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QTL analysis of trichome-mediated insect resistance in potato   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Genetic mapping of several components of a complex type of insect resistance has been undertaken as a means toward more efficient use of the valuable characteristics of a wild relative of potato. RFLP maps constructed on interspecific diploid progenies of Solanum tuberosum × S. berthaultii were used in conjunction with morphological, biochemical and biological phenotyping to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to trichome-mediated insect resistance. By superimposing QTL data for a wide range of phenotypes including biochemical assays, correlative and direct screens for insect resistance, and adaptation to the target environment on the genetic maps, we have addressed the organization, action and interaction of genes controlling the resistance mechanism. The outcome contributes to an understanding of the association between component traits and between desirable and undesirable features of the donor species generated in an applied breeding program. Research is proceeding toward the development of selectable markers for the introgression and transfer of this resistance among potato gene pools.  相似文献   

Summary Wide chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) diversity has been reported in the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. Andean diploid potatoes were analyzed in this study to elucidate the origin of the diverse ctDNA variation of the cultivated tetraploids. The ctDNA types of 58 cultivated diploid potatoes (S. stenotomum, S. goniocalyx and S. phureja), 35 accessions of S. sparsipilum, a diploid weed species, and 40 accessions of the wild or weed species, S. chacoense, were determined based on ctDNA restriction fragment patterns of BamHI, HindIII and PvuII. Several different ctDNA types were found in the cultivated potatoes as well as in weed and wild potato species; thus, intraspecific ctDNA variation may be common in both wild and cultivated potato species and perhaps in the higher plant kingdom as a whole. The ctDNA variation range of cultivated diploid potatoes was similar to that of the tetraploid potatoes, suggesting that the ctDNA diversity of the tetraploid potato could have been introduced from cultivated diploid potatoes. This provided further evidence that the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, ssp. andigena, could have arisen many times from the cultivated diploid populations. The diverse but conserved ctDNA variation noted in the Andean potatoes may have occurred in the early stage of species differentiation of South American tuber-bearing Solanums.  相似文献   

The structure of sleep in lowland visitors to altitudes greater than 4000 m is grossly disturbed. There are no data on sleep in long-term residents of high altitudes. This paper describes an electroencephalographic study of sleep in high altitude dwellers who were born in and are permanent residents of Cerro de Pasco in the Peruvian Andes, situated at 4330 m. Eight healthy male volunteers aged between 18 and 69 years were studied. Sleep was measured on three consecutive nights for each subject. Electroencephalographs, submental electromyographs and electro-oculograms were recorded. Only data from the third night were used in the analysis. The sleep patterns of these subjects resembled the normal sleep patterns described by others in lowlanders at sea level. There were significant amounts of slow wave sleep in the younger subjects and rapid eye movement sleep seemed unimpaired.  相似文献   

Nuclear and chloroplast DNA differentiation in Andean potatoes.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Over 3500 accessions of Andean landraces have been known in potato, classified into 7 cultivated species ranging from 2x to 5x (Hawkes 1990). Chloroplast DNA (ctDNA), distinguished into T, W, C, S, and A types, showed extensive overlaps in their frequencies among cultivated species and between cultivated and putative ancestral wild species. In this study, 76 accessions of cultivated and 19 accessions of wild species were evaluated for ctDNA types and examined by ctDNA high-resolution markers (ctDNA microsatellites and H3 marker) and nuclear DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). ctDNA high-resolution markers identified 25 different ctDNA haplotypes. The S- and A-type ctDNAs were discriminated as unique haplotypes from 12 haplotypes having C-type ctDNA and T-type ctDNA from 10 haplotypes having W-type ctDNA. Differences among ctDNA types were strongly correlated with those of ctDNA high-resolution markers (r = 0.822). Differentiation between W-type ctDNA and C-, S-, and A-type ctDNAs was supported by nDNA RFLPs in most species except for those of recent or immediate hybrid origin. However, differentiation among C-, S-, and A-type ctDNAs was not clearly supported by nDNA RFLPs, suggesting that frequent genetic exchange occurred among them and (or) they shared the same gene pool owing to common ancestry.  相似文献   

Beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), is the only known North American vector of beet curly top virus (Geminiviridae), which causes major economic losses in a number of crops including sugar beet, tomato, beans, and peppers. Beet curly top virus is a phloem-limited, persistently transmitted, circulative geminivirus. The strain/species of curly top virus used in this study is the CFH strain, also referred to as beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV). The direct current (DC) electrical penetration graph technique was used to determine the specific stylet penetration behavior associated with inoculation of BSCTV. Viruliferous leafhoppers were allowed to feed on healthy 3–4-week-old sugar beet plants until specific electrical penetration graph waveforms were produced, at which point feeding was artificially terminated. A series of comparisons between leafhoppers that produced different combinations of waveforms clearly implicated waveform D1 as the only waveform correlated with inoculation of BSCTV. All successful inoculations contained waveform D1, and 56 out of 64 leafhoppers that produced waveform D1 successfully inoculated test plants. Eighty-five leafhoppers did not produce waveform D1 and none of these inoculated BSCTV. While the occurrence of waveform D1 appears to be necessary for BSCTV inoculation, there was no correlation between duration of waveform D1 and inoculation success rate. The correlation of waveform D1 and BSCTV inoculation found in this study implies that waveform D1 is associated with phloem salivation.  相似文献   

Summary Confined design combined with use of tolerance ratio was used to compare pollen germination capacity at low and high temperature in Andean and European potato material. Four clones of Solanum tuberosum from the European gene pool were compared with four Andean potato clones derived from the breeding program for frost resistance at the International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru. For each clone, the same pollen lot was used throughout each replication. Pollen were germinated at 9 °C and 21 °C. Fortification of media with potato starch and 14 min preincubation at 25 °C were used as variables. The Andean material maintained its germination capacity better than the European material when temperature was decreased. It was possible significantly to distinguish potato clones with low temperature requirement for pollen germination if incubation proceeded germination at 21 °C, but not at 9 °C. Fortification with starch had no significant effect.  相似文献   

Freezing tolerance and freezing avoidance were studied, during the growing season, in plant species from two different elevations (3200 m and 3700 m) in a desert region of the high Andes (29° 45S, 69° 59W) in order to determine whether there was a relationship between plant height and cold resistance mechanisms. Freezing injury and supercooling capacity were determined in plants of different height, from ground-level (<20 cm tall) to tall shrubs (27–90 cm). All ground-level plants showed freezing tolerance as the main mechanism for resistance to freezing temperatures. Tall shrubs avoided freezing temperatures, mainly through supercooling. Supercooling was only present in plants occupying the lower elevation (i.e., 3200 m). Both avoidance and tolerance mechanisms are present in a single genus (i.e., Adesmia).  相似文献   

