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Over the past 30 years, risk assessment has developed into a scientific discipline. It is critical that the next generation of risk assessors understand the history of our field, and recognize the numerous successes and failures that have taken place. This short Perspective identifies and describes specific books, monographs, and reports that are required reading for any nascent risk assessor.  相似文献   

The terrestrial environment acts as a “sink” for contaminants that have been purposely or accidentally released into the environment. Science and policy that support protective measures for terrestrial ecosystems have run behind those of aquatic toxicology and water quality concerns. As a result ecological risk assessment (ERA) involving terrestrial environments tends to be conducted at a simplistic level, relying on numeric targets (soil quality criteria) as a basis for decision-making. However, soil criteria for ecological receptors are somewhat deficient in terms of the numbers available and the data that supports these numbers. Direct toxicity assessments (DTA) for terrestrial environments, such as those used for water quality evaluations, can provide additional useful information about the toxicity and bioavailability of mixtures of contaminants present in soils. This article outlines the approaches used for assessing the toxicity of soil contaminants in terrestrial environments and critiques their advantages and pitfalls.  相似文献   

It has been 10 years since the publication of the relative risk model (RRM) for regional scale ecological risk assessment. The approach has since been used successfully for a variety of freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments in North America, South America, and Australia. During this period the types of stressors have been expanded to include more than contaminants. Invasive species, habitat loss, stream alteration and blockage, temperature, change in land use, and climate have been incorporated into the assessments. Major developments in the RRM have included the extensive use of geographical information systems, uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo techniques, and its application to retrospective assessments to determine causation. The future uses of the RRM include assessments for forestry and conservation management, an increasing use in invasive species evaluation, and in sustainability. Developments in risk communication, the use of Bayesian approaches, and in uncertainty analyses are on the horizon.  相似文献   

A workshop convened to define research needs in toxicology identified several deficiencies in data and methods currently applied in risk assessment. The workshop panel noted that improving the link between chemical exposure and toxicological response requires a better understanding of the biological basis for inter-and intra-human variability and susceptibility. This understanding will not be complete unless all life stages are taken into consideration. Because animal studies serve as a foundation for toxicological assessment, proper accounting for cross-species extrapolation is essential. To achieve this, adjustments for dose-rate effects must be improved, which will aid in extrapolating toxicological responses to low doses and from short-term exposures. Success depends on greater use of validated biologically based dose-response models that include pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. Research in these areas will help define uncertainty factors and reduce reliance on underlying default assumptions. Throughout the workshop the panel recognized that biomedical science and toxicology in particular is on the verge of a revolution because of advances in genomics and proteomics. Data from these high-output technologies are anticipated to greatly improve risk assessment by enabling scientists to better define and model the elements of the relationship between exposure to biological hazards and health risks in populations with differing susceptibilities.  相似文献   

Risk assessment is an essential prelude to the development of accident prevention strategies in any chemical or petrochemical industry. Many techniques and methodologies such as HAZOP, failure mode effect analysis, fault tree analysis, preliminary hazard analysis, quantitative risk assessment and probabilistic safety analysis are available to conduct qualitative, quantitative, and probabilistic risk assessment. However, these methodologies are limited by: extensive data requirements, the length of study, results are not directly interpretable for decision making, simulation is often difficult, and they are applicable only at the operation or late design stage. Khan et al. (2001a) recently proposed a detailed methodology for risk assessment and safety evaluation. This methodology is simple, yet it is effective in safety and design-related decision making, and it has been applied successfully to many case studies. It is named SCAP, where S stands for safety, C and A stand for credible accident respectively, and P stands for probabilistic fault tree analysis. This paper recapitulates the SCAP methodology and demonstrates its application to a petrochemical plant.  相似文献   

A number of programs within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) currently set less-than-lifetime exposure limits in addition to the chronic reference dose (RfD) and reference concentration (RfC). A review of procedures within the USEPA for setting reference values suggests that less-thanlifetime reference values should be more routinely developed and captured in the USEPA's online IRIS database where chronic RfDs and RfCs, as well as cancer slope factors, are currently available. A review of standard testing study protocols was conducted to determine what data were available for setting acute, short-term, and longer-term reference values, as well as chronic values. This review was done from the point of view of endpoints assessed for specific organ systems (both structural and functional), life stages covered by exposure and outcome, durations of exposure covered and the outcomes evaluated for each, and evaluation of latency to response and/or reversibility of effects. This review revealed a number of data gaps and research needs, including the need for an acute and/or short-term testing protocol that can be used to set acute and shortterm reference values, a strategy for when to conduct more extensive testing based on initial screening data or other information (e.g., chemical class, pharmacokinetics, mode of action), additonal standard testing guidlines protocols to allow more complete assessment of certain organ systems and life stages, development of pharmacokinetic data for different life stages, toxicity related to aging, and latency to response, particularly long-term latency as a result of developmental exposures. The implications of this review are discussed relative to characterizing hazard data for setting reference values, and the potential effects on uncertainty factors and low-dose extrapolation.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment and management have grown from a long history of assessment and management activities aimed at improving the everyday lives of humans. The background against which ecological risk assessment and management has developed is discussed and recent trends in the development of risk assessment and management frameworks documented. Seven frameworks from five different countries are examined. All maintain an important role for science, suggest adaptive approaches to decision-making and have well-defined analytical steps. Differences in approaches toward the separation of policy and science, the preference for management over assessment, the inclusion of stakeholders, the iterative nature of the analytical cycle, the use of decision criteria and economic information suggest considerable evolution in framework design over time. Despite the changes, no consensus on the design of a framework is apparent and work remains to be done on refining an integrative framework that effectively incorporates both policy and science considerations for environmental management purposes.  相似文献   

