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UBC13 is the only known E2 ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzyme that produces Lys-63-linked Ub chain with its cofactor E2 variant UEV1a or MMS2. Lys-63-linked ubiquitination is crucial for recruitment of DNA repair and damage response molecules to sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). A deubiquitinating enzyme OTUB1 suppresses Lys-63-linked ubiquitination of chromatin surrounding DSBs by binding UBC13 to inhibit its E2 activity independently of the isopeptidase activity. OTUB1 strongly suppresses UBC13-dependent Lys-63-linked tri-Ub production, whereas it allows di-Ub production in vitro. The mechanism of this non-canonical OTUB1-mediated inhibition of ubiquitination remains to be elucidated. Furthermore, the atomic level information of the interaction between human OTUB1 and UBC13 has not been reported. Here, we determined the crystal structure of human OTUB1 in complex with human UBC13 and MMS2 at 3.15 Å resolution. The presented atomic-level interactions were confirmed by surface-plasmon resonance spectroscopy with structure-based mutagenesis. The designed OTUB1 mutants cannot inhibit Lys-63-linked Ub chain formation in vitro and histone ubiquitination and 53BP1 assembly around DSB sites in vivo. Finally, we propose a model for how capping of di-Ub by the OTUB1-UBC13-MMS2/UEV1a complex efficiently inhibits Lys-63-linked tri-Ub formation.  相似文献   

Menin is a tumor suppressor protein that is encoded by the MEN1 (multiple endocrine neoplasia 1) gene and controls cell growth in endocrine tissues. Importantly, menin also serves as a critical oncogenic cofactor of MLL (mixed lineage leukemia) fusion proteins in acute leukemias. Direct association of menin with MLL fusion proteins is required for MLL fusion protein-mediated leukemogenesis in vivo, and this interaction has been validated as a new potential therapeutic target for development of novel anti-leukemia agents. Here, we report the first crystal structure of menin homolog from Nematostella vectensis. Due to a very high sequence similarity, the Nematostella menin is a close homolog of human menin, and these two proteins likely have very similar structures. Menin is predominantly an α-helical protein with the protein core comprising three tetratricopeptide motifs that are flanked by two α-helical bundles and covered by a β-sheet motif. A very interesting feature of menin structure is the presence of a large central cavity that is highly conserved between Nematostella and human menin. By employing site-directed mutagenesis, we have demonstrated that this cavity constitutes the binding site for MLL. Our data provide a structural basis for understanding the role of menin as a tumor suppressor protein and as an oncogenic co-factor of MLL fusion proteins. It also provides essential structural information for development of inhibitors targeting the menin-MLL interaction as a novel therapeutic strategy in MLL-related leukemias.  相似文献   

Proteases carry out a number of crucial functions inside and outside the cell. To protect the cells against the potentially lethal activities of these enzymes, specific inhibitors are produced to tightly regulate the protease activity. Independent reports suggest that the Kunitz-soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) family has the potential to inhibit proteases with different specificities. In this study, we use a combination of biophysical methods to define the structural basis of the interaction of papaya protease inhibitor (PPI) with serine proteases. We show that PPI is a multiple-headed inhibitor; a single PPI molecule can bind two trypsin units at the same time. Based on sequence and structural analysis, we hypothesize that the inherent plasticity of the β-trefoil fold is paramount in the functional evolution of this family toward multiple protease inhibition.  相似文献   

