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Pei YC  Hsiao SS  Craig JC  Bensmaia SJ 《Neuron》2011,69(3):536-547
How are local motion signals integrated to form a global motion percept? We investigate the neural mechanisms of tactile motion integration by presenting tactile gratings and plaids to the fingertips of monkeys, using the tactile analogue of a visual monitor and recording the responses evoked in somatosensory cortical neurons. The perceived directions of the gratings and plaids are measured in parallel psychophysical experiments. We identify a population of somatosensory neurons that exhibit integration properties comparable to those induced by analogous visual stimuli in area MT and find that these neural responses account for the perceived direction of the stimuli across all stimulus conditions tested. The preferred direction of the neurons and the perceived direction of the stimuli can be predicted from the weighted average of the directions of the individual stimulus features, highlighting that the somatosensory system implements a vector average mechanism to compute tactile motion direction that bears striking similarities to its visual counterpart.  相似文献   

How is motion information that has been obtained through multiple viewing apertures integrated to form a global motion percept? We investigated the mechanisms of motion integration across apertures in two hemifields by presenting gratings through two rectangles (that form the dual barber poles) and recording the perceived direction of motion by human observers. To this end, we presented dual barber poles in conditions with various inter-component distances between the apertures and evaluated the degree to which the hemifield information was integrated by measuring the magnitude of the perceived barber pole illusion. Surprisingly, when the inter-component distance between the two apertures was short, the perceived direction of motion of the dual barber poles was similar to that of a single barber pole formed by the concatenation of the two component barber poles, indicating motion integration is achieved through a simple concatenation mechanism. We then presented dual barber poles in which the motion and contour properties of the two component barber poles differed to characterize the constraints underlying cross-hemifield integration. We found that integration is achieved only when phase, speed, wavelength, temporal frequency, and duty cycle are identical in the two barber poles, but can remain robust when the contrast of the two component barber poles differs substantially. We concluded that a motion stimulus presented in bilateral hemifields tends to be integrated to yield a global percept with a substantial tolerance for spatial distance and contrast difference.  相似文献   

How does the brain construct a percept from sensory signals? One approach to this fundamental question is to investigate perceptual learning as induced by exposure to statistical regularities in sensory signals [1-7]. Recent studies showed that exposure to novel correlations between sensory signals can cause a signal to have new perceptual effects [2, 3]. In those studies, however, the signals were clearly visible. The automaticity of the learning was therefore difficult to determine. Here we investigate whether learning of this sort, which causes new effects on appearance, can be low level and automatic by employing a visual signal whose perceptual consequences were made invisible-a vertical disparity gradient masked by other depth cues. This approach excluded high-level influences such as attention or consciousness. Our stimulus for probing perceptual appearance was a rotating cylinder. During exposure, we introduced a new contingency between the invisible signal and the rotation direction of the cylinder. When subsequently presenting an ambiguously rotating version of the cylinder, we found that the invisible signal influenced the perceived rotation direction. This demonstrates that perception can rapidly undergo "structure learning" by automatically picking up novel contingencies between sensory signals, thus automatically recruiting signals for novel uses during the construction of a percept.  相似文献   

For optimal visual control of compensatory eye movements during locomotion it is necessary to distinguish the rotational and translational components of the optic flow field. Optokinetic eye movements can reduce the rotational component only, making the information contained in the translational flow readily available to the animal. We investigated optokinetic eye rotation in the marble rock crab, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, during translational movement, either by displacing the animal or its visual surroundings. Any eye movement in response to such stimuli is taken as an indication that the system is unable to separate the translational and the rotational components in the optic flow in a mathematically perfect way. When the crabs are translated within a pseudo-natural environment, eye movements are negligible, especially during sideways translation. When, however, crabs were placed in a gangway between two elongated rectangular sidewalls carrying dotted patterns which were translated back and forth, marked eye movements were elicited, depending on the translational velocity. To resolve this discrepancy, we tested several hypotheses about mechanisms using detailed analysis of the optic flow or whole-field integration. We found that the latter are sufficient to explain the efficient separation of translation and rotation of crabs in quasi-natural situations. Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

