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The immune response to phosphocholine (PC) in many strains of mice is dominated by the T15 idiotype family of anti-PC antibodies. By introducing the CBA/N X-linked immune defect (xid gene) into these mice, one profoundly alters their ability to make a T15-predominant, IgM anti-PC response. This loss of T15 dominance in mice expressing the xid gene is not due to the presence of suppressor T cells or the lack of T15 idiotype-specific helper cells in these mice. Thus, one can reconstitute a T15 idiotype-dominant response in immune defective mice with B cells from normal mice, and in adoptive transfer assays the primed T helper cells from immune-defective mice provide qualitatively the same help to normal B cells as the T helper cells from normal mice. T15 idiotype dominance appears to be controlled by the expression and activation of Lyb-5+ PC-specific B cells. Thus, the majority of T15+ B cell precursors are restricted to this B cell subset, whereas the Lyb-5- B cell subset contains predominantly T15-, anti-PC B cell precursors, which produce mainly IgG antibodies after activation by PC-containing antigens.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-immune lymph node cells were treated with Id-specific immunotoxin before their transfer and antigenic challenge in adoptive recipient rats. In contrast to untreated, AChR-immune lymph node cells that, when challenged, produced high titers of serum anti-AChR antibody, in vitro anti-Id-ricin A chain treatment significantly inhibited anti-AChR antibody responses upon adoptive transfer. The inhibition was specific in that control lymph node cells immune to keyhole limpet hemocyanin were unaffected and totally responsive after treatment by the same immunotoxin. Furthermore, evidence is presented by isoelectric focusing analysis that the anti-Id antibody preparation used in this study contains all of the specificities required to eliminate the entire spectrum of AChR-reactive B cell clones.  相似文献   

We have examined the requirement for major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T-cell help in the secondary in vivo antibody response to phosphocholine (PC). The memory response to PC has been demonstrated previously to be comprised of T15-dominant IgM and IgG3 plaque-forming cells (PFC) derived primarily from the Lyb-5+ B-cell subset, and IgG1 and IgG2 PFC, few of which bear the T15 idiotype and are predominantly derived from the Lyb-5- B-cell subset. Using carrier-primed (A X B)F1 T cells which have matured in a parentA chimeric environment so that "self" recognition is of the MHC determinants of parentA but not parentB, we have found that parentA PC-primed B cells, but not parentB PC-primed B cells, are activated. Even in the presence of an ongoing parentA anti-PC response, parentB PC-primed B cells were not activated, indicating that the restriction was between the helper T cell and the B cell, not between T-helper and accessory cells. MHC-restricted T-cell help was required by B cells producing T15+ and T15- IgM, IgG3, IgG1, and IgG2 responses.  相似文献   

In this report, we demonstrate the existence of a regulatory system that can determine the relative expression of individual clones (idiotypes) within the total immune response to PC. Studies of Igh-C-congenic mice and backcross analysis demonstrate that this regulation is controlled by genes linked to the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. The regulation acts in a trans fashion. The regulatory genes of one parental allele can control the expression of idiotopes coded for by both parental alleles. This regulation does not appear to affect the quantity of the response, but could affect the quality of the response, depending on the potential repertoire and avidity of the individual clones available to respond to a given antigenic challenge.  相似文献   

We have observed a pattern of inherited idiotype expression in three mouse strains that is unexpected from the genetics of the strains: a dominant idiotype that was expressed at high levels in two parental strains was expressed only at low levels in a heavy chain allotype congenic strain derived from them. In the C3H.SW strain, the antibody response to the class II MHC Ag I-E is of limited diversity, with dominant expression of an idiotype and the V kappa 21 L chain. The C57BL/10 strain expresses the same idiotype at high levels, whereas the CWB/12 strain, which was derived by replacing the Ig H chain Igh-Cj allele of C3H.SW with the Igh-Cb allele derived from C57B1/10, has been found to express little of this dominant idiotype. CWB/12 responds, with titers equal to those of the parental strains, to the I-E epitope responsible for dominant idiotype expression, and it expresses normal V kappa 21 levels; thus deficiencies in epitope-specific responsiveness or in V kappa 21 expression cannot explain the low Id expression in CWB/12. Furthermore, Southern blot analysis of three VH families gave no evidence of recombination within the the VH locus of CWB/12, which was Igh-Vb throughout. Black-cross analysis demonstrated that expression of the dominant idiotype segregated independently of Ig allotype, and was therefore due to genes unlinked to the H chain gene locus. To our knowledge, this pattern of Id expression is unprecedented, and indicates the need for caution in the interpretation of studies using allotype congenic strains. It also demonstrates a role for genes outside the Igh locus in the control of Id expression.  相似文献   

