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The present studies used increased atmospheric pressure in place of a traditional pharmacological antagonist to probe the molecular sites and mechanisms of ethanol action in glycine receptors (GlyRs). Based on previous studies, we tested the hypothesis that physical–chemical properties at position 52 in extracellular domain Loop 2 of α1GlyRs, or the homologous α2GlyR position 59, determine sensitivity to ethanol and pressure antagonism of ethanol. Pressure antagonized ethanol in α1GlyRs that contain a non-polar residue at position 52, but did not antagonize ethanol in receptors with a polar residue at this position. Ethanol sensitivity in receptors with polar substitutions at position 52 was significantly lower than GlyRs with non-polar residues at this position. The α2T59A mutation switched sensitivity to ethanol and pressure antagonism in the WTα2GlyR, thereby making it α1-like. Collectively, these findings indicate that (i) polarity at position 52 plays a key role in determining sensitivity to ethanol and pressure antagonism of ethanol; (ii) the extracellular domain in α1- and α2GlyRs is a target for ethanol action and antagonism and (iii) there is structural-functional homology across subunits in Loop 2 of GlyRs with respect to their roles in determining sensitivity to ethanol and pressure antagonism of ethanol. These findings should help in the development of pharmacological agents that antagonize ethanol.  相似文献   

The current study used an ethanol antagonist, increased atmospheric pressure, to test the hypothesis that ethanol acts on multiple sites in glycine receptors (GlyRs). The effects of 12 times normal atmospheric pressure of helium-oxygen gas (pressure) on ethanol-induced potentiation of GlyR function in Xenopus oocytes expressing human alpha1, alpha2 or the mutant alpha1(A52S) GlyRs were measured using two-electrode voltage clamp. Pressure reversibly antagonized potentiation of glycine in alpha1 GlyR by 40-200 mm ethanol, but did not antagonize 10 and 25 mm ethanol in the same oocytes. In contrast, pressure did not significantly affect potentiation of glycine by 25-100 mm ethanol in alpha2 GlyRs, nor did pressure alter ethanol response in the A52S mutant. Pressure did not affect baseline receptor function or response to glycine in the absence of ethanol. These findings provide the first direct evidence for multiple sites of ethanol action in GlyRs. The sites can be differentiated on the basis of ethanol concentration, subunit and structural composition and sensitivities to pressure antagonism of ethanol. Parallel studies with butanol support this conclusion. The mutant alpha1(A52S) GlyR findings suggest that increased attention should be focused on the amino terminus as a potential target for ethanol action.  相似文献   

Effects of cytisine (cy), 3-bromocytisine (3-Br-cy), 5-bromocytisine (5-Br-cy) and 3,5-dibromocytisine (3,5-diBr-cy) on human (h) alpha7-, alpha4beta2- and alpha4beta4 nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors, expressed in Xenopus oocytes and cell lines, have been investigated. Cy and its bromo-isosteres fully inhibited binding of both [alpha-(125)I]bungarotoxin ([alpha-(125)I]BgTx) to halpha7- and [(3)H]cy to halpha4beta2- or halpha4beta4-nACh receptors. 3-Br-cy was the most potent inhibitor of both [alpha-(125)I]BgTx and [(3)H]cy binding. Cy was less potent than 3-Br-cy, but 5-Br-cy and 3,5-diBr-cy were the least potent inhibitors. Cy and 3-Br-cy were potent full agonists at halpha7-nACh receptors but behaved as partial agonists at halpha4beta2- and halpha4beta4-nACh receptors. 5-Br-cy and 3,5-diBr-cy had low potency and were partial agonists at halpha7- and halpha4beta4-nACh receptors, but they elicited no responses on halpha4beta2-nACh receptors. Cy and 3-Br-cy produced dual dose-response curves (DRC) at both halpha4beta2- and halpha4beta4-nACh receptors, but ACh produced dual DRC only at halpha4beta2-nACh receptors. Low concentrations of cy, 3-Br-cy and 5-Br-cy enhanced ACh responses of oocytes expressing halpha4beta2-nACh receptors, but at high concentrations they inhibited the responses. In contrast, 3,5-diBr-cy only inhibited, in a competitive manner, ACh responses of halpha4beta2-nACh receptors. It is concluded that bromination of the pyridone ring of cy produces marked changes in effects of cy that are manifest as nACh receptor subtype-specific differences in binding affinities and in functional potencies and efficacies.  相似文献   

