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The distribution of the subslab soil gas attenuation factor α for residential houses was simulated using a mathematical relationship that quantifies the influence of stack and wind effects on vapor intrusion. The simulations presented in this article account for variations in leak distribution on the building envelope, effective leakage area distribution in the U.S. residential housing stock, and temperature and wind speed conditions for 20 U.S. cities in seven temperature-based climate zones. For the most air-tight type of houses (“energy-efficient”) in these climate zones, the 95th percentile of the annual mean α ranges from 0.001 to 0.004 as the annual mean temperature goes from 20°C to 3°C. The less air-tight types of houses (“low-income” and “conventional”) have α distributions with lower values. Utility of the simulations in assessing short-term vapor intrusion exposures is also demonstrated by constructing distributions of the maximum 21-day average for the year. The 95th percentile of these short-term α distributions for energy-efficient houses ranges from 0.002 to 0.005. The results presented in this article support the development of vapor intrusion screening levels that are based on values of α appropriate for a climate zone and housing type.  相似文献   

The relationship between subsurface contaminant concentrations and indoor air concentrations, arising from the migration of contaminant vapors into buildings, is affected by a number of complex processes and parameters, many of which are subject to uncertainty. A study was undertaken to develop a simplified relationship between subsurface contaminant concentrations and indoor air concentrations. This relationship is intended for use as a screening tool to determine the relative significance of vapor transport and inhalation as an exposure scenario in the establishment of soil quality guidelines. The relationship was developed using a proprietary model to analyze the infiltration of subsurface vapors into buildings. A probabilistic analysis of the relationship, using a form of Monte Carlo simulation, was undertaken to estimate the dilution of contaminant concentrations between the source (soil gas) and point of exposure (indoor air). Using standardized values for certain parameters and generic distributions for key variables, probability distributions were generated for the dilution factor as a function of contaminant depth and soil type.  相似文献   

A systematic examination of cases on file with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection was undertaken to identify a universe of sites with volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination in groundwater in close proximity to buildings. Such locations were grouped according to site variables, such as contaminants of concern and concentrations in various media; soil type; depth to groundwater; distance to building; and building construction. Indoor air, soil gas, and/or groundwater field data collected from these sites was then assembled and used to: (1) evaluate available transport models which describe the intrusion of vapors into buildings and predict indoor air contaminant concentrations resulting from the volatilization of VOC s in the subsurface; (2) examine the validity of established regulatory criteria; (3) identify specific trends and field conditions which appear to most influence vapor phase contaminant migration and intrusion processes; and (4) evaluate the possibility of vapor migration being inhibited by a "freshwater lens".  相似文献   

The indoor air inhalation pathway for volatile contaminants in soil and groundwater has received much attention recently. The risk of exposure may be higher when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reside as constituents of a free product plume below residential or commercial structures than when dissolved in groundwater or adsorbed on soil. A methodology was developed for assessing the potential for vapor phase migration—and associated risk of indoor air inhalation—of volatile constituents from a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) plume on top of the water table. The potential risk from inhalation of VOCs in indoor air emanating from a subsurface Jet Fuel 4 (JP-4) plume by hypothetical residential receptors was assessed at a site. Chemicals of concern (COCs) were identified and evaluated using data from the composition of JP-4 mixtures and published chemical, physical, and toxicological data. The method estimates the equilibrium vapor concentrations of JP-4 constituents using Raoult's Law for partial vapor pressure of mixtures based on assumptions about the mixture composition of JP-4. The maximum allowable vapor concentration at the source (immediately above the LNAPL) corresponding to an indoor air target concentration based on acceptable risk levels are calculated using the Johnson and Ettinger model. The model calculates the attenuation factor caused by the migration of the vapor phase VOCs through the soil column above the JP-4 plume and through subsurface foundation slabs. Finally, the maximum allowable soil gas concentrations above the LNAPL for individual constituents were calculated using this methodology and compared to the calculated equilibrium vapor concentrations of each COC to assess the likelihood of potential risk from the indoor air inhalation pathway.  相似文献   