Suppression of antibody synthesis by lymphocytes was studied using an adoptive secondary response model in which human serum albumin (HSA)-primed lymphocytes (memory cells) from the thoracic ducts of inbred rats were inhibited in irradiated recipients by nonimmune lymphocytes after mixed cell transfer. This investigation extended earlier work and formally showed that the suppressor cells were peripheral thymus-derived lymphocytes, which could rapidly recirculate from the blood to lymph, were present in spleen but not in bone marrow, and that primed T cells lacked this property to inhibit. The suppressive effect was independent of antigen dose but was markedly influenced by the form of antigen used for challenge in that suppression was significantly abrogated with aggregated HSA or with soluble HSA in the presence of specific antibody. Suppressor cells were found to exert their effect maximally at the time of antigen injection, but became ineffective by 40 hr following challenge. The results are considered within a larger framework of cellular regulation of antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

T15i knockin (KI) mice express a H chain that is encoded by a rearranged T15 VDJ transgene which has been inserted into the J(H) region of chromosome 12. This T15H chain combines with a kappa22-33 L chain to produce a T15-Id+ Ab having specificity for phosphocholine (PC). Inasmuch as T15-Id+ Abs dominate the primary immune response to PC in normal mice, it was surprising to find that 80% of the PC-dextran-binding B cells in unimmunized homozygous T15i KI mice were T15-Id-. Analysis of L chains expressed in these T15-Id-, PC-specific B cells revealed that two L chains, kappa8-28 and kappa19-15, were expressed in this population. The V(kappa) region of these L chains was recombined to J(kappa)5, which is typical of L chains present in PC-specific Abs. When T15i KI mice were immunized with PC Ag, T15-Id+ B cells expanded 6-fold and differentiated into Ab-secreting cells. There was no indication that the T15-Id- B cells either proliferated or differentiated into Ab-secreting cells following immunization. Thus, T15-Id- B cells dominate the PC-binding population, but they fail to compete with T15-Id+ B cells during a functional immune response. Structural analysis of T15H:kappa8-28L and T15H:kappa19-15L Abs revealed L chain differences from the kappa22-33 L chain which could account for the lower affinity and/or avidity of these Abs for PC or PC carrier compared with the T15-Id+ T15H:kappa22-33L Ab.  相似文献   

CBA/N mice carrying the Xid defect fail to make antibodies expressing the T15 idiotype in response to immunization with PC-KLH. Antibodies predominating in the Xid response have binding properties characteristic of group II antibodies that emerge in the memory response in BALB/c; the prototype group II antibody utilizes a VH gene product distinct from the V1 gene product expressed by T15 idiotype-positive antibodies. To examine VH gene usage in the anti-PC response of Xid B cells, hybridomas were produced from Xid mice immune to PC-KLH. Four hybridomas possessing properties typical of the predominant group II antibody response in Xid mice and two representing minor components of the response were studied. Analysis of DNA by Southern blot hybridization revealed that none of the hybridomas utilized the T15 V1 gene segment, nor did they share use of a common VDJ gene product. These results indicate that Xid group II antibodies either make use of different VH gene segments or use the same VH in combination with various D and JH segments.  相似文献   