Cheng MH  Coalson RD  Cascio M 《Proteins》2008,71(2):972-981
The glycine receptor (GlyR) is potentiated by ethanol and other anesthetics. The potentiation mechanism at the molecular level is unknown and remains elusive, but mutagenic studies have shown that ethanol and other volatile anesthetics bind to a pocket between TM1, TM2, and TM3. The present study extends previous studies (Cheng et al., Proteins 2007;68:581-593) wherein we conducted homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to construct models of the homopentameric alpha1 subunits of the GlyR transmembrane domain in open and closed states. To understand the potentiation of GlyR by ethanol we compare the binding of ethanol molecules to the channel in these different states. We observe that ethanol stably resides inside solvent-accessible cavities found in the open state of GlyR that are formed by I229 (of TM1) in one subunit and S267 and A288 (of TM2 and TM3, respectively) in the adjacent subunit. The volume of these putative binding pockets is state-dependent. Selective binding to the open states of receptors has been proposed to explain the potentiating actions of this class of anesthetics. In accordance with this model, our MD simulations suggest that the potentiation of ethanol on GlyR may be effected through preferential binding of ethanol molecules to an inter-subunit binding pocket in the open state.  相似文献   

Glycine residues can introduce flexibility in proteins, give rise to turns and breaks in secondary structure and are key components of some nucleotide binding motifs. In the P2X receptor extracellular ATP binding domain, 11 glycine residues are completely conserved and an additional five are conserved in at least five of the seven family members. We have mutated individual conserved glycine residues and determined their effect on the ATP sensitivity and time-course of P2X1 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In the majority of cases, replacement by alanine had no or a less than 3-fold effect on ATP sensitivity and time-course of responses. G71A resulted in a 6-fold decrease in ATP potency and ATP (10 mM) failed to evoke functional responses from G96A, G250A and G301A mutant receptors. However, proline or cysteine could substitute for glycine at positions 96 and 301, giving receptors that were essentially normal. At glycine 250 substitution by serine gave functional responses to ATP with no effect on ATP sensitivity but a reduction in peak amplitude; in contrast, functional responses were not recorded when glycine 250 was replaced by the amino acids alanine, cysteine, aspartate, phenylalanine, isoleucine, lysine, proline or asparagine. These results suggest that glycine 250 plays an important role in determining the function of P2X receptors.  相似文献   

Cheng MH  Cascio M  Coalson RD 《Proteins》2007,68(2):581-593
Homology modeling is used to build initial models of the transmembrane domain of the human alpha1 glycine receptor (GlyR) based on the most recently published refined structure of nAChR (PDB ID: 2BG9). Six preliminary GlyR models are constructed using two different approaches. In one approach, five different homopentamers are built by symmetric assembly of alpha1 GlyR subunits using only one of the five unique chains of nAChR as a template. In a second approach, each nAChR subunit serves as a template for an alpha1 GlyR subunit. All six initial GlyR constructs are then embedded into a hydrated POPC lipid bilayer and subjected to molecular dynamics simulation for at least six nanoseconds. Each model is stable throughout the simulation, and the final models fall into three distinct categories. Homopentameric GlyR bundles using a single alpha nAChR subunit as a template appear to be in an open conformation. Under an applied external potential, permeation of Cl(-) ions is observed within several ns in a channel built on an alpha chain. Model channels built on non-alpha chains have a constriction either near the intracellular mouth or more centrally located in the pore domain, both of which may be narrow enough to close the channel and whose locations correspond to putative gates observed in nicotinicoid receptors. The differences between these three general models suggest that channel closure may be effected by either rotation or tangential tilting of TM2.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms differentially influence the sensitivity of gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) (GABA(A) ) receptor responses in brain. Both PKCgamma and PKCepsilon knock-out mice exhibit altered ethanol potentiation of GABA(A) receptor mediated Cl(-) flux. Furthermore, chronic ethanol consumption alters GABA(A) receptor function and receptor subunit peptide expression by mechanisms that are not yet understood. The present study explored the possibility that PKC isoforms are directly associated with GABA(A) receptors, and this association is influenced by chronic ethanol exposure. GABA(A) receptors containing alpha1 or alpha4 subunits were immunoprecipitated from solubilized protein derived from the membrane fraction of rat cerebral cortex using selective antibodies. Immunoprecipitated receptors were screened by western blot analysis for the presence of PKCdelta, gamma and epsilon isoforms. We found pronounced labeling of PKCgamma but not PKCdelta or PKCepsilon in the alpha1 and alpha4 subunit immunoprecipitates. Immunoprecipitation with PKCgamma, but not with IgG antibody also yielded GABA(A) receptor alpha1 and alpha4 subunits in the immunoprecipitate. The association of PKCgamma with alpha1-containing receptors was decreased 44 +/- 11% after chronic ethanol consumption. In contrast, PKCgamma associated with alpha4-containing receptors was increased 32 +/- 7% after chronic ethanol consumption. These results suggest that PKCgamma may be involved in GABA(A) receptor adaptations following chronic ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

