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Remediation of contaminated sites requires information on upper concentration limits of chemicals in environmental media that are protective of ecological receptors. These upper concentration limits can be considered ecological preliminary remediation goals (EcoPRGs). The motivation for developing EcoPRGs was to provide risk managers with a simple tool for evaluating remedial actions that would be protective of the environment. Hazard quotient calculations used to support ecological screening assessments were modified to derive soil EcoPRGs for terrestrial wildlife populations. The primary modification is a population area use factor that is the fraction of a terrestrial animal population potentially affected by the contaminated site. Wildlife assessment population boundaries are based on a receptor's dispersal distance; for mammals dispersal distance is strongly related to the linear dimension (square root) of home range. Assuming that wildlife are unlikely to disperse beyond some distance from their birth or natal site, dispersal distance can be thought of as the radius of the assessment population's boundaries. This general relationship is useful as a simple way to estimate assessment population areas for terrestrial animals and helps fill data gaps for wildlife without direct measurements of dispersal.  相似文献   

Predictive ecological risk assessment was used to determine whether any risk-reduction benefit would result from the installation and operation of wet scrubbers at an aluminum smelter in East Iceland. Sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride exposure will not result in any appreciable risk to mosses, lichens, lodgepole pine, and heather/heath grassland communities beyond the dilution zone without scrubbers. With scrubbers, exceedances of plant criteria may occur beyond the dilution zone. Critical concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) in terrestrial wildlife food items were converted to critical air concentrations, which were then compared to modeled air concentrations. Terrestrial wildlife species are not expected to be exposed to PAH concentrations that result in appreciable risk. If wildlife species are assumed to consume only grasses, predicted HF exposures will not result in exceedance of toxicity thresholds. However, if wildlife species are assumed to consume only heather, thresholds are exceeded at some locations for the rock ptarmigan and wood mouse. Results of population modeling indicate no potential for population impacts to rock ptarmigan outside the facility boundary. Impacts to wood mouse carrying capacity are expected to extend beyond the dilution zone with scrubbers, but not without.  相似文献   

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were among the top priority Constituents of Potential Concern (CoPC) in the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) effort to set ecological soil-screening (Eco-SSL) values. Search strategies, acceptance criteria, and evaluation procedures were developed to address effects on plants, invertebrates, and wildlife. Systematic literature searches were conducted to obtain all relevant information on toxic response of terrestrial plants, invertebrates, and wildlife exposed to PAHs. More than 325 papers on PAHs were reviewed. Only 14 papers (one plant, three invertebrate, and ten wildlife) met the minimum criteria for use. Only eight PAH analytes had data that qualified for use in deriving Plant-, Invertebrate-, or Wildlife-SSLs. Only one SSL, (invertebrate, fluorene) could be derived based on the available data using the USEPA draft criteria. Rapid volatilization of lower molecular weight PAHs, generally low toxicity of persistent PAHs, limited potential for uptake by plants, binding to soil organic matter that lowers bioavailability, and low bioaccumulation by invertebrates may explain the general absence of documented adverse effects among terrestrial receptors exposed to PAHs.  相似文献   

Global pharmaceutical consumption is rising with the growing and ageing human population and more intensive food production. Recent studies have revealed pharmaceutical residues in a wide range of ecosystems and organisms. Environmental concentrations are often low, but pharmaceuticals typically are designed to have biological effects at low doses, acting on physiological systems that can be evolutionarily conserved across taxa. This Theme Issue introduces the latest research investigating the risks of environmentally relevant concentrations of pharmaceuticals to vertebrate wildlife. We take a holistic, global view of environmental exposure to pharmaceuticals encompassing terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems in high- and low-income countries. Based on both field and laboratory data, the evidence for and relevance of changes to physiology and behaviour, in addition to mortality and reproductive effects, are examined in terms of the population- and community-level consequences of pharmaceutical exposure on wildlife. Studies on uptake, trophic transfer and indirect effects of pharmaceuticals acting via food webs are presented. Given the logistical and ethical complexities of research in this area, several papers focus on techniques for prioritizing which compounds are most likely to harm wildlife and how modelling approaches can make predictions about the bioavailability, metabolism and toxicity of pharmaceuticals in non-target species. This Theme Issue aims to help clarify the uncertainties, highlight opportunities and inform ongoing scientific and policy debates on the impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment.  相似文献   

