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四川马边大风顶自然保护区林麝种群密度初步分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
魏辅文  王维 《四川动物》1995,14(2):66-67
本文利用分层抽样粪堆计数法对马边大风顶自然保护4种不同生境中林麝种群密度进行了调查,结果表明,常绿阔叶林内林麝密度最高,为2.226只/km^2,常绿落阔混交林为1.11只/km^2,针阔混交林为0.26只/km^2,针叶林中无林麝分布。保护区内林麝密度较低与人为干扰破坏严重有关。  相似文献   

人类活动对普氏原羚分布的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
根据卫星遥感(TM)影像与野外——GPS(全球定位系统)定位的实地考察资料,结合数字化的地形图、植被图与土地利用图、交通图,利用地理信息系统软件——生态信息系统(EIS)建立了地理信息系统模型,采用生境评价方法HEP就人类活动对青海湖地区普氏原羚生境的影响进行了分析。影响普氏原羚生境适合度的因素主要为基质类型、坡度、水源远近、植被类型与人类活动。当不考虑人类活动影响时,普氏原羚活动区的面积为7955km 2,最佳生境为典型草原,其次为灌丛沙地,折合适宜生境面积4664km 2。由于交通、居民点、农业用地等土地利用的影响,普氏原羚仅分布在草地沙地边缘,其适宜分布区迅速减小,生境的适合度等级出现明显变化,最适生境缺损,折合最适生境面积511km 2。只占原来适合生境面积11% 。典型草原围栏与人为放牧影响,普氏原羚实际分布区面积只有350km 2,讨论了普氏原羚的保护对策。  相似文献   

截线法对西藏盘羊种群数量的估计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朴仁珠 《生态学报》1996,16(3):295-301
1987~1990年间,采用截线抽样法对西藏盘羊的种群数量及分布进行了全面调查。结果在1550km样线上遇见99头盘羊。由此资料,以傅立叶级数表达其探测函数,估计出了盘羊在西藏分布区内的平均分布密度为0.0820±0.0097头/km2,即每12km2约有1头,而波动在0.0121~0.3671头/km2之间。并依此确定的10.5万km2的栖息面积计算、西藏盘羊的种群数量为8630±1021头。目前,盘羊群平均数下降为5~6头/群,亟待保护。  相似文献   

新疆鹅喉羚的种群结构   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
1992年8~9月和1993年9月,作者在新疆北部鹅喉羚北疆亚种(GazellasubguttrosaSairensis)分布区(天山以北)设置19条样带,总长818km,观测点至动物的平均垂直距离248.3m,面积405.8km2的调查统计,见鹅喉羚62群次,共221只。样带中动物的平均密度为0.71±0.17只/km2。对能判别性别和成幼的16条样带中的37群次113只统计,雌:雄=1:1.05,成:幼=2.4:1。对8条样带中的16群次50只统计,母:仔=1:1.4。1993年2月和10月,我们还在新疆南部鹅喉羚南疆亚种(G.s.yarkandensis)分布区(天山以南),设置8条样带,长230km,平均垂直距离299m,面积116km2的调查统计,见鹅喉羚17群次51只,平均密度0.57±0.26只/km2。  相似文献   

福建东山岛海域斑鰶生态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了福建东山岛附近海域斑生物量、密度的分布及其季节变化;生长和死亡特点;摄食和生殖习性。其平均月生物量为222.1kg/km2,占游泳生物月总生物量的27.22%,成为优势种;生物量和密度冬季最高,分别为524.9kg/km2和9332尾/km2,比最低的春季高22.77倍和86.21倍。分布区域性差异明显,东山湾内高达438.2kg/km2和7405尾/km2,比湾外高77.71倍和68.38倍;渔获由0~Ⅳ龄组构成,l龄组为优势,叉长分布范围为111~223mm,以141~160mm组为优势;食料以硅藻类的菱形藻、海线藻、圆筛藻、直链藻和骨条藻的数量最多,并大量摄食有机碎屑;初次性成熟的最小年龄为1龄.最小叉长雌性为146mm,雄性140mm。雌雄性均在151~170mm组成熟,生殖期在冬季至初春;生长参数为L∞=246.37mm,W∞=182.65g,k=0.4303,to=-0.8649,体重生长拐点年龄人tr=1.6017龄;瞬时总死亡率为1.2016。关键词  相似文献   

