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Secreted fungal RNases, represented by RNase T1, constitute a family of structurally related proteins that includes ribotoxins such as alpha-sarcin. The active site residues of RNase T1 are conserved in all fungal RNases, except for Phe 100 that is not present in the ribotoxins, in which Leu 145 occupies the equivalent position. The mutant Leu145Phe of alpha-sarcin has been recombinantly produced and characterized by spectroscopic methods (circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and NMR). These analyses have revealed that the mutant protein retained the overall conformation of the wild-type alpha-sarcin. According to the analyses performed, Leu 145 was shown to be essential to preserve the electrostatic environment of the active site that is required to maintain the anomalous low pKa value reported for the catalytic His 137 of alpha-sarcin. Enzymatic characterization of the mutant protein has revealed that Leu 145 is crucial for the specific activity of alpha-sarcin on ribosomes.  相似文献   

An aromatic amino acid, Tyr or Trp, located in the esterase active site wall, is highly conserved, with hyperthermophilic esterases showing preference for Tyr and lower temperature esterases showing preference for Trp. In this study, we investigated the role of Tyr182 in the active site wall of hyperthermophilic esterase EstE1. Mutation of Tyr to Phe or Ala had a moderate effect on EstE1 thermal stability. However, a small-to-large mutation such as Tyr to His or Trp had a devastating effect on thermal stability. All mutant EstE1 enzymes showed reduced catalytic rates and enhanced substrate affinities as compared with wild-type EstE1. Hydrogen bond formation involving Tyr182 was unimportant for maintaining EstE1 thermal stability, as the EstE1 structure is already adapted to high temperatures via increased intramolecular interactions. However, removal of hydrogen bond from Tyr182 significantly decreased EstE1 catalytic activity, suggesting its role in stabilization of the active site. These results suggest that Tyr is preferred over a similarly sized Phe residue or bulky His or Trp residue in the active site walls of hyperthermophilic esterases for stabilizing the active site and regulating catalytic activity at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Protein residues that are critical for structure and function are expected to be conserved throughout evolution. Here, we investigate the extent to which these conserved residues are clustered in three-dimensional protein structures. In 92% of the proteins in a data set of 79 proteins, the most conserved positions in multiple sequence alignments are significantly more clustered than randomly selected sets of positions. The comparison to random subsets is not necessarily appropriate, however, because the signal could be the result of differences in the amino acid composition of sets of conserved residues compared to random subsets (hydrophobic residues tend to be close together in the protein core), or differences in sequence separation of the residues in the different sets. In order to overcome these limits, we compare the degree of clustering of the conserved positions on the native structure and on alternative conformations generated by the de novo structure prediction method Rosetta. For 65% of the 79 proteins, the conserved residues are significantly more clustered in the native structure than in the alternative conformations, indicating that the clustering of conserved residues in protein structures goes beyond that expected purely from sequence locality and composition effects. The differences in the spatial distribution of conserved residues can be utilized in de novo protein structure prediction: We find that for 79% of the proteins, selection of the Rosetta generated conformations with the greatest clustering of the conserved residues significantly enriches the fraction of close-to-native structures.  相似文献   

Transporters of the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate play a crucial role in glutamatergic neurotransmission by removing their substrate from the synaptic cleft. The transport mechanism involves co-transport of glutamic acid with three Na(+) ions followed by countertransport of one K(+) ion. Structural work on the archeal homologue Glt(Ph) indicates a role of a conserved asparagine in substrate binding. According to a recent proposal, this residue may also participate in a novel Na(+) binding site. In this study, we characterize mutants of this residue from the neuronal transporter EAAC1, Asn-451. None of the mutants, except for N451S, were able to exhibit transport. However, the K(m) of this mutant for l-aspartate was increased ~30-fold. Remarkably, the increase for d-aspartate and l-glutamate was 250- and 400-fold, respectively. Moreover, the cation specificity of N451S was altered because sodium but not lithium could support transport. A similar change in cation specificity was observed with a mutant of a conserved threonine residue, T370S, also implicated to participate in the novel Na(+) site together with the bound substrate. In further contrast to the wild type transporter, only l-aspartate was able to activate the uncoupled anion conductance by N451S, but with an almost 1000-fold reduction in apparent affinity. Our results not only provide experimental support for the Na(+) site but also suggest a distinct orientation of the substrate in the binding pocket during the activation of the anion conductance.  相似文献   