Tracking facilitates 3-D motion estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recently emerging paradigm of Active Vision advocates studying visual problems in form of modules that are directly related to a visual task for observers that are active. Along these lines, we are arguing that in many cases when an object is moving in an unrestricted manner (translation and rotation) in the 3D world, we are just interested in the motion's translational components. For a monocular observer, using only the normal flow — the spatio-temporal derivatives of the image intensity function — we solve the problem of computing the direction of translation and the time to collision. We do not use optical flow since its computation is an ill-posed problem, and in the general case it is not the same as the motion field — the projection of 3D motion on the image plane. The basic idea of our motion parameter estimation strategy lies in the employment of fixation and tracking. Fixation simplifies much of the computation by placing the object at the center of the visual field, and the main advantage of tracking is the accumulation of information over time. We show how tracking is accomplished using normal flow measurements and use it for two different tasks in the solution process. First it serves as a tool to compensate for the lack of existence of an optical flow field and thus to estimate the translation parallel to the image plane; and second it gathers information about the motion component perpendicular to the image plane.  相似文献   

This study presents three findings concerning the mechanisms of depth perception. First, the shape of the three-dimensional percept evoked by two-frame motion is defined solely by the rotation component around an axis in the frontoparallel plane; the visual system assigns a default value to this rotation component to arrive at a unique solution. Second, when the visual axes of two eyes are almost parallel, the visual system uses a default vergence value to reconstruct stereoscopic depth. Third, the default vergence and default rotation angles are highly correlated across subjects. This correlation implies that the two modalities share a common scaling default at an internal level.  相似文献   

Illusory line motion (ILM) refers to a motion illusion in which a flash at one end of a bar prior to the bar''s instantaneous presentation or removal results in the percept of motion. While some theories attribute the origin of ILM to attention or early perceptual mechanisms, others have proposed that ILM results from impletion mechanisms that reinterpret the static bar as one in motion. The current functional magnetic resonance imaging study examined participants while they made decisions about the direction of motion in which a bar appeared to be removed. Preceding the instantaneous removal of the bar with a flash at one end resulted in a motion percept away from the flash. If this flash and the bar''s removal overlapped in time, it appeared that the bar was removed towards the flash (reverse ILM). Independent of the motion type, brain responses indicated activations in areas associated with motion (MT+), endogenous and exogenous attention (intraparietal sulcus, frontal eye fields, and ventral frontal cortex), and response selection (ACC). ILM was associated with lower percept scores and higher activations in ACC relative to real motion, but no differences in shape-selective areas emerged. This pattern of brain activation is consistent with the attentional gradient model or bottom-up accounts of ILM in preference to impletion.  相似文献   

We have investigated visual responses to moving stimuli presented to the normal hemifield of a hemianope, GY, who exhibits residual visual function in his right, ''blind'' hemifield. Preliminary experiments established that his perception of moving stimuli localized in his ''blind'' hemifield is retained when a similar stimulus is presented simultaneously in the normal hemifield. In response to a grating stimulus moving horizontally towards fixation in the non-foveal region of the normal, left hemifield, he perceives in addition to a normal motion percept in the left hemifield, a sensation of movement localized in the right hemifield. Qualitatively, this latter is indistinguishable from responses elicited by direct stimulation localized within his ''blind'' hemifield by moving stimuli. We have investigated the characteristics of the mechanisms which induce the ''blind'' field component of GY''s responses to stimulation of the normal hemifield. We show that GY''s sensitivity for detection of movement localized within his ''blind'' hemifield is dependent on the direction of movement, the contrast and the velocity of a grating presented to the normal hemifield. No induced effects were recorded in response to colour or to non-moving, flickering stimuli. We examine the possible contribution of scattered light to our observations, and eliminate this factor by consideration of our experimental results. We discuss the neural mechanisms which may be involved in this response.  相似文献   

