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Summary A strain of R. phaseoli cured of its symbiotic plasmid, pRP2JI, retained the ability to make exopolysaccharide (EPS). However, a region of pRP2JI, when cloned at an increased copy number in wide host-range vectors and transferred to this and other strains of Rhizobium, inhibited EPS synthesis. The gene responsible was termed psi (polysaccharide inhibition) and was located in a region of the symbiotic plasmid close to nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes. psi is important in the symbiosis since a wild-type strain containing psi cloned on a multicopy plasmid failed to form Phaseolus nodules, and mutant strains containing psi::Tn5 mutations failed to fix nitrogen in Phaseolus nodules. It is proposed that the function of psi may be to repress in the bacteriod the expression of genes such as those for EPS synthesis which are normally expressed in free-living culture.  相似文献   

NodO is a secreted protein from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae with a role in signalling during legume nodulation. A Tn5-induced mutant was identified that was defective in NodO secretion. As predicted, the secretion defect decreased pea and vetch nodulation but only when the nodE gene was also mutated. This confirms earlier observations that NodO plays a particularly important role in nodulation when Nod factors carrying C18:1 (but not C18:4) acyl groups are the primary signalling molecules. In addition to NodO secretion and nodulation, the secretion mutant had a number of other characteristics. Several additional proteins including at least three Ca2+-binding proteins were not secreted by the mutant and this is thought to have caused the pleiotropic phenotype. The nodules formed by the secretion mutant were unable to fix nitrogen efficiently; this was not due to a defect in invasion because the nodule structures appeared normal and nodule cells contained many bacteroids. The mutant formed sticky colonies and viscous liquid cultures; analysis of the acidic exopolysaccharide revealed a decrease in the ratio of reducing sugars to total sugar content, indicating a longer chain length. The use of a plate assay showed that the mutant was defective in an extracellular glycanase activity. DNA sequencing identified the prsDE genes, which are homologous to genes encoding protease export systems in Erwinia chrysanthemi and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. An endoglycanase (Egl) from Azorhizobium caulinodans may be secreted from R. leguminosarum bv. viciae in a prsD-dependent manner. We conclude that the prsDE genes encode a Type I secretion complex that is required for the secretion of NodO, a glycanase and probably a number of other proteins, at least one of which is necessary for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

An Exo- mutant of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii was isolated which did not produce acidic exopolysaccharide and induced defective, non-fixing nodules on clover plants. The nodules were defective at a late stage of development, they contained infection threads and bacteria were released into the host cells. Cosmid pARF136 capable of complementing the Exo- mutation was isolated from a cosmid bank made from total R. trifolii DNA. Hybridization between DNA of pARF136 and plasmids of R. trifolii strains separated by Eckhardt's technique suggested that the exo locus is located on a 300 kb megaplasmid, and nodDABC and nifKDH genes are located on another 180 kb pSym plasmid. A 5.4 kb BamH1 fragment of the recombinant cosmid pARF136 was able to restore exopolysaccharide synthesis in Exo- mutant of R. trifolii 93 but it did not complement the symbiotic defect.  相似文献   

Translational fusions between a mutant phoA (lacking its promoter, ribosomal binding site and signal peptide sequence) and Rhizobium 'symbiotic' genes were isolated. Since these fusions expressed alkaline phosphatase (AP), the product of phoA, the genes into which phoA was inserted apparently specify proteins located in the bacterial periplasm or cell membrane, the compartment in which AP has activity. These genes were psiA and genes upstream of psiA (psiA is required for normal nodule development and strains with multicopy psiA fail to make exopolysaccharide (EPS) and to nodulate). Fusions between phoA and pss (exo) genes, which are required for EPS production, also resulted in the expression of AP indicating that products of these pss genes were located at the cell surface. Using gus fusions to psiA and pssA, we found that the former was expressed in N2-fixing bean root nodules but the latter was not.  相似文献   

Only some strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae can efficiently nodulate varieties of peas such as cv. Afghanistan, which carry a recessive allele that blocks efficient nodulation by most western isolates of R. I. viciae. One strain (TOM) which can nodulate cv. Afghanistan peas has a gene (nodX) that is required to overcome the nodulation resistance. Strain TOM makes significantly lower amounts of lipo-oligosaccharide nodulation factors than other strains of R. I. viciae. and this effect appears to be due to lower levels of nod gene induction. These nodulation factors are similar to those from other R. I. viciae. strains in that they consist of an oligomer of four or five β1-4-linked N-acetylglucosamine residues in which the terminal non-reducing glucosamine carries an O-acetyl group and a C18:4 or C18:1N-acyl group. However, one of the nodulation factors made by strain TOM differs from the factors made by other strains of R. I. viciae. in that it carries an O-acetyl group on the C-6 of the reducing N-acetylglucosamine residue. This acetylation is NodX-dependent and the pentameric nodulation factor is acetylated on the reducing N-acetylglucosamine residue whereas the tetrameric nodulation factor is not. Although the nodL gene product is also an O-acetyl transferase (it O-acetylates the C-6 of the terminal non-reducing glucosamine), there is very little similarity between the amino acid sequences of these two acetyl transferases.  相似文献   

