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Supercoiled DNA is interwound in liquid crystalline solutions.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
J Torbet  E DiCapua 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(13):4351-4356
Two structures have been proposed for supercoiled DNA: it is idealized either as a toroidal ring or as a rod of two interwound duplex chains. The latter model is the most widely depicted but the evidence remains controversial. We have worked with monomers and dimers of two plasmids, pUC8 and pKS414, of similar size and natural superhelical density. pKS414 contains a bend promoting sequence whereas pUC8 does not. In concentrated solutions these plasmids form a partially ordered liquid crystalline phase which is found, using neutron diffraction, to consist of a hexagonally packed assembly of parallel rod-like particles. This shape strongly suggests an interwound conformation for which some structural parameters are deduced. The mass/unit length obtained by combining the area of the hexagonal lattice and the concentration is approximately 3.6 times that of linear DNA. This implies a shallow superhelical pitch angle approximately 36 degrees which, when combined with the known number of supercoil turns, yields the pitch approximately 360 A and radius approximately 80 A for the supercoil. Oriented X-ray fibre diffraction patterns at 92% relative humidity indicate a B type duplex structure. Nicked circular plasmids also form liquid crystals but their behaviour, as a function of concentration, differs from that of the superhelical plasmids.  相似文献   

Crystalline Klebsiella aerogenes urease was found to have less than 0.05% of the activity observed for the soluble enzyme under standard assay conditions. Li2SO4, present in the crystal storage buffer at 2 M concentration, was shown to inhibit soluble urease by a mixed inhibition mechanism (Ki's of 0.38 +/- 0.05 M for the free enzyme and 0.13 +/- 0.02 M for the enzyme-urea complex). However, the activity of crystals was less than 0.5% of the expected value, suggesting that salt inhibition does not account for the near absence of crystalline activity. Dissolution of crystals resulted in approximately 43% recovery of the soluble enzyme activity, demonstrating that protein denaturation during crystal growth does not cause the dramatic diminishment in the catalytic rate. Finally, crushed crystals exhibited only a three-fold increase in activity over that of intact crystals, indicating that the rate of substrate diffusion into the crystals does not significantly limit the enzyme activity. We conclude that urease is effectively inactive in this crystal form, possibly due to conformational restrictions associated with a lid covering the active site, and propose that the small amounts of activity observed arise from limited enzyme activity at the crystal surfaces or trace levels of enzyme dissolution into the crystal storage buffer.  相似文献   

The paper contains results of staining DNA-aldehyde molecules with aqueous solutions of brilliant cresyl blue, thionin or neutral red, following Feulgen procedure and also reports on the use of aqueous solutions of these dyes, with primary amino group(s) in their molecules, for staining animal tissue nuclei after extraction of RNA with cold phosphoric acid. The pH of the dye solutions most suitable for optimum staining is 6.0. The time necessary for optimum staining of DNA-aldehydes and DNA-phosphate groups are 10 and 2 min respectively for tissues fixed in formalin, paraformaldehyde or Craf. Tissue fixed in Buin-fluid stain slower. The absorption curves of nuclei stained for DNA-aldehyde molecules and DNA-phosphate groups, stained with each of the three dyes are different from each other. The in vitro absorption curves of aqueous solutions of the three dyes have also been presented. Some implications of the results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteins in the crystalline state retain biological activity although lattice constraints, the composition of the bathing medium and the low temperatures required for the stabilization of catalytic intermediates might alter their structure and dynamics with respect to the solution phase. Detailed functional studies are essential to the planning and the interpretation of time-resolved X-ray crystallographic experiments.  相似文献   

The structure of the self-complementary octamer d(GGGATCCC) has been analysed by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods at a nominal resolution of 2.5 A. With acceptable stereochemistry of the model the crystallographic R factor was 16.6% after restrained least-squares refinement. In the crystal, d(GGGATCCC) forms an A-DNA double helix with slightly varying conformation of the two strands. The average displacement of the base pairs from the helix axis is unusually large and is accompanied by pronounced sliding of the base pairs along their long axes at all dinucleotide steps except for the central AT. With 12 base pairs per complete turn the helix is considerably underwound. As observed with most oligodeoxyribonucleotides analysed by X-ray crystallography so far, the octamer displays reduced base pair tilt, increased rise per base pair and a more open major groove compared with canonical A-DNA. We propose that, based on these parameters, three A-helical sub-families may be defined; d(GGGATCCC) then is a representative of the class with intermediate tilt, rise, and major groove width.  相似文献   

