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Altered expression of chondroitin sulfate (CS) and heparan sulfate (HS) at the surfaces of tumor cells plays a key role in malignant transformation and tumor metastasis. Previously we demonstrated that a Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC)-derived tumor cell line with high metastatic potential had a higher proportion of E-disaccharide units, GlcUA-GalNAc(4,6-O-disulfate), in CS chains than low metastatic LLC cells and that such CS chains are involved in the metastatic process. The metastasis was markedly inhibited by the pre-administration of CS-E from squid cartilage rich in E units or by preincubation with a phage display antibody specific for CS-E. However, the molecular mechanism of the inhibition remains to be investigated. In this study the receptor molecule for CS chains containing E-disaccharides expressed on LLC cells was revealed to be receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), which is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily predominantly expressed in the lung. Interestingly, RAGE bound strongly to not only E-disaccharide, but also HS-expressing LLC cells. Furthermore, the colonization of the lungs by LLC cells was effectively inhibited by the blocking of CS or HS chains at the tumor cell surface with an anti-RAGE antibody through intravenous injections in a dose-dependent manner. These results provide the clear evidence that RAGE is at least one of the critical receptors for CS and HS chains expressed at the tumor cell surface and involved in experimental lung metastasis and that CS/HS and RAGE are potential molecular targets in the treatment of pulmonary metastasis.  相似文献   

Growth and remodeling of lymphatic vasculature occur during development and during various pathologic states. A major stimulus for this process is the unique lymphatic vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C). Other endothelial growth factors, such as fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) or VEGF-A, may also contribute. Heparan sulfate is a linear sulfated polysaccharide that facilitates binding and action of some vascular growth factors such as FGF-2 and VEGF-A. However, a direct role for heparan sulfate in lymphatic endothelial growth and sprouting responses, including those mediated by VEGF-C, remains to be examined. We demonstrate that VEGF-C binds to heparan sulfate purified from primary lymphatic endothelia, and activation of lymphatic endothelial Erk1/2 in response to VEGF-C is reduced by interference with heparin or pretreatment of cells with heparinase, which destroys heparan sulfate. Such treatment also inhibited phosphorylation of the major VEGF-C receptor VEGFR-3 upon VEGF-C stimulation. Silencing lymphatic heparan sulfate chain biosynthesis inhibited VEGF-C-mediated Erk1/2 activation and abrogated VEGFR-3 receptor-dependent binding of VEGF-C to the lymphatic endothelial surface. These findings prompted targeting of lymphatic N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase-1 (Ndst1), a major sulfate-modifying heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzyme. VEGF-C-mediated Erk1/2 phosphorylation was inhibited in Ndst1-silenced lymphatic endothelia, and scratch-assay responses to VEGF-C and FGF-2 were reduced in Ndst1-deficient cells. In addition, lymphatic Ndst1 deficiency abrogated cell-based growth and proliferation responses to VEGF-C. In other studies, lymphatic endothelia cultured ex vivo from Ndst1 gene-targeted mice demonstrated reduced VEGF-C- and FGF-2-mediated sprouting in collagen matrix. Lymphatic heparan sulfate may represent a novel molecular target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The specific functions of the prodomains of TGFβ superfamily members are largely unknown. Interactions are known between prodomains of TGFβ-1-3 and latent TGFβ-binding proteins and between prodomains of BMP-2, -4, -7, and -10 and GDF-5 and fibrillins, raising the possibility that latent TGFβ-binding proteins and fibrillins may mediate interactions with all other prodomains of this superfamily. This possibility is tested in this study. Results show that the prodomain of BMP-5 interacts with the N-terminal regions of fibrillin-1 and -2 in a site similar to the binding sites for other bone morphogenetic proteins. However, in contrast, the prodomain of GDF-8 (myostatin) interacts with the glycosaminoglycan side chains of perlecan. The binding site for the GDF-8 prodomain is likely the heparan sulfate chain present on perlecan domain V. These results support and extend the emerging concept that TGFβ superfamily prodomains target their growth factor dimers to extracellular matrix macromolecules. In addition, biochemical studies of prodomain·growth factor complexes were performed to identify inactive complexes. For some members of the superfamily, the prodomain is noncovalently associated with its growth factor dimer in an inactive complex; for others, the prodomain·growth factor complex is active, even though the prodomain is noncovalently associated with its growth factor dimer. Results show that the BMP-10 prodomain, in contrast to BMP-4, -5, and -7 prodomains, can inhibit the bioactivity of the BMP-10 growth factor and suggest that the BMP-10 complex is like TGFβ and GDF-8 complexes, which can be activated by cleavage of the associated prodomain.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have demonstrated that islet transplantation may be a useful procedure to replace beta cell function in patients with Type 1 diabetes. Islet transplantation faces many challenges, including complications associated with the procedure itself, the toxicity of immunosuppression regimens, and to the loss of islet function and insulin-independence with time. Despite the current successes, and residual challenges, these studies have pointed out an enormous scarcity of islet tissue that precludes the use of islet transplantation in a clinical setting on a wider scale. To address this problem, many research groups are trying to identify different islet growth factors and intracellular molecules capable of improving islet graft survival and function, therefore reducing the number of islets needed for successful transplantation. Among these growth factors, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a factor known to improve transplantation of a variety of organs/cells, has shown promising results in increasing islet graft survival and reducing the number of islets needed for successful transplantation in four different rodent models of islet transplantation. Protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, a pro-survival intracellular signaling molecule is known to be activated in the beta cell by several different growth factors, including HGF. PKB/Akt has also shown promising results for improving human islet graft survival and function in a minimal islet mass model of islet transplantation in diabetic SCID mice. Increasing our knowledge on how HGF, PKB/Akt and other emerging molecules work for improving islet transplantation may provide substrate for future therapeutic approaches aimed at increasing the number of patients in which beta cell function can be successfully replaced.  相似文献   

