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HLTF is highly similar in domain organisation to yeast Rad5. We identify PTIP and RPA70, both involved in DNA replication and DNA repair, as HLTF-interacting proteins although cells depleted of HLTF did not show defects in cellular responses to DNA damage. In vitro, HLTF has ATPase activity and E3 ubiquitin ligase activity with a range of E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzymes. HLTF expression is severely reduced in a range of cancer cells, and we suggest that the HLTF antibodies generated in this study could be used for cancer diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

SWI2/SNF2 chromatin-remodeling proteins mediate the mobilization of nucleosomes and other DNA-associated proteins. SWI2/SNF2 proteins contain sequence motifs characteristic of SF2 helicases but do not have helicase activity. Instead, they couple ATP hydrolysis with the generation of superhelical torsion in DNA. The structure of the nucleosome-remodeling domain of zebrafish Rad54, a protein involved in Rad51-mediated homologous recombination, reveals that the core of the SWI2/SNF2 enzymes consist of two alpha/beta-lobes similar to SF2 helicases. The Rad54 helicase lobes contain insertions that form two helical domains, one within each lobe. These insertions contain SWI2/SNF2-specific sequence motifs likely to be central to SWI2/SNF2 function. A broad cleft formed by the two lobes and flanked by the helical insertions contains residues conserved in SWI2/SNF2 proteins and motifs implicated in DNA-binding by SF2 helicases. The Rad54 structure suggests that SWI2/SNF2 proteins use a mechanism analogous to helicases to translocate on dsDNA.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the modified thymine base beta-D-glucosyl-hydroxymethyluracil, or J, within telomeric DNA of Trypanosoma brucei correlates with the bloodstream-form-specific epigenetic silencing of telomeric variant surface glycoprotein genes involved in antigenic variation. The mechanism of developmental and telomeric-specific regulation of J synthesis is unknown. We have previously identified a J binding protein (JBP1) involved in propagating J synthesis. We have now identified a homolog of JBP1, JBP2, containing a domain related to the SWI2/SNF2 family of chromatin remodeling proteins that is upregulated in bloodstream form cells and interacts with nuclear chromatin. We show that expression of JBP2 in procyclic form cells leads to de novo J synthesis within telomeric regions of the chromosome and that this activity is inhibited after mutagenesis of conserved residues critical for SWI2/SNF2 function. We propose a model in which chromatin remodeling by JBP2 regulates the initial sites of J synthesis within bloodstream form trypanosome DNA, with further propagation and maintenance of J by JBP1.  相似文献   

