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Melanoma formation in Xiphoporus is initiated by overexpression of the EGFR-related receptor tyrosine kinase Xmrk (Xiphoporus melanoma receptor kinase). This receptor is activated in fish melanoma as well as in a melanoma-derived cell line (PSM) resulting in constitutive Xmrk-mediated mitogenic signaling. In order to define the underlying signaling pathway(s), triggered by the activated Xmrk receptor, we attempted to identify its physiological substrates. Examination of the Xmrk carboxyterminus for putative tyrosine autophosphorylation sites revealed the presence of potential binding motifs for GRB2 as well as for Shc. Binding of these adaptor proteins to the Xmrk receptor was detected in vitro and in cells expressing the mrk kinase. The GRB2 and Shc interactions with the receptor could be disrupted individually by phosphotyrosine peptides containing putative Xmrk autophosphorylation sites, indicating direct binding of both proteins. Recruitment of GRB2 by the constitutively activated Xmrk receptor led to strong MAP kinase activation in Xiphoporus melanoma cells. We also identified a high-affinity binding site for src-kinases (pYEDL) in the Xmrk carboxyterminus. Competition experiments with phosphopeptides comprising this site confirmed that it is used for high-affinity binding of Xiphoporus fyn (Xfyn) to Xmrk in melanoma cells. Thus, Xmrk can initiate different signaling pathways by using multiple substrate-binding sites to trigger proliferation of pigment cells.  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin (Fn) is a constituent of cryoglobulins and has been shown to interact with immune complexes. In a previous report we demonstrated that Fn specifically bound to IgG immobilized on a solid matrix. To localize and biochemically characterize the sites on the Fn molecule involved in this interaction, Fn was enzymatically cleaved with subtilisin and subjected to IgG affinity chromatography. Three major polypeptide fragments of 16 kDa, 22 kDa, and a triplet of 26- to 29-kDa bound IgG. They were localized to three separate regions of the molecule by Western blot analysis using antisera to specific regions of the Fn molecule, by amino acid sequencing, and by their previously described heparin binding affinities. The 22-kDa fragment interacted with IgG under physiologic conditions and it is localized at the N-terminal of the Fn molecule. The 16-kDa and 26- to 29-kDa fragments bound to IgG under conditions of lower ionic strength; the former commences at residue 588, carboxyl-terminal to the collagen binding region and the latter begins at residue 1597, carboxyl-terminal to the cell binding domain. The interaction of Fn with Ig has significant implications in host defense and also in immune complex disease where basement membrane Fn may sequester immune complexes from the circulation.  相似文献   

Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and a spin-labeled analog of a tertiary amine local anesthetic, we have identified several populations of the local anesthetic within reconstituted lipid membranes containing purified acetylcholine receptors. These populations represent the local anesthetic interacting with membrane lipid and with the acetylcholine receptor. The data also suggest the existence of at least two classes of binding sites for the local anesthetic on the acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

Twenty-five analogs of D-glucose were examined as reversible inhibitors of yeast alpha-glucosidase (EC The K(i) values range from 0.38 mM for 6-deoxy-D-glucose (quinovose) to 1.0 M for D-lyxose at pH=6.3 (0.1 M NaCl, 25 degrees ). All the monosaccharides and the three disaccharides (maltose, isomaltose and alpha,alpha-trehalose) were found to be linear competitive inhibitors with respect to alpha-p-nitrophenyl glucoside (pNPG) hydrolysis. Multiple inhibition analysis reveals that there are at least three monosaccharide binding sites on the enzyme. One of these can be occupied by glucose [K(i)=1.8(+/-0.1) mM], one by D-galactose [K(i)=164(+/-11) mM] and one by D-mannose [K(i)=120(+/-9) mM]. The pH dependence for glucose binding closely follows that of V/K [pK(a1)=5.55(+/-0.15), pK(a2)=6.79(+/-0.15)], but the binding of mannose does not. Although the glucose subsite can be occupied simultaneously with the mannose or galactose subsites in the enzyme-product complex, no transglucosylation can be detected between pNPG and either mannose or galactose. This suggests that neither of these nonglucose subsites can be occupied in a productive manner in the covalent glucosyl-enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

