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We hypothesized that the hyperinflation and pulmonary dysfunction of cystic fibrosis (CF) would distort feedback and therefore alter the abdominal muscle response to graded expiratory threshold loads (ETLs). We compared the respiratory and abdominal muscle responses with graded ETLs of seven CF patients with severe lung dysfunction with those of matched healthy control subjects in the supine and 60 degrees head-up positions. Breathing frequency, tidal volume, and ventilatory timing were determined from inspiratory flow recordings. Abdominal electromyograms (EMGs) were detected with surface electrodes placed unilaterally over the external and internal oblique and the rectus abdominis muscles. Thresholds, times of onset, and durations of phasic abdominal activity were determined from raw EMGs; peak amplitudes were determined from integrated EMGs. Graded ETLs were imposed by submerging a tube from the expiratory port of the breathing valve into a column of water at depths of 0-25 cmH2O. We found that breathing frequency, tidal volume, and expired minute ventilation were higher in CF patients than in control subjects during low ETLs; a change in body position did not alter these ventilatory responses in the CF patients but did in the control subjects. All CF patients, but none of the control subjects, had tonic abdominal activity while supine. CF patients recruited abdominal muscles at lower loads, earlier in the respiratory cycle, and to a higher recruitment level in both positions than the control subjects, but burst duration of phasic activity was not different between groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rib cage muscle interaction in airway pressure generation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have previously demonstrated in dogs that the change inairway opening pressure (Pao) produced by isolated maximumactivation of the parasternal intercostal or triangularis sterni musclein a single interspace, the sternomastoids, and the scalenes isproportional to the product of muscle mass and the fractional change inmuscle length per unit volume increase of the relaxed chest wall. In the present study, we have assessed the interactions between these muscles by comparing the Pao obtained during simultaneous activation of a pair of muscles (measured Pao) to the sum of the Pao values obtained during their separate activation (predicted Pao). Measured and predicted Pao values were compared for the following pairs ofmuscles: the parasternal intercostals in two interspaces, the parasternal intercostals in one interspace and either thesternomastoids or the scalenes, two segments of the triangularissterni, and the interosseous intercostals in two contiguousinterspaces. For all these pairs, the measured Pao was within~10% of the predicted value. We therefore conclude that1) the pressure changes generated bythe rib cage muscles are essentially additive; and2) measurements of the mass of aparticular muscle and of its fractional change in length during passiveinflation can be used to estimate the potential pressure-generatingability of the muscle during coordinated activity as well as duringisolated activation.