Fibrotic disorders are the end point of many chronic diseases in different tissues, where an accumulation of the extracellular matrix occurs, mainly because of the action of the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2). Little is known about how this growth factor activity is regulated. We found that decorin null myoblasts are more sensitive to CTGF than wild type myoblasts, as evaluated by the accumulation of fibronectin or collagen III. Decorin added exogenously negatively regulated CTGF pro-fibrotic activity and the induction of actin stress fibers. Using co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro interaction assays, decorin and CTGF were shown to interact in a saturable manner with a K(d) of 4.4 nM. This interaction requires the core protein of decorin. Experiments using the deletion mutant decorin indicated that the leucine-rich repeats (LRR) 10-12 are important for the interaction with CTGF and the negative regulation of the cytokine activity, moreover, a peptide derived from the LRR12 was able to inhibit CTGF-decorin complex formation and CTGF activity. Finally, we showed that CTGF specifically induced the synthesis of decorin, suggesting a mechanism of autoregulation. These results suggest that decorin interacts with CTGF and regulates its biological activity.  相似文献   

We have recently discovered that the insulin-like growth factor receptor I (IGF-IR) is up-regulated in human invasive bladder cancer and promotes migration and invasion of transformed urothelial cells. The proteoglycan decorin, a key component of the tumor stroma, can positively regulate the IGF-IR system in normal cells. However, there are no available data on the role of decorin in modulating IGF-IR activity in transformed cells or in tumor models. Here we show that the expression of decorin inversely correlated with IGF-IR expression in low and high grade bladder cancers (n = 20 each). Decorin bound with high affinity IGF-IR and IGF-I at distinct sites and negatively regulated IGF-IR activity in urothelial cancer cells. Nanomolar concentrations of decorin promoted down-regulation of IRS-1, one of the critical proteins of the IGF-IR pathway, and attenuated IGF-I-dependent activation of Akt and MAPK. This led to decorin-evoked inhibition of migration and invasion upon IGF-I stimulation. Notably, decorin did not cause down-regulation of the IGF-IR in bladder, breast, and squamous carcinoma cells. This indicates that decorin action on the IGF-IR differs from its known activity on other receptor tyrosine kinases such as the EGF receptor and Met. Our results provide a novel mechanism for decorin in negatively modulating both IGF-I and its receptor. Thus, decorin loss may contribute to increased IGF-IR activity in the progression of bladder cancer and perhaps other forms of cancer where IGF-IR plays a role.  相似文献   