Significant media and regulatory attention has been given to hazardous waste sites and to the remediation of such sites to protect nearby building occupants. Soil vapor intrusion (SVI) can be a major factor contributing to increased occupant expo sure to chemicals. However, there are many possible sources of indoor air pollution, thus complicating routine assessments. The intent of this paper is to provide an overview of the state of understanding related to chemical fate in the indoor environment. A generalized model is presented in the form of an ordinary differential equation that includes several terms that are not commonly accounted for in models involving the effects of SVI in indoor air. In addition to soil vapor intrusion several other sources of indoor contamination are described. Typical air exchange rates for residential dwellings are presented. Finally, recent findings related to the sorptive interactions between indoor air pollutants and indoor materials, as well as homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions that can affect indoor air pollutants are described.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a field study to evaluate the use of helium as a tracer gas during soil vapor sampling. The authors found that the helium tracer method recommended in regulatory guidance can detect atmospheric leakage. However, the degree of leakage can be underestimated due to: 1) losses of helium from the tracer reservoir during sampling; 2) the entry of atmospheric air from an area outside the tracer reservoir; 3) temporal variability of leakage; and 4) flow-related reduction in helium detector response. Frequent leakage was observed in soil vapor probes installed using conventional direct push techniques. Probes installed at a depth of 8 ft exhibited less leakage than those installed at 4 ft. Probes installed in glacial till exhibited greater and more frequent leakage than those installed in sandy loam. Based on the frequency of observed leakage, refinement and standardization of tracer methods, with routine incorporation of tracers and in-line pressure and flow monitoring, is recommended.  相似文献   

The wind chill factor has become a standard meteorologic term in cold climates. Meteorologic charts provide wind chill temperatures meant to represent the hypothetical air temperature that would, under conditions of no wind, effect the same heat loss from unclothed human skin as does the actual combination of air temperature and wind velocity. As this wind chill factor has social and economic significance, an investigation was conducted on the development of this factor and its applicability based on modern heat transfer principles. The currently used wind chill factor was found to be based on a primitive study conducted by the U.S. Antarctic Service over 50 years ago. The resultant equation for the wind chill temperature assumes an unrealistic constant skin temperature and utilizes heat transfer coefficients that differ markedly from those obtained from equations of modern convective heat transfer methods. The combined effect of these two factors is to overestimate the effect of a given wind velocity and to predict a wind chill temperature that is too low.  相似文献   

The soil vapor to indoor air exposure pathway is considered in a wide number of risk-based site management programs. In screening-level assessments of this exposure pathway, models are typically used to estimate the transport of vapors from either subsurface soils or groundwater to indoor air. Published studies indicate that the simple models used to evaluate this exposure pathway often over estimate the impact for aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xy-lene or BTEX), while showing reasonable agreement for estimates of chlorinated hydrocarbon impacts (e.g., PCE, TCE, DCE). Aerobic biodegradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons is most often attributed as the source of this disparity in the model/ data comparisons. This paper looks at the significance of aerobic biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons as part of the assessment of chemical vapor intrusion from soil or groundwater to indoor air. A review of relevant literature summarizing the available field data as well as various modeling approaches that include biodegradation is presented. This is followed by a simple modeling analysis that demonstrates the potential importance of biodegradation in the assessment of the soil vapor to indoor air exposure pathway. The paper concludes with brief discussions of other model considerations that are often not included in simple models but may have a significant impact on the intrusion of vapors into indoor air.  相似文献   

Bioventing soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Bioventing combines the capabilities of soil venting and enhanced bioremediation to cost-effectively remove light and middle distillate hydrocarbons from vadose zone soils and the groundwater table. Soil venting removes the more volatile fuel components from unsaturated soil and promotes aerobic biodegradation by driving large volumes of air into the subsurface. In theory, air is several thousand times more effective than water in penetrating and aerating fuel-saturated and low permeability soil horizons. Aerobic microbial degradation can mitigate both residual and vapor phase hydrocarbon concentrations. Soil venting is being evaluated at a number of U.S. military sites contaminated with middle distillate fuels to determine its potential to stimulate in situ aerobic biodegradation and to develop techniques to promote in situ vapor phase degradation. In situ respirometric evaluations and field pilot studies at sites with varying soil conditions indicate that bioventing is a cost-effective method to treat soils contaminated with jet fuels and diesel.  相似文献   