We measured relative displacement of the rib cage (RC) and abdomen (ABD) in 12 anesthetized rabbits during forced oscillations. Sinusoidal volume changes were delivered through a tracheostomy at frequencies from 0.5 to 30 Hz and measured by body plethysmography. Displacements of the RC and ABD were measured by inductive plethysmography. During oscillation at fixed tidal volume (VT = 1.3 ml/kg) the ratio ABD/RC, normalized to unity at 0.5 Hz, was 0.88 +/- 0.06 at 2 Hz and increased to 1.28 +/- 0.13 at 6 Hz (P less than 0.01). As frequency increased further ABD/RC fell sharply but between 20 and 30 Hz reached a plateau of 0.17 +/- 0.02 (P less than 0.001). Displacements of RC and ABD were nearly synchronous from 0.5 to 2 Hz, but as frequency increased ABD lagged RC progressively, reaching a phase difference of 90 degrees between 6 and 8 Hz and 180 degrees between 16 and 20 Hz. In six additional rabbits we measured chest wall displacements while varying VT from 0.5 to 3.7 ml/kg. ABD/RC was independent of VT at low frequencies (less than or equal to 6 Hz) but fell sharply with increasing VT at the higher frequencies. We interpreted these findings using a chest wall model having an RC compartment whose displacements are governed primarily by a nonlinear compliance, in parallel with an ABD compartment whose displacements are governed by a series resistance, inertance, and in addition a nonlinear compliance. The experimental findings are in large measure accounted for by such a model if the degree of nonlinearity of ABD and RC compliances are comparable.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Allen et al. (J. Clin. Invest. 76: 620-629, 1985) reported that during oscillatory forcing the base of isolated canine lungs distends preferentially relative to the apex as frequency and tidal volume increase. The tendency toward such nonuniform phasic lung distension might influence phasic displacement of the rib cage (RC) relative to the abdomen (ABD). To test this hypothesis we measured RC and ABD displacement in four anesthetized dogs during forced oscillation. Sinusoidal volume changes were delivered through a tracheostomy at 1-32 Hz and measured by body plethysmography. RC and ABD displacements were measured by inductive plethysmography. During oscillation with air at fixed tidal volumes (10-80 ml) RC, normalized to unity at 1 Hz, increased to 2.06-2.22 at 8 Hz (P less than 0.001) and then decreased to 1.06-1.35 (P less than 0.0025) at 32 Hz. ABD, normalized to unity at 1 Hz, was 1.12-1.16 at 4 Hz (P less than 0.001) and decreased to 0.12-0.14 at 32 Hz (P less than 0.001). Displacement of ABD relative to RC did not increase systematically with increasing tidal volume during sinusoidal forcing at any frequency. Thus we found no discernible influence of nonuniform phasic lung distension on chest wall behavior. We infer that in the dog the nonuniform mechanical behavior of the chest wall dominates the nonuniform (but opposing) mechanical tendency of the lung.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of the respiratory skeletal muscles is altered in response to reflexes originating in the gastrointestinal tract. The present study evaluated the reflex effects of esophageal distension (ED) on the distribution of motor activity to both inspiratory and expiratory muscles of the rib cage and abdomen and the resultant changes in thoracic and abdominal pressure during breathing. Studies were performed in 21 anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs. ED was produced by inflating a balloon in the distal esophagus. ED decreased the activity of the costal and crural diaphragm and external intercostals and abolished all preexisting electrical activity in the expiratory muscles of the abdominal wall. On the other hand, ED increased the activity of the parasternal intercostals and expiratory muscles located in the rib cage (i.e., triangularis sterni and internal intercostal). All effects of ED were graded, with increasing distension exerting greater effects, and were eliminated by vagotomy. The effect of increases in chemical drive and lung inflation reflex activity on the response to ED was examined by performing ED while animals breathed either 6.5% CO2 or against graded levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), respectively. Changes in respiratory muscle electrical activity induced by ED were similar (during 6.5% CO2 and PEEP) to those observed under control conditions. We conclude that activation of mechanoreceptors in the esophagus reflexly alters the distribution of motor activity to the respiratory muscles, inhibiting the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and augmenting the parasternals and expiratory muscles of the chest wall.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that patients who fail weaning from mechanical ventilation recruit their inspiratory rib cage muscles sooner than they recruit their expiratory muscles, and that rib cage muscle recruitment is accompanied by recruitment of sternomastoid muscles. Accordingly, we measured sternomastoid electrical activity and changes in esophageal (DeltaPes) and gastric pressure (DeltaPga) in 11 weaning-failure and 8 weaning-success patients. At the start of trial, failure patients exhibited a higher DeltaPga-to-DeltaPes ratio than did success patients (P = 0.05), whereas expiratory rise in Pga was equivalent in the two groups. Between the start and end of the trial, failure patients developed additional increases in DeltaPga-to-DeltaPes ratio (P < 0.0014) and the expiratory rise in Pga also increased (P < 0.004). At the start of trial, sternomastoid activity was present in 8 of 11 failure patients contrasted with 1 of 8 success patients. Over the course of the trial, sternomastoid activity increased by 53.0 +/- 9.3% in the failure patients (P = 0.0005), whereas it did not change in the success patients. Failure patients recruited their respiratory muscles in a sequential manner. The sequence began with activity of diaphragm and greater-than-normal activity of inspiratory rib cage muscles; recruitment of sternomastoids and rib cage muscles approached near maximum within 4 min of trial commencement; expiratory muscles were recruited slowest of all. In conclusion, not only is activity of the inspiratory rib cage muscles increased during a failed weaning trial, but respiratory centers also recruit sternomastoid and expiratory muscles. Extradiaphragmatic muscle recruitment may be a mechanism for offsetting the effects of increased load on a weak diaphragm.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of microgravity (0 Gz) on the anteroposterior diameters of the upper (URC-AP) and lower (LRC-AP) rib cage, the transverse diameter of the lower rib cage (LRC-TR), and the xiphipubic distance and on the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the scalene and parasternal intercostal muscles in five normal subjects breathing quietly in the seated posture. Gastric pressure was also recorded in four subjects. At 0 Gz, end-expiratory LRC-AP and xiphipubic distance increased but LRC-TR invariably decreased, as did end-expiratory gastric pressure. No consistent effect was observed on tidal LRC-TR and xiphipubic displacements, but tidal changes in URC-AP and LRC-AP were reduced. Although scalene and parasternal phasic inspiratory EMG activity tended to decrease at 0 Gz, both muscle groups demonstrated an increase in tonic activity. We conclude that during brief periods of weightlessness 1) the rib cage at end expiration is displaced in the cranial direction and adopts a more circular shape, 2) the tidal expansion of the ventral rib cage is reduced, particularly in its upper portion, and 3) the scalenes and parasternal intercostals generally show a decrease in phasic inspiratory EMG activity and an increase in tonic activity.  相似文献   

