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Parasites play an important role in the evolution of host traits via natural selection, coevolution and sexually selected ornaments used in mate choice. These evolutionary scenarios assume fitness costs for hosts. To test this assumption, we conducted an ectoparasite removal experiment in free-living Columbian ground squirrels (Urocittelus columbianus) in four populations over three years. Adult females were randomly chosen to be either experimentally treated with anti-parasite treatments (spot-on solution and flea powder, N = 61) or a sham treatment (control, N = 44). We expected that experimental females would show better body condition, increased reproductive success and enhanced survival. Contrary to our expectations, body mass was not significantly different between treatments at mating, birth of litter or weaning of young. Further, neither number nor size of young at weaning differed significantly between the two treatments. Survival to the next spring for adult females and juveniles was not significantly different between experimental and control treatments. Finally, annual fitness was not affected by the treatments. We concluded that females and their offspring were able compensate for the presence of ectoparasites, suggesting little or no fitness costs of parasites for females in the different colonies and during the years of our experiments.  相似文献   

Southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) from southeastern Georgia were examined for ectoparasites and gastrointestinal helminths. Ten species of ectoparasites were recovered, including 3 species of sucking lice (Hoplopleura trispinosa, Microphthirus uncinatus, and Neohaematopinus sciuropteri), 1 species of flea (Orchopeas howardi), 2 species of ticks (Amblyomma maculatum and Ixodes scapularis), 3 species of mesostigmatid mites (Androlaelaps casalis, A. fahrenholzi, and Haemogamasus ambulans), and 1 species of chigger (Leptotrombidium peromysci). Only the sucking lice and fleas were common on this host. M. uncinatus is reported for the first time from eastern North America. The 2 most commonly collected ectoparasites, N. sciuropteri (prevalence = 63%) and O. howardi (prevalence = 47%), have previously been shown to be vectors of the rickettsial zoonotic agent that causes sporadic epidemic typhus. Also, 3 nematodes (Citellinema bifurcatum, Strongyloides robusius, and Syphacia thompsoni), 1 unidentified cestode, and 1 acanthocephalan (Moniliformis clarki) were found in flying squirrel gastrointestinal tracts. With the exception of S. thompsoni, which was common and relatively abundant in the cecum (prevalence = 94%, intensity = 51+/-12), both the prevalence and intensity of helminth parasites were low. The nematode S. thompsoni and the acanthocephalan M. clarki are new state records for tree squirrels in Georgia.  相似文献   

Information gathered during the past decade indicates that the eastern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans, is a zoonotic reservoir of Rickettsia prowazekii - causative agent of louse-borne (epidemic) typhus. The sporadic cases o f typhus that have occurred in the USA in association with flying squirrels provide evidence that flying squirrels can transmit R. prowazekii infection to humons. Strains of R. prowazekii, isolated from flying squirrels multiply readily in human body lice, but flying squirrel lice, although readily infected, are very host specific and tend not to bite humans. It may be that the infection is spread to humans in infective ectoporasite faeces aerosolized when the flying squirrels groom themselves. As Joseph McDade emphasizes in this article, current concepts of typhus epidemiology and control must be re-evaluated to take into account this zoonotic aspect.  相似文献   

From February 1998 to July 1999, 65 western gray squirrels (Sciurus griseus griseus) were trapped at three sites in Klickitat County, Washington (USA) as part of a home range and habitat use study. No squirrels (0/9) with mange lesions were identified in the initial trapping session (February and March 1998). During all subsequent trapping sessions (August 1998 through July 1999), squirrels with lesions consistent with notoedric mange, caused by the mite Notoedres centrifera (douglasi), were captured or recaptured at all three study sites. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology and examination of mites obtained from skin scrapings from two affected squirrels. Of the 56 squirrels captured from August 1998 to July 1999, 33 (59%) had characteristic mange lesions, and 14 (42%) affected squirrels died directly of mange or of secondary complications of mange. Only four breeding females of 22 radio-collared animals (males and females) in the study population were known to have survived the mange outbreak (12 died, 6 missing). Factors potentially contributing to this mange outbreak include a mast crop failure in the fall of 1998 and transmission of mites from animial to animal during trapping and processing sessions.  相似文献   

Concentrations of lead and zinc in the kidneys of 180 urban gray squirrels were determined by spectrophotometry and found similar for all age groups; however, concentrations of cadmium increased up to two years of age. Values for 12 rural squirrels were significantly lower than those of the urban animals. There were no differences in mean concentrations of the metals when urban squirrels were grouped by the land usage pattern of the sites in which they were captured. Grouping squirrels by human socioeconomic strata for the city revealed that squirrels in low socioeconomic areas have significantly higher levels of lead than animals residing in middle or high socioeconomic areas.  相似文献   