High altitude decreases birth weight, but this effect is diminished in long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations. We asked whether women from long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations had higher arterial oxygenation levels by comparing 42 Andean and 26 European residents of La Paz, Bolivia (3,600 m), serially during pregnancy (weeks 20, 30, and 36) and again 4 mo postpartum. Pregnancy raised hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity threefold, resting ventilation (.Ve), and arterial O(2) saturation (Sa(O2)) in both groups. Ancestry, as identified using 81 genetic markers, correlated with respiratory pattern, such that greater Andean ancestry was associated with higher respiratory frequency and lower tidal volume. Pregnancy increased total blood and plasma volume approximately 40% in both groups without changing red blood cell mass relative to body weight; hence, hemoglobin fell. The hemoglobin decline was compensated for by the rise in .Ve and Sa(O2) with the result that arterial O2 content (Ca(O2)) was maintained near nonpregnant levels in both groups. Birth weights were similar for all Andean and European babies, but after adjusting for variation in gestational age, maternal height and parity, Andeans weighed 209 g more than Europeans. Babies with heavier birth weights and greater ponderal indices were born to Andean women with higher Ve during pregnancy. We concluded that while maternal .Ve and arterial oxygenation were important, some factor other than higher Ca(O2) was responsible for protecting Andeans from altitude-associated reductions in fetal growth.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to describe and interpret the changes in faunal composition in the moth family Geometridae (Lepidoptera) along a small‐scale elevational gradient in a tropical montane rain forest. This gradient was compared with a large‐scale latitudinal gradient in Europe. Location Investigations were carried out in the province Zamora‐Chinchipe in southern Ecuador along a gradient ranging from 1040 to 2677 m above sea level at twenty‐two sites. Methods Moths were sampled with light‐traps in three field periods in 1999 and 2000 and subsequently sorted and determined to species or morphospecies. Results We analysed 13,938 specimens representing 1010 species of geometrid moths. The proportional contribution of subtaxa to the local geometrid fauna changes along the elevational gradient at all systematic levels considered. While proportions of species of the subfamilies Ennominae, Sterrhinae and Geometrinae significantly decrease, the proportion of Larentiinae increases with increasing altitude. Changes also occur within the subfamilies Ennominae and Larentiinae. The host–plant specialist ennomine tribes Cassymini, Macariini and Palyadini completely vanish, and the proportion of the tribe Boarmiini decreases at high altitudes. In contrast, the remaining tribes (mostly comprising polyphagous species) either do not show proportional changes (Azelinini, Nacophorini, Nephodiini, Ourapterygini) or even increase (Caberini, ‘Cratoptera group’). Within Larentiinae, the species proportion of the genus Eois decreases, whereas concomitantly the proportion of Eupithecia increases. There is a remarkable similarity between the altitudinal patterns in Ecuador and those found along the latitudinal gradient in Europe. Main conclusions Species of the subfamily Larentiinae seem to be particularly well‐adapted to harsh environmental conditions, towards both high altitudes and latitudes. They might disproportionately profit from lower predation at higher altitudes. Many changes in the faunal composition can be explained by expected host–plant requirements of the species involved. Our results show that diversity estimates based on taxon ratios which are assumed to be constant must be regarded with caution because such ratios can change rapidly along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to assess the genetic structure of wild Phaseolus lunatus L. in the Americas and the hypothesis of a relatively recent Andean origin of the species. For this purpose, nuclear and non-coding chloroplast DNA markers were analyzed in a collection of 59 wild Lima bean accessions and six allied species. Twenty-three chloroplast and 28 nuclear DNA haplotypes were identified and shown to be geographically structured. Three highly divergent wild Lima bean gene pools, AI, MI, and MII, with mostly non-overlapping geographic ranges, are proposed. The results support an Andean origin of wild Lima beans during Pleistocene times and an early divergence of the three gene pools at an age that is posterior to completion of the Isthmus of Panama and major Andean orogeny. Gene pools would have evolved and reached their current geographic distribution mainly in isolation and therefore are of high priority for conservation and breeding programs.  相似文献   

We studied an Andean endemic group of species of the lichen-forming fungal genus Umbilicaria from the subalpine and low-alpine zone, with their biogeographic center in Bolivia and Peru. A number of species and varieties have been described from this element, but apparent instability in several morphological traits has made it difficult to precisely delimit taxa. Based on DNA sequences of nuclear ITS, LSU and mitochondrial SSU from extensive collections from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, we present here a molecular phylogenetic analysis of this Andean endemic element within genus Umbilicaria. All analyses (MP, ML and Bayesian) support a single origin for the element and a division into two major groups characterized by different apothecium types: the Umbilicaria dichroa group and U. calvescens group. Taxa U. krempelhuberi, U. peruviana and U. subcalvescens are nested withinn U. calvescens and are treated as conspecific with the latter species. The endemic element shares a most recent common ancestor with the Umbilicaria vellea group, which has a worldwide distribution and contains several asexually reproducing (sorediate) species. Independent reversals to sexual reproduction might explain the evolution of two types of apothecia in this monophyletic endemic lineage. A number of cosmopolitan, mostly high-alpine, species of Umbilicaria also present in the central Andes are related only remotely to the endemic element and do not exhibit speciation into endemics. Because the An-dean element dominates the Umbilicaria habitats of the low- and subalpine zones we propose that the founder colonized the Andes at a time when the mountains had not yet reached their current elevation while the high-alpine species arrived more recently.  相似文献   

