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The biomass and population dynamics of crustacean zooplankton were determined in oligotrophic Lake Toya in Japan over 5 years from May 1992 to May 1997. In 1992 and 1993, zooplankton biomass was up to 4.3 g dry weight m?2, whereas it decreased to <1 g dry weight m?2 after 1994. This extreme change in biomass was associated with the succession of dominant species from larger ones, such as Daphnia longispina and Cyclops strenuus (s. lat.), to smaller ones, such as Eubosmina tanakai and Bosmina longirostris. Consequently, this biomass change seemed to cause an increase in the chlorophyll a concentration in the euphotic zone and a decline in lake transparency. Because the birth rates of the dominant species were somewhat higher after 1994, the decline in the populations of larger crustaceans seemed to depend more on their rate of death rather than rate of birth, and this higher death rate is not considered to be attributed to food shortage. Although these results strongly suggest a top-down cascading effect of fish predation upon crustaceans, annual catches of two commercially important planktivorous fish species have also decreased in the lake, coincidentally with decreases in zooplankton biomass. This may be attributable to fishing regulations that prohibit catching smaller fish, implying that such smaller fish affect zooplankton and phytoplankton, as well as lake transparency.  相似文献   

The Blue Peacock Bass (Cichla piquiti), native to the Tocantins-Araguaia river basin of the Amazon system, was introduced into the basin of the Paranaíba River, Paraná River system. Cachoeira Dourada reservoir is one of a series of dams on the Paranaíba River in central Brazil, where this fish has become established. A study of its feeding spectrum, combined with information about its reproductive characteristics and population structure, would enable the current state of this species in the reservoir to be assessed and might provide useful data for the management of other species native to this habitat. This study showed that the peacock bass has no predators or natural competitors in the reservoir and that reproduces continuously, with high reproductive rates, and has a smaller median length at first maturity (L50) than other species of Cichla. Its successful establishment in habitats strongly affected by human activity should cause changes in the whole structure of the local fish communities. Nonetheless, in this reservoir, there appears to be some sharing of the functions of this species with native carnivorous fish, a situation that may be sustained by the presence of a wide variety of foraging fish.  相似文献   

The use of improved cytogenetic techniques such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) has offered important methodologies for cytotaxonomic and evolutionary studies. In particular, the mapping of 5S rDNA sites has proved to be an excellent marker in the study of different organisms and, more recently, in fish. In the present work, the FISH technique was used to map the 5S rDNA sites in the chromosomes of eight neotropical fish species from the Paraíba do Sul river basin, four of these belonging to the order Characiformes, family Characidae, genus Astyanax (A. scabripinnis, A. parahybae, A. giton and A. intermedius) and four to the order Siluriformes, family Loricariidae (Neoplecostomus microps, Harttia loricariformis, Hypostomus affinis and Upsilodus sp.). Karyotype evolution aspects of the analyzed groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Recognising that modifications to the physical attributes of urban space are able to promote improved thermal outdoor conditions and thus positively influence the use of open spaces, a survey to define optimal thermal comfort ranges for passers-by in pedestrian streets was conducted in Curitiba, Brazil. We applied general additive models to study the impact of temperature, humidity, and wind, as well as long-wave and short-wave radiant heat fluxes as summarised by the recently developed Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) on the choice of clothing insulation by fitting LOESS smoothers to observations from 944 males and 710 females aged from 13 to 91 years. We further analysed votes of thermal sensation compared to predictions of UTCI. The results showed that females chose less insulating clothing in warm conditions compared to males and that observed values of clothing insulation depended on temperature, but also on season and potentially on solar radiation. The overall pattern of clothing choice was well reflected by UTCI, which also provided for good predictions of thermal sensation votes depending on the meteorological conditions. Analysing subgroups indicated that the goodness-of-fit of the UTCI was independent of gender and age, and with only limited influence of season and body composition as assessed by body mass index. This suggests that UTCI can serve as a suitable planning tool for urban thermal comfort in sub-tropical regions.  相似文献   

