations compared to continental forms of the same species suggests that founder events have played a major role in the formation of most island forms. However, there is ample evidence of adaptation in island populations despite this lower variation; this is relevant when using island biology as a base for the deriving of rules for genetic conservation.  相似文献   

Small mammals in a high-altitude grassland area close to Mexico City were studied. Populations of 10 species were censused using live traps in 48 sample quadrats. Within each quadrat, vegetation characterization, including complete floristic listings, cover values for species and layers and values of habitat modification, were assessed. Habitats were described according to plant communities identified using ordination and classification methods. Nine different plant communities were obtained. Densities and abundance of all small mammal species were calculated for each of the habitats classified. Peromyscus alsloni was the most abundant species in all habitats, reaching maximum densities of 55 ha−1 in pine forest with dense ground and herb layer. Peromyscus melanotis also occurred in all habitats but at lower densities (maximum 29 ha−1). Reithrodontomys megalotis was found in all habitats except in tall dense grassland. Densities for this species were generally low (1-9 ha−1) but reached 19 ha−1 in short dense grassland. All other species were largely absent from 4–8 habitats and showed very low densities (0.75–4 ha−1). The densities of the more abundant species were largely correlated with more open habitats and higher indices of habitat modification. Lower altitude grassland habitats have a greater abundance of small mammals and a higher species richness than the medium and higher altitude, physiognomically more complex habitats. Species richness was highest in tall pine-alder forest with a species-rich, dense herb layer and lowest in pine forest with dense ground and herb layers. Species richness was positively correlated with overall small mammal density.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of grazing upon the establishment, survival, growth and reproduction of a grassland annual Geranium dissectum growing in a sward dominated by grasses were examined in a replicated grazing experiment with sheep. Seeds were sown in both summer and autumn, and grazing was controlled to produce two levels of grazing in winter, two levels in spring, and two in summer, combined in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experimental design. Higher intensities of grazing in the period immediately before emergence benefitted plant establishment, but subsequent survival showed many interactions between factors, demonstrating that under certain conditions and at certain times grazing was detrimental. It is suggested that the frequency of G. dissectum in the grassland was low because the heavy grazing conditions that foster seedling emergence also jeopardize subsequent survival. This may also be why productive grassland communities in general contain few palatable dicots.  相似文献   

Most previous work in population ecology has modeled density-dependent effects in isolation. In this paper, we concurrently modeled the effect of density-dependent and density-independent factors on the rate of population change (R t ) in Peromyscus leucopus (white-footed mouse), using a Ricker equation expanded to include weather and seasonality. From 1973 to 1996, we live-trapped P. leucopus monthly in a 2-ha Ohio woodlot. Population peaks (July to August) varied from 27 to 181 individuals, while troughs (December to March) varied from 4 to 46 individuals. We used time-delayed densities to act as surrogates for unobserved density-dependent factors, and principal components to represent 12 highly collinear weather variables. We identified time-delayed correlations by season between R t and the independent variables (i.e., previous densities and weather principal components) using transfer function analysis. In summer, when P. leucopus densities were above the seasonal mean for the month, R t was lower in the following 2 months; however, in winter, R t was greater in the first but lower in the second succeeding month. R t also correlated positively in autumn with contemporaneous precipitation, and was negatively correlated with `extreme' weather in summer with 2- and 3-month lags and in winter with a 3-month lag. We hypothesize that precipitation affected juveniles by influencing food resources and that `extreme' weather affected breeding. Our model explained 65% of the variability in R t , and density-dependent and density-independent factors explained an equal percentage of that variability. This model created good forecasts of population density up to 12 months in the future. Received: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

