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Mechanism of microtuberization in three elite cultivars kufri badhsha (KB), kufri chandramukhi (KCM) and kufri jawahar (KJ) of potato was studied. Sprouts of all the three cultivars were used to obtain in vitro shoot cultures. MS medium supplemented with chlorocholine chloride was found to be most suitable for all the cultivars. Maximum tuberization was obtained under incubation conditions of continuous darkness at 20 degrees +/- 1 degrees C. The highest number of micro-tubers per plant basis was produced under continuous darkness and KCM recorded the highest yield of micro-tubers and was found significantly superior to KJ and KB.  相似文献   

Microtuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Twenty-two genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were induced to form microtubers under six in vitro culture conditions. Cultures maintained under a short photoperiod (10 h of 6–12 μmol m–2 s–1) and low temperatures (day 20°±2°C and night 18°±2°C) had both a higher yield (255 mg/plantlet) and a greater number (2/plantlet) of microtubers than those maintained under long days (16 h of 38–50 μmol m–2 s–1) combined with high temperatures (day 28°±2°C and night 25°±2°C) (yield 207 mg/plantlet; microtuber number, 0.9/plantlet), over a wide range of genotypes. After the plantlets had been cultured under long days for an initial period of 60 days, continuous darkness advanced microtuberization by 2–3 months in various genotypes. Under short-day and low-temperature conditions the addition of 6-benzylaminopurine increased microtuber yield from 255 mg/plantlet to 645 mg/plantlet and average microtuber weight from 115 mg to 364 mg. A similar pattern was observed under conditions of long days and high temperature, and continuous darkness and low-temperature. Microtubers produced under light had a greater number of eyes (maximum average: 5.96/microtuber) than those produced in the dark (maximum average: 3.50/plantlet). The genotype × cultural conditions interactions were significant indicating the importance of developing genotype-specific protocols to maximize microtuberization. Received: 17 September 1997 / Revision received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 January 1998  相似文献   

The uptake of cadmium and its effect on the growth of potato shoot tips grownin vitro were followed in dependence on cadmium concentration in nutrient medium. Concentration of 10 −6 M Cd 2+ did not substantially affect potato plantlet growth dynamics; but the concentration of 10−3 M Cd2+ showed a strong growth inhibitory effect accompanied with increased cadmium accumulation in both root and shoot tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The establishment and development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi were studied in three cultivars of potato, which differed in susceptibility to Late blight, in a field experiment on a lateritic sandy-loam during two growing seasons (1980 and 1981). The cultivars SSC 1174 (highly resistant) and Kufri Jyoti (resistant) showed an earlier establishment and more rapid development of VAM fungi than up-to-date (highly susceptible). The first mycorrhizal infection in both SSC 1174 and Kufri Jyoti was observed after 12 days in 1980 and 8 days in 1981, whereas in up-to-date it was observed after 19 and 12 days respectively. The mycorrhizal infection increased with the age of the plants in all the three cultivars.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA evolution in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary A deletion specific to chloroplast (ct) DNA of potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) was determined by comparative sequence analysis. The deletion was 241 bp in size, and was not flanked by direct repeats. Five small, open reading frames were found in the corresponding regions of ctDNAs from wild potato (S. tuberosum ssp. andigena) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Comparison of the sequences of 1.35-kbp HaeIII ctDNA fragments from potato, tomato, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) revealed the following: the locations of the 5 ends of both rubisco large subunit (rbcL) and ATPase beta subunit (atp) mRNAs were probably the same as those of spinach (Spinacia oleracea); the promoter regions of the two genes were highly conserved among the four species; and the 5 untranslated regions diverged at high rates. A phylogenetic tree for the three potato cultivars, one tomato cultivar, and one tobacco cultivar has been constructed by the maximum parsimony method from DNA sequence data, demonstrating that the rate of nucleotide substitution in potato ctDNA is much slower than that in tomato ctDNA. This fact might be due to the differences in the method of propagation between the two crops.  相似文献   

Most Agrobacterium-mediated transformation procedures described in the literature have proven to be inefficient for transformation of Andean potato cultivars. We describe here a more successful method for transformation of two of these cultivars, Diacol Capiro (DC) and Parda Pastusa (PP). Leaf explants were transformed using vector pBI121 carrying the #-glucuronidase and kanamycin resistance genes. Calli and shoot formation occurred after 5-8 weeks on a selection medium containing 3 mg/l zeatin and 1 mg/l indole acetic acid. The shoot regeneration frequency was 28% and 34% for DC and PP, respectively. Of the kanamycin-resistant plantlets obtained, 51% of those of DC and 13% of those of PP were confirmed to be transformants by histochemical assays, polymerase chain reaction analyses and Southern blotting techniques.  相似文献   

