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20多年来的研究发现,RNA除了具有如tRNA、rRNA参与蛋白质生物合成的基本功能外,细胞内还存在许多种类的RNA,它们执行着不同的功能,在细胞内生物化学反应及机体发育调控过程中发挥着重要作用。正因为RNA功能多样性,在体内、体外开展的众多实验表明,RNA或其修饰形式可以抑制基因的表达。该文将探讨RNA在常规基因治疗中的研究。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a very effective tool for the identification of specimens when a carefully validated and taxonomically comprehensive library of reference DNA barcodes is available. Libraries meeting this criterion are now available for some taxonomic groups in some geographic regions, provoking their use as a tool for the identification of samples that would otherwise remain as unknowns. In this article, we emphasize the need for caution in the interpretation of identifications based on a reference library with entries that have seen limited validation. We also emphasize the need for the deposition of sequence records for ‘unknowns’ so that presumptive identifications can be tested by other researchers and updated as the barcode reference library gains increased coverage and validation.  相似文献   

The cell biology of autophagy in metazoans: a developing story   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cell biological phenomenon of autophagy (or ;self-eating') has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this review, we first address the cell biological functions of autophagy, and then discuss recent insights into the role of autophagy in animal development, particularly in C. elegans, Drosophila and mouse. Work in these and other model systems has also provided evidence for the involvement of autophagy in disease processes, such as neurodegeneration, tumorigenesis, pathogenic infection and aging. Insights gained from investigating the functions of autophagy in normal development should increase our understanding of its roles in human disease and its potential as a target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The quest for adaptive evolution: a theoretical challenge in a maze of data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advances in sequencing technology have brought opportunities to refine our searches for adaptive evolution and to address and identify new questions regarding how adaptive evolution has shaped genomic diversity. Recent theoretical developments incorporate demographic and complex selective histories into tests of non-neutral evolution, thereby significantly improving our power to detect selection. These analyses combined with large data sets promise to identify targets of selection for which there was no a priori expectation. Moreover, they contribute to elucidate the role selection has played in shaping diversity in transposable elements, conserved noncoding DNA, gene family size, and other multicopy features of genomes.  相似文献   

目前芒属植物被视为最有前景的木质纤维素能源作物,在中国、美国、日本和欧洲国家得到了广泛研究和利用。但截至目前依然没有统一的芒属植物种质资源描述规范,一定程度上阻碍了其信息的共享与交流。鉴于此,本研究通过开展芒属植物种质资源描述和数据制定技术标准研究,旨在为芒属能源作物品种的选育、审定与推广提供科学规范的依据。本文论述了芒属种质资源描述规范、数据标准与数据质量控制规范的制定原则、方法与内容,对于促进整合全国芒属种质资源,规范芒属种质资源的收集、保存、评价具有指导作用。  相似文献   

Summary In this article we argue that an organismic perspective in character identification can alleviate a structural deficiency of mathematical models in biology relative to the ones in the physical sciences. The problem with many biological theories is that they do not contain the conditions of their validity or a method of identifying objects that are appropriate instances of the models. Here functionally important biological characters are introduced as conceptual abstractions derived within the context of an ontologically prior object, such as a cell or an organism. To illustrate this approach, we present an analytical method of character decomposition based on the notion of the quasi-independence of traits. Two cases are analyzed: context dependent units of inheritance and a model of character identification in adaptive evolution. We demonstrate that in each case the biological process as represented by a mathematical theory entails the conditions for the individualization of characters. Our approach also requires a conceptual re-orientation in the way we build biological models. Rather than defining a set of biological characters a priori, functionally relevant characters are identified in the context of a higher level biological process.  相似文献   

