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Endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF, identical to prokineticin 1) is a novel peptide recently identified as a selective mitogen for endocrine gland endothelial cells. The present study demonstrates that EG-VEGF/prokineticin 1 and a peptide closely related to EG-VEGF, prokineticin 2, are cognate ligands of two orphan G-protein-coupled receptors designated ZAQ (=EG-VEGF/PK-R1) and I5E (=EG-VEGF/PK-R2). EG-VEGF/prokineticin 1 and prokineticin 2 induced a transient increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) with nanomolar potency in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing EG-VEGF/PK-R1 and -R2 and bind to these cells with high affinity and with different receptor selectivity. EG-VEGF/prokineticins provoke rapid phosphorylation of p44/42 MAP kinase and DNA synthesis in the bovine adrenal capillary endothelial cells (BACE). The mRNAs of both EG-VEGF/PK-R1 and -R2 were expressed in BACE. The identification of the receptors for EG-VEGF/prokineticins may provide a novel molecular basis for the regulation of angiogenesis in endocrine glands.  相似文献   

Joost P  Methner A 《Genome biology》2002,3(11):research0063.1-research006316


G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest and most diverse family of transmembrane receptors. They respond to a wide range of stimuli, including small peptides, lipid analogs, amino-acid derivatives, and sensory stimuli such as light, taste and odor, and transmit signals to the interior of the cell through interaction with heterotrimeric G proteins. A large number of putative GPCRs have no identified natural ligand. We hypothesized that a more complete knowledge of the phylogenetic relationship of these orphan receptors to receptors with known ligands could facilitate ligand identification, as related receptors often have ligands with similar structural features.


A database search excluding olfactory and gustatory receptors was used to compile a list of accession numbers and synonyms of 81 orphan and 196 human GPCRs with known ligands. Of these, 241 sequences belonging to the rhodopsin receptor-like family A were aligned and a tentative phylogenetic tree constructed by neighbor joining. This tree and local alignment tools were used to define 19 subgroups of family A small enough for more accurate maximum-likelihood analyses. The secretin receptor-like family B and metabotropic glutamate receptor-like family C were directly subjected to these methods.


Our trees show the overall relationship of 277 GPCRs with emphasis on orphan receptors. Support values are given for each branch. This approach may prove valuable for identification of the natural ligands of orphan receptors as their relation to receptors with known ligands becomes more evident.  相似文献   

Despite current drug therapies, including those that target enzymes, channels and known G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), cardiovascular disease remains the major cause of ill health, which suggests that other transmitter systems might be involved in this disease. In humans, ∼175 genes have been predicted to encode ‘orphan’ GPCRs, where the endogenous ligand is not yet known. As a result of intensive screening using ‘reverse pharmacology’, an increasing number of orphan receptors are being paired with their cognate ligands, many of which are peptides. The existence of some of these peptides such as urotensin-II and relaxin had been known for some time but others, including ghrelin and apelin, represent novel sequences. The pharmacological characterization of these emerging peptide–receptor systems is a tantalising area of cardiovascular research, with the prospect of identifying new therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Identification of surrogate ligands for orphan G protein-coupled receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We prepared fusion proteins with an alpha subunit of G protein Gi (Gi1alpha) of 26 orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and with Gsalpha of 10 orphan GPCRs, most of which had been identified from the human genome previously [FEBS Lett 520 (2002) 97]. Ligands for these fusion proteins were screened from a library consisting of approximately 1000 authentic compounds by measuring their effect on [35S]GTPgammaS binding to membrane preparations of insect Sf9 cells expressing these fusion proteins. Eleven compounds were found to act as surrogate agonists for a GPCR-Gsalpha and four GPCR-Gialpha fusion proteins, a compound as an inverse agonist for two GPCR-Gsalpha fusion proteins, and a compound as an endogenous agonist for a GPCR-Gialpha fusion protein.  相似文献   

The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application ofpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searchingstrategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of theseprotein molecules will be involved in protein–protein interactions (e.g. growth factors,receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellularprocess. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novelproteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as orphan molecules.Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands orreceptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biologicalextracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification,purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically thesynergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application of polymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searching strategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of these protein molecules will be involved in protein-protein interactions (e.g. growth factors, receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellular process. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novel proteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as ‘orphan’ molecules. Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands or receptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biological extracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification, purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically the synergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques. These authors made equivalent contributions.  相似文献   

