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GoLoco motif proteins bind to the inhibitory G(i) subclass of G-protein α subunits and slow the release of bound GDP; this interaction is considered critical to asymmetric cell division and neuro-epithelium and epithelial progenitor differentiation. To provide protein tools for interrogating the precise cellular role(s) of GoLoco motif/Gα(i) complexes, we have employed structure-based protein design strategies to predict gain-of-function mutations that increase GoLoco motif binding affinity. Here, we describe fluorescence polarization and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements showing three predicted Gα(i1) point mutations, E116L, Q147L, and E245L; each increases affinity for multiple GoLoco motifs. A component of this affinity enhancement results from a decreased rate of dissociation between the Gα mutants and GoLoco motifs. For Gα(i1)(Q147L), affinity enhancement was seen to be driven by favorable changes in binding enthalpy, despite reduced contributions from binding entropy. The crystal structure of Gα(i1)(Q147L) bound to the RGS14 GoLoco motif revealed disorder among three peptide residues surrounding a well defined Leu-147 side chain. Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide in this region showed a sampling of multiple backbone conformations in contrast to the wild-type complex. We conclude that mutation of Glu-147 to leucine creates a hydrophobic surface favorably buried upon GoLoco peptide binding, yet the hydrophobic Leu-147 also promotes flexibility among residues 511-513 of the RGS14 GoLoco peptide.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B(4), an arachidonate metabolite, is a potent chemoattractant of leukocytes involved in various inflammatory diseases. Two G-protein-coupled receptors for leukotriene B(4) have been cloned and characterized. BLT1 (Yokomizo, T., Izumi, T., Chang, K., Takuwa, Y., and Shimizu, T. (1997) Nature 387, 620-624) is a high affinity receptor exclusively expressed in leukocytes, and BLT2 (Yokomizo, T., Kato, K., Terawaki, K., Izumi, T., and Shimizu, T. (2000) J. Exp. Med. 192, 421-432) is a low affinity receptor expressed more ubiquitously. Here we report the binding profiles of various BLT antagonists and eicosanoids to either BLT1 or BLT2 using the membrane fractions of Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing the receptor. BLT antagonists are grouped into three classes: BLT1-specific U-75302, BLT2-specific LY255283, and BLT1/BLT2 dual-specific ZK 158252 and CP 195543. We also show that 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, 12(S)-hydroperxyeicosatetraenoic acid, and 15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid competed with [(3)H]LTB(4) binding to BLT2, but not BLT1, dose dependently. These eicosanoids also cause calcium mobilization and chemotaxis through BLT2, again in contrast to BLT1. These findings suggest that BLT2 functions as a low affinity receptor, with broader ligand specificity for various eicosanoids, and mediates distinct biological and pathophysiological roles from BLT1.  相似文献   

