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The folding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa apo-azurin was investigated with the intent of identifying putative intermediates. Two apo-mutants were constructed by replacing the main metal-binding ligand C112 with a serine (C112S) and an alanine (C112A). The guanidinium-induced unfolding free energies (DeltaG(U-N)(H2O)) of the C112S and C112A mutants were measured to 36.8 +/- 1 kJ mole(-1) and 26.1 +/- 1 kJ mole(-1), respectively, and the m-value of the transition to 23.5 +/- 0.7 kJ mole(-1) M(-1). The difference in folding free energy (DeltaDeltaG(U-N)(H2O)) is largely attributed to the intramolecular hydrogen bonding properties of the serine Ogamma in the C112S mutant, which is lacking in the C112A structure. Furthermore, only the unfolding rates differ between the two mutants, thus pointing to the energy of the native state as the source of the observed Delta DeltaG(U-N)(H2O). This also indicates that the formation of the hydrogen bonds present in C112S but absent in C112A is a late event in the folding of the apo-protein, thus suggesting that formation of the metal-binding site occurs after the rate-limiting formation of the transition state. In both mutants we also noted a burst-phase intermediate. Because this intermediate was capable of binding 1-anilinonaphtalene-8-sulfonate (ANS), as were an acid-induced species at pH 2.6, we ascribe it molten globule-like status. However, despite the presence of an intermediate, the folding of apo-azurin C112S is well approximated by a two-state kinetic mechanism.  相似文献   

Much of our understanding of protein folding mechanisms is derived from experiments using intrinsic fluorescence of natural or genetically inserted tryptophan (Trp) residues to monitor protein refolding and site-directed mutagenesis to determine the energetic role of amino acids in the native (N), intermediate (I) or transition (T) states. However, this strategy has limited use to study complex folding reactions because a single fluorescence probe may not detect all low-energy folding intermediates. To overcome this limitation, we suggest that protein refolding should be monitored with different solvent-exposed Trp probes. Here, we demonstrate the utility of this approach by investigating the controversial folding mechanism of ubiquitin (Ub) using Trp probes located at residue positions 1, 28, 45, 57, and 66. We first show that these Trp are structurally sensitive and minimally perturbing fluorescent probes for monitoring folding/unfolding of the protein. Using a conventional stopped-flow instrument, we show that ANS and Trp fluorescence detect two distinct transitions during the refolding of all five Trp mutants at low concentrations of denaturant: T1, a denaturant-dependent transition and T2, a slower transition, largely denaturant-independent. Surprisingly, some Trp mutants (UbM1W, UbS57W) display Trp fluorescence changes during T1 that are distinct from the expected U → N transition suggesting that the denaturant-dependent refolding transition of Ub is not a U → N transition but represents the formation of a structurally distinct I-state (U → I). Alternatively, this U → I transition could be also clearly distinguished by using a combination of two Trp mutations UbF45W-T66W for which the two Trp probes that display fluorescence changes of opposite sign during T1 and T2 (UbF45W-T66W). Global fitting of the folding/unfolding kinetic parameters and additional folding-unfolding double-jump experiments performed on UbM1W, a mutant with enhanced fluorescence in the I-state, demonstrate that the I-state is stable, compact, misfolded, and on-pathway. These results illustrate how transient low-energy I-states can be characterized efficiently in complex refolding reactions using multiple Trp probes.  相似文献   

To elucidate determinants of thermostability and folding pathways of the intrinsically stable proteins from extremophilic organisms, we are studying β-glucosidase from Pyrococcus furiosus. Using fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, we have characterized the thermostability of β-glucosidase at 90°C, the lowest temperature where full unfolding is achieved with urea. The chemical denaturation profile reveals that this homotetrameric protein unfolds at 90°C with an overall ΔG° of ∼ 20 kcal mol−1. The high temperatures needed to chemically denature P. furiosus β-glucosidase and the large ΔG° of unfolding at high temperatures shows this to be one of the most stable proteins yet characterized. Unfolding proceeds via a three-state pathway that includes a stable intermediate species. Stability of the native and intermediate forms is concentration dependent, and we have identified a dimeric assembly intermediate using high temperature native gel electrophoresis. Based on this data, we have developed a model for the denaturation of β-glucosidase in which the tetramer dissociates to partially folded dimers, followed by the coupled dissociation and denaturation of the dimers to unfolded monomers. The extremely high stability is thus derived from a combination of oligomeric interactions and subunit folding.  相似文献   

