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The centrifuge proposed for the Space Station will most likely be used, in part, for countermeasure studies. At present, there is a paucity of information concerning the duration and frequency of acceleration necessary to counteract the atrophy process associated with microgravity. The present study was designed to investigate intermittent acceleration during non-weight bearing of the soleus muscle and its resultant effects on muscular atrophy. Each day rats were removed from hindlimbs suspension and accelerated to 1.2 g for four 15-min periods evenly spaced over a 12-h interval. The soleus muscle experienced non-weight bearing the remaining 23 h each day. This paradigm, when repeated for 7 days, did not completely maintain the mass of soleus muscle, which was 84% of control. Interestingly, the identical protocol utilizing ground support in lieu of acceleration successfully maintained the soleus muscle mass. The failure of the centrifugation protocol to adequately maintain soleus muscle mass might be due to an undefined stress placed on the animals inherent in centrifugation itself. This stress may also explain the transient decline in food intake of the intermittent acceleration group on the 2nd and 3rd days of treatment. Also, these data support the concept that the frequency of exposure, as opposed to the duration of exposure, to weight bearing during hindlimb unweighting seems to be the more important determinant of maintaining postural muscle mass.  相似文献   

Although various exercise paradigms have been tested, none has completely prevented muscle atrophy during non-weight bearing. Because loaded eccentric contractions occur during normal daily activity but are absent during non-weight bearing, this investigation tested whether eccentric resistance training could prevent soleus muscle atrophy during non-weight bearing. Adult female rats were randomly assigned to either weight bearing +/- intramuscular electrodes or non-weight bearing +/- intramuscular electrodes groups. Electrically stimulated maximal eccentric contractions (4 sets of 6 repetitions at approximately 0.2 fiber lengths/s, 128 degrees range of motion) were performed on anesthetized animals at 48-h intervals during the 10-day experiment. Non-weight bearing significantly reduced soleus muscle wet weight (28-31%) and noncollagenous protein content (30-31%) compared with controls. Eccentric exercise training during non-weight bearing attenuated but did not prevent the loss of soleus muscle wet weight and noncollagenous protein by 77 and 44%, respectively. The potential of eccentric exercise training as an effective and highly efficient counter-measure to non-weight-bearing atrophy is demonstrated in the 44% attenuation of soleus muscle noncollagenous protein loss by eccentric exercise during only 0.035% of the total non-weight-bearing time period.  相似文献   

Muscle atrophy is associated with a loss of muscle fiber nuclei, most likely through apoptosis. We investigated age-related differences in the extent of apoptosis in soleus muscle of young (6 mo) and old (32 mo) male Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats subjected to acute disuse atrophy induced by 14 days of hindlimb suspension (HS). HS-induced atrophy (reduction in muscle weight and cross-sectional area) was associated with loss of myofiber nuclei in soleus muscle of young, but not old, rats. This resulted in a significant decrease in the myonuclear domain (cross-sectional area per nucleus) in young and old rats, with changes being more pronounced in old animals. Levels of apoptosis (TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling and DNA fragmentation) were higher in soleus muscles of old control rats than young animals. Levels were significantly increased with HS in young and old rats, with the greatest changes in old animals. Caspase-3 activity in soleus muscle tended to be increased with age, but changes were not statistically significant (P=0.052). However, with HS, caspase-3 activity significantly increased in young, but not old, rats. Immunohistochemistry showed that the proapoptotic endonuclease G (EndoG, a mitochondrion-specific nuclease) was localized in the subsarcolemmal mitochondria in control muscles, and translocation to the nucleus occurred in old, but not young, control animals. There was no difference between EndoG total protein content in young and old control rats, but EndoG increased almost fivefold in soleus muscle of old, but not young, rats after HS. These results show that deregulation of myonuclear number occurs in old skeletal muscle and that the pathways involved in apoptosis are distinct in young and old muscles. Apoptosis in skeletal muscle is partly mediated by the subsarcolemmal mitochondria through EndoG translocation to the nucleus in response to HS.  相似文献   

A proteomic analysis was performed comparing normal rat soleus muscle to soleus muscle that had undergone either 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 14 days of hindlimb suspension-induced atrophy or hindlimb suspension-induced atrophied soleus muscle that had undergone 1 hour, 8 hour, 1 day, 2 day, 4 day and 7 days of reweighting-induced hypertrophy. Muscle mass measurements demonstrated continual loss of soleus mass occurred throughout the 21 days of hindlimb suspension; following reweighting, atrophied soleus muscle mass increased dramatically between 8 hours and 1 day post reweighting. Proteomic analysis of normal and atrophied soleus muscle demonstrated statistically significant changes in the relative levels of 29 soleus proteins. Reweighting following atrophy demonstrated statistically significant changes in the relative levels of 15 soleus proteins. Protein identification using mass spectrometry was attempted for all differentially regulated proteins from both atrophied and hypertrophied soleus muscle. Five differentially regulated proteins from the hindlimb suspended atrophied soleus muscle were identified while five proteins were identified in the reweighting-induced hypertrophied soleus muscles. The identified proteins could be generally grouped together as metabolic proteins, chaperone proteins and contractile apparatus proteins. Together these data demonstrate that coordinated temporally regulated changes in the skeletal muscle proteome occur during disuse-induced soleus muscle atrophy and reweighting hypertrophy.  相似文献   

