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The membranes from Miltenberger Class I (Mi I) and II (Mi II) erythrocytes, two rare variants at the blood group MNSs locus, exhibited an abnormal glycoprotein of 32 kDa apparent molecular mass sharply stained by the periodic acid/Schiff procedure and a decreased content of glycoprotein alpha (synonym glycophorin A, glycoprotein MN) as seen on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Purified 125I-labelled Vicia graminea lectin binds to the unusual 32 kDa glycoprotein separated from Mi I and Mi II erythrocyte membrane of blood group NN or MN, but no significant labelling of this band was observed with Mi samples typed MM. On the basis of such lectin-labelling experiments we have described two heterozygous MN, Mi I individuals that carry one copy of an M gene producing a normal alpha-glycoprotein with M-specificity and one copy of a MiI gene producing a 32 kDa glycoprotein with N-specificity. Further investigations have shown that the 32 kDa glycoprotein was immunoprecipitated by two mouse monoclonal antibodies (R18 and R10) reacting specifically with the external domain of glycoprotein alpha. These results demonstrate that Mi I and Mi II erythrocytes carry an unusual variant of glycoprotein alpha.  相似文献   

One of the human glycophorin variants, Stones (Sta), has been shown to be the product of a hybrid gene of which the 5'-half derived from the glycophorin B (GPB) gene whereas the 3'-half derived from the glycophorin A (GPA) gene. The present study reveals the crossing-over point of this hybrid gene from the analysis of polymerase chain reaction products. The genomic sequences encompassing the region corresponding to exon 3 to exon 4 of GPA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotide primers synthesized according to GPA and GPB genomic sequences (Kudo, S., and Fukuda, M. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 4619-4623). After subcloning the products, the nucleotide sequences derived from GPA, GPB, and putative Sta genes were determined. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of GPA, GPB, and Sta genes indicate that the crossing-over took place 200 base pairs upstream from the first nucleotide of exon 4. Intriguingly, the nucleotide sequence surrounding the putative crossing-over point is homologous to the crossing-over point proposed for haptoglobin genes (Maeda, N., McEvoy, S.M., Harris, H.F., Huisman, T.H.J., and Smithies, O. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 7395-7399). These results suggest strongly that homologous recombination through unequal crossing-over can be facilitated by specific genomic elements, such as those in common in these two crossing-over events. The present study also revealed that this Sta individual has a variant GPA gene; substitution of adenine for guanine at the nucleotide for codon 39 results in substitution of lysine for arginine at amino acid 39, and loss of an SstI restriction site.  相似文献   

In the Miltenberger class V (Mi. V) condition, red cells lack glycophorin A (GPA) and glycophorin B (GPB) but carry instead an unusual glycoprotein thought to be a hybrid molecule produced by the unequal crossing-over between the closely linked genes encoding for GPA and GPB. By Western blot analysis with rabbit anti-GPA antibodies specific for discrete domains of GPA, it was found that the Mi. V glycoprotein (donor F. M.) contains approximately 60 amino acid residues of GPA at its N-terminus. As a preliminary approach to the molecular analysis of this variant the restriction maps of the GPA and GPB genes were established by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA and from genomic clones isolated from a human leukocyte library constructed in lambda EMBL4. The GPA and GPB genes cover about 30 kb of DNA and are organized into seven exons (A-1-A-7) and five exons (B-1-B-5), respectively. In addition to the normal genes, a third gene (named inv), closely resembling the GPA and GPB genes, was also identified. In the homozygous Mi. V individual the normal GPA and GPB genes were absent, but an unusual form of gene structure was detected by Southern blot analysis. The Mi. V glycoprotein gene was composed of exon B-1 of the GPB gene followed by exons A-2 and A-3 of the GPA gene and the exons B-3, B-4 and B-5 of the GPB gene. Exon B-1 can be distinguished from exon A-1 of GPA since it is located within a different restriction fragment, but both encode the same amino acid sequence (N-terminal region of the signal peptides). Using the polymerase chain reaction, the junction between exon A-3 and exon B-3 was confirmed by amplification of the DNA region where the putative crossing-over has occurred and it was deduced that the Mi. V glycoprotein is a hybrid molecule composed of amino acid residues 1-58 from GPA fused to amino acid residues 27-72 of GPB. In addition, the finding that part of the signal peptide and the 5'-untranslated region are derived from GPB suggests that the genetic background of the Mi. V variant is rather complex and may involve a cascade of recombination or gene conversion events.  相似文献   

