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Approximately 130 species of goldenrods are native to North America and many occur sympatrically. Such cooccurrence among closely related species raises the question of whether differences among the species in smallscale distribution and growth forms facilitate their co-occurrence. We investigated five goldenrods that frequently co-occur within their native ranges in Pennsylvania USA old fields. We measured goldenrod abundances, soil textures, nutrients, pH, and moisture within 30 old fields, and determined biomass allocation and flower and seed traits for each goldenrod species at a common site. Ordination revealed that Solidago altissima and S. gigantea were associated with fields having circum-neutral soils, whereas Euthamia graminifolia and S. rugosa achieved their highest abundances on acidic soils. Soil clay content and moisture may be associated with a further separation of species as the abundance of S. altissima tended to be higher on well-drained soils while S. gigantea had a tendency to attain its highest abundances on moist soils that had relatively stable moisture levels over time. Euthamia was more likely to be abundant on clay-rich soils while S. rugosa was often associated with soils containing little clay. Solidago juncea tended to associate with droughty soils that underwent marked soil-moisture changes over time. The latter goldenrod had the greatest absolute and relative root mass, the least absolute and relative leaf mass, highest seed-reproductive allocation, and heaviest achenes. In contrast, S. gigantea and Euthamia, which were often associated with more mesic and stable soil moisture conditions, allocated the least to roots and relatively high amounts of mass to leaves. Solidago gigantea, S. altissima, and Euthamia are invasive species across Europe. The species with the highest colonization rate across Europe, S. gigantea, allocated the most to reproduction in our study, while S. altissima, with the second highest colonization rate, was highly clonal producing the most rhizome mass. Life-history trait variation among goldenrods appears to be linked to differences in small-scale distributions and rates of colonization.  相似文献   

  • 1 Leaf folding is a common behaviour among caterpillars that has many potential benefits such as creation of a favourable microclimate and protection from predation or dislodgment.
  • 2 One cost of leaf folding which has not previously been quantified is the reduction in growth rate that might result from the energetic expenditures of producing silk and applying it to fold leaves.
  • 3 On caged goldenrods in field and forest habitats, early-instar Dichomeris leuconotella (Busck) caterpillars that were repeatedly forced to spin new leaf refuges (either folds or webs of silk) actually had higher growth rates than caterpillars left undisturbed.
  • 4 This surprising result apparently reflected the fact that disturbed caterpillars chose relatively young green leaves for new refuges, whereas undisturbed caterpillars tended to remain in their webs or folds on ageing leaves.
  • 5 In a glasshouse experiment using plants that underwent little senescence, growth rates were unaffected by the amout of refuge-making effort, indicating that the costs of such effort were either negligible or easily compensated for by these caterpillars.
  • 6 On glasshouse plants, caterpillars periodically forced to change refuges had higher disappearance rates than those left undisturbed, despite the absence of predators. Wandering or falling from plants is evidently a major hazard of frequent refuge changes.
  • 7 Thus, early-instar Dichomeris caterpillars face a trade-off in which risks of predation or loss of contact with the host favour the observed low rate of refuge changes, but in which growth rates could actually be improved with more refuge changes.

Chromium (Cr) is a common pollutant of freshwater bodies in India, and is frequently detected in high concentrations in edible fish. Bioassays were carried out in the laboratory to determine acute the toxicity and pattern of accumulation of Cr in three species of freshwater fish. The 96-h LC50 value of Cr for Labeo bata, Puntius sarana, and Catla catla was found respectively as 7.33, 10.37, and 31.61 mg/L. Concentrations of Cr in water, sediments, and fish, during a period of 28 d of exposure to 0, 0.73, and 2.19 mg/L of Cr, varied with exposure period, concentration of Cr, presence of weed, and species of fish exposed. Polynomial regressions obtained by drawing polynomial curves revealed that the aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes prevented gradual decrease of Cr concentrations in water, but reduced the accumulation of Cr in L. bata and Catla catla. However, the effect of the weed on Puntius sarana was not apparent. The pattern of Cr deposition on sediments was also inconsistent. To explain interactions between environment and fish in a very precise manner, polynomial and multiple regression curves were simultaneously used. When polynomial curves were replaced by multiple regression curves, it was revealed that the aquatic weed E. crassipes could reduce Cr accumulation in Puntius sarana also.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the long-cited pattern that throughout the eastern United States, Solidago species (goldenrods), and in particular S. canadensis displace Aster species and dominate old-field communities. Theory predicts that such a ubiquitous pattern of repeated dominance should be linked to competitive ability for a limiting resource. However, no one has investigated this possibility in old-fields, representing a potentially significant gap in our understanding of a common human-altered environment. We tested the hypothesis that S. canadensis is the superior competitor for light compared to other common co-occurring goldenrod species, and that the goldenrods in general are the superior competitors for light compared to coexisting aster species, which are typically less abundant. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the light attenuation abilities of four goldenrod species, S. canadensis, S. rugosa, S. gigantea, and Euthamia graminifolia, and three aster species, Aster novae-angliae, A. pilosus, and A. prenanthoides. Consistent with our hypothesis, S. canadensis had a greater ability to attenuate light than any of the other goldenrods at higher densities, and the goldenrods overall had a greater ability to attenuate light than the asters. By conducting a census in our study area, we verified that S. canadensis is locally the most abundant goldenrod and that goldenrods are more locally abundant than asters. Furthermore, by conducting a literature survey we found evidence that S. canadensis replaces A. pilosus through time. Thus we found a close correspondence between relative abundance in the field and light attenuation ability in field experiments. These results are consistent with theory predicting that competition for limiting resources, in this case light, explains patterns of dominance and relative abundance in old-field plant communities.  相似文献   

