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Abstract Changes in plant abundance within a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia were studied using a manipulative fire experiment. Three fire regimes were compared between 1997 and 2001: (i) control, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season (July) 1997 only; (ii) early burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and early dry season (May) 1999; and (iii) late burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and late dry season (October) 1999. Five annual surveys of permanent plots detected stability in the abundance of most species, irrespective of fire regime. However, a significant increase in the abundance of several subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and grasses occurred in the first year after fire, particularly after late dry season fires. The abundance of these species declined toward prefire levels in the second year after fire. The dominant grass Heteropogon triticeus significantly declined in abundance with fire intervals of 4 years. The density of trees (>2 m tall) significantly increased in the absence of fire for 4 years, because of the growth of saplings; and the basal area of the dominant tree Corymbia clarksoniana significantly increased over the 5‐year study, irrespective of fire regime. Conservation management of these savannas will need to balance the role of regular fires in maintaining the diversity of herbaceous species with the requirement of fire intervals of at least 4‐years for allowing the growth of saplings >2 m in height. Whereas late dry season fires may cause some tree mortality, the use of occasional late fires may help maintain sustainable populations of many grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study of vegetation dynamics in tallgrass prairie in response to fire has focused on dormant season fire in late successional prairies. Our objective was to determine if late season fire of varying frequency results in divergent successional patterns in an early successional tallgrass prairie disturbed by grazing and cultivation. Specifically, we evaluated the influence of late‐summer fires of varying frequency on community composition and species richness. We collected vegetation and environmental data on two sites burned in the late growing‐season at varying frequencies. These communities differed in composition depending primarily on edaphic factors, time since the last burn, and year‐to‐year variation. We interpret the time effect as related to changes in species composition accompanying plant succession that followed disturbance either from cropping and heavy grazing on the loamy site or heavy grazing on the shallow site. Other unidentified factors also have a role in vegetation dynamics on this prairie. Community composition and species richness were not consistently responsive to frequency of growing‐season fires.  相似文献   

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other exotic winter‐active plants can be persistent invaders in native grasslands, growing earlier in the spring than native plants and pre‐empting soil resources. Effective management strategies are needed to reduce their abundance while encouraging the reestablishment of desirable native plants. In this 4‐year study, we investigated whether mowing and seeding with native perennial grasses could limit growth of exotic winter‐actives, and benefit growth of native plants in an invaded grassland in Colorado, United States. We established a split‐plot experiment in October 2008 with 3 mowing treatments: control, spring‐mowed, and spring/summer‐mowed (late spring, mid‐summer, and late summer), and 3 within‐plot seeding treatments: control, added B. tectorum seeds, and added native grass seeds. Cover of plant species and aboveground biomass were measured for 3 years. In March and June of 2010, 2011, and March of 2012, B. tectorum and other winter‐annual grasses were half as abundant in both mowing treatments as in control plots; however, cover of non‐native winter‐active forbs increased 2‐fold in spring‐mowed plots and almost 3‐fold in spring/summer‐mowed plots relative to controls. These patterns remained consistent 1 year after termination of treatments. Native cool‐season grasses were most abundant in spring‐mowed plots, and least abundant in control plots. There was higher cover of native warm‐season grasses in spring/summer‐mowed plots than in control plots in July 2011 and 2012. The timing of management can have strong effects on plant community dynamics in grasslands, and this experiment indicates that adaptive management can target the temporal niche of undesirable invasive species.  相似文献   

Disturbances and environmental heterogeneity are two factors thought to influence plant species diversity, but their effects are still poorly understood in many ecosystems. We surveyed understory vegetation and measured tree canopy cover on permanent plots spanning an experimental fire frequency gradient to test fire frequency and tree canopy effects on plant species richness and community heterogeneity within a mosaic of grassland, oak savanna, oak woodland, and forest communities. Species richness was assessed for all vascular plant species and for three plant functional groups: grasses, forbs, and woody plants. Understory species richness and community heterogeneity were maximized at biennial fire frequencies, consistent with predictions of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. However, overstory tree species richness was highest in unburned units and declined with increasing fire frequency. Maximum species richness was observed in unburned units for woody species, with biennial fires for forbs, and with near-annual fires for grasses. Savannas and woodlands with intermediate and spatially variable tree canopy cover had greater species richness and community heterogeneity than old-field grasslands or closed-canopy forests. Functional group species richness was positively correlated with functional group cover. Our results suggest that annual to biennial fire frequencies prevent shrubs and trees from competitively excluding grasses and prairie forbs, while spatially variable shading from overstory trees reduces grass dominance and provides a wider range of habitat conditions. Hence, high species richness in savannas is due to both high sample point species richness and high community heterogeneity among sample points, which are maintained by intermediate fire frequencies and variable tree canopy cover.  相似文献   