Many proteins populate partially organized structures during folding. Since these intermediates often accumulate within the dead time (2-5 ms) of conventional stopped-flow and quench-flow devices, it has been difficult to determine their role in the formation of the native state. Here we use a microcapillary mixing apparatus, with a time resolution of approximately 150 micros, to directly follow the formation of an intermediate in the folding of a four-helix protein, Im7. Quantitative kinetic modeling of folding and unfolding data acquired over a wide range of urea concentrations demonstrate that this intermediate ensemble lies on a direct path from the unfolded to the native state.  相似文献   

Duong F 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(17):4375-4384
The bacterial preprotein translocase is comprised of a membrane-embedded oligomeric SecYEG structure and a cytosolic dimeric SecA ATPase. The associations within SecYEG oligomers and SecA dimers, as well as between these two domains are dynamic and reversible. Here, it is shown that a covalently linked SecYEG dimer forms a functional translocase and a high affinity binding site for monomeric and dimeric SecA in solution. The interaction between these two domains stimulates the SecA ATPase, and nucleotides modulate the affinity and ratio of SecA monomers and dimers bound to the linked SecYEG complex. During the translocation reaction, the SecA monomer remains in stable association with a SecYEG protomer and the translocating preprotein. The nucleotides and translocation-dependent changes of SecA-SecYEG associations and the SecA dimeric state may reflect important facets of the preprotein translocation reaction.  相似文献   

SecA, a 202 kDa dimeric protein, is the ATPase for the Sec-dependent translocase of precursor proteins in vivo. SecA must undergo conformational changes, which may involve dissociation into a monomer, as it translocates the precursor protein across the inner membrane. To better understand the dynamics of SecA in vivo, protein folding studies to probe the native, intermediate, and unfolded species of SecA in vitro have been done. SecA folds through a stable dimeric intermediate and dimerizes in the dead-time of a manual-mixing kinetic experiment ( approximately 5-7 seconds). Here, stopped-flow fluorescence and CD, as well as ultra-rapid continuous flow fluorescence techniques, were used to further probe the rapid folding kinetics of SecA. In the absence of urea, rapid, near diffusion-limited ( approximately 10(9)M(-1)s(-1)) SecA dimerization occurs following a rate-limiting unimolecular rearrangement of a rapidly formed intermediate. Multiple kinetic folding and unfolding phases were observed and SecA was shown to have multiple native and unfolded states. Using sequential-mixing stopped-flow experiments, SecA was determined to fold via parallel channels with sequential intermediates. These results confirm that SecA is a highly dynamic protein, consistent with the rapid, major conformational changes it must undergo in vivo.  相似文献   

To perform specific functional activities, the majority of proteins should fold into their distinct three-dimensional conformations. However, the biologically active conformation of a protein is generally found to be marginally stable than the other conformations that the chain can adopt. How a protein finds its native conformation from its post-synthesis unfolded structure in a complex conformational landscape is the unsolved question that still drives the protein folding community. Here, we report the folding mechanism of a globular protein, ubiquitin, from its chemically denatured state using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. From the kinetic analysis of the simulated trajectories we show that the folding process can be described by the hydrophobic collapse mechanism, initiated by the “dewetting transition”, and subsequently assisted by the origination of an N-terminal folding nucleus, and finally supported by a native salt-bridge interaction between K11 and E34. We show that ubiquitin folds via an intermediate. Finally, we confirm the presence of “biological water” and explain its role to the folding process.  相似文献   

Terminal residues in SecA, the dimeric ATPase motor of bacterial preprotein translocase, were proposed to be required for function and dimerization. To test this, we generated truncation mutants of the 901aa long SecA of Escherichia coli. We now show that deletions of carboxy-terminal domain (CTD), the extreme CTD of 70 residues, or of the N-terminal nonapeptide or of both, do not compromise protein translocation or viability. Deletion of additional C-terminal residues upstream of CTD compromised function. Functional truncation mutants like SecA9-861 are dimeric, conformationally similar to SecA, fully competent for nucleotide and SecYEG binding and for ATP catalysis. Our data demonstrate that extreme terminal SecA residues are not essential for SecA catalysis and dimerization.  相似文献   