Investigation of the parameters of toxicity of 8 zinc compounds revealed some differences in the degree of their risk for persons working with them. The following TSELs (tentative safe exposure levels of harmful substances) have been determined: 0.5 mg/m3 for zinc nitrate and hydrogen and dihydrogen zinc phosphates, 2 mg/m3 for zinc carbonate and zinc selenide, as well as MAC (maximum allowable concentration) for zinc sulphide equal to 5 mg/m3. No TSEL have been set for zinc caprylate and zinc stearate, but intratracheal administration of 50 mg caprylate caused 100%, of stearate 50% death of experimental animals due to pulmonary edema. Maximum tolerable doses were 10 and 1 mg, respectively. Zinc nitrate shows an expressed irritative effect on the skin and a highly expressed effect on the conjunctiva. Zinc phosphates, zinc caprylate and zinc stearate are resorbed by the skin. In all cases, working persons must be protected from the effect of the compounds under study because even though the toxicity of a compound may be rather low, highly noxious compounds may develop in the course of the technological process, e.g., in mechanical treatment of zinc selenide and zinc sulphide monocrystals, hydrogen selenide and hydrogen sulphide, respectively, can be isolated.  相似文献   

Crude metabolites of 21 of 60 fungal cultures isolated from some of the common cereals collected from different parts of India were found to be toxic. Of these toxin-producing fungi, 79% caused hepatic pathology of varying severity in mice. Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase values and blood urea nitrogen were found to be high in such experimental animals.  相似文献   

The toxicity of rotenone was determined for seven species of fish and three species of invertebrates. The results show that there is a marked variation in sensitivity of different species to rotenone. The survival times of roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) were reduced by a rise in temperature and also by a reduction in water hardness. Temperature affected the rate at which rotenone is degraded; 3 days after being prepared a solution containing 2 mg/1 of 5 % rotenone was non-toxic to roach over a 7-day period at 20°C, but it was still toxic for at least 11 days at 11.5°C. The data are discussed in relation to the use of rotenone in fisheries management.  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 944 in vol. 46.].  相似文献   

Crude metabolites of 21 of 60 fungal cultures isolated from some of the common cereals collected from different parts of India were found to be toxic. Of these toxin-producing fungi, 79% caused hepatic pathology of varying severity in mice. Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase values and blood urea nitrogen were found to be high in such experimental animals.  相似文献   

选用氰戊菊酯乳油为底药,与其它3种药剂分别按有效成份进行不同比例的混配,测定其对烟蚜的毒力差异.实验结果表明:氰戊菊酯乳油与辛硫磷乳油按3:2进行混配时,其共毒系数最大,为825.96;其次是按1:1进行混配时,其共毒系数为462.45;最小的为2:3进行混配时,其共毒系数为244.62.氰戊菊酯乳油与灭多威乳油按1:1进行混配时,其共毒系数最大,为367.09;其次是按3:2进行混配时,其共毒系数为297.08;最小的为2:3进行混配时,其共毒系数为157.32.氰戊菊酯乳油与吡虫啉按2:3进行混配时,其共毒系数最大,为1558.28;其次是3:2进行混配时,其共毒系数为603.01;最小的为1:1进行混配时,其共毒系数为326.13.各个配比的共毒系数均大于100,均表现出增效作用.  相似文献   

R. J. Goldburg 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):247-252
Summary As neighboring plants flower sequentially, do flower feeders preferentially remain in the area, rather than move to another area with flowering plants? I examined the movements of the meloid beetle Epicauta pennsylvanica, a flower predator specializing on Solidago, in four types of replicated experimental plots — monocultures of Solidago altissima, or S. altissima interplanted with members of the same genus, same family, or different taxonomic orders. I released marked beetles only in the genus plots, which contained four species of Solidago, two that bloom before S. altissima. The number of beetles in the genus plots declined steadily as S. altissima came into flower in all the plots; the total number of beetles in all the plots remained fairly constant. I found no evidence that plant neighborhoods affected beetle distribution. Beetles foraging on the early blooming Solidago species did not remain in the genus plots as S. altissima came into flower. In addition, beetles that left the genus plots did not differentially accumulate in any of the other plot types, even though one type of plot was a monoculture with four times the density of S. altissima than the other plots.  相似文献   