Prescribed spring burning often contributes to a predominance of C4 grasses and low forb abundance and is impractical at many sites, especially near development. We tested raking after mowing as an alternative to prescribed burning in a reconstructed Minnesota prairie. We also tested mowing without raking as a possible means of maintaining prairie communities. Frequency, flowering stem abundance, and cover were measured for all plant species and native functional groups (C4 grasses, C3 graminoids, forbs, legumes, and annual or biennial forbs). Mowing alone did not differ from the control in its effect on any functional groups of plants. Round‐headed bush clover (Lespedeza capitata), a legume, and Black‐eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), a biennial, increased in frequency with treatments that removed biomass (i.e., fire or raking), but they did not have significantly more flowering stems. Thus, new plants established well from seed, whereas the vitality of mature plants did not change. Raking had similar effects to burning on most functional groups, although flowering stems of C4 grasses were significantly more abundant after fire than after raking. Burning reduced some C3 forbs and grasses and favored the dominance of C4 grasses. Therefore, raking after mowing in the spring provides an alternative to prescribed burning that has many of the same positive aspects as fire but does not promote aggressive C4 grasses to the same extent.  相似文献   

Abstract The germinable soil seed bank of a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was found to be dominated by grasses and forbs, with seed bank density ranging from 58 to 792 seeds per square metre, from a total of 53 species. Late dry season fires and the fire‐related cues, heat shock and smoke, broke the seed dormancy of a range of tropical savanna species. Heat shock promoted the germination of the species groups natives, exotics, subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and the common species Indigofera hirsuta, Pycnospora lutescens and Triumfetta rhomboidea. Exposure to smoke at ambient temperature promoted germination from the soil seed bank of the species groups combined natives, upright perennial forbs and grasses, as well as the common grasses Digitaria breviglumis and Heteropogon triticeus. The germinable soil seed bank varied seasonally, increasing from the mid wet season (February) and early dry season (May) to a maximum in the late dry season (October). The effect of recent fire history on soil seed bank dynamics was limited to the immediate release of some seed from dormancy; a reduction in seed densities of subshrubs and monocots, other than grasses, in recently burnt savanna; and enhanced seed density of the ephemeral I. hirsuta in the year following fire. The seed banks of most savanna species were replenished in the year following burning.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract Temperatures that significantly increase seed germination of some tropical legumes (i.e. 80–100°C) were documented in the topsoil during the passage of early (May) and late (October) dry season fires in a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia. Elevated temperatures penetrated at least 30 mm into the soil during the higher‐intensity, late dry season fires, but were only detected at 10 mm during the early dry season fires. The depth from which germination of two native legume forbs Galactia tenuiflora and Indigofera hirsuta occurred was positively related to the temperature elevation in the topsoil and was greater after late compared with early dry season fires. A broader range in germination depth, resulting in higher seedling densities, was recorded for I hirsuta after late dry season fires. These results suggest that seedling emergence of native leguminous forbs is likely to occur at a greater density after late rather than early dry season fires in tropical eucalypt savannas of north‐eastern Australia. Therefore, the season of burning, as a result of its relationship to fire intensity, can influence species composition through its effect on seed germination.  相似文献   