Constitutive antisense inhibition of the cytosolic isoform of phosphoglucomutase in the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) results in restriction of photosynthesis, growth inhibition and modified tuber morphology, and a severe restriction of tuber starch synthesis. Here we describe the consequences of the tuber-specific expression of an Escherichia coli phosphoglucomutase in the cytosol. Analysis of [14C]glucose metabolism by tuber discs isolated from wild type and transformants revealed that the rates of sucrose and starch synthesis were unaltered but that the rate of glycolysis was depressed in the transgenics. The transformant tubers also contained dramatically reduced amino acid content and significantly higher levels of ADP, but were characterized by elevated levels of Krebs cycle intermediates and an unaltered rate of respiration. In addition to these metabolic consequences of the overexpression of the E. coli enzyme, we observed morphological changes in tubers, with the transformants having a smaller number of larger tubers which exhibited delayed rates of sprouting with respect to the wild type. These results are discussed with respect to current models of the regulation of central plant metabolism and tuber dormancy.  相似文献   

Developing cold sweetening resistant processing varieties is one of the frontal areas of research all over the world. In India, first potato processing variety was released in the year 1998 and till 2005 three varieties have been developed. But, there is no information available regarding sugar accumulation response of Indian varieties to low temperature storage. Therefore, it is imperative to generate basic information on cold sweetening development in Indian processing varieties for the use of potato breeders. Development of cold-induced sweetening and its relation to phenolic content of the tuber was studied in three Indian potato varieties viz., Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Chipsona-3 and Kufri Jyoti. The reducing sugars decreased in initial phase of storage, followed by continuous increase to unacceptably higher levels after around two weeks of storage. The increase in reducing sugar contents took place subsequent to increase in sucrose content. The changes in phenol content were not in a fixed trend. The degree or number of folds increase in reducing sugar content was relatively less in Kufri Jyoti which contained highest phenol content among the three varieties investigated. It is suggested that development of processing varieties with higher anti-oxidant content and lower invertase activity may provide better cold-induced sweetening resistance.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was measured in irrigated and droughted potato. Under irrigation, Δ in leaflets at given nodes increased (P < 0.001) between 21 and 63 d after emergence (DAE), which was attributed to increasing stomatal conductance (gs) during leaf expansion. The effect of leaf position on Δ was non-significant in mature leaves. Under drought, Δ decreased (P < 0.001) in successive leaves up the stem, reflecting changes in gs and water stress. At each node Δ remained constant or decreased, suggesting that effects of water stress were greater than changes with leaf expansion. There were significant differences in Δ between cultivars in both treatments, and in the progressive decrease in Δ up the stem under drought. Differences in Δ between cultivars were consistent with differences in stomatal control of leaf water status following water stress. Values for Δ in tubers were consistently lower than in stem and leaf, and decreased more rapidly. Differences in Δ between cultivars did not reflect dry matter production in either treatment, and differences in water use were non-significant between cultivars under drought. So, plants can achieve similar dry matter production through different growth strategies when irrigated or droughted, and Δ does not provide a simple, indirect method of selecting for dry matter production under water stress.  相似文献   

The changes in the components of the ascorbateglutathione systemduring the storage of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Spunta)tubers for 40 weeks at both 3C and 9C were studied in relationto lipid peroxidation. The level of malondialdehyde was foundto be higher at 3C than at 9C throughout storage. Thus, lipidperoxidation, which is the main cause of membrane deterioration,was accelerated at the lower temperature. Catalase activityincreased throughout storage independently of temperature. Theascorbate content of tubers decreased during storage both at3C and at 9C, as in other ageing processes. However, ascorbateperoxidase activity reached a maximum after about 8 weeks ofstorage, then declined at 9C, but held a higher level at 3C.The dehydroascorbic content also reached a maximum after about8 weeks and was significantly higher in tubers stored at 3C.These findings indicate a greater utilization of ascorbate byascorbate peroxidase at the lower temperature. Ascorbate freeradical reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase and glutathionereductase, the enzymes involved in the regeneration of ascorbate,were not affected by temperature and remained quite unchangedthroughout storage. It can be concluded that the ascorbate systemis involved in the scavenging of the free-radicals responsiblefor lipid peroxidation in stored potato tubers, at least atlow temperatures and in the first period of storage. Key words: Ascorbate, lipid peroxidation, potato tubers, Solanum tuberosum L  相似文献   