Industrial biotechnology promises to revolutionize conventional chemical manufacturing in the years ahead, largely owing to the excellent progress in our ability to re-engineer cellular metabolism. However, most successes of metabolic engineering have been confined to over-producing natively synthesized metabolites in E. coli and S. cerevisiae. A major reason for this development has been the descent of metabolic engineering, particularly secondary metabolic engineering, to a collection of demonstrations rather than a systematic practice with generalizable tools. Synthetic biology, a more recent development, faces similar criticisms. Herein, we attempt to lay down a framework around which bioreaction engineering can systematize itself just like chemical reaction engineering. Central to this undertaking is a new approach to engineering secondary metabolism known as 'multivariate modular metabolic engineering' (MMME), whose novelty lies in its assessment and elimination of regulatory and pathway bottlenecks by re-defining the metabolic network as a collection of distinct modules. After introducing the core principles of MMME, we shall then present a number of recent developments in secondary metabolic engineering that could potentially serve as its facilitators. It is hoped that the ever-declining costs of de novo gene synthesis; the improved use of bioinformatic tools to mine, sort and analyze biological data; and the increasing sensitivity and sophistication of investigational tools will make the maturation of microbial metabolic engineering an autocatalytic process. Encouraged by these advances, research groups across the world would take up the challenge of secondary metabolite production in simple hosts with renewed vigor, thereby adding to the range of products synthesized using metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

One of the most important scientific challenges today is the quantitative and predictive understanding of biological function. Classical mathematical and computational approaches have been enormously successful in modeling inert matter, but they may be inadequate to address inherent features of biological systems. We address the conceptual and methodological obstacles that lie in the inverse problem in biological systems modeling. We introduce a full Bayesian approach (FBA), a theoretical framework to study biological function, in which probability distributions are conditional on biophysical information that physically resides in the biological system that is studied by the scientist.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis takes place against a background of organism-to-organism and environmental variation. Therefore, fundamental questions in the study of morphogenesis include: How are the mechanical processes of tissue movement and deformation affected by that variability, and in turn, how do the mechanic of the system modulate phenotypic variation? We highlight a few key factors, including environmental temperature, embryo size and environmental chemistry that might perturb the mechanics of morphogenesis in natural populations. Then we discuss several ways in which mechanics-including feedback from mechanical cues-might influence intra-specific variation in morphogenesis. To understand morphogenesis it will be necessary to consider whole-organism, environment and evolutionary scales because these larger scales present the challenges that developmental mechanisms have evolved to cope with. Studying the variation organisms express and the variation organisms experience will aid in deciphering the causes of birth defects.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on the biological standard of living in Taiwan from 1842 to 1931 using Taiwanese height and weight data collected by the Japanese authorities from 1921 to 1931. This study shows that in the late Ch'ing adult heights were not increasing over time, while the adult heights of those born after the Japanese takeover did begin to increase rapidly. Evidence from children's heights confirms that this growth in height continued through the 1920s. The body mass index of Taiwanese, however, did not increase in the 1920s. By most measures, the biological standard of living was better in the north of the island. Comparison with modern data shows that heights have continued to increase.  相似文献   

Charophytes (Streptophyta) represent a diverse assemblage of extant green algae that are the sister lineage to land plants. About 500–600+ million years ago, a charophyte progenitor successfully colonized land and subsequently gave rise to land plants. Charophytes have diverse but relatively simple body plans that make them highly attractive organisms for many areas of biological research. At the cellular level, many charophytes have been used for deciphering cytoskeletal networks and their dynamics, membrane trafficking, extracellular matrix secretion, and cell division mechanisms. Some charophytes live in challenging habitats and have become excellent models for elucidating the cellular and molecular effects of various abiotic stressors on plant cells. Recent sequencing of several charophyte genomes has also opened doors for the dissection of biosynthetic and signaling pathways. While we are only in an infancy stage of elucidating the cell biology of charophytes, the future application of novel analytical methodologies in charophyte studies that include a broader survey of inclusive taxa will enhance our understanding of plant evolution and cell dynamics.