Burkholderia ambifaria is generally associated with the rhizosphere of plants where it has biocontrol effects on other microorganisms. It is also a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, a group of closely related bacteria that cause lung infections in immunocompromised patients as well as in patients with granulomatous disease or cystic fibrosis. Our previous work indicated that fucose on human epithelia is a frequent target for lectins and adhesins of lung pathogens (Sulák, O., Cioci, G., Lameignère, E., Balloy, V., Round, A., Gutsche, I., Malinovská, L., Chignard, M., Kosma, P., Aubert, D. F., Marolda, C. L., Valvano, M. A., Wimmerová, M., and Imberty, A. (2011) PLoS Pathog. 7, e1002238). Analysis of the B. ambifaria genome identified BambL as a putative fucose-binding lectin. The 87-amino acid protein was produced recombinantly and demonstrated to bind to fucosylated oligosaccharides with a preference for αFuc1-2Gal epitopes. Crystal structures revealed that it associates as a trimer with two fucose-binding sites per monomer. The overall fold is a six-bladed β-propeller formed by oligomerization as in the Ralstonia solanacearum lectin and not by sequential domains like the fungal fucose lectin from Aleuria aurantia. The affinity of BambL for small fucosylated glycans is very high as demonstrated by microcalorimetry (K(D) < 1 μM). Plant cell wall oligosaccharides and human histo-blood group oligosaccharides H-type 2 and Lewis Y are bound with equivalent efficiency. Binding to artificial glycosphingolipid-containing vesicles, human saliva, and lung tissues confirmed that BambL could recognize a wide spectrum of fucosylated epitopes, albeit with a lower affinity for biological material from nonsecretor individuals.  相似文献   

Plexin receptors regulate cell adhesion, migration, and guidance. The Rho GTPase binding domain (RBD) of plexin-A1 and -B1 can bind GTPases, including Rnd1. By contrast, plexin-C1 and -D1 reportedly bind Rnd2 but associate with Rnd1 only weakly. The structural basis of this differential Rnd1 GTPase binding to plexin RBDs remains unclear. Here, we solved the structure of the plexin-A2 RBD in complex with Rnd1 and the structures of the plexin-C1 and plexin-D1 RBDs alone, also compared with the previously determined plexin-B1 RBD.Rnd1 complex structure. The plexin-A2 RBD·Rnd1 complex is a heterodimer, whereas plexin-B1 and -A2 RBDs homodimerize at high concentration in solution, consistent with a proposed model for plexin activation. Plexin-C1 and -D1 RBDs are monomeric, consistent with major residue changes in the homodimerization loop. In plexin-A2 and -B1, the RBD β3-β4 loop adjusts its conformation to allow Rnd1 binding, whereas minimal structural changes occur in Rnd1. The plexin-C1 and -D1 RBDs lack several key non-polar residues at the corresponding GTPase binding surface and do not significantly interact with Rnd1. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements on plexin-C1 and -D1 mutants reveal that the introduction of non-polar residues in this loop generates affinity for Rnd1. Structure and sequence comparisons suggest a similar mode of Rnd1 binding to the RBDs, whereas mutagenesis suggests that the interface with the highly homologous Rnd2 GTPase is different in detail. Our results confirm, from a structural perspective, that Rnd1 does not play a role in the activation of plexin-C1 and -D1. Plexin functions appear to be regulated by subfamily-specific mechanisms, some of which involve different Rho family GTPases.  相似文献   

We show that changes in the nucleotide sequence alter the DNA conformation in the crystal structures of p63 DNA-binding domain (p63DBD) bound to its response element. The conformation of a 22-bp canonical response element containing an AT spacer between the two half-sites is unaltered compared with that containing a TA spacer, exhibiting superhelical trajectory. In contrast, a GC spacers abolishes the DNA superhelical trajectory and exhibits less bent DNA, suggesting that increased GC content accompanies increased double helix rigidity. A 19-bp DNA, representing an AT-rich response element with overlapping half-sites, maintains superhelical trajectory and reveals two interacting p63DBD dimers crossing one another at 120°. p63DBD binding assays to response elements of increasing length complement the structural studies. We propose that DNA deformation may affect promoter activity, that the ability of p63DBD to bind to superhelical DNA suggests that it is capable of binding to nucleosomes, and that overlapping response elements may provide a mechanism to distinguish between p63 and p53 promoters.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2 (ERK1/2) proteins regulate a variety of cellular functions, including cell proliferation and differentiation, by interacting with and phosphorylating substrate proteins. Two docking sites, common docking (CD/ED) domain and F-site recruitment site (FRS), on ERK proteins have been identified. Specific interactions with the CD/ED domain and the FRS occur with substrates containing a docking site for ERK and JNK, LXL (DEJL) motif (D-domain) and a docking site for ERK, FXF (DEF) motif (F-site), respectively. However, the relative contributions of the ERK docking sites in mediating substrate interactions that allow efficient phosphate transfer are largely unknown. In these studies, we provide a quantitative analysis of ERK2 interactions with substrates using surface plasmon resonance to measure real time protein-protein interactions. ERK2 interacted with ELK-1 (DEF and DEJL motifs), RSK-1 (DEJL motif), and c-Fos (DEF motif) with K(D) values of 0.25, 0.15, and 0.97 μM, respectively. CD/ED domain mutations inhibited interactions with ELK-1 and RSK-1 by 6-fold but had no effect on interactions with c-Fos. Select mutations in FRS residues differentially inhibited ELK-1 or c-Fos interactions with ERK2 but had little effect on RSK-1 interactions. Mutations in both the ED and FRS docking sites completely inhibited ELK-1 interactions but had no effect on interactions with stathmin, an ERK substrate whose docking site is unknown. The phosphorylation status of ERK2 did not affect interactions with RSK-1 or c-Fos but did inhibit interactions with ELK-1 and stathmin. These studies provide a quantitative evaluation of specific docking domains involved in mediating interactions between ERK2 and protein substrates and define the contributions of these interactions to phosphate transfer.  相似文献   