Salmon calcitonin (sCT) forms an amphipathic helix in the region 9-19, with the C-terminal decapeptide interacting with the helix (Amodeo, P., Motta, A., Strazzullo, G., Castiglione Morelli, M. A. (1999) J. Biomol. NMR 13, 161-174). To uncover the structural requirements for the hormone bioactivity, we investigated several sCT analogs. They were designed so as to alter the length of the central helix by removal and/or replacement of flanking residues and by selectively mutating or deleting residues inside the helix. The helix content was assessed by circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopies; the receptor binding affinity in human breast cancer cell line T 47D and the in vivo hypocalcemic activity were also evaluated. In particular, by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations we studied Leu(23),Ala(24)-sCT in which Pro(23) and Arg(24) were replaced by helix inducing residues. Compared with sCT, it assumes a longer amphipathic alpha-helix, with decreased binding affinity and one-fifth of the hypocalcemic activity, therefore supporting the idea of a relationship between a definite helix length and bioactivity. From the analysis of other sCT mutants, we inferred that the correct helix length is located in the 9-19 region and requires long range interactions and the presence of specific regions of residues within the sequence for high binding affinity and hypocalcemic activity. Taken together, the structural and biological data identify well defined structural parameters of the helix for sCT bioactivity.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin, a post-translational protein modifier inside the cell, functions as a CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR) 4 agonist outside the cell. However, the structural determinants of the interaction between extracellular ubiquitin and CXCR4 remain unknown. Utilizing C-terminal truncated ubiquitin and ubiquitin mutants, in which surface residues that are known to interact with ubiquitin binding domains in interacting proteins are mutated (Phe-4, Leu-8, Ile-44, Asp-58, Val-70), we provide evidence that the ubiquitin-CXCR4 interaction follows a two-site binding mechanism in which the hydrophobic surfaces surrounding Phe-4 and Val-70 are important for receptor binding, whereas the flexible C terminus facilitates receptor activation. Based on these findings and the available crystal structures, we then modeled the ubiquitin-CXCR4 interface with the RosettaDock software followed by small manual adjustments, which were guided by charge complementarity and anticipation of a conformational switch of CXCR4 upon activation. This model suggests three residues of CXCR4 (Phe-29, Phe-189, Lys-271) as potential interaction sites. Binding studies with HEK293 cells overexpressing wild type and CXCR4 after site-directed mutagenesis confirm that these residues are important for ubiquitin binding but that they do not contribute to the binding of stromal cell-derived factor 1α. Our findings suggest that the structural determinants of the CXCR4 agonist activity of ubiquitin mimic the typical structure-function relationship of chemokines. Furthermore, we provide evidence for separate and specific ligand binding sites on CXCR4. As exogenous ubiquitin has been shown to possess therapeutic potential, our findings are expected to facilitate the structure-based design of new compounds with ubiquitin-mimetic actions on CXCR4.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and characterization of another leukotriene B4 receptor   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Leukotriene B(4) is a potent lipid mediator known to be implicated mainly in inflammatory actions. Previous pharmacological studies indicated the existence of only one class of G protein-coupled receptor for leukotriene B(4), for which a candidate gene, namely BLT, had been identified. Here we report the isolation of another gene encoding a functional G protein-coupled receptor for leukotriene B(4), named JULF2. JULF2 is a novel G protein-coupled receptor of 358 amino acids that shares 36.6% amino acid identity with human BLT. According to genomic information, the JULF2 gene is located on the chromosome 14, about 4 kilobases upstream of the BLT gene. During screening of endogenous ligands for JULF2, we found that leukotriene B(4) induced inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation in Chinese hamster ovary cells, stably expressing JULF2. Additionally, Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing exogenous JULF2 showed chemotactic responses with leukotriene B(4) in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. A large amount of JULF2 mRNA was detected in the human spleen and the peripheral blood leukocytes. Furthermore, JULF2 mRNA was expressed in mononuclear lymphocytes, in which BLT mRNA was barely detected. The discovery of this second leukotriene B(4) receptor will eventually lead to a better understanding of the classification of leukotriene B(4) receptors and reconsideration of the pathophysiological role of leukotriene B(4).  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear granulocytes were isolated from patients with burn injury and the specific binding of (3H)leukotriene B4 was assessed. We observed a decreased receptor expression as compared to healthy donor cells, which may be the result of receptor downregulation as a consequence of cellular preactivation. In addition, leukotriene B4-synthesis was also reduced and differential cell counts demonstrated a shift from segmented neutrophils to immature cells. In survivors the values returned to normal parameters whereas nonsurvivors who succumbed in the course of generalized sepsis showed depressed cellular functions up to their death.  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptors, DDR1 and DDR2, are receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by native triple-helical collagen. Here we have located three specific DDR2 binding sites by screening the entire triple-helical domain of collagen II, using the Collagen II Toolkit, a set of overlapping triple-helical peptides. The peptide sequence that bound DDR2 with highest affinity interestingly contained the sequence for the high affinity binding site for von Willebrand factor in collagen III. Focusing on this sequence, we used a set of truncated and alanine-substituted peptides to characterize the sequence GVMGFO (O is hydroxyproline) as the minimal collagen sequence required for DDR2 binding. Based on a recent NMR analysis of the DDR2 collagen binding domain, we generated a model of the DDR2-collagen interaction that explains why a triple-helical conformation is required for binding. Triple-helical peptides comprising the DDR2 binding motif not only inhibited DDR2 binding to collagen II but also activated DDR2 transmembrane signaling. Thus, DDR2 activation may be effected by single triple-helices rather than fibrillar collagen.  相似文献   