The effects of cholesterol on the dynamics of cholestane spin probe (CSL) in various phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol mixed model membranes are examined. The lateral diffusion, D of CSL in DMPC/POPC/cholesterol ternary mixtures, is measured utilizing an improved dynamic imaging electron spin resonance method. It shows a factor of two decrease at 10 mol % and 25 degrees C, whereas it shows only a 40% decrease at 50 mol % and 50 degrees C. A comparison with results in POPC/cholesterol mixtures, which show a stronger effect of cholesterol on D, indicates that acyl chain unsaturation leads to stronger self association of cholesterol in PC model membranes. An S2CSL dependence of the activation energy for D, has been confirmed for the DMPC/POPC/cholesterol mixtures. Here SCSL is the order parameter for CSL. A similar correlation of R perpendicular, the perpendicular component of the rotational diffusion coefficient, with SCSL, which is true for all three mixtures (DMPC/cholesterol, POPC/cholesterol, and DMPC/POPC/cholesterol) we have studied, is also found. These are associated with the effects of enhanced local ordering on the free volume needed for translation and reorientation. Such correlations of dynamic properties D and R perpendicular with the thermodynamic quantity S, as well as the consistent interpretations of the effect of acyl chain unsaturation on the dynamics in terms of the activity coefficients, strongly emphasize the interrelation between the dynamic structure and the thermodynamics of the PC/cholesterol mixtures.  相似文献   

A liquid crystalline phase in spermidine-condensed DNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Over a large range of salt and spermidine concentrations, short DNA fragments precipitated by spermidine (a polyamine) sediment in a pellet from a dilute isotropic supernatant. We report here that the DNA-condensed phase consists of a cholesteric liquid crystal in equilibrium with a more concentrated phase. These results are discussed according to Flory's theory for the ordering of rigid polymers. The liquid crystal described here corresponds to an ordering in the presence of attractive interactions, in contrast with classical liquid crystalline DNA. Polyamines are often used in vitro to study the functional properties of DNA. We suggest that the existence of a liquid crystalline state in spermidine-condensed DNA is relevant to these studies.  相似文献   

The activity of papain in the crystalline state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Dynamics of extracellular DNA in the marine environment.   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The production and turnover of dissolved DNA in subtropical estuarine and oligotrophic oceanic environments were investigated. Actively growing heterotrophic bacterioplankton (i.e., those capable of [3H]thymidine incorporation) were found to produce dissolved DNA, presumably through the processes of death and lysis, grazing by bacteriovores, and excretion. Production of dissolved DNA as determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation was less than or equal to 4% of the ambient dissolved DNA concentration per day. In turnover studies, the addition of [3H]DNA (Escherichia coli chromosomal) to seawater resulted in rapid hydrolysis and uptake or radioactivity by microbial populations. DNA was hydrolyzed by both cell-associated and extracellular nucleases, in both estuarine and offshore environments. Kinetic analysis performed for a eutrophic estuary indicated a turnover time for dissolved DNA as short as 6.5 h. Microautoradiographic studies of bacterial populations in Tampa Bay indicated that filamentous and attached bacteria took up most of the radioactivity from [3H]DNA. Dissolved DNA is therefore a dynamic component of the dissolved organic matter in the marine environment, and bacterioplankton play a key role in the cycling of this material.  相似文献   

Complexes of amylose, the linear starch polysaccharide, with linear alcohols having chain lengths varying from 4 to 8 carbon atoms, were prepared. Either crystalline or amorphous complexes could be formed depending on preparation conditions. Crystalline complexes gave sharp X-ray diffraction patterns, characteristic of the VH form of amylose, whereas no observable pattern was obtained from the amorphous form. Thermal dissociation of the complexes occurred at increasing temperatures with increasing alcohol chain length. Crystalline complexes dissociated at temperatures approximately 23°C higher than their amorphous counterparts and the enthalpy of dissociation was also greater for the crystalline samples. Enthalpy values were independent of alcohol chain length. Differences in thermal behaviour of the two types of complex may be described in terms of the polymer crystal lattice energy and may explain the variability of reported results for complex dissociation in the literature.  相似文献   

R-state monoclinic P2(1) crystals of phosphorylase have been shown to be catalytically active in the presence of an oligosaccharide primer and glucose-1-phosphate in 0.9 M ammonium sulfate, 10 mM beta-glycerophosphate, 0.5 mM EDTA, and 1 mM dithiothreitol, the medium in which the crystals are grown or equilibrated for crystallographic studies (Barford, D. & Johnson, L.N., 1989, Nature 360, 609-616; Barford, D., Hu, S.-H., & Johnson, L.N., 1991, J. Mol. Biol. 218, 233-260). Kinetic data suggest that the activity of crystalline tetrameric phosphorylase is similar to that determined in solution for the enzyme tetramer. However, large differences were found in the maximal velocities for both oligosaccharide or glucose-1-phosphate substrates between the soluble dimeric and crystalline tetrameric enzyme.  相似文献   