Tn5-induced mutants of Rhizobium meliloti that require the amino acids isoleucine and valine for growth on minimal medium were studied. In one mutant, 1028, the defect is associated with an inability to induce nodules on alfalfa. The Tn5 mutation in 1028 is located in a chromosomal 5.5-kb EcoRI fragment. Complementation analysis with cloned DNA indicated that 2.0 kb of DNA from the 5.5-kb EcoRI fragment restored the wild-type phenotype in the Ilv- Nod- mutant. This region was further characterized by DNA sequence analysis and was shown to contain a coding sequence homologous to those for Escherichia coli IlvC and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ilv5. Genes ilvC and ilv5 code for the enzyme acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase (isomeroreductase), the second enzyme in the parallel pathways for the biosynthesis of isoleucine and valine. Enzymatic assays confirmed that strain 1028 was a mutant defective in isomeroreductase activity. In addition, it was shown that the ilvC genes of Rhizobium meliloti and E. coli are functionally equivalent. We demonstrated that in ilvC mutant 1028 the common nodulation genes nodABC are not activated by the inducer luteolin. E. coli ilvC complemented both defective properties (Ilv- and Nod-) found in mutant 1028. These findings demonstrate that R. meliloti requires an active isomeroreductase enzyme for successful nodulation of alfalfa.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) from two fast-growing Rhizobium japonicum strains, USDA 205 and HC205, were isolated and partially characterized. Strain HC205 is a Nod- mutant of USDA 205 which lacks the symbiotic plasmid. The extracellular polysaccharides from both strains are very similar in composition, having galactose, glucose, glucuronic acid, and acyl groups. The extracellular polysaccharides do not contain detectable levels of pyruvate. Methylation analysis shows that the extracellular polysaccharides from both strains have the same glycosyl linkages. The LPSs were purified by a modified phenol-water extraction procedure and gel filtration chromatography. The LPSs from USDA 205 and HC205 elute as broad peaks from the gel filtration column and contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid as one of the major sugar components. Each broad 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid-containing peak has a distinct shoulder on its leading edge. The shoulder and the remainder of the broad peak are separated and labeled LPSI and LPSII, respectively. Glucose (and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid) is a major sugar in the LPSI fractions. Both the LPSII fractions contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid as the major sugar (about 20% of the mass). There are a number of quantitative differences in these LPS fractions between strain USDA 205 and HC205. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the LPSs are heterogeneous molecules but less heterogeneous than the LPSs from Salmonella minnesota or Rhizobium leguminosarum. The LPSI fractions from both USDA 205 and HC205 show a single lower-molecular-weight band and a higher-molecular-weight banding region which contains several bands. No bands are observed for the LPSII fractions from either USDA 205 or HC205.  相似文献   

Plasmid p42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 is self-transmissible and indispensable for conjugative transfer of the symbiotic plasmid (pSym). Most pSym transconjugants also inherit p42a. pSym transconjugants that lack p42a always contain recombinant pSyms, which we designated RpSyms*. RpSyms* do not contain some pSym segments and instead have p42a sequences, including the replication and transfer regions. These novel recombinant plasmids are compatible with wild-type pSym, incompatible with p42a, and self-transmissible. The symbiotic features of derivatives simultaneously containing a wild-type pSym and an RpSym* were analyzed. Structural analysis of 10 RpSyms* showed that 7 shared one of the two pSym-p42a junctions. Sequencing of this common junction revealed a 53-bp region that was 90% identical in pSym and p42a, including a 5-bp central region flanked by 9- to 11-bp inverted repeats reminiscent of bacterial and phage attachment sites. A gene encoding an integrase-like protein (intA) was localized downstream of the attachment site on p42a. Mutation or the absence of intA abolished pSym transfer from a recA mutant donor. Complementation with the wild-type intA gene restored transfer of pSym. We propose that pSym-p42a cointegration is required for pSym transfer; cointegration may be achieved either through homologous recombination among large reiterated sequences or through IntA-mediated site-specific recombination between the attachment sites. Cointegrates formed through the site-specific system but resolved through RecA-dependent recombination or vice versa generate RpSyms*. A site-specific recombination system for plasmid cointegration is a novel feature of these large plasmids and implies that there is unique regulation which affects the distribution of pSym in nature due to the role of the cointegrate in conjugative transfer.  相似文献   

