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Many bacterial toxins bind to and gain entrance to target cells through specific interactions with membrane components. Using neutron reflectivity, we have characterized the structure of mixed DPPE:GM(1) lipid monolayers before and during the binding of cholera toxin (CTAB(5)) or its B-subunit (CTB(5)). Structural parameters such as the density and thickness of the lipid layer, extension of the GM(1) oligosaccharide headgroup, and orientation and position of the protein upon binding are reported. The density of the lipid layer was found to decrease slightly upon protein binding. However, the A-subunit of the whole toxin is clearly located below the B-pentameric ring, away from the monolayer, and does not penetrate into the lipid layer before enzymatic cleavage. Using Monte Carlo simulations, the observed monolayer expansion was found to be consistent with geometrical constraints imposed on DPPE by multivalent binding of GM(1) by the toxin. Our findings suggest that the mechanism of membrane translocation by the protein may be aided by alterations in lipid packing.  相似文献   

Lipid monolayers formed at the air-water interface containing the ganglioside GM1 in egg yolk phosphatidylcholine have been transferred according to the Langmuir-Blodgett technique to glass cover slips coated with octadecyl- or hexadecyltrichlorosilane and carbon-coated electron microscope grids. Monolayer transfer has been demonstrated with fluorescence microscopy, by the transfer of a fluorescent phospholipid analogue, N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine or Lucifer yellow labeled GM1 (LY-GM1), incorporated into the lipid monolayer. Incubation of supported monolayers with solutions of fluorescein-labeled cholera toxin (FITC cholera toxin) resulted in specific binding of the toxin to monolayers containing GM1, as revealed by fluorescence microscopy. Lateral diffusion coefficients were measured for both the receptor (LY-GM1) [(3.9 +/- 2.1) X 10(-8) cm2/s] and the receptor-ligand complex (GM1-FITC cholera toxin) [(8.9 +/- 3.2) X 10(-9) cm2/s] according to the technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. In separate studies, GM1-containing monolayers transferred to electron microscope grids were incubated with solutions containing unlabeled cholera toxin, followed by negative staining with uranyl acetate. Electron microscopy revealed patches of stained cholera toxin molecules (diameter approximately 70 A) in crystalline, two-dimensional hexagonal arrays. Optical diffraction and image reconstruction showed the arrangement of the cholera toxin molecules in a planar hexagonal cell, a = 81 A. These initial reconstructions give structural information to a resolution of approximately 30 A and indicate a doughnut-shaped molecule with a central aqueous channel.  相似文献   

S Spiegel 《Biochemistry》1985,24(21):5947-5952
A fluorescent derivative of ganglioside GM1 was prepared by oxidation of the sialic acid residue with sodium periodate and reaction of the resulting aldehyde with Lucifer yellow CH. The biological activity of the fluorescent derivative was compared with that of native GM1 using GM1-deficient rat glioma C6 cells. When the cells were exposed to either native or fluorescent GM1, their ability to bind 125I-labeled cholera toxin was increased to a similar extent. This increase in binding was directly proportional to the amount of ganglioside added to the medium. The affinity of the toxin for cells treated with either native or fluorescent GM1 also was similar. More importantly, the fluorescent GM1 was as effective as native GM1 in enhancing the responsiveness of the cells to cholera toxin. Thus, the ganglioside-treated cells exhibited a 9-fold increase in toxin-stimulated cyclic AMP production over cells not exposed to GM1. There was a similar increase in iodotoxin binding and toxin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in cells treated with other GM1 derivatives containing rhodaminyl or dinitrophenyl groups. On the basis of these results, it is clear that these modified gangliosides retain the ability to function as receptors for cholera toxin. Consequently, fluorescent gangliosides are likely to be useful as probes for investigating the dynamics and function of these membrane components.  相似文献   