Sheng MH  Wergedal JE  Mohan S  Lau KH 《FEBS letters》2008,582(10):1451-1458
This study presents gene expression, protein expression, and in situ immunohistochemical evidence that osteoclasts express high levels of osteoactivin (OA), which had previously been reported to be an osteoblast-specific protein in bone. OA expression in osteoclasts was up-regulated upon receptor activator of NFkappaB ligand-induced differentiation. Suppression of functional activity of OA with neutralizing antibody reduced cell size, number of nuclei, fusion, and bone resorption activity of osteoclasts. OA was co-immunoprecipitated with integrin beta3 and beta1, indicating that OA co-localizes with integrin beta3 and/or beta1 in a hetero-polymeric complex in osteoclasts. These findings indicate that OA is a novel osteoclastic protein and plays a role in osteoclast differentiation and/or activity.  相似文献   

Residue Tyr-48 in alpha-sarcin is conserved not only within the ribotoxin family, but also within the larger group of extracellular fungal ribonucleases, best represented by RNase T1. A mutant protein in which this Tyr residue was substituted by Phe has been produced and isolated to homogeneity. It was spectroscopically analyzed by means of circular dichroism, fluorescence emission and NMR. Taken together, these results and those from enzyme characterization have revealed the essential role of the -OH group from the Tyr-48 phenolic ring in the cleavage of polymeric RNA substrates, including the ribosome-embedded 28S rRNA, the natural substrate of ribotoxins. Thus, the mutant protein does not degrade its natural ribosomal RNA substrate. However, it has been shown that this Y48F mutant still retains its ability to cleave a phosphodiester bond in a minimal substrate such as the dinucleoside phosphate ApA. The role of different alpha-sarcin residues within the enzyme reaction catalyzed by this protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Sun M  Rothermel TA  Shuman L  Aligo JA  Xu S  Lin Y  Lamb RA  He B 《Journal of virology》2004,78(10):5068-5078
The paramyxovirus family includes many well-known human and animal pathogens as well as emerging viruses such as Hendra virus and Nipah virus. The V protein of simian virus 5 (SV5), a prototype of the paramyxoviruses, contains a cysteine-rich C-terminal domain which is conserved among all paramyxovirus V proteins. The V protein can block both interferon (IFN) signaling by causing degradation of STAT1 and IFN production by blocking IRF-3 nuclear import. Previously, it was reported that recombinant SV5 lacking the C terminus of the V protein (rSV5VDeltaC) induces a severe cytopathic effect (CPE) in tissue culture whereas wild-type (wt) SV5 infection does not induce CPE. In this study, the nature of the CPE and the mechanism of the induction of CPE were investigated. Through the use of DNA fragmentation, terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling, and propidium iodide staining assays, it was shown that rSV5VDeltaC induced apoptosis. Expression of wt V protein prevented apoptosis induced by rSV5VDeltaC, suggesting that the V protein has an antiapoptotic function. Interestingly, rSV5VDeltaC induced apoptosis in U3A cells (a STAT1-deficient cell line) and in the presence of neutralizing antibody against IFN, suggesting that the induction of apoptosis by rSV5VDeltaC was independent of IFN and IFN-signaling pathways. Apoptosis induced by rSV5VDeltaC was blocked by a general caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, but not by specific inhibitors against caspases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13, suggesting that rSV5VDeltaC-induced apoptosis can occur in a caspase 12-dependent manner. Endoplasmic reticulum stress can lead to activation of caspase 12; compared to the results seen with mock and wt SV5 infection, rSV5VDeltaC infection induced ER stress, as demonstrated by increased expression levels of known ER stress indicators GRP 78, GRP 94, and GADD153. These data suggest that rSV5VDeltaC can trigger cell death by inducing ER stress.  相似文献   

