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The following results were obtained when fifty-seven bulk and crate-stored commercial seed potato stocks from the East of Scotland were examined in 1966-8 for contamination by pectolytic Erwinia spp. (1) Most tubers of all the cultivars and stocks examined, irrespective of whether they were obtained from blackleg-infected or blackleg-free crops, were contaminated with E. carotovora; (2) some 80% of the Erwinia isolates obtained were identified as var. atroseptica, the rest being var. carotovora; (3) the organisms survived in and on tubers for 6–7 months of bulk storage over the winter and up to planting time the following spring; (4) contrary to what is generally thought, the high incidence of contamination of all stocks, while suggesting that the seed itself is the major source of E. carotovora for the growing crop, emphasizes that other factors affect manifestation of blackleg in the field and soft rot in store.  相似文献   

Two methods for estimation of the numbers of Erwinia carotovora on potato tubers were compared using 17 naturally infected stocks. The 'wash' method estimates the surface count, whereas the 'peel' method is based on a subcuticular count. A correlation of 0.79 was obtained. Comparisons between methods were also made using a bactericide, Myacide As, and on stocks during chitting. Erwinia carotovora counts were reduced in treated tubers with the 'wash' method, but not with the 'peel' method.  相似文献   

Electrotransfer of protein bands from a polyacrylamide gel to a hydrophobic poly-vinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Western blot) and their serological determination by indirect ELISA (immunoblotting) were used to differentiate Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) from Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca). Ninety strains: 69 Ecc, 19 Eca and two Erwinia chrysanthemi (Echr) were examined. Eight polyclonal antisera against whole cells, glutaraldehyde fixed cells, glycopro-teins, and somatic antigens were prepared. Antisera produced with glutaraldehyde fixed cells did not recognize any band of the protein pattern. The remaining antisera recognized a limited number of bands. Two protein bands allowed differentiation of the two subspecies by the antisera against glycoproteins. One band with an estimated molecular weight of 36000 Da was present in the 19 Eca strains tested and another band with an estimated molecular weight of 35 000 Da was present in the 69 Ecc strains, except for three cases. The strains of Echr showed a band with an estimated weight of 33 000 Da.  相似文献   

Two methods to determine numbers of the blackleg pathogen, Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica, in tuber peel extract were compared; (1) growth and cavity formation on crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium (Pérombelon, Lumb & Hyman, 1987) and (2) immunofluorescent colony (IFC) staining (Van Vuurde & Roozen, 1990) using an antiserum against the bacterium conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate. Detection, identification and quantification of the bacterium based on the differential effect of temperature on growth in the CVP method were severely restricted and in some cases could not be done at low peel extract dilutions containing > 106 saprophytic bacteria ml“1 and > 103 cells ml-1 of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora. In contrast, although recovery was c. 50% relative to growth of E.c. atroseptica alone on nutrient agar, numbers of the bacteria could be determined by the IFC method regardless of numbers of saprophytic bacteria and E.c. carotovora present. Moreover, the tedium of counting colonies on a UV microscope could be avoided by automation using an imaging system on photograph film negatives of the microscope fields. Readily accessible tubers from the top layer of one tonne boxes in commercial stores were c. 10 times less contaminated than those from the middle of the boxes. For the two methods of peel extract preparation examined, the estimated sample size needed with an allowable error of log1010 E.c. atroseptica cells ml“1 extract with 95% confidence, was c. five tubers per box and 14 boxes for extract prepared from individual tubers and c. three lots of 10 tubers per box and 10 boxes for extract from 10 pooled tubers. A blackleg potential index for seed stocks was proposed based on the summation of the weighted number of individually tested tubers in different classes of contamination level.  相似文献   

The adhesion of two strains each of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica to potato tuber discs, leaflets and tuber cell cultures was examined and found to occur independently of the presence of either mannose-sensitive (MSHA) or mannose-resistant (MRHA) haemagglutinins. Adhesion was generally greater when bacteria were grown in nutrient broth than on phosphate-buffered agar. The specific MSHA inhibitor α-methyl mannoside reduced the adhesion of two strains to tuber discs and leaflets and the specific MRHA inhibitor, asialofetuin inhibited strains only on leaflets. A reduction in adhesion of a MSHA-producing strain by α-methyl mannoside was observed by scanning electron microscopy which found that adhesion was localized at intercellular junctions.  相似文献   