An otolith organ on ground behave as a detector of both gravity and linear acceleration, and play an important role in controlling posture and eye movement for tilt of the head or translational motion. On the other hand, a gravitational acceleration ingredient to an otolith organ disappears in microgravity environment. However, linear acceleration can be received by otolith organ and produce a sensation that is different from that on Earth. It is suggested that in microgravity signal from the otolith organ may cause abnormality of posture control and eye movement. We examined function of otolith organ in goldfish revealed from analysis of eye movement induced by linear acceleration. We analyzed vertical eye movements from video images frame by frame. In normal fish, leftward lateral acceleration induced downward eye rotation in the left eye and upward eye rotation in the right eye. Acceleration from caudal to rostra1 evoked downward eye rotation in both eyes. When the direction of acceleration was shifted 15 degrees left, the responses in the left eye disappeared. These results suggested that otolith organs in each side transmitted different signals.  相似文献   

E Castet  J Zanker 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(3):287-307
When a sinewave grating is moving within a cross-shaped aperture, a strongly multi-stable phenomenon is perceived. The percept switches between the coherence of an extended surface moving in a single direction and the segregation of two patterned strips sliding across each other in directions parallel to the branches of the cross. We studied how the balance between these two percepts is affected by the length of the arms and by the shape of their ends. We report here that human observers report the segregation into two surfaces more often when the branches of the cross are extended, and when the small sides of the arms are oriented parallel to the grating. Two kinds of early motion signals interact in the crossed barber-pole stimulus: (a) the signals extracted in the middle of the bars are ambiguous with regard to their direction, and usually would be interpreted as motion normal to the grating orientation; (b) the signals from regions where the grating is intersected by the borders of the aperture convey motion signals in direction of the border. Our results show that the global appearance of our display can be dramatically influenced by the reliability of motion signals located in small regions that may be separated by large distances. To explain this long-range effect, we tentatively propose the existence of a representation level situated between the extraction of low-level local signals and the final global percept. The postulated processing level is concerned with the segmenting of the entire image into surfaces that are likely to belong to the same object, even if they are not contiguous in space. This hypothetical mechanism involves the construction of coarse-scale 'patches' from the local motion signal distributions, each carrying a single velocity associated with a certain degree of reliability. Our experiments indicate that the probability of grouping together similar patches depends on their respective reliabilities.  相似文献   

We describe psychophysical evidence that the human visual system contains information-processing channels for motion in depth in addition to those for position in depth. These motion-in-depth channels include some that are selectively sensitive to the relative velocities of the left and right retinal images. We propose that the visual pathway contains stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion filters that respond to only a narrow range of the directions of motion in depth. Turning to the single-neuron level we report that, in addition to neurons turned to position to depth, cat visual cortex contains neurons that emphasize information about the direction of motion at the expense of positional information. We describe psychophysical evidence for the existence of channels that are sensitive to change size, and are separate from the channels both for motion and for flicker. These changing-size channels respond independently of whether the stimulus is a bright square on a dark ground or a dark square on a bright ground. At the physiological level we report single neurons in cat visual cortex that respond selectively to increasing or to decreasing size independently of the sign of stimulus contrast. Adaptation to a changing-size stimulus produces two separable after-effects: an illusion of changing size, and an illusion of motion in depth. These after-effects have different decay time constants. We propose a psychophysical model in which changing-size filters feed a motion-in-depth stage, and suppose that the motion-in-depth after-effect is due to activity at the motion-in-depth stage, while the changing-size after-effect is due to to activity at the changing-size and more peripheral stages. The motion-in-depth after-effect can be cancelled either by a changing-size test stimulus or by relative motion of the left and right retinal images. Opposition of these two cues can also cancel the impression of motion in depth produced by the adapting stimulus. These findings link the stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion filters and the changing-size filters: both feed the same motion-in-depth stage.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a transparent motion after-effect indicating that the human visual system comprises separate slow and fast motion channels. Here, we report that the presentation of a fast motion in one eye and a slow motion in the other eye does not result in binocular rivalry but in a clear percept of transparent motion. We call this new visual phenomenon 'dichoptic motion transparency' (DMT). So far only the DMT phenomenon and the two motion after-effects (the 'classical' motion after-effect, seen after motion adaptation on a static test pattern, and the dynamic motion after-effect, seen on a dynamic-noise test pattern) appear to isolate the channels completely. The speed ranges of the slow and fast channels overlap strongly and are observer dependent. A model is presented that links after-effect durations of an observer to the probability of rivalry or DMT as a function of dichoptic velocity combinations. Model results support the assumption of two highly independent channels showing only within-channel rivalry, and no rivalry or after-effect interactions between the channels. The finding of two independent motion vision channels, each with a separate rivalry stage and a private line to conscious perception, might be helpful in visualizing or analysing pathways to consciousness.  相似文献   