Indenestrol A (IA), an oxidative metabolite of the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), has high binding affinity for estrogen receptor in mouse uterine cytosol but possesses weak biological activity. Racemic mixture of optically active [3H]indenestrol A (IA-Rac) was separated and purified into individual enantiomers on a semi-preparative scale by HPLC with a Chiralpak OP(+) column. The structure-activity relationship was investigated among the [3H]IA enantiomers (IA-R and IA-S) and [3H]DES through direct saturation binding assays using mouse uterine cytosol. Specific binding curves and Scatchard plots were obtained for each [3H]ligand; DES, IA-Rac, IA-R and IA-S. IA-S enantiomer (Kd = 0.67) binds to the estrogen receptor with the same affinity as DES (Kd = 0.71) and four times higher affinity than IA-R (Kd = 2.56). The number of binding sites for IA-S is approximately the same as estradiol, DES and IA-Rac while IA-R binds far fewer sites than the other ligands. Saturation binding assays indicated that [3H]DES and [3H]IA enantiomers exhibited a higher level of non-specific binding to the cytosol receptor compared to estradiol which has a low level of non-specific binding. These binding studies led to the detection of an additional binding component for the stilbestrol compounds in estrogen target tissue cytosol preparations. Sucrose density gradient separation assays under low salt conditions showed that both [3H]DES and [3H]IA compounds bound to the 8S form of the receptor, the same as E2. But, in addition both DES and IA bound to another binding component in 4S region. The binding to the 4S component were partially displaced by the addition of excess unlabeled E2 and DES. Further characterization of the 4S component is described.  相似文献   

We describe analyses of the structure and expression of the rat fibronectin gene with particular attention to the 40-kb stretch from the center of the gene which encodes 17 type-III repeating units. Each repeat is precisely separated from its neighbors by introns and most are encoded by pairs of exons. Three repeats are encoded precisely by single exons and two of these (EIIIA and EIIIB) are alternatively spliced in a cell type-specific fashion. A third site of alternative splicing (EIIIB) reported here is similar in expression to the previously described EIIIA segment. Both are excluded from mRNA in liver cells and are, therefore, absent from plasma fibronectin. These two alternative splices, plus a third one (V) reported previously, can occur in all possible combinations giving 12 fibronectin mRNAs from a single gene. These splicing variations account for most but not all of the known fibronectin subunit variants. We report investigations designed to detect other regions of alternative splicing. We also show that the pattern of alternative splicing is somewhat altered on oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

Substrate-attached material (SAM) prepared from murine BALB/c 3T3 cells and various derivatives contains adhesion sites which pinch off from the cell surface during EGTA-mediated detachment but which remain bound to the serum-coated tissue culture substratum. SAM contains the related adhesive glycoproteins cold-insoluble globulin (CIG) (from serum in the medium) and fibronectin (synthesized by the cells) as detected by immune staining of electrophoretically separated proteins, using antibodies of defined specificity. Serum and SAM contain cross-linked multimers of serum-derived CIG (not disulfide-mediated) but not of cell-derived fibronectin; therefore, thiol-resistant cross-linking between CIG and fibronectin is not involved in adhesion of these cells. Immunofluorescence microscopy of SAM from sparse cultures reveals fibrillar pools containing cellular fibronectin, although most retraction fibers seen on EGTA-treated cells do not stain, even after treatment with non-ionic detergent. Very little specific staining can be detected in SAM prepared from dense cultures, although gel electrophoretic analysis reveals proportionately as much murine fibronectin as is found in SAM from sparse cultures. Hyaluronidase digestion of SAM has no effect on the immunofluorescent staining, while gentle trypsin digestion completely abolishes staining without removing all biochemically detectable fibronectin. We conclude that some of the fibronectin and CIG in adhesion sites is masked and unavailable for antibody binding and that multiple pools of fibronectin exist in this adhesive material.  相似文献   

1. Varied doses of labelled or unlabelled progesterone were injected into immature chicks which had previously been stimulated with oestrogen. The concentrations of nuclear bound [3H]progesterone were correlated with the effects of the hormone on endogenous RNA polymerase I and II activities in isolated oviduct nuclei. 2. The extent of nuclear localization of [3H]progesterone in oviduct (a progesterone target tissue) was shown to be much greater than in lung (non-target tissue). The conccentration of bivalent cations in solvents used in the nuclei isolations has a marked effect on the amount of bound hormone in the nuclei. 3. Evidence for the existence of several classes of binding sites for progesterone in the oviduct nuclei is given. These classes represent about 1000) 10000 and 100000 molecules of the hormone per cell nucleus and are saturated by injecting approx. 10, 100 and 1000 mug of progesterone respectively. 4. When saturation of the first (highest affinity) class of nuclear sites occurs, a marked inhibition in RNA polymerase II (but not RNA polymerase I) activity was observed. When the second class of sites was saturated, alterations in both RNA polymerase I and II activities were observed. Binding to the third class of nuclear binding sites was not accompained by further changes in polymerase activity. It is suggested that the first two classes of nuclear binding sites may represent functional sites for progesterone action in the chick oviduct.  相似文献   