Gene therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) has focused on correcting electrolyte transport in airway epithelia. However, success has been limited by the failure of vectors to attach and enter into airway epithelia, and may require redirecting vectors to targets on the apical membrane of airway cells that mediate these functions. The G-protein-coupled P2Y2 receptor (P2Y2-R) is abundantly expressed on the airway lumenal surface and internalizes into coated pits upon agonist activation. We tested whether a small-molecule-agonist (UTP) could direct vectors to P2Y2-R and mediate attachment, internalization, and gene transfer. Fluorescein-UTP studies demonstrated that P2Y2-R agonists internalized with their receptor, and biotinylated UTP (BUTP) mediated P2Y2-R-specific internalization of fluorescently labeled streptavidin (SAF) or SAF conjugated to biotinylated Cy3 adenoviral-vector (BCAV). BUTP conjugated to BCAV mediated P2Y2-R-specific gene transfer in (1) adenoviral-resistant A9 and polarized MDCK cells by means of heterologous P2Y2-R, and (2) well-differentiated human airway epithelial cells by means of endogenous P2Y2-R. Targeting vectors with small-molecule-ligands to apical membrane G-protein-coupled receptors may be a feasible approach for successful CF gene therapy.  相似文献   

To date there has been a considerable amount of interest and success in the pharmaceutical industry in the discovery of drug targets and diagnostics via genomic technologies, namely DNA sequencing, mutation/polymorphism detection and expression monitoring of mRNA. As the ultimate targets for the majority of these methods are actually proteins, more and more emphasis has been placed upon protein-based methods in an effort to define the function of proteins discovered by genomic technologies. One of the most challenging areas of drug target discovery facing researchers today is the search for novel receptor-ligand pairs. Database mining techniques in conjunction with other computational methods are able to identify many novel sequences of putative receptors, but the ability to similarly identify the receptor's natural ligand is not possible by these methods. The past few years have seen an increase in methodology and instrumentation focused on the ability to discover and characterize protein-protein interactions, as well as receptor-ligand pairs. Significant advances have been made in the areas of instrumentation (biosensors and fluorescent plate readers) as well as methodologies relating to phage/ribosome display and library construction.  相似文献   

Nondenaturing electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been used to reveal the presence of potential ligands in the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of orphan nuclear receptors. This new approach, based on supramolecular mass spectrometry, allowed the detection and identification of fortuitous ligands for the retinoic acid-related orphan receptor beta (RORbeta) and the ultraspiracle protein (USP). These fortuitous ligands were specifically captured from the host cell with the proper stoichiometry. After organic extraction, these molecules have been characterized by classic analytical methods and identified as stearic acid for RORbeta and a phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) for USP, as confirmed by crystallography. These molecules act as "fillers" and may not be the physiological ligands, but they prove to be essential to stabilize the active conformation of the LBD, enabling its crystallization. The resulting crystal structures provide a detailed picture of the ligand-binding pocket, allowing the design of highly specific synthetic ligands that can be used to characterize the function of orphan nuclear receptors. An additional advantage of this new method is that it is not based on a functional test and that it can detect low-affinity ligands.  相似文献   

Adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) are the best studied insect neuropeptides with the function of mobilizing lipids and carbohydrates during energy-expensive activities and modulating fundamental physiological processes, such as sugar homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and reproduction. Three distinct cDNAs encoding the prepro-Bombyx AKH1-3 have been cloned and confirmed by mass spectrometric methods. Our previous research suggested the Bombyx AKH receptor is activated by AKH1 and AKH2 with high affinity but by AKH3 with quite low affinity. In this study, using stable functional expression of the receptors in HEK293 cells, we have now identified AKH3 as a specific ligand for two orphan G-protein-coupled receptors, and we therefore named them AKHR2a and AKHR2b, respectively. We demonstrated that both AKHR2a and AKHR2b were activated by AKH3 at high affinity and by AKH1 and AKH2 at low affinity, leading to an increase of intracellular cAMP levels and activation of ERK1/2 and receptor internalization, but they were not activated by Bombyx corazonin. Conversely, the Bombyx corazonin receptor was activated by corazonin but not by AKH1-3. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed that AKHR2a and AKHR2b were both highly expressed in the testis but were also detected at low levels in other tissues. These results will lead to a better understanding of the AKH/AKHR system in the regulation of fundamental physiological processes.  相似文献   