Small amounts of a variant antithrombin (AT) bearing an Arg-129 to Gln mutation were purified from plasma by means of affinity chromatography on insolubilized herapin at very low ionic strength. As a control, two variant antithrombins, one bearing on Pro-41 to Leu mutation and the other an Arg-47 to His mutation, were purified in the same way. The biochemical characterization of the variants and the kinetic study of thrombin and activated factor X (F Xa) inhibition in the presence of heparin and heparin derivatives suggest that Arg-129 plays a specific role in AT conformation and F Xa inhibition enhancement. Indeed, the purified variant adopted the locked conformation described ,for AT submitted to mild denaturing conditions (Carrell, R.W., Evans, D.Li and Stein, P.E. (1991) Nature 353, 576–578) and resembling the latent form of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) (Mottonen J., Strand, A., Symersky, J., Sweet, R.M., Danley, D.E., Geohegan, K.F., Gerard, R.D. and Goldsmith, E.J. (1992) Nature 355, 270–273). Moreover, the mutant AT was partially reactivated by heparin for thrombin inhibition, but did not respond to the specific pentasaccharide domain of heparin for F Xa inhibition.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells (ECs) lining the airways provide a protective barrier between the external environment and the internal host milieu. These same airway epithelia express receptors that respond to danger signals and initiate repair programs. Because the sialylation state of a receptor can influence its function and is dictated in part by sialidase activity, we asked whether airway epithelia express catalytically active sialidase(s). Human primary small airway and A549 ECs expressed NEU1 sialidase at the mRNA and protein levels, and NEU1 accounted for >70% of EC sialidase activity. Blotting with Maackia amurensis and peanut agglutinin lectins established epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and MUC1 as in vivo substrates for NEU1. NEU1 associated with EGFR and MUC1, and NEU1-EGFR association was regulated by EGF stimulation. NEU1 overexpression diminished EGF-stimulated EGFR Tyr-1068 autophosphorylation by up to 44% but enhanced MUC1-dependent Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion by 1.6-1.7-fold and flagellin-stimulated ERK1/2 activation by 1.7-1.9-fold. In contrast, NEU1 depletion increased EGFR activation (1.5-fold) and diminished MUC1-mediated bacterial adhesion (38-56%) and signaling (73%). These data indicate for the first time that human airway epithelia express catalytically active NEU1 sialidase that regulates EGFR- and MUC1-dependent signaling and bacterial adhesion. NEU1 catalytic activity may offer an additional level of regulation over the airway epithelial response to ligands, pathogens, and injurious stimuli.  相似文献   

Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a decoy receptor for receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand (RANKL), a key inducer of osteoclastogenesis via its receptor RANK. We previously showed that RANK, RANKL, and OPG are able to form a tertiary complex and that OPG must be also considered as a direct effector of osteoclast functions. As OPG contains a heparin-binding domain, the present study investigated the interactions between OPG and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) by surface plasmon resonance and their involvement in the OPG functions. Kinetic data demonstrated that OPG binds to heparin with a high-affinity (KD: 0.28 nM) and that the pre-incubation of OPG with heparin inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the OPG binding to the complex RANK-RANKL. GAGs from different structure/origin (heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and chondroitin sulfate) exert similar activity on OPG binding. The contribution of the sulfation pattern and the size of the oligosaccharide were determined in this inhibitory mechanism. The results demonstrated that sulfation is essential in the OPG-blocking function of GAGs since a totally desulfated heparin loses its capacity to bind and to block OPG binding to RANKL. Moreover, a decasaccharide is the minimal structure that totally inhibits the OPG binding to the complex RANK-RANKL. Western blot analysis performed in 293 cells surexpressing RANKL revealed that the pre-incubation of OPG with these GAGs strongly inhibits the OPG-induced decrease of membrane RANKL half-life. These data support an essential function of the related glycosaminoglycans heparin and heparan sulfate in the activity of the triad RANK-RANKL-OPG.  相似文献   