Changes in structural and compositional attributes of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii Rydb.) plant communities have occurred in the twentieth century. These changes may in part relate to altered fire regimes. Our objective was to document effects of prescribed fire in fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April) on plant composition. Three study sites were located in western Oklahoma; each contained 12, 60 × 30‐m plots that were designated, within site, to be seasonally burned, annually burned, or left unburned. Growing season canopy cover for herbaceous and woody species was estimated in 1997–1998 (post‐treatment). At one year post‐fire, burning in any season reduced shrub cover, and spring burns reduced cover most. Winter and annual fires increased cover of rhizomatous tallgrasses, whereas burning in any season decreased little bluestem cover. Perennial forbs increased with fall and winter fire. Shrub stem density increased with fire in any season. Communities returned rapidly to pre‐burn composition with increasing time since fire. Fire effects on herbaceous vegetation appear to be manifested through increases in bare ground and reduction of overstory shrub dominance. Prescribed fire can be used as a tool in restoration efforts to increase or maintain within and between community plant diversity. Our data suggest that some plant species may require or benefit from fire in specific seasons. Additional research is needed to determine the long‐term effects of repeated fire over time.  相似文献   

Recruitment, establishment and survivorship of seed- and vegetatively-derived shoots were quantified biweekly in annually burned and infrequently burned tallgrass prairie to investigate the contributions of seed and vegetative reproduction to the maintenance and dynamics of tallgrass prairie plant populations, the demography of seedlings and ramets, and the influence of fire on the demography of grasses and forbs. Clonally produced grass and forb ramets comprised >99%of all established shoots present at the end of the growing season, whereas established seedlings accounted for <1%,emphasizing the rarity of successful seedling establishment and the importance of vegetative reproduction in driving the annual regeneration and dynamics of aboveground plant populations in tallgrass prairie. Most recruitment from vegetative reproduction occurred early in the growing season and was higher in annually burned than infrequently burned sites, although low levels of new stem recruitment occurred continuously throughout the growing season. Peak recruitment on annually burned prairie coincided with peak recruitment of the dominant C4 grasses Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans prior to prescribed spring fire, with a second peak in recruitment occurring following fire. On infrequently burned prairie, grass and forb recruitment was highest in early April and declined steadily through May. The naturalized C3 grass, Poa pratensis, was responsible for most of the early recruitment on unburned sites, whereas A. gerardii contributed most to recruitment later in May. Infrequently burned prairie was dominated by these two grasses and contained a larger forb component than annually burned prairie. The principal demographic effect of fire was on ramet natality rather than mortality. Fire regime, plant functional group, or timing of cohort emergence before or after fire did not affect ramet survivorship. C4 grass shoots that emerged early and were damaged by fire showed similar survivorship patterns to tillers that emerged after fire. Differences in species composition between annually burned and infrequently burned prairie are driven by fire effects on vegetative reproduction and appear to be related principally to the effect of fire and detritus accumulation on the development of belowground vegetative meristems of C4 grasses and their emergence dynamics.  相似文献   

Coppedge  B.R.  Engle  D.M.  Toepfer  C.S.  Shaw  J.H. 《Plant Ecology》1998,139(2):235-246
We used univariate and multivariate techniques to evaluate vegetation-environment relationships for plant functional groups on a tallgrass prairie site in northern Oklahoma, USA burned seasonally and grazed by bison (Bison bison L.). The objective of the study was to identify important environmental variables associated with variation in residual aboveground standing crop (phytomass) and abundance of plant functional groups. Phytomass was predictably linked to season, with highest levels found in the latter portion of the growing season when the warm-season tallgrasses that dominated the site were most actively growing. When the effects of seasonal phenology were removed, stepwise regression revealed that phytomass variation was best explained by year-to-year climatic variation, seasonal burn type, and bison grazing. Phytomass was negatively related to bison grazing under all conditions. A number of plant functional groups responded to individual environmental variables: relative abundance levels of tallgrasses, little bluestem, annual grasses, forbs and legumes all varied with burn season; little bluestem, annual grasses, and sedges varied by topoedaphic position, while forbs exhibited a positive relationship with bison grazing intensity. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to directly relate composition patterns of functional groups to environmental variables. CCA bi-plot of the ordination revealed that annual grasses were most closely associated with summer fires; sedges were associated with fall burns and the 1995 sampling year; legumes associated with a gradient representing the length of time since fire; while tallgrasses and little bluestem ordinated nearest a gradient representing bison grazing. Forbs and perennial grasses did not clearly associate with any particular environmental gradient, suggesting they were either simultaneously affected by several parameters or that environmental attributes important to these groups were not measured. Total phytomass and sedges were strongly influenced by yearly climatic variation. Relative abundance of some plant functional groups was principally determined by a single factor, while others were equally influenced by a suite of environmental interactions.  相似文献   