Dietary exposures of passerine birds at the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, were examined due to the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the terrestrial and aquatic food webs. Average potential daily doses in diets were 6- to 29-fold and 16- to 35-fold greater at a contaminated location than at a reference location for PCB exposures quantified as total PCBs and 2,3,7,8–tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs), respectively. Birds with diets comprised of primarily aquatic insects had greater dietary exposure than birds with diets of primarily terrestrial insects. Risk associated with dietary exposure varied with the selection of the threshold for effects including hazard quotients, which exceeded 1 in instances where the most conservative toxicity reference values were utilized. Risk based on concentrations of PCBs in the tissues indicated little risk to avian species, and co-located studies evaluating reproductive health did not suggest that observed incidences of diminished reproductive success were related to PCB exposure. Measures of risk based on comparison to toxicity reference values (TRVs) were consistent with direct measures of ecologically relevant endpoints of reproductive fitness, but uncertainty exists in the selection of threshold values for effects in these species especially based on TEQs. This is largely due to the absence of species-specific, dose-response relationships. Therefore, the best estimate of risk is through the application of multiple lines of evidence.  相似文献   

The understanding of Cd impacts to avian species has been improved by recent studies and the extensive literature review completed as part of the development of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSLs). Therefore, we sought to update the Cd toxicity reference value (TRV) for birds used by regulatory agencies and resource trustees in California for predictive ecological risk assessments. We surveyed the available literature sources, particularly TRVs between the currently used TRV (0.08 mg/kg/d) and the Eco-SSL TRV (1.47 mg/kg/d) to identify the lowest, ecologically relevant no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs) for oral exposure of birds to Cd. As a result, we identified an ecologically protective NOAEL TRV of 0.7 mg/kg/d, based primarily on renal effects in wood ducks, but supported by another study with both renal and reproductive endpoints. In addition, a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of 1.0 mg/kg/d was selected based on kidney nephrosis in mallards. Overall, these updated TRVs incorporate more recent studies on Cd toxicity in birds while establishing thresholds based on ecologically relevant endpoints.  相似文献   

The Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) workshop focused on the anthropogenic contaminants in the terrestrial environment, addressing various components of the ERA process. These included sources, exposure pathways, bioavailability, and toxicity to receptor organisms as well as risk communication. It was concluded that although the overseas experience on ERA for terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., International Standards or guidelines from the European Union and the United States) is very useful, it is not directly applicable to Australia due to the differences in receptor organisms, contaminants, soil, and environmental conditions. Workshop discussions stressed on the need for making ERA locally relevant (in terms of choice of receptor organisms, sampling strategy, and bioavailability considerations). The workshop discussions highlighted the need of better appreciation of both the similarities and the clear differences between aquatic and terrestrial ERAs. The availability of reliable data, problems with databases, estimation of bioavailability, and extrapolations from laboratory to field were noted among the key limitations. ERA—being inherently complex and involving a range of environmental compartments, target receptor, and exposure pathways—at a minimum requires a multidisciplinary approach to address the complexities. Bringing a multidisciplinary team together often proves a major challenge in ERA. The delegates called for continued efforts in this area and formation of a network or working group in Australia.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the bioaccumulation of some macrominerals in grazing buffaloes fed forage irrigated with sewage water or canal water. In particular, the transfer of sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) from soil to plant and in turn to animals was evaluated under sub-tropical environmental conditions. Samples of soil, forage and buffalo hair were collected and digested by wet method. Sodium and K concentrations were significantly higher in the soil but lower in the forages; however, Mg and Ca concentrations in both soil and forages were higher. The correlation between soil, forage and hair showed an imbalanced flow of Na, Mg and K and a balanced flow of Ca from soil to forage and then to animals. Based on the findings, the highest rates of transfer of minerals were found for sewage water treatment, whereas lowest rates were found for canal water treatment, except for Na. As the transfer of minerals depends on their bioavailability, the highest values may be due to the high rates of mineral uptake by plants. Thus, the high transfer rate of some elements by plants could become toxic in future causing detrimental effect to grazing livestock.  相似文献   