Summary Jasmonic acid (JA) effects on in vitro tuberization of potato nodal explants cvs. Sangre and Russet Burbank were tested under liquid and solid media conditions and 0,8, and 16h photoperiod. Explants taken from stock plants grown on 2.5μM JA-supplemented medium tuberized first, particularly in darkness. The most pronounced benefits of the JA pretreatment were recorded under 16h photoperiod, which is known to inhibit tuberization. Cultivar Sangre benefited from the JA preconditioning of stock plants more than Russet Burbank. Russet Burbank required the JA supplement in tuberization media to reach the same degree of stimulation. Overall, microtubers produced either from JA preconditioned stock plants or on the JA-containing tuberization media were more uniform and larger than from other treatments. Eight hours photoperiod was by far the best treatment for the production of high-quality uniform microtubers. JA conditioning of stock plants prior to taking explants for tuberization is being proposed as a treatment enhancing the quality of microtubers.  相似文献   

Solanum acaule Bitt. is a disomic tetraploid (4x) wild potato species which is resistant to several potato diseases. Introgression of disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance to the tetrasomic tetraploid (4x) cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) gene pool via crossing has been limited due to the difference in the endosperm balance number. In the present study, protoplast fusion was applied to produce hexaploid (6x) somatic hybrids between the parental lines, tetraploid (4x) S. acaule and two anther-derived dihaploid (2x) lines of S. tuberosum cv. White Lady. One callus (0.4%) of a total of 229 calli obtained regenerated into shoots in the fusion combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2. All the regenerated shoots were confirmed to be interspecific somatic hybrids using species-specific RAPD markers. In another fusion combination, S. acaule (+) White Lady 7.dh.23.1.1, fifteen calli (5%) regenerated into a total of sixteen shoots from 289 calli. All the analysed somatic hybrids between S. acaule and S. tuberosum were hexaploid. The mean DNA content (2C value) of the combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2 somatic hybrids (4.55 pg), was approximately the sum (4.69 pg) of the DNA contents of the parental lines, S. acaule (2.95 pg) and S. tuberosum (1.74 pg). In the greenhouse, the two somatic hybrids analysed were normal in their morphological characteristics and more vigorous than their parental lines. Most of the morphological characteristics were closer to the tetraploid S. acaule than to the dihaploid S. tuberosum. The interspecific somatic hybrids are currently being tested for frost tolerance and glycoalkaloid composition. Received: 19 January 1998 / Revision received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Suberin is a specific cell wall-associated biopolymer characterized by the deposition of both a poly(phenolic) domain (SPPD) associated with the cell wall, and a poly(aliphatic) domain (SPAD) thought to be deposited between the cell wall and plasma membrane. In planta, suberin functions to prevent plants from desiccation and pathogen attack. Although the chemical identity of the monomeric components of the SPPD and SPAD are well known, their concerted biosynthesis and assembly into the suberin macromolecule is poorly understood. To expand our knowledge of suberin biosynthesis, a GC/MS-based metabolite profiling study was conducted, using wound healing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers as a model system. A time series of both non-polar and polar metabolite profiles were created, yielding a broad-based, dynamic picture of wound-induced metabolism, including suberization. Principal component analysis revealed a separation of metabolite profiles according to different suberization stages, with clear temporal differences emerging in the non-polar and polar profiles. In the non-polar profiles, suberin-associated aliphatics contributed the most to cluster formation, while a broader range of metabolites (including organic acids, sugars, amino acids and phenylpropanoids) influenced cluster formation amongst polar profiles. Pair-wise correlation analysis revealed strong correlations between known suberin-associated compounds, as well as between suberin-associated compounds and several un-identified metabolites in the profiles. These data may help to identify additional, as yet unknown metabolites associated with suberization process.  相似文献   

