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Chabaudechina presidentei n. g., n. sp. (Seuratidae: Echinonematinae) is described from Sminthopsis virginiae, S. macroura and S. youngsoni (Dasyuridae) from northern Australia. The new genus can be distinguished from all other genera of the Echinonematinae by the morphology and number of rows of cephalic hooks as well as the morphology and arrangement of body hooks and spines. The genus otherwise resembles the echinonematines in spicule morphology and arrangement of cloacal papillae. It resembles Inglechina and Linstowinema in having a triangular mouth opening, no lips and two pairs of double cephalic papillae. C. presidentei differs from C. haycocki n. sp. from Dasycercus cristicauda from central Australia in the number of caudal papillae, the proportions of the alae surrounding the cloaca and the posterior ventral cuticular spination of the male. Chabaudechina sp., found in Planigale spp., could not be identified to species level.  相似文献   

A new ascarid of elasmobranchs, Terranova amoyensis sp. n., is described from the intestine of the red stringray, Dasyatis akajei (Müller and Henle), from Taiwan Strait. This is the second report from this genus with a gubernaculum in fish. The new species differs from its congeners mainly in the following combination of characters: the 3 lips are unequal in size and different in shape, i.e., the subventral lips are asymmetric bilaterally and larger than the dorsal lip; the latter lip is bilaterally symmetrical. The ventriculus is spherical, and the cecum is short relative to the esophagus. Spicules are unequal in size, 1.48 mm long for the right spicule and 1.34 mm for the left spicule, or 4.3 and 3.9% of body length, respectively. Nineteen pairs of caudal sessile papillae (excluding phasmids) are present, of which 13 pairs are precloacal; pairs 14 and 15 lie close together on either side of the cloaca, composing ad-cloacal papillae (the pair near the tail end are twins). The remaining 4 pairs of postcloacal papillae form a group near the tail tip (pair 18 also twins and near the phasmids). The gubernaculum is I-shaped. The excretory pore is located on top of a coniform prominence whose location is just behind or between the bases of the 2 subventral lips. The vulva is prominent at one-third of the anterior part of the body; the distance from the vulva opening to the anterior body end is 17.4 mm (13.61-21.41), 26.8% (25.14-28.93%) of the body length.  相似文献   

Micropleura huchzermeyeri n. sp. (Camallanida: Dracunculoidea: Micropleuridae) is described from the peritoneal cavity of Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti (Reptilia: Crocodylidae), based on a detailed study of its morphology using light and scanning electron microscopy. The new species is compared with its congeners, M. australiensis Moravec, Kay & Hobbs, 2004, M. vazi Travassos, 1933 and M. vivipara von Linstow, 1906 from crocodilians, and with M. indica Khera, 1951 from chelonian hosts. It can be distinguished from these by the length of its spicules, which are longer than in all described species and a combination of characters, including the presence of prominent lateral caudal papillae on the level of the cloaca in males, the presence of conspicuous phasmids on the female tail, the pre-equatorial position of the vulva and the length of the first-stage larvae. Micropleura huchzermeyeri n. sp. is further characterised by having 14 cephalic papillae in both sexes and ten pairs of caudal papillae in males. This is the first report of a representative of the genus Micropleura von Linstow, 1906 from a crocodilian in the Afrotropical region. Micropleura helicospicula Dey Sarkar, 2003 is considered a species incertae sedis.  相似文献   

A new species of Capillaria is described on the basis of specimens recovered from the intestine of the swamp rat Scapteromys aquaticus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from Argentina. Capillaria alainchabaudi n. sp. and a peculiar species from Australian marsupials are the only 2 species of Capillaria sensu stricto parasitic in mammals. A comparison with the Australian species and with the 18 species of this genus described from other vertebrates from the Western Hemisphere is given. The separation of the new species is based on morphologic and morphometrical features, such as intestine ending in cloaca beside ejaculatory duct, 2 lateral nonmembranous caudal lobes, 2 pairs of caudal non-pedunculated papillae, terminal part of cylindrical cirrus ornamented with thin and thick spines, spicule with apex not well sclerotized in the males, a conspicuous vulvar appendage in the females, and 2 bacillary bands. A survey of the literature revealed that the species of Capillariinae from rodents belong to 9 genera, and the total number of species is low compared to the high diversity and abundance of the hosts, particularly if the modern Muroidea are considered.  相似文献   


Cosmocephalus tanakai is redescribed from specimens found in the oesophagus of Larus dominicanus from the South Island of New Zealand. The male is characterised by nine pairs of pedunculate subventral caudal papillae plus two pairs of sessile papillae, and a pair of bicuspid papillae three-quarters of the way down the body. The female too has the pair of posteriad bicuspid papillae, plus a button-like terminal caudal process. A key to the species of Cosmocephalus is given.  相似文献   

