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Actin-like filaments are seen at the cell periphery after crane fly spermatocytes are glycerinated and then treated with rabbit skeletal muscle heavy meromyosin. ATP and pyrophosphate inhibit the reaction with heavy meromyosin. From prometaphase through metaphase the filaments are all parallel to the cell surface, extending 0.5–1 μ. beneath the plasma membrane in a continuous layer of parallel filaments enveloping the cell; considering the poles of the spindle as north and south poles of the cell, the actin-like filaments at the cell periphery are all arranged as meridians. In late-anaphase, too, actin-like filaments are parallel to the cell surface, but here this includes bundles of filaments oriented as parallels in the furrow and adjacent regions of the cell periphery, as well as filaments oriented as meridians in the rest of the cell periphery. — Actin-like filaments are seen in the cellular projections associated with the spindle poles.  相似文献   

Abstract. The apex of the larval antenna of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis has 6 cuticular sensilla that stained intensely black with silver nitrate, which indicates their porosity. The large sensory cone is innervated by 14 neurons and the 3 small, smooth surfaced, conical pegs have 4 neurons each. The small and large cylindrical sensilla with their smooth walls and pleated apices are innervated by 4 and 6 nerve cells, respectively. The 15 sensilla on the apex of the maxillary palp are all stained by silver nitrate. These sensilla are of five types: 7 type A sensilla with a smooth surface, a distinct apical pore, and 3 or 4 neurons; 2 type B sensilla with a smooth surface, many pores, and 5 neurons; 1 type C sensillum with a grooved surface, a large apical pore, smaller pores in the grooves, and 6 neurons; 3 type D sensilla with a smooth surface, a grooved apex that is elongated into a projection, and 4 neurons; 2 type E sensilla with many pores covering the surface, leaf-like appearance, and 4 neurons. The number and types of sensilla are similar to those in other nematocerous larvae, but in the many different forms of sensilla and the structure of the sensory cone, these tipulid larvae differ greatly from other larvae of lower Diptera.  相似文献   

Different prometaphase stages of Pales ferruginea spermatocytes were serially sectioned and the regions between kinetochores and poles analysed by counting and measuring spindle microtubules. These regions are characterized by an intermingling of kinetochoric (kMTs) and non-kinetochoric microtubules (nkMTs). A considerable proportion of nkMTs is skewed with respect to kMTs, thus being responsible for microtubule disorder in these spindle areas. The degree of disorder expressed by the percentage of skew microtubules was found to decrease from early prometaphase to metaphase, parallel with an increase in kMT number. A possible causal relation between pulling forces and morphological changes in the spindle is discussed.  相似文献   

Harald Fuge 《Chromosoma》1980,76(3):309-328
The region between the kinetochores of syntelically oriented autosomes and the pole in meta- and anaphase of Pales ferruginea spermatocytes was studied by means of serial sections. Microtubule (MT) were counted and measured, and the spindle region was reconstructed by superimposition of successive micrographs. Kinetochoric (kMTs) and non-kinetochoric microtubules (nkMTs) interdigitate with one another forming a bundle which is often arrow-shaped due to an inclination of nkMTs (skew nkMTs) with respect to the kinetochore-pole axis. The average length of MT in the bundle decreases towards anaphase while the average number increases. The extent of MT disorder in anaphase half-spindles is higher than in metaphase. The number of kMTs inserted in the kinetochore was found to remain unchanged from meta- to early anaphase. Some of the kMTs become divergent in anaphase. The relative proportion of skew nkMTs within the kMT/nkMT bundle is higher in anaphase. It is proposed that the morphological changes observed to occur from meta- to anaphase are due to fragmentation of kMTs followed by disorientation of the MTs pieces. Some aspects of the physical properties of the half-spindles are discussed.  相似文献   