In the environment of microgravity, the disused atrophy of skeletal muscle, especially leg's muscle, would occur. The three purposes of this study were: 1. To observe the dynamic changes of disused atrophy of skeletal muscle under simulated weightlessness; 2. To approach the mechanism of disused atrophy of muscle; 3. To approach the countermeasures for reducing the degree of atrophy of muscle.  相似文献   

Zachaová, Gisela, HelenaKnotková-Urbancová, Pavel Hník, andTomá Soukup. Nociceptive atrophy of the rat soleus muscle induced by bone fracture: a morphometric study.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 552-557, 1997.Reflex atrophy of the soleus muscle induced by ipsilateralmetatarsal bone fracture in Sagatal-anesthetized adult male rats wasstudied by using two-dimensional stereological methods 7 days after theoperation. When compared with contralateral solei, the wet weight ofthe experimental soleus muscles was decreased by ~24% and the areaof the entire muscle section by ~29%. In atrophied solei, the numberof type 1 fibers was lower by ~8%, resulting in lower total numberof fibers (by ~6%). This indicates that slow motor units might bemore sensitive to nociceptive stimulation. However, with respect to thefiber area, the reflex atrophy induced by metatarsal bone fracture inthe rat soleus muscle resembles simple atrophy after 7 days, as themean muscle fiber area was decreased by ~26% with no significantdifference between atrophy in type 1 and type 2a fibers (by 27.3 and23.0%, respectively).


The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence and time-course of apoptosis in soleus skeletal muscle during the first 48 hours of unloading. Fifty Charles River mice were randomly divided into five groups (n=10 each) according to the time of hindlimb suspension (HS). Mice were suspended for 0 (Control), 6 (6HS), 12 (12HS), 24 (24HS), and 48 hours (48HS). Soleus muscle atrophy was confirmed by a significant decrease of 20 % in muscle-wet weight and of 5 % in the ratio protein concentration/muscle wet-weight observed after 48 hours of unloading. The apoptotic index, the AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor) and p53 expression presented their uppermost value (304 %, 241 % and 246 %, respectively) at 24HS, and were preceded by the highest activity of caspase-3 and -8 at 12HS (170 % and 218 %, respectively) and of Bax/Bcl-2 content at 6HS (160 %). There were no marked ultrastructural alterations until 24 hours of simulated weightlessness. Lysosomal autophagic activity and infiltration of phagocytic cells were observed at 24HS and 48HS and might have contributed to the degenerative changes noticed in both groups. Though not consistently supported by morphological evidences, the biochemical parameters sustain the concept that the occurrence of apoptosis parallels the soleus atrophic response in its early phase.  相似文献   

The autophagy–lysosome system is essential for muscle protein synthesis and degradation equilibrium, and its dysfunction has been linked to various muscle disorders. It has been reported that a diverse collection of extracellular matrix constituents, including decorin, collagen VI, laminin α2, endorepellin, and endostatin, can modulate autophagic signaling pathways. However, the association between autophagy and perlecan in muscle homeostasis remains unclear. The mechanical unloading of perlecan-deficient soleus muscles resulted in significantly decreased wet weights and cross-section fiber area compared with those of control mice. We found that perlecan deficiency in slow-twitch soleus muscles enhanced autophagic activity. This was accompanied by a decrease in autophagic substrates, such as p62, and an increase in LC3II levels. Furthermore, perlecan deficiency caused a reduction in the phosphorylation levels of p70S6k and Akt and increased the phosphorylation of AMPKα. Our findings suggested that perlecan inhibits the autophagic process through the activation of the mTORC1 pathway. This autophagic response may be a novel target for enhancing the efficacy of skeletal muscle atrophy treatment.  相似文献   