Bacterial superantigens (SAgs) are potent activators of T lymphocytes and play a pathophysiological role in Gram-positive septic shock and food poisoning. To characterize potential MHC class II binding sites of the bacterial SAg staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) A, we performed alanine substitution mutagenesis throughout the C-terminus and at selected sites in the N-terminal domain. Four amino acids in the C-terminus were shown to be involved in MHC class II binding. Three of these amino acids, H225, D227 and H187, had a major influence on MHC class II binding and appeared to be involved in coordination of a Zn2+ ion. Alanine substitution of H225 and D227 resulted in a 1000-fold reduction in MHC class II affinity. Mutation at F47, which is equivalent to the F44 previously shown to be central in the MHC class II binding site of the SAg, SEB, resulted in a 10-fold reduction in MHC class II affinity. The combination of these mutations in the N- and C-terminal sites resulted in a profound loss of activity. The perturbation of MHC class II binding in the various mutants was accompanied by a corresponding loss of ability to induce MHC class II-dependent T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. All of the SEA mutants were expressed as Fab-SEA fusion proteins and found to retain an intact T cell receptor (TCR) epitope, as determined in a mAb targeted MHC class II-independent T cell cytotoxicity assay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract— The biochemical and pharmacological characteristics of dopamine agonist and antagonist binding to rat striatal subcellular fractions were studied and compared to the localization of dopamine–sensitive adenylate cyclase activity. The highest specific activity of adenylate cyclase sensitive to dopamine was associated almost exclusively with the crude synaptic membrane fraction (P2). Using [3H]-haloperidol, [3H]apomorphine and [3H]spiroperidol as markers for the dopamine receptor, high affinity and stereoselective specific binding was observed for the crude synaptic fraction and the microsomal fraction (P3). Analysis of the binding of [3H]haloperidol to the striatal microsomal preparation revealed a homogeneous receptor site with a Kd value of 3.0 nm . The data for [3H]haloperidol binding to the crude synaptosomal fraction showed two saturable binding sites with Kd values of 2.5 nm and 12.5 nm . A similar heterogeneous binding profile was observed in the P2 fraction using [3H]apomorphine. The Kd values for [3H]apomorphine in this fraction were determined to be 1.2 nm and 7.2 nm . The effects of various biochemical parameters including ionic strength, salt concentration and pH on the binding of [3H]haloperidol to the P2 fraction were also studied. Overall, these data show that the subcellular localization of multiple binding sites in the crude synaptosomal fraction and the identification of specific binding to purified synaptosomes correlate with the subcellular distribution of striatal dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

R Haring  Y Kloog 《Life sciences》1984,34(11):1047-1055
Binding of [3H]-phencyclidine ( [3H]-PCP) to acetylcholine-receptor enriched membrane from Torpedo ocellata electric organ was studied over a ligand concentration range of 1 to 200 microM. The results indicate that [3H]-PCP is bound to two classes of sites: high affinity (Kd = 6-9 microM) and low affinity (Kd = 85 microM) binding sites. In the absence of cholinergic drugs the ratio of high affinity [3H]-PCP binding sites to 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt) binding sites is 0.37, and that of low affinity [3H]-PCP binding sites to 125I-alpha-Bgt is 1.06. Low affinity [3H]-PCP binding can be completely inhibited by alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt), carbamylcholine and d-tubocurarine. This inhibition, together with the one to one stoichiometry with 125I-alpha-Bgt, suggests that the sites to which [3H]-PCP binds with low affinity are the acetylcholine (AcCho) binding sites. In the presence of 1 microM alpha-Bgt which blocks binding of [3H]-PCP to the AcCho binding sites, the ratio of high affinity [3H]-PCP sites to 125I-alpha-Bgt sites is 0.5, indicating the existence of one high affinity PCP site per receptor molecule, The toxin, however, decreases the apparent affinity of [3H]-PCP towards the AcCho receptor as well as the potency of tetracaine or dibucaine in inhibiting [3H]-PCP binding to that receptor. In the latter case the effect involves changes from a biphasic to a simple inhibition curve. The results suggest that non-competitive blockers to the AcCho receptors may affect their own sites as well, and that they do this also by binding to the AcCho binding sites. This is also inferred from the accelerated dissociation of [3H]-PCP from its high affinity binding sites by unlabeled PCP in the concentration range of 10(-3) to 10(-4) M, at which the drug occupies AcCho binding sites as well.  相似文献   