ATP-gated P2X4 receptors (P2X4R) are abundantly expressed in the CNS. However, little is known about the molecular targets for ethanol action in P2X4Rs. The current investigation tested the hypothesis that the ectodomain-transmembrane (TM) interface contains residues that are important for the action of ethanol in P2X4Rs. Wild type (WT) and mutant P2X4R were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. ATP concentration–response curves and ethanol (10–200 mM)-induced changes in ATP EC10-gated currents were determined using two-electrode voltage clamp (−70 mV). Alanine substitution at the ectodomain-TM1 interface (positions 50–61) resulted in minimal changes in ethanol response. On the other hand, alanine substitution at the ectodomain-TM2 interface (positions 321–337) identified two key residues (D331 and M336) that significantly reduced ethanol inhibition of ATP-gated currents without causing marked changes in ATP I max, EC50, or Hill's slope. Other amino acid substitutions at positions 331 and 336 significantly altered or eliminated the modulatory effects of ethanol. Linear regression analyses revealed a significant relationship between hydropathy and polarity, but not molecular volume/molecular weight of the residues at these two positions. The results support the proposed hypothesis and represent an important step toward developing ethanol-insensitive receptors for investigating the role of P2X4Rs in mediating behavioral effects of ethanol.  相似文献   

To determine whether prolonged nicotine exposure persistently inactivates rat alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes, we measured the voltage-clamped alpha4beta2 response to acetylcholine (ACh) before and 24 h after, 1-h or 12-h incubations in 10 microm nicotine. A 12-h incubation in 10 microm nicotine depressed the alpha4beta2 ACh response for 24 h without affecting total or surface alpha4beta2 expression. To determine whether oocyte-mediated nicotine release caused this depression, we co-incubated an alpha4beta2-expressing oocyte with an un-injected one (pre-incubated in 10 microm nicotine for 12 h) for 24 h and measured the change in the alpha4beta2 ACh response. The response decreased by the same factor after the co-incubation as it did after a 12-h incubation in 10 microm nicotine and a 24-h incubation in nicotine-free media. Thus, oocyte-mediated nicotine release caused the persistent desensitization we observed after a 12-h incubation in 10 microm nicotine. Consistent with this result, measurements of [3H]nicotine release show that oocytes release enough nicotine into the wash media to desensitize alpha4beta2 receptors and that prolonged incubation in 300 microm ACh (which cannot readily cross the membrane or accumulate in acidic vesicles) did not persistently depress the alpha4beta2 response.  相似文献   