Goldenrods (Solidago sp.) are currently one of the most invasive plant species in Central Europe. They threaten abandoned semi-natural wet grasslands which are extremely vulnerable to plant succession and invasions. We assessed whether Solidago invasion affects ants, keystone organisms essential to proper ecosystem functioning and to the existence of myrmecophilous Phengaris butterflies. Ten meadows containing 60 plots with and without goldenrods were studied. We found a strong, negative dependence between the presence of goldenrod cover and the number of ant nests (more than 50 % reduction compared to control) as well as the number of species, and changes in species composition. Myrmica ants, essential hosts for Phengaris larvae, were among the most affected species by goldenrod invasion. Immediate action should be undertaken for restoration and maintenance of biodiversity hotspots affected by goldenrod invasion.  相似文献   

The relationship between the toxicities of crude extracts and purified toxins of Fusarium spp. belonging to the section Sporotrichiella has been assessed. Toxicity was determined on the basis of death of Artemia salina larvae and of viability and blastogenic response of bovine and human lymphocytes. Trichothecene-producing strains of Fusarium sporotrichioides and Fusarium poae were toxic to A. salina and to lymphocyte blastogenesis. A strain of Fusarium tricinctum, producing visoltricin and chlamydosporol, induced differentiated activity in different bioassays (toxicity to A. salina but only minor activity against lymphocyte blastogenesis). Other, non-toxin-producing strains of Fusarium chlamydosporum, F. poae, and F. tricinctum were not active in the tested biosystems.  相似文献   

Some typical and more frequent freshwater invertebrates of running waters were studied to examine the influence of styrene, xylene and benzene on their mortality. Snails Amphimelania holandri FÉR. and Lymnaea stagnalis L. and crustacenas Asellus aquaticus L. and Gammarus fossarum KOCH. , were used in the semi-static test. Compounds were added in volume concentrations of 0.005 to 0.4% v/v. For all concentrations LC50 was calculated by probit method, which demonstrated that mortality depends much more on increased concentrations (depending on the initial concentration) than on the length of exposure. Styrene was the most toxic, followed by xylene and then benzene. The species G. fossarum showed marked sensitivity, followed by A. aquaticus, and the species A. holandri and L. stagnalis showed less sensitivity.  相似文献   

The relationship between the toxicities of crude extracts and purified toxins of Fusarium spp. belonging to the section Sporotrichiella has been assessed. Toxicity was determined on the basis of death of Artemia salina larvae and of viability and blastogenic response of bovine and human lymphocytes. Trichothecene-producing strains of Fusarium sporotrichioides and Fusarium poae were toxic to A. salina and to lymphocyte blastogenesis. A strain of Fusarium tricinctum, producing visoltricin and chlamydosporol, induced differentiated activity in different bioassays (toxicity to A. salina but only minor activity against lymphocyte blastogenesis). Other, non-toxin-producing strains of Fusarium chlamydosporum, F. poae, and F. tricinctum were not active in the tested biosystems.  相似文献   

A mineral oil, an insecticidal soap, and a plant-derived surfactant were compared with a broad-spectrum pyrethroid for residual toxicity and repellency to silverleaf whitefly,Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Miller, cv. Lanai) under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. The materials tested were: Sunspray oil (a mineral oil), M-Pede (an insecticidal soap),Nicotiana gossei extract (a sucrose ester surfactant), Garlic Barrier (repellency only), and the pyrethroid bifenthrin (Brigade 10WP), with water as a control. For toxicity studies, whiteflies were confined on leaves which had been dipped in solutions of 0.5×, 1× and 2× field rate concentrations. Insecticide residues were compared when the leaves were wet and dry. Adult mortalities were greatest with bifenthrin and Sunspray oil, followed by M-Pede,N. gossei extract and water. Mortality from dry residue of lower rates of bifenthrin and sunspray oil was greater than mortality from wet residues, whereas M-Pede lost all activity upon drying. Dual and multiple choice tests for repellency were carried out in the greenhouse or laboratory by spraying plants or individual leaves to runoff with 1 × field concentrations. Bifenthrin and Sunspray oil repelledB. argentifolii adults for up to 7 and 5 days, respectively, followed by M-Pede and extract ofN. gossei, whereas Garlic Barrier was not significantly different from the water control in all tests. Numbers of whitefly eggs were significantly reduced on bifenthrin and Sunspray oil-treated leaves, whereas egg numbers in other treatments were not different from water. Sunspray oil as a dip proved to be at least as effective as the synthetic pyrethroid for whitefly control. A multiple-choice leaf-wheel proved to be a useful device to quickly evaluate repellent effects of several different insecticides to whitefly.  相似文献   

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