Questions: Can prescribed fire restore C4 perennial grasses in grassland ecosystems that have become dominated by fire‐resistant C3 shrubs (Prosopis glandulosa) and C3 grasses? Do fires in different seasons alter the direction of change in grass composition? Location: Texas, USA. Methods: We quantified short‐ and long‐term (12 yr post‐fire) herbaceous functional group cover and diversity responses to replicated seasonal fire treatments: (1) repeated‐winter fires (three in 5 yr), (2) repeated‐summer fires (two in 3 yr), and (3) alternate‐season fires (two winter and one summer in 4 yr), compared with a no‐fire control. Results: Summer fires were more intense than winter fires, but all fire treatments temporarily decreased Prosopis and C3 annual grass cover. The alternate‐season fire treatment caused a long‐term increase in C4 mid‐grass cover and functional group diversity. The repeated‐summer fire treatment increased C4 short‐grass cover but also caused a long‐term increase in bare ground. The repeated winter fire treatment had no long‐term effects on perennial grass cover. Mesquite post‐fire regrowth had increasingly negative impacts on herbaceous cover in all fire treatments. Conclusions: Summer fire was necessary to shift herbaceous composition toward C4 mid‐grasses. However, the repeated‐summer fire treatment may have been too extreme and caused post‐fire herbaceous composition to “over‐shift” toward less productive C4 short‐grasses rather than C4 mid‐grasses. This study provides some of the first long‐term data showing a possible benefit of mixing seasonal fires (i.e., the alternate‐season fire treatment) in a prescribed burning management plan to restore C4 mid‐grass cover and enhance overall herbaceous diversity.  相似文献   

Dominant Grasses Suppress Local Diversity in Restored Tallgrass Prairie   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Warm‐season (C4) grasses commonly dominate tallgrass prairie restorations, often at the expense of subordinate grasses and forbs that contribute most to diversity in this ecosystem. To assess whether the cover and abundance of dominant grass species constrain plant diversity, we removed 0, 50, or 100% of tillers of two dominant species (Andropogon gerardii or Panicum virgatum) in a 7‐year‐old prairie restoration. Removing 100% of the most abundant species, A. gerardii, significantly increased light availability, forb productivity, forb cover, species richness, species evenness, and species diversity. Removal of a less abundant but very common species, P. virgatum, did not significantly affect resource availability or the local plant community. We observed no effect of removal treatments on critical belowground resources, including inorganic soil N or soil moisture. Species richness was inversely correlated with total grass productivity and percent grass cover and positively correlated with light availability at the soil surface. These relationships suggest that differential species richness among removal treatments resulted from treatment induced differences in aboveground resources rather than the belowground resources. Selective removal of the dominant species A. gerardii provided an opportunity for seeded forb species to become established leading to an increase in species richness and diversity. Therefore, management practices that target reductions in cover or biomass of the dominant species may enhance diversity in established and grass‐dominated mesic grassland restorations.  相似文献   

Question. Can strategic burning, targeting differing ecological characteristics of native and exotic species, facilitate restoration of native understorey in weed‐invaded temperate grassy eucalypt woodlands? Location. Gippsland Plains, eastern Victoria, Australia. Methods. In a replicated, 5‐year experimental trial, the effects of repeated spring or autumn burning were evaluated for native and exotic plants in a representative, degraded Eucalyptus tereticornis grassy woodland. Treatments aimed to reduce seed banks and modify establishment conditions of exotic annual grasses, and to exhaust vegetative reserves of exotic perennial grasses. Treatments were applied to three grassland patch types, dominated by the native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa, ubiquitous exotic annuals, or the common exotic perennial grass Paspalum dilatatum. Results. The dominant native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa and native forbs were resilient to repeated fires, and target exotic annuals and perennials were suppressed differentially by autumn and spring fires. Exotic annuals were also suppressed by drought, reducing the overall treatment effects but indicating important opportunities for restoration. The initially sparse exotic geophyte Romulea rosea increased in cover with fire and the impact of this species on native forbs requires further investigation. There was minimal increase in diversity of subsidiary natives with fire, probably owing to lack of propagules. Conclusions. While fire is often considered to increase ecosystem invasibility, our study showed that strategic use of fire, informed by the relative responses of available native and exotic taxa, is potentially an effective step towards restoration of weed‐invaded temperate eucalypt woodlands.  相似文献   