Antigravity muscles atrophy and weaken during prolonged mechanical unloading caused by bed rest or spaceflight. Unloading also induces oxidative stress in muscle, a putative cause of weakness. We tested the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with Bowman-Birk inhibitor concentrate (BBIC), a soy protein extract, would oppose these changes. Adult mice were fed a diet supplemented with 1% BBIC during hindlimb unloading for up to 12 days. Soleus muscles of mice fed the BBIC-supplemented diet weighed less, developed less force per cross-sectional area, and developed less total force after unloading than controls. BBIC supplementation was protective, blunting decrements in soleus muscle weight and force. Cytosolic oxidant activity was assessed using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate. Oxidant activity increased in unloaded muscle, peaking at 3 days and remaining elevated through 12 days of unloading. Increases in oxidant activity correlated directly with loss of muscle mass and were abolished by BBIC supplementation. In vitro assays established that BBIC directly buffers reactive oxygen species and also inhibits serine protease activity. We conclude that dietary supplementation with BBIC protects skeletal muscle during prolonged unloading, promoting redox homeostasis in muscle fibers and blunting atrophy-induced weakness.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are crucial organelles in the production of energy and in the control of signalling cascades. A machinery of pro‐fusion and fission proteins regulates their morphology and subcellular localization. In muscle this results in an orderly pattern of intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria. Muscular atrophy is a genetically controlled process involving the activation of the autophagy‐lysosome and the ubiquitin–proteasome systems. Whether and how the mitochondria are involved in muscular atrophy is unknown. Here, we show that the mitochondria are removed through autophagy system and that changes in mitochondrial network occur in atrophying muscles. Expression of the fission machinery is per se sufficient to cause muscle wasting in adult animals, by triggering organelle dysfunction and AMPK activation. Conversely, inhibition of the mitochondrial fission inhibits muscle loss during fasting and after FoxO3 overexpression. Mitochondrial‐dependent muscle atrophy requires AMPK activation as inhibition of AMPK restores muscle size in myofibres with altered mitochondria. Thus, disruption of the mitochondrial network is an essential amplificatory loop of the muscular atrophy programme.  相似文献   

Unloading-induced muscle atrophy occurs in the aging population, bed-ridden patients, and astronauts. This study was designed to determine whether dynamic foot stimulation (DFS) applied to the plantar surface of the rat foot can serve as a countermeasure to soleus muscle atrophy normally observed in hindlimb unloaded (HU) rats. Forty-four mature (6 mo old), male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to ambulatory control, HU alone, HU with active DFS (i.e., plantar contact with active inflation), HU with passive DFS (i.e., plantar contact without active inflation), and HU while wearing a DFS boot with no plantar contact groups. Application of active DFS during HU significantly counteracted the atrophic response by preventing approximately 85% of the reduction in type I myofiber cross-sectional area (CSA) in the soleus while preventing approximately 57% of the reduction in type I myofiber CSA and 43% of the reduction in type IIA myofiber CSA of the medial gastrocnemius muscle. Wearing of a DFS boot without active inflation prevented myofiber atrophy in the soleus of HU animals in a fashion similar to that observed in HU animals that wore an actively inflated DFS boot. However, when a DFS boot without plantar surface contact was worn during HU, no significant protection from HU-induced myofiber atrophy was observed. These results illustrate that the application of mechanical foot stimulation to the plantar surface of the rat foot is an effective countermeasure to muscle atrophy induced by HU.  相似文献   

Atrophy of skeletal muscle leads to decreases in myofiber size and nuclear number; however, the effects of atrophic conditions on muscle precursor cells (MPC) are largely unknown. MPC lie outside myofibers and represent the main source of additional myonuclei necessary for muscle growth and repair. In the present study, we examined the properties of MPC after hindlimb suspension (HS)-induced atrophy and subsequent recovery of the mouse hindlimb muscles. We demonstrated that the number of MPC in atrophied muscles was decreased. RT-PCR analysis of cells isolated from atrophied muscles indicated that several mRNA characteristic of the myogenic program in MPC were absent. Cells isolated from atrophied muscles failed to properly proliferate and undergo differentiation into multinucleated myotubes. Thus atrophy led to a decrease in MPC and caused dysfunction in those MPC that remained. Upon regrowth of the atrophied muscles, these deleterious effects were reversed. Our data suggest that preventing loss or dysfunction of MPC may be a new pharmacological target during muscle atrophy. satellite cells; hindlimb suspension; proliferation; differentiation; myotubes  相似文献   

The soleus muscle has been consistently shown to atrophy more than other leg muscles during unloading and is difficult to protect using various exercise countermeasure paradigms. However, the efficacy of aerobic exercise, a known stimulus for oxidative adaptations, has not been tested in combination with resistance exercise (RE), a known hypertrophic stimulus. We hypothesized that a concurrent exercise program (AE + RE) would preserve soleus fiber myosin heavy chain (MHC) I size and function during 60 days of bed rest. A secondary objective was to test the hypothesis that a leucine-enriched high protein diet would partially protect soleus single fiber characteristics. Soleus muscle biopsies were obtained before and after bed rest from a control (BR; n = 7), nutrition (BRN; n = 8), and exercise (BRE; n = 6) group. Single muscle fiber diameter (Dia), peak force (Po), contractile velocity, and power were studied. BR decreased (P < 0.05) MHC I Dia (-14%), Po (-38%), and power (-39%) with no change in contractile velocity. Changes in MHC I size (-13%) and contractile function (approximately 30%) from BRN were similar to BR. BRE decreased (P < 0.05) MHC I Dia (-13%) and Po (-23%), while contractile velocity increased (P < 0.05) 26% and maintained power. These soleus muscle data show 1) the AE + RE exercise program maintained MHC I power but not size and strength, and 2) the nutrition countermeasure did not benefit single fiber size and contractile function. The divergent response in size and functional MHC I soleus properties with the concurrent exercise program was a unique finding further highlighting the challenges of protecting the unloaded soleus.  相似文献   

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