Animal dispersal and subsequent settlement is a key process in the life history of many organisms, when individuals use demographic and environmental cues to target post-dispersal habitats where fitness will be highest. To investigate the hypothesis that environmental disturbance (habitat fragmentation) may alter these cues, we compared dispersal patterns of 60 red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in three study sites that differ in habitat composition and fragmentation. We determined dispersal distances, pre- and post-dispersal habitat types and survival using a combination of capture–mark–recapture, radio-tracking and genetic parentage assignment. Most (75%) squirrels emigrated from the natal home range with mean dispersal distance of 1,014 ± 925 m (range 51–4,118 m). There were no sex-related differences in dispersal patterns and no differences in average dispersal distance, and the proportion of dispersers did not differ between sites. In one of the sites, dispersers settled in patches where density was lower than in the natal patch. In the least fragmented site, 90% of animals settled in the natal habitat type (habitat cuing) against 44–54% in the more strongly fragmented sites. Overall, more squirrels settled in the natal habitat type than expected based on habitat availability, but this was mainly due to individuals remaining within the natal wood. In the highly fragmented landscape, habitat cuing among emigrants did not occur more frequently than expected. We concluded that increased habitat fragmentation seemed to reduce reliable cues for habitat choice, but that dispersing squirrels settled in patches with lower densities of same-sex animals than at the natal home range or patch, independent of degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Nests provide a place for individuals to rest, raise young, avoid predators, and escape inclement weather; consequently, knowledge of habitat characteristics important to nest placement is critical for managing species of conservation concern. Arizona gray squirrels (Sciurus arizonensis) are endemic to mountains of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. We investigated factors influencing nest-site selection at 4 spatial scales (forest-type, nest-site, nest-tree, and within-canopy placement) to provide ecological information and management recommendations for this sensitive species. Nest densities were 2.6 times higher in riparian than pine-oak woodlands. Nest sites had more large trees, snags, logs, and canopy cover and had lower slope. Arizona gray squirrels selected tall trees with more interlocking trees and tended to place nests adjacent to the main trunk. Regardless of scale, Arizona gray squirrels seemed to select nesting areas for their ability to provide protection from predators and the elements as well as access to food. Consequently, maintaining large trees with closed canopies and downed logs should be considered when determining land management plans. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合物亚基1基因(Vkorc1)的变异与啮齿动物对抗凝血灭鼠剂的抗药性密切相关。为掌握Vkorc1基因变异在野栖类和家栖类啮齿动物中的流行情况,从山西省13个县(市、区)的农田和14个县(市、区)的养殖场采样,检测长尾仓鼠(Cricetulus longicaudatus)和黄胸鼠(Rattus tanezumi) Vkorc1基因编码区的变异位点及携带不同变异位点的个体的分布情况。结果显示,长尾仓鼠在13个采样地均有捕获,整体占野栖类啮齿动物的23.29%;黄胸鼠分布于8个采样地,整体占家栖类啮齿动物的68.63%。在长尾仓鼠样本(n=105)中检测到6个沉默突变位点和5个错义突变位点,其中,沉默突变C438T (His146His)的变异率最高,为67.62%;共有17只长尾仓鼠样本存在错义突变位点。黄胸鼠样本(n=70)中存在6个沉默突变位点和1个错义突变位点,其中,最常见的沉默突变位点A321C (Ile107Ile)和T411C (Thr137Thr)的变异率均达到18.57%;8只黄胸鼠样本存在与其抗药性相关的A416G (Tyr139Cys)错义突变...  相似文献   

Skliar VE 《Parazitologiia》2001,35(3):257-261
More than 2000 gray rat specimens and 5 burrows have been examined in several regions of steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. 24,647 representatives of Arthropoda of 39 taxonomic groups have been collected. Species composition of parasitic mites (Gamasida, Trombiculidae, Myobiidae, Listophoridae) and insects (Anoplura, Siphonaptera) has been defined.  相似文献   

In a period cross‐sectional study performed to examine ectoparasites on 340 stray cats in Jerusalem, Israel, 186 (54.7%) were infested with the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), 49 (14.4%) with the cat louse, Felicola subrostratus (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), 41 (12.0%) with the ear mite, Otodectes cynotis (Astigmata: Psoroptidae), three (0.9%) with the fur mite, Cheyletiella blakei (Trobidiformes: Cheyletidae), two (0.6%) with the itch mite Notoedres cati (Astigmata: Sarcoptidae), and 25 (7.3%) with ticks of the species Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (Ixodida: Ixodidae), Rhipicephalus turanicus or Haemaphysalis adleri (Ixodida: Ixodidae). A higher number of flea infestations was observed in apparently sick cats (P < 0.05) and in cats aged < 6 months (P < 0.05). The proportion of flea‐infested cats (P < 0.01), as well as the number of fleas per infested cat (P < 0.01), was higher in autumn than in other seasons. By contrast with findings in cats with flea infestations, rates of infestation with ticks were higher amongst cats with clinical signs (P < 0.01) and cats aged ≥ 6 months (P < 0.05). The high rates of ectoparasite infestation in the cats studied constitute a risk for the spread of vector‐borne infections of zoonotic and veterinary importance.  相似文献   