Alpha-sarcin, a cyclizing ribonuclease secreted by the mould Aspergillus giganteus, is one of the best characterized members of a family of fungal ribotoxins. This protein induces apoptosis in tumour cells due to its highly specific activity on ribosomes. Fungal ribotoxins display a three-dimensional protein fold similar to those of a larger group of microbial noncytotoxic RNases, represented by RNases T1 and U2. This similarity involves the three catalytic residues and also the Arg121 residue, whose counterpart in RNase T1, Arg77, is located in the vicinity of the substrate phosphate moiety although its potential functional role is not known. In this work, Arg121 of alpha-sarcin has been replaced by Gln or Lys. These two mutations do not modify the conformation of the protein but abolish the ribosome-inactivating activity of alpha-sarcin. In addition, the loss of the positive charge at that position produces dramatic changes on the interaction of alpha-sarcin with phospholipid membranes. It is concluded that Arg121 is a crucial residue for the characteristic cytotoxicity of alpha-sarcin and presumably of the other fungal ribotoxins.  相似文献   

Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL) is caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal tripeptidyl peptidase-I encoded by CLN2. We previously detected in two LINCL patients a homozygous missense mutation, p.Asn286Ser, that affects a potential N-glycosylation site. We introduced the p.Asn286Ser mutation into the wild-type CLN2 cDNA and performed transient expression analysis to determine the effect on the catalytic activity, intracellular targeting, and glycosylation of the CLN2 protein. Expression of mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in HEK293 cells revealed that the mutant was enzymatically inactive. Western blot analysis demonstrated that at steady state the amounts of expressed p.Asn286Ser CLN2 were reduced compared with wild-type expressing cells. The rate of synthesis and the sorting of the newly synthesized p.Asn286Ser CLN2 in the Golgi was not affected compared with wild-type CLN2 protein. The electrophoretic mobility of the immunoprecipitated mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 was increased by approximately 2 kDa compared with the wild-type CLN2 protein, whereas deglycosylation led to the generation of polypeptides of the same apparent size. The data suggest that mutant p.Asn286Ser CLN2 lacks one oligosaccharide chain resulting in enzymatic inactivation.  相似文献   

FAT10 plays a role in the regulation of chromosomal stability   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Aneuploidy is a key process in tumorigenesis. Dysfunction of the mitotic spindle checkpoint proteins has been implicated as a cause of aneuploidy in cells. We have previously reported that FAT10, a member of the ubiquitin-like modifier family of proteins, is overexpressed in several gastrointestinal and gynecological cancers. Here we show that FAT10 interacts with MAD2, a spindle checkpoint protein, during mitosis. Notably, we show that localization of MAD2 at the kinetochore during the prometaphase stage of the cell cycle was greatly reduced in FAT10-overexpressing cells. Furthermore, compared with parental HCT116 cells, fewer mitotic cells were observed after double thymidine-synchronized FAT10-overexpressing cells were released into nocodazole for more than 4 h. Nonetheless, when these double thymidine-treated cells were released into media, a similar number of G1 parental and FAT10-overexpressing HCT116 cells was observed throughout the 10-h time course. Additionally, more nocodazole-treated FAT10-overexpressing cells escape mitotic controls and are multinucleate compared with parental cells. Significantly, we observed a higher degree of variability in chromosome number in cells overexpressing FAT10. Hence, our data suggest that high levels of FAT10 protein in cells lead to increased mitotic nondisjunction and chromosome instability, and this effect is mediated by an abbreviated mitotic phase and the reduction in the kinetochore localization of MAD2 during the prometaphase stage of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The degree of enzyme hydration is the one of the most important factors which can affect enzyme activity and stability in water-limited environments. Alcohol dehydrogenase from baker's yeast (YADH) has been used as a model enzyme to study the effects of hydration on activity, stability, and cofactor stability with gas phase substrates. In all cases, the enzyme is essentially inactive until a temperature-independent degree of surface coverage by water molecules has been reached. The critical water content corresponds to 40-50% of a single monolayer. Careful control of the degree of hydration, by adjustments to gas humidity and temperature, enables the enzyme to be stabilized for periods exceeding 1 month, whereas in water the half-life of the enzyme is 30 min. The reaction with gas phase substrates follows a pseudo-first-order mechanism with an activation energy of 7.5 +/- kcal/mol, which is almost half of that in aqueous solution. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Palenchar JB  Colman RF 《Biochemistry》2003,42(7):1831-1841
Adenylosuccinate lyase, an enzyme catalyzing two reactions in purine biosynthesis (the cleavage of either adenylosuccinate or succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide), has been implicated in a human disease arising from point mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme. Asn(276) of Bacillus subtilis adenylosuccinate lyase, a residue corresponding to the location of a human enzyme mutation, was replaced by Cys, Ser, Ala, Arg, and Glu. The mutant enzymes exhibit decreased V(max) values (2-400-fold lower) for both substrates compared to the wild-type enzyme and some changes in the pH dependence of V(max) but no loss in affinity for adenylosuccinate. Circular dichroism reveals no difference in secondary structure between the wild-type and mutant enzymes. We show here for the first time that wild-type adenylosuccinate lyase exhibits a protein concentration dependence of molecular weight, secondary structure, and specific activity. An equilibrium constant between the dimer and tetramer was measured by light scattering for the wild-type and mutant enzymes. The equilibrium is somewhat shifted toward the tetramer in the mutant enzymes. The major difference between the wild-type and mutant enzymes appears to be in quaternary structure, with many mutant enzymes exhibiting marked thermal instability relative to the wild-type enzyme. We propose that mutations at position 276 result in structurally impaired adenylosuccinate lyases which are assembled into defective tetramers.  相似文献   