Charophytes constitute a diverse array of green algal taxa that provide critical insight into plant evolution and offer exciting opportunities for multiple levels of study in plant cell biology.  相似文献   

From an evolutionary perspective, the major function of bone is to provide stable sites for muscle attachment and affording protection of vital organs, especially the heart and lungs (ribs) and spinal cord (vertebrae and intervertebral discs). However, bone has a considerable number of other functions: serving as a store for mineral ions, providing a site for blood cell synthesis and participating in a complex system-wide endocrine system. Not surprisingly, bone and cartilage cell homeostasis is tightly controlled, as is the maintenance of tissue structure and mass. While a great deal of new information is accruing concerning skeletal cell homeostasis, one relatively new observation is that the cells of bone (osteoclasts osteoblasts and osteocytes) and cartilage (chondrocytes) exhibit autophagy. The focus of this review is to examine the significance of this process in terms of the functional demands of the skeleton in health and during growth and to provide evidence that dysregulation of the autophagic response is involved in the pathogenesis of diseases of bone (Paget disease of bone) and cartilage (osteoarthritis and the mucopolysaccharidoses). Delineation of molecular changes in the autophagic process is uncovering new approaches for the treatment of diseases that affect the axial and appendicular skeleton.  相似文献   

Quantitative literature reviews such as meta-analysis are becoming common in evolutionary biology but may be strongly affected by publication biases. Using fail-safe numbers is a quick way to estimate whether publication bias is likely to be a problem for a specific study. However, previously suggested fail-safe calculations are unweighted and are not based on the framework in which most meta-analyses are performed. A general, weighted fail-safe calculation, grounded in the meta-analysis framework, applicable to both fixed- and random-effects models, is proposed. Recent meta-analyses published in Evolution are used for illustration.  相似文献   

There is increasing empirical evidence that the quality of habitat patches (determined by either habitat degradation or natural heterogeneity in the quality of habitat) plays an important role in determining species distribution patterns and in regulating spatial dynamics in fragmented landscapes. However, to date, most of the debate has focused on whether or not to include habitat variables in fragmentation studies, and we still lack general conclusions as well as standard and robust research approaches. In this paper we show how a weak conceptualization of “patch quality” and the inappropriate choice of target surrogate variables (e.g., density is often used as an indicator of patch quality) have mainly produced case-specific results, rather than general conclusions. We then identify weaknesses in the inclusion of habitat quality measurements within fragmentation studies. In particular, we focus on: (1) the lack of appropriate experimental design, outlining how few studies have actually included a gradient of habitat quality in their sample; (2) the lack of fundamental information provided (e.g., lack of standard outputs), which in turn hampers the possibility of carrying out meta-analyses. We finally synthesize available knowledge from empirical studies and highlight the different conceptual frameworks needed for patch occupancy versus patch use studies.  相似文献   

M. B. Dale 《Plant Ecology》1989,81(1-2):41-60
Although there are many measures of similarity existing in the phytosociological literature, these almost all apply to data for which the describing attributes have only single values. In many cases, however, there can be a richer structure in the attribute values, either directly from the nature of the attributes or derived from relationships between the stands. In this paper, I first examine a range of possible sources of such structure in phytosociological data, and then propose a similarity measure sufficiently general to be applicable to all the variant types. Finally I present some examples of applying such measures to frequency data from tropical grasslands and to successional data from subtropical rain forest.  相似文献   

In the Enchytraeidae, species separation and identification is often problematic due to high morphological similarity of closely related species and considerable intraspecific variability of crucial characteristics. Immature specimens are almost undeterminable. To meet these difficulties, this paper recommends the consulting of general protein patterns as exhibited by non-specific silver-staining after isoelectric focusing. A method is presented which allows the successful inclusion of protein data in taxonomic studies and field surveys. Two examples from an investigation on Fridericia field populations show that, with the help of general protein pattern analysis, a clear taxonomic decision on the identity of morphologically aberrant forms and of juvenile specimens as well can be achieved with comparatively little expenditure of time. A combined use of morphological and protein data for taxonomic purposes is suggested.  相似文献   

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