A severe scarcity of life history and population data for deep-water fishes is a major impediment to successful fisheries management. Long-term data for non-target species and those living deeper than the fishing grounds are particularly rare. We analysed a unique dataset of scientific trawls made from 1977 to 1989 and from 1997 to 2002, at depths from 800 to 4800 m. Over this time, overall fish abundance fell significantly at all depths from 800 to 2500 m, considerably deeper than the maximum depth of commercial fishing (approx. 1600 m). Changes in abundance were significantly larger in species whose ranges fell at least partly within fished depths and did not appear to be consistent with any natural factors such as changes in fluxes from the surface or the abundance of potential prey. If the observed decreases in abundance are due to fishing, then its effects now extend into the lower bathyal zone, resulting in declines in areas that have been previously thought to be unaffected. A possible mechanism is impacts on the shallow parts of the ranges of fish species, resulting in declines in abundance in the lower parts of their ranges. This unexpected phenomenon has important consequences for fisheries and marine reserve management, as this would indicate that the impacts of fisheries can be transmitted into deep offshore areas that are neither routinely monitored nor considered as part of the managed fishery areas.  相似文献   

We compared the community structure of reef fish over different physical complexities in 12 study zones of Bahía Honda, Gulf of Chiriquí (BH-GCH), Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP), Panama, aiming at an analysis of the importance of the physical structure provided by corals, rocks and benthic sessile organisms. This was the first region that emerged in the Isthmus of Panama; it exhibits the oldest benthic fauna and has constant conditions in terms of temperature and salinity. Two hundred and eighty-eight visual fish censuses were conducted on 48 benthic transects from February to July 2003. One hundred and twenty-six fish species of 44 families were found. Plankton feeding pomacentrids and labrids along with haemulids that feed on mobile invertebrates were the most abundant, particularly in shallow areas. Fourteen species showed size-segregations between zones, suggesting ontogenetic migrations (smaller fishes in shallow high-complexity zones, larger-sized fishes in deeper habitats). Highly mobile and site-attached genera were abundant in most shallow, wave-exposed zones particularly on exposed rocky substrates. Planktivores were the most abundant, followed by carnivores, feeders on mobile invertebrate and piscivores. Herbivores and feeders on sessile invertebrate were lower in abundance. Species richness exceeds that of any other studied region close to the mainland in the TEP and correlates with substrate diversity, increasing size-heterogeneity of holes and structural complexity. Species diversity increases with habitat complexity and benthic diversity. It seems that water current strength, tides and waves which select for swimming, play an important role in the community organization. The study region has been proposed as a refuge-centre in the TEP, where reef fishes that evolved on coral reefs have shifted their distribution onto rocky reef habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis We sampled the Baía River (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) monthly, to survey taxonomic composition and temporal and spatial distribution of fish larvae. The ichthyoplankton was mainly composed by larvae of small and medium sized sedentary species and it was numerically dominated by six taxa: Plagioscion squamosissimus, Hypophthalmus edentatus, Hoplias aff. malabaricus, Bryconamericus stramineus, Serrasalmus spp. and Catathyridium jenynsii. These taxa present distinct temporal and spatial occurrence patterns: H. edentatus, B. stramineus and C. jenynsii are abundant between September and March in lentic areas; H. aff. malabaricus and Serrasalmus spp. were caught between October and February in lotic areas; whereas P. squamosissimus occurs in all sampled areas, with peak of capture in January. Hypophthalmus edentatus, H. aff. malabaricus, Serrasalmus spp. and B. stramineus were the taxa that most contributed to structure the assemblages temporally and spatially, and their abundances were influenced by the interaction of several environmental variables.  相似文献   

One of the largest gaps in the knowledge of ectoparasitic flies of the families Nycteribiidae and Streblidae in Brazil is the northeastern region, where most states do not have any record. Here, we present the first records of those two bat fly families for the state of Paraíba. We recorded a total of 10 species of five genera parasitizing eight bat species of four families. Trichobius diphyllae Wenzel (Streblidae) was the most abundant species, found parasitizing Diphylla ecaudata (Phyllostomidae), and T. dugesioides dugesioides Wenzel, the second, found on Trachops cirrhosus (Phyllostomidae). Three species were recorded for the first time in northeastern Brazil and seven species are new for the semi-arid Caatinga. We collected T. galei Wenzel and T. pallidus (Curran) on Natalus macrourus (Natalidae) and Furipterus horrens (Furipteridae), respectively, two endangered bat species, and the species-specific relationship with their hosts points out to some degree of vulnerability. In addition, we present information on host-parasite relationship, and data that extend the known geographic distribution of some species.  相似文献   