Branching enzyme belongs to the alpha-amylase family, which includes enzymes that catalyze hydrolysis or transglycosylation at alpha-(1,4)- or alpha-(1,6)-glucosidic linkages. In the alpha-amylase family, four highly conserved regions are proposed to make up the active site. From amino acid sequence analysis a tyrosine residue is completely conserved in the alpha-amylase family. In Escherichia coli branching enzyme, this residue (Y300) is located prior to the conserved region 1. Site-directed mutagenesis of the Y300 residue in E. coli branching enzyme was used in order to study its possible function in branching enzymes. Replacement of Y300 with Ala, Asp, Leu, Ser, and Trp resulted in mutant enzymes with less than 1% of wild-type activity. A Y300F substitution retained 25% of wild-type activity. Kinetic analysis of Y300F showed no effect on the Km value. The heat stability of Y300F was analyzed, and this was lowered significantly compared to that of the wild-type enzyme. Y300F also showed lower relative activity at elevated temperatures compared to wild-type. Thus, these results show that Tyr residue 300 in E. coli branching enzyme is important for activity and thermostability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We previously showed that Caenorhabditis elegans APN-1, the only metazoan apurinic/apyrimidinc (AP) endonuclease belonging to the endonuclease IV family, can functionally rescue the DNA repair defects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants completely lacking AP endonuclease/3′-diesterase activities. While this complementation study provided the first evidence that APN-1 possesses the ability to act on DNA lesions that are processed by AP endonucleases/3′-diesterase activities, no former studies were conducted to examine its biological importance in vivo. Herein, we show that C. elegans knockdown for apn-1 by RNAi displayed phenotypes that are directly linked with a defect in maintaining the integrity of the genome. apn-1(RNAi) animals exhibited a 5-fold increase in the frequency of mutations at a gfp-lacZ reporter and showed sensitivities to DNA damaging agents such as methyl methane sulfonate and hydrogen peroxide that produce AP site lesions and strand breaks with blocked 3′-ends. The apn-1(RNAi) worms also displayed a delay in the division of the P1 blastomere, a defect that is consistent with the accumulation of unrepaired lesions. Longevity was only compromised, if the apn-1(RNAi) animals were challenged with the DNA damaging agents. We showed that apn-1(RNAi) knockdown suppressed formation of apoptotic corpses in the germline caused by an overburden of AP sites generated from uracil DNA glycosylase mediated removal of misincorporated uracil. Finally, we showed that depletion of APN-1 by RNAi partially rescued the lethality resulting from uracil misincorporation, suggesting that APN-1 is an important AP endonuclease for repair of misincorporated uracil.  相似文献   