After 20 years of development, ecological risk assessment is widely accepted. However, it is evolving in response to a variety of technical and societal pressures. First, pressure for greater simplicity and standardization arise from the expectation that risk assessments should require little time and resources but be defensible. Second, the advance of the environmental sciences and increasing awareness of the complexity of ecological responses generate pressure for greater realism. Third, the dominance of human health risk assessment generates a pressure to integrate ecological risk assessment with that dominant field. Fourth, the demand for cost-benefit analysis creates pressure for integration with environmental economics. Finally, the need to connect the practice of ecological epidemiology with risk-based decision-making creates a pressure of the formation of a single integrated ecological assessment practice.  相似文献   

羊肚菌食品毒理学安全性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了羊肚菌子实体的食品毒理学安全性,结果表明羊肚菌小鼠经口服LD50>10g/kg.BW,属无毒级;鼠伤寒沙门氏菌/哺乳动物微粒体酶试验、骨髓微核试验及小鼠精子畸变试验表明该样品无致突变作用、对雄性生殖细胞无遗传毒性;30天喂养试验结果表明对动物最大毒理学无作用剂量大于3.0g/kg·BW/d.可以作保健食品的原料.  相似文献   

The food industry is under pressure to improve food safety, implement efficient risk management, and control quality “from farm to fork.” During processing of raw materials into packaged consumable products, food may be influenced by biological and chemical pollution and other various environmental factors. Risk assessment of a food production process was studied in this work. The novelty of this work lies in analyzing the development laws of food safety risk in serial and parallel modes, and developing a heuristic algorithm of polynomial time to minimize safety risks in food production with a constant budget. This algorithm was validated by a numerical example of peanut milk production. The primary procedures in peanut milk production were found and the advice on investment allocation was given to improve production.  相似文献   

Approaches for Integrated Risk Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing the need to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of risk assessments globally, the World Health Organization's International Programme on Chemical Safety, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the European Commission, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development developed a collaborative partnership to foster integration of assessment approaches used to evaluate human health and ecological risks. The objectives of this effort included: improving understanding of the benefits of integration, identifying obstacles to the integration process, and engaging key agencies, organizations, and scientific societies to promote integration. A framework with supporting documentation was developed to describe an approach for integration. Four case studies were constructed to illustrate how integrated risk assessments might be conducted for chemical and nonchemical stressors. The concepts and approaches developed in the project were evaluated in an international workshop. The goal of this effort was international acceptance of guidance for integrated risk assessment.  相似文献   

Failure of on-going management programs to restore oyster populations in Chesapeake Bay, USA, prompted state and federal agencies to consider the introduction of the non-native Asian oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis). An ecological risk assessment (ERA) of the proposed introduction was an essential element in preparation of a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS). The ERA had to assess risks of not only the proposed action (Asian oyster introduction) but also of the eight alternatives evaluated in the PEIS. The ERA suggested that the risk that the Asian oyster would not provide ecosystem services similar to those afforded by the native Eastern oyster was low, but there was moderate uncertainty associated with that conclusion. There was a non-zero risk of self-sustaining Asian oyster populations becoming established even if aquaculture with triploid, purportedly sterile Asian oysters were to be permitted. Nearly all of the risk conclusions had associated moderate to high uncertainty, not providing the level of proof that the agencies felt sufficient to justify proceeding with any action involving the Asian oyster. The irreversible nature of an introduction of the species bolstered that decision. Maryland and Virginia agencies have implemented numerous actions focused on the native oyster, but the outcome of these on-going actions is not yet known.  相似文献   