p53 is frequently mutated in tumor cells, and mutant p53 is often highly expressed due to its increased half-life. Thus, targeting mutant p53 for degradation might be explored as a therapeutic strategy to manage tumors that are addicted to mutant p53 for survival. Arsenic trioxide, a drug for patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia, is found to target and degrade a class of proteins with high levels of cysteine residues and vicinal thiol groups, such as promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) and PML-retinoic acid receptor α fusion protein. Interestingly, wild type p53 is accumulated in cells treated with arsenic compounds, presumably due to arsenic-induced oxidative stresses. In this study, we found that wild type p53 is induced by arsenic trioxide in tumor cells, consistent with published studies. In contrast, we found that arsenic compounds degrade both endogenous and ectopically expressed mutant p53 in time- and dose-dependent manners. We also found that arsenic trioxide decreases the stability of mutant p53 protein through a proteasomal pathway, and blockage of mutant p53 nuclear export can alleviate the arsenic-induced mutant p53 degradation. Furthermore, we found that knockdown of endogenous mutant p53 sensitizes, whereas ectopic expression of mutant p53 desensitizes, tumor cells to arsenic treatment. Taken together, we found that mutant p53 is a target of arsenic compounds, which provides an insight into exploring arsenic compound-based therapy for tumors harboring a mutant p53.  相似文献   

Itraconazole is a safe and widely used antifungal drug that was recently found to possess potent antiangiogenic activity. Currently, there are four active clinical trials evaluating itraconazole as a cancer therapeutic. Tumor growth is dependent on angiogenesis, which is driven by the secretion of growth factors from the tumor itself. We report here that itraconazole significantly inhibited the binding of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) and that both VEGFR2 and an immediate downstream substrate, phospholipase C γ1, failed to become activated after VEGF stimulation. These effects were due to a defect in VEGFR2 trafficking, leading to a decrease in cell surface expression, and were associated with the accumulation of immature N-glycans on VEGFR2. Small molecule inducers of lysosomal cholesterol accumulation and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition, two previously reported itraconazole activities, failed to recapitulate itraconazole's effects on VEGFR2 glycosylation and signaling. Likewise, glycosylation inhibitors did not alter cholesterol trafficking or inhibit mTOR. Repletion of cellular cholesterol levels, which was known to rescue the effects of itraconazole on mTOR and cholesterol trafficking, was also able to restore VEGFR2 glycosylation and signaling. This suggests that the new effects of itraconazole occur in parallel to those previously reported but are downstream of a common target. We also demonstrated that itraconazole globally reduced poly-N-acetyllactosamine and tetra-antennary complex N-glycans in endothelial cells and induced hypoglycosylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor in a renal cell carcinoma line, suggesting that itraconazole's effects extend beyond VEGFR2.  相似文献   

RH-RhoGEFs are a family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors that contain a regulator of G protein signaling homology (RH) domain. The heterotrimeric G protein Gα(13) stimulates the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of RH-RhoGEFs, leading to activation of RhoA. The mechanism by which Gα(13) stimulates the GEF activity of RH-RhoGEFs, such as p115RhoGEF, has not yet been fully elucidated. Here, specific residues in Gα(13) that mediate activation of p115RhoGEF are identified. Mutation of these residues significantly impairs binding of Gα(13) to p115RhoGEF as well as stimulation of GEF activity. These data suggest that the exchange activity of p115RhoGEF is stimulated allosterically by Gα(13) and not through its interaction with a secondary binding site. A crystal structure of Gα(13) bound to the RH domain of p115RhoGEF is also presented, which differs from a previously crystallized complex with a Gα(13)-Gα(i1) chimera. Taken together, these data provide new insight into the mechanism by which p115RhoGEF is activated by Gα(13).  相似文献   