Addition of Colcemid to the medium in which larvae of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis are cultivated induces a number of anomalous patterns of chromosome segregation. One of these is the anaphase lagging of autosomal half-bivalents. To investigate the cause of anaphase lagging, the orientation of sister kinetochores in Colcemidtreated spermatocytes having lagging half-bivalents was analyzed in serial sections. In contrast to nonlaggard halfbivalents that had pure syntelic orientation (sister kinetochores having all of their kinetochores microtubules (KMTs) extending to the same pole), six of the seven autosomal laggards that were selected for analysis had kinetochores with either amphitelic orientation (sister kinetochores each with a bundle of KMTs extending to opposite poles) or merotelic orientation (a single kinetochore having KMTs extending toward both poles). An additional laggard had syntelic orientation but two of the microtubules that were in its kinetochore fiber passed through the kinetochore and extended beyond it toward the equator. The bipolar malorientations observed in anaphase half-bivalents are interpreted to be a cause of the anaphase lagging induced by Colcemid treatment. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that such bipolar malorientations also may be stabilized at metaphase and thus explain the unusual tilting of metaphase bivalents commonly observed in Colcemid-treated cells.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation in primary spermatocytes of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis was studied after exposure to Colcemid at doses that did not completely inhibit spindle formation. Colcemid was added either to the medium in which larvae were cultured or to Tricine buffer in which isolated testes were incubated. Patterns of chromosome segregation were analyzed in fixed, Feulgen-stained smears of testes from Colcemid-treated larvae and in living cell preparations. Anomalies observed during the first meiotic division at higher than normal frequencies in Colcemid-treated spermatocytes included anaphase lagging of autosomes, chromosomal strands, tripolar and tetrapolar divisions, and unequal distribution of chromosomes to secondary cells. Following those doses of Colcemid that induced the above anomalies, the length of the birefringent spindle in primary spermatocytes was shorter than normal. This effect on spindle length also was apparent in Giemsastained preparations of fixed cells, in which the two centrosomes at the spindle poles were differentiated from the rest of the cytoplasm. The results indicate a correlation between the inhibition of spindle formation and the induction of anomalous patterns of chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that a component of axonemes from Chlamydomonas flagella is similar to actin from rabbit skeletal muscle. The polypeptide has an apparent molecular weight of 42,000 and in a pH gradient has the electrophoretic behavior of beta-actin. It was co-polymerized with rabbit actin and purified by affinity chromatography on DNase I-Sepharose. Incomplete proteolysis of mixed 35S-labeled axonemal protein and cold rabbit actin formed similar sets of peptides as analyzed by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The actin-like protein and the tubulin appear to be present in the axoneme in the molar ratio 1:60.  相似文献   

In crane fly spermatocyte meiosis 3 autosome half-bivalents normally move to each spindle pole in anaphase while the 2 amphitelic sex-chromosome univalents remain at the equator. The sex-chromosome univalents move to opposite poles after the autosomes reach the poles. — We used micromanipulation to detach half-bivalents in anaphase. When re-attached half-bivalents were syntelically oriented to the original pole, sex-chromosome segregation was usually not altered. When re-attached half-bivalents were amphitelically oriented, sex-chromosome segregation was usually altered: usually the amphitelic autosome segregated against one sex-chromosome while the other sex-chromosome remained at the equator. When re-attached half-bivalents were syntelically oriented to the opposite pole, sex-chromosome segregation was often altered: often one sex-chromosome moved normally to the spindle pole with 2 autosomal half-bivalents, while the other sex-chromosome did not move to the spindle pole with 4 autosomal half-bivalents, but remained at the equator. — The direction of motion of a sex-chromosome could be altered even after sex-chromosome segregation had begun, by suitable micromanipulation of the other sex-chromosome. — Amphitelic chromosomes that were not on the equator at the start of anaphase segregated predominantly to the closer spindle pole. Detached half-bivalents showed no preference for the closer pole when they re-attached with syntelic orientation. — We discuss some possible hypotheses for non-independent movements, and some implications of the results.  相似文献   

Flight periods of the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cingulata (Loew), were compared in the major sweet and tart cherry-growing regions of Michigan, among neglected orchards, managed orchards, and natural areas containing the ancestral host, black cherry. Traps were deployed from early June to late September 2005 and 2006. Captures indicated that cherry fruit fly has an early flight (June-July) in neglected orchards, a mid-season flight peaking immediately after harvest (June-August) in managed orchards, and an extended flight covering most of the season (June-September) in natural areas. We found that the period of fruit infestation mirrored the flight period in neglected and managed orchards. In natural areas, we found infestation late in the season only. The relative emergence periods for adults reared from pupae collected from the three habitats and maintained under the same conditions coincided with adult flight periods for each habitat. We also studied factors related to fruit availability that may have a role in shaping the flight periods. Fruit abundance decreased rapidly early in the season in neglected orchards, whereas in managed orchards, fruit left after harvest remained on the trees until late August. Measurements of fruit size and skin firmness revealed that fly activity in neglected and managed orchards began immediately after fruit increased in size and skin firmness decreased, whereas in natural areas, the flight began before fruit matured. In managed orchards, fruit harvest and insecticide sprays likely maintain the late flight period of resident fly populations by preventing the use of fruit earlier in the season. However, a significant proportion of these resident flies may still emerge before harvest and increase the risk of costly fruit infestation.  相似文献   