紫貂冬季活动范围的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐利 Busk.  SW 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):113-117
1991至1993年10~12月的三个冬季中,借助无线电遥测技术对7只紫貂(4雄,3雌)活动范围进行了研究。结果表明雄性紫貂的活动范围为13.03km2,雌性为7.18km2,雄性的几乎为雌性的2倍。活动范围多为长条形,且多与山脉走向相一致。雄性活动范围的最大距离为5.50km,雌性为4.17km。雌雄个体间的活动范围有部分重叠现象,重叠程度为62.0%。雄性个体间几乎无重叠现象。影响活动范围大小的因素主要为动物体型大小、食物丰富度和人为干扰等  相似文献   

板桥山地属于黄山余脉。据统计,该区有维管束植物154科,556属,1056种。其中,有17种为国家级珍稀波涛危保护植物。该区植物种类丰富,其维管束植物科、属、种的密度分别2为2.3个/km^2、8.3个/km^2、15.7个/km^2,与黄山、九龙山不相上下。这里的区系成分复杂,起源古老,并具有一定的过渡特性。通过对分布在该区的中国特有属植物的分析,主为其历史成因占主导地位,而生态成因次之。在探讨  相似文献   

2010年11月—2012年11月对梵净山及周边区域蝶类资源进行调查,共采集蝴蝶446号,隶属于10科60属86种。其中,个体数量以凤蝶科最多(164号),蛱蝶科次之(132号);各科蝶类的种多样性指数以蛱蝶科最高(2.654),凤蝶科次之(2.377),珍蝶科最低;属多样性指数同样以蛱蝶科最高(2.338),灰蝶科次之(1.906),珍蝶科最低。在该区域内,灌丛、林缘、森林内、草坡及田地等5种不同生境中,蝶类物种丰富度和等级多样性都依次降低,相应蝴蝶种类数量依次分别为56、39、12、8和8。在蝶类物种构成方面,灌丛和林缘最为相似(相似性系数为0.218),草坡和灌丛相似性次之,田地与其他生境类型的相似性系数较低。  相似文献   

广东鹤山草坡的群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了广东鹤册草坡群落结构。结果表明,该群落有高等植物18种,分为灌木层和草本层2个层次,以矮高位芽、小型叶植物为主,种类以热带-亚热带分布种为主,Shanon-Weiner多样性指数为1.25,群落的叶面积指数为2.28,生物量为15.22t/hm^2。比较了大陆退化草坡、海鸟退化草坡和当地的人工林的群落结构,提出了退化草坡的改造利用方式。  相似文献   

白鹇海南亚种的生态和现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海南白鹇是仅分布于我国海南岛的特殊的白鹇海岛亚种。其结群个体少;雏鸟孵出后,每群雏数少;亲鸟损失严重,有极其罕见的纯雏群现象;种群繁殖力低,出生率仅77.5%;保护区核心区种群密度1978年20.2只/km~2,1992年12只/km~2。天敌、人类危害是种群数量严重下降的主要原因。目前全岛有白鹇分布的残存林区面积仅740km~2,乐观估计白鹇数量已不足8800只,白鹇海南亚种已处于渐危至濒危级别,必须尽快采取有效的保护措施。  相似文献   

栖息地选择是野生动物与其环境之间的基本关系,野生动物的栖息地特征研究对野生动物的保护和利用具有重要意义(骆颖等,2009).动物的食物资源具有季节性变化(蒋志刚,2004),在舟山群岛,春季有蹄类动物的可利用资源相对较为缺乏而到秋季相对丰富,有蹄类动物的栖息地特征由于不同季节间的环境可利用资源不同而产生差异(Sehmitz,1991).研究不同季节动物的柄息地特征及利用机制,可以深入了解动物是如何适应环境的(蒋志刚,2004).  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区封禁30年前后狼牙刺种群动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以荒草坡为对照,对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡3个生境条件下经30年封禁后的狼牙刺种群动态进行系统研究,分析了种群的年龄结构、分布格局,编制了静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线. 结果表明,黄土高原丘陵沟壑区不同生境自然恢复的狼牙刺种群年龄结构均属于进展型,幼龄个体多,老龄个体少,其中以半阳坡种群密度最大,不同坡向狼牙刺种群的存活曲线均接近于DeeveyⅡ型.种群分布格局总体上呈聚集型,随年龄增加聚集强度增加.影响狼牙刺群落恢复和种群生长的环境因素主要是水分因子和光照因子.狼牙刺种群恢复状况良好,说明封禁措施是有效的.  相似文献   

陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡繁殖季节中午卧息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5—6月,在陕西黄龙山腹地北寺山林区采取样线法对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)中午卧息地的选择进行了研究,共观察到28个褐马鸡的卧息地。褐马鸡对林型、坡向和地理特征有明显的选择性,多偏向针叶林、山脊和半阴半阳坡,回避阔叶林、山坡、阴坡和阳坡。对中午卧息地坡位没有明显的选择性。褐马鸡中午卧息地具有坡度小、与林间道路与居民点的距离远、灌丛平均高度较低、灌木密度较小、草本均高较小、乔木层植物盖度以及草本层植物盖度较大等特征。对各种生境因子的主成分分析表明,前6个特征值的累积贡献率达到74.05%,可较好地反映褐马鸡中午卧息地生境特征。根据载荷系数绝对值大小将褐马鸡中午休息地生境选择影响因子分别命名为地理因子、隐蔽度因子、人类活动干扰因子和灌丛密度因子。  相似文献   

小流域林草植被控制土壤侵蚀机理研究   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
从坡面水动力学角度研究了坡面乔木林、草本植物和林地枯落物对坡面径流流速和动能的影响机理.结果表明,坡面径流水头损失与坡面坡度、林木密度、净雨强、坡长等有关,水头损失与林木间距(b)和树木地径(D)间的关系为:E(D/b)4/3;坡面草本植物在水流作用下易弯曲,增大水流底层的阻力,减小床面的切应力;枯枝落叶使径流速度减小,从而大大降低径流挟沙能力.对甘肃省天水市桥子东沟和桥子西沟两个对比小流域的实测单次降雨、径流、泥沙资料分析可见,在相同降水条件下,已治理小流域内的径流量、产沙量、洪峰流量、最大输沙率等指标均小于未治理小流域,说明林草植被在小流域中的涵养水源、保持水土的作用明显.  相似文献   

王晓东  刘惠清 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3077-3086
本文以长白山北坡林线为研究区,调查125个样方内岳桦种群的径级结构与林线灌草植物的生态重要值。采用常规统计和聚类方法分析岳桦种群与8种常见灌草植物的动态特点,采用典型与单因子相关分析岳桦动态与林线灌草植物的变化关系。结果表明岳桦种群扩张带动林下灌草的相继移动,林线上侵不仅是单一乔木的变化,而是森林群落向苔原群落的入侵,从空间上挤占生态位的过程。另外,这种替代中各个成分变化也存在差异,由于各种植物在群落中的地位和生态竞争力的区别,在替代过程中不同植物变化也具有明显的异步性。  相似文献   

Seven isolates of Ophryoscolex caudatus have been cultured anaerobically in vitro (at a population density of 56/ml) for an average of 18 months each in the presence of bacteria on a reduced buffered salts medium containing prepared fresh rumen fluid with the daily addition of ground wheat and dried grass and with twice weekly dilution of the culture with an equal volume of fresh medium. The ground wheat and dried grass could be replaced by ground wheat coated with β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, ergosterol or α-spinasterol and with β-sitosterol the population density increased to 110/ml. Haemin further increased the population density obtained in the presence of sterol by 9–160%. The population density of cultures of Epidinium ecaudatum caudatum was also increased by sterols and haemin, that of Polyplastron multivesiculatum by sterols only, and some sterols and haemin, under certain conditions, increased that of Entodinium caudatum.  相似文献   