Esophageal distension causes simultaneous relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and crural diaphragm. The mechanism of crural diaphragm relaxation during esophageal distension is not well understood. We studied the motion of crural and costal diaphragm along with the motion of the distal esophagus during esophageal distension-induced relaxation of the LES and crural diaphragm. Wire electrodes were surgically implanted into the crural and costal diaphragm in five cats. In two additional cats, radiopaque markers were also sutured into the outer wall of the distal esophagus to monitor esophageal shortening. Under light anesthesia, animals were placed on an X-ray fluoroscope to monitor the motion of the diaphragm and the distal esophagus by tracking the radiopaque markers. Crural and costal diaphragm electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded along with the esophageal, LES, and gastric pressures. A 2-cm balloon placed 5 cm above the LES was used for esophageal distension. Effects of baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, were also studied. Esophageal distension induced LES relaxation and selective inhibition of the crural diaphragm EMG. The crural diaphragm moved in a craniocaudal direction with expiration and inspiration, respectively. Esophageal distension-induced inhibition of the crural EMG was associated with sustained cranial motion of the crural diaphragm and esophagus. Baclofen blocked distension-induced LES relaxation and crural diaphragm EMG inhibition along with the cranial motion of the crural diaphragm and the distal esophagus. There is a close temporal correlation between esophageal distension-mediated LES relaxation and crural diaphragm inhibition with the sustained cranial motion of the crural diaphragm. Stretch caused by the longitudinal muscle contraction of the esophagus during distension of the esophagus may be important in causing LES relaxation and crural diaphragm inhibition.  相似文献   

Rogers  H. H.  Dahlman  R. C. 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):117-131
Carbon dioxide is rising in the global atmosphere, and this increase can be expected to continue into the foreseeable future. This compound is an essential input to plant life. Crop function is affected across all scales from biochemical to agro-ecosystem. An array of methods (leaf cuvettes, field chambers, free-air release systems) are available for experimental studies of CO2 effects. Carbon dioxide enrichment of the air in which crops grow usually stimulates their growth and yield. Plant structure and physiology are markedly altered. Interactions between CO2 and environmental factors that influence plants are known to occur. Implications for crop growth and yield are enormous. Strategies designed to assure future global food security must include a consideration of crop responses to elevated atmospheric CO2. Future research should include these targets: search for new insights, development of new techniques, construction of better simulation models, investigation of belowground processes, study of interactions, and the elimination of major discrepancies in the scientific knowledge base.  相似文献   

