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Iturin A, a peptidolipid produced byBacillus subtilis, inhibits growth of a large number of fungi. In this study, the effects of iturin A were evaluated on nine isolates ofA. flavus and seven isolates ofA. parasiticus in liquid shake culture. The mycelial dry weight of theA. flavus isolates was not significantly influenced by iturin A, however, there was a significant reduction in mycelial dry weight for two of theA. parasiticus isolates. Aflatoxin production was significantly reduced in five of theA. flavus isolates and three of the six aflatoxigenicA. parasiticus isolates. For the other seven isolates, aflatoxin levels were either unchanged or significantly increased in the presence of iturin A. These results indicate that iturin A does not consistently reduce growth or aflatoxin production of these fungi in pure culture.  相似文献   

Summary Discrepancies between actual, viable spore populations and those predicted by a classical model during heat sterilization of food and pharmaceutical products have long concerned food engineers and scientists as they pursue new sterilization techniques, including ultra-high temperature processes. Among potential causes of those discrepancies, activation of dormant spores is significant, and models addressing that factor were developed recently. This paper reviews historic and current views on the biology and models of microbial spore populations during heat sterilization. Activation and inactivation of viable spores are emphasized, with each viewed as a first-order reaction. Rate constants of those reactions may differ significantly, inactivation rates of dormant and activated spores may differ, and variations of all rate constants with temperature appear to be well described by Arrhenius equations. Model-based analyses show how categories of survivor response curves observed during isothermal heat treatments can arise from simultaneous activation and inactivation of spores in an overall population. Effects of different distributions of initial subpopulations, different distributions of rate constants, and heat shock for homogenizing an indicator population are shown. The complexity of new, multiple process models has not increased greatly, but the potential for accurate, dynamic prediction of product safety after prescribed sterilization has. The relevant biology is understood and accounted for more thoroughly, and it is anticipated that the new models will aid design and evaluation of new and improved sterilization processes for food and pharmaceuticals.Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   

A new expression system was developed for Bacillus subtilis.This system uses a shuttle vector (B. subtilisEschericia coli) carrying a phosphate starvation-inducible promoter (pst) and on a fed-batch cultivation strategy. The pst-promoter proved to be very strong and retain its tight regulation also when present on a multi-copy plasmid. The expression system developed showed promising results when applied to the production of recombinant Bacillusphytase – phytase activity at the end of cultivation reached 28.7 U ml–1.  相似文献   

A new food-grade expression system was constructed for Bacillus subtilis based on replicative food-grade expression plasmids and auxotrophic complementation. The food-grade B. subtilis host FG01 was created by knockout of the dal locus from the chromosome of B. subtilis 168. Two food-grade expression plasmids pXFGT03 and pXFGT05 were constructed by combining a novel theta-type Bacillus replicon with the B. subtilis endogenous gene dal and P43 promoter; while pXFGT05 was derived from pXFGT03 by deletion of two open reading frames (ORFs) from the original replicon. Upon transformation of FG01 with pXFGT03 or pXFGT05, the host phenotype was complemented on Luria–Bertani agar plates by the plasmid-coded dal gene, which served as a food-grade selection marker for recombinants. Results showed that deletion of the two ORFs had no impact on plasmid replication. A reporter gene bgaB was cloned into pXFGT03 and pXFGT05, respectively, under control of the P43 promoter, and it was successfully expressed in this food-grade expression system. Segregational stabilities of two recombinant plasmids were investigated, and they were fully stable.  相似文献   

An efficient antagonistic strain of Bacillus subtilis, originally isolated from the rhizosphere of established tea bushes, was found to cause structural deformities in six pathogenic fungi under in vitro culture conditions. This effect was attributed to the production of diffusible and volatile antifungal compounds. Out of the selected test fungi four were phytopathogenic, while the remaining two were of clinical importance. The bacterial strain successfully restricted the growth of all test fungi in dual cultures, and induced morphological abnormalities such as mycelial and conidial deviations. The inhibitory effect caused by volatiles was greater than that by diffusible compounds.  相似文献   

The mold incidence, moisture contents, pH and levels of mycotoxins (aflatoxins B1, G1 and ochratoxin A) on/of/in rootstock snack (tubers ofCyperus esculentus L.) samples were monitored during a 150-day storage period. Whereas the mold incidence, moisture and mycotoxin levels increased with storage time, the pH declined during the same period. Altogether, 12 fungal species, mostly toxigenic, includingAspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus andA. ochraceus were isolated. At collection period only 3 of the 9 snack samples analysed contained trace amounts of aflatoxins. By 120th day, all the 9 samples were contaminated and the average levels were 454 and 80 ppb for aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin G1 respectively on the 150th day. Ochratoxin A was not detected before 120th day and then only at low levels, occuring in a maximum of four samples and ranging between 10 and 80 ppb.  相似文献   