The use of models to predict indoor air quality and health risk for the soil vapor transport to indoor air pathway is commonplace; however, there is significant uncertainty surrounding processes and factors affecting this pathway, and the accuracy of models used. Available screening models were evaluated through a review of model characteristics and sensitivity, and through comparisons to measured conditions at field sites. Model simulations and comparisons to field data indicate that the vapor attenuation ratio (α) is highly sensitive to certain processes (e.g., biodegradation and ad-vection) and input parameters. Comparisons of model predicted to measured a values indicate that models based on the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) framework in most cases result in predictions that are conservative by up to one to two orders of magnitude for field sites that were assessed, providing that appropriate input parameters are used. However, for sites where the advection potential is high, these models may not be conservative. The potential for advective transport of vapors into building may be significant for sites with shallow contamination, high permeability soil and foundation and high building underpressurization. The paper concludes with possible tiered management framework for the soil vapor pathway.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion (VI) is the migration of subsurface vapors, including radon and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), from the subsurface to indoor air. The VI exposure pathway extends from the contaminant source, which can be impacted soil or groundwater, to indoor air-exposure points. VOC contaminants of concern typically include halogenated solvents as well as petroleum hydrocarbons. Radon, a colorless radioactive gas that is released by radioactive decay of radionuclides in rock and soil, migrates into homes through VI in a similar fashion to VOCs. This project focused on the performance of permanent versus temporary sub-slab sampling ports for the determination of VI of halogenated VOCs and radon into an unoccupied house. VOC and radon concentrations measured simultaneously in soil gas using collocated temporary and permanent ports appeared to be independent of the type of port. The variability between collocated temporary and permanent ports was much less than the spatial variability between different locations within a single residential duplex. Post sampling leak test results suggested that the temporary SSP desiccation and cracking of the clay portion of the seal were not as detrimental to the port seal performance as would have been expected, this suggests that the Teflon tape portion of the seals served an important function. Pre and post sampling leak tests are advisable when temporary ports are used to collect a time-integrated sample. These results suggest that temporary sub-slab sampling ports can provide data equivalent to that collected from a permanent sub-slab sampling port.  相似文献   

The main objective of the study was derivation of risk-based soil screening levels (RBSSLs) under two basic exposure scenarios—industrial and residential, and their comparison with the relevant soil quality standards (SQSs), applied in Poland as remedial targets. The RBSSLs were derived from standardized sets of equations that are based on the recently updated U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's human health risk assessment methods. The article presents the results concerning 12 contaminants listed in the SQS ordinance: arsenic, barium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, tin, and zinc. Taking only the human health protection criterion into account, most of SQSs for non-carcinogenic metals under both industrial and residential scenarios seem to be too stringent if used as the remedial levels, which may lead to unnecessary remediation. On the other hand, the SQSs for carcinogenic contaminants (As, CrVI) correspond to cancer risk levels significantly higher than the acceptable level of 1E-06. The findings of the study may constitute the first step to justify the amendment of the Polish SQS ordinance aimed at establishing the new soil quality values based on clearly defined criteria.  相似文献   

Contaminant biodegradation in unsaturated soils may reduce the risks of vapor intrusion. However, the reported rates show large variability and are often derived from slurry experiments that are not representative of unsaturated conditions. Here, different laboratory setups are used to derive the biodegradation capacity of an unsaturated soil layer through which gaseous toluene migrates from the water table upwards. Experiments in static unsaturated soil microcosms at 6–30 % water-filled porosity (WFP) and unsaturated soil columns at 9, 14, and 27 % WFP were compared with liquid batches containing the same culture of Alicycliphilus denitrificans. The biodegradation rates for the liquid batches were orders of magnitude lower than for the other setups. Hence, liquid batches do not necessarily reflect optimal conditions for bacteria; either oxygen or toluene mass transfer at the cell scale or the absence of soil–water–air interfaces seemed to be limiting bacterial activity. For the column setup, the rates were limited by mass supply. The microcosm results could be described by apparent first-order biodegradation constants that increased with WFP or through a numerical model that included biodegradation as a first-order process taking place in the liquid phase only. The model liquid phase first-order rates varied between 6.25 and 20 h?1 and were not related to the water content. Substrate availability was the primary factor limiting bioactivity, with evidence for physiological stress at the lowest water-filled porosity. The presented approach is useful to derive liquid phase biodegradation rates from experimental data and to include biodegradation in vapor intrusion models.  相似文献   

Soil‐vapor extraction (SVE) is a standard and effective in situ treatment for the removal of volatile contaminants from vadose‐zone soil. The duration of SVE operation required to reach site closure is quite variable, however, ranging up to several years or more. An understanding of the contaminant recovery rate as a function of distance from each vapor‐extraction well allows SVE systems to be designed so that cleanup goals can be achieved within a specified time frame.