The anti-phosphocholine (PC) memory response elicited in BALB/c mice by phosphocholine-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (PC-KLH) contains two groups of antibodies distinguished by their fine specificity for PC and p-nitrophenylphosphocholine (NPPC). Group I antibodies are inhibited by both PC and NPPC, while Group II antibodies are inhibited appreciably only by NPPC; only Group I antibodies are dominated by the T15 idiotype. Anti-PC hybridomas representative of the memory response to PC-KLH were produced to examine the variable region genes expressed by memory B cells. Two IgM hybridomas were of the Group I type, because they were inhibited by both PC and NPPC and they bound to the pneumococcus R36A. However, only one of these antibodies (PCM-2) expressed a T15 idiotope, while the other (PCM-1) did not express any of three T15 idiotopes. Despite its negative T15 idiotype profile, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of PCM-1 purified heavy chain and Southern blots of the hybridoma DNA indicated that it utilizes the T15 VH and JH1 genes. Three hybridomas, IgG1, IgM, and IgE, typical of Group II antibodies, were examined; these were negative for three T15 idiotopes and displayed measurable avidity only for NPPC in a PC-protein binding inhibition assay. These three hybridoma antibodies, like serum Group II IgG1, did not measurably bind to the bacterium R36A. The heavy chain amino termini of all three of these antibodies were inaccessible for Edman degradation. Southern blots of DNA from the IgG1 hybridoma revealed the T15 VH gene to be in the germ line configuration only and unassociated with any JH segment, indicating that this Group II antibody utilizes a VH gene different from the T15 family. These results signify that, whereas some diversity of the (anti-PC) memory response may be generated by somatic diversification of variable regions important in the primary response, a significant contribution to the overall heterogeneity of memory antibodies originates in the expression of additional variable region genes.  相似文献   

The influence of the major histocompatibility complex of the mouse (H-2 complex) on the antibody response against murine leukemia virus (MuLV) was investigated after 3 different ways of virus presentation (milk transmission of virus, spontaneous virus activation, and immunization with inactivated virus). The antibody response against MuLV was measured in the sera of H-2 congenic C57BL V+ sublines (V+ denotes positive for milk-transmitted MuLV), (B10.AV+ X C57BL)F1 mice, (C57BL X AKR)F1 mice and of C57BL animals after immunization with inactivated AKR virus. The pattern of immune responsiveness of the different C57BL strains to MuLV was independent of virus replication and was similar for the 3 ways of virus presentation. Serum antibody levels were controlled by 2 genes within the H-2 complex. The first gene (Ir-MuLV-1) was located in the I-A region and was complemented by a second gene (Ir-MuLV-2), which was situated in the regions to the right of the I-B region. Presence of 2 responder alleles (Ir-MuLV-1+,2+) led to an optimal antibody response (H-2b haplotype). Animals that only expressed a responder allele in the I-A region (Ir-MuLV-1+,2-) were intermediate responders. Animals lacking a responder allele in the I-A region (Ir-MuLV-1-,2+ or Ir-MuLV-1-,2-) were low responders.  相似文献   

Lyt-1+, L3T4a+ autoreactive cloned T cells, producing lymphotoxin (LT) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to self-class II major histocompatibility complex antigen in vitro were examined for their anti-tumor effect in vivo against B16 melanomas. Without the aid of exogenous interleukin 2, the autoreactive T cells, when injected immediately and at an equal cell number into the site of s.c. inoculated B16 melanoma cells inhibited tumor growth in sublethally irradiated and nonirradiated syngeneic mice. The autoreactive T cells also induced regression of tumors established 3 days earlier. Normal spleen cells or class II-restricted cloned T cells specific for chicken gamma-globulin (CGG) had no inhibitory effect on tumor growth. A single injection of autoreactive T cells delayed tumor growth and prolonged the survival of mice that had received a lethal dose of B16 melanoma cells. The autoreactive T cells caused extensive necrosis at the injection site. A treatment regime consisting of two successive injections of anti-I-Ab monoclonal antibody 3JP prevented the inhibition of tumor growth, supporting the hypothesis that the autoreactive T cells inhibited the growth of melanomas by releasing LT and IFN-gamma upon recognition of I-A antigen-bearing cells at the injection site. The CGG-specific control T cells did not cause necrosis and survived within the nests of uninhibited tumor cells. Autoreactive T cells administered i.v. immediately after i.v. injection of B16 melanoma cells markedly reduced pulmonary metastases, whereas CGG-specific T cells did not. These results indicate that autoreactive T cells can function in vivo as inhibitors of tumor growth.  相似文献   