B Goins  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1985,24(7):1791-1797
The interactions of cholera toxin and their isolated binding and active subunits with phospholipid bilayers containing the toxin receptor ganglioside GM1 have been studied by using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopy. The results of this investigation indicate that cholera toxin associates with phospholipid bilayers containing ganglioside GM1, independent of the physical state of the membrane. In the absence of Ca2+, calorimetric scans of intact cholera toxin bound to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) large unilamellar vesicles containing ganglioside GM1 result in a broadening of the lipid phase transition peak and a slight decrease (less than 5%) in the transition enthalpy. In the presence of Ca2+ concentrations sufficient to cause ganglioside phase separation, the association of the intact toxin to the membrane results in a significant decrease of enthalpy change for the lipid transition, indicating that under these conditions the toxin molecule perturbs the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. Calorimetric scans using isolated binding subunits lacking the hydrophobic toxic subunit did not exhibit a decrease in the phospholipid transition enthalpy even in the presence of Ca2+, indicating that the binding subunits per se do not perturb the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. On the other hand, the hydrophobic A1 subunit by itself was able to reduce the phospholipid transition enthalpy when reconstituted into DPPC vesicles. These calorimetric observations were confirmed by fluorescence experiments using pyrene phospholipids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The B, or binding, subunit of cholera enterotoxin forms a pentameric ring structure in the intact toxin, and also when the subunit is isolated from the A subunit. The thermal denaturation of the B subunit ring was examined by differential scanning calorimetry in the presence and absence of ganglioside GM1, its natural receptor. In the absence of ganglioside an irreversible endotherm was observed with maximal excess apparent heat capacity, Cmax, at 74.6° C. When the ganglioside was added in increasing amounts, multiple transitions were observed at higher temperatures, the most prominent having a Cmax at 90.8° C. At high ganglioside concentrations, the 74.6° C transition was not observed. In addition to the thermodynamic results a model is proposed for the interaction of GM1 and B subunit pentamer. This model is derived independently of the calorimetric results (but is consistent with such data) and is based upon considerations of the geometry of the GM1 micelle-B subunit pentamer.Abbreviations Mr molecular weight in daltons - GM1 H3Neu-AcGgOse4Cer* = Gall 3Ga1NAc1 4Gal-[3 - 2NeuAc]1 4Glc1 1Cer (asterisked form follows the recommendations of the IUPACIUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, Ref. 3) - R molar ratio of GM1 to B monomer - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - Cmax excess apparent heat capacity - Cmax maximal value of Cex - tm temperature (° C) at Cex = Cmax - t1/2 peak width in °C at Cex = Cmax/2 - Hcal calorimetric enthalpy - C p d van't Hoff enthalpy - C p d change in specific heat accompanying denaturation  相似文献   

The ability of Fuc-GM1 ganglioside to mimic the receptor function of GM1 for cholera toxin (CT) has been investigated. For this purpose, rat glioma C6 cultured cells were enriched with Fuc-GM1 and the responsiveness to CT was compared with that of cells enriched with GM1 ganglioside. Fuc-GM1 was taken up by cells as rapidly and to the same extent as GM1. When comparable amounts of ganglioside were associated, the cells enriched with Fuc-GM1 bound the same amount of 125I-CT as did cells enriched with GM1. Under conditions in which GM1- and Fuc-GM1-enriched cells bound comparable amounts of CT, the Fuc-GM1-treated cells accumulated virtually the same amount of cyclic AMP as did GM1-treated cells, and activation of adenylate cyclase was also similar. The lag time preceding the CT-induced cAMP accumulation was the same in Fuc-GM1- and GM1-enriched cells. High-sensitivity isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments showed that the association constants of CT with Fuc-GM1 or GM1 ganglioside were comparable (4 x 10(7) M-1 and 1.9 x 10(7) M-1, respectively, at 25 degrees C). Also, the association constants of the B-subunit pentamer with Fuc-GM1 or GM1 ganglioside were comparable (about 3 x 10(7) M-1 and 7 x 10(7) M-1, respectively, at 25 degrees C).  相似文献   