Male Caribbean fruit flies, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) produce two sounds in sexual contexts, calling songs and precopulatory songs. Calling song occurs during pheromone release from territories within leks and consists of repeated bursts of sound (pulse trains). Virgin female A. suspensa became more active in the presence of recorded calling songs. Activity during the broadcast of a heterospecific song did not differ from movement during periods of silence. A conspecific song typical of smaller males, i.e. conspicuous for its long periods between pulse trains, also failed to elicit more activity by virgin females than silence. Mated females were most active during silences. Unmated males had no obvious reaction to sound. Calling songs are apparently sexually important communications which females discriminate among and may use as cues for locating and/or choosing between mates. Precopulatory song is produced by mounted males just before and during the early stages of copulation. Males that did not produce such songs remained coupled for shorter periods, perhaps passing fewer sperm. Wingless (muted) males were more likely to complete aedeagal insertion if a recorded precopulatory song was broadcast. Calling song played at the same level (90 dB) had no significant effect on the acceptance of males, nor did precopulatory song at a lower SPL (52dB). Precopulatory song may be used to display male vigour to choosing females.  相似文献   

This is a report on the arrangement and dynamic behaviour of microtubule fibres investigated by video-intensified microscopy (Allen Video Enhanced Contrast —Differential Interference Contrast, AVEC-DIC) in spindles of living crane fly spermatocytes. The spindle was found to contain numerous fibrils, each fibril probably consisting of several microtubules. The fibrils are oriented between the poles and, due to slight inclinations, towards each other, frequently form arrowhead-like structures or points of intersection. This leads to an overall lattice-like arrangement. The fibrils display flickering motions visible in real time recordings. The observations are discussed in relation to ultrastructural data on chromosome fibre architecture from previous studies.  相似文献   

Walter Steffen 《Chromosoma》1986,94(5):412-418
During meiotic prometaphase of crane fly spermatocytes, syntelic autosomal univalents are able to move between the spindle poles several times. The relationship between the behaviour of chromosomes and the arrangement of microtubules during this stage was studied using a fixation technique (Nicklas et al. 1979) which makes it possible to examine a certain cell in an electron microscope after live observation. After reorientation, when a syntelic univalent had started moving towards the opposite spindle pole, a short chromosome fibre was found. When a univalent had reached the equator, a chromosome fibre could be traced up to the spindle apex. During the movement towards the opposite spindle pole the degree of disorder in the chromosome fibre was high, whereas it was low in the fibre of a motionless univalent. The degree of disorder was determined by the relative proportion of skew fibre microtubules. At the beginning of reorientation a chromosome fibre was still present, but later, it was no longer possible to recognize such a fibre. Instead of a chromosome fibre, a bundle of microtubules laterally associated with the kinetochore was observed. Some microtubules of this bundle had a direct contact with the kinetochore. These observations strongly hint that the laterally associated microtubules have an important function in the reorientation of syntelic autosomal univalents.  相似文献   

Harald Fuge 《Chromosoma》1972,39(4):403-417
The ultrastructure of moving amphitelic sex chromosomes during anaphase of the first meiotic division of spermatocytes was studied by means of serial sections. The chromosomes have radial lamellae-like projections at their surface running in the direction of the spindle axis. Parallel spindle microtubules lie between these lamellae. The kinetochoral region pointing to the interzone (KIZ) is stretched, while the kinetochore pointing polewards (Kp) is flat. It is suggested that the importance of the poleward kinetochore as an application site for pulling forces during anaphase movement is possibly reduced in favour of the lamellaemicrotubule association at the periphery of the chromosome. Distal parts of kinetochoral tubules of KIZ may be associated with the lamellae of the partner sex chromosome. This arrangement may have some additional importance for the synchronization of sex chromosome migration in anaphase.  相似文献   

