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A specific protein—an inhibitor of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum protease—was isolated from kidney bean seeds in a homogeneous form. The purification procedure included gel filtration, isoelectric focusing and affinity chromatography on trypsin-Sepharose column. The latter was introduced to separate the fungal protease inhibitor from closely related trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors present in kidney bean seeds.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(10):1436-1442
The bioactive properties of lectins obtained from raw and canned red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) were studied to determine the changes in their bioactivity during the canning process. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) was extracted using Affi-gel Blue gel and thyroglobulin-Sepharose and had a molecular weight of 32 kDa. Both the raw and the canned kidney beans possessed the ability to agglutinate red blood cells and inhibit α-glucosidase. The activity found in the canned beans was similar to that from the in the raw kidney beans. However, the amount of lectin that could be extracted from thyroglobulin-Sepharose was much less in the canned samples than in the raw kidney bean samples. The extracted lectin from the raw kidney beans was also subjected to a heating and cooling treatment using a differential scanning calorimeter. The lectin had a nonset denaturation temperature of 77.76 °C and it did not renature upon cooling. In this study, we demonstrated that extracts from raw red kidney bean and canned red kidney bean contain bioactive compounds capable of inhibiting HIV-1 RT in vitro.  相似文献   

In plants and green algae, several starch synthase isozymes are responsible for the elongation of glucan chains in the biosynthesis of amylose and amylopectin. Multiple starch synthase isozymes, which are classified into five major classes (granule-bound starch synthases, SSI, SSII, SSIII, and SSIV) according to their primary sequences, have distinct enzymatic properties. All the starch synthase isozymes consist of a transit peptide, an N-terminal noncatalytic region (N-domain), and a C-terminal catalytic region (C-domain). To elucidate the enzymatic properties of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) SSIII and the function of the N-domain of kidney bean SSIII, three recombinant proteins were constructed: putative mature recombinant SSIII, recombinant kidney bean SSIII N-domain, and recombinant kidney bean SSIII C-domain. Purified recombinant kidney bean SSIII displayed high specific activities for primers as compared to the other starch synthase isozymes from kidney bean. Kinetic analysis showed that the high specific activities of recombinant kidney bean SSIII are attributable to the high k(cat) values, and that the K(m) values of recombinant kidney bean SSIII C-domain for primers were much higher than those of recombinant kidney bean recombinant SSIII. Recombinant kidney bean SSIII and recombinant kidney bean SSIII C-domain had similar chain-length specificities for the extension of glucan chains, indicating that the N-domain of kidney bean SSIII does not affect the chain-length specificity. Affinity gel electrophoresis indicated that recombinant kidney bean SSIII and recombinant kidney bean SSIII N-domain have high affinities for amylose and amylopectin. The data presented in this study provide direct evidence for the function of the N-domain of kidney bean SSIII as a carbohydrate-binding module.  相似文献   

A proteinaceous inhibitor of papain was purified to apparent homogeneity from mature seeds of common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). After four chromatographic steps, the papain inhibitor was purified 219‐fold with 12% recovery. On the basis of papain inhibitory activity, cystatins have been estimated to account for about 0.1% of the total protein content of mature common bean seeds. The purified protein, as other plant cystatins, is an acidic protein, heat stable and insensitive to reducing agents. Its molecular mass is about 37 kDa as judged by size exclusion chromatography and SDS‐PAGE. Moreover it is immunologically related to oryzacystatins, since it is recognised by a specific oryzacystatin I antiserum. Based on its biochemical properties the papain inhibitor described here belongs to the phytocystatin family. Papain inhibitory assays carried out during seed development showed that bean cystatin is active since early maturation stages. Our results suggest that, in common bean seed, cysteine proteinase inhibitors are important during seed development with a putative role in the control and regulation of endogenous thiol protease activity.  相似文献   

A protein acting as a specific inhibitor of microbial serine proteinases was isolated from kidney bean seeds. The purification procedure included complex formation between the inhibitor and Aspergillus oryzae proteinase. The protein with a Mr approximately 10 000 inhibits subtilisin and Asp. oryzae proteinase but does not affect trypsin and chymotrypsin. The inhibitor molecule contains no half-cystine residues.  相似文献   