Through induction of totipotent stage in cultured cells plants were regenerated from protoplast derived callus colonies of potato. Growing of the plants in vitro with optimal aeration and pretreatment of the leaves in dark and cold prior to protoplast isolation has improved the protoplast yield and frequency of cell division. Protoplasts of four potato genotypes have started to divide within 2-5 days after plating them into culture medium containing 2,4-D (0.2 mg/l); ZEA (0.5 mg/l); and NAA (1 mg/l) as growth regulators. Embedding of the cells into agarose proved to be favourable to avoid cell browning and to increase colony formation. The series of hormone treatments based on complex action of NAA and BAP promoting colony growth and greening, ZEA and IAA inducing shoot redifferentiation, and GA3 plus NAA supporting shoot elongation and rooting, finally resulted in high frequency of plant regeneration from microcolonies.  相似文献   

Plant Cell Reports - During callus formation a huge increase in alcoholdehydrogenase activity was observed in potato tuber tissue discs. Callus formation was no prerequisite for this increase;...  相似文献   

Single-node cuttings of potato cultivars Jemseg, Katahdin, Russet Burbank and Superior were cultured on a multiplication medium containing MS salts and no growth regulators. Cultures were exposed to 8 h (SD) and 16 h (LD) photoperiodic regimes. The subsequent plantlets were excised and single node cuttings from each photoperiodic regime were placed under SD or LD on a second medium containing growth regulators which promoted tuberization. Production of microtubers was strongly influenced by genotype and by photoperiodic treatments. Superior produced stunted plantlets and some microtubers under SD conditions in the multiplication medium. The number of microtubers formed by Jemseg was not influenced by photoperiod. However, Katahdin and Russet Burbank formed fewer microtubers under LD-LD conditions compared to LD-SD, SD-SD and SD-LD regimes. Compared with the other regimes, LD-SD photoperiod generally promoted microtuber formation with larger diameters and significantly (p<0.05) greater fresh weight. The intensity of the tuberization stimulus was affected by daylength, and this was characterized by microtubers with secondary tubers, the growth of more than one axillary microtuber, and microtubers subtended by stolons. The maturity group of the potato cultivars and photoperiodic regime in vitro strongly influenced the production of microtubers. These results can be employed to adapt light regimes for multiplication and tuberization to the specific requirements for cultivars from different maturity groups, and thus increase the efficiency of potato multiplication protocols.  相似文献   

Summary A modified polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique is employed to resolve proteins for use as biochemical gene markers in potato. Dominant, duplicate dominant and complementary gene action are three modes of inheritance that adequately explain the segregation of three respective protein bands in two generations of crossing within diploid Phureja X haploid Tuberosum families.Scientific Journal Seires Article 10,171 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

In vitro culture was used to study morphogenetic aspects of the tuberization process under controlled conditions in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants. This paper accurately defines four stages of tuber development and their correlation to external morphological characteristics and histological structures. Protein kinase activity, assayed in each stage using Historic HAS as substrate, was differentially expressed during the tuberization process. Phosphorylation was maximum in the first stages of tuber formation. The incorporation of [32PO4 –1] to endogenous peptides containing serine/threonine amino acidic residues followed the same pattern that the protein kinase activity did.Abbreviations EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo) tetraacetic acid - MOPS 4-morpholine-propanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Cold-induced sweetening is one of the major factors limiting the quality of fried potato products. To understand the mechanisms of protein regulation for cold-induced sweetening in potato tubers, a comparative proteomic approach was used to analyse the differentially expressed proteins both during control (25 °C, 30 days) and cold treatment (4 °C, 30 days) using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Quantitative image analyses indicated that there were 25 protein spots with their intensities significantly altered more than twofold. Of these proteins, 9 were up-regulated, 13 were down-regulated, 2 were absent, and 1 was induced in the cold-stored tubers. The MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analyses led to the identification of differentially expressed proteins that are involved in several processes and might work cooperatively to maintain metabolic homeostasis in tubers during low-temperature storage. The preponderance of metabolic proteins reflects the inhibition of starch re-synthesis and the accumulation of sugars in carbon fluxes, linking starch–sugar conversion. The respiration-related proteins suggest the transfer of respiratory activity from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration in the cold-stored tubers. The proteins associated with defence appear to protect the tuber cells from low-temperature stress. Some heat shock proteins that act as chaperones also displayed a differential expression pattern, suggesting a potentially important role in cold-stored tubers, although their exact contribution remains to be investigated. The proposed hypothetical model might explain the interaction of these differentially expressed proteins that are associated with cold-induced sweetening in tubers.  相似文献   

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