The potential for unacceptable risks to biota from radiological exposure to depleted uranium (DU) in soils was evaluated at two sites where DU weapons testing had been conducted in the past. A screening risk assessment was conducted to determine if measured concentrations of DU-associated radionuclides in site soils exceed radionuclide levels considered protective of biota. While concentrations of individual radionuclides did not exceed acceptable levels, total radionuclide concentrations could result in potentially unacceptable doses to exposed biota. Thus, a receptor-specific assessment was conducted to estimate external and internal radiological doses to vegetation and wildlife known or expected to occur at the sites. Wildlife evaluated included herbivores, omnivores, and top-level predators. Internal dose estimates to wildlife considered exposure via fugitive dust inhalation and soil and food ingestion; root uptake was the primary exposure route evaluated for vegetation. Total doses were compared with acceptable dose levels of 1.0 and 0.1 rad/day for vegetation and wildlife, respectively, with potentially unacceptable risks indicated for doses exceeding these levels. All estimated doses were below or approximated acceptable levels, typically by an order of magnitude or more. These results indicate that current levels of DU in soils do not pose unacceptable radiological risks to biota at the sites evaluated.  相似文献   

The N1 and N9 neuraminidase (NA) subtypes of influenza A viruses exhibit significant hemadsorption activity that localizes to a site distinct from that of the enzymatic active site. To determine the conservation of hemadsorption activity among different NAs, we have examined most of the NA subtypes from avian, swine, equine, and human virus isolates. All subtypes of avian virus NAs examined and one equine virus N8 NA possessed high levels of hemadsorption activity. A swine virus N1 NA exhibited only weak hemadsorption activity, while in human virus N1 and N2 NAs, the activity was detected at a much lower level than in avian virus NAs. NAs which possessed hemadsorption activity for chicken erythrocytes (RBCs) were similarly able to adsorb human RBCs. However, none of the hemadsorption-positive NAs could bind equine, swine, or bovine RBCs, suggesting that RBCs from these species lack molecules, recognized by the NA hemadsorption site, present on human and chicken RBCs. Mutagenesis of the putative hemadsorption site of A/duck/Hong Kong/7/75 N2 NA abolished the high level of hemadsorption activity exhibited by the wild-type protein but also resulted in a 50% reduction of the NA enzymatic activity. A transfectant virus, generated by reverse genetics, containing this mutated NA replicated 10-fold less efficiently in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures than did a transfectant virus expressing the wild-type NA. However, both viruses replicated equally well in Peking ducks. Although conservation of NA hemadsorption activity among avian virus NAs suggests the maintenance of a required function of NA, loss of the activity does not preclude the replication of the virus in an avian host.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessments often include mechanistic food chain models based on toxicity reference values (TRVs) and a hazard quotient approach. TRVs intended for screening purposes or as part of a larger weight-of-evidence (WOE) assessment are readily available. However, our experience suggests that food chain models using screening-level TRVs often form the primary basis for risk management at smaller industrial sites being redeveloped for residential or urban parkland uses. Iterative improvement of a food chain model or the incorporation of multiple lines of evidence for these sites are often impractical from a cost-benefit perspective when compared to remedial alternatives. We recommend risk assessors examine the assumptions and factors in the TRV derivation process, and where appropriate, modify the TRVs to improve their ecological relevance. Five areas where uncertainty likely contributes to excessively conservative hazard quotients are identified for consideration.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are possible contaminants of concern in areas with a history of organochlorine pesticide production or various other industrial chlo-rination processes. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), a Superfund site near Denver, CO, has a history of various industrial processes that may have led to the release of these compounds and subsequent exposure and risk to surrounding biota. PCDDs, and PCDFs, and non- and mono-ortho-substituted PCBs cause a common set of toxic effects that are mediated through the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The total AhR-medi-ated activity of tissue samples collected from the RMA and surrounding reference areas was determined by both instrumental and bioanalytical techniques. Concentrations of dioxin equivalents were measured in carp eggs, great horned owl livers, and American kestrel eggs collected from the RMA and from off-post reference sites. Detected concentrations of dioxin equivalents were used to assess risk to exposed wildlife through the use of Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) and Hazard Quotients (HQs). Carp and kestrel egg samples had small HQ values, while some great horned owls had relatively large HQ values, indicating exposure to and possible risks from dioxins or dioxin-like chemicals.  相似文献   