The 20S proteasome is an essential, 28-subunit protease that sequesters proteolytic sites within a central chamber, thereby repressing substrate degradation until proteasome activators open the entrance/exit gate. Two established activators, Blm10 and PAN/19S, induce gate opening by binding to the pockets between proteasome α-subunits using C-terminal HbYX (hydrophobic-tyrosine-any residue) motifs. Equivalent HbYX motifs have been identified in Pba1 and Pba2, which function in proteasome assembly. Here, we demonstrate that Pba1-Pba2 proteins form a stable heterodimer that utilizes its HbYX motifs to bind mature 20S proteasomes in vitro and that the Pba1-Pba2 HbYX motifs are important for a physiological function of proteasomes, the maintenance of mitochondrial function. Other factors that contribute to proteasome assembly or function also act in the maintenance of mitochondrial function and display complex genetic interactions with one another, possibly revealing an unexpected pathway of mitochondrial regulation involving the Pba1-Pba2 proteasome interaction. Our determination of a proteasome Pba1-Pba2 crystal structure reveals a Pba1 HbYX interaction that is superimposable with those of known activators, a Pba2 HbYX interaction that is different from those reported previously, and a gate structure that is disrupted but not sufficiently open to allow entry of even small peptides. These findings extend understanding of proteasome interactions with HbYX motifs and suggest multiple roles for Pba1-Pba2 interactions throughout proteasome assembly and function.  相似文献   

Inside-out activation of integrins is mediated via the binding of talin and kindlin to integrin β-subunit cytoplasmic tails. The kindlin FERM domain is interrupted by a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain within its F2 subdomain. Here, we present data confirming the importance of the kindlin-1 PH domain for integrin activation and its x-ray crystal structure at a resolution of 2.1 Å revealing a C-terminal second α-helix integral to the domain but found only in the kindlin protein family. An isoform-specific salt bridge occludes the canonical phosphoinositide binding site, but molecular dynamics simulations display transient switching to an alternative open conformer. Molecular docking reveals that the opening of the pocket would enable potential ligands to bind within it. Although lipid overlay assays suggested the PH domain binds inositol monophosphates, surface plasmon resonance demonstrated weak affinities for inositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (Ins(3,4,5)P3; KD ∼100 μm) and no monophosphate binding. Removing the salt bridge by site-directed mutagenesis increases the PH domain affinity for Ins(3,4,5)P3 as measured by surface plasmon resonance and enables it to bind PtdIns(3,5)P2 on a dot-blot. Structural comparison with other PH domains suggests that the phosphate binding pocket in the kindlin-1 PH domain is more occluded than in kindlins-2 and -3 due to its salt bridge. In addition, the apparent affinity for Ins(3,4,5)P3 is affected by the presence of PO4 ions in the buffer. We suggest the physiological ligand of the kindlin-1 PH domain is most likely not an inositol phosphate but another phosphorylated species.  相似文献   