T Pan  M Jakacka 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(9):2249-2255
The ribozyme from Bacillus subtilis RNase P (P RNA) recognizes an RNA structure consisting of the acceptor stem and the T stem-loop of tRNA substrates. An in vitro selection experiment was carried out to obtain potential RNA substrates that may interact with the P RNA differently from the tRNA substrate. Using a P RNA-derived ribozyme that contains most, if not all, of the structural elements thought to be involved in active site formation of P RNA, but lacks the putative binding site for the T stem-loop of tRNA, a single RNA substrate was isolated after nine rounds of selection. This RNA is a competent substrate for the ribozyme used in selection as well as for the full-length P RNA. Biochemical characterization shows that this selected substrate interacts at a different site compared with the tRNA substrate. The selection experiment also identified a self-cleaving RNA seemingly different from other known ribozymes. These results indicate that a biological ribozyme can contain different binding sites for different RNA substrates. This alternate binding site model suggests a simple mechanism for evolving existing ribozymes to recognize RNA substrates of diverse structures.  相似文献   

Purified viral-envelope glycoproteins from influenza A virus were found to bind to two fragments of the fibronectin molecule. Human plasma fibronectin was digested by leucocyte cathepsin G, and three different fragments, of Mr 30000, 40000 and 12000-140000, with specific binding functions were isolated. Micelles of radiolabelled influenza A glycoprotein were allowed to bind to these fragments immobilized on polystyrene micro-titre wells. The C-terminal 120000-14000-Mr fragments that carry the cell-binding activity bound viral proteins most efficiently, whereas the 40000-Mr gelatin-binding fragment bound considerably less. The N-terminal 30000-Mr Staphylococcus aureus-binding fragment was negative in the assays. Laminin, a basement-membrane protein, also bound viral proteins, though less effectively than fibronectin. The binding was abolished if laminin or fibronectin fragments were pretreated with neuraminidase. This suggests that the sialic acids in the sugar moieties of these glycoproteins are involved in the binding. The affinity of viral-envelope glycoproteins for certain domains of fibronectin and for laminin may play a role in virus-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Multiple opiate binding sites in rat spinal cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J R Traynor  P D Kelly  M J Rance 《Life sciences》1982,31(12-13):1377-1380

The extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein fibronectin (FN) requires the help of cells to assemble into a functional fibrillar matrix, which then orchestrates the assembly of other ECM proteins and promotes cell adhesion, migration and signalling. Fibrillogenesis is initiated and governed by cell surface integrins that bind to specific sites in the FN molecule. Recent studies identified novel integrin binding sites in FN that can also participate in FN fibril formation and in morphogenetic events during development.  相似文献   

Results of previous studies show that the expression of fibronectin and its cell-surface fibronectin binding receptor is coregulated in 3-methylchloranthrene transformation of normal AKR-2B cells to form AKR-MCA cells and in N, N,-dimethylformamide (DMF) induction of differentiation of transformed AKR-MCA cells (1990, J. Cell. Physiol., 143:445). In this study, we tested the corgulation hypothesis by transfection experiments using an antisense fibronectin expression vector. We determined the effect of antisense fibronectin RNA expression on untransformed AKR-2B cells, and on the responses of transformed AKR-MCA cells to DMF treatment. Expression of antisense fibronectin RNA in AKR-2B cells down-modulated fibronectin production, reduced adhesion to extracellular fibronectin, and altered cellular morphology Saturation binding and Scatchard analyses using radiolabelled fibronectin revealed a concurrent down-modulation of cell-surface fibronectin binding sites, but the binding affinity of the receptor for the ligand was not affected. Immunoblotting and immunostaining revealed down-modulation of the expression of α5β1 integrins. Expression of antisense fibronectin RNA in AKR-MCA cells down-modulated the ability of DMF to restore normal fibronectin production, cell-surface fibronectin binding receptor, adhesion to extracellular fibronectin, and cellular morphology. These studies show that both fibronectin and its cell-surface fibronectin binding receptor were tightly regulated during transformation and induction of differentiation in these cells, that the ligand and its cell-surface fibronectin binding receptor worked together to bring about phenotypic changes, and that fibronectin production regulated the expression of its cell-surface fibronectin binding receptor. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protein-protein or protein-ion interactions with multisite proteins are essential to the regulation of intracellular and extracellular events. There is, however, limited understanding of how ligand-multisite protein interactions selectively regulate the activities of multiple protein targets. In this paper, we focus on the important calcium (Ca(2+)) binding protein calmodulin (CaM), which has four Ca(2+) ion binding sites and regulates the activity of over 30 other proteins. Recent progress in structural studies has led to significant improvements in the understanding of Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent regulation mechanisms. However, no quantitative model is currently available that can fully explain how the structural diversity of protein interaction surfaces leads to selective activation of protein targets. In this paper, we analyze the multisite protein-ligand binding mechanism using mathematical modelling and experimental data for Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent protein targets. Our study suggests a potential mechanism for selective and differential activation of Ca(2+)-CaM targets by the same CaM molecules, which are involved in a variety of intracellular functions. The close agreement between model predictions and experimental dose-response curves for CaM targets available in the literature suggests that such activation is due to the selective activity of CaM conformations in complexes with variable numbers of Ca(2+) ions. Although the paper focuses on the Ca(2+)-CaM pair as a particularly data rich example, the proposed model predictions are quite general and can easily be extended to other multisite proteins. The results of the study may therefore be proposed as a general explanation for multifunctional target regulation by multisite proteins.  相似文献   