Falcaustra kutcheri n. sp. (Nematoda: Kathlaniidae) from feces of the turtle Geoemyda yuwonoi is described and illustrated. Falcaustra kutcheri n. sp. represents the 68th species to be assigned to this genus and is distinguished from other oriental species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae of the male: 10 pairs of sessile caudal papillae, 4 pairs precloacal, 1 pair adcloacal, 5 pairs postcloacal.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope was used to illustrate the microtopographic features of the caudal end of adult male Baylisascaris procyonis. The male tail was relatively long, smoothly attenuated and often had a small button-like or mucronate termination. The preanal papillae were situated ventrally in two slightly divergent and somewhat irregularly spaced rows. Anterior and posterior to the anus were two slightly raised roughened patches consisting of several rows of small spines. Just anterior to the anus along the outer margin of the preanal roughened patch was a large double medioventral papilla. There were five pairs of postanal papillae with the first pair just posterior to the anus being double while the remaining four pairs were more closely associated in a group near the tail end. The second pair were also double papillae; however, in a few specimens they were not fused and appeared as two single closely associated papillae. The last three pairs of papillae were single. The fourth pair of caudal papillae were the phasmids and in the center of each was a ringed pore-like opening. The spicules of the male had a highly sculptured surface with a pincher-like terminal end.  相似文献   

The new nematode species, Falcaustra hanzaki n. sp. and Urodelnema takanoensis n. sp. (Cosmocercoidea: Kathlaniidae), were found from the intestine of giant salamanders in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The first species is featured by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (3 pairs of precloacal papillae, 8 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), the presence of a single pseudosucker, spicules equal in size (520–638 μm long), and V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The second species is characterized by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (5 pairs of precloacal papillae, 6 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), spicules equal in size (403–593 μm long), V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using the partial 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA and the internal transcribed spacers 1 region in the nuclear DNA. This phylogenetic study raised a question about the validity of Family Kathlaniidae and related families of Cosmocercoidea.  相似文献   

Two new species of habronematid nematodes are described in birds from the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Torquatoides trogoni n. sp., in Trogon massena, can be distinguished from T. torquata, T. bengalensis, and T. crotophaga in lacking lateral alae. Among species lacking lateral alae, the new species differs from T. balanocephala in having 14 versus 8-10 cephalic cuticular plaques, 21-22 versus 13-17 pairs of preanal papillae, and a beak-shaped versus U-shaped gubernaculum. The new species differs from T. singhi in body length, in having 21-22 versus 10 pairs of precloacal papillae, longer spicules, and larger eggs. The new species differs from T. crotophaga, the only other species known from Central America, in lacking lateral alae, and having 14 versus 6 cephalic cuticular plaques, 21-22 versus 17 pairs of precloacal and 3 versus 2 pairs of postcloacal papillae, and a gubernaculum. Excisa ramphastina n. sp., in Ramphastos sulfuratus, can be distinguished from E. excisa, E. biloba, E. buckleyi, E. dentifera, and E. khalili in having 1 lateral ala versus none, cervical papillae anterior versus posterior to the nerve ring, and asymmetrical caudal alae. Excisa ramphastina is similar to E. curvata in having cervical papillae anterior to the nerve ring but differs in having 1 lateral ala versus none, asymmetrical caudal alae, an average spicule ratio of 1:4.4 versus 1:3.3, and 4 versus 2 pairs of sessile papillae. The new species differs from E. columbi in having 1 versus 2 lateral alae, in the length of the spicules, in having a different spicule ratio, and in the numbers of sessile papillae.  相似文献   

Hedruris hanleyae n. sp. (Nematoda: Hedruridae) from the stomach of Hemidactylus garnotii collected in 1989 on Atiu, Cook Islands is described and illustrated. Hedruris hanleyae n. sp. represents the 21st species to be assigned to the genus and is distinguished from other oriental species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae of the male: 10 pairs posterior subventral papillae; 2 pairs precloacal and 8 pairs postcloacal.  相似文献   

Paradollfusnema telfordi n. sp. (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) from the large intestine of a worm lizard, Rhineura floridana, collected in Florida is described and illustrated. Paradollfusnema telfordi n. sp. represents the second species assigned to the genus and is distinguished from the other species on the basis of caudal papillae patterns in the male: P. telfordi n. sp. with 8 pairs of precloacal papillae, second pair from anterior much larger than others; Paradollfusnema amphisbaenia with 4 or 5 pairs of precloacal papillae, all of equal size.  相似文献   