We synthesized several lipid analogues of ganglioside GM1 by attaching its oligosaccharide moiety (GM1OS) to aminophospholipids, aliphatic amines, and cholesteryl hemisuccinate. We incubated GM1-deficient rat glioma C6 cells with each of the derivatives as well as native GM1 and assayed the cells for their ability to bind and respond to cholera toxin. On the basis of the observed increase in binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin, it was apparent that the cells took up and initially incorporated most of the derivatives into the plasma membrane. In the case of the aliphatic amine derivatives, the ability to generate new toxin binding sites was dependent on chain length; whereas the C10 derivative was ineffective, C12 and higher analogues were effective. Increased binding was dependent on both the concentration of the neoglycolipid in the medium and the time of exposure. Cells pretreated with the various derivatives accumulated cyclic AMP in response to cholera toxin, but there were differences in their effectiveness. The cholesterol and long-chain aliphatic amine derivatives were more effective than native GM1, whereas the phospholipid derivatives were less effective. The distance between GM1OS and the phospholipid also appeared to influence its functional activity. The neoglycolipid formed by cross-linking the amine of GM1OS to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) with disuccinimidyl suberate was less effective than the neoglycolipid formed by directly attaching GM1OS to PE by reductive amination. Furthermore, insertion of a C8 spacer in the former neoglycolipid rendered it even less effective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) covalently linked to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a specific cytochemical marker for its receptor, the monosialoganglioside GM1. The binding and endocytosis of exogenous [3H]GM1 by cultured murine neuroblastoma cells (line 2A [CCl-131] ), which contain predominantly GM3, was examined by quantitative electron microscope autoradiography. The relationship between exogenous receptor, [3H]GM1, and CT HRP was studied in double labeling experiments consisting of autoradiographic demonstration of [3H]GM1 and cytochemical visualization of HRP. Exogenous [3H]GM1 was not degraded after its endocytosis by cells for 2 h at 37 degrees C. Quantitative studies showed similar grain density distributions in cells treated with [3H]GM1 alone and in cells treated with [3H]GM1 followed by CT-HRP. Qualitative studies conducted in double labeling experiments showed autoradiographic grains over the peroxidase-stained plasma membrane, lysosomes, and vesicles at the trans aspect of the Golgi apparatus. The findings indicate that exogenous glycolipid is associated with the plasmid membrane of deficient cells and undergoes endocytosis. The quantitative ultra-structural autoradiographic studies are consistent with the hypothesis that the spontaneous endocytosis of exogenous [3H]GM1 controls the subsequent uptake of CT-HRP.  相似文献   

The primary structure of cholera toxin B-subunit, responsible for the binding of the toxin to cell surfaces, has been elucidated. The polypeptide contains 103 amino acid residues and one intra-chain disulfide bridge between Cys 9 and Cys 86. The molecular weight is calculated to be 11,637, 15–20% higher than the values estimated by physicochemical methods. This value is consistent with a structure containing five moles of B-subunits per mole of cholera toxin.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin is a complex protein with a biologically active protein (A subunit) and a cell targeting portion (B subunit). The B subunit is responsible for specific cell binding and entry of the A subunit. One way to limit potential toxicity of the toxin after exposure is to introduce cellular decoys to bind the toxin before it can enter cells. In this study the ganglioside GM1, a natural ligand for cholera toxin, was incorporated into liposomes and the interaction between fluorescent B subunit and the liposome determined. Liposome membrane fluidity was determined to play a major role in the binding between liposomes and the cholera toxin B subunit. Liposomes with lower fluidity demonstrated greater binding with the B subunit. The findings from this study could have important implications on formulation strategies for liposome decoys of toxins.  相似文献   

Entry of cholera toxin (CT) into target epithelial cells and the induction of toxicity depend on CT binding to the lipid-based receptor ganglioside G(M1) and association with detergent-insoluble membrane microdomains, a function of the toxin's B-subunit. The B-subunits of CT and related Escherichia coli toxins exhibit a highly conserved exposed peptide loop (Glu(51)-Ile(58)) that faces the cell membrane upon B-subunit binding to G(M1). Mutation of His(57) to Ala in this loop resulted in a toxin (CT-H57A) that bound G(M1) with high apparent affinity, but failed to induce toxicity. CT-H57A bound to only a fraction of the cell-surface receptors available to wild-type CT. The bulk of cell-surface receptors inaccessible to CT-H57A localized to detergent-insoluble apical membrane microdomains (lipid rafts). Compared with wild-type toxin, CT-H57A exhibited slightly lower apparent binding affinity for and less stable binding to G(M1) in vitro. Rather than being transported into the Golgi apparatus, a process required for toxicity, most of CT-H57A was rapidly released from intact cells at physiologic temperatures or degraded following its internalization. These data indicate that CT action depends on the stable formation of the CT B-subunit.G(M1) complex and provide evidence that G(M1) functions as a necessary sorting motif for the retrograde trafficking of toxin into the secretory pathway of target epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Membrane impermeable diazocoupling reagents were used for studying the water exposure of subunits (alpha, beta, gamma) of cholera toxin (CT) when bound to liposomes containing the ganglioside GM1 (Lip-GM1). The interaction between CT with Lip-GM1 shielded the binding region in particular, since a maximum of one amino acid residue on each beta subunit was modifiable. When CT was labeled free in solution five residues of each beta subunit can be coupled, but it produced loss of binding ability. New area of beta subunit was exposed to reagents after having removed alpha subunit. This labeling may serve as a tool to assess the topology of CT upon binding with Lip-GM1.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we showed that the B-pentamer of cholera toxin (CT-B) binds with reduced binding strength to different C(1) derivatives of N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) of the natural receptor ganglioside, GM1. We have now extended these results to encompass two large amide derivatives, butylamide and cyclohexylmethylamide, using an assay in which the glycosphingolipids are adsorbed on hydrophobic PVDF membranes. The latter derivative showed an affinity approximately equal to that earlier found for benzylamide ( approximately 0.01 relative to native GM1) whereas the former revealed a approximately tenfold further reduction in affinity. Another derivative with a charged C(1)-amide group, aminopropylamide, was not bound by the toxin. Toxin binding to C(7) derivatives was reduced by about 50% compared with the native ganglioside. Molecular modeling of C(1) and C(7) derivatives in complex with CT-B gave a structural rationale for the observed differences in the relative affinities of the various derivatives. Loss of or altered hydrogen bond interactions involving the water molecules bridging the sialic acid to the protein was found to be the major cause for the observed drop in CT-B affinity in the smaller derivatives, while in the bulkier derivatives, hydrophobic interactions with the protein were found to partly compensate for these losses.  相似文献   