Determinants of C3 forb growth and production in a C4 dominated grassland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forbs are the most abundant species within the vascular flora of tallgrass prairie and they make the greatest contribution to biodiversity of all growth forms. However, little is known about the factors that determine their productivity and growth rates. The objective of this study was to assess the controls of forb growth (absolute and relative) and production in tallgrass prairie from a long-term burning experiment at the Konza Prairie in NE Kansas. Over the 14-year study, forbs comprised 9% of the total biomass production on sites with a high fire frequency vs. 29% on the low fire frequency site, with gramminoids accounting for the remainder. Although interannual variations in peak biomass of the grasses was strongly correlated with environmental variables related to water availability, there were no similar relationships for forbs, suggesting that production of forbs and grasses responded to interannual variations in climate in different ways. Multivariate analysis of climatic controls on growth rates of grasses and forbs yielded similar results. Although forbs had low biomass and absolute growth per unit ground area in frequently burned prairie, their relative growth rates were highest in such sites. Thus, it appears that reduced growth rates of individual forbs per se do not limit forb success in annually burned prairie. Instead, direct negative effects of fire on forbs (increased mortality) may be responsible. Determinants of forb growth and productivity in unburned prairie remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Prairie reconstructions are a critical component of preservation of the imperiled tallgrass prairie ecosystem in the Midwestern United States. Sustainability of this endeavor depends on establishment of persistent cover of planted native species and resistance to noxious weeds. The goal of this study was to understand the influence of early reconstruction practices on long‐term outcomes. Twelve replicates of three planting methods (dormant‐season broadcast, growing‐season broadcast, and growing‐season drill) and three seed mix richness levels (10, 20, or 34 species), fully crossed in a completely randomized design were planted in 2005 on nine former agricultural fields located in Iowa and Minnesota. Cover by species was estimated in 2005–2007, 2010, and 2015. In 2015, cover of planted species, native nonplanted species, and exotic species were similar to those recorded in 2010. Cover of the noxious weed Cirsium arvense had also declined by an average of 49% without herbicide from a peak in 2007 to low stable levels from 2010 to 2015. Richness of planted forbs, on the other hand, were still increasing in high‐richness broadcast treatments (e.g. 17–59% increase 2010–1015 in Minnesota). Two results in 2015 are reasons for concern: cover of planted species is only slightly over 50% in both Minnesota and Iowa, though with forbs still increasing, this may improve; and the cool‐season exotic grasses Poa pratensis and Bromus inermis are increasing at both Minnesota and Iowa sites. Control of these invasive grasses will be necessary, but care will be needed to avoid negative impacts of control methods on natives.  相似文献   

Abstract The native annual Sorghum populations of the Australian wet-dry tropics are highly resilient to dry season fires. During the early wet season, however, fires that occur after the new grass population has emerged can cause catastrophic population crashes. We examined savanna plots that had been burnt in this way, and compared them with adjacent unburnt plots. We found that Sorghum densities in the burnt plots were lower on average by a factor of 10, but that some fires had reduced the density only to one-third of the unburnt plots. It is not clear whether these differences relate directly to site or seasonal factors, or to differences in the way the burning was carried out. Other vegetation components responded to the fires differently: forbs (dicotyledonous herbs) increased in cover, while perennial grasses, woody plants, and overall species richness, were not significantly affected. The amount of leaf litter declined. A population model for Sorghum based on the demography of unburnt populations predicted that they should recover from a wet season burn, taking 7–16 years to return to normal densities. However, the actual field populations did not seem to be recovering, suggesting that wet season fires not only lower densities, but may also fundamentally change population processes in these annual grasses.  相似文献   