Hypertension in rats with chronic placental ischemia (reduced uterine perfusion pressure, RUPP) is associated with elevated inflammatory cytokines, agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) and CD4(+) T cells; all of which are elevated in preclamptic women. Additionally, we have shown that adoptive transfer of RUPP CD4(+) T cells increases blood pressure, inflammatory cytokines, and sFlt-1. The objective of this study was to determine the long-term effects of RUPP CD4(+) T cells on AT1-AA, renal and systemic hemodynamics in pregnant rats. To answer this question CD4(+) T splenocytes were magnetically isolated on day 19 of gestation from control RUPP and normal pregnant (NP) rats and injected into a new group of NP rats at day 13 of gestation. On day 19 of gestation mean arterial pressure (MAP) and renal function (glomerular filtration rates, GFR) were analyzed and serum collected for AT1-AA analysis. To determine a role for AT1-AA to mediate RUPP CD4(+) T cell-induced blood pressure increases, MAP was analyzed in a second group of rats treated with AT1 receptor blockade losartan (10 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) and in a third group of rats treated with rituximab, a B cell-depleting agent (250 mg/kg) we have shown previously to decrease AT1-AA production in RUPP rats. MAP increased from 101 ± 2 mmHg NP to 126 ± 2 mmHg in RUPP rats (P < 0.001) and to 123 ± 1 mmHg in NP rats injected with RUPP CD4(+) T cells (NP+RUPP CD4(+)T cells) (P < 0.001). Furthermore, GFR decreased from 2.2 ml/min (n = 7) in NP rats to 1.0 ml/min (n = 5) NP+RUPP CD4(+)T cell. Circulating AT1-AA increased from 0.22 ± 0.1 units in NP rats to 13 ± 0.7 (P < 0.001) units in NP+RUPP CD4(+)T cell-treated rats but decreased to 8.34 ± 1 beats/min in NP+RUPP CD4(+) T cells chronically treated with rituximab. Hypertension in NP+RUPP CD4(+)T cell group was attenuated by losartan (102 ± 4 mmHg) and with B cell depletion (101 ± 5 mmHg). Therefore, we conclude that one mechanism of hypertension in response to CD4(+) T lymphocytes activated during placental ischemia is via AT1 receptor activation, potentially via AT1-AA during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A good secondary IgG response to the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus has been obtained in vitro in Marbrook-type cultures of influenza-primed mouse spleen cell suspensions stimulated with inactivated influenza virus. Anti-HA antibody was quantitated by a solid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) by using purified HA as substrate. The T dependence of this secondary response was shown by depletion of T cells and reconstitution with a source of primed or unprimed T cells. The help given by T cells primed to the homologous virus was many times greater than that given by unprimed T cells, although the latter was significant. The system described will allow investigation of the specificity requirements of helper T cells engaged in the anti-HA response.  相似文献   

Antibodies elicited in strain A mice by immunization with keyhole limpet hemocyanin-p-azophenylarsonate (KLH-Ar) produce anti-Ar antibodies, some of which share a cross-reactive idiotype (CRI); in general, 20 to 70% of the antihapten antibody population carries the idiotype. Large amounts of antibody can be produced by the induction of ascitic fluids, using a 9:1 ratio of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) to antigen. Antibodies with the CRI can be isolated by isoelectric focusing from selected mice that have produced a high concentration of the CRI. The H chains exhibit a single homogeneous sequence through the first hypervariable region and, when isolated from a large number of individual mice, appear to be invariant in the first framework region. These findings indicate that somatic mutation is not a significant factor in the determination of framework sequences. Appearance of the CRI can be suppressed in adult A/J mice by administration of rabbit anti-idiotypic antiserum prior to immunization. Such suppressed mice produce normal concentrations of anti-Ar antibodies lacking the CRI. Anti-idiotypic antibodies produced against such antibodies failed to show cross-reactivity with anti-Ar antibodies arising in idiotypically suppressed or nonsuppressed A/J mice. The great sensitivity of the assay indicates that the number of such "private" idiotypes, all present on anti-Ar antibodies of a single strain, must be extremely large; this supports a somatic mechanism for the generation of diversity. The "private" idiotypes arising in suppressed, hyperimmunized mice can be adoptively transferred into multiple, irradiated (200 R) recipients by injections of spleen cells or of cells from ascitic fluids. The use of ascitic fluids permits the rapid production of a colony of mice bearing the idiotype. This should facilitate structural studies of a variety of idiotypically different molecules sharing the same (anti-Ar) specificity, as well as studies of the mechanism of suppression.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of cell-mediated immunity to the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is restricted by the H-2 complex of mice. Using C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 congenic strains of mice it was shown that compatibility of the H-2K locus, not the I region, was essential and sufficient for adoptive transfer and that H-2D compatibility was not relevant. Mutation at the H-2K locus prevented adoptive transfer, while mutation at the Ia-1 locus, as in the B6.C-H-2bm12 mutant of C57BL/6, did not affect adoptive transfer. The contrast between these findings and the previously accepted I region restriction of adoptive transfer of Listeria immunity is discussed.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanism in neonatally suppressed BALB/c mice, which maintains the chronic suppressed state of the TEPC-15 idiotype in the antibody response to phosphorylcholine (PC), was investigated. Cells taken from these suppressed mice cannot transfer suppression to adult BALB/c or affect the in vitro response to PC of adult BALB/c spleen cells. However, spleen cells or T cells from neonatally suppressed mice given to neonatal animals induce chronic suppression of the TEPC-15 idiotype in the anti-PC response. Co-transfer of T cells from neonatally suppressed cells with normal T cells prevented the induction of suppression in neonates. Transfer of T cells from normal or keyhole limpet hemocyanin-primed BALB/c increased the expression of TEPC-15 idiotype in chronically suppressed mice, whereas T cells from neonatally suppressed were ineffective. These findings show that T cells in neonatally suppressed mice can affect the development of immature but not mature cells. The restoration of TEPC-15 expression in neonatally suppressed animals by normal T cells and the failure to induce suppression in neonates by co-transfers of T cells from normal and chronically suppressed mice demonstrate the profound role of an altered T cell compartment in sustaining chronic idiotype suppression.  相似文献   