1. The isolation of two proteins from the seeds of kidney bean is described. 2. The individual steps in the purification procedure included: extraction of the seeds at pH9.0, dialysis, first against pH9.0 and then against pH5.0 buffers, high-voltage electrophoresis of the proteins soluble at pH5.0 and chromatography on Sephadex G-200, Sephadex G-75 and DEAE-Sephadex columns. 3. Of the two proteins isolated, the first and larger component was a glycoprotein and its carbohydrate part was mainly composed of d-mannose and d-glucosamine together with smaller amounts of arabinose, xylose and fucose. 4. The second protein component isolated was a trypsin inhibitor and was almost entirely devoid of sugars but contained a firmly bound pinkish-blue pigment. 5. The amino acid composition of the two proteins was determined. 6. The glycoprotein contained very little if any cyst(e)ine but was relatively rich in aromatic amino acids, whereas the trypsin inhibitor had an unusually high cystine content (nearly 15%) but was relatively poor in valine and in aromatic amino acids.  相似文献   

A structural gene encoding nitrate reductase (NR) in bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) has been cloned and sequenced. The NR gene encodes a protein of 890 amino acids with a molecular mass of 100 kDa. Comparison to the other known NR gene from bean reveals 76% amino acid identity and comparison to NRs from other species shows amino acid identities ranging from 67 to 77%. At three positions the amino acid sequence displays differences from residues conserved in all other known NR proteins. The coding sequence is interrupted by four introns. Three of them are located at conserved positions in the region encoding the molybdenum cofactor-binding domain. The fourth intron is located in the hinge region between the heme and the FAD domain. This is the only example in which more than three introns have been found in a higher plant NR gene. The mRNA cap site was identified as an adenosine 79 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the ATG translation start codon. Northern analysis shows that the gene is nitrate inducible and highly expressed in trifoliolate leaves of 20-day-old bean plants and only weakly expressed in roots. The gene is also induced by light and sucrose in leaves of dark-adapted plants. The mRNA displays diurnal oscillation under the control of a circadian rhythm. Putative conserved GATA motifs in the promoter are discussed.  相似文献   

An alpha-amylase inhibitor (PHA-I) of the white kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was found to be composed of two kinds of subunits and they were isolated on a size-exclusion column by HPLC under denaturing conditions. The alpha-subunit was free from tryptophan and cysteine and the beta-subunit contained no methionine or cysteine. There was no marked resemblance in tryptic peptide map between these subunit polypeptides. The alpha-subunit contained 28% by weight of carbohydrate, mainly made up of high mannose-type oligosacharides, whereas the sugar moiety of the beta-subunit amounted to 7% by weight and seemed to be predominantly composed of xylomannose-type oligosaccharides. By SDS-PAGE following deglycosylation, the molecular weights of the polypeptides of alpha- and beta-subunits were shown to be 7,800 and 14,000, respectively. These values were consistent with molecular sizes obtained for alpha- and beta-subunits by gel permeation HPLC in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. The molecular weight of the native PHA-I, 28,800, obtained by gel permeation HPLC under non-denaturing conditions, suggested a heterodimeric structure for PHA-I.  相似文献   

A specific enterokinase inhibitor isolated from kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was immobilized on Affigel-10. Solubilized preparation of bovine and porcine enterokinases were bound to this matrix at pH 7.5 and the complex was dissociated by elution with l0 mM HCl, resulting in the isolation of the enzymes in homogeneous form as judged by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200, and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, human enterokinase could not be purified by this method in sufficient yield since it did not bind strongly to the insolubilized inhibitor.  相似文献   

Ingestion of red kidney bean phytohemagglutinin causes impaired growth and intestinal malabsorption, and facilitates bacterial colonization in the small intestine of weanling rats. We have studied interactions of the highly purified phytohemagglutinin erythroagglutinating (E4) and mitogenic (L4) isolectins with microvillous membrane vesicles prepared from rat small intestines. E4 and L4 were radioiodinated with 125I by the chloramine-T technique. E4 and L4 isolectins both bound to microvillous membrane vesicles. Binding was saturable and reversible. Each mg of membrane protein bound 744 +/- 86 micrograms E4 and 213 +/- 21 micrograms L4. The apparent Ka for E4 and L4 binding was 2.5 x 10(-6) and 13.0 x 10(-6) M-1, respectively. Binding of each 125I-labelled isolectin was abolished by 100-fold excess of unlabelled isolectin. In each case binding also was inhibited by appropriate oligosaccharide inhibitors, indicating that isolectin-microvillous membrane interactions were mediated by carbohydrate recognition. Patterns of saccharide inhibition of isolectin binding were different for E4 and L4. Competitive binding experiments demonstrated mutual noncompetitive inhibition of E4 and L4 binding consistent with steric hindrance. Therefore, E4 and L4 each bound to its own set of receptors. Based on the known saccharide specificities of E4 and L4, these data indicate that there are differences in expression of complex asparagine-linked biantennary and tri- or tetraantennary oligosaccharides at the microvillous surface. The data also provide the possibility that direct interactions of one or more phytohemagglutinin isolectins with intestinal mucosa in vivo may contribute to the antinutritional effects associated with ingestion of crude red kidney beans.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids in bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phytoglycolipid has been isolated for the first time from plant leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris). The purified product (almost identical with the phytoglycolipid isolated from flax seed) was a ceramide attached through phosphate diester linkage to an oligosaccharide, which consisted of the usual trisaccharide unit (inositol, hexuronic acid, hexosamine) to which were attached mannose, galactose, and arabinose. The major fatty acids were the saturated 2-hydroxy C(22), C(24), and C(26) acids; the major long-chain bases were dehydrophytosphingosine (d-ribo-1,3,4-trihydroxy-2-amino-8-trans-octadecene) (53%) and phytosphingosine (d-ribo-1,3,4-trihydroxy-2-amino-octadecane) (32%). A ceramide and a cerebroside were also isolated. In the ceramide the major fatty acids and the major long-chain bases were the same as in the phytoglycolipid. In the cerebroside, the fatty acid composition was similar to that in the ceramide and phytoglycolipid, but the long-chain bases consisted of dehydrophytosphingosine and phytosphingosine (7:1) with a substantial amount of unidentified long-chain base. The sugar component was glucose.  相似文献   