The structure of the zooplankton community in Itapeva Lake was formed by four groups and more than 127 zooplankton species, in which microplankton was the predominant size structure. The largest richness recorded was of the protists group and in autumn seasonal campaign. Protists were characteristic of the lake, regarding density, except during spring at the Center point (copepods) and autumn at the South point (rotifers). The seasonal distribution revealed that during summer, mean density increased in the zooplankton community, exactly the opposite of phytoplankton (that blooms during the cold season). However, the maximum density was recorded during autumn. High density was recorded for the ciliate Codonella sp. at all points and during all seasons. The abundance of the tecamoeba Difflugia tuberculata was strongly associated with the maximum effects of fetch in the lake. Rotifers were generally the second most representative groups in terms of density. Rotifers and Cladocera were more abundant in summer, whereas copepods were in spring and winter/98. The Shannon–Wiener index showed that the smallest zooplankton diversity average occurred during the winter/98 (H=1.44), while in autumn the largest zooplankton diversity average (H=2.36) was observed. Correlations (r-Pearson, p<0.05) with wind velocity were significant for zooplankton density (groups and/or abundant species), diversity, and richness. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a seasonally significant spatial-temporal variation for the factors sampling point, day and shift (p<0.01). Temporal alterations in density, diversity and richness were closely dependent on the hydrodynamic action induced by the wind on the spatial distribution of the zooplankton community in the Itapeva Lake.  相似文献   

Subsurface samples were taken monthly (March/1993 through February/1994) in the Baía River, a tributary of the right bank of the Paraná River (22° 43 S and 53° 17 W). We analyzed temporal changes in the phytoplankton community in relation to density, biomass, richness and species diversity, equitability, size structure, and dominance. We related these to regional climate and hydrology, and to the physical and chemical variables of the water column. We determined 119 taxa, wich were numerically dominated by the class Chlorophyceae with 37 taxa. The classes Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae contributed the most abundant biomass and were responsible for the two peaks that were observed. The high water period was generally characterized by lower phytoplankton biomass, higher richness and species diversity, and higher density of nannoplanktonic species such as Monoraphidium tortile in March, and Cryptomonas brasiliensis in January. During low water, however, the highest values of phytoplankton biomass were recorded, with heterocytous cyanophytes dominating during the phase of greater stability of the water column, and filamentous diatoms during periods of mixing turbulence. The fluctuations observed indicate that the hydrosedimentological regime of the Paraná River, together with the climatological factors, constitute the main forcing functions acting on the Baía River phytoplankton.  相似文献   

One of the original goals of phylogeography was to use genetic data to identify historical events that might contribute to breaks among communities. In this study, we examine the phylogeography of a common livebearing fish ( Poecilia gillii ) from Costa Rica. Our goal was to determine if phylogeographical breaks in this species were congruent with previously defined boundaries among four fish community provinces. We hypothesized that if abiotic factors influence both community boundaries and genetic structuring in P. gillii then we might find four clades within our focal species that were geographically separated along community boundary lines. Similarly, we expected to find most of the genetic variation in P. gillii partitioned among these four geographical regions. We generated DNA sequence data (mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear S7 small ribosomal subunit) for 260 individuals from 42 populations distributed across Costa Rica. We analysed these data using phylogenetic (parsimony and likelihood) and coalescent approaches to estimate phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes, patterns of gene flow and effective population size . Contrary to our expectations, we did not find four monophyletic groups that mapped cleanly to our geographical community provinces. However, one of our clades was restricted to a single province, suggesting that common earth history events could be responsible for both genetic structuring in P. gillii and fish community composition in this area. However, our results show a complex pattern of gene flow throughout other regions in Costa Rica where genetic structuring is not predicted by community province boundaries.  相似文献   

Rumors of Aedes aegypti (L.) resistance to temephos in diferent Brazilian states justified this research, whose objective was to verify and characterize the resistance to temephos in A. aegypti populations from Paraíba State. The temephos resistance was evaluated and characterized through a diagnostic dose of 0.012 mg/l and concentration-mortality curves. The mortality data of multiple concentrations were submitted to Probit analysis, and the resistance ratios (RR) were figured out from the CL50s of the survived population and CL50 a laboratory susceptible population. All the A. aegypti populations showed resistance to temephos. The Sítio Piabas population with RR = 4.0, showed lower resistance, the Campina Grande with RR = 6.0, Lagoa do Mato with RR = 9.3 and Capim de Cheiro with RR = 9.0, showed a moderate resistance, and Boqueir?o with RR = 11.0, Brejo dos Santos with RR = 16.6 and Itaporanga with RR= 15.6, showed intermediate levels of resistance to temephos. These results confirm the need of a continuous monitoring and managing program of A. aegypti resistance in Paraíba State.  相似文献   