A luminescence-based marker system has been used to follow rotting of potato tubers by Erwinia carotovora. The early stages of infection could be detected by visual observation of areas of luminescence developing from the point of inoculation. During later stages luminescence was limited to peripheral regions and to central regions where the structure of the potato was destroyed. Luminometry demonstrated reduction in aerobic activity of infecting cells due to oxygen limitation. The system enables rapid and sensitive detection of active marked populations and distinction between aerobic and fermentative activity.  相似文献   

An enrichment method was used to monitor Erwinia carotovora in soil or the rhizosphere of different crops and weeds in 17 fields with different cropping histories on three farms. The bacteria were detected in all fields not cropped with potatoes, although not consistently, and the mean annual frequency of detection was generally low (< 10%). Fields in which potatoes were grown were extensively contaminated after harvest in September but contamination declined over the winter to very low levels by early summer in the following year. Contamination level tended to rise in some fields without potatoes regardless of their cropping history but for only a short time during autumn and winter. The bacteria were no more frequent in rhizosphere soil of any of the weeds or crops examined, with the exception of brassicas, than in bare soil. In fields where more than 16 months had elapsed since cropping with potatoes, 91% of erwinia isolates obtained were E. carotovora subsp. carotovora , the remainder being E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica. The bacteria were shortlived in soil and in the rhizospheres of inoculated field and pot grown crop and weed plants. Longevity was greater in dry (10% moisture) than in wet (21% moisture) soil and decreased as temperatures rose, particularly above 25°C. Survival was best in association with brassica plants, moderate on grasses and cereals, and least on potatoes and weeds. E.c. carotovora survived better than E.c. atroseptica. Because survival of the bacteria in soil is apparently restricted, their presence in fields could be attributed to recurrent introductions from different sources.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the characteristics of bacteria associated with the blackleg disease of potato in Brazil and compare them with species and subspecies of pectolytic Erwinia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Biochemical and physiological characteristics of 16 strains from blackleg-infected potatoes in State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were determined and differentiated them from all the E. carotovora subspecies and E. chrysanthemi. Pathogenicity and maceration ability of the Brazilian strains were greater than those of E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, the causal agent of potato blackleg in temperate zones. Analyses of serological reaction and fatty acid composition confirmed that the Brazilian strains differed from E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, but the sequence of 16S rDNA gene and the 16S-23S intergenic spacer (IGS) region confirmed the Brazilian strains as pectolytic Erwinia. Restriction analysis of the IGS region differentiated the Brazilian strains from the subspecies of E. carotovora and from E. chrysanthemi. A unique SexAI restriction site in the IGS region was used as the basis for a primer to specifically amplify DNA from the Brazilian potato blackleg bacterium in PCR. CONCLUSIONS: The bacterium that causes the blackleg disease of potato in Brazil differs from E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, the blackleg pathogen in temperate zones. It also differs from other subspecies of E. carotovora and from E. chrysanthemi and warrants status as a new subspecies, which would be appropriately named E. carotovora subsp. brasiliensis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The blackleg disease of potato is caused by a different strain of pectolytic Erwinia in Brazil than in temperate potato-growing regions. The Brazilian strain is more virulent than E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, the usual causal agent of potato blackleg.  相似文献   

Growth conditions are described for optimum production of extracellular protease in batch cultures of the soft rot pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora . This protease was inhibited by approximately 96% by 1 mmol/1 EDTA and by 55–6% by 10 mmol/l cysteine thereby classifying it as a metalloprotease. It was not inhibited by a chymotrypsin inhibitor extracted from potato tubers. This evidence suggests that the potato chymotrypsin inhibitor is not associated with resistance of potatoes to E. carotovora subsp. carotovora .  相似文献   

Western Australia has a unique seed potato production scheme which has remained virtually unchanged for more than 60 years, consisting of summer plantings of predominantly one cultivar in wind-exposed coastal swamplands. No rotation is used and the scheme relies on natural winter flooding and 'grazing' by sheep to eliminate unharvested tubers. Stocks are recycled every year with only limited inputs of pathogen-tested seed tubers in recent times. Virus spread in the crop is controlled by selecting large tubers for planting, roguing, aphicide application and growing season inspections. Potato viruses X and S were commonly detected in old seed stocks produced by this scheme attaining 100% infection in some. Both viruses were less frequently found in newly introduced seed stocks. By contrast, potato virus Y was never detected and potato leaf roll virus rarely found.  相似文献   