Lectin from crude extract of small black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was successfully extracted using the reversed micellar extraction (RME). The effects of water content of organic phase (Wo), ionic strength, pH, Aerosol-OT (AOT) concentration and extraction time on the forward extraction and the pH and ionic strength in the backward extraction were studied to optimize the extraction efficiency and purification factor. Forward extraction of lectin was found to be maximum after 15 min of contact using 50 mM AOT in organic phase with Wo 27 and 10 mM citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 5.5 containing 100 mM NaCl in the aqueous phase. Lectin was backward extracted into a fresh aqueous phase using sodium-phosphate buffer (10 mM, pH 7.0) containing 500 mM KCl. The overall yield of the process was 53.28% for protein recovery and 8.2-fold for purification factor. The efficiency of the process was confirmed by gel electrophoresis analysis.  相似文献   

A 5.4-kDa antifungal peptide, with an N-terminal sequence highly homologous to defensins and inhibitory activity against Mycosphaerella arachidicola (IC(50)= 3 μM), Setospaeria turcica and Bipolaris maydis, was isolated from the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. brown kidney bean. The peptide was purified by employing a protocol that entailed adsorption on Affi-gel blue gel and Mono S and finally gel filtration on Superdex 75. The antifungal activity of the peptide against M. arachidicola was stable in the pH range 3-12 and in the temperature range 0°C to 80°C. There was a slight reduction of the antifungal activity at pH 2 and 13, and the activity was indiscernible at pH 0, 1, and 14. The activity at 90°C and 100°C was slightly diminished. Deposition of Congo red at the hyphal tips of M. arachidicola was induced by the peptide indicating inhibition of hyphal growth. The lack of antiproliferative activity of brown kidney bean antifungal peptide toward tumor cells, in contrast to the presence of such activity of other antifungal peptides, indicates that different domains are responsible for the antifungal and antiproliferative activities.  相似文献   

Porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase (PPA) is inhibited by the red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) inhibitor alpha-AI1 [Eur. J. Biochem. 265 (1999) 20]. Inhibition kinetics were carried out using DP 4900-amylose and maltopentaose as substrate. As shown by graphical and statistical analysis of the kinetic data, the inhibitory mode is of the mixed noncompetitive type whatever the substrate thus involving the EI, EI2, ESI and ESI2 complexes. This contrast with the E2I complex obtained in the crystal and with biophysical studies. Such difference very likely depends on the [I]/[E] ratio. At low ratio, the E2I complex is favoured; at high ratio the EI, ESI and EI2 complexes are formed. The inhibition model also differs from those previously proposed for acarbose [Eur. J. Biochem. 241 (1996) 787 and Eur. J. Biochem. 252 (1998) 100]. In particular, with alpha-AI1, the inhibition takes place only when PPA and alpha-AI are preincubated together before adding the substrate. This indicates that the abortive PPA-alphaAI1 complex is formed during the preincubation period. One additional carbohydrate binding site is also demonstrated yielding the ESI complex. Also, a second protein binding site is found in EI2 and ESI2 abortive complexes. Conformational changes undergone by PPA upon alpha-AI1 binding are shown by higher sensitivity to subtilisin attack. From X-ray analysis of the alpha-AI1-PPA complex (E2I), the major interaction occurs with two hairpin loops L1 (residues 29-46) and L2 (residues 171-189) of alpha-AI1 protruding into the V-shaped active site of PPA. The hydrolysis of alpha-AI1 that accounts for the inhibitory activity is reported.  相似文献   

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