Effects of fire and small-scale soil disturbances on species richness, community heterogeneity, and microsuccession were investigated in a central Oklahoma tallgrass prairie. In the fall of 1985, 0.2 m2 soil disturbances were created on burned and unburned tallgrass prairie. Vegetation on and off disturbances was sampled at monthly intervals over two growing seasons. During the first growing season, the cover of forbs and annuals, and species richness were significantly greater on versus off disturbances, but these differences did not persist through the second year. The variation in species composition among disturbed plots (heterogeneity) was significantly greater compared to undisturbed areas throughout the study. Fire had no consistent effect on richness and heterogeneity of vegetation on soil disturbances but fire reduced heterogeneity on undisturbed vegetation. Rate of succession, based on an increase in cumulative cover of perennial grasses over time, did not differ among treatments during the first growing season. During the second year, rate of succession was significantly greater on burned soil disturbances compared to unburned soil disturbances. These results suggest that while small-scale soil disturbances have primarily short-lived effects on grassland community structure, disturbances do help to maintain spatial and temporal variation in tallgrass prairie communities. Unlike in undisturbed vegetation, however, species richness and heterogeneity on soil disturbances were little effected by fire, but the rate of colonization onto disturbances appeared to be enhanced by fire.  相似文献   

In grassland reserves, managed disturbance is often necessary to maintain plant species diversity. We carried out experiments to determine the impact of fire, kangaroo grazing, mowing and disc ploughing on grassland species richness and composition in a nature reserve in semi‐arid eastern Australia. Vegetation response was influenced by winter–spring drought after establishment of the experiments, but moderate rainfall followed in late summer–autumn. Species composition varied greatly between sampling times, and the variability due to rainfall differences between seasons and years was greater than the effects of fire, kangaroo grazing, mowing or disc ploughing. In the fire experiment, species richness and composition recovered more rapidly after spring than autumn burning. Species richness and composition were similar to control sites within 12 months of burning and mowing, suggesting that removal of the dominant grass canopy is unnecessary to enhance plant diversity. Two fires (separated by 3 years) and post‐fire kangaroo grazing had only minor influence on species richness and composition. Even disc ploughing caused only a small reduction in native richness. The minor impact of ploughing was explained by the small areas that were ploughed, the once‐off nature of the treatment, and the high degree of natural movement and cracking in these shrink‐swell soils. Recovery of the composition and richness of these grasslands was rapid because of the high proportion of perennial species that resprout vegetatively after fire and mowing. There appears to be little conservation benefit from fire, mowing or ploughing ungrazed areas, as we could identify no native plant species dependent on frequent disturbance for persistence in this grassland community. However, the ability of the Astrebla‐ and Dichanthium‐dominated grasslands to recover quickly after disturbance, given favourable seasonal conditions, suggests that they are well adapted to natural disturbances (e.g. droughts, fire, flooding and native grazing).  相似文献   

Abstract Analysis was performed of the richness and abundance of woody species, forbs, and annual grasses in the easily germinating soil seed bank (henceforth seed bank) in a mediterranean shrubland of central Chile. The effects of successional development after fire and by microsite type (underneath or outside shrubs) on the density of seeds in the soil, and the relationship of species abundance in the seed bank with its abundance in the above‐ground vegetation was examined. A total of 64 plant species were recorded in the seed bank, of which 44 were annual or biannual. Eight species were woody and another eight were perennial herbs. Four could not be identified to species level. The highest richness of established herbaceous species was recorded in late spring, with 31 species. The regeneration of the herbaceous vegetation was driven by the annual production of seeds and by a reserve of short‐lived propagules in the soil. Density of all germinating seeds was significantly higher during late spring and late summer. Density of grass seeds was greater during late spring, while that of all other species was greater during late summer. Annual grass seeds accumulated in higher proportion at exposed microsites rather than under woody canopy, and in young (< 5 years old) and intermediate‐age patches (10–20 years old) rather than in mature vegetation (30–50 years old). The abundance of established woody and herb species was uncorrelated with that of the seed bank.  相似文献   

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