The major human erythrocyte membrane sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A or MN glycoprotein) was purified from the erythrocytes of two individuals heterozygous for the Mi-VIII gene in the Miltenberger subsystem of the MNSs blood-group system. The complete structure of a tryptic glycopetide from glycophorin A comprising the residues 40-61 was deduced from automated and manual sequence analyses. The Mi-VIII-specific glycophorin A was found to exhibit an arginine----threonine exchange at position 49. The threonine residue was found to be glycosylated. Hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition assays demonstrated that one of the Mi-VIII-characteristic antigenic determinants (Anek) is located within the residues 40-61 of glycophorin A. Furthermore, erythrocytes from the two Mi-VIII heterozygotes reacted only weakly with anti-EnaKTsera, suggesting that the Mi-VIII-specific glycophorin A does not express the EnaKT antigen that is located within the positions 46-56 of normal glycophorin A. Our data suggest that the Mi-VIII-specific glycophorin A represents the evolutionary link between normal glycophorin A and the Mi-VIII-specific molecule which exhibits arginine----threonine and tyrosine----serine exchanges at the positions 49 and 52, respectively. Our data also provide an explanation for the close serological similarity between Mi-VII and Mi-VIII erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the gene encoding a rice starch branching enzyme   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary The sequence of a rice gene encoding a starch branching enzyme (sbe1) shows extreme divergence from that of the rice gene, that is homologous to bacterial glycogen branching enzyme (sbe2). sbe1 is expressed abundantly and specifically in developing seeds and maximally in the middle stages of seed development. This expression pattern completely coincides with that of the waxy gene, which encodes a granule-bound starch synthase. Three G-box motifs and consensus promoter sequences are present in the 5 flanking region of sbe1. It encodes a putative transit peptide, which is required for transport into the amyloplast. A 2.2 kb intron (intron 2) precedes the border between the regions encoding the transit peptide and the mature protein, and contains a high G/C content with several repeated sequences in its 5 half. Although only a single copy of sbe1 is present in the rice genome, Southern analysis using intron 2 as a probe indicates the presence of several homologous sequences in the rice genome, suggesting that this large intron and also the transit peptide coding region may be acquired from another portion of the genome by duplication and insertion of the sequence into the gene.  相似文献   

A flagellin gene, flaB, from Leptospira borgpetersenii (formerly L. interrogans) serovar hardjo was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Expression of the 32 kDa FlaB protein was dependent upon the lacZ promoter from pUC18. Nucleotide sequence data showed an open reading frame encoding 283 amino acid residues, corresponding to a protein of molecular mass 31.3 kDa. The G + C content of the flaB gene was 54.7 mol%. Comparison of the deduced FlaB amino acid sequence with flagellins from other bacteria revealed a high level of identity with the Treponema pallidum FlaB proteins.  相似文献   

A new gene closely related to the glycophorin A (GPA) and glycophorin B (GPB) genes has been identified in the normal human genome as well as in that of persons with known alterations of GPA and/or GPB expression. This gene, called glycophorin E (GPE), is transcribed into a 0.6-kb message which encodes a 78-amino-acid protein with a putative leader peptide of 19 residues. The first 26 amino acids of the mature protein are identical to those of M-type glycophorin A (GPA), but the C-terminal domain (residues 27-59) differs significantly from those of glycophorins A and B (GPA and GPB). The GPE gene consists of four exons distributed over 30 kb of DNA, and its nucleotide sequence is homologous to those of the GPA and GPB genes in the 5' region, up to exon 3. Because of branch and splice site mutations, the GPE gene contains a large intron sequence partially used as exons in GPA and GPB genes. Compared to its counterpart in the GPB gene, exon 3 of the GPE gene contains several point mutations, an insertion of 24 bp, and a stop codon which shortens the reading frame. Downstream from exon 3, the GPE and the GPB sequences are virtually identical and include the same Alu repeats. Thus, it is likely that the GPE and GPB genes have evolved by a similar mechanism. From the analysis of the GPA, GPB and GPE genes in glycophorin variants [En(a-), S-s-U- and Mk], it is proposed that the three genes are organized in tandem on chromosome 4. Deletion events within this region may remove one or two structural gene(s) and may generate new hybrid structures in which the promoter region of one gene is positioned upstream from the body of another gene of the same family. This model of gene organization provides a basis with which to explain the diversity of the glycophorin gene family.  相似文献   