A novel approach is proposed for the study of the macromolecular bacteriocins of Erwinia carotovora (MCTVs). The approach lies in that the bacteriocinogeny of pectolytic erwinia is studied using a lawn of a bacterial mutant resistant to nalidixic acid, an inducer of MCTVs. The high efficiency of this approach was demonstrated by studying carotovoricins in 104 different E. carotovora strains, 88% of which bear MCTVs, distinguished by the morphology of zones of induced lysis on a lawn of susceptible cells, the lysis pattern, and some other characteristics. Preliminary studies by this approach showed that there is no correlation between the occurrence of MCTVs in particular E. carotovora strains and the habitat of the host plants from which these strains were isolated. There are grounds to believe that the approach proposed can also be used for investigating bacterial lysogeny.  相似文献   

Erwinia spp. that cause soft-rot diseases in plants produce a variety of extracellular pectic enzymes. To assess the correlation between patterns of pectic enzyme production and taxonomic classification, we compared the enzymes from representative strains. Supernatants obtained from polygalacturonate-grown cultures of nine strains of Erwinia chrysanthemi, three strains of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora, and three strains of E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica were concentrated and subjected to ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing. Pectate lyase, polygalacturonase, and exo-poly-alpha-D-galacturonosidase activities were visualized by staining diagnostically buffered pectate-agarose overlays with ruthenium red after incubation of the overlays with the isoelectric focusing gels. The isoelectric focusing profiles of pectate lyase and polygalacturonase were nearly identical for strains of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora and E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, showing three pectate lyase isozymes with isoelectric points higher than 8.7 and a polygalacturonase with pI of ca. 10.2. Isoelectric focusing profiles of the E. chrysanthemi pectic enzymes were substantially different. Although there was considerable intraspecific heterogeneity, all strains produced at least four isozymes of pectate lyase, which could be divided into three groups: basic (pI, ca. 9.0 to 10.0), slightly basic (pI, ca. 7.0 to 8.5), and acidic (pI, ca. 4.0 to 5.0). Several strains of E. chrysanthemi also produced a single form of exo-poly-alpha-D-galacturonosidase (pI, ca. 8.0).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora W3C105 produced the hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin under iron-limiting conditions. A survey of 22 diverse strains of E. carotovora revealed that strain W3C105 alone produced aerobactin. The ferric-aerobactin receptor of strain W3C105 was an 80-kDa protein, identified by immunoblots of Sarkosyl-soluble proteins obtained from E. carotovora cells grown in iron-depleted medium and probed with antiserum raised against the 74-kDa ferric-aerobactin receptor encoded by the pColV-K30 plasmid of Escherichia coli. Genes determining aerobactin biosynthesis and uptake were localized to an 11.3-kb EcoRI-HindIII chromosomal fragment of strain W3C105. A 10-kb subclone of the fragment conferred on E. coli DH5 alpha both aerobactin biosynthesis and uptake, determined by cloacin DF13 sensitivity, the presence of the 80-kDa receptor protein, and iron-independent growth of E. coli clones. The aerobactin biosynthesis genes of E. carotovora W3C105 hybridized to those of the pColV-K30 plasmid of E. coli, but the restriction patterns of the aerobactin regions of E. coli and E. carotovora differed. Although the aerobactin region of enteric bacteria is commonly flanked by IS1-like sequences, IS1 sequences were not detected in the genomic DNA or the cloned aerobactin region of E. carotovora. E. coli DH5 alpha cells harboring cloned aerobactin biosynthesis genes from E. carotovora W3C105 produced greater quantities of aerobactin and the 80-kDa ferric-aerobactin receptor when grown in iron-limited than in iron-replete medium. Strain W3C105 grew on an iron-limited medium, whereas derivatives that lacked a functional aerobactin iron acquisition system did not grow on the medium. These results provide evidence for the occurrence and heterogeneity of aerobactin as a high-affinity iron uptake system of both clinical and phytopathogenic species of the Enterobacteriaceae. Although future studies may reveal a role for aerobactin in the virulence or ecology of strain W3C105, a functional aerobactin iron acquisition system is not necessary for the pathogenicity of E. carotovora.  相似文献   