We have identified a nodD gene from the wide host-range Rhizobium strain MPIK3030 (termed nodD1) which is essential for nodulation on Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro). Experiments with nodA–lacZ gene fusions demonstrate that the MPIK3030 nodD1 regulates expression of the nodABC genes. Additionally, we used nodC–lacZ fusions of Rhizobium meliloti to show that the MPIK3030 nodD1 gene induces expression of these fusions by interacting with plant factors from siratro and from the non-host Medicago sativa (alfalfa). The R. meliloti nodD genes, however, only interact with alfalfa exudate. In line with these results, no complementation of MPIK3030 nodD1 mutants could be obtained on siratro with the R. meliloti nodD genes, while the MPIK3030 nodD1 can complement nodD mutants of R. meliloti on alfalfa. Furthermore, R. meliloti transconjugants harbouring the MPIK3030 nodD1 efficiently nodulate the illegitimate host siratro. When compared with other nodD sequences, the amino acid sequence of the MPIK3030 nodD1 shows a conserved aminoterminus, whereas the carboxy-terminus of the putative gene product diverges considerably. Studies on a chimeric MPIK3030/R. meliloti nodD gene indicates that the carboxy-terminal region is responsible for the interaction with plant factor(s) and may have evolved in different rhizobia specifically to interact with plant–host factors.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) from two fast-growing Rhizobium japonicum strains, USDA 205 and HC205, were isolated and partially characterized. Strain HC205 is a Nod- mutant of USDA 205 which lacks the symbiotic plasmid. The extracellular polysaccharides from both strains are very similar in composition, having galactose, glucose, glucuronic acid, and acyl groups. The extracellular polysaccharides do not contain detectable levels of pyruvate. Methylation analysis shows that the extracellular polysaccharides from both strains have the same glycosyl linkages. The LPSs were purified by a modified phenol-water extraction procedure and gel filtration chromatography. The LPSs from USDA 205 and HC205 elute as broad peaks from the gel filtration column and contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid as one of the major sugar components. Each broad 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid-containing peak has a distinct shoulder on its leading edge. The shoulder and the remainder of the broad peak are separated and labeled LPSI and LPSII, respectively. Glucose (and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid) is a major sugar in the LPSI fractions. Both the LPSII fractions contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid as the major sugar (about 20% of the mass). There are a number of quantitative differences in these LPS fractions between strain USDA 205 and HC205. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the LPSs are heterogeneous molecules but less heterogeneous than the LPSs from Salmonella minnesota or Rhizobium leguminosarum. The LPSI fractions from both USDA 205 and HC205 show a single lower-molecular-weight band and a higher-molecular-weight banding region which contains several bands. No bands are observed for the LPSII fractions from either USDA 205 or HC205.  相似文献   

The structures for the core regions of the lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) from R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli CE3 and two symbiotic mutants were determined by g.l.c.-m.s., proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (n.m.r.), fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry (f.a.b.-m.s.), and by comparison with known structures from the LPS of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii ANU843. The core oligosaccharides were separated into two components, P2-2 and P2-3, by gel-filtration chromatography using Bio-Gel P2. The P2-2 oligosaccharide from CE3 is a tetrasaccharide consisting of 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo), mannose, galactose and galacturonic acid. The mannosyl residue is alpha-linked to O-4 of Kdo, and the galactosyl and galactosyluronic residues are alpha-linked to O-4 and O-6, respectively, of the mannosyl residue. The P2-2 oligosaccharide from mutant CE109 is missing the galactosyluronic residue, while that from mutant CE309 is missing both the galactosyl and galactosyluronic residues. The P2-3 oligosaccharide from CE3 LPS is a trisaccharide consisting of two galactosyluronic residues alpha-linked to the O-4 and O-7 of Kdo. Fraction P2-3 from mutant CE309 has the same structure as CE3 P2-3. Fraction P2-3 from mutant CE109 contains galacturonic acid and Kdo, but its structure differs from that of CE3 P2-3.  相似文献   

Several transposon Tn5-induced mutants of the broad-host-range Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 produce little or no detectable acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) and are unable to induce nitrogen-fixing nodules on Leucaena leucocephala var. Peru or siratro plants. The ability of these Exo- mutants to induce functioning nodules on Leucaena plants was restored by coinoculation with a Sym plasmid-cured (Nod- Exo+) derivative of parent strain NGR234, purified EPS from the parent strain, or the oligosaccharide from the EPS. Coinoculation with EPS or related oligosaccharide also resulted in formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on siratro plants. In addition, an Exo- mutant (ANU437) of Rhizobium trifolii ANU794 was able to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on white clover in the presence of added EPS or related oligosaccharide from R. trifolii ANU843. These results demonstrate that the absence of Rhizobium EPSs can result in failure of effective symbiosis with both temperate and subtropical legumes.  相似文献   

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