Simple survey methods for small mammals, such as indices of trap captures per unit effort, are often the only practicable means of monitoring populations over the long term and at landscape scale and the only source of valuable historical data. They include two fundamental assumptions about the target populations (uniform distribution and equal detectability). Concern has often been expressed that, if these assumptions are violated, conventional density indices could give misleading results. Site occupancy analysis (SOA) can detect significantly uneven distribution of local populations (from variation in probability of occupancy) and reliability of indices of abundance (from variation in detectability) without requiring enumeration. We use this method to examine standardised capture records from long-term population surveys of non-commensal house mice (Mus musculus), ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and stoats (Mustela erminea), sampled in four representative temperate forest habitats in New Zealand. Best fit models generated by SOA were consistent with (1) constant or random probability of occupancy for stoats and dynamic equilibrium probability of occupancy for most populations of mice and rats; (2) widespread site-specific variation in probability of detection, especially substantial in rats and correlated with habitat covariates; (3) direct correlations between detectability and density index in mice and rats sampled at 50 m intervals over 3 days, probably because the effects on the density index of variation in numbers available to be caught (population size) were much larger than the effects of changes in catchability (individual behaviour); (4) declines after 6 days in detectability of stoats and rats sampled at 3–400 m intervals over 10 days, attributed to a local trap-out effect. Longer-term variations in the density index were consistent with observed changes in reproductive parameters and age structure that are known to follow variations in real numbers. We conclude that violations of the assumptions of uniform distribution and equal detectability, while real, were not sufficient to prevent these data from providing information adequate for (1) short-term population assessments (2) long-term, low-level monitoring and (3) preliminary modelling.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for short-term capture and estimation of abundance of small mammals employing lines of modified traps. Test capture was undertaken on the shore of Teletskoe Lake in northwestern Altai. The proposed method allows rapid estimation of the biodiversity of small mammals community. The test has proved that rodents-to-insectivores ratio of caught animals is closer to the results yielded by lines of ditches than by break-back traps. The method is less labor-consuming than the ditch trapping. The new trap is shown schematically and recommendations on its practical use are given.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物的母体效应及其在种群调节中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母体效应是指双亲的表型影响其后代表型的直接效应。它是子代对环境异质性的一种表型反应,亦是进化动力的一个重要来源,还可能与小型哺乳动物种群调节机制有关。以小型哺乳动物为例,介绍了母体效应的概念及其产生和发展过程,以及影响母体效应的营养和非营养因素,特别强调了光周期和激素的作用。在种群水平上,对度量母体效应的备选指标进行了评价,认为种群内个体的平均体重能较好地代表种群质量的高低;概述了衰老母体效应假说的主要内容及其在小型哺乳动物种群动态调节中的作用,即在种群数量的周期性波动过程中,母体质量的变化会影响后代的生殖和存活,甚至持续达2~3个世代,它与由种群年龄结构偏移所导致的衰老效应共同起作用,可使某些小型哺乳动物种群处于低数量期。本文还对母体效应的进化适应意义进行丁阐述。  相似文献   

The mat-forming poikilohydric sedge Afrotrilepis pilosa (Cyperaceae) occurs as the dominant member of characteristic stands on West African inselbergs. The species composition of this community has been examined in the Ivory Coast along a latitudinal gradient from the savanna to the rainforest region. Inselbergs consisting of Precambrian granites and gneisses, are prominent landscape elements characterized by large areas of exposed rock. Monocotyledonous mats are one of the most conspicuous communities of this ecosystem. Floristically, the mats are poor in higher plant species with a total of only 15 species (mostly therophytes) recorded in 110 relevés. Species diversity is likewise low, indicating extremely stressful environmental conditions. A major factor affecting plant colonization is the pronounced short-term variation in water-availability, even in the more humid regions in the south of the country. Afrotrilepis pilosa is highly competitive under these conditions, and the dense stands leave only little space for other species to become established. Longevity (attaining an age of several hundred years) and the ability, to spread radially to form almost monospecific stands are further characteristics which render this species a superior competitor. In marked contrast with most other tropical vegetation types, Afrotrilepis mats have therefore to be regarded as an example of a naturally occurring, extremely species-poor community, in which competitive displacement and the low degree of disturbance prevent higher diversity.  相似文献   