Exposing crane fly larvae to 6 degrees C or returning them to 22 degrees C after exposure to 6, 2, or 0.2 degrees C can induce any number of autosomes in their primary spermatocytes to lag near the spindle equator at anaphase. Autosomal laggards in cold-recovering cells are contained in bivalents until anaphase (Janicke, M. A., and J. R. LaFountain, 1982, Chromosoma, 85:619-631). We report here documentation that lagging autosomes in cold-treated and cold- recovering cells are maloriented. During meiosis I, half-bivalents usually associate with only one pole via kinetochore fibers, with sister chromatids being oriented to the same pole. In contrast, laggards had kinetochore microtubules (kMTs) extending from them toward both poles: one sister was oriented to one pole and the other had some or all of its kMTs extending toward the opposite pole. Bipolar malorientation of autosomal laggards also was observed in one untreated cell. The number of kMTs per half-bivalent was similar in lagging and non-lagging autosomes, and those kMTs were contained in long birefringent kinetochore fibers. The overall spindle structure in cold- recovering cells was similar to that observed in untreated anaphase cells. Giemsa-stained centromeric dots of sister chromatids were contiguous in non-laggards and separated in laggards at anaphase. We conclude that bipolar malorientations can exist at anaphase in chromosomes that remain paired until anaphase, that cold recovery increases the frequency of that anomaly, and that such malorientations may be one cause of anaphase lag.  相似文献   

The female reproductive system of the humpbacked fly Megaselia scalaris Loew (Diptera : Phoridae) was examined in whole mount preparations and serial sections. The system includes 2 ovaries, paired lateral oviducts, a common oviduct, and a genital chamber, opening externally through a gonopore, anteriad and ventrad to the anus. The ducts of the 2 accessory glands open independently into the dorsal region of the genital chamber. The terminal duct of a 2-armed spermatheca joins the right posterior and ventral wall of the genital chamber, immediately inside the gonopore. Passing dorally, the spermathecal duct lies immediately ventral to the duct of the right accessory gland. A short distance posteriad, it divides into two branches, each supplying an arm of the spermatheca. The genital chamber extends both anteriorly and posteriorly from its junction with the common oviduct, creating anterior and posterior compartments. In the right lateral wall of the genital chamber, a distinctive loop-shaped thickening (plate) resembles a darkened thread when it is observed through the integument. Features likely to have taxonomic utility include the posterior and ventral location of the terminal portion of the spermathecal duct; and the asymmetrically arranged, loop-shaped plate.  相似文献   

Although there are several hypotheses for sex-specific ornamentation, few studies have measured selection in both sexes. We compare sexual selection in male and female dance flies, Rhamphomyia longicauda (Diptera: Empididae). Swarming females display size-enhancing abdominal sacs, enlarged wings and decorated tibiae, and compete for nuptial gifts provided by males. Males preferentially approach large females, but the nature of selection and whether it is sex-specific are unknown. We found contrasting sexual selection for mating success on structures shared by males and females. In females, long wings and short tibiae were favoured, whereas males with short wings and long tibiae had a mating advantage. There was no assortative mating. Females occupying potentially advantageous swarm positions were large and, in contrast to selection for mating success, tended to have larger tibiae than those of rivals. We discuss our findings in the context of both the mating biology of dance flies, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in general.  相似文献   

Male and female Anastrepha suspensa(Loew) had a clumped distribution in the foliage of their guava host plants. Males were no closer to other males than they were to females or than females were to other females. Flies were often found in roughly the same locations over time. However, contemporaries (flies present at the same time) were closer to each other than subsequent flies were to their predecessors. Males were more likely to be found near spots previously occupied by males than they were to spots used previously by females. Some trees had more flies than others, but there was no regional (northwest, etc.) preference within trees. Females were no more likely to be found in the vicinity of clumped (lekking) males than they were by isolated males. About a third of the females taken from inside leks had sperm in their spermathecae, and it is not clear if their motive for being in these areas was sexual. In pairs of males (within 15 cm of each other), the larger fly tends to be in a position farther up the branch, suggesting that larger males may control preferred territories. It seems possible that males attempting to intercept females accumulate in favorable microhabitats where females are likely to be concentrated and that leks have evolved from such clumping.  相似文献   

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