Beginning in the fall of 1998 and extending into the spring and early summer of 1999 there was a large epizootic of squirrel fibromatosis in squirrels in seven counties in peninsular Florida. Hundreds of gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) with multiple cutaneous tumors were submitted or reported to biologists, veterinary hospitals, and private wildlife rehabilitators. Most squirrels died or were euthanized soon after submission. Twenty squirrels were submitted for necropsy. The majority of the squirrels examined were adults (12/20) and male (15/20). The number and location of tumors varied widely among the affected squirrels; however, a consistent finding was involvement of the eyelids (20/20). Histopathology revealed a proliferative population of mesenchymal cells within the dermis and marked ballooning degeneration of keratinocytes in the overlying epidermis. Intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were present in the neoplastic mesenchymal cell population and the degenerating keratinocytes. Ulceration and necrosis of the surface of the tumors or associated tissues was present in 14 of the 20 squirrels. Virions consistent with poxvirus were observed via electron microscopy in samples collected from a representative tumor. Death of the squirrels was attributed to emaciation, tissue damage, and severe negative energy balance associated with poxvirus infection and massive tumor growth. The underlying cause of this unusual epizootic of fibromatosis in gray squirrels remains unknown.  相似文献   

The Idaho ground squirrel, which consists of a northern (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus) and a southern subspecies (S. b. endemicus), has suffered from habitat loss and fragmentation, resulting in a reduction in both numbers and geographic range of the species. The northern Idaho ground squirrel (NIDGS) is listed as a threatened subspecies under the Endangered Species Act, and the southern Idaho ground squirrel (SIDGS) is a candidate. Because Idaho ground squirrel populations are small and often isolated, they are susceptible to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity through drift. This research evaluates levels of genetic diversity and patterns of population divergence in both subspecies of Idaho ground squirrels. We hypothesized that NIDGS would exhibit lower genetic diversity and greater population divergence due to a longer period of population isolation relative to most SIDGS populations. Genetic diversity and divergence were quantified using 8 microsatellite loci. Contrary to expectations, SIDGS populations exhibited consistently lower levels of microsatellite diversity. Additionally, NIDGS exhibited only modest divergence among populations, while divergence levels among SIDGS populations were highly varied. Preliminary evaluations of mitochondrial DNA diversity and structure revealed lower diversity in NIDGS and some differences in gene flow that warrant further study. Based on our results, we suggest different management strategies for the two subspecies. Habitat restoration appears to be the most desirable conservation strategy for NIDGS populations. In contrast, low genetic diversity observed in SIDGS may warrant supplementation of isolated populations through translocations or captive breeding to mitigate further loss of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Scorpions are one of the most important taxa of predators in terms of density, biomass, and diversity in various areas of the world. In this study, we compared population- and community-level data between a mature and a secondary forest in the Chancaní Reserve (Córdoba, Argentina). Scorpions were collected using pitfall traps (54 nights per site), and their nocturnal activity was observed by means of UV light (26 nights per site) over 7 months. Seven species of scorpions (1964 individuals) were observed in the study area (Bothriuridae and Buthidae). Brachistosternus ferrugineus composed >74 % of all individuals and was numerically dominant in most months. It was the most common species sampled with UV light method in all months (85.73 % in mature and 81.80 % in secondary forest). Timogenes elegans was the most common species sampled with the pitfall traps method in secondary forest (48.58 %). General sex ratio (males:females) for B. ferrugineus was 1:1.24 and for T. elegans was 1:0.53. The Shannon index was not significantly different between sites. Species richness was similar, and the Jaccard index was Cs = 0.86, indicating that both sites share 86 % of the species. Tityus confluens was the only species not shared between sites. Our results indicate that species composition in regenerating forest resembles that of primary forest after c. 15 years, but the relative abundances of these species differ.  相似文献   