While bioremediation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) is in general a robust technique, heterogeneity in terms of contaminant and environmental characteristics can impact the extent of biodegradation. The current study investigates the implications of different soil matrix types (anthropogenic fill layer, peat, clay, and sand) and bioavailability on bioremediation of an aged diesel contamination from a heterogeneous site. In addition to an uncontaminated sample for each soil type, samples representing two levels of contamination (high and low) were also used; initial TPH concentrations varied between 1.6 and 26.6 g TPH/kg and bioavailability between 36 and 100 %. While significant biodegradation occurred during 100 days of incubation under biostimulating conditions (64.4–100 % remediation efficiency), low bioavailability restricted full biodegradation, yielding a residual TPH concentration. Respiration levels, as well as the abundance of alkB, encoding mono-oxygenases pivotal for hydrocarbon metabolism, were positively correlated with TPH degradation, demonstrating their usefulness as a proxy for hydrocarbon biodegradation. However, absolute respiration and alkB presence were dependent on soil matrix type, indicating the sensitivity of results to initial environmental conditions. Through investigating biodegradation potential across a heterogeneous site, this research illuminates the interplay between soil matrix type, bioavailability, and bioremediation and the implications of these parameters for the effectiveness of an in situ treatment.  相似文献   

Interstudy variation among bioavailability studies is a primary deterrent to a universal methodology to assess metals bioavailability to soil-dwelling organisms and is largely the result of specific experimental conditions unique to independent studies. Accordingly, two datasets were established from relevant literature; one includes data from studies related to bioaccumulation (total obs = 520), while the other contains data from studies related to toxicity (total obs = 1264). Experimental factors that affected toxicity and bioaccumulation independent of the effect of soil chemical/physical properties were statistically apportioned from the variation attributed to soil chemical/physical properties for both datasets using a linear mixed model. Residual bioaccumulation data were then used to develop a non-parametric regression tree whereby bootstrap and cross-validation techniques were used to internally validate the resulting decision rule. A similar approach was employed with the toxicity dataset as an independent external validation. A validated decision rule is presented as a quantitative assessment tool that characterizes typical aerobic soils in terms of their potential to sequester common divalent cationic metal contaminants and mitigate their bioavailability to soil-dwelling biota.  相似文献   

Brain from 47 avian and 17 mammalian species and the liver from 19 avian and 7 mammalian species has been examined for acetyl cholinesterase and nitrophenyl acetate esterase activities. Plasma from 27 avian and 7 mammalian species has been examined for acetyl cholinesterase, cholinesterase, nitrophenyl acetate esterase, glutamate, oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, sorbitol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase activities. The studies have revealed that variations in enzyme activities occur between species but that there are discernible trends within families. The results indicate that comprehensive control enzyme data is necessary in order to assess the effects of exposure to agricultural chemicals in wildlife.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment (ERA) of metals, metalloids, and inorganic metal substances (collectively referred to as metals) no longer focuses solely on persistence and bioaccumulation, but rather on solubility, toxicity, natural occurrence (concentrations above/added to background), essentiality (deficiency as well as excess), speciation, and bioavailability. Tolerance (both acclimation and adaptation) and possible resultant energetic costs are being considered, and realism is being increased in laboratory toxicity tests by the use of organisms pre-acclimated to natural levels of metals. The present status of ERAs for inorganic metals is summarized in terms of four key questions: (1) Do metals accumulate in biota above background levels? (2) Are these metals metabolically active? (3) If so, are they likely to result in adverse effects to individuals either alone or in combination with other stressors? (4) If so, are they likely to result in adverse impacts to populations? The most pragmatically useful future research will be that focused on the interactive risks of both complex chemical mixtures (metals and non-metals) and non-chemical stressors (both biotic and abiotic). Ideally this should occur in the context of continued metal loadings to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems assessed holistically, including trophic food web relationships, metal transfer, and genetic diversity. Relationships between environmental concentrations and internal, metabolically active doses are the key to understanding and predicting environmental risks without excessive reliance on safety factors.  相似文献   

With contaminated terrestrial sites always being multiple decades old before they first submit to health risk assessments for humans and ecological receptors, there is great opportunity for soils to elicit markedly lesser chemical toxicity than would be expected. Soil aging and weathering foster various physico-chemical processes that reduce the toxic potency or bioavailability of sequestered chemicals. Because only brand new and unadulterated chemicals with seemingly maximum potencies are used in animal dosing that supports toxicity factor derivation, measured chemical concentrations in soil can be misleading, producing exaggerated risk and hazard outcomes. We sought to determine the extent to which toxicity reduction occurs in experimentally amended soils, working with large soil volumes exposed to the unimpeded ambient condition for a calendar year. A broad toxicity testing matrix for two chemicals (i.e., multiple test species, endpoints, effect level concentrations, and soil types), found species’ responses in contaminated soils to be indistinguishable from those in control soil 80% and 98% of the time for the inorganic and organic compounds used, respectively; a case in point was lead with a soil concentration of 11,000 mg/kg. The results suggest that incorporating a toxicity reduction term is an indispensable task when deriving toxicity factors.  相似文献   