Increased tyrosine phosphorylation has been correlated with human cancer, including breast cancer. In general, the activation of tyrosine kinases (TKs) can be antagonized by the action of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). However, in some cases PTPs can potentiate the activation of TKs. In this study, we have investigated the functional role of PTPε in human breast cancer cell lines. We found the up-regulation and activation of receptor PTPε (RPTPε) in MCF-7 cells and MDA-MB-231 upon PMA, FGF, and serum stimulation, which depended on EGFR and ERK1/2 activity. Diminishing the expression of PTPε in human breast cancer cells abolished ERK1/2 and AKT activation, and decreased the viability and anchorage-independent growth of the cells. Conversely, stable MCF-7 cell lines expressing inducible high levels of ectopic PTPε displayed higher activation of ERK1/2 and anchorage-independent growth. Our results demonstrate that expression of PTPε is up-regulated and activated in breast cancer cell lines, through EGFR, by sustained activation of the ERK1/2 pathway, generating a positive feedback regulatory loop required for survival of human breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Summary To study the mechanisms of morphogenesis in salivary gland regeneration, we have established the RSMG-1 cell line derived from submandibular gland (SMG) of 10-wk-old Wistar female rats in serum-free culture. Our finding that RSMG-1 cells originated from duct cells was based on morphology and immunohistochemical results. In three-dimensional serum-free collagen gel culture, HGF induced branching morphogenesis of RSMG-1 cells. Histological examination revealed that HGF-induced branching structure exhibited well-formed lumina. This morphology closely resembles that found in vivo. The cells also expressed activin A. Exogenously added activin A at a high concentration reduced HGF-induced branching morphogenesis. These findings suggest that the morphogenesis of the salivary gland is modulated by HGF and activin A. Our results show that the RSMG-1 cell line may be useful in studies of salivary gland regeneration.  相似文献   

Tumor cell invasion is vital for cancer progression and metastasis. Adhesion, migration, and degradation of the extracellular matrix are important events involved in the establishment of cancer cells at a new site, and therefore molecular targets are sought to inhibit such processes. The effect of a plant proteinase inhibitor, Enterolobium contortisiliquum trypsin inhibitor (EcTI), on the adhesion, migration, and invasion of gastric cancer cells was the focus of this study. EcTI showed no effect on the proliferation of gastric cancer cells or fibroblasts but inhibited the adhesion, migration, and cell invasion of gastric cancer cells; however, EcTI had no effect upon the adhesion of fibroblasts. EcTI was shown to decrease the expression and disrupt the cellular organization of molecules involved in the formation and maturation of invadopodia, such as integrin β1, cortactin, neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, membrane type 1 metalloprotease, and metalloproteinase-2. Moreover, gastric cancer cells treated with EcTI presented a significant decrease in intracellular phosphorylated Src and focal adhesion kinase, integrin-dependent cell signaling components. Together, these results indicate that EcTI inhibits the invasion of gastric cancer cells through alterations in integrin-dependent cell signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells are dependent on extracellular matrix (ECM) attachment for maintenance of metabolic activity and suppression of apoptosis. Here we show that loss of ECM attachment causes down-regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and β1 integrin protein and mRNA expression and that ErbB2, which is amplified in 25% of breast tumors, reverses these effects of ECM deprivation. ErbB2 rescue of β1 integrin mRNA and protein in suspended cells is dependent on EGFR, however, the rescue of EGFR expression does not require β1 integrin. We show that there is a significant decrease in the stability of EGFR in ECM-detached cells that is reversed by ErbB2 overexpression. Rescue of both EGFR and β1 integrin protein by ErbB2 is dependent on Erk activity and induction of its downstream target Sprouty2, a protein known to regulate EGFR protein stability. Interestingly, expression of EGFR and β1 integrin protein is more dependent on Erk/Sprouty2 in ECM-detached ErbB2-overexpressing cells when compared with ECM-attached cells. These results provide further insight into the ErbB2-driven anchorage independence of tumor cells and provide a new mechanism for regulation of EGFR and β1 integrin expression in ECM-detached cells.  相似文献   

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