Serological, biochemical and physiological characteristics of 81 strains of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica ( Eca ) and 67 strains of subsp. carotovora ( Ecc ) from potato, isolated in Spain and from several international collections, have been studied. Ouchterlony double diffusion (ODD), indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were the methods used. The antibodies were polyclonals from eight antisera prepared with Eca serogroup I and Ecc serogroup III and two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), 4G4 from Spain and 4F6 from Canada, both prepared with Eca strains of serogroup I. Serogroup I for Eca and several serogroups for Ecc were the most commonly found in the collection studied. Serological relationships between Eca and Ecc independently of the serogroups were observed by IIF and ELISA using polyclonal antibodies. Common epitopes between all Eca and Ecc studied were detected. Both MAbs recognized epitopes in Eca strains of serogroups I and XXII in IIF and ELISA but they did not react with strains of other serogroups nor Ecc strains. The pattern of reaction against the strains assayed was rather similar but not identical indicating that they represent two different and well conserved epitopes. This study confirms the serological complexity of Ecc and Eca and gives information about the serological probes for detection of both subspecies.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides were purified from 51 strains of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora, atroseptica and betavasculorum representing 12 different serogroups. Analysis of the lipopolysaccharides by SDS-PAGE showed that, irrespective of the strain or serogroup from which they were extracted, the lipopolysaccharides were composed of up to 30 components. The mobility of the components decreased in a regular fashion giving a ladder-like appearance on the gel. The relative mobilities of components of lipopolysaccharide from each serogroup was constant so that each serogroup gave an easily identifiable ladder profile. The potato pathogenic serogroups I, XVIII, XX and XXII were examined in detail. Of 20 strains received as serogroup I, 18 gave a pattern identical to an authentic serogroup I strain. The two strains which did not give the same pattern were shown by immunological tests not to be serogroup I. Five atroseptica strains of serogroup XXII gave a distinct pattern characteristic of the serogroup while atroseptica strains of serogroups XVIII (four strains) and XX (five strains) gave patterns that could not be distinguished from each other. Analysis of lipopolysaccharides by SDS-PAGE has been shown to be an alternative to immunological tests to identify serogroups of Erwinia carotovora associated with blackleg. It is also capable of differentiating these serogroups from erwinia serogroups not normally regarded as causing blackleg. The analysis has the advantage that, irrespective of serogroup, a positive result is always obtained.  相似文献   

Erwinia soft rot causes destructive and serious damages to many vegetable crops including potato, in the field, transit and storage periods. The role of certain potato tuber constituents in the physiology of disease resistance has been investigated. Pectin substances and calcium contents of potato tuber had a pronounced role in the physiology of disease resistance. Alpha and Santa (less susceptible cultivars) contained the higher amount of pectin and calcium compared by Mirkal, Diamant, Askort, Geganite and Nicola cultivars (more susceptible cultivars). Tubers extracts of all healthy tested potato tubers cultivars contained fructose except Santa cultivar and glucose except Alpha and Mirkal cultivars. Tuber extracts of the more susceptible cultivars (Nicola and Askort) contained a higher concentration of glucose and fructose than those of less susceptible cultivars (Geganite, Mirkal, Santa, Alpha and Diamant).  相似文献   

Contamination of the Alyth Burn by Erwinia carotovora was monitored monthly over 2 years at nine sites spread over a distance of ca 20 km. The bacterium was detected only once in the upper reaches of the river where it flows in uninhabited moorland but frequency of detection and contamination level tended to increase progressively as the river flowed through the middle reaches mostly in grassland to the lower reaches in arable land where the bacterium was almost always present. Erwinia populations rose from < 102 cells/1 before May to frequently > 103 but < 104 cells/l thereafter at sites in the arable land zone. A similar pattern was found in the grassland zone except that erwinia numbers were lower. Erwinia numbers at one site in the arable land zone were positively and negatively correlated with the river water temperature and flow rate respectively when there was a 1 month lag between the environmental data and the population recorded. More than 80% of isolates tested were E. carotovora subsp. carotovora.
Water from field drains in arable fields, especially those recently planted with potatoes, was frequently contaminated by E.c. carotovora , with numbers and a temporal pattern similar to those of the Alyth Burn. Drainage water from non-arable fields was rarely contaminated. Infected and rotting potatoes deposited in rivers temporarily contaminated the water. Survival of E. carotovora in dilute phosphate buffer was greater at pH 5˙7 than at pH 7˙7 and they survived for at least 10 d in river water.  相似文献   

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