We examined chest wall and rib cage configuration in seven normal subjects during a variety of breathing maneuvers. Magnetometers were used to measure lower rib cage anteroposterior, lower rib cage transverse, upper rib cage anteroposterior, and abdomen anteroposterior diameters. Changes of these diameters were recorded during voluntary maneuvers, rebreathing, reading, and "natural" breathing. Relative motion of the rib cage and abdomen was displayed with the rib cage represented by the product of its lower anteroposterior and transverse diameters. During spontaneous breathing the rib cage and chest wall are near their relaxation configuration. During chemically driven ventilation the chest wall and rib cage progressively depart from this configuration. Much greater distortions of the chest wall and rib cage occurred during some voluntary maneuvers. Additionally, esophageal pressure and gastric pressure were measured during voluntary distortion of the rib cage. Substantial changes in lower rib cage shape occurred during voluntary maneuvers when compared with spontaneous breaths at the same transmural pressure. We conclude that the unitary behavior of the rib cage in normal subjects requires muscle coordination.  相似文献   



Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an inherited connective tissue disorder characterized by bone fragility, multiple fractures and significant chest wall deformities. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency is the leading cause of death in these patients.


Seven patients with severe OI type III, 15 with moderate OI type IV and 26 healthy subjects were studied. In addition to standard spirometry, rib cage geometry, breathing pattern and regional chest wall volume changes at rest in seated and supine position were assessed by opto-electronic plethysmography to investigate if structural modifications of the rib cage in OI have consequences on ventilatory pattern. One-way or two-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the results between the three groups and the two postures.


Both OI type III and IV patients showed reduced FVC and FEV1 compared to predicted values, on condition that updated reference equations are considered. In both positions, ventilation was lower in OI patients than control because of lower tidal volume (p<0.01). In contrast to OI type IV patients, whose chest wall geometry and function was normal, OI type III patients were characterized by reduced (p<0.01) angle at the sternum (pectus carinatum), paradoxical inspiratory inward motion of the pulmonary rib cage, significant thoraco-abdominal asynchronies and rib cage distortions in supine position (p<0.001).


In conclusion, the restrictive respiratory pattern of Osteogenesis Imperfecta is closely related to the severity of the disease and to the sternal deformities. Pectus carinatum characterizes OI type III patients and alters respiratory muscles coordination, leading to chest wall and rib cage distortions and an inefficient ventilator pattern. OI type IV is characterized by lower alterations in the respiratory function. These findings suggest that functional assessment and treatment of OI should be differentiated in these two forms of the disease.  相似文献   

Rib cage mechanics during quiet breathing and exercise in humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kenyon, C. M., S. J. Cala, S. Yan, A. Aliverti, G. Scano, R. Duranti, A. Pedotti, and Peter T. Macklem. Rib cage mechanics during quiet breathing and exercise in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1242-1255, 1997.Duringexercise, large pleural, abdominal, and transdiaphragmatic pressureswings might produce substantial rib cage (RC) distortions. We used athree-compartment chest wall model (J. Appl.Physiol. 72: 1338-1347, 1992) to measuredistortions of lung- and diaphragm-apposed RC compartments (RCp andRCa) along with pleural and abdominal pressures in five normal men. RCpand RCa volumes were calculated from three-dimensional locations of 86 markers on the chest wall, and the undistorted (relaxation) RCconfiguration was measured. Compliances of RCp and RCa measured duringphrenic stimulation against a closed airway were 20 and 0%,respectively, of their values during relaxation. There was marked RCdistortion. Thus nonuniform distribution of pressures distorts the RCand markedly stiffens it. However, during steady-state ergometerexercise at 0, 30, 50, and 70% of maximum workload, RC distortionswere small because of a coordinated action of respiratory muscles, sothat net pressures acting on RCp and RCa were nearly the samethroughout the respiratory cycle. This maximizes RC compliance andminimizes the work of RC displacement. During quiet breathing, plots ofRCa volume vs. abdominal pressure were to the right of the relaxationcurve, indicating an expiratory action on RCa. We attribute this topassive stretching of abdominal muscles, which more thancounterbalances the insertional component of transdiaphragmatic pressure.


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