A locally isolated strain, Bacillus subtilis NM-39, was selected as an active mannan-utilizing bacterium based on high saccharifying activities on coconut residue and locust bean gum galactomannan. The optimal pH and temperature ranges for activity of the crude enzyme were 5.0 to 6.0 and 50 to 60°C, respectively. The organism gave maximum mannanase activity when grown in liquid mineral salts medium containing 1% (w/v) each of coconut residue and soybean flour, as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively, at pH 7.0 and in aerobic growth for 28 h at 37°C. High saccharifying activity on coconut mannan was also observed.The authors are with the Industrial Technology Development Institute, Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines. M. Arai and T. Kawaguchi are also currently with the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka 593, Japan; T. Yoshida is also with the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary  In the present study, the influence of Bacillus subtilis JA on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was evaluated by either pot culture or in vitro conditions, respectively. Under the pot culture conditions, the inoculation of B. subtilis JA decreased the frequency (% F) of the root colonization by indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the shoot dry weight of maize (Zea mays L.), but had no apparent effect on the intensity (% I) of AM fungal root colonization. The unknown volatile emitted from the B. subtilis JA in vitro significantly inhibited spore germination and the hyphal growth in the dual-compartment experiments. Moreover, the data from the direct interaction between B. subtilis JA and Glomus etunicatum showed that soluble antifungal lipopeptides influenced the development of AMF. Therefore, the application of antifungal Bacillus strains should take the compatibility with the indigenous beneficial fungi into consideration.  相似文献   

In a search for microorganisms producing extracellular protease with unhairing activity, Bacillus subtilis IIQDB32 was isolated. Protease formation was significantly stimulated by glucose, tryptone, yeast extract, Ca2+ and Mn2+, but was repressed by ammonia and Fe2+.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis, isolated from tannery waste, produced an alkaline protease at optimal activity when grown in a casein/gelatine medium in a stirred tank fermenter at 37°C with the dissolved oxygen tension at 40% air saturation. Optimum protease activity (223 U ml-1) was at pH 8.5 and was stable for 1 h up to 45°C but at 60°C lost 80% activity. Use of the crude protease as a bating agent for producing high quality leather is indicated. Tensile strength, bursting strength, tear strength and elongation at break of prepared leather were increased with increasing amounts of protease used for bating.A. Hameed and M.A. Natt are with the Department of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Pakistan. C.S. Evans is with the School of Biological and Health Sciences, University of Westminster, London. UK.  相似文献   

Biocontrol agents have not been previously associated with yak dung. We describe here the isolation of strain QM3 from Qinghai yak dung in China. In vitro antagonistic assay showed that this strain could suppress the growth of various plant pathogens effectively, especially the pathogen Alternaria solani. Based on phenotypic, physiological, biochemical and phylogenetic (16S rDNA) studies, strain QM3 could be classified as a strain of Bacillus subtilis. Both OD660 and inhibition effect of eight different kinds of culture media presented strongly significant difference with 0.006 (P < 0.01) and 0.003 (P < 0.01), respectively. Culture media YPF-Ca were selected from eight different kinds of culture media according to OD660 and inhibitory effect. Different thermal treatments on the crude supernatant showed the antibiotic activity presented no significant (P = 0.54, P > 0.05) with ANOVA at the 5% level when temperature was no higher than 100°C. These results were similarly in agreement with the reported thermo-resistance of iturin antibiotics produced by Bacillus. This is the first report on the isolation of Bacillus subtilis from the yak dung.  相似文献   

Summary Two of the commonly used probes for measuring membrane potential—lipophilic cations and the cyanine dye diS-C3(5)—indicated nominally opposite results when tetraphenylarsonium ion was added as a drug to suspensions of metabolizingBacillus subtilis cells. [3H]-Triphenylmethylphosphonium uptake was enhanced by the addition, indicating hyperpolarization, yet fluorescence of diS-C3(5) was also enhanced, indicating depolarization. Evidence is presented that both effects are artifactual, and can occur without any change in membrane potential, as estimated by86Rb+ uptake in the presence of valinomycin. The fluorescence studies suggest that tetraphenylarsonium ion displaces the cyanine dye from the cell envelope, or other binding site, into the aqueous phase.The uptake characteristics of the radiolabeled lipophilic cations were quite unusual: At low concentrations (e.g., less than 10 m for triphenylmethylphosphonium) there was potential-dependent uptake of the label to a stable level, but subsequent addition of nonradioactive lipophilic cation caused further uptake of label to a new stable level. Labeled triphenylmethylphosphonium ion taken up to the first stable level could be displaced by 10mm magnesium ion, whereas86Rb+ uptake was unperturbed. Association of the lipophilic cations with the surface of de-energized cells was concentration-dependent, but there was no evidence for cooperative binding. This phenomenon of stimulated uptake inB. subtilis (which was not seen inEscherichia coli cells or vesicles) is consistent with a two-compartment model with access to the second compartment only being possible above a critical cation concentration. We tentatively propose such a model, in which these compartments are the cell surface and the cytoplasm, respectively.Triphenylmethylphosphonium up to 0.5mm exhibited linear binding to de-energized cells; binding of tetraphenylphosphonium and tetraphenylarsonium was nonlinear but was not saturated at the highest concentration tested (1mm). The usual assumption, that association of the cation with cell surfaces is saturated and so can be estimated on de-energized cells, therefore leads to undercorrected estimates of cytoplasmic uptake inB. subtilis, and hence to overestimates of membrane potential. We describe a more realistic procedure, in which the estimate of extent of binding is based on a mean aqueous concentration related both to the external concentration and to the much higher internal concentration that exists in energized cells. Using this procedure we estimate the membrane potential inB. subtilis to be 120 mV, inside-negative. The procedure is of general applicability, and should yield more accurate estimates of membrane potential in any system where there is significant potential-dependent binding.Work performed while on sabbatical leave from Department of Biology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.  相似文献   