In this paper we have examined the phenomenon of hapten-specific tolerance in the cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL), using the trinitrophenyl (TNP) and azobenzenearsonate haptens. We found that the H-2 K and H-2 D-end restricted CTL in H-2a mice are differentiable in the ease with which they are tolerized to the TNP hapten. With TNP modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC), or low amounts of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid as tolerogen, preferential hyporesponsiveness of D-end restricted CTL can be observed. Larger doses of hapten, e.g. a higher amount of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid, will tolerize both K- and D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL in H-2a mice. The phenomenon of preferential D-end restricted CTL hyporesponsiveness is not observed in H-2d, H-2k, or H-2b mice, nor is it observed in H-2a mice with respect to the azobenzenearsonate hapten. We have also shown that the clones of CTL responsible for lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets (cross-reactive lysis) in H-2a mice probably overlap with the D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL since D-end restricted hyporesponsiveness induced by intravenous injection of TNP spleen cells also results in the elimination of cross-reactive lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets. The possible mechanisms of preferential D-end hyporesponsiveness to the TNP hapten in the H-2a mice as well as its significance and relationship to previous work in this area are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The idiotopic (Id) repertoire of antibody response to phosphocholine was studied in mouse strains with different IgH allotypes. The T15 idiotype-bearing (T15+) serum antibody and antibody plaque-forming cells (PFC) were characterized with four monoclonal anti-Id that recognize distinct Id determinants on T15+ antibody encoded by VH-1 (of the S107 gene family), DH FL16.1, JH-1 and Vk22 germ-line genes. We have previously shown that expression of the Id designated AB1-2 and B36-82 depends on the third hypervariable loop (D region), whereas the other Id, MaId5-4 and B24-44, are influenced by VH structures outside of the D region. All four Id were expressed in the PC-response of all mouse strains tested, except the Ighj strains (C3H/HeJ, CBA/H-T6, PL/j), where the D region-dependent Id, AB1-2 and B36-82, were absent. The other Id, however, were normally expressed on individual PFC as well as the serum antibody of the Ighj strains. Expression of AB1-2 and B36-82 on 50% of PFC occurred in (BALB/c-Igha x C3H/HeJ-Ighj)F1 mice. The absence of Id correlated with a unique RFLP of the S107 gene family in Ighj strains. Finally, Id expression segregated with the appropriate RFLP pattern in individual (BALB/c x C3H/HeJ)F2 mice. These data demonstrate a selective genetic linkage of discrete T15 Id determinants, AB1-2 and B36-82 with the Igh allotype. By comparing these results with the available Ig sequences, we suggest that the Ighj allotype may be associated with an allelic form of the DH-FL16.1 segment which with VH-1, JH-1, and the Vk 22 code for the phosphocholine-specific antibody in the mouse.  相似文献   

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