The structurally related orphan G-protein-coupled receptors GPR7 and GPR8 are expressed in the central nervous system, and their ligands have not been identified. Here, we report the identification of the endogenous ligand for both of these receptors. We purified the peptide ligand from porcine hypothalamus using stable Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing human GPR8 and cloned the cDNA encoding its precursor protein. The cDNA encodes two forms of the peptide ligand with lengths of 23 and 30 amino acid residues as mature peptides. We designated the two ligands neuropeptide W-23 (NPW23) and neuropeptide W-30 (NPW30). The amino acid sequence of NPW23 is completely identical to that of the N-terminal 23 residues of NPW30. Synthetic NPW23 and NPW30 activated and bound to both GPR7 and GPR8 at similar effective doses. Intracerebroventricular administration of NPW23 in rats increased food intake and stimulated prolactin release. These findings indicate that neuropeptide W is the endogenous ligand for both GPR7 and GPR8 and acts as a mediator of the central control of feeding and the neuroendocrine system.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence indicates that G-protein-coupled receptors undergo complex conformational changes upon agonist activation. It is likely that the extracellular region, including the N terminus, undergoes activation-dependent conformational changes. We examined this by generating antibodies to regions within the N terminus of micro-opioid receptors. We find that antibodies to the midportion of the N-terminal tail exhibit enhanced recognition of activated receptors, whereas those to the distal regions do not. The enhanced recognition is abolished upon treatment with agents that block G-protein coupling or deglycosylate the receptor. This suggests that the N-terminal region of mu receptors undergoes conformational changes following receptor activation that can be selectively detected by these region-specific antibodies. We used these antibodies to characterize micro receptor type-specific ligands and find that the antibodies accurately differentiate ligands with varying efficacies. Next, we examined if these antibodies can be used to investigate the extent and duration of activation of endogenous receptors. We find that peripheral morphine administration leads to a time-dependent increase in antibody binding in the striatum and prefrontal cortex with a peak at about 30 min, indicating that these antibodies can be used to probe the spatio-temporal dynamics of native mu receptors. Finally, we show that this strategy of targeting the N-terminal region to generate receptor conformation-specific antisera can be applied to other G(alpha)(i)-coupled (delta-opioid, CB1 cannabinoid, alpha(2A)-adrenergic) as well as G(alpha)(s)-(beta(2)-adrenergic) and G(alpha)(q)-coupled (AT1 angiotensin) receptors. Taken together, these studies describe antisera as tools that allow, for the first time, studies probing differential conformation states of G-protein-coupled receptors, which could be used to identify molecules of therapeutic interest.  相似文献   

The G-protein coupled receptors form a large and diverse multi-gene superfamily with many important physiological functions. As such, they have become important targets in pharmaceutical research. Molecular modelling and site-directed mutagenesis have played an important role in our increasing understanding of the structural basis of drug action at these receptors. Aspects of this understanding, how these techniques can be used within a drug-design programme, and remaining challenges for the future are reviewed.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptors are the largest group of orphan G protein-coupled receptors with an infinitely small number of agonists identified out of thousands of odorants. The de-orphaning of olfactory receptor (OR) is complicated by its combinatorial odorant coding and thus requires large scale odorant and receptor screening and establishing receptor-specific odorant profiles. Here, we report on the stable reconstitution of OR-specific signaling in HeLa/Olf cells via G protein alphaolf and adenylyl cyclase type-III to the Ca2+ influx-mediating olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated CNGA2 channel. We demonstrate the central role of Galphaolf in odorant-specific signaling out of OR. The employment of the non-typical G protein alpha15 dramatically altered the odorant specificities of 3 of 7 receptors that had been characterized previously by different groups. We further show for two OR that an odorant may be an agonist or antagonist, depending on the G protein used. HeLa/Olf cells proved suitable for high-throughput screening in fluorescence-imaging plate reader experiments, resulting in the de-orphaning of two new OR for the odorant (-)citronellal from an expression library of 93 receptors. To demonstrate the G protein dependence of its odorant response pattern, we screened the most sensitive (-)citronellal receptor Olfr43 versus 94 odorants simultaneously in the presence of Galpha15 or Galphaolf. We finally established an EC50-ranking odorant profile for Olfr43 in HeLa/Olf cells. In summary, we conclude that, in heterologous systems, odorants may function as agonists or antagonists, depending on the G protein used. HeLa/Olf cells provide an olfactory model system for functional expression and de-orphaning of OR.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors and melanoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are the largest family of receptors with over 500 members. Evaluation of GPCR gene expression in primary human tumors identified over-expression of GPCR in several tumor types. Analysis of cancer samples in different disease stages also suggests that some GPCR may be involved in early tumor progression and others may play a critical role in tumor invasion and metastasis. Currently, >50% of drug targets to various human diseases are based on GPCR. In this review, the relationships between several GPCR and melanoma development and/or progression will be discussed. Finally, the possibility of using one or more of these GPCR as therapeutic targets in melanoma will be summarized.  相似文献   

Modelling G-protein-coupled receptors for drug design.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The G-protein coupled receptors form a large and diverse multi-gene superfamily with many important physiological functions. As such, they have become important targets in pharmaceutical research. Molecular modelling and site-directed mutagenesis have played an important role in our increasing understanding of the structural basis of drug action at these receptors. Aspects of this understanding, how these techniques can be used within a drug-design programme, and remaining challenges for the future are reviewed.  相似文献   

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