Structural requirements for chemotactic activity of leukotriene B4 (LTB4)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
LTB4 (5s, 12R dihdroxy-6, 14-CIS-8, 10-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid) formed in activated neutrophils by lipoxygenation of arachidonic acid is an extremely potent chemotaxin. We examined structural requirements for chemotactic and aggregatory activity of the ligand using synthetic LTB4 and several of its isomers. Additionally we examined the potency of two analogs, nor- and homo-LTB4. Dose response curves for neutrophil chemotaxis to these compounds were obtained using a modified Boyden chamber. The mean distance cells moved into the filter was determined after 30 minutes. Peak chemotactic activity of LTB4 was at 10(-7)M. At higher concentrations, chemotactic activity was decreased. The shape of the dose response curve was similar to that of FMLP except that maximum chemotaxis to LTB4 was consistently greater than chemotaxis to FMLP. A mixture of the two epimers at c-5 and c-12 shifted the response curve to the right but did not lower maximum activity. Increasing or decreasing the chain by one carbon between the first hydroxyl group and the carboxyl group also shifted the response curve to the right without lowering maximal activity. Changing the 6 double bond from cis to trans has a greater effect. Activity was only detectable at high concentrations and maximum activity achieved was less than 50% that of LTB4. Thus the chain length between the carboxyl and C-5 hydroxyl groups, the c-5 and c-12 absolute stereochemistry and the stereochemistry of the delta6 double bond are all important structural features for chemotactic activity with delta6 stereochemistry apparently having the greatest contribution. The relative potencies of these compounds in inducing aggregation were comparable to their chemotactic potencies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that G-protein-coupled receptors contain a putative cytoplasmic helical domain, helix 8. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) receptor 1 derivatives with truncated or mutated helix 8 showed much higher LTB4 binding than wild-type (WT) receptors. Similar to the WT receptor, LTB4 promoted guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) binding in these mutants. Unlike the WT receptor, however, the addition of GTPgammaS did not inhibit LTB4 binding to the mutant receptors. Scatchard analyses revealed that mutants maintained high affinity for LTB4, even in the presence of excess GTPgammaS. Consistently, mutant receptors showed a more prolonged Ca2+ mobilization and cellular metabolic activation than the WT receptor. From mutational studies and three-dimensional modeling based on the structure of bovine rhodopsin, we conclude that the helix 8 of LTB4 receptor 1 plays an important role in the conformational change of the receptor to the low affinity state after G-protein activation, possibly by sensing the status of coupling Galpha subunits as GTP-bound.  相似文献   

In the presence of anti-mu antibodies (anti-microAb), monoclonal B lymphocytes from patients suffering from B type chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) can respond to IL-2. In contrast to the effect it exerts on normal B cells, IL-4 does not promote DNA synthesis by B-CLL lymphocytes. Rather this interleukin inhibits the response to IL-2 in all patients' cells that responded to this interleukin. We thus examined whether IL-4 would modulate the number and/or the affinity of IL-2 receptors. A 3-day activation of cells by anti-microAb induced a few hundred high affinity IL-2 receptors (HA-IL-2R) on B-CLL cell surface, as determined by Scatchard analysis. Treatment of cells with IL-4 caused a marked decrease in the number of HA-IL-2R without interfering with the binding ability of IL-2. In contrast with this profound suppressive effect, IL-4 did not down-regulate the expression of each chain, alpha and beta (p55 and p75, respectively), of the HA-IL-2R heterodimer. In fact, the expression of alpha and beta induced by anti-microAb was enhanced by IL-4. Altogether, IL-4 exerts a critical influence on the function and the configuration of HA-IL-2R without inhibiting the expression of two subunits, alpha and beta.  相似文献   