The central nervous system convulsant picrotoxin (PTX) inhibits GABA(A) and glutamate-gated Cl(minus sign) channels in a use-facilitated fashion, whereas PTX inhibition of glycine and GABA(C) receptors displays little or no use-facilitated block. We have identified a residue in the extracellular aspect of the second transmembrane domain that converted picrotoxin inhibition of glycine alpha1 receptors from non-use-facilitated to use-facilitated. In wild type alpha1 receptors, PTX inhibited glycine-gated Cl(minus sign) current in a competitive manner and had equivalent effects on peak and steady-state currents, confirming a lack of use-facilitated block. Mutation of the second transmembrane domain 15'-serine to glutamine (alpha1(S15'Q) receptors) converted the mechanism of PTX blockade from competitive to non-competitive. However, more notable was the fact that in alpha1(S15'Q) receptors, PTX had insignificant effects on peak current amplitude and dramatically enhanced current decay kinetics. Similar results were found in alpha1(S15'N) receptors. The reciprocal mutation in the beta2 subunit of alpha1beta2 GABA(A) receptors (alpha1beta2(N15'S) receptors) decreased the magnitude of use-facilitated PTX inhibition. Our results implicate a specific amino acid at the extracellular aspect of the ion channel in determining use-facilitated characteristics of picrotoxin blockade. Moreover, the data are consistent with the suggestion that picrotoxin may interact with two domains in ligand-gated anion channels.  相似文献   

The beta-amino acid, taurine, is a full agonist of the human glycine receptor alpha1 subunit when recombinantly expressed in a mammalian (HEK293) cell line, but a partial agonist of the same receptor when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Several residues in the Ala101-Thr112 domain have previously been identified as determinants of beta-amino acid binding and gating mechanisms in Xenopus oocyte-expressed receptors. The present study used the substituted cysteine accessibility method to investigate the role of this domain in controlling taurine-specific binding and gating mechanisms of glycine receptors recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Asn102 and Glu103 are identified as taurine and glycine binding sites, whereas Ala101 is eliminated as a possible binding site. The N102C mutation also abolished the antagonistic actions of taurine, indicating that this site does not discriminate between the putative agonist- and antagonist-bound conformations of beta-amino acids. The effects of mutations from Lys104-Thr112 indicate that the mechanism by which this domain controls beta-amino acid-specific binding and gating processes differs substantially depending on whether the receptor is expressed in mammalian cells or Xenopus oocytes. Thr112 is the only domain element in mammalian cell-expressed GlyRs which was demonstrated to discriminate between glycine and taurine.  相似文献   

Inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) subunits undergo developmental regulation, but the molecular mechanisms of GlyR regulation in developing neurons are little understood. Using RT‐PCR, we investigated the regulation of GlyR α‐subunit splice forms during the development of the spinal cord of the rat. Experiments to compare the amounts of mRNA for two known splice variants of the GlyR α2 subunit, α2A and α2B, in the developing rat spinal cord revealed the presence of an additional, novel variant that lacked any exon 3, herein named “α2N.” Examination of the RNA from spinal cords of different‐aged rats showed a dramatic down‐regulation of α2N during prenatal development: α2N mRNA formed a significant portion of the α2 subunit pool at E14, but its relative level was reduced by 85% by birth and was undetectable in adults. Two proteins previously implicated in regulating the splicing of GlyR α2 pre‐mRNA, the neurooncological ventral antigen‐1 (Nova‐1) and the brain isoform of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (brPTB), underwent small changes over the same period that did not correlate directly with the changes in the level of α2N, calling into question their involvement in the developmental regulation of α2N. However, treatment of spinal cord neurons in culture with antisense oligonucleotides designed selectively to knock down one of three Nova‐1 variants significantly altered the relative level of GlyR α2N, showing that Nova‐1 isoforms can regulate GlyR α2 pre‐mRNA splicing in developing neurons. These results provide evidence for a novel splice variant of the GlyR α2 subunit that undergoes dramatic developmental regulation, reveal the expression profiles of Nova‐1 and brPTB in the developing spinal cord, and suggest that Nova‐1 plays a role in regulating GlyR α2N in developing neurons. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 156–165, 2002  相似文献   