Taiwan is a mountainous island off the coast of the Asian continent. The island is located on the continental shelf and rises to an elevation of nearly 4000 m. It became an island approximately 4 million years ago and has been connected to the continent more than once since its emergence. Therefore, the elevational zonation of two Taiwanese pairs of congeners in the rodent genera Apodemus and Niviventer can be explained by one of two competing hypotheses. One hypothesis assumes that speciation of the two congeners occurred in situ after an ancestral species migrated from the continent. In contrast, the second hypothesis argues the zonation resulted from separate incursion events during the connections. The phylogenetic analyses, which are based on electrophoretic allozyme data, reject the first of these hypotheses. Furthermore, genetic population structure and gene flow of three species of Taiwanese rodents (Apodemus semotus, Niviventer culturatus and Microtus kikuchii) are studied in relation to their patterns of elevational distribution. The genetic structure of A. semotus and N. culturatus, which have extensive elevational distribution, is rather homogeneous and no genie discontinuity or cline in allele frequency was detected. Gene flow among subpopulations for these two species is rather substantial; therefore, the potential isolating effect imposed by deep river valleys is minimal. Conversely, isolation of populations of M. kikuchii on different mountaintops is quite complete as mirrored by the high level of genie differentiation and low gene flow.  相似文献   

千岛湖岛屿小型兽类群落的多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2007 年秋季和2008 年春季,选取千岛湖地区14 个岛屿和2 个半岛作为样地,采用夹夜法进行小型兽类群落组成调查。两季度共布夹20 400 个,捕获小型兽类1 141 只,隶属2 目3 科9 属13 种,啮齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae)10 种和仓鼠科(Cricetidae)1 种,食虫目(Insectivora)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)2 种。利用以上结果分析其群落多样性,结果显示:14 个岛屿小型兽类群落春、秋两季的多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数均呈现极显著差异且优势种发生变化;对可能影响岛屿小型兽类群落多样性的岛屿面积、距最近陆地距离、距最近大岛距离和植物丰富度等因素进行逐步回归分析,发现只有植物丰富度对小型兽类群落的物种丰富度有显著影响;对16 个样地按照物种组成比进行聚类,许源半岛样地与14 个岛屿聚为一类,姚家半岛样地单独归为一类,相似性指数比较结果亦显示姚家半岛样地与其它样地的相似性指数偏低。结论:景观破碎化导致千岛湖岛屿小型兽类群落的稳定性下降,物种多样性季节变化强烈;随岛屿面积的增加,小型兽类物种丰富度并非总是增加的,而是出现反复,呈现明显的小岛效应;14 个岛屿的物种与许源半岛样地物种构成比接近,推断在水库未形成前属同一生境。  相似文献   

Three-to-five-year population oscillations of northern small rodents are usually synchronous over hundreds of square kilometers. This regional synchrony could be due to similarity in climatic factors, or due to nomadic predators reducing the patches of high prey density close to the average density of a larger area. We estimated avian predator and small rodent densities in 4–5 predator reduction and 4–5 control areas (c. 3 km2 each) during 1989–1992 in western Finland. We studied whether nomadic avian predators concentrate at high prey density areas, and whether this decreases spatial variation in prey density. The yearly mean number of avian predator breeding territories was 0.2–1.0 in reduction areas and 3.0–8.2 in control areas. Hunting birds of prey concentrated in high prey density areas after their breeding season (August), but not necessarily during the breeding season (April to June), when they were constrained to hunt in vicinity of the nest. The experimental reduction of breeding avian predators increased variation in prey density among areas but not within areas. The difference in variation between raptor reduction and control areas was largest in the late breeding season of birds of prey, and decreased rapidly after the breeding season. These results appeared to support the hypothesis that the geographic synchrony of population cycles in small mammals may be driven by nomadic predators concentrating in high prey density areas. Predation and climatic factors apparently are complementary, rather than exclusive, factors in contributing to the synchrony.  相似文献   

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