Mitsi M  Hong Z  Costello CE  Nugent MA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(34):10319-10328
Regulation of angiogenesis involves interactions between vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and components of the extracellular matrix, including fibronectin and heparan sulfate. In the present study, we identified two classes of VEGF binding sites on fibronectin. One was constitutively available whereas the availability of the other was modulated by the conformational state of fibronectin. Atomic force microscopy studies revealed that heparin and hydrophilic substrates promoted the extended conformation of fibronectin, leading to increased VEGF binding. The ability of heparin to enhance VEGF binding to fibronectin was dependent on the chemical composition and chain length of heparin, since long (>22 saccharides) heparin chains with sulfation on the 6-O and N positions of glucosamine units were required for full activity. Treatment of the complex endothelial extracellular matrix with heparin also increased VEGF binding, suggesting that heparin/heparan sulfate might regulate VEGF interactions within the extracellular matrix by controlling the structure and organization of fibronectin matrices.  相似文献   

Specific beta-adrenergic receptors present in membrane preparations of frog erythrocytes were identified by binding of (-)-[3H]dihydroalprenolol, a potent competitive beta-adrenergic antagonist. The (-)-[3H]dihydroalprenolol binding sites could be solubilized by treatment of a purified erythrocyte membrane fraction with the plant glycoside digitonin but not by treatment with a wide variety of other detergents. The binding sites appeared to be soluble by several independent experimental criteria including (a) failure to sediment of 105,000 X g for 2 hours; (b) passage through 0.22-mu Millipore filters; (c) chromatography on Sepharose 6B gels; and (d) electron microscopy. The soluble receptor sites retained all of the essential characteristics of the membrane-bound sites, namely rapid and reversible binding of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists; strict stereospecificity toward both beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists; appropriate structure-activity relationships; saturability of the sites at low concentrations of ligand; no affinity for alpha-adrenergic drugs, nonphysiologically active catechol compounds, and catecholamine metabolites. Based on gel chromatography in the presence of detergent, the molecular weight of the soluble receptor is estimated to be no greater than 130,000 to 150,000. Equilibrium binding studies indicated a KD for the soluble receptor of 2 nM. Hill coefficients (nH) of 0.77 and curved Scatchard plots suggested the presence of negatively cooperative interactions among the solubilized receptors in agreement with previous findings with the membrane-bound sites. Kinetic studies indicated an association rate constant K1 = 3.8 X 10(6) M-1 min-1 and a reverse rate constant k2 = 2.3 X 10(-3) min-1 at 4 degrees. The kinetically derived KD (k2/k1) of 0.6 nM is in reasonable agreement with that determined by equilibrium studies. The soluble receptors were labile at temperature greater than 4 degrees but could be stabilized with high concentrations of EDTA. Guanidine hydrochloride and urea produced concentration-dependent losses of binding activity which were partially reversible upon dialysis. Trypsin and phospholipase A both degraded the soluble receptors but a variety of other proteases and phospholipases as well as DNase and RNase were without effect. Experiments with group-specific reagents indicated that free lysine, tryptophan, serine, and sulfhydryl groups may be important for receptor binding. These studies suggest that the receptor is probably a protein which requires lipids for functional integrity. Data obtained with the solubilized binding sites are consistent with the contention that these sites represent the physiologically relevant beta-adrenergic receptors which have been extracted from the membranes with full retention of their properties.  相似文献   

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