Observers moving through a three-dimensional environment can use optic flow to determine their direction of heading. Existing heading algorithms use cartesian flow fields in which image flow is the displacement of image features over time. I explore a heading algorithm that uses affine flow instead. The affine flow at an image feature is its displacement modulo an affine transformation defined by its neighborhood. Modeling the observer's instantaneous motion by a translation and a rotation about an axis through its eye, affine flow is tangent to the translational field lines on the observer's viewing sphere. These field lines form a radial flow field whose center is the direction of heading. The affine flow heading algorithm has characteristics that can be used to determine whether the human visual system relies on it. The algorithm is immune to observer rotation and arbitrary affine transformations of its input images; its accuracy improves with increasing variation in environmental depth; and it cannot recover heading in an environment consisting of a single plane because affine flow vanishes in this case. Translational field lines can also be approximated through differential cartesian motion. I compare the performance of heading algorithms based on affine flow, differential cartesian flow, and least-squares search.  相似文献   

The neural representation of motion aftereffects induced by various visual flows (translational, rotational, motion-in-depth, and translational transparent flows) was studied under the hypothesis that the imbalances in discharge activities would occur in favor in the direction opposite to the adapting stimulation in the monkey MST cells (cells in the medial superior temporal area) which can discriminate the mode (i.e., translational, rotational, or motion-in-depth) of the given flow. In single-unit recording experiments conducted on anaesthetized monkeys, we found that the rate of spontaneous discharge and the sensitivity to a test stimulus moving in the preferred direction decreased after receiving an adapting stimulation moving in the preferred direction, whereas they increased after receiving an adapting stimulation moving in the null direction. To consistently explain the bidirectional perception of a transparent visual flow and its unidirectional motion aftereffect by the same hypothesis, we need to assume the existence of two subtypes of MST D cells which show directionally selective responses to a translational flow: component cells and integration cells. Our physiological investigation revealed that the MST D cells could be divided into two types: one responded to a transparent flow by two peaks at the instances when the direction of one of the component flow matched the preferred direction of the cell, and the other responded by a single peak at the instance when the direction of the integrated motion matched the preferred direction. In psychophysical experiments on human subjects, we found evidence for the existence of component and integration representations in the human brain. To explain the different motion perceptions, i.e., two transparent flows during presentation of the flows and a single flow in the opposite direction to the integrated flows after stopping the flow stimuli, we suggest that the pattern-discrimination system can select the motion representation that is consistent with the perception of the pattern from two motion representations. We discuss the computational aspects related to the integration of component motion fields.  相似文献   