预报微生物学在食品安全风险评估中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中国食品工业的发展,食品安全问题日益凸显, 建立一种准确及时的食品安全风险评估是产品市场对食品安全体系提出的挑战。预报微生物学是食品安全风险评估的核心预警技术, 依据建立的预报微生物学模型, 可快速地对食品中的致病菌和腐败菌生长情况进行判断, 对食品中病原微生物和腐败微生物的控制有重要的意义。本文概述了预报微生物学模型的建立和研究现状, 探讨预报微生物学在食品安全风险评估中的应用现状, 概述了预报微生物学模型在食品安全风险评估应用中的发展前景。  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is a process that evaluates the potential for adverse ecological effects occurring as a result of exposure to contaminants or other stressors. ERA begins with hazard identification/problem formulation, progresses to effects and exposure assessment, and finishes with risk characterization (an estimate of the incidence and severity of any adverse effects likely to occur). Risk management initially sets the boundaries of the ERA and then uses its results for decision-making. Key information required for an ERA includes: the emissions, pathways and rates of movement of contaminants in the environment; and, information on the relationship between contaminant concentrations and the incidence and (or) severity of adverse effects. Because of specific properties and characteristics of metals in general and of certain metals in particular, a generalized ERA process applicable to organic substances is inappropriate for metals. First, metals are naturally occurring and can arise, sometimes in very high concentrations, from non-anthropogenic sources; organisms can and do adapt to a wide range of metal concentrations. Second, certain metals (e.g., copper, zinc) are essential for biotic health, which means there is an effect threshold for both deficiency and excess, and that standard body burden indices such as bioaccumulation factors (BCFs) can be misleading. Third, metals can occur in the environment in a variety of forms that are more or less available to biota but adverse biological effects can only occur if metals are or may become bioavailable. Fourth, whereas the bioavailability and hence the possibility of toxicity of persistent organic substances are mainly dependent on their intrinsic properties (i.e., lipophilicity), those of metals are generally controlled by external environmental conditions. Examples include pH and ligands, which affect the metal speciation and coexisting cations (e.g., H+, Ca2+) which compete with the metal ions. ERAs involving metals must include the above four major considerations; other considerations vary depending on whether the ERA is for a site, a region, or is global in scope.  相似文献   

Risk assessment is necessary for registration and risk management of new pesticides. The aim of this article is to discuss challenges that risk assessors in Africa face when conducting risk assessment of pesticides. Risk assessment requires toxicity assessment, environmental fate studies, and the use of models for occupational, dietary, residential, and environmental exposure assessments. Toxicity studies are very costly with the result that toxicity data used to register pesticides in Africa are often sourced from northern hemisphere countries. Assessors also often use exposure modeling results from the northern hemisphere. This is not an ideal approach as occupational exposure is influenced by agricultural practices, climatic conditions, and other factors. Furthermore, residential exposure models require time-location-activity information, exposure factors, and toxicokinetic rate constants for particular pesticides. Dietary exposure assessment needs accurate and comprehensive local food consumption data. Authorities in African countries should therefore generate the required data, despite these being very costly and tedious. Authorities should also provide guidance on the type of models and standard scenarios for estimating predicted environmental concentrations in various environmental compartments. It is recommended that higher educational institutions in Africa should incorporate risk assessment in general and pesticide toxicity and exposure models in particular in their curricula.  相似文献   

目的:为研究复合生物杀菌剂F6.11毒性,采用动物实验法进行毒理学评价。方法:对复合生物杀菌剂F6-11进行小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、亚急性毒性试验、家兔多次完整皮肤刺激试验、急性眼刺激试验、豚鼠皮肤变态反应试验、鱼类延长毒性14天试验。结果:复合生物杀菌剂F6—11对小鼠急性毒性LD50〉5000mg/kg.bw,属于实际无毒级物质;小鼠微核试验该杀菌剂各剂量组与阴性对照组比较,微核率无显著性差异(P〉0.05);亚急性毒性试验动物血常规、生化指标及各脏器均未发现异常;对家兔多次完整皮肤及眼刺激反应积分均为0,均属无刺激性;对豚鼠皮肤变态反应试验组动物与阴性对照组无可见不同.试验组动物皮肤致敏反应积分为0,无致敏作用;鱼类延长毒性14天试验无异常。结论:毒理学研究表明,复合生物杀菌剂F6.11具有良好的使用安全性。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, risk assessment has become increasingly relied upon for helping to make environmental management decisions. This trend has been accompanied by research and refinements in basic risk assessment methodologies to improve our ability to understand and evaluate the human health risks associated with chemical exposures.Despite this progress, significant uncertainties continue to be associated with the risk assessment process. These uncertainties typically derive from gaps in available data regarding chemical toxicity, and from difficulties in reliably estimating the magnitude of chemical exposures. Given these limitations, risk assessment is generally most valuable in evaluating relative risk; for example, when comparing alternatives to achieving a specified goal, setting priorities for protecting human health, or establishing procedures for properly allocating resources. Risk assessment can also be useful for developing regulatory benchmarks such as permit limits for air or water. In many cases, however, the limitations of the risk assessment process make it difficult (if not impossible) to reliably estimate an absolute level of risk, especially for a specific individual in an exposed population. In such cases, risk assessment can be seriously misapplied, and its results misinterpreted.This paper discusses some of the challenges that have been faced by the field of risk assessment during the 1990s. Current trends in risk assessment, and its use by regulatory agencies in making risk management decisions, are also described.  相似文献   

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