A recombinant lambda phage was identified in a Clostridium perfringens genomic library by means of its ability to hydrolyse the fluorescent substrate 4-methyl-umbelliferyl-β-d-glucosaminide, isolated and shown to encode an endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase. This enzyme, NagH, is also known as hyaluronidase, or Mu toxin, a putative virulence factor which is likely to act on connective tissue during gas gangrene. Nucleotide sequence analysis allowed the primary structure to be deduced and showed hyaluronidase to be a large exported protein of 114392 Daltons and an enzyme of this size, endowed with the corresponding activities, was partially purified from C. perfringens. Hyaluronidase seems to be organised into two domains, an N-terminal region comprising 700 amino acids bearing the active site and a 300-residue C-terminal segment, containing three copies of an extended motif. Two other reading frames, linked to nagH, also appear to encode proteins with sugar-binding motifs.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a cytosolic isozyme of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI, EC was isolated from Clarkia lewisii, a wild flower native to California, and the structure and sequence of the entire coding region determined. PGI catalyzes an essential step in glycolysis and carbohydrate biosynthesis in plants. Spanning about 6 kb, the gene has 23 exons and 22 introns, the highest number yet reported in plants. The exons range in size from 43 to 156 nt and encode a protein of 569 amino acids. The protein is about 44–46% identical to the inferred protein sequences of pig, Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All of the introns are bordered with the consensus 5-GT...AG-3 dinucleotides. The longest intron includes a large stem-loop structure bounded by a perfect 9 nt direct repeat. We cloned the PGI gene from a genomic library prepared from a single plant of known PGI genotype. The locus and allele of the clone were identified by matching restriction fragments to fragments from genetically defined genomic DNAs by Southern hybridization.  相似文献   

dgq: a drosophila gene encoding a visual system-specific G alpha molecule   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Y J Lee  M B Dobbs  M L Verardi  D R Hyde 《Neuron》1990,5(6):889-898
We describe the isolation and preliminary characterization of a new G alpha gene (dgq) in Drosophila. The dgq gene is differentially spliced, yielding two putative proteins, both of which contain guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis domains and share 50% identity with transducins and other G proteins. These proteins represent a new class of G alpha subunits because they lack both high amino acid identity with other G alpha proteins and the pertussis toxin ADP ribosylation site. The dgq mRNA is detected by RNA-RNA Northern hybridization in wild-type heads but not in wild-type bodies or in the mutant eyes absent heads. Tissue in situ hybridization detects dgq expression only in the retina and ocellus of the adult head, making it a prime candidate for encoding the Drosophila transducin analog, the G protein required for phototransduction.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a human gene encoding photoreceptor cell-specific MEKA protein. The protein coding region was separated into three exons, which encoded 246 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 28,311. The coding region of the human gene exhibited the homologies of 90.7% nucleotides and 88.5% amino acids with those of the bovine cDNA. Southern blot analysis revealed that the human MEKA gene has a single copy number. However, the anti-bovine MEKA stained both rod and cone photoreceptor cells in the human retina.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA encoding human ferrochelatase   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The cDNA encoding human ferrochelatase [EC] was isolated from a human placenta cDNA library in bacteriophage lambda gt11 by screening with a radiolabeled fragment of mouse ferrochelatase cDNA. The cDNA had an open reading frame of 1269 base pairs (bp) encoding a protein of 423 amino acid residues (Mr. 47,833) with alternative putative polyadenylation signals in the 3' non-coding regions and poly (A) tails. Amino acid sequencing showed that the mature protein consists of 369 amino acid residues (Mr. 42,158) with a putative leader sequence of 54 amino acid residues. The human enzyme showed an 88% identity to mouse enzyme and 46% to yeast enzyme. Northern blot analysis showed two mRNAs of about 2500 and 1600 bp for ferrochelatase in K562 and HepG2 cells. As full-length cDNA for human ferrochelatase is now available, molecular lesions related to erythropoietic protoporphyria can be characterized.  相似文献   