In the family of acyl-coenzyme A binding proteins, a subset of 26 sequence sites are identical in all eukaryotes and conserved throughout evolution of the eukaryotic kingdoms. In the context of the bovine protein, the importance of these 26 sequence positions for structure, function, stability, and folding has been analyzed using single-site mutations. A total of 28 mutant proteins were analyzed which covered 17 conserved sequence positions and three nonconserved positions. As a first step, the influence of the mutations on the protein folding reaction has been probed, revealing a folding nucleus of eight hydrophobic residues formed between the N- and C-terminal helices [Kragelund, B. B., et al. (1999) Nat. Struct. Biol. (In press)]. To fully analyze the role of the conserved residues, the function and the stability have been measured for the same set of mutant proteins. Effects on function were measured by the extent of binding of the ligand dodecanoyl-CoA using isothermal titration calorimetry, and effects on protein stability were measured with chemical denaturation followed by intrinsic tryptophan and tyrosine fluorescence. The sequence sites that have been conserved for direct functional purposes have been identified. These are Phe5, Tyr28, Tyr31, Lys32, Lys54, and Tyr73. Binding site residues are mainly polar or charged residues, and together, four of these contribute approximately 8 kcal mol-1 of the total free energy of binding of 11 kcal mol-1. The sequence sites conserved for stability of the structure have likewise been identified and are Phe5, Ala9, Val12, Leu15, Leu25, Tyr28, Lys32, Gln33, Tyr73, Val77, and Leu80. Essentially, all of the conserved residues that maintain the stability are hydrophobic residues at the interface of the helices. Only one conserved polar residue, Gln33, is involved in stability. The results indicate that conservation of residues in homologous proteins may result from a summed optimization of an effective folding reaction, a stable native protein, and a fully active binding site. This is important in protein design strategies, where optimization of one of these parameters, typically function or stability, may influence any of the others markedly.  相似文献   

Daniele A  Di Natale P 《FEBS letters》2001,505(3):445-448
Sulfatases are members of a highly conserved family of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfate ester bonds from a variety of substrates. The functional correlation reflects a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity along the entire length, in particular in the active site where the C(X)PSR consensus sequence is present. Cysteine undergoes an important co- or post-translation modification essential for the accomplishment of catalytic activity: conversion in formylglycine. In this work, the cysteine of heparan N-sulfatase (NS) was replaced either by a serine (C70S) or by a methionine (C70M) using site-directed mutagenesis. C70S and C70M mutant cDNAs were expressed and analyzed in COS cells; both mutations caused a loss of NS activity; however, while C70S showed a normal precursor form undergoing processing to a reduced mature form within the lysosomes, C70M was poorly synthesized and formed a complex with the molecular chaperone immunoglobulin binding protein.  相似文献   

Shadoo (Sho) is a neuronally expressed glycoprotein of unknown function. Although there is no overall sequence homology to the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), both proteins contain a highly conserved internal hydrophobic domain (HD) and are tethered to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane via a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. A previous study revealed that Sho can reduce toxicity of a PrP mutant devoid of the HD (PrPΔHD). We have now studied the stress-protective activity of Sho in detail and identified domains involved in this activity. Like PrP(C), Sho protects cells against physiological stressors such as the excitotoxin glutamate. Moreover, both PrP(C) and Sho required the N-terminal domain for this activity; the stress-protective capacity of PrPΔN as well as ShoΔN was significantly impaired. In both proteins, the HD promoted homodimer formation; however, deletion of the HD had different effects. Although ShoΔHD lost its stress-protective activity, PrPΔHD acquired a neurotoxic potential. Finally, we could show that the N-terminal domain of PrP(C) could be functionally replaced by that of Sho, suggesting a similar function of the N termini of Sho and PrP(C). Our study reveals a conserved physiological activity between PrP(C) and Sho to protect cells from stress-induced toxicity and suggests that Sho and PrP(C) might act on similar signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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