Large‐scale environmental changes create challenges for conservation of wildlife, particularly in fenced, insular protected areas where many wildlife populations persist. Moreover, large mammalian herbivores inhabiting spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments face the challenge of securing highly variable forage resources. Mixed feeders like the eland (Taurotragus oryx) can switch between browse and grass, but the cues that elicit that switch are not well understood. We investigated the seasonal diet shift of eland confined to a small fenced reserve and the role of greenness to elicit that shift. Eland changed from a diet in the wet season, consisting of grasses and browse found in woodland and grassland vegetation types, to a diet in the dry season dominated by the greenest browse species still available in woodland vegetation types, as greenness of dry season forage decreased. Our results suggest that eland switch from browsing to grazing in response to phenophase of the grass sward, which could explain the varying selection of grasses versus browse observed across the species range.  相似文献   

Global increases in environmental noise levels – arising from expansion of human populations, transportation networks, and resource extraction – have catalysed a recent surge of research into the effects of noise on wildlife. Synthesising a coherent understanding of the biological consequences of noise from this literature is challenging. Taxonomic groups vary in auditory capabilities. A wide range of noise sources and exposure levels occur, and many kinds of biological responses have been observed, ranging from individual behaviours to changes in ecological communities. Also, noise is one of several environmental effects generated by human activities, so researchers must contend with potentially confounding explanations for biological responses. Nonetheless, it is clear that noise presents diverse threats to species and ecosystems and salient patterns are emerging to help inform future natural resource‐management decisions. We conducted a systematic and standardised review of the scientific literature published from 1990 to 2013 on the effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife, including both terrestrial and aquatic studies. Research to date has concentrated predominantly on European and North American species that rely on vocal communication, with approximately two‐thirds of the data set focussing on songbirds and marine mammals. The majority of studies documented effects from noise, including altered vocal behaviour to mitigate masking, reduced abundance in noisy habitats, changes in vigilance and foraging behaviour, and impacts on individual fitness and the structure of ecological communities. This literature survey shows that terrestrial wildlife responses begin at noise levels of approximately 40 dBA, and 20% of papers documented impacts below 50 dBA. Our analysis highlights the utility of existing scientific information concerning the effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife for predicting potential outcomes of noise exposure and implementing meaningful mitigation measures. Future research directions that would support more comprehensive predictions regarding the magnitude and severity of noise impacts include: broadening taxonomic and geographical scope, exploring interacting stressors, conducting larger‐scale studies, testing mitigation approaches, standardising reporting of acoustic metrics, and assessing the biological response to noise‐source removal or mitigation. The broad volume of existing information concerning the effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife offers a valuable resource to assist scientists, industry, and natural‐resource managers in predicting potential outcomes of noise exposure.  相似文献   

Protection of human health and ecosystems is gaining importance in corporate decision- making regarding industrial development. During the design phase for an aluminum smelter in East Iceland, it became necessary to determine whether a wet scrubber system should be installed to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. Predictive risk assessment was used to determine whether there would be a consequential difference in the level of risk to human and ecological receptors from constituents in air emissions from the aluminum smelter, either with or without wet scrubbers. Benchmark exposure concentrations were established for avian, mammalian, and plant receptors and were compared to air modeling predictions to develop risk estimates. Benchmark concentrations were derived using plant uptake models for fluoride and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and food-web modeling for birds and mammals. Exposure models were developed for all receptors, and population-level effects were modeled for plant, bird, and mammal receptors. Results indicated that exposures under both scenarios are lower than risk thresholds, and overall risk was lower for a smelter without wet scrubbers. Thus, although mass loading of sulfur dioxide (and other constituents) would be reduced using wet scrubbers, the corresponding risk to ecological receptors would actually be higher because of higher exposure-point concentrations in air.  相似文献   

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