Membrane currents and changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were measured in HEK293 cells transfected with the human P2X3 receptor (HEK293-hP2X3). RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry indicated the additional presence of endogenous P2Y1 and to some extent P2Y4 receptors. P2 receptor agonists induced inward currents in HEK293-hP2X3 cells with the rank order of potency alpha,beta-meATP approximately ATP > ADP-beta-S > UTP. A comparable rise in [Ca2+]i was observed after the slow superfusion of ATP, ADP-beta-S and UTP; alpha,beta-meATP was ineffective. These data, in conjunction with results obtained by using the P2 receptor antagonists TNP-ATP, PPADS and MRS2179 indicate that the current response to alpha,beta-meATP is due to P2X3 receptor activation, while the ATP-induced rise in [Ca2+]i is evoked by P2Y1 and P2Y4 receptor activation. TCE depressed the alpha,beta-meATP current in a manner compatible with a non-competitive antagonism. The ATP-induced increase of [Ca2+]i was much less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of TCE than the current response to alpha,beta-meATP. The present study indicates that in HEK293-hP2X3 cells, TCE, but not ethanol, potently inhibits ligand-gated P2X3 receptors and, in addition, moderately interferes with G protein-coupled P2Y1 and P2Y4 receptors. Such an effect may be relevant for the interruption of pain transmission in dorsal root ganglion neurons following ingestion of chloral hydrate or trichloroethylene.  相似文献   

We have mutated several amino acids in the region of the GABA(A) receptor alpha1 subunit predicted to form a small extracellular loop between transmembrane domains two and three to investigate its possible role in ligand sensitivity. The mutations were S275T, L276A, P277A, V279A, A280S and Y281F. Mutant alpha1 subunits were co-expressed with beta2 and gamma2 subunits in tsA201 cells or Xenopus oocytes. Binding studies revealed that the only mutation that significantly affected [3H]Ro15-4513 binding was the V279A substitution which reduced the affinity for this ligand. Electrophysiological examination of mutant receptors revealed that L276A, P277A and V279A displayed rightward shifts of their GABA concentration-response curves, the largest occurring with the L276A mutant. The impact of these mutations on allosteric modulation by benzodiazepine-site ligands was examined. V279A reduced the potency of both flunitrazepam and Ro15-4513 but, in each case, their efficacy was enhanced. A280S resulted in a decrease in flunitrazepam efficacy without affecting its potency. Additionally, P277A and A280S resulted in Ro15-4513 losing its inverse agonist effect at these receptors. These results suggest that a domain within this small extracellular loop between TMII-TMIII plays a role in determining the sensitivity of GABA(A) receptors to both GABA and benzodiazepine-site ligands.  相似文献   


Purpose: Previous studies have found non-CB1 non-CB2 G-protein-coupled receptors in rodents that are activated by the aminoalkylindole cannabinoid agonist WIN55212-2. This work obtained evidence for the presence or absence of similar receptors in the brains of other mammals, birds and amphibians.

Materials and methods: Antagonism of the stimulation of [35S]GTPγS binding by WIN55212-2 and CP55940 was assessed in multiple CNS regions of rat and canine, and in whole brain membranes from shrew, pigeon, frog and newt. A bioinformatics approach searched for orthologs of GRP3, GPR6, and GPR12 (closely related to cannabinoid receptors) in the genomes of these or related species. Orthologs were examined for amino acid motifs known to impart functionality to receptors.

Results: In mammals and pigeon, but not amphibians, a significant fraction of the stimulation of [35S]GTPγS binding by WIN55212-2 was not blocked by the CB1 antagonist SR141716A. BLAST searches found that GPR3 was restricted to mammals. GPR12 orthologs existed in all species, and they shared identical amino acid motifs. GPR6 orthologs existed all species, but with significant departures in the identity of some critical amino acids in bird, more so in amphibian.