In many haplochromine cichlid fish, male nuptial coloration is subject to female mate choice and plays a central role in the evolution of reproductive isolation between incipient species. Intraspecific variation in male coloration may serve as a target for diversifying sexual selection and provide a starting point for species divergence. Here, we investigated a polychromatism in Neochromis omnicaeruleus, a haplochromine from Lake Victoria, East-Africa. In this species, male coloration ranges from skyblue to yellow-red and females are grey-blue to yellow. We found that both genetic and environmental factors influence the expression of these colours during individual development. In a natural population, we found that male colour was associated with size and sexual maturity: yellow males were smaller than blue males and tended to be sexually immature. In females, size and maturity did not differ between colour types. Laboratory crosses revealed that there is a heritable component to the observed colour variation: yellow parents produced more yellow offspring than blue parents. Together with repeated aquarium observations of yellow individuals that gradually become blue, these data suggest that yellow males change to blue as they approach sexual maturity, and that the occurrence and timing of this transition is influenced by both environmental and genetic effects. The significance of this mechanism of colour expression as a possible target for divergent selection remains to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic evidence for a dimeric structure of dihydropteridine reductase in man and in the fish species Cheirodon axelrodi and Salmo irideus is presented. A single locus in man and two loci in the fishes examined encode this enzyme. Zymograms revealed two alleles for the locus in man and two alleles for each locus in the fish Cheirodon axelrodi. The liver homogenate of a patient with dihydropteridine reductase deficiency showed no detectable activity in the gel, while his parents showed the normal electrophoretic phenotype.  相似文献   

Kelp beds are thought to provide a refuge for a variety of marine organisms by damping waves, changing hydrodynamic flow, offering substrata for epiphytic species, and altering the abundances of predators and prey. At the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands, a typical flow-through system, kelp beds have the potential of acting as a prime habitat for a variety of pelagic species that would otherwise be swept away and lost from the island ecosystem. The current study investigates the effects of kelp beds on the abundance and composition of zooplankton and microphytoplankton, with the main aim of determining whether kelp beds act as a repository for larval stages in general, and for the swimming prawn, Nauticaris marionis, in particular. Salinity gradients created by freshwater run-off indicated that kelp beds at Marion Island retain surface water and restrict water exchange with the open ocean. Both the abundance and diversity of zooplankton were greatest within the kelp beds. This was partially due to the high abundance of kelp-associated species, but also to the apparent retention of naupliar larvae within the kelp canopy. Unlike the larvae of ostracods and copepods, caridean zoeae were rare, indicating that kelp beds are not a prime habitat for larvae of N. marionis. The larval retention mechanism for this species, therefore, remains unknown. Apart from retaining water and certain species of zooplankton, chlorophyll a/phaeopigment ratios confirmed the existence of a substantial detrital pool within the kelp beds. This retention of detritus may explain the observed importance of kelp-derived matter in the diet of many nearshore animals. In contrast to the zooplankton, kelp beds seemed to have little effect on the abundance and composition of microphytoplankton, and chlorophyll a values were low at all stations.  相似文献   

The physicochemical variables and the ichthyofauna associated with aquatic macrophyte beds in two stretches of the baía Cai?ara were evaluated seasonally between September 2005 and May 2007. Low depth, high water transparency, and relatively well-oxygenated waters characterized both stretches during the low water season, whereas the flooding of the upper Paraguay River correlated with drastic alterations in these variables: depth registered a fivefold increase, and turbid and anoxic waters predominated during the high water season. During the falling and low water seasons, species richness, fish abundance, biomass, and diversity were significantly higher than during periods of rising and high waters. The presence of large-sized migratory species, however, was strictly associated with the high water season. The results suggest strong relationships between the abiotic and biotic components of the system and indicate an overall high degree of dependence of the system on the hydrological seasonality of the upper Paraguay River.  相似文献   

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