SecA is the preprotein translocase ATPase subunit and a superfamily 2 (SF2) RNA helicase. Here we present the 2 A crystal structures of the Escherichia coli SecA homodimer in the apo form and in complex with ATP, ADP and adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate (AMP-PNP). Each monomer contains the SF2 ATPase core (DEAD motor) built of two domains (nucleotide binding domain, NBD and intramolecular regulator of ATPase 2, IRA2), the preprotein binding domain (PBD), which is inserted in NBD and a carboxy-terminal domain (C-domain) linked to IRA2. The structures of the nucleotide complexes of SecA identify an interfacial nucleotide-binding cleft located between the two DEAD motor domains and residues critical for ATP catalysis. The dimer comprises two virtually identical protomers associating in an antiparallel fashion. Dimerization is mediated solely through extensive contacts of the DEAD motor domains leaving the C-domain facing outwards from the dimerization core. This dimerization mode explains the effect of functionally important mutations and is completely different from the dimerization models proposed for other SecA structures. The repercussion of these findings on translocase assembly and catalysis is discussed.  相似文献   

Activation of initiator caspases through a stable dimeric intermediate   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Structural and biochemical studies have revealed that procaspases form dimers prior to proteolytic activation. How the two procaspases interact in the dimer is unclear. To study the mechanisms of dimer-dependent caspase activation we used a heterodimeric system so that two caspase molecules can be specifically brought together. Surprisingly, only one caspase partner in the dimer needs to be enzymatically active for caspase processing and activation to occur. Caspase activation is inefficient in the dimer in the absence of intramolecular processing, suggesting that caspase activation is initiated via intramolecular processing. Homodimerization of caspase-8 or caspase-9 leads to the formation of a stable dimeric complex. However, heterodimerization between caspase-8 and caspases-3, -9, or -10 failed to induce stable dimer formation or caspase activation. Our data suggest that the formation of a stable dimeric intermediate initiates caspase activation.  相似文献   

Point mutations in the human plasma protein transthyretin are associated with the neurological disorder familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy type 1. The disease is characterized by amyloid fibril deposits causing damage at the site of deposition. Substitution of two amino acids in the hydrophobic core of transthyretin lead to a mutant that was very prone to form amyloid. In addition, this mutant has also been shown to induce a toxic response on a neuroblastoma cell line. Renaturation of the transthyretin mutant at low temperature facilitated the isolation of an amyloid-forming intermediate state having the apparent size of a dimer. Increasing the temperature effectively enhanced the rate of interconversion from a partly denatured protein to mature amyloid. Using circular dichroism the beta-sheet content of the formed mature fibrils was significantly lower than that of the native fold of transthyretin. Morphology studies using electron microscopy also indicated a temperature-dependent transformation from amorphous aggregates toward mature amyloid fibrils. In addition, 1-anilino-8-naphtalenesulfonate fluorescence studies suggested the loss of the thyroxin-binding channel within both the isolated intermediate and the mature fibrils.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to elucidate the oxidative folding mechanism of the macrocyclic cystine knot protein MCoTI-II. We aimed to investigate how the six-cysteine residues distributed on the circular backbone of the reduced unfolded peptide recognize their correct partner and join up to form a complex cystine-knotted topology. To answer this question, we studied the oxidative folding of the naturally occurring peptide using a range of spectroscopic methods. For both oxidative folding and reductive unfolding, the same disulfide intermediate species was prevalent and was characterized to be a native-like two-disulfide intermediate in which the Cys1-Cys18 disulfide bond was absent. Overall, the folding pathway of this head-to-tail cyclized protein was found to be similar to that of linear cystine knot proteins from the squash family of trypsin inhibitors. However, the pathway differs in an important way from that of the cyclotide kalata B1, in that the equivalent two-disulfide intermediate in that case is not a direct precursor of the native protein. The size of the embedded ring within the cystine knot motif appears to play a crucial role in the folding pathway. Larger rings contribute to the independence of disulfides and favor an on-pathway native-like intermediate that has a smaller energy barrier to cross to form the native fold. The fact that macrocyclic proteins are readily able to fold to a complex knotted structure in vitro in the absence of chaperones makes them suitable as protein engineering scaffolds that have remarkable stability.  相似文献   