A simple one‐dimensional model has been developed that provides a rough estimate of the effective cleanup radius (defined as “the maximum distance from a vapor extraction point through which sufficient air is drawn to remove the required fraction of contamination in the desired time") for SVE systems. Because the model uses analytical rather than numerical methods, it has advantages over more sophisticated, multidimensional models, including simplicity, speed, versatility, and robustness.

The contaminant removal rate at a given distance from the vapor‐extraction point is assumed to be a function of the local rate of soil‐gas flow, the contaminant soil concentration, and the contaminant volatility. Soil‐gas flow rate as a function of distance from the vapor‐extraction point is estimated from pilot test data by assuming that the infiltration of atmospheric air through the soil surface is related to the vacuum in the soil. Although widely applicable, the model should be used with some caution when the vadose zone is highly stratified or when venting contaminated soil greater than 30 ft below grade. Since 1992, Groundwater Technology, Inc. has been using this model routinely as a design tool for SVE systems.  相似文献   

王凯  梁红  施鹏  赵鸣 《生态学报》2019,39(16):6051-6057
城市开放空间的风场不仅影响微环境的"风感"舒适度还影响宏观尺度的城市气候。从景感生态学的角度出发,首先阐述"风感"的定义,总结了街道峡谷空间风场的基本规律和特点。运用Kestrel NK4500手持气象站对城市开放空间的风环境进行实测,采用CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)模拟软件Fluent 14.0对不含绿地的同一空间进行风环境模拟,通过两者的数据比对来研究紧凑型城市开放空间内绿地对行人高度风场的实际干扰程度。结果发现,紧凑型城市开放空间的"风感"受建筑和绿地空间布局的共同影响。当建筑高于绿地时,风场受建筑的控制;当林带高于建筑时,林带对风环境的影响程度受其疏密度影响。疏密度较高的常绿林带对风向和风速影响很大,而疏密度较低的林带会影响风速,对风向影响不大。影响风速的主要因素是空间围合所形成的空气域,相比实体、多孔介质,空气域对风的阻力要小的多。如铺装、草坪上方的通风廊道是影响行人高度层通风、导风的关键因素。紧凑型空间内的绿地在行人高度应保持通畅以保证通风,并通过建立平面和竖向上的通风、导风廊道体系,促进空气循环。  相似文献   

This study used field data from three sites in Southern California to evaluate vapor phase transport from: (1) free product (die-sel and gasoline spill) on groundwater; (2) dissolved benzene (gasoline spill) in groundwater; and (3) hydrocarbon-impacted soil (gasoline spill) in the vadose zone. A sampling program to evaluate the vapor pathway included the following: vertical profile data, minimal purging prior to sample collection, field analysis of data, confirmation of field data using a fixed laboratory analysis, and soil physical property data. Comparison of hydrocarbon vapor concentrations measured in this field study with those calculated using vapor diffusion models suggest that an additional attenuation factor of between 500 and 35,000 is needed to account for observed concentrations. Comparison of hydrocarbon profiles with oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane values is consistent with the interpretation that biodegradation is primarily responsible for the observed attenuation. Therefore, vapor pathway models that do not account for bioattenuation will result in a large overesti-mation of the risk at spill sites and will not be consistent with field data.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地面风场的特征及其城市群风道的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙武  王义明  王越雷  陈东梅  陈世栋 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5630-5636
利用珠三角20个观测站1964—1983年的风数据分析了珠三角城市群地面风场风向、风速分布与季节变化特征,并基于经验正交函数(EOF)进行了地面风场的空间分类。呈缺口盆地地形的珠三角风速较低,为3—2 m/s,整个区域风速南高北低;以伶仃洋为界,西岸高于东岸;西南部潭江谷地夏季多南风,冬季为北风,东岸东江谷底全年多东风,北江与西江河谷冬季盛行北风,夏季为东南风。综合风向与风速,结合地形,可将珠三角地面风场由南向北依次划分为较高风速区、中风速区和低风速区三类。根据空间尺度以及在区域中发挥的作用,珠三角城市群应构建多级风道,且风道还有常年与季节之别:伶仃洋(伶仃洋—虎门—狮子洋—广州水道)、西江(磨刀门—九江—三水)、潭江河谷应属于一级常年风道;北江(清远—三水)和东江(博罗—狮子洋)为一级季节风道。广州—三水段、黄埔—东莞段、中山—江门段以及伶仃洋段是影响整个珠三角大气环境质量风道的枢纽地段。城市群规划中对枢纽段超高建筑群进行风环境影响的评价,对枢纽段河道宽度、建筑物高度与密度的控制,将有助于提高珠三角城市群的空气质量,并防范下垫面粗糙度改变引起峡谷风的新风险。  相似文献   