In this work, 125I-labeled cholera toxin B-subunit (CT-B) (specific activity 98 Ci/mmol) was prepared, and its high-affinity binding to human blood T-lymphocytes (K d = 3.3 nM) was determined. The binding of the 125I-labeled CT-B was inhibited by unlabeled interferon-α2 (IFN-α2), thymosin-α1 (TM-α1), and by the synthetic peptide LKEKK, which corresponds to sequences 16-20 of human TM-α1 and 131-135 of IFN-α2 (K i 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 nM, respectively), but was not inhibited by the unlabeled synthetic peptide KKEKL with inverted sequence (K i > 1 μM). In the concentration range of 10-1000 nM, both CT-B and peptide LKEKK dose-dependently increased the activity of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) but did not affect the activity of membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. The KKEKL peptide tested in parallel did not affect sGC activity. Thus, the CT-B and peptide LKEKK binding to a common receptor on the surface of T-lymphocytes leads to an increase in sGC activity.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts and the formation of an immunological synapse are crucial for T-cell activation. Binding of cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) to ganglioside GM1 is a marker to identify lipid rafts. Primary human T cells were isolated from healthy donors and were stimulated with superantigen staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB) and stained with cholera toxin B-fluorescein isothiocyanate (CTB-FITC). An optimized staining procedure is required to stain lipid rafts exclusively on the cell surface. Unstimulated T cells show a few CTB binding spots on the cell surface. The size and number of CTB-binding lipid rafts are strongly upregulated during T-cell activation in SEB-stimulated CD4(+) T cells. However, our data show that the specificity of CTB for GM1 ganglioside is limited, because the binding capacity is partly resistant to inhibition of ganglioside synthesis and sensitive to trypsin digestion. Our results indicate that the binding of FITC-labeled CTB can be divided into at least three different categories: a specific binding of CTB to ganglioside GM1, a nonspecific binding of CTB probably to glycosylated surface proteins and a nonspecific binding of FITC to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin binds to its ganglioside GM1 receptor via its B-subunit, a pentameric assembly of identical subunits (Mr = 11,600). Diffraction quality crystals of cholera toxin B-subunit have been obtained at room temperature by vapor diffusion with polyethylene glycol in the presence of the nonionic detergent beta-octyl glucoside. The crystals have been characterized with x-radiation as monoclinic, space group P21, with unit cell dimensions a = 39.0 A, b = 94.3 A, c = 67.5 A, beta = 96.0 degrees. There are two molecules per unit cell, with one molecule (Mr = 58,000) in each asymmetric unit. Precession photographs (micron = 13 degrees) show that crystals diffract beyond 3.3-A resolution and are stable in the x-ray beam at room temperature for at least 40 h; thus, they can be used to collect three-dimensional crystallographic data.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT), covalently attached to horseradish peroxidase (HRP), is a specific cytochemical marker for GM1 ganglioside (GM1) and retains the ability of the native toxin to raise levels of cyclic AMP in avian erythrocytes. Using a cytochemical stain for HRP, we found that 9% of control cultured murine neuroblastoma cells bound cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (CT-HRP) on their surfaces after incubations for 1 h at 4 degrees C. Exogenous GM1, the natural receptor of CT, becomes associated in the culture medium with the plasma membranes of these cells so that 96% of cells are stained. Cells preincubated with GM1 at 4 degrees C were exposed to CT-HRP for 1 h at 4 degrees C. After washing, cells were incubated at 37 degrees C for 30 min-24 h. Endocytosis of CT-HRP occurred within 30 min and CT-HRP remained, throughout the 24-h period, in tubules, vesicles, and cisternae often found near the Golgi apparatus; this aggregate of peroxidase-positive elements probably corresponds to Golgi apparatus-endoplasmic reticulum-lysosomes (GERL) of neurons. In metaphase cells, CT-HRP was observed in aggregates of vesicles and tubules clustered near the centriole. Conjugates of HRP with subunit B, the GM1 binding component of CT, were internalized by cells pretreated with GM1 as was CT-HRP. The 9% of neuroblastoma cells binding CT-HRP in the absence of exogenous GM1 internalized the ligand in a manner indistinguishable from that of the treated cells. These findings indicate that, in neuroblastoma cells, a system of vesicles, tubules, and cisternae, analogous to GERL of neurons, is the primary recipient of adsorptive endocytosis of CT bound to endogenous or exogenously introduced GM1.  相似文献   