Küster F  Seckler R 《Biochemistry》2008,47(8):2458-2465
Large oligomeric proteins are usually thought to fold and assemble hierarchically: Domains fold and coalesce to form the subunits, and folded subunits can then associate to form the multimeric structure. We have investigated the refolding pathway of the beta-sheet protein pea seed lectin using spectroscopic and hydrodynamic techniques. In vivo, it is proteolytically processed post-translationally, so that the single-domain subunits of the initial homodimer themselves become heterodimers of intertwined fragment polypeptide chains. Despite this complex topology, mature pea seed lectin reassembles with considerable efficiency at low total protein concentration (10 mug/mL) and low temperature (10 degrees C), albeit very slowly (t1/2 approximately 2 days). Contrary to expectations, the primary assembly product is not the intact beta-sheet domain, but the larger fragment chains first dimerize to form the native-like subunit interface. The smaller fragment chains then associate with this preformed dimer.  相似文献   

Or E  Navon A  Rapoport T 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(17):4470-4479
The ATPase SecA mediates post-translational translocation of precursor proteins through the SecYEG channel of the bacterial inner membrane. We show that SecA, up to now considered to be a stable dimer, is actually in equilibrium with a small fraction of monomers. In the presence of membranes containing acidic phospholipids or in certain detergents, SecA completely dissociates into monomers. A synthetic signal peptide also affects dissociation into monomers. In addition, conversion into the monomeric state can be achieved by mutating a small number of residues in a dimeric and fully functional SecA fragment. This monomeric SecA fragment still maintains strong binding to SecYEG in the membrane as well as significant in vitro translocation activity. Together, the data suggest that the SecA dimer dissociates during protein translocation. Since SecA contains all characteristic motifs of a certain class of monomeric helicases, and since mutations in residues shared with the helicases abolish its translocation activity, SecA may function in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Alignment of proteins in dilute liquid crystalline medium gives rise to residual dipolar couplings which provide orientational information of vectors connecting the interacting nuclei. Considering that proteins are mainly composed of regular secondary structures in a finite number of different mutual orientations, main chain dipolar couplings appear sufficient to reveal structural resemblance. Similarity between dipolar couplings measured from a protein and corresponding values computed from a known structure imply homologous structures. For dissimilar structures the agreement between experimental and calculated dipolar couplings remains poor. In this way protein folds can be readily recognized prior to a comprehensive structure determination. This approach has been demonstrated by showing the similarity in fold between the hitherto unknown structure of calerythrin and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins from Nereis diversicolor and Branchiostoma lanceolatum with known crystal structures.  相似文献   

The conformational stabilities of two homodimeric class mu glutathione transferases (GSTM1-1 and GSTM2-2) were studied by urea- and guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation. Unfolding is reversible and structural changes were followed with far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, tryptophan fluorescence, enzyme activity, chemical cross-linking, and size-exclusion chromatography. Disruption of secondary structure occurs as a monophasic transition and is independent of protein concentration. Changes in tertiary structure occur as two transitions; the first is protein concentration dependent, while the second is weakly dependent (GSTM1-1) or independent (GSTM2-2). The second transition corresponds with the secondary structure transition. Loss in catalytic activity occurs as two transitions for GSTM1-1 and as one transition for GSTM2-2. These transitions are dependent upon protein concentration. The first deactivation transition coincides with the first tertiary structure transition. Dimer dissociation occurs prior to disruption of secondary structure. The data suggest that the equilibrium unfolding/refolding of the class mu glutathione transferases M1-1 and M2-2 proceed via a three-state process: N(2) <--> 2I <--> 2U. Although GSTM1-1 and GSTM2-2 are homologous (78% identity/94% homology), their N(2) tertiary structures are not identical. Dissociation of the GSTM1-1 dimer to structured monomers (I) occurs at lower denaturant concentrations than for GSTM2-2. The monomeric intermediate for GSTM1-1 is, however, more stable than the intermediate for GSTM2-2. The intermediates are catalytically inactive and display nativelike secondary structure. Guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation yields monomeric intermediates, which have a more loosely packed tertiary structure displaying enhanced solvent exposure of its tryptophans and enhanced ANS binding. The three-state model for the class mu enzymes is in contrast to the equilibrium two-state models previously proposed for representatives of classes alpha/pi/Sj26 GSTs. Class mu subunits appear to be intrinsically more stable than those of the other GST classes.  相似文献   