Slowing of the rate at which a rivalrous percept switches from one configuration to another has been suggested as a potential trait marker for bipolar disorder. We measured perceptual alternations for a bistable, rotating, structure-from-motion cylinder in bipolar and control participants. In a control task, binocular depth rendered the direction of cylinder rotation unambiguous to monitor participants' performance and attention during the experimental task. A particular direction of rotation was perceptually stable, on average, for 33.5s in participants without psychiatric diagnosis. Euthymic, bipolar participants showed a slightly slower rate of switching between the two percepts (percept duration 42.3s). Under a parametric analysis of the best-fitting model for individual participants, this difference was statistically significant. However, the variability within groups was high, so this difference in average switch rates was not big enough to serve as a trait marker for bipolar disorder. We also found that low-level visual capacities, such as stereo threshold, influence perceptual switch rates. We suggest that there is no single brain location responsible for perceptual switching in all different ambiguous figures and that perceptual switching is generated by the actions of local cortical circuitry.  相似文献   

Analysis of the colour and motion of objects is widely believed to take place within segregated processing pathways in the primate visual system. However, it is apparent that this segregation cannot remain absolute and that there must be some capacity for integration across these sub-modalities. In this study, we have assessed the extent to which colour constitutes a separable entity in human motion processing by measuring the chromatic selectivity of two kinds of after-effect resulting from motion adaptation. First, the traditional motion after-effect, where prolonged inspection of a unidirectional moving stimulus results in illusory motion in the opposite direction, was found to exhibit a high degree of chromatic selectivity. The second type of after-effect, in which motion adaptation induces misperceptions in the spatial position of stationary objects, was completely insensitive to chromatic composition. This dissociation between the chromatic selectivities of these after-effects shows that chromatic inputs remain segregated at early stages of motion analysis, while at higher levels of cortical processing there is integration across chromatic, as well as achromatic inputs, to produce a unified perceptual output.  相似文献   

R Rigler  P Thyberg 《Cytometry》1984,5(4):327-332
The rotational swimming motion of human spermatozoa is evaluated from measurements of depolarized dynamic laser light scattering at zero angle. The analysis is based on a Maxwellian angular velocity distribution and yields a rotational frequency of about 4 Hz that is ascribed to the rotation of the sperm head. From comparison with the translational swimming motion, a propelling efficiency of about 10 micron per turn is deduced. This parameter describes the linkage between the rotational and translational swimming motion and is likely to be discriminatory in the analysis of physiological and pathological sperm motions.  相似文献   

The way we perceive the visual world depends crucially on the state of the observer. In the present study we show that what we are holding in working memory (WM) can bias the way we perceive ambiguous structure from motion stimuli. Holding in memory the percept of an unambiguously rotating sphere influenced the perceived direction of motion of an ambiguously rotating sphere presented shortly thereafter. In particular, we found a systematic difference between congruent dominance periods where the perceived direction of the ambiguous stimulus corresponded to the direction of the unambiguous one and incongruent dominance periods. Congruent dominance periods were more frequent when participants memorized the speed of the unambiguous sphere for delayed discrimination than when they performed an immediate judgment on a change in its speed. The analysis of dominance time-course showed that a sustained tendency to perceive the same direction of motion as the prior stimulus emerged only in the WM condition, whereas in the attention condition perceptual dominance dropped to chance levels at the end of the trial. The results are explained in terms of a direct involvement of early visual areas in the active representation of visual motion in WM.  相似文献   

We analyse the helical motion of organisms, concentrating on the means by which organisms change the direction in space of the axis of the helical trajectory, which is the net direction of motion. We demonstrate that the direction of the axis is determined largely by the direction of the organism's rotational velocity. Changes in direction of the rotational velocity, with respect to the organism's body, change the direction in space of the axis of the helical trajectory. Conversely, changes in direction of the translational velocity, with respect to the body of the organism, have little effect on the direction in space of the axis of the trajectory. Because the axis of helical motion is the net direction of motion, it is likely that organisms that move in helices change direction by pointing their rotational velocity, not their translational velocity, in a new direction.  相似文献   

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