Mixed monolayers of the ganglioside GM1 and the lipid dipalmitoylphosphatidlycholine (DPPC) at air-water and solid-air interfaces were investigated using various biophysical techniques to ascertain the location and phase behavior of the ganglioside molecules in a mixed membrane. The effects induced by GM1 on the mean molecular area of the binary mixtures and the phase behavior of DPPC were followed for GM1 concentrations ranging from 5 to 70 mol %. Surface pressure isotherms and fluorescence microscopy imaging of domain formation indicate that at low concentrations of GM1 (<25 mol %), the monolayer becomes continually more condensed than DPPC upon further addition of ganglioside. At higher GM1 concentrations (>25 mol %), the mixed monolayer becomes more expanded or fluid-like. After deposition onto a solid substrate, atomic force microscopy imaging of these lipid monolayers showed that GM1 and DPPC pack cooperatively in the condensed phase domain to form geometrically packed complexes that are more ordered than either individual component as evidenced by a more extended total height of the complex arising from a well-packed hydrocarbon tail region. Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction on the DPPC/GM1 binary mixture provides evidence that ordering can emerge when two otherwise fluid components are mixed together. The addition of GM1 to DPPC gives rise to a unit cell that differs from that of a pure DPPC monolayer. To determine the region of the GM1 molecule that interacts with the DPPC molecule and causes condensation and subsequent expansion of the monolayer, surface pressure isotherms were obtained with molecules modeling the backbone or headgroup portions of the GM1 molecule. The observed concentration-dependent condensing and fluidizing effects are specific to the rigid, sugar headgroup portion of the GM1 molecule.  相似文献   

In a program directed towards the design and synthesis of mimics of ganglioside GM1, the NeuAc recognition domain was replaced by simple hydroxy acids, and the affinity of the new ligands to the cholera toxin was determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. The (R)-lactic acid derivative 4 was found to display the highest affinity of the series (KD = 190 microM).  相似文献   

B Goins  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):2046-2052
The thermal stability of cholera toxin free in solution and in association with its cell-surface receptor ganglioside GM1 has been studied by using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and differential solubility thermal gel analysis. In the absence of ganglioside GM1, cholera toxin undergoes two distinct thermally induced transitions centered at 51 and 74 degrees C, respectively. The low-temperature transition has been assigned to the irreversible thermal denaturation of the active A subunit. The second transition has been assigned to the reversible unfolding of the B subunit pentamer. The isolated B subunit pentamer exhibits a single transition also centered at 74 degrees C, suggesting that the attachment of the A subunit does not contribute to the stability of the pentamer. In the intact toxin, the A subunit dissociates from the B subunit pentamer at a temperature that coincides with the onset of the B subunit thermal unfolding. In aqueous solution, the denatured A subunit precipitates after dissociation from the B subunit pentamer. This phenomenon can be detected calorimetrically by the appearance of an exothermic heat effect. In the presence of ganglioside GM1, the B subunit is greatly stabilized as indicated by an increase of 20 degrees C in the transition temperature. In addition, ganglioside GM1 greatly enhances the cooperative interactions between B subunits. In the absence of ganglioside, each monomer within the B pentamer unfolds in an independent fashion whereas the fully ganglioside-bound pentamer behaves as a single cooperative unit. On the contrary, the thermotropic behavior of the A subunit is only slightly affected by the presence of increasing concentrations of ganglioside GM1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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