Physalopteroides arnoensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Physalopteroidea) from the intestinal tract of the gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris is described and illustrated. Physalopteroides arnoensis is the 18th species to be assigned to the genus and is distinguished from other oriental species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae of the male: 22 posterior subventral pedunculated papillae; 8 precloacal papillae in symmetrical pairs; 14 postcloacal papillae, 6 papillae immediately postcloacal in symmetrial pairs and remaining 8 papillae asymmetrically placed, 3 on right, 5 on left. Other helminths found include Pharyngodon lepidodactylus, Hedruris hanleyae, Maxvachonia chabaudi, and larvae of Ascarops sp. Our review of Physalopteroides removes all subspecies designations; Physalopteroides minor Caballero, 1969 n. comb is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents SEM micrographs of portions of the male, female, and infective-stage juvenile of Steinernema anomali. Included are micrographs of the cephalic and caudal region, spicules, and gubernaculum of the male, the cephalic and vulval region of the female, and the cephalic region of the infective-stage juvenile. Males have six labial and four prominent cephalic papillae and small amphids. There are 11-14 pairs and one single genital papillae; of these, 6-9 pairs are preanal and subventral, one pair preanal, lateral, one pair adanal, and three pairs postanal. Spicules have a short head, a long blade, and a reduced shaft. The distal end is enlarged and bears a dorsal aperture. Gubernaculum much shorter than spicules; cuneus of gubernaculum short and bifurcate anteriorly. Females have six labial and four cephalic papillae and small amphids. Vulva with a thickened posterior lip. Infective juveniles have a smooth head, prominent amphids, and four cephalic papillae. Labial papillae, if present, are not evident.  相似文献   

During a helminthological examination of marine fishes from south of the Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground, Taiwan Strait, Fujian, China, a new cucullanid nematode, Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) jialaris n. sp., was removed from the intestine of the red seabream, Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel, 1834). The new species differs from its congeners mainly in the following characters: body size medium but with relative long spicules of 1.01 mm (0.97-1.06) in length or 20.0% (18.21-21.8%) of the body length; proximal end of spicules somewhat expanded and distal end rounded; gubernaculum I-shaped, slightly narrow in the middle part, both ends rounded; both anterior and posterior cloaca lips round or oval, prominent and unequal in size. The anterior cloaca lip is at least 2 times larger than the posterior one. There is a conspicuous papilliform structure within the central of anterior and posterior cloacal lip. Vulva of female is not prominent, slightly postequatorial; distance from vulva to anterior end of body is 4.3 (3.0-5.5) mm or 58.0% (54.0-62.0%) of the body length. Considering the result of comparing the structure of so-called unpaired median papilla with the 10 pairs of caudal petiolated papillae in the body of the same individual. the papilliform structures are just a backstop for the cloacal lips, this new species represents the first record of a nematode of the Dichelyne, subgenus Cucullanellus in marine fishes of China Sea.  相似文献   

A new species of nematode, Cucullanus costaricensis n. sp., is described from the Red Sea catfish Bagre pinnimaculatus from Río Tempisque, Costa Rica. The new species is characterized by the following traits: spicules and gubernaculum length (0.48 +/- 0.02 [0.45-0.50] and 0.20 +/- 0.02 [0.18-0.21], respectively); a protruding cloacal region in males, and the arrangement of caudal papillae (1 medial unpaired precloacal papilla and 10 pairs of papillae: 3 precloacals [first pair subventral and anterior to ventral sucker; second and third pairs posterior to ventral sucker; second pair asymmetric and subventral; third pair slightly subventral and closer to cloacal opening], 3 subventral adcloacal pairs [pairs 4-6], and 4 pairs of postcloacal papillae [seventh pair lateral, eighth pair subdorsal, ninth and tenth pairs subventral]); and lateral phasmids between the seventh and eighth pairs of postcloacal papillae. This finding represents the first record for a species of Cucullanus in Central America.  相似文献   

Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) chetumalensis n. sp. is described from the stomach and intestine of the Mayan sea catfish Ariopsis assimilis (Günther, 1864), from the Bay of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México. It is characterized by bifurcate deirids; males have 3 pairs of preanal papillae, 6 pairs of postanal papillae, 2 pairs of transverse elongate adanal papillae surrounding the cloacal aperture, wide caudal alae, spicules of unequal length, and a gubernaculum, and females have a rounded tail bearing a digit-like process terminating in 2 spines. This is the seventh Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) species reported from fishes in Mexico and the first one recorded in sea catfishes of the Ariidae.  相似文献   

Falcaustra washingtonensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Kathlaniidae) from the intestine of the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum is described and illustrated. Falcaustra washingtonensis n. sp. represents the 14th nearctic species assigned to this genus and is distinguished from other nearctic species by the distribution pattern of caudal papillae and number of posterior muscle groups of the male: 10 pairs of sessile caudal papillae--3 pairs precloacal, 1 pair adcloacal, 6 pairs postcloacal--and 5 posterior muscle groups.  相似文献   

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