An ATP-dependent DNA translocase domain consisting of seven conserved motifs is a general feature of all ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers. While motifs on the ATPase domains of the yeast SWI/SNF and ISWI families of remodelers are highly conserved, the ATPase domains of these complexes appear not to be functionally interchangeable. We found one reason that may account for this is the ATPase domains interact differently with nucleosomes even though both associate with nucleosomal DNA 17–18 bp from the dyad axis. The cleft formed between the two lobes of the ISW2 ATPase domain is bound to nucleosomal DNA and Isw2 associates with the side of nucleosomal DNA away from the histone octamer. The ATPase domain of SWI/SNF binds to the same region of nucleosomal DNA, but is bound outside of the cleft region. The catalytic subunit of SWI/SNF also appears to intercalate between the DNA gyre and histone octamer. The altered interactions of SWI/SNF with DNA are specific to nucleosomes and do not occur with free DNA. These differences are likely mediated through interactions with the histone surface. The placement of SWI/SNF between the octamer and DNA could make it easier to disrupt histone–DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive brain cancer with a poor prognosis. While surgical resection is the primary treatment, adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy and radiotherapy only provide slight improvement in disease course and outcome. Unfortunately, most treated patients experience recurrence of highly aggressive, therapy-resistant tumours and eventually succumb to the disease. To increase chemosensitivity and overcome therapy resistance, we have modified the chemical structure of the PFI-3 bromodomain inhibitor of the BRG1 and BRM catalytic subunits of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex. Our modifications resulted in compounds that sensitized GBM to the DNA alkylating agent TMZ and the radiomimetic bleomycin. We screened these chemical analogues using a cell death ELISA with GBM cell lines and a cellular thermal shift assay using epitope tagged BRG1 or BRM bromodomains expressed in GBM cells. An active analogue, IV-129, was then identified and further modified, resulting in new generation of bromodomain inhibitors with distinct properties. IV-255 and IV-275 had higher bioactivity than IV-129, with IV-255 selectively binding to the bromodomain of BRG1 and not BRM, while IV-275 bound well to both BRG1 and BRM bromodomains. In contrast, IV-191 did not bind to either bromodomain or alter GBM chemosensitivity. Importantly, both IV-255 and IV-275 markedly increased the extent of DNA damage induced by TMZ and bleomycin as determined by nuclear γH2AX staining. Our results demonstrate that these next-generation inhibitors selectively bind to the bromodomains of catalytic subunits of the SWI/SNF complex and sensitize GBM to the anticancer effects of TMZ and bleomycin. This approach holds promise for improving the treatment of GBM.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the actin-severing protein villin has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear resonance spectroscopy. Villin is a member of a family of actin-severing proteins that regulate the organization of actin in the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Members of this family are built from 3 or 6 homologous repeats of a structural domain of approximately 130 amino acids that is unrelated to any previously known structure. The N-terminal domain of villin (14T) contains a central beta-sheet with 4 antiparallel strands and a fifth parallel strand at one edge. This sheet is sandwiched between 2 helices on one side and a 2-stranded parallel beta-sheet with another helix on the other side. The strongly conserved sequence characteristic of the protein family corresponds to internal hydrophobic residues. Calcium titration experiments suggest that there are 2 binding sites for Ca2+, a stronger site near the N-terminal end of the longest helix, with a Kd of 1.8 +/- 0.4 mM, and a weaker site near the C-terminal end of the same helix, with a Kd of 11 +/- 2 mM. Mutational and biochemical studies of this domain in several members of the family suggest that the actin monomer binding site is near the parallel strand at the edge of the central beta-sheet.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to SNF2 family of DNA dependent ATPases are important members of the chromatin remodeling complexes that are implicated in epigenetic control of gene expression. The yeast Ino80, the catalytic ATPase subunit of the INO80 complex, is the most recently described member of the SNF2 family. Outside the conserved ATPase domain, it has very little similarity with other well-characterized SNF2 proteins hence it is believed to represent a new subfamily. We have identified new members of this subfamily in different organisms and have detected characteristic features of this subfamily. Using various data mining tools we have identified a new, previously undetected domain in all members of this subfamily. This domain designated DBINO is characteristic of the INO80 subfamily and is predicted to have DNA-binding function. The presence of this domain in all the INO80 subfamily proteins from different organisms suggests its conserved function in evolution.  相似文献   

Many eukaryotic extracellular proteins share a sequence of unknown function, called the zona pellucida (ZP) domain. Among these proteins are the mammalian sperm receptors ZP2 and ZP3, non-mammalian egg coat proteins, Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP), glycoprotein-2 (GP-2), alpha- and beta-tectorins, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta receptor III and endoglin, DMBT-1 (deleted in malignant brain tumour-1), NompA (no-mechanoreceptor-potential-A), Dumpy and cuticlin-1 (refs 1,2). Here, we report that the ZP domain of ZP2, ZP3 and THP is responsible for polymerization of these proteins into filaments of similar supramolecular structure. Most ZP domain proteins are synthesized as precursors with carboxy-terminal transmembrane domains or glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. Our results demonstrate that the C-terminal transmembrane domain and short cytoplasmic tail of ZP2 and ZP3 are not required for secretion, but are essential for assembly. Finally, we suggest a molecular basis for dominant human hearing disorders caused by point mutations within the ZP domain of alpha-tectorin.  相似文献   