The α/β-mixed dimeric protein Ssh10b from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus shibatae is a member of the Sac10b family that is thought to be involved in chromosomal organization or DNA repair/recombination. The equilibrium unfolding/refolding of Ssh10b induced by denaturants and heat was fully reversible, suggesting that Ssh10b could serve as a good model for folding/unfolding studies of protein dimers. Here, we investigate the folding/unfolding kinetics of Ssh10b in detail by stopped-flow circular dichroism (SF-CD) and using GdnHCl as denaturant. In unfolding reactions, the native Ssh10b turned rapidly into fully unfolded monomers within the stopped-flow dead time with no detectable kinetic intermediate, agreeing well with the results of equilibrium unfolding experiments. In refolding reactions, two unfolded monomers associate in the burst phase to form a dimeric intermediate that undergoes a further, slower, first-order folding process to form the native dimer. Our results demonstrate that the dimerization is essential for maintaining the native tertiary interactions of the protein Ssh10b. In addition, folding mechanisms of Ssh10b and several other α/β-mixed or pure β-sheet proteins are compared.  相似文献   

The Notch ankyrin repeat domain contains seven ankyrin sequence repeats, six of which adopt very similar structures. To determine if folding proceeds along parallel pathways and the order in which repeats become structured during folding, we examined the effect of analogous destabilizing Ala-->Gly substitutions in each repeat on folding kinetics. We find that folding proceeds to an on-pathway kinetic intermediate through a transition state ensemble containing structure in repeats three through five. Repeats two, six, and seven remain largely unstructured in this intermediate, becoming structured in a second kinetic step that leads to the native state. These data suggest that the Notch ankyrin domain folds according to a discrete kinetic pathway despite structural redundancy in the native state and highlight the importance of sequence-specific interactions in controlling pathway selection. This centralized pathway roughly corresponds to a low energy channel through the experimentally determined energy landscape.  相似文献   

Folding of the 123 amino acid residue Greek key protein apo-pseudo azurin from Thiosphaera pantotropha has been examined using stopped-flow circular dichroism in 0.5 M Na2SO4 at pH 7.0 and 15 degrees C. The data show that the protein folds from the unfolded state with all eight proline residues in their native isomers (seven trans and one cis) to an intermediate within the dead-time of the stopped-flow mixing (50 ms). The urea dependence of the rates of folding and unfolding of the protein were also determined. The ratio of the folding rate to the unfolding rate (extrapolated into water) is several orders of magnitude too small to account for the equilibrium stability of the protein, consistent with the population of an intermediate. Despite this, the logarithm of the rate of folding versus denaturant concentration is linear. These data can be rationalised by the population of an intermediate under all refolding conditions. Accordingly, kinetic and equilibrium measurements were combined to fit the chevron plot to an on-pathway model (U <==> I <==> N). The fit shows that apo-pseudoazurin rapidly forms a compact species that is stabilised by 25 kJ/mol before folding to the native state at a rate of 2 s-1. Although the data can also be fitted to an off-pathway model (I <==> U <==> N), the resulting kinetic parameters indicate that the protein would have to fold to the native state at a rate of 86,000 s-1 (a time constant of only 12 microseconds). Similarly, models in which this intermediate is bypassed also lead to unreasonably fast refolding rates. Thus, the intermediate populated during the refolding of apo-pseudoazurin appears to be obligate and on the folding pathway. We suggest, based on this study and others, that some intermediates play a critical role in limiting the search to the native state.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is a well-known phenomenon related to serious medical implications. Bovine serum albumin (BSA), a structural analogue of human serum albumin, has a natural tendency for aggregation under stress conditions. While following effect of moderately acidic pH on BSA, a state was identified at pH 4.2 having increased light scattering capability at 350 nm. It was essentially a dimer devoid of disulphide linked large aggregates as observed from 'spin column' experiments, gel electrophoresis and ultra-centrifugations. Its surface hydrophobic character was comparable to the native conformer at pH 7.0 as observed by the extraneous fluorescence probes pyrene and pyrene maleimide but its interactions with 1-anilino 8-naphthelene sulphonic acid was more favorable. Dimerization was irreversible between pH 4.2 and 7.0 even after treatment with DTT. The role of the only cysteine-34 residue was investigated where modification with reagents of arm length bigger than 6 A prevented dimerization. Molecular modeling of BSA indicated that cys-34 resides in a cleft of 6 A depth. This indicated that the area surrounding the cleft plays important role in inducing the dimerization.  相似文献   

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