Conclusions: The portion of WIN55212-2-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding that was antagonized by SR141716A was consistent with stimulation via CB1 receptors, indicating that antagonist-insensitive activity was via a different G-protein coupled receptor. Pharmacological evidence of this receptor was found in the brains of mammals and pigeon, but not frog or newt. Bioinfomatics results implicate GPR6 as a possible candidate for the additional WIN55212-2-sensitive receptor.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated by random saturation mutagenesis a set of mutations in the extracellular (EC) loops that constitutively activate the C5a receptor (C5aR) (Klco et al., Nat Struct Mol Biol 2005;12:320-326; Klco et al., J Biol Chem 2006;281:12010-12019). In this study, molecular modeling revealed possible conformations for the extracellular loops of the C5a receptors with mutations in the EC2 loop or in the EC3 loop. Comparison of low-energy conformations of the EC loops defined two distinct clusters of conformations typical either for strongly constitutively active mutants of C5aR (the CAM cluster) or for nonconstitutively active mutants (the non-CAM cluster). In the CAM cluster, the EC3 loop was turned towards the transmembrane (TM) helical bundle and more closely interacted with EC2 than in the non-CAM cluster. This suggested a structural mechanism of constitutive activity where EC3 contacts EC2 leading to EC2 interactions with helix TM3, thus triggering movement of TM7 towards TM2 and TM3. The movement initiates rearrangement of the system of hydrogen bonds between TM2, TM3 and TM7 including formation of the hydrogen bond between the side chains of D82(2.50) in TM2 and N296(7.49) in TM7, which is crucial for formation of the activated states of the C5a receptors (Nikiforovich et al., Proteins: Struct Funct Gene 2011;79:787-802). Since the relative large length of EC3 in C5aR (13 residues) is comparable with those in many other members of rhodopsin family of GPCRs (13-19 residues), our findings might reflect general mechanisms of receptor constitutive activation. The very recent X-ray structure of the agonist-induced constitutively active mutant of rhodopsin (Standfuss et al., Nature 2011;471:656-660) is discussed in view of our modeling results.  相似文献   

Relatively little information is available about the molecular mechanism of ethanol inhibition of P2X receptors. Here, we investigated the possibility that 10 conserved cysteine residues in the extracellular loop of the rat P2X4 receptor may regulate ethanol inhibition of the receptor using a series of individual cysteine to alanine point mutations. Each of the mutated receptors generated robust inward current in response to ATP and the mutations produced less than a sixfold change in the ATP EC50 value. For the C116A, C126A, C149A, and C165A mutants, 100 mM ethanol did not significantly affect the current activated by an EC40 concentration of ATP. By contrast, for the C261A and C270A mutants, ethanol inhibited ATP-activated current in a competitive manner similar to that for the wild-type receptor. Interestingly, for the C132A, C159A, C217A, and C227A mutants, ethanol inhibited ATP-activated current, but decreased the maximal response to ATP by 70-75% without significantly changing the EC50 value of ATP, thus exhibiting a noncompetitive-type inhibition. The results suggest that cysteines and disulfide bonds between cysteines are differentially involved in the inhibition of the rat P2X4 receptor by ethanol.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an ATP-gated cation channel with a critical role in many physiological and pathological processes, and shows prominent functional differences...  相似文献   

Previously we have demonstrated that social isolation of rats reduces both the cerebrocortical and plasma concentrations of 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG), and potentiates the positive effects of acute ethanol administration on the concentrations of this neurosteroid. We now show that the ethanol-induced increase in 3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG is more pronounced in the brain than in the plasma of isolated rats. The ability of ethanol to inhibit isoniazid-induced convulsions is greater in isolated rats than in group-housed animals and this effect is prevented by treatment with finasteride. Social isolation modified the effects of ethanol on the amounts of steroidogenic regulatory protein mRNA and protein in the brain. Moreover, ethanol increased the amplitude of GABA(A) receptor-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurones with greater potency in hippocampal slices prepared from socially isolated rats than in those from group-housed rats, an effect inhibited by finasteride. The amounts of the alpha(4) and delta subunits of the GABA(A) receptor in the hippocampus were increased in isolated rats as were GABA(A) receptor-mediated tonic inhibitory currents in granule cells of the dentate gyrus. These results suggest that social isolation results in changes in GABA(A) receptor expression in the brain, and in an enhancement of the stimulatory effect of ethanol on brain steroidogenesis, GABA(A) receptor function and associated behaviour.  相似文献   

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