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BackgroundThe use of anticholinergic drugs in the elderly has been associated to an increased frequency of delirium. There are different scales for estimating the anticholinergic burden, such as the Anticholinergic Drug Scale (ADS), Anticholinergic Risk Scale (ARS), and Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB). The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between anticholinergic burden measured by ADS, ARS, and ACB scales and incident or prevalent delirium.MethodsAn ambispective observational study was conducted for 76 days in the acute geriatric unit of a tertiary hospital. All patients over 80 years-old were included, except re-admissions or those subjected to palliative care. The data collected included sex, age, chronic medication and any recent changes, recent drugs prescribed prior to an episode of delirium, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, dementia, visual and auditory impairment, and their combination as sensory impairment, previous falls, stroke, brain tumour, and incident and prevalent delirium.ResultsA total of 72 patients were included. Incident delirium was detected in 8.1% of the patients, and prevalent delirium in 40.9%. A statistically significant association was established between anticholinergic drugs and the incident delirium measured by the ARS scale (P=.017). None of the scales was able to establish a significant association with prevalent delirium.ConclusionThe ARS scale was related to new episodes of delirium. All scales were insufficient when it came to establishing an association with prevalent delirium.  相似文献   

IntroductionHospitalization in the elderly, even in short stays, is associated with functional impairment. Once the acute illness is reversed, the evolution of this hospital-generated impairment can be variable, and a year after hospitalization more than half of the elderly patients remain impaired. This impairment is associated with a higher risk of institutionalization, of mortality at discharge and of 30-day mortality. Previous studies have shown how interdisciplinary physical exercise programs can improve functionality at discharge and decrease mortality rate, hospital stay and institutionalization.Study design and objectivesIn the Acute Geriatric Unit of the Gregorio Marañon University hospital a randomized controlled trial was carried out to assess the effectiveness of an exercise and health education program to prevent functional decline during hospitalization and at three months after discharge in elderly subjects aged 74 years or older. Patients were excluded if at least one of the following exclusion criteria was met: baseline Barthel Index (15-days prior hospitalization) below 20, severe cognitive impairment or inability to walk. The intervention consisted on a physical exercise program (that included squats, balance, gait stimulation, elastic bands, and inspiratory muscle training) and health education program. The control group received usual care.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveMore than half of institutionalized older people need a emergency department visit annually, with high resources consumption and higher risk of adverse events, due to high complexity. Direct admission to Acute Geriatric Unit (AGU), after geriatric consultant and nursing home medical team assessment, could be a safety and effective alternative to emergency department (ED) admission.MethodsRetrospective observational study of AGU patients admitted by Nursing Home Geriatric Team between January, 1st and December, 31st, 2021. Planned admissions and SARS-CoV-2 positive patients were excluded. Medical (sociodemographic, clinical, functional and cognitive) records and outcomes data (inpatient mortality, hospital and ED lenght of stay, transfer to ED and delirium within 48 h after admission, hospital discharge location) were collected.ResultsTwo hundred and six patients directly admitted, 101 through ED (N 307). 62.5% with Barthel index <40, 65% with dementia, 56.4% with Charlson index ≥3. Inpatient mortality was 14.6% in direct admission, 20.8% in ED referral group, p = 0.14. Hospital lenght of stay was 9.61 ± 6.01 days in direct admission, 11.22 ± 5.36 days in ED group, p = 0.02. 27.7% of patients with delirium in direct admission and 36.6% in ED group; only one patient was transferred to ED, within 48 h after admission.ConclusionsDirect admission is a safety and effective alternative to ED referral in institutionalized older people after geriatric assessment, due to no increased mortality, shorter length of stay and hospital cost reduction.  相似文献   

Diabetes is a metabolic disease affecting approximately 300 million people worldwide. Neuropathy is one of its frequent complications, and may affect sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves. Its pathophysiology has not fully been elucidated. Several hypotheses have been proposed, and mitochondria have been suggested to play a significant role. This article reviews the mechanisms involved in mitochondrial dysfunction and development of diabetic neuropathy, consisting mainly of oxidative and inflammatory stress, changes in intracellular calcium regulation, apoptotic processes, and changes in mitochondrial structure and function that may lead to development of diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Background and objectivesOrthogeriatric management with clinical pathways (CP) in hip fracture (HF) has been shown to be superior to other models. We studied whether updating the CP, through prioritization of admission and surgery, improvement in the prevention and treatment of delirium, management of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents and the use of perioperative peripheral nerve block, modifies surgical delay, stay, readmissions, mortality, suffering delirium and functional status at discharge.Material and methodA retrospective observational study of unicenter cohorts of 468 patients with HF, 220 from 2016 (old VC) and 248 from 2019 (new VC). The variables are: intervention in the first 48 hours, surgical delay (hours), stay (days), stay less than 15 days, delirium, functional loss at discharge (Barthel prefracture scale less Barthel scale at discharge), readmission at one month, and mortality at admission, month and year.ResultsMedian age: 87.0 [interquartile range 8.0], mostly women (76.7%). Significantly, with the new VC, there was a greater number of patients operated on in the first 48 hours (27,7% vs 36,8% p = 0.036), less surgical delay (72.5 [47,5-110,5] vs 64.0 [42,0-88,0] p < 0.001), shorter stay (10,0 [7,0-13,0] vs 8,0 [6,0-11,0] p < 0.001), greater number of discharges in 15 days (78,2% vs 91,5% p < 0.001), lower delirium (54,1% vs 43,5% p = 0.023). No significant changes in readmissions, functional loss at discharge, mortality at admission, 3 months or year.ConclusionsUpdating the VC brings benefits to the patient (less surgical delay, equal functional status at discharge with fewer days of admission) and benefits in management (lower admission) without modifying mortality.  相似文献   



Hospital occupancy rate by older patients is high, and it will be even higher in the future. Their hospital stay is usually longer, making it important for hospitals to develop structures with the best efficiency possible.


Hospital discharges of patients older than 75 years with the 15 most frequent Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG) in Geriatrics were recorded during a 5-year period in a 1,200-bed hospital. Length of stay was compared between the two acute geriatric units (AGU), one in the general hospital (GH) and another in an affiliate hospital (AH), as well as with the rest of departments.


A total of 14,948 discharged patients were included. Length of stay was 2.9 (25%) days shorter in AGU units than in the rest of departments. Differences were 22% (9.2 vs 11.7 days) in 2011, 16% (9.3 vs 11.1 days) in 2012, 21% (9.3 vs 11.1 days) in 2013, 34% (7.4 vs 11.1 days) in 2014, and 25% (8.3 vs 11 days) in 2015 in the GH. Differences were 18% (10.4 vs 12.7 days) in 2011, 19% (9.5 vs 11.7 days) in 2012, 25% (8.8 vs 11.7 days) in 2013, 24% (8.8 vs 11.6 days) in 2014, and 32% (9 vs 13.1 days) in 2015 at the AH, all of them with a P < .05.


AGU are 25% more efficient than the rest of hospital departments in managing hospital admissions of patients older than 75 years.  相似文献   

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