Competence for transformation: a matter of taste   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Rice bran and yeast extract were found to be the best combination of carbon and nitrogen sources for the production of carboxymethycellulase (CMCase) by Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtlis A-53. Optimal concentrations of rice bran and yeast extract for the production of CMCase were 5.0% (w/v) and 0.10% (w/v), respectively. Optimal temperature and initial pH of medium for cell growth of B. subtilus subsp. subtilis A-53 were 35 °C and 7.3, whereas those for the production of CMCase by B. subtilus subsp. subtilis A-53 were 30 °C and 6.8. Optimal agitation speed and aeration rate in a 7 L bioreactor were 300 rpm and 1.0 vvm, respectively. The optimal agitation speed and aeration rate for the production of CMCase by B. subtilus subsp. subtilis A-53 were lower than those for cell growth. The highest productions of CMCase by B. subtilus subsp. subtilis A-53 in 7 and 100 L bioreactors were 150.3 and 196.8 U mL−1, respectively.  相似文献   

A previously undiscovered intracellular serine protease activity, which we have called intracellular serine protease-4, was identified in extracts of stationary Bacillus subtilis cells, purified 260 fold from the cytoplasmic fraction, and characterized. The new protease was stable and active in the absence of Ca2+ ions and hydrolyzed azocasein and the chromogenic substrate carbobenzoxy-carbonyl-alanyl-alanyl-leucyl-p-nitroanilide, but not azocollagen or a variety of other chromogenic substrates. The protease was strongly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, chymostatin and antipain, but not by chelators, sulfhydryl-reactive agents or trypsin inhibitors. Its activity was stimulated by Ca2+ ions and gramicidin S; its pH and temperature optima were 9.0 and 37°C, respectively. Although intracellular serine protease-4 was immunochemically distinct from intracellular serine protease-1, it was absent from a mutant in which the gene encoding the latter was disrupted.  相似文献   

A collection of 212 gram-positive bacilli isolated from natural habitats was screened for the presence of intervening sequences (introns and intein-coding sequences) in the SPbeta prophage-related ribonucleotide reductase genes bnrdE and bnrdF. Three novel configurations were identified on the basis of the presence of (i) intervening sequences in bnrdE and bnrdF, and (ii) an ORF in the bnrdE-bnrdF spacer. Analysis of the cell wall genetic determinants as well as of the incorporation of radio-labelled glycerol into cell wall allowed newly and previously identified B. subtilis strains with different configurations of bnrdE/bnrdF intervening sequences to be assigned to one of two subspecies. Strains apparently belonging to the subsp. subtilis contain three intervening sequences many of which are associated with the putative homing endonuclease activity. Strains of the subsp. spizizenii contain only one or two ORF-less group I introns. Introns occupying bnrdF are confined to the subspecies subtilis.  相似文献   

Summary Seven mutations leading to riboflavin overproduction inBacillus subtilis were found to be linked to the markerdnaF133 (145° on theB. subtilis genetic map) by transformation. Cotransfer indexes (42.5%–61.7%) suggest that theribC mutations are alleles of the same locus. Results of transduction and transformation crosses suggest the following order of markers:pyrD26ts-6dnaF133ribCrecA1.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of the small plasmid pUB110 betweenBacillus subtilis strains was studied under conditions of microcosms with sterile and nonsterile soil. Plasmid transfer proved to be possible after soil inoculation with vegetative partner cells or with their spores. Plasmid transfer occurred at temperatures of 30 and 22–23°C.  相似文献   

Pellicle formation and lipopeptide production was analysed in standing cultures of different Bacillus subtilis strains producing two or three families of lipopeptides. Despite its ability to produce surfactin, B. Subtilis ATCC 6633 was unable to form stable pellicle at air–water interface. For the ATTC 21332 and ATCC 9943 strains, it was shown for the first time that the lipopeptides were also produced in standing cultures at productivities similar or lower than those obtained when the culture medium is agitated. A differentiated behaviour was observed between these strains in repetitive batch cultures. B. subtilis 9943 formed a wrinkled, thinner and more resistant pellicle than B. subtilis 21332. The structure of the pellicle determined by electron microscopy observations showed that cells of B. subtilis 9943 formed microcolonies whereas those of B. subtilis 21332 rapidly died. Under these conditions, surfactin production by strain 21332 decreased after 2 days whereas it remained stable for B. subtilis 9943 during the 6 days of the cultures. These data indicate that cells of B. subtilis strains growing in pellicle can produce lipopeptides differently depending on their cellular organisation. M. Chollet-Imbert and F. Gancel have contributed equally to the scientific work.  相似文献   

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