The MLL fusion proteins, AF9 and ENL, activate target genes in part via recruitment of the histone methyltransferase DOT1L (disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like). Here we report biochemical, biophysical, and functional characterization of the interaction between DOT1L and MLL fusion proteins, AF9/ENL. The AF9/ENL-binding site in human DOT1L was mapped, and the interaction site was identified to a 10-amino acid region (DOT1L865–874). This region is highly conserved in DOT1L from a variety of species. Alanine scanning mutagenesis analysis shows that four conserved hydrophobic residues from the identified binding motif are essential for the interactions with AF9/ENL. Binding studies demonstrate that the entire intact C-terminal domain of AF9/ENL is required for optimal interaction with DOT1L. Functional studies show that the mapped AF9/ENL interacting site is essential for immortalization by MLL-AF9, indicating that DOT1L interaction with MLL-AF9 and its recruitment are required for transformation by MLL-AF9. These results strongly suggest that disruption of interaction between DOT1L and AF9/ENL is a promising therapeutic strategy with potentially fewer adverse effects than enzymatic inhibition of DOT1L for MLL fusion protein-associated leukemia.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) is an instigator of collagenolysis, the catabolism of triple helical collagen. Previous studies have implicated its hemopexin (HPX) domain in binding and possibly destabilizing the collagen substrate in preparation for hydrolysis of the polypeptide backbone by the catalytic (CAT) domain. Here, we use biophysical methods to study the complex formed between the MMP-1 HPX domain and a synthetic triple helical peptide (THP) that encompasses the MMP-1 cleavage site of the collagen α1(I) chain. The two components interact with 1:1 stoichiometry and micromolar affinity via a binding site within blades 1 and 2 of the four-bladed HPX domain propeller. Subsequent site-directed mutagenesis and assay implicates blade 1 residues Phe(301), Val(319), and Asp(338) in collagen binding. Intriguingly, Phe(301) is partially masked by the CAT domain in the crystal structure of full-length MMP-1 implying that transient separation of the domains is important in collagen recognition. However, mutation of this residue in the intact enzyme disrupts the CAT-HPX interface resulting in a drastic decrease in binding activity. Thus, a balanced equilibrium between these compact and dislocated states may be an essential feature of MMP-1 collagenase activity.  相似文献   

The bone marrow microenvironment provides important signals for the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic and malignant cells. In multiple myeloma, plasma cells are surrounded by stromal cells including osteoblasts. These stromal cells protect multiple myeloma cells from apoptosis induced by chemotherapeutic agents. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble receptor of the cytokine TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), is secreted by osteoblasts and has been implicated in the prevention of cell death induced by TRAIL in malignant cells. Previously, we have designed death receptor-specific TRAIL variants that induce apoptosis exclusively via one of its death receptors. Here, we have studied in detail the interaction between recombinant human (rhTRAIL) variants and OPG. We show that a DR5-specific variant (rhTRAIL D269H/E195R) displays a significantly decreased affinity to OPG. Furthermore, this rhTRAIL variant shows a much higher activity when compared with rhTRAIL WT and retains its effectiveness in inducing cell death in multiple myeloma cell lines, in the presence of OPG secreted by stromal cells. We also demonstrate that stromal cells are largely insensitive to high concentrations of this rhTRAIL variant. In conclusion, rhTRAIL D269H/E195R is a potential therapy for multiple myeloma due to its high effectiveness and diminished binding to OPG.  相似文献   

In the adaptation of avian viruses to mammalian hosts, mutations in the viral polymerase, notably in the PB2 subunit, play an important role. A PB2 C-terminal domain rich in putative host adaptation residues has been shown to bind importin α nuclear import receptors. Adaptation has been proposed to involve binding of PB2 to importins of the new host. To date PB2-importin complexes have been characterized semiquantitatively with no precise measurement of binding parameters. To investigate the effects of adaptive mutations on importin interaction and selectivity, surface plasmon resonance was used to compare the binding rate constants and affinities of avian H5N1 and human H3N2 PB2 C-terminal variants with importin isoforms human α 1, 3, 5 and 7, and avian α 1. Using purified proteins eliminates host environment effects and permits measurement of intrinsic affinities and rates of complex formation and dissociation. Two effects were observed: first, adaptive mutations D701N, R702K, and S714R in the nuclear localization signal domain increased 2-4-fold the association rates with avian and human importins; second, measurement of different structural forms of the PB2 C terminus demonstrated that the upstream 627 domain reduced binding affinity, consistent with a steric clash predicted from crystal structures. From these kinetic data, structural analyses, and the data of others, a model is proposed in which an increase in charged surface residues during host adaptation increases the association rate of PB2 to cytoplasmic importins and where the C-terminal 627-nuclear localization signal domain may reorganize upon importin binding, consistent with a role in active polymerase assembly.  相似文献   