Chromatin-remodeling complexes regulate access to nucleosomal DNA by mobilizing nucleosomes in an ATP-dependent manner. In this study, we find that chromatin remodeling by SWI/SNF and ISW2 involves DNA translocation inside nucleosomes two helical turns from the dyad axis at superhelical location-2. DNA translocation at this internal position does not require the propagation of a DNA twist from the site of translocation to the entry/exit sites for nucleosome movement. Nucleosomes are moved in 9- to 11- or approximately 50-base-pair increments by ISW2 or SWI/SNF, respectively, presumably through the formation of DNA loops on the nucleosome surface. Remodeling by ISW2 but not SWI/SNF requires DNA torsional strain near the site of translocation, which may work in conjunction with conformational changes of ISW2 to promote nucleosome movement on DNA. The difference in step size of nucleosome movement by SWI/SNF and ISW2 demonstrates how SWI/SNF may be more disruptive to nucleosome structure than ISW2.  相似文献   

The proteins belonging to SWI2/SNF2 family of DNA dependent ATPases are important members of the chromatin remodeling complexes that are implicated in epigenetic control of gene expression. We have identified a human gene with a putative DNA binding domain, which belongs to the INO80 subfamily of SWI2/SNF2 proteins. Here we report the cloning, expression, and functional activity of the domains from hINO80 gene both in terms of the DNA dependent ATPase as well as DNA binding activity. A differential expression of the various domains within this gene is detected in human tissues while a ubiquitous expression is detected in mice. The intranuclear localization is demonstrated using antibodies directed against the DBINO domain of hINO80.  相似文献   

Chromatin-remodeling enzymes can overcome strong histone-DNA interactions within the nucleosome to regulate access of DNA-binding factors to the genetic code. By unzipping individual DNA duplexes, each containing a uniquely positioned nucleosome flanked by long segments of DNA, we directly probed histone-DNA interactions. The resulting disruption-force signatures were characteristic of the types and locations of interactions and allowed measurement of the positions of nucleosomes with 2.6-base-pair (bp) precision. Nucleosomes remodeled by yeast SWI/SNF were moved bidirectionally along the DNA, resulting in a continuous position distribution. The characteristic distance of motion was approximately 28 bp per remodeling event, and each event occurred with a catalytic efficiency of 0.4 min(-1) per nM SWI/SNF. Remodeled nucleosomes had essentially identical disruption signatures to those of unremodeled nucleosomes, indicating that their overall structure remained canonical. These results impose substantial constraints on the mechanism of SWI/SNF remodeling.  相似文献   

Dürr H  Körner C  Müller M  Hickmann V  Hopfner KP 《Cell》2005,121(3):363-373
SWI2/SNF2 ATPases remodel chromatin or other DNA:protein complexes by a poorly understood mechanism that involves ATP-dependent DNA translocation and generation of superhelical torsion. Crystal structures of a dsDNA-translocating SWI2/SNF2 ATPase core from Sulfolobus solfataricus reveal two helical SWI2/SNF2 specific subdomains, fused to a DExx box helicase-related ATPase core. Fully base paired duplex DNA binds along a central cleft via both minor groove strands, indicating that SWI2/SNF2 ATPases travel along the dsDNA minor groove without strand separation. A structural switch, linking DNA binding and the active site DExx motif, may account for the stimulation of ATPase activity by dsDNA. Our results suggest that torque in remodeling processes is generated by an ATP-driven screw motion of DNA along the active site cleft. The structures also redefine SWI2/SNF2 functional motifs and uncover unexpected structural correlation of mutations in Cockayne and X-linked mental retardation syndromes.  相似文献   

Aravind L  Iyer LM 《Genome biology》2002,3(8):research0039.1-research00397


Eukaryotic chromosomal components, especially histones, are subject to a wide array of covalent modifications and catalytic reorganization. These modifications have an important role in the regulation of chromatin structure and are mediated by large multisubunit complexes that contain modular proteins with several conserved catalytic and noncatalytic adaptor domains.  相似文献   

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