Abstract Parasitism has been shown to correlate with levels of bilateral symmetry in some organisms, with more asymmetric individuals often having more parasites. However, few studies have shown experimentally that parasitism directly causes increased asymmetry. By fumigating some cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) colonies and leaving others untreated, we investigated experimentally whether ectoparasitism by the cimicid swallow bug led to higher levels of asymmetry in length of wings, outer tail feathers, and tarsus among juvenile and adult birds. Juveniles from fumigated colonies measured soon after fledging had significantly less asymmetry in wing and outer tail length than juveniles from nonfumigated colonies; asymmetry in tarsus length was unaffected by parasitism. Adults that had undergone one or more post‐juvenal molts on the wintering grounds showed no differences in asymmetry between those reared in fumigated vs. nonfumigated colonies. These results show that ectoparasitism directly leads to increased feather asymmetry in cliff swallows, probably through parasite‐induced nutritional stress. Because wing and tail asymmetry impair flight performance and reduce foraging efficiency, the increased asymmetry caused by parasites represents a fitness cost to cliff swallows. This is among the few experimental studies to show an effect of parasites on asymmetry of naturally selected characters.  相似文献   

The level of enzyme polymorphism was compared in tenDrosophila melanogaster populations collected in farmyards and distilleries in two regions of Hungary. The total genetic diversity was partitioned into between-and within-population components at each investigated locus using Wright's F-statistics. Population differentiation was studied in two different ways. Genetic distances between pairs of populations were calculated and a hierarchical analysis of gene diversity was performed. Based on the F values gene flow was estimated among the populations at different levels of the hierarchy. The results indicated that our farmyard populations collected within a region could be considered as parallel samples from a panmictic population rather than samples of distinct populations. In distilleries, the flies might be influenced by two different evolutionary forces: (i) selection due to the extremely high concentration of ethanol in the fermenting mash and (ii) genetic drift due to the combination of repeated founder effects and fluctuating population size. Our results suggested that distillery populations could not be regarded as real populations either. They could be considered as peculiar cases: founder individuals taken from the total population (region) established special populations which survived in the distilleries for many generations. Thus the dominating force acting on the distillery populations was genetic drift.  相似文献   

This study examined the natural diversity and distributions of sulfate-reducing bacteria along a natural carbon gradient extending down the shelf-slope transition zone of the eastern Pacific continental margin. Dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase gene sequences (dsrAB) were PCR amplified and cloned from five different sampling sites, each at a discrete depth, from two different margin systems, one off the Pacific coast of Mexico and another off the coast of Washington State. A total of 1,762 clones were recovered and evaluated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The majority of the gene sequences recovered showed site and depth restricted distributions; however, a limited number of gene sequences were widely distributed within and between the margin systems. Cluster analysis identified 175 unique RFLP patterns, and nucleotide sequences were determined for corresponding clones. Several different continental margin DsrA sequences clustered with those from formally characterized taxa belonging to the delta subdivision of the class Proteobacteria (Desulfobulbus propionicus, Desulfosarcina variabilis) and the Bacillus-Clostridium (Desulfotomaculum putei) divisions, although the majority of the recovered sequences were phylogenetically divergent relative to all of the other DsrA sequences available for comparison. This study revealed extensive new genetic diversity among sulfate-reducing bacteria in continental margin sedimentary habitats, which appears to be tightly coupled to slope depth, specifically carbon bioavailability.  相似文献   

利用纤维素酶高产菌绿色木霉Trichoderma viride降解木质纤维素是实现废料资源化的重要手段。本研究选取来自不同生境的两株T. viride,分别以玉米秸秆和甘草药渣为基质,测定两者滤纸纤维素酶(filter paper cellulase,FPase)活性和还原糖产量。从时间、温度、水分、pH 4个方面比较两株T. viride的环境适应性和不同基质的差异性。结果表明,以玉米秸秆为基质,T. viride XJ最适初始料液比为1:4-1:5.5,T. viride AG最适初始料液比为1:5-1:5.5。初始料液比1:5.5时,T. viride AG产FPase活性显著高于T. viride XJ。两株T. viride最适发酵温度均为28℃,各温度处理下不同菌株间无显著差异。两株T. viride均表现为还原糖消耗。以甘草药渣为基质,T. viride XJ最适初始料液比为1:2-1:2.5,T. viride AG最适初始料液比为1:3-1:3.5。料液比高于1:3,T. viride AG产FPase活性显著高于T. viride XJ。T. viride AG最适发酵温度为28℃,T. viride XJ最适发酵温度为23-28℃。温度低于28℃,T. viride XJ产FPase活性显著高于T. viride AG。两株T. viride均表现为还原糖积累。两株T. viride最适初始pH均为6-7,最适发酵时间均为3d。最优发酵条件下FPase活性:T. viride AG>T. viride XJ。对T. viride产FPase诱导能力:甘草药渣>玉米秸秆。变差分解表明两株T. viride产FPase活性差异主要源于菌株对生境的生态适应。比较分析菌种来源、基质类型、环境条件对T. viride发酵效果的影响,将有助于该菌大规模应用性研究。  相似文献   

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