The resistance of Solanum okadae Hawkes & Hjert. (PI 458367), Solanum oplocense Hawkes (PI 473368), and Solanum tarijense Hawkes (PI 414150) to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelini), was studied. In replicated field trials all three accessions showed a high level of resistance to the beetle. No significant genetic variability between genotypes of the same species was found. Results from host acceptance behavior experiments, suitability for larval development tests, foliage consumption tests, and adult survival and oviposition tests supported the hypothesis that the mode of resistance differs between the three wild Solanum species. Solanum okadae and S. oplocense affected host acceptance and consumption. Because the beetle reacted differently to these two species it was hypothesized that the antifeedant chemical(s) differed in nature or quantity. S. tarijense contrasted with the other two species by affecting mostly adult colonization and oviposition.  相似文献   

P. D. Coley 《Oecologia》1988,74(4):531-536
Summary Growth, herbivory and defenses were studied for 41 common tree species in a lowland rainforest in Panama. Species represented a range of shade tolerance, but all individuals were measured in light gaps to control for environmental conditions and the availability of herbivores. Species growth rates and leaf lifetimes differed by almost 50-fold and were related to the degree of shade tolerance. Various measures of plant growth were significantly negatively correlated with an estimate of defense investment, and significantly positively correlated with rates of herbivory. Species with long-lived leaves had significantly higher concentrations of immobile defenses such as tannins and lignins. These data support current hypotheses that the intrinsic growth rate of a species evolutionarily determines the optimal amount and type of defense.  相似文献   

Five chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) types (W, T, C, S, and A) have previously been identified in the Andean tetraploid cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena) and three types (C, S, and A) in diploid cultivated potatoes (S. stenotomum). In this study, ctDNA types were determined for an additional 35 accessions of S. stenotomum and 97 accessions of putative ancestral wild species (15 of S. brevicaule, 26 of S. bukasovii, 4 of S. candolleanum, 25 of S. canasense, 17 of S. leptophyes, and 10 of S. multidissectum). The first five ctDNA types were also identified in S. stenotomum. The wild species were also polymorphic for ctDNA types except for S. brevicaule, which had only W-type ctDNA. T-type ctDNA was not found in any of the wild species and could have originated from W-type ctDNA after S. stenotomum arose. The other types of ctDNA evolved in wild species. The geographical distribution of each ctDNA type indicated that A-type ctDNA arose in central Peru and T-type ctDNA in the Bolivia-Argentine boundary. It is implied that potatoes were successively domesticated and that, in parallel, several wild species were differentiated from time to time and place to place from the ancestral species complex. Subsequent sexual polyploidization formed a wide ctDNA diversity among the Andean tetraploid potatoes, and selection from them formed the limited ctDNA diversity found in Chilean tetraploid potatoes (ssp. tuberosum).Hawkes' (1990) classification system is tentatively adopted throughout this text. Synonyms indicated by Hawkes (1990) for the species names described by various authors are presented in parentheses.  相似文献   

To determine the distribution of beta-2 microglobulin (B2m) alleles in wild mice we have typed mice derived from natural populations in Europe, North Africa, South America, and East Asia. Mus musculus domesticus mice from Germany, France, Italy, and Peru were all B2m a as were most from the United Kingdom. M.m. musculus mice from Denmark and Czechoslovakia, several stocks of M.m. molossinus from Japan, and M.m. castaneus from China, Thailand, and the Philippines were of B2m b type. This is consistent with the notion that C57BL/6 may have obtained some of its genes, including B2m, from Eastern mice. A BgII restriction site characteristic of B2m b was also found in mice from Czechoslovakia and Japan, confirming that B2m b is a naturally occurring allele of B2m. A new type of 2m ( 2mw1) was found in four stocks of M. spretus from Portugal, Spain, and Morocco. This molecule differs in apparent size and charge from the a and b types. 2mw2 was found together with 2 ma in one stock of M.m. domesticus (brevirostris) from Morocco. 2mw3 and 2mw4 were found in a few M. m. bactrianus from Pakistan. In all cases tested, these new 2m molecules associate with class I histocompatibility antigens.Abbreviations used in this paper 2m beta-2 microglobulin - B2m gene for beta-2 microglobulin - IEF isoelectric focusing - SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate - MHC major histocompatibility complex - T. E. Tris-EDTA buffer  相似文献   

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