An experimental system for sampling trace gas fluxes through seasonal snowpack was deployed at a subalpine site near treeline at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. The sampling manifold was in place throughout the entire snow-covered season for continuous air sampling with minimal disturbance to the snowpack. A series of gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds) was determined in interstitial air withdrawn at eight heights in and above the snowpack at ~hourly intervals. In this paper, carbon dioxide data from 2007 were used for evaluation of this technique. Ancillary data recorded inlcuded snow physical properties, i.e., temperature, pressure, and density. Various vertical concentration gradients were determined from the multiple height measurements, which allowed calculation of vertical gas fluxes through the snowpack using Fick’s 1st law of diffusion. Comparison of flux results obtained from different height inlet combinations show that under most conditions fluxes derived from individual gradient intervals agree with the overall median of all data within a factor of 1.5. Winds were found to significantly influence gas concentration and gradients in the snowpack. Under the highest observed wind conditions, concentration gradients and calculated fluxes dropped to as low as 13% of non-wind conditions. Measured differential pressure amplitude exhibited a linear relationship with wind speed. This suggests that wind speed is a sound proxy for assessing advection transport in the snow. Neglecting the wind-pumping effect resulted in considerable underestimation of gas fluxes. An analysis of dependency of fluxes on wind speeds during a 3-week period in mid-winter determined that over this period actual gas fluxes were most likely 57% higher than fluxes calculated by the diffusion method, which omits the wind pumping dependency. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA drives internal initiation of viral protein synthesis during host cell infection. In the tertiary structure of the IRES RNA, two helical junctions create recognition sites for direct binding of the 40S ribosomal subunit and eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3). The 2.8 A resolution structure of the IIIabc four-way junction, which is critical for binding eIF3, reveals how junction nucleotides interact with an adjacent helix to position regions directly involved in eIF3 recognition. Two of the emergent helices stack to form a nearly continuous A-form duplex, while stacking of the other two helices is interrupted by the insertion of junction residues into the helix minor groove. This distorted stack probably serves as an important recognition surface for the translational machinery.  相似文献   

Material stocks are an important part of the social metabolism. Owing to long service lifetimes of stocks, they not only shape resource flows during construction, but also during use, maintenance, and at the end of their useful lifetime. This makes them an important topic for sustainable development. In this work, a model of stocks and flows for nonmetallic minerals in residential buildings, roads, and railways in the EU25, from 2004 to 2009 is presented. The changing material composition of the stock is modeled using a typology of 72 residential buildings, four road and two railway types, throughout the EU25. This allows for estimating the amounts of materials in in‐use stocks of residential buildings and transportation networks, as well as input and output flows. We compare the magnitude of material demands for expansion versus those for maintenance of existing stock. Then, recycling potentials are quantitatively explored by comparing the magnitude of estimated input, waste, and recycling flows from 2004 to 2009 and in a business‐as‐usual scenario for 2020. Thereby, we assess the potential impacts of the European Waste Framework Directive, which strives for a significant increase in recycling. We find that in the EU25, consisting of highly industrialized countries, a large share of material inputs are directed at maintaining existing stocks. Proper management of existing transportation networks and residential buildings is therefore crucial for the future size of flows of nonmetallic minerals.  相似文献   

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