It is currently thought that pulmonary eosinophils play a proinflammatory role in bronchial asthma. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is being considered as an important mediator in regulating eosinophil function because of its potent activities in inducing leukocyte chemotaxis, chemokinesis, degranulation, and aggregation. Because the LTB4 receptor has not been characterized in eosinophils, we report in this study the presence of a functional high affinity receptor for LTB4 on guinea pig (GP) eosinophils. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding studies yielded a Kd of 1.4 +/- 0.2 nM (mean +/- SEM, n = 3) and a Bmax of 1.6 +/- 0.4 pmol/mg of protein for LTB4 in GP eosinophil membranes. A linear Scatchard plot was obtained, suggesting that GP eosinophil membranes expressed only a single high affinity LTB4 receptor population. Saturation binding studies in whole cells also yielded a linear Scatchard plot, with a Kd of 2.8 +/- 0.96 nM (mean +/- SEM, n = 4) and a Bmax of 4 x 10(4) +/- 6 x 10(3) receptors/cell. Competitive binding studies using several compounds with structures similar to that of LTB4 showed that these agents bound to the receptor in the following descending order of affinity (Ki, nM): LTB4 (0.96) less than TB3 (1.0) greater than 20-hydroxy-LTB4 (3.5) greater than 12(R)-hydroxy-5,8,14-cis,10-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid (20) greater than 12(S)-hydroxy-5,8,14-cis,10-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid (231) greater than 20-carboxy-LTB4 (350) greater than 5(S),12(S)-dihydroxy-6,10-trans,8,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid (541). This rank order of potency in binding affinity correlates closely with the ability of these compounds to induce both chemotaxis and superoxide anion generation. Analysis of the structure-activity relationship suggests that the 12R-hydroxyl group and a cis double bond at the C-6 position are important for optimal agonist binding to the LTB4 receptor present in GP eosinophil membranes. The results suggest that LTB4 may be an important chemoattractant for eosinophils in GP and may induce the release of reactive oxygen species from this cell.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a pro-inflammatory arachidonate metabolite. We have characterized the LTB4 receptors in sheep lung membranes and have assessed the contribution of the guanine-nucleotide-binding (G) protein in the regulation of receptor affinity states. Saturation isotherms have demonstrated a single class of LTB4 receptor with a Kd of 0.18 +/- 0.03 nM and a density (Bmax.) of 410 +/- 84 fmol/mg of protein in sheep lung membranes. The effect of the G-protein on receptor affinity was assessed in the presence of non-hydrolysable GTP analogues (e.g. GTP[S]) and in membranes following alkali treatment (pH 12.1) to remove the G-protein. Saturation isotherms produced either in the presence of GTP[S] (Kd.GTP[S] = 0.51 +/- 0.02 nM) or with alkali-treated membranes (Kd.alk. = 0.52 +/- 0.02 nM) demonstrated a 3-fold shift in receptor affinity for [3H]LTB4 binding. In competition experiments, the rank order of affinity of LTB4 analogues was LTB4 greater than 20-OH-LTB4 greater than trans-homo-LTB4 greater than 6-trans-LTB4 greater than 20-COOH-LTB4, using either untreated or alkali-treated membranes, both in the presence and absence of GTP[S]. These findings demonstrate that, in sheep lung membranes, there is only one class of LTB4 receptor. Removal of the G-protein or uncoupling of the receptor from the G-protein shifted the agonist-binding affinity of the receptor by 3-4-fold, without affecting the specificity of the LTB4 receptor in either the high- or the low-affinity state.  相似文献   

Isolated human polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte plasma membranes express high affinity (mean Kd = 0.12 nM) and low affinity (mean Kd = 50 nM) receptors for the chemotactic factor leukotriene B4 (5(S),12(R)-dihydroxy-eicosa-6,14 cis-8,10 trans-tetraenoic acid; LTB4) that are similar to those on intact PMN leukocytes. A portion of high affinity LTB4-R on PMN leukocyte membranes were converted to the low affinity state by GTP (mean +/- SE = 28.6 +/- 14.0%) and nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues, such as 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate (GMP-PNP), in a concentration-dependent, nucleotide-specific, and reversible manner, without altering the intrinsic binding affinities of either class. [3H]GMP-PNP bound specifically to one class of receptors (mean Kd = 13 nM) on PMN leukocyte membranes. The interdependence of the LTB4-binding membrane protein and guanine nucleotide-binding protein was suggested by the capacity of LTB4 to enhance by a maximum of 150% the binding of [3H]GMP-PNP to PMN leukocyte membranes by increasing the number, but not altering the affinity, of receptors for GMP-PNP. Pertussis toxin, but not cholera toxin, reversed the enhancement of binding of [3H]GMP-PNP produced by LTB4. Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and high affinity LTB4-R thus exhibit a mutual regulation that differs mechanistically from that of peptide chemotactic factor receptors on PMN leukocytes.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is a product of eicosanoid metabolism and acts as an extremely potent chemotactic mediator for inflammation. LTB(4) exerts positive effects on the immigration and activation of leukocytes. These effects suggest an involvement of LTB(4) in several diseases: inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, arthritis, and asthma. LTB(4) elicits actions through interaction with one or more cell surface receptors that lead to chemotaxis and inflammation. One leukotriene B(4) receptor has been recently identified (LTB(4)-R1). In this report we describe cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel 358-amino acid receptor (LTB(4)-R2) that possesses seven membrane-spanning domains and is homologous (42%) and genetically linked to LTB(4)-R1. Expression of LTB(4)-R2 is broad but highest in liver, intestine, spleen, and kidney. In radioligand binding assays, membranes prepared from COS-7 cells transfected with LTB(4)-R2 cDNA displayed high affinity (K(d) = 0.17 nm) for [(3)H]LTB(4). Radioligand competition assays revealed high affinities of the receptor for LTB(4) and LTB(5), and 20-hydroxy-LTB(4), and intermediate affinities for 15(S)-HETE and 12-oxo-ETE. Three LTB(4) receptor antagonists, 14,15-dehydro-LTB(4), LTB(4)-3-aminopropylamide, and U-75302, had high affinity for LTB(4)-R1 but not for LTB(4)-R2. No apparent affinity binding for the receptors was detected for the CysLT1-selective antagonists montelukast and zafirlukast. LTB(4) functionally mobilized intracellular calcium and inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP production in 293 cells. The discovery of this new receptor should aid in further understanding the roles of LTB(4) in pathologies in these tissues and may provide a tool in identification of specific antagonists/agonists for potential therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