Single-crystal ultraviolet spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and EPR measurements have been used to examine the oxidation and oxygenation state of the dinuclear copper site of several types of hemocyanin crystals. The crystals contain Panulirus interruptus hemocyanin which forms hexameric molecules with a molecular mass of approximately 470 kDa. Three types of crystals have been investigated. Type-I monoclinic crystals, which have been used for the X-ray structure determination, contain virtually only deoxyhemocyanin. Type-II monoclinic crystals, which are less well ordered than the type-I crystals, contain a mixture of deoxy, oxy and met forms. Older crystals contain relatively more methemocyanin. A third, hexagonal, crystal form is also partially oxygenated, and, like the type-II monoclinic form, subject to gradual conversion to methemocyanin.  相似文献   

Dielectric relaxation of DNA in aqueous solutions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a four-electrode cell and a new electronic system for direct detection of the frequency differences specturm of solution impedance, the complex dielectric constant of calf thymus DNA (Mr = 4 × 106) in aqueous NaCl at 10°C is measured at frequencies ranging from 0.2 Hz to 30 kHz. The DNA concentrations are Cp = 0.01% and 0.05%, and the NaCl concentrations are varied from Cs = 10?4 M to 10?3 M. A single relaxation regions is found in this frequency range, the relaxation frequency being 10 Hz at Cp = 0.01% and Cs = 10?3 M. At Cp = 0.05% it is evidenced that the DNA chains have appreciable intermolecular interactions. The dielectric relaxaton time τd at Cp = 0.01% agrees well with the rotational relaxation time estimated from the reduced visocisty on the assumption that the DNA is not representable as a rigid rod but a coiled chain. It is concluded that the dielectric relaxiatioinis ascribed to the rotation of the molecule. Observed values of dielectric increment and other experimental findings are reasonably explained by assuming that the dipole moment of DNA results from the slow counterion fluctuation which has a longer relaxation time than τd.  相似文献   

A novel sea turtle egg incubator was developed in which the heating element is placed above the clutch, which more closely simulates solar heating in nature. An electronic thermometer in conjunction with a thermostat located in sand beneath a heater plate was used to obtain the desired temperature in the placed eggs, as compared to previous methods of controlling global temperature within the interior of a chamber. To test the new incubator, Lepidochelys olivacea eggs were incubated under different thermal conditions in order to identify the temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) period more precisely. Four incubation experiments were designed to test the performance of the incubator where the temperature was lowered from 32 to 28 °C during 60 h and then reestablished at 32 °C until hatching occurred. A significant mean hatching success rate of 89.6% was obtained for all the experiments. The main result from these preliminary findings was that the sex determination period to produce males was reduced from 15 (days 15–30) to eight days (days 19–27). Overall, the incubator provides precise control and simulates a natural thermal environment that may improve control of TSD in sea turtles.  相似文献   

The cystine lyase (C-DES) of Synechocystis is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme distantly related to the family of NifS-like proteins. The crystal structure of an N-terminal modified variant has recently been determined. Herein, the reactivity of this enzyme variant was investigated spectroscopically in solution and in the crystalline state to follow the course of the reaction and to determine the catalytic mechanism on a molecular level. Using the stopped-flow technique, the reaction with the preferred substrate cystine was found to follow biphasic kinetics leading to the formation of absorbing species at 338 and 470 nm, attributed to the external aldimine and the alpha-aminoacrylate; the reaction with cysteine also exhibited biphasic behavior but only the external aldimine accumulated. The same reaction intermediates were formed in crystals as seen by polarized absorption microspectrophotometry, thus indicating that C-DES is catalytically competent in the crystalline state. The three-dimensional structure of the catalytically inactive mutant C-DES(K223A) in the presence of cystine showed the formation of an external aldimine species, in which two alternate conformations of the substrate were observed. The combined results allow a catalytic mechanism to be proposed involving interactions between cystine and the active site residues Arg-360, Arg-369, and Trp-251*; these residues reorient during the beta-elimination reaction, leading to the formation of a hydrophobic pocket that stabilizes the enolimine tautomer of the aminoacrylate and the cysteine persulfide product.  相似文献   

Scores calculated from intermolecular contacts of proteins in the crystalline state are used to differentiate monomeric and homodimeric proteins, by classification into two categories separated by a cut-off score value. The generalized classification error is estimated by using bootstrap re-sampling on a nonredundant set of 172 water-soluble proteins whose prevalent quaternary state in solution is known to be either monomeric or homodimeric. A statistical potential, based on atom-pair frequencies across interfaces observed with homodimers, is found to yield an error rate of 12.5%. This indicates a small but significant improvement over the measure of solvent accessible surface area buried in the contact interface, which achieves an error rate of 15.4%. A further modification of the latter parameter relating the two most extensive contacts of the crystal results in an even lower error rate of 11.1%.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of dielectric relaxation in aqueous DNA solutions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex dielectric response of calf thymus DNA in aqueous saline solutions has been measured from 1 MHz to 1 GHz. The results are presented in terms of the relaxation of the incremental contributions to the permittivity and conductivity from the condensed counterions surrounding the DNA molecules. Measurements of the low-frequency conductivity of the samples also lends support to the condensed counterion interpretation.  相似文献   

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