1. Self-thinning is a progressive decline in population density caused by competitively induced losses in a cohort of growing individuals and can be depicted as: log10 (density) = c − β log10 (body mass).
2. In mobile animals, two mechanisms for self-thinning have been proposed: (i) the space hypothesis predicts that maximum population density for a given body size is the inverse of territory size, and hence, the self-thinning slope is the negative of the slope of the allometric territory-size relationship; (ii) the energetic equivalence hypothesis predicts that the self-thinning slope is the negative of the slope of the allometric metabolic rate relationship, assuming a constant supply of energy for the cohort.
3. Both hypotheses were tested by monitoring body size, population density, food availability and habitat for young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick. The results were consistent with the predictions of the space hypothesis. Observed densities did not exceed the maximum densities predicted and the observed self-thinning slope of −1·16 was not significantly different from the slope of −1·12, predicted by the allometry of territory size for the population under study.
4. The observed self-thinning slope was significantly steeper than −0·87, predicted by the allometry of metabolic rate, perhaps because of a gradual decline in food abundance over the study period. The decline in density was more rapid in very shallow sites and may have been partly caused by a seasonal change in water depth and an ontogenetic habitat shift rather than solely by competition for food or space.
5. The allometry of territory size may be a useful predictor of self-thinning in populations of mobile animals competing for food and space.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The biological-control function of field boundaries of Guinea grass, Panicum maximum Jacq. on the spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe was examined as a reservoir for arthropod predators and as a trap plant for the pest. Field border vegetation and predator density were manipulated to determine the effect of the grass border on the abundance of stem borers and their predators in maize fields, and the effect of predators on the stem borer population. The strip of Guinea grass supported an abundance of earwigs and spiders, the potential predators of stem borer eggs and larvae. Density of C. partellus larvae in the Guinea grass strips was low throughout the season and only young larvae were collected, suggesting the inferiority of the grass stand as a habitat for stem borer larvae. These results indicate that Guinea grass is a good agent of habitat management to selectively enhance arthropod predators of stem borers and act as a sink for the pest. Predator removal resulted in a higher density of C. partellus than control in maize-bordered plots. On the other hand, no difference was found in the stem borer density between predator treatments in grass-bordered plots, probably because of insufficient predator reduction in removal plots. These results suggest that the predator assemblage found in the study site has, if sufficiently abundant, potential to limit the C. partellus population in maize fields. Even though the Guinea grass stand harboured an abundant number of predators, the grass boundaries around maize fields did not enhance predator populations within the crop field. Furthermore, field boundaries of Guinea grass had no measurable effect on the within-field density of C. partellus as a trap crop. Creating a polyculture within the crop and early planting of the grass could further enhance the biological-control function of Guinea grass boundaries.  相似文献   

分析喀斯特地区不同地埂篱根系的形态和力学特性,量化其根-土复合体抗剪和抗冲性能的强弱,探寻该地区地埂篱根系固土抗蚀性能的评价因子,为喀斯特坡地水土流失治理中植被恢复措施的科学应用提供参考。选取重庆酉阳龙潭槽谷为研究区,分上、中、下坡分别布设拉巴豆和光叶苕子2种地埂篱,采用根系扫描仪和电子万能试验机测定其根系形态和力学参数,应变控制式直剪仪测定复合体抗剪强度,原状土冲刷水槽法测定复合体抗冲指数。结果表明:(1)抗剪复合体中,拉巴豆平均根长密度和根表面积密度分别高出光叶苕子59.32%和16.86%;抗冲复合体中,拉巴豆平均根长密度、根表面积密度和根体积密度较之光叶苕子高出30.48%、57.78%、92.98%;拉巴豆根系极限抗拉力和抗拉强度均显著高于光叶苕子。(2)2种地埂篱根系均能增强土壤的抗剪和抗冲性能,其中拉巴豆和光叶苕子复合体粘聚力较之对照土体分别增强了113.06%—124.37%和51.56%—87.12%,抗冲指数最高达到对照土体的2.81倍和2.45倍。(3)不同坡位,下坡2种植物的根长密度显著高于上、中坡;拉巴豆根系抗拉特性在下坡表现最优,光叶苕子在上坡表现更好;拉巴...  相似文献   

Abstract  To quantify the role of Johnson grass, Sorghum halepense , in the population dynamics of the sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola , patterns of flowering of Johnson grass and infestation by sorghum midge were studied in two different climatic environments in the Lockyer Valley and on the Darling Downs in south-eastern Queensland for 3 years. Parasitism levels of S. sorghicola were also recorded. In the Lockyer Valley, Johnson grass panicles were produced throughout the year but on the Darling Downs none were produced between June and September. In both areas, most panicle production occurred between November and March and infestation by S. sorghicola was the greatest during this period. The parasitism levels were between 20% and 50%. After emergence from winter diapause, one to two generations of S. sorghicola developed on S. halepense before commercial grain sorghum crops were available for infestation. Parasitoids recorded were: Aprostocetus diplosidis , Eupelmus australiensis and two species of Tetrastichus. Relationships between sorghum midge population growth rate and various environmental and population variables were investigated. Population size had a significant negative effect ( P  < 0.0001) on population growth rate. Mortality due to parasitism showed a significant positive density response ( P  < 0.0001). Temperature, rainfall, open pan evaporation, degree-days and host availability showed no significant effect on population growth rate. Given the phenology of sorghum production in south-eastern Queensland, Johnson grass provides an important bridging host, sustaining one to two generations of sorghum midge. Critical studies relating population change and build-up in sorghum to sorghum midge populations in Johnson grass are yet to be performed.  相似文献   

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