The adjacent fibrinogen (Fg)- and fibronectin (Fn)-binding sites on Fn-binding protein A (FnBPA), a cell surface protein from Staphylococcus aureus, are implicated in the initiation and persistence of infection. FnBPA contains a single Fg-binding site (that also binds elastin) and multiple Fn-binding sites. Here, we solved the structure of the N2N3 domains containing the Fg-binding site of FnBPA in the apo form and in complex with a Fg peptide. The Fg binding mechanism is similar to that of homologous bacterial proteins but without the requirement for “latch” strand residues. We show that the Fg-binding sites and the most N-terminal Fn-binding sites are nonoverlapping but in close proximity. Although Fg and a subdomain of Fn can form a ternary complex on an FnBPA protein construct containing a Fg-binding site and single Fn-binding site, binding of intact Fn appears to inhibit Fg binding, suggesting steric regulation. Given the concentrations of Fn and Fg in the plasma, this mechanism might result in targeting of S. aureus to fibrin-rich thrombi or elastin-rich tissues.  相似文献   

The Tol assembly of proteins is an interacting network of proteins located in the Escherichia coli cell envelope that transduces energy and contributes to cell integrity. TolA is central to this network linking the inner and outer membranes by interactions with TolQ, TolR, TolB, and Pal. Group A colicins, such as ColA, parasitize the Tol network through interactions with TolA and/or TolB to facilitate translocation through the cell envelope to reach their cytotoxic site of action. We have determined the first structure of the C-terminal domain of TolA (TolAIII) bound to an N-terminal ColA polypeptide (TA(53-107)). The interface region of the TA(53-107)-TolAIII complex consists of polar contacts linking residues Arg-92 to Arg-96 of ColA with residues Leu-375-Pro-380 of TolA, which constitutes a β-strand addition commonly seen in more promiscuous protein-protein contacts. The interface region also includes three cation-π interactions (Tyr-58-Lys-368, Tyr-90-Lys-379, Phe-94-Lys-396), which have not been observed in any other colicin-Tol protein complex. Mutagenesis of the interface residues of ColA or TolA revealed that the effect on the interaction was cumulative; single mutations of either partner had no effect on ColA activity, whereas mutations of three or more residues significantly reduced ColA activity. Mutagenesis of the aromatic ring component of the cation-π interacting residues showed Tyr-58 of ColA to be essential for the stability of complex formation. TA(53-107) binds on the opposite side of TolAIII to that used by g3p, ColN, or TolB, illustrating the flexible nature of TolA as a periplasmic hub protein.  相似文献   

The archaeal ribosomal stalk complex has been shown to have an apparently conserved functional structure with eukaryotic pentameric stalk complex; it provides access to eukaryotic elongation factors at levels comparable to that of the eukaryotic stalk. The crystal structure of the archaeal heptameric (P0(P1)2(P1)2(P1)2) stalk complex shows that the rRNA anchor protein P0 consists of an N-terminal rRNA-anchoring domain followed by three separated spine helices on which three P1 dimers bind. Based on the structure, we have generated P0 mutants depleted of any binding site(s) for P1 dimer(s). Factor-dependent GTPase assay of such mutants suggested that the first P1 dimer has higher activity than the others. Furthermore, we constructed a model of the archaeal 50 S with stalk complex by superposing the rRNA-anchoring domain of P0 on the archaeal 50 S. This model indicates that the C termini of P1 dimers where translation factors bind are all localized to the region between the stalk base of the 50 S and P0 spine helices. Together with the mutational experiments we infer that the functional significance of multiple copies of P1 is in creating a factor pool within a limited space near the stalk base of the ribosome.  相似文献   

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