B Votta  J Keefer    S Mong 《The Biochemical journal》1990,270(1):213-218
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is an arachidonate metabolite which elicits a variety of pro-inflammatory responses by activation of a guanine-nucleotide-binding protein-coupled membrane receptor. As a prelude to receptor isolation and purification, we have established assay methods for LTB4 receptor solubilization and characterization from sheep lung membranes. [3H]LTB4 binding to the soluble receptor was saturable, specific, protein-concentration- and time-dependent and reversible. Binding of [3H]LTB4 was enhanced by divalent cations and inhibited by sodium ions in a manner analogous to its binding to the human leukocyte membrane receptor. Saturation binding yielded a dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.50 +/- 0.05 nM and a receptor density (Bmax) of 330 +/- 90 fmol/mg of protein for [3H]LTB4 binding to detergent-solubilized receptor. In competition experiments, the rank order of binding affinity was LTB4 greater than 20-OH-LTB4 greater than trans-homo-LTB4 greater than 6-trans-LTB4 greater than U-75302. Gel-filtration chromatography showed that the LTB4 receptor protein in the detergent micellar state has a molecular mass in the range 800-1000 kDa. These results demonstrate that the physiologically and pharmacologically important LTB4 receptor may be readily solubilized from sheep lung membranes without alteration in binding specificity and characteristics, suggesting that sheep lung membranes represent a rich source with which to pursue receptor isolation and purification.  相似文献   

Full length cDNA clones encoding the mouse Fc gamma RI were isolated by using redundant oligonucleotide probes based on previously determined amino acid sequence of protein bound to an IgG2a antibody column. Sequence analysis of cDNA clones indicates that mouse Fc gamma RI is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is composed of three disulfide bonded extracellular Ig binding domains unlike Fc gamma RII of man and mouse. These extracellular domains contain five potential sites of N-linked glycosylation; three sites in the first domain and one in each of the second and third domains. In addition a transmembrane region is present followed by a cytoplasmic tail of 84 amino acids. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of the first two extracellular domains of Fc gamma RI indicate that these are highly homologous to the extracellular domains of Fc gamma RII; the third domain is different and shows a lower level of homology to other FcR domains but is clearly related to the Ig super-family. Transfected cells expressing Fc gamma RI were shown to bind immune complexes of rabbit IgG; and monomeric IgG2a bound to transiently transfected cells with an affinity of approximately 5 x 10(7) M-1, i.e. the receptor was of high affinity and therefore was by definition Fc gamma RI. Northern analysis demonstrated that Fc gamma RI mRNA could be detected in the Fc gamma RI+ myeloid cell lines WEH1 3B and J774. Finally, Southern analysis indicated that Fc gamma RI is likely to be encoded by a single copy gene of approximately 9 kb.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 acts through its receptors, BLT(1) and BLT(2), however, their expression in rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. In this experiment, BLT(1) and BLT(2) mRNA expressions in the synovium of rats with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) at days 1, 3, 7 and 14 after CIA onset were analyzed by RT-PCR. The expression of two immunological and inflammatory factors, S100A8 and S100A9, in the synovium of the arthritic rats was also determined at the indicated time. At d14, the differential expressions of BLT(1) and BLT(2) in the synovium, spleen, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and thymus of CIA rats were analyzed. The results showed that, in the synovium of the arthritic rats, the BLT(1) mRNA expression increased after CIA onset, reached the highest value between d1 and d3, and declined afterwards while the BLT(2) expression increased with time and reached its peak at d14. Both S100A8 and S100A9 expression reached the peak levels between d1 and d3, and decreased to lower levels between d7 and d14. For the analyzed tissues from CIA rats at d14, BLT(1) mRNA was expressed in the thymus with the highest level, followed by the spleen, PBMC and synovium. BLT(2) mRNA was expressed in the thymus the highest as well, but followed by the synovium, spleen and PBMC. Since BLT(1) and BLT(2) play distinct roles during CIA, this study may provide basis for new therapies targeting BLT(1) and BLT(2), respectively, for the treatment of arthritic inflammation at different stages.  相似文献   