We have isolated an approximately 2.0-kb human cDNA clone containing coding sequences for the human cell adhesion molecule, uvomorulin. Comparison of human and mouse cDNA revealed extensive homology of 82% for the nucleotide and 83% for the deduced amino acid sequence. This and other structural features common to both cDNAs demonstrate that uvomorulin is evolutionarily highly conserved in mammals and underline its functional importance in histogenesis. Moreover, with the use of human x mouse somatic-cell hybrids, the human uvomorulin gene was localized on chromosome 16, in the region 16p11-16qter.  相似文献   

The primary hormonal regulator of pigmentation is melanocyte stimulating hormone derived from proopiomelanocortin by proteolytic processing. The melanocortin-1 receptor serves a key role in the regulation of pigmentation. We describe the identification of the first intron within a melanocortin receptor. A new melanocortin-1 receptor isoform, generated by alternative mRNA splicing, encodes an additional 65 amino acids at the predicted intracellular, C-terminal tail of the melanocortin-1 receptor. When expressed in heterologous cells, the new spliced form of the melanocortin-1 receptor (melanocortin-1 receptor B) appears pharmacologically similar to the non-spliced melanocortin-1 receptor. Melanocortin-1 receptor B is expressed in testis, fetal heart and melanomas.  相似文献   

Structure of the murine mb-1 gene encoding a putative sIgM-associated molecule   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Genomic DNA clones containing the B cell-specific murine mb-1 gene were isolated and a 5.6-kb BamH I fragment was characterized. It is 5629 bp long and contains five exons: an exon containing the 5' untranslated and the coding sequence of the signal peptide, an exon of 294 bp, which contains most of the extracellular sequence of the MB-1 protein, a 119-bp long exon coding mainly for the transmembrane portion, and two exons of 69 bp and 427 bp encoding the cytoplasmic domain and the 3'-untranslated region, respectively. The mb-1 gene does not contain a "TATA box" found in many eukaryotic promoters. The 5'-flanking region has sequence stretches homologous to IgVH 5'-promoter regions and a bcl 2 intron sequence. It contains the decanucleotide sequence (ATGGCAAATA) almost identical to the octamer motif of IgVH promoters. A B cell-specific DNase I-hypersensitive site was found in the 3'-flanking region indicating that this region might be involved in B cell-specific expression of mb-1. Southern blot analysis of genomic liver DNA with the cloned mb-1 cDNA suggests the existence of another mb-1-related gene segment.  相似文献   

K R Willison  K Dudley  J Potter 《Cell》1986,44(5):727-738
The mouse t haplotypes show defects in spermatogenesis attributed to multiple loci on chromosome 17. We have cloned the gene for an abundant testicular germ cell protein, t complex polypeptide 1, which has a variant form in t haplotypes, TCP-1A. A cDNA clone, pB1.4, which hybridizes to a 19S mRNA that is abundant in haploid cells during mouse spermatogenesis, derives from the 3' end of the mRNA encoding TCP-1B. The Tcp-1 gene appears to be a member of a novel gene family and shows multiple changes between the predicted amino acid sequences of TCP-1B and TCP-1A. An additional Taq1 site is created by a T to C transition in the predicted open reading frame of the Tcp-1a gene. The resultant RFLP has allowed typing of the Tcp-1 gene cluster in 54 complete and partial t haplotype chromosomes. DNA sequence comparison of the Tcp-1 genes suggests that the t haplotype chromosome arose within the genus Mus more than one million years ago.  相似文献   

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