When chopped porcine pulmonary arteries were incubated with calcium ionophore A23187 (1) in the presence of indomethacin there was a time dependent generation of a substance which produced contractions of superfused strips of guinea-pig ileum smooth muscle (GPISM) which were indistinguishable from those induced by LTD4. This material however had a different retention time from LTD4 when subjected to HPLC and co-chromatographed with synthetic LTE4. In addition to LTE4 a substance which had properties indistinguishable from those of LTB4 when assayed on a combination of guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips (GPP) and GPISM (2) was generated from the pulmonary artery. This substance co-chromatographed with synthetic LTB4. The adventitia and intima were the richest source of LTE4, the adventitia releasing slightly more than the intima. The output of LTB4 and LTE4 was inhibited by 6,9-deepoxy-6,9-(phenylimino)-delta 6,8 prostaglandin I (U-60,257). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) inhibited the generation of LTE4.  相似文献   

The biological activities of two carbonyl compounds derived from arachidonic acid, (5Z,8Z,10E,14Z)-12-keto-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraeno ic acid (12-OxoETE) and (5Z,8Z,10E)-12-oxo-5,8,10-dodecatrienoic acid (12-OxoDTrE) were investigated. The ability of these compounds to induce a mobilization of calcium and to trigger a right-angle scatter response in isolated peripheral blood human neutrophils was determined. The two compounds induced a rapid and dose-dependent increase in the concentration of cytoplasmic free calcium; these effects were clearly detectable at concentrations greater than or equal to 10(-8) M. Pre-exposure of neutrophils to leukotriene B4 completely abolished the calcium mobilization induced by 12-OxoDTre and 12-OxoETE, while pre-exposure of the cells to the carbonyl compounds only slightly reduced the response to subsequent stimulation of neutrophils by leukotriene B4. The carbonyl compounds also induced a decrease in right-angle light scatter and these effects were abolished by pretreatment of neutrophils with leukotriene B4. These data demonstrate that 12-OxoETE and 12-OxoDTrE show significant agonist activities towards human neutrophils and strongly suggest that their mechanisms of action involve the leukotriene B4 binding sites or a common activation sequence.  相似文献   

The binding free energies of four inhibitors to bovine beta-trypsin are calculated. The inhibitors use either ornithine, lysine, or arginine to bind to the S1 specificity site. The electrostatic contribution to binding free energy is calculated by solving the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the contribution of nonpolar interactions is calculated using a free energy-surface area relationship and the loss of conformational entropy is estimated both for trypsin and ligand side chains. Binding free energy values are of a reasonable magnitude and the relative affinity of the four inhibitors for trypsin is correctly predicted. Electrostatic interactions are found to oppose binding in all cases. However, in the case of ornithine- and lysine-based inhibitors, the salt bridge formed between their charged group and the partially buried carboxylate of Asp189 is found to stabilize the complex. Our analysis reveals how the molecular architecture of the trypsin binding site results in highly specific recognition of substrates and inhibitors. Specifically, partially burying Asp189 in the inhibitor-free enzyme decreases the penalty for desolvation of this group upon complexation. Water molecules trapped in the binding interface further stabilize the buried ion pair, resulting in a favorable electrostatic contribution of the ion pair formed with ornithine and lysine side chains. Moreover, all side chains that form the trypsin specificity site are partially buried, and hence, relatively immobile in the inhibitor-free state, thus reducing the entropic cost of complexation. The implications of the results for the general problem of recognition and binding are considered. A novel finding in this regard is that like charged molecules can have electrostatic contributions to binding that are more favorable than oppositely charged molecules due to